StFINMCIALrANCIIOS! N ANCHORJn financial matfers i as jmporfant an anchor' for a craft at sea.,?; 'Some ' people just drift through lifer TJiey. do not have an. anchor to t Iholl them in a safe harbor. This in always ,ari ufl-; satisfactory way of living. One of the anchors of life is an active savings account with a strong, safe financial jnstitu tionT Open an account with this bank and . provide for joucseltan anchor-to windward. 4 Z PAID ON "SAVINGS NEW BERN BANKING & TRUST CO. i -r - His Speech Before the. Senate De- ,ctare& it & Product of Pro i -tectiveThebry, -. Senator Simmob" folvn homr and a quarter, addressed the; Senate, upon , the subject of reciprocal, trade with Can ada. AS SPRING ARRIVES everybody gets the buildingfever, and lumber sales jump aheiid. But a rush of business does not mean that we shall be at a dis advantage in fulling your orders. With our superb facilities fur handling both large and small or ders, we can serve you quickly, and will pive you only the best of pine lumber. BEGIPRQCIH 'rteasmajj iyingstoner Cntif : f Democrats XJet Control, ijji .' Wahinpton.' Marah " 11 Armronria- tion at the last session orCongrea ag gTegated t,02B,489,662 according to the statements Issued by former flepresert- i tsiivea.Tawnev. of Minnesota., -end UrdecTareJ titmseir opposed, to t 1 Livingston,-; of Georgia, who wenn Broaddus c Ives Lumber Col A COMPLETE LINE EDISON PHONOGRAPHS ANI SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS IF INTERESTED CALL AND HEAR LATEST RECORDS. WILLIAM T. HILL "THE SPORTING GOODS MAN" Phone 53, 1 1 I i OF I nronninn 1 ntfib snxiv of thit M I! 91 Middle Street g upon the ground of -.iniquities' and dia rirainatioBa.f'Hs refuted tha'auggfc- tionof some that Reciprocity is a De cratlc doctrine-He said from 'its in ception -St has teen -regard f"aethe handmaiden of protection; tthat;it ad mirably fitted in with the protective theory, but nd no place in a tariff for revenue.-,- - o . , He Bhowed that it had been repeated ly endorsed in Republican 'iplattorma as an aid to protection, while' the' Demo cratic platforms' and handbooks had al ways treated it as a part of the protec tive system. y Taking up the agreement he showed that the articles covered by it imported into this .countrjrfrom Canada in 1910 mounted to $17,000,000; 40,000,000 of (biif ere the product of the farm, soil, forest and our: fisheries practically all of these products are put upon the free list resulting in a loss i of over $4,1f0 000 in revenue The-othe'r $7,000,000 were manufacture j products, largely the man ufactureof farm products and. that the duties on many of these are ncfw pra".-J tically prohibitive and ths slight raduc tions proposed in this agreement leave them Mill urotective. $ i He said it thereTore appeared that the bill was about six-seventh fjeS trade and one seventh protection, while the principle of tariff for revenue, if recog- hizfld at all, is recognize! only to a neg ligible degree. Th ) Senator declared himself opposed bath to free trade and protection. He siid both views Were bad and vicious. The Deraocratic par ty, he declared, had never, been a free trade party and never would be. , He denodncei ths trert? because of the discriminuions aeainst the farmers and in favorof the manufactufeTfl, Thai j-j while it put the farmer s product upon the free list it did not reduce the price of the manufactured things'hebad to buy. He insisted if the products of the farmer and land owners were to be put upon the free lift to reduce the cost of living, the manufactured things which the farmer buy's and which enter into" the cost of living should likewise be re Juced. t. ' -' cillio;i DOiiii:-: feGOuGRESS-STiLli Coutinae And Will, .gays poo.- spictively chairman and ranking Demo crat of the House Appropriations Com mittee the, last Congress. MrTaw- nejp says this is less than.. Sl.000,0C0 in excess ef the total etimate' f Pres dent Taf t, on which the appropriations are based, pays high tribute to the-Exe- eutive for good faith in acrutin!zing es timates and compute -that the Burpius of revenues next year will nt be less than $26,62,000,. which with any part of the Treasury cash balance -may be ap plied to the sinking-fund. Against this, Mr.-Livingston says the last session" record demonstrated that until the Democratic perty comes into complete .control of the" Oaverntaent "this billion-dollar mark for a session's appropriations, established four years ago at the first session of the-Sixtieth Congress, cannot be- substantially low ered, if lowered at all." Death of William t Hurtt. v for Fau:;Ens Craven County Educational V n4 Mr. William T. Hottt, ,of thi&, city, died at,L S tewarl'd Sanatorium yester day morning", March 11th, at the age of 64 years. . . Mr: Hurtt was a son of the late Ma jor Daniel W, Hurtt, formerly a resl dent o( New Bern. , The deceased was a Confederate Vet eran and a member of the Knights of Hrmony. . ; Funeral services from . Centenary Methodist church this afternoon st four o'clock. Interment in Cedar Grove cemetery. PltES CURED IM 6 TO ,14 DAYS PAZQ OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Inching, BlJbd, Bleed ing dr Prbtrndin? Pils"in"6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c. - - " " AWNINGS -j- We have the agency for Hettrick Bros., Awnings, both store and rei- . deuce. If you jire In need of an Awa-, ing we can furnish you.' Place your order before the Summer rush. Fit, Qtmliiy andJrice Guaranteed. To see samples and get prices, call phone 172, or addresa P. O. Box 446. t i Tiimi-n r nfi ill!JJli1HIAi wmamnauu CARLOAD BUCK'S QTniw UlUILU A N. RANGES l-l . 1 JLl ' ' 11 Co ppra'tive Tjofon1 Holds Its An importint fathering- of the edo catlonal interests of this section,- was the' meetipg yesterday, at noon, t th courf house of the Craven County BMu- eational and Co operative 4Jehn. There war about twenty members present,. - The meeting wm opened b? nraver ffered by Mr: Daniel- Lane of Belair .and. the, feting ;then proceeded, tot dis cuss various matter? ot importance. The senae 6flhe meeting wasobe of r gre.t at the failure of the legislgture to pass the Torrenis land registration law which Would tend to Increase all land values arid add to the safety of loans. r - ine estaDinnroent, oi county larm high schools wSa strongly favored by A." B. Whitford, of No. 2 township. A committee was appointed to meet the board of education of Craven county to work for, the establishment -of this school, and it was directed to j-eport at the next' county meeting, and . meet with the board of education on May li In various parts of the-TState the corn growing contest has created very 'great interest,and world records have beeaes tablished in the Carolines and on this line it was advised that three acres be put in corn, tha. object being not only ti "raise a large amount of eorn, but to produce the same at the lowest cost. The . president 6f the county union is D. P. Whitford, of Er- nul, and A. R. Whitford, acting secre tary. ' ,-" . t ' ' IM; l.OOCT yds., of English long Cort, worth 15c, will be on sale today at 10c. The great est bargain we have had for somef time. J. J. Baxter. Defeated, But Had a Good Time. New Bern went to Klnston yesterday. and played at baseball and tiiad a spell ing bee, the contestants Deingvpnpils J. 5. BASSICHT --BJ!DVVR- CO.;. mE WX II: t' ELlWDODiFENCE ti 'A TakiQ np wheat he showed that-as 'oDg as it remains what nature and the farmer's toil ha made it, it was made from under this agreement, but tht minute it entered the fliur mills and was' converted into an eatable product; it goes off the free list; likewise, -b&fleyi when the farmer sold it it Is tree, as the brewer sells it.'it is made ' dutiable; live animals, as the (armor sells them. are free, but as soon as.the packers have slaughtered them their product goes on the dutiable listvl ' He declared, aa in the ease oTpuUing hides on the free liat the benefit "of any reduction In the price of ; the farmer's product would not insure to the contora- er, but td the flour mills, packing hom Lea and breweries. who would put the f . - . l -i t i S . r .1 .'.t Havma; in vuair pocnqia wiuvoargo um consumerthe aauie ai reiora.jcJ '. -He said while the 'standard price of what was Axed Jo "urope, that ' price was modified. I y the tircumstaneei and eonditiooi ' surroondinff the- domestic market and h.' showed that wheat always Uom 10 W 15" cents bigner h) AjDerican,thanvCinadian 'markets' bet causa of modifying. local, conditions ip these markets, tha Americao; producers having W.OW,000 .domesUc .eoosumer and the Canadians only about 8,UOQ,00oC Ha. insisted If ".the price of wheat Jell to Chicago and Minneapolis It Would fall )flk!North Carolina, brcaus "the . Noftb Carolina, ': price ,VU .I -the CLicaeo prkf ."plua j tha ' freight; ; But "t"fce sii J, W It trus some" toa'ead td, tdat this ikgreemant would only ft? duct the price of farm producU in the territory near i the snaiaa- border. Uina the accuring betifftta to the con- the ciB8ntd to that terrltoiyi'; ; He 'd on of the chief srgumrptu !inftof of the treaty wa tht the con- e,.oo.R.ven o ty vanndi wmiM ocn tlio markets tl Dial country for our ma:njlarluril pro liicU, Urw'rrn 1 to hvtlprs from one or two tolti'm n i l rn-n tf North Caiollns Mkinj him In tdlf M lbs tr'.y upon I'm g' .un.-l l! th'-y repili-d ' Wit 1 t'-t It l wjuld t'.i-m tn i-rl ii i j ('..', 'a i:h t'.nr p- ' I! I a I t -. i ! ithi.t- i.'''ir yr ' ' " - the harvester trust would get $196,000, the.automobile trust $96,000, and the coal trust $544 JKW. In other worts. these Jhree trusts would get about $760, 000 of the $1,025,000 of the remitted duties. , v Be said the farmers and the land owners would have to pay the price-of these concessions' made Jn the interest of these Jtrostt they "would have to take less fortbeir products in order .that these tiusts might . make-1 la-ge prfjfits on their, Canadian sales.-. There , was nothing, he said, in the relative profits of tha farnefr and. the manufacturer lhat justified the latter in asking the farmer .to make the s sacrifices In or der that bis brofits might be Increased, especially, when tlose trust manufact urers and oporators. are -telling their prodacta to he Canadian xduspmer at lesser rate Mum they charge the Ameri can cbnaomerr j." i . . . i . . .. ".. . vit-ifatraue by wnicn we exchange the domettie market of millions of Am erican- farmers lor., a foreign market mbetly for thee great trustee, r ': "Referring to the tfiiiand ficheerfr larra nroaucu. be sstu the farmer waa 0 i getting ton much; for bit product ne uhi am ge mucn ;pjvr; oo per enrf of what the consumer had t pay. The high eot of living " was- largely 'due to tha big profit ef if)o middemeo, the mn'ufcturer, Jobber and reUder of tha from the graded schools of the two pla ces,' and Kinston won out at both games In the ban game New Bern showed no form, being specially weak at this bat. The score 20 to 2. - 'Ip. the spelling match, eight on each side, twaaets of 25 minutes each, th visitors hs'd 80 misses to Kinston ' 2L The contest was at the school bulldiug' with some 300 persona in tha audience. Between forty and fifty went from here and war treated splendidly by th Kln- atoh people so that the twn defeata left f arm? preducta, fColrar : .wheat; did not ftyra; than kcover,xphaea, frTsklng year m anl year out the cotton farms bad bat Utile margin left In profits. . tie lajd he wanted to see, tha rott of Uvmz rducef. but we do not want to make bread so cheap that wheat and cim will not bring the cost ot prod'N ton. . Do we wait to -see clothing cheap that the man who raise .cotton out of which they are mads cannot sup port bis family in eonfort and educate hie children! . ! , - r -r -Already, he said the profits of manu facturing and comntorce weri so much more attractive than those "of farmin that the farmers wr leaving the farm for th town and the boys and girls the plow am! h for the eolton ftiillit ami tha atorra. . V.'e are jndinn; rniliiimi iry, millions for gofd no hard feelings, Ward Committees, Notice. TWWard CommitUes are called t meet It the city ball (tomorrow)' Mod da night at 8 o'eloek. for the purpoee of naming a data for hsldlnj the city primary, - T. r. MCUAttiur, " Ch'mn. of Com'. 4? cs NEW BERN, N.C Bank OyPA10.ON b SAVINGS. STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE PROGRESS. ' III whatever undertakittj you inay be engaged you most be progressive in order to succeed. You will r.need the services of a live, up-to-date' tank to assist I jw m the transactoo of your financial affairs, and that " requirement js mei in every respect if you associate youfseUwitJi uii institution. : Small and large accounts, either subject to check or in our Savings Department, are cordially invited. WM.DUNN C.D.BRADHAM . VICE PR EST. TA.UZZELL . CASHIER SBhi .M:Mmi mM itmrtJ P We'w just received our new ' Queen Quality ' styles or S faring and they're beauties. V(fe did not believe such footwear possible at the firice. The makers have outdone themselves. Smart, snafafry styles with . jrlenty of comfort - and service just "what you have been looking for. You 11 buyhere eventual-" ,0f to-day 9 J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE, NEW BERN, N. C. on rural fry null, re '.t! ' a 1. .il '. li t sr (rricnl(urai ro'i-- I H ) n '. i'l i -if rTnria ti ma'"! f.irn r a a" .- f l.v, I -it a l'it rf s t! of.ta of the farm rp small Our farm 1 I lhft ( .'1 1 - I r ' r I in dulH a th tint r. ... :it r ' r. . Al80 a full line Barbed Wire for he;.-, and cut! Poultry '.Wire,; Rubber- Roofing, Paint a and O.' ; Sfovra and Ganges and 3 general line of 1 Write us or call, ve can ;ivc you n;;l.t prir i fr (' 1 I t ). f y I- to . r !'. i it t r 1 t li fin it t.f T"li till rf t' I -j 1 ! a B 1 "Soul ConKlowneu U ttXL" , '3 ' .. - - - - At the BaDtiat.Tsbrnle tonlsba Rev. Allen C. Bhuler -wfik nmch the Bftb f a series of aermona bare draw such immenas crowd, -and this speclal number of . tha series ' will J doutt be hearq by .the largest toogT gatioa'ever art ambled in the church. 'Soul. Consciousness, in :Ht, bhal) we Know aa we are Koowa that place beyond" will be the aabjaet of tonight's disc sura. A. full choir will sjng at this service. t: i StraDgera and visitors id in city are moat eordlally'invhed. f p ' , ieSEOFMfEtrfe ..' GIVE TBS FIGURE3L' Editor Journal' v ' 1 am exceedingly gratified ler by proceedinvs of our worthy Hoard of Alderman, that thef have at lait dater ml nd to employ an xpet accwuitsot to sp how the fiiane of our city hae Un r,od4. - This Is astfpUtbe r!K!'t direction al 1 am sure su-a a lip wiir m't' with the Sppraral of i7 cl.'.-"i Intlilac.'y. I lr'it t' at t'.U trx-rt i'l be a diintprt J r'trtj ' rnT ; '.r-nt Sn l wlllv t J i f r t favnr ff I'i .If ; i it tot j"'.-:. r.t ,! t t a r 't rii 5 r 1, '.V I 1 II I Ut ' v ! x' t f i t 7 te ' '. Y' j r- -r t: at i' l 11: -2a. iili .rf iA Another shipment of that Famous Liggett Chocolates received by ' express. 037. ,4 SATURDAY CANDj AT 29c PER POUND. Anything In the Drnsline. ! Presaiptions Called for and . ; - ; Delivered. QStmptUg Company ON THE COR.-., ir,."1 NER 'The OPPOSITE ' THE tbsr-orricE - 7T - 60a -Dress Oodds 39 c. 50c:Silk 26c. l$i.bOBfbad 'liEEE "CEidT;!' FEWl CF 00B-MCUMES j.'iv-,''. ...;5URET.'W.-E0NDSi;" Insurance:- Fire, 'BurLty! Flatc diss," ' Boilcrn; Automobile; ,i Accident, Mcallh end ' Live' Stock. 4 t - r ! 1 i ' ire . :t:o