V- N J ft r I -f. -: j--,', r J-PATER WITH, KNOWN yt" CIRCULATION z r i j, .ATTMBEEL r,EW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. TUESDAY MORNING. MARCIL 7 ;.yi TWENTY NINTH YEAR X. lVA I ,8,8 Ml PRUDENCE AND SAFETY . . . N these two ord$, rprudencevand safetjyls embpdied the real aidi of this company and the means by .which the result Vto be obtained. . Safety for the funds of its , depositors la the first consideration oo the part of .our f Officers and Board nf Directors. ." Prudence in the manage meat of ali of its affairs' is the means by which positive ; safety is assured. - . - J You Are Cordially Invited to Open An Account With This Bank. NEW BERN BANKING & TRUST CO. 1 .wMUig? AS SPRING ARRIVES everybody gets the building fever, and lumber, Bales jump ahead, rtut a rush of business does not mean that we shall be at a dis advantage m fiillingypur orders. With our superb facilities for handling both large and small or ders, we can serve you quickly, and will give you only the best of pine lumber. Broaddus & Ives Lumber Co. A COMPLETE LINE OF EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS IF INTERESTED CALL AND HEAR SOME OF THE LATEST RECORDS. WILLIAM T. HILL "THE SPORTING GOODS MAN" Phone 253 . . 91 Middle Street Wi'J!iJHH AWNINGS We hav the' agency for HettrScW Bros., Awningi, both store and itH . dence. If you are in neecj of an Awn ing we can-funiah you. i'lace your. order before the Summer rush. 1 Fit, Quality and Price Guaranteed To see asmpici and get pneei,vCaU phone 173, or addreneP, Q. B(iC .44S, 5E!iAIEIHA5 co;i:;i5i;isiciiiGoceo:;osi : L1ET YESTERDAY - GREET LOHILIER MwoioAt'Tbe Conri Iloase' iDjllliDoii Senator Giyea Oyation.OD Aeguiar luvuimv ocaaiuu. lauuii i k, . um jr mm- 'The Board of Commtssionera of Cra yen connTtnei it t(ie eoutt iioaMi yea-1 ator William Lorimer to the Camber of terday morning inHhe jregalar monthly several thousand greeted him Sunday on session of that body The firtt mat' er4 hie return from Waahington.7 Two hun- broogbt before the board waa a claim ldred and Jlfty -aatomobilea, forming a presented by guard Wood, of tha con- parade headed by twOv bands escorted let force for $11.26 for 'aervlcea.'At thai Senator from' tha atation . to fail the last meeting of' the ' board they I home, where an, enthusiastic reception warned the srtfard that if he let another! followed- : ' r . , prisoner escape he would lose bis posi-r ; Senafor Lorimer was accompanied by tinn and that th& ezDenae bf cafchinar I Former Judee Elbridze rlanecv and five them would be paid out of hia Salary. detectives who met him at Fort WayneJTjfo. house Since that time two or three, of thellnd. When he passed through the eta- prisoner have escaped and the guard tion to the etreet hia followers shouted was released. J". The" money vowing him j themaelves boarsa and it required seven was'not paid at the time, and yesterday ty policemen to Jteep . the crowd from the board decided that inasmuch as the swarming over his escort. county had Been put no expense in eapt- "A parade was' formed at the station uring tha. escaped prisoner th&f the and the 25fcmachine jammed their way full amount due him be paid. This was down Jackson -bHjlevard to Garfield '4one...' " . ,' ' . '. park whsr Senator .Lorimer was greet Mrs. Leonard N; Toler appeared. be-ed by 200 members cf the Letter Car- fore the board and adneVthem for aid. riers , Association. ' Both sides of the She said that several years ago she park roadway; were lined with women married a man named Maddison Daw, and children wh waved flags and show- that theyhad one child; that her hue- ered Mr. Lorimer with flowers. band' died about a year after their mar riage, and that she then married Toler, who took nor to live with his parents. A month or more ago another child Was born to them.. Three, weeks ag$ her The regular, session ol Lodge will husband told her that she would either convene at temple, at 8 p.m. tonight, have to get rid of the Child! by her first (business of importance, election of of husband or leave his house. After fncera. Your ' attendance is earnestly thinking the matter over she decided to requested leave and went to her mother, who lives By order of the El R. in Pamlico county. Owing to the fact that Bhe was not a citizen o( this coun ty the board was unable to assist her, but a committee was appointed to m vestigate the case and report it t the Solicitor who' if facts are as they were represented to them, indicted the hus band for desertion. Notice of Session Elks.' T, B. KEHOE. . Secretary. f. Dplfrlgaiis Small Child. Over thfr KoonceBesolutioa. Oth er Basioesa Disposed of. Dill- ard BUlVoted Dowa ''Raleigh. Warch 6 w-The Senate had a sharp fight oyer the Koonce resolution fronf the House for investigation f the conduct of Are insurance companies in North Carolina. - Senator Baggett in sisted on immediate-consideration. Oth ers (hsieted that the resolution be re ferred to the insurance committee for report. Baggett declared this would mean death to the bill. The senate vo ted o refer to the insurance committee. resolution that passed to investigate the, sale of the At lantic and Yadkin Railroad to the At lantic Coast Line and its dismember ment in division with the Southern was voted down by the senate over the strenuous protest of Senator Hobgood. ""The senate concurred in the house amendment to increase tha governor's Salary to $5,000 i- stead of $6,000: The Dillard bill for the creation of a state game commission to succeed the Audubon Society came up and met with strenuous opposition .through demands for exemption of counties. An amend ment exempting a large number of coun ties passed and the bill was voted down 0 to 28, since there would not be enough counties operating under the commis sion, to warrant the machinery for the regulation of the hunting and other game and inland fishing affairs. ; TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 26c. TPeopl esBank 4 NEW DERN. N. C. Q, PAID ON ' strong COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE z o SAVINGS READY MONEY No matterwhat investments you may have, a portion of your money should be deposited in a savings account with this strong, conservative bink. You can neve? tell when you will need a sum of money for immediate use and it may be at a time when it is dif ficult to realize on other investments. The money deposited in our Savings Department is constantly available and earns 4 per cent interest, compounded twice a year. There is no occasion for worry concerning its safety or as to wh.ire money will come from in time of need. ONE DOLLAR OPENS A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. WM DUNN C D HR ADHAfvl TA.UZZELL r-n est. CASHIER f.'-.,.'S. U - Citizens residing on Broad street be tween Cravi-h: and! East Front were Mr. Albert Willis appeared before the greatly alarmed yesterday affernoon by board in behalf of the Naval Reserves tha creams .of tme one presumably in and asked that all taxes be removed great distress. Numbera of them rush from a carnival which they "were intend- d to .their doors and found that a large irg to have here m ApriL This request Shepherd dog had corned a little girl on wasgranted. - ., ' I one of the porches along that street Dr. Rhem notified the board that and was asvagely attempting to get his there wera now two cases of smallpox teeth f astened in ner body. Assistance in the city; one at the home of a colored was quiokly. given to'tbe ftttle one and woman on Kilmonic street and the otb- the dog put . In charge -of 4U owner. er on Burn street. The board ordered Fortunately the child was not injured. him to rent a house wherever he There should b? a tocal law passed thought best and use it as a. pest house compelling all owners of dogs tomczzle if he found it necessary to do so. The following jurymen were selects J for the next term of Superior Court which convenes to April 10th: J. A, Jlpock, E. LRiggs, W. B. Pugh, Alonzo White, H. C. Ipock, E. K. Bishop, W P. Toler, R. B. Jones. B. H. Parrott, G. L. Toler Rufus Eastwood, S. D. them before they are allowed to run at large. The usual round-up of Sunday de bauchers showed up before the Mayor yesterday and .required several hours' session of court to dispose of. Most of the cases were against negro brawlers and fighters, but one case wherein three young White men were charged with the same offense wsb equally disgust ing. The usual . fines and costs were imposed except ib the case where the negro janitor of the Elku club was charged with stabbing a negro- employ er. He was bound over to court in th. sum of one hundred dollars. Card of Thanks. t wish 4o thank all who kindly as sisted in saving my house from de- 4 A - I A. TURSER Furniture 93:i.!i!3 St; i 7 vV" : , O O is '. " - ' Dawson, J. H Forrest, J. A,. Taylor, I strhctiou Sunday., night Many kind L. F. Merritt, G. F. Bright, A. W. I hearU rushed to our assistance. The Davis, W. A. Adams, B. 8.'. Sutton, I brave firemen quickly responded and Amos Joyoer, i. Ew KweftV W.t.J fully sustained their. repuUtion. The Wyon, C. W. Russell, XX; B. flames were coon onder control Knox, Claude Taylor, J.T. Godwin, R. I , - Gratefully Yours, D. RusseL H. A. RuseeV C B, IpoA, ; tlNSTER DUFFY. John Crabtrw JB, J. . Baylies, M. W. Ueftsv. C B. Fmr-t. ' V '. . w wp wiu ow Apurenwco. Among tha other business- transacted I .-. i- jVkh h . '.'-' during the hiorning session of the met-J -, Cant. Goeett of the SaJvation. Army ing tha bosrd allowed px widow of the infonned the wrltef frestetday that ha lata Joseph French, a Confedrate Vet-1 had 'received a few contributions toward eran. the aumTot $20 00 Mt be used in d-1 purchasing soma wearing 'eppaf el and f rsvlpg the expenses of bis bunaL. . i other necessltie for the two voungglrls j Tbe board has had so many requests I who- ha is desireous of sending to ' the (or aw.aorwg uio put lew monins mat rescue boms at Ureejmiie, a.,ti , out tKey bava been nnabla to grant all of I that the amount received' was not suf these requests and It was decided yes I Scent Any asalstanoa given him; no terday that this matter would be taken I matter how smslt, .will be ' greatly ap- opsod more fully discussed af, the nt preciaedJ. ' .-, meetutf and tost ti it wsa doss nie u I i. ., , s horns aud drfewsy wljh the, woda they AIXVUiXUtMCn 1.. now have of giving them a sutnxji moo-r. ,?- eycaeh months '.r. 4.5 I -1, In the Police Court, WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you. over worked your nervous sys tern and caused trouble with your kid neve and bladder? Have you pains in wins, aide, back, groins and bladder? stave you a flabby appearance, of the face, especially under tha eyes? Too f re quant a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams' .Kidney Pills will cure you-at Pruggiat, Price 60c Williams' M'f'g Co., Props., Cleveland, O. 7 J just received our new "Queen Quality styles for Spring and they re heauties. We did not helieve such footwear fiossihh at the frice. The makers have outdone themselves. Smart, sra fy styles with plenty of comfort aul rervicejust what you have Iccn locking for. You 11 huy here eventua not to-day ? J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE, NEW BERN, N. C. THURMAN ITEMS. j.vSes::::ii W.-L3.E co, mi-mx ii. c.: . A. . announce rnysolf a eiiAtll 'FsUy Hicks, colored, appeared before data for tbs position of Chief ef Police, Uis board and ssked that the asseeoment eebject to the Democratic Primary to or ner property Wbtcn. W kxated on be held In this city In April. Having i,Goorge street be lowered., Bhe failed served as police officer for over 9 years, to show why tblf should be done, how- ( promise to faithfully perform the evr and her request wss not grsoted, duties of Chief, if elected. Mr, W. B. Flanor preeented a bill . ; -Respectfully, for serviCrs rendtred by his son tor the t'trk of tlie court. This however, wss referred back to tb clerk of the court for psynwit J -- , . At the afternotdi stsslon the aiMl- tor's bills and 'all of the tU x, bills j were brought before the board end as- sd opon. The rport of tire tn1 j iry for O l ist l"frn of rourl f a 1 r. 1 si :f.i. W.'H. GRIFFIN. Well Known Judzo Hands "Down zu Opinion. . V , Th Tata! N ELLVOOD FOilCS f L In l!.' jr t isn'i'y if r ,n tli r -xr vt t1 a j(', II . m r I AC- - v A r. , rn. s.t r I ''-. Un i f i i 1 -, , ! j ( : t (-f !' 1 , ; ! r t t il I. W 1 J-..I 1 I t- r-- 1 .;.t at ii l)osr ' f '! r: f '11 1 ' pry '. rn, N, C ' j ij 1 I lr i !i 1 I r i-Y 1. Ii") I I t rr f r rtt n ;', f I ! ; . ' -'atr :.. Ihc- " i... I ! Vt ' I it k March 4 The weather has been quite cool for the season .but nevertheless We are glad to hear the birds singing is it seems to promise us that Spring is on ' Sickness In theasighborbood i diml- btshing and attendance at Sunday school and also the day ,' school -Is oo the Uv- eraaaa. ' a, v ..?"' ' ilod. &VBrUvWtd.tWTaur man school last-week. , Hia visits are hooked forward to with-pleasure, but when ha. arrives unexpectedly, as ha al ways does, the children seldom do as well as they Imagined they would, bow er, they always wsnt. him to corns The weekly eWiptleW-itt Mr. A. W. Conner's are gilning in pbpularl ty. Tba young' folks find it very pleas ant to spend an boor or snore of each week in learning new entigs Under the leadership ofMr. G. L HarHieon, chor ister, lea short time ha hopes to give the Deoble soma very besoUful duets sni quartetts by members of the choir. On Friday nlgbt Msrch 3rd,. Mr. I). S. Koonce hold prayer morling at the Thurinsn schoil hoo, Uis subjitt i vr; lntrMtlng one and every one omi'd to erjjy his talk. -Mr, Koonce li0 wm hre some' ysr ago lal.'hly r'rct4 snd lovd la this TIP l.c'.U.rhi.od, He Is the guest of Mr. G. L. I'ar.l ..n. . . Prescriptions a Specialty We Call For And Deliver Them By Quick Dispatch. Gaston Drug Company ON THBCOR- A ' NER , 'TTtQ iKOKt :yuums no, oa V - OPPOSITE ' fViM THE "afV sfP POST-OFFICE t t: i, . f r ,':ry Ie of Mp! HiU Isvhit- ' Jni Cir m-r. , 60c; Dress; Goods 39c. 50 a: Silk. 26 c. fiMFBBoW5c. HERE ARE ; 0X11 .11 FEW 0f ;01ie' SPECIAL -FEISES 1 ... , . . . Darr ington; IDry Goods. 166. SURETY BONDS.' ' r i t t1 .i ) ( V M : yi.urg y I rl.uir' I if r' 'v Afro a full line . IbrLr-.J Virc for 1 r.r, I . ; Poultry Wire, HuUcr Kor(ir- I Mints r- '..(. : : -:vcicr,d lr,r,;s' nr 1 n ' r. !::; d 1' ' Insurance:- Fire, Burglary, Plate Glass, Boilers, ' Automobile;' v-'' Arcidcnt, Health and Live .'Stock. - i 4 i - j i . v t r - 1 TV-. :,' ' ' . " i t- - ' i r r r . 1 1