: -. . .- - r.L'w LU.i I... -.! t - s T I v, ! C . . ' : M Kit a tt rt it It trt 4 r 1. 1 J' r i Pufc!fn4 ttt day la tk yr i c(t Hauatf, JaaroaJ feuiMUa. st-4t Crave iraU CaXJtLI L. ST3VESS, DITOH AND PROPRirTOH - uasc&rp-noi il4.tz.si SUnthlytKr earrler la the city ,. - ' -' Advertising rates furiaae4 en a ..V' ?alealioa. ',?- . .-y -1' I . , Jill III I r , Bntmd mt Ui poatqfflo. Mtw M .. j'ji f. C m ooefl-elaas matter. - - - QTWraXL PAPKR OF '"MIW BERN . ' - ' AND CRAVXV COmfTT. yL-Beni?g. (X TMa-TOh a, 1911. ?. DEMONSTEAtJOS EST .CIVIC; ' There have nodoubt "'been many , 1 passereby the corner of Broad tad r, " varying degrees fjei!iQtioo,ysthe ," V raSical change in' the Jot on. the corner. From being: j wilderness of waste," a place of weeds, the final -.. MtiD nlace of em Dtv bottles' and tin cans, it bow present AStght off being everything it was, not' Be - f fore, and there is not all done jet, for with spring, there may be pected a green swardi ;that with the good fence on two sides and concrete walks on the other two sides will make it -good to look upon. y This change has, beep wrought under the auspices of theWom,ans Club, through ita department that; declares for a city 'beaqtifa' .and this demonstralion Ja to serve as an object lesson, to present the starts ling contrast between, a lot left an cared for, and a lot fred tot? - There-are other unsightly corner and inside lots in promQent and residential sections' of New Bern.: There ' are" beautiful homes' sur rounded by well kept grounds, and iuat over their .borders are lots where repdse in awful sight aasorf ments of refuse, dead, (lying and about to die, that must 'appat the householders who are compelled to see and smell those terrible civio offenses, just over thellne.' ; i ; ;" Civic health is dependent upon cleanliness. And civic pride has its stimulus in the endea?0t of its people who" preserve the",cleanlt ness of its lots, alleys and streets. A. city beautiful can only -be jso when both its habitated ai4. un habttated places are equally Itt or der and clean. , . .- , ' ;, , The demonstration noted above points the way to civic beaut jr; It should be followed by -property owners toking'acWve bold of -this kind of lot befrOjIfyttg iintil Jthji entire city presents Whei6me and cleanly apDearahoer-where now rubbish desesates,plai ltat can be made a part afjt cJbeantifnl. Children : Cry' ' FOB FLETCHER'S 1 CASTORj A, . 1,000 yds:; Erlglish long Cort, fworth 15cXwilt bCon safe .toctoV at 10cTb'e 'great est bargain we have; had lot some time. J; JBaxter.? T A DRSADFUIi MGHTj rt T ti.L ! in. Yl yr was the fevet-sere thM-kad blanad his Ufa for years in spite et many remedtao be tried.. At last he Baed Backlrd's Ar nice 8alve aod writes; Vlt has- entirely healed with scarosty m eea WC UeaU ' burns, - bolls, eexMna, cuts. bniaM, i kwallinira, oms add piles like snag's. Uniy Zae at au Dealer ; .r':"aw,ded Wee It ,'4 V RowenMaf I fctte yooreertrl'ww J H-rWbat are ysw e .TlrteecttodetV ,. fieW fork Prwa, i ; L 1 11 J.'" : - IftgroASOt . AG ST- t; ' la these 0Mo-daU tt, li t pil .tile to pnrcbaM lm-irrr ca Bf . Ahlag. Insurance U, t ' t-t- Jog a cbanre, wt'.k ts. m ft- rd Urgnly la ftror it t I ;'rf Jtmiraace rii)t tv Li: IL. U l- I , r ( 1 . li -T...r f r 1 Mf V': f ait! n . Hair loauranr t , th on b'tytrt 1 full valu l t a ' tinnllncir lnrrl gnur tn .r.t I. 4ltr tf tl.'t Jniii". lv ioU Ilia ptiui,. 1 Val'Mi t o', Thla spv'i Xa.y:. Bn)yhnf Jl .1 r T'" ' ', Unt !" Ir : " the mil . i, .' 1 r ht rr tf It ' ' rre(1 I T 1 - t !'' ' ' 1. f n, nil I - . . . ' "r'.Ve a " i :t ' 1 .t ' ' ' " . 1 t V t r-.'i , la t to t.e the or'-'.iii'' r (f tie tr- niiU lu Doumou term cf :.J lory," "mabogacT bean,, "concrete doni" and "cemwt kuU," bq coiumua Jb tasebiU.",,' , , i - - ; Abenbaeli ayi that when b wa matiaglug tb Shrereport toam of tlie Soatiiera league aouie years ago t bad a 'catcher who could tit tome, bnt who had the very aerlotia weak nee of not being able to gauge a fool ball tut matter bow easy it waa, f -. One day a batter ralaed a high fool directly ever the plate, and the catch er, misjudging it. wa bit aquarely on too ,bf the bead by: the -descending sphere, which knocked .off bis mask and bounded away bo me thirty feet That r night : Aabenback - finished bis anpper early and. -was passing ont of the dining room when ba happened to walk .behind tbU catcbe who was de vouring bla erenlng jneal with gusto and enthusiasm, a Stopping at the ta ble. Ed DMCBd his bands over the backstop's bead, feeling for the. bomp wMcb, ba j thought : would sorely be there jpn account of the contact with the ball that aiteroooii -Eat there was no loinp to be fell ."No wonder," aid 'Lab.-. "How conld 'there be. A. hnmplIouf head U eolid hone - - , --., vV v.- TJncle Hiram' (looking , at bathtubs la a .plumber's wiaaowi-sveii., l. swam I've, beard that these, here New- York ers" are pretty nervy, bot 1 never sop- posed they -had he cheek to take a bath In the front wlndowV-Jnflge's Xl ' Children ''Cry i f OR FLETCHER'S -V C AST O R lA 2V TB THE PUBLIC. All parties having tills against, me will please present game duly authenti cated within the next ten daya.- ; K . . v. GEO. D, BOWPEN, ' March S, lSli - J - , -, ' aB.---- aa -paassaeSa ' DEAFNESS CANNOT; BE CURED by foca!-DDHcattoha. as they cannot reacn-tne tnaeesea portion of tne ear. There k only one way to cure deafness, ana mat ie y constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed eon ditioa of the mucoua lining of the Eus- tacnian iudo. - waen tms- una ts in flamed you have a rumbling sound or ImnerfecthearimTk and when it is entire ly-closed, deaf ness is the result, and un less toe mnammanoB can be taken out and tbietube restored teiti nounal eon ditioD, hearing will be destroyed forev er; nine cases out or ten are caused py eatarrn, wnicn is Doming nut an mnam ed condition of the mucous surfaces. .' VYe will give one hundred dollars for sny-ease of deafness, ioaused. bv rea urrh) that cannct be cured byr Hall's Uttarrh Uire. - send for circulars free. j i ; jr. J. CHENEY A CO.Prop, . ;. , ;; ; , '. 'Toledo, 0 - iSold by druggists, prjiee;7Jie..; ' . TakrHalFa &mily piUs or eon. '?yit r ! uuiek CMngtl Husband But yob had a new one only a -short time Ag0.Wire-TeVbHt my: friend Ellen is to be -mlrrled,- atad I cast wear the sama dresajhat J. wore at her last weoyingFUegende JBlat- WSBTHES ON INFANT OS GROWN f rrCRSON CURED ItY. ZEM Oil' AND yEMfl .KflAP. . ' " a'N 1TMT1 PIT 1 f .' niWR Ar AX r. S. Daffy says to every person, be ifmaa, woman or child, t who Vbu anJ irritated, . tender or (ehingekin to come to our iiore and procure bottle'' of ZEMO and A cake bf ZEUO soap and u you are not entirely sabsneq wita re sulfa, earns back and get Tone- money, So confident are W of the 'efficacy of this tlean,. simple treatment, (ihat we mk you this unusual offer. ZEMO Is a dear liquid tor external use that hat cured so many cases of ec asms, pimples, dandruff and other forma of skta eruption. ZEMO and ZEMO soap are the most economical - as weD aa the cleanest and most effective trt it- man t for affections of the skin or scalp. whether n infant Or grown person, y ... - ;,. '.'A Seanef ssphas fttombl. v', ' t'A-Judca li on i( oor itiliiJ'e wt etatM advprtiM'il for a - i!,on?rr"P'"r with tirHiKTi In l(ral work. A on in br tit nrt 'l-ants callM at A ' f.if Urn i'iy , e of nmtliit Bn "'''' ; IOC III tK.:.uO. I. art! ; J . . t M tlwn a trial " il r g-c.-d. accu racy, ftc - Anj.;jr 1h !',. itrnnU wbb a yotir.J lady ! antlcty to miVe a r"n1 vvlili-iilly "onnrrr-l t.r. Ti ; ' . 1 t t r n t-n ... ' h " t. t ti ft'! . '' . 7 tj J"'! i r 1 as f 11 i i t t. . ' i a I il I- t t-'rli ti ! j r ' f i f t'.c (, f r tr. i H"1 (lie t.t i i i "" t on "1 Ut , I. J AaheiA.m k, f r r J C;;..' -r of n-li-or i-a It -t ! Vt Eii , J yi; UDi do! the ple he : " 8en unt Ob), wiu tnrt ban v. Ivan BfV crt et itfT tmi bo? .V pile' io-i . 6c k , Oft. enator. My Wli iiv Wltho Wagner i ;V!4;fc utlo eenfttoi rct to etay i g tL rnBy ba Pemocrata wl lea ythia:, atwrr lledv'wlth their ) waTlevcd.tbey ba Swhaa men thai ght. salu . -,umi insurgent nvfc must come ana) trf noo4 "Thd cilh any . and t-W not Know MTbani Any mt to concentred our -U.VI anofDAr meeting late this afuWoBtu ' " ANNOUNCEMENT " Lherewi announce myself a jandi date for Ch.ief of Police for 'the ciiy of weworn. subject to the actioiFoi xhe Democratic Primary.' .If elected tothat responsible position. I wllK erideduir to discharge-the duties of the Office' ftith fully and impartially to -the best o -my ability.-, I have -Served fii the-: : capacity of poffceman for twelve years, and Aave acted in the absence of the chief several weeks at a time atd have ' : acqualhted myself with the duties of the olca ,. - - Very respectfully " "C'LtPTok ' .ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 1 herewith announce myself a candi date for the position of Chief of Police, subject to the Democratic TPrlmary1 to be held in this city in April. ; Haying served as police officer for over 9 years; I promise to faithfully perform hhe dutlei bf Chief, if elected.. r J? '- ' Respectfully, r Ai f" . .ANNOUNCEMENT,-; I hereby announce myself a candidate for -Chief of Police for the city of New Bern, aubject.to tae action or tne im oeratlc prlmsryv ilf aleeted I proittiw to discharge th duties ot-the ofScp to the best of of my ability- L i -t- V: Respeclfulljv - si. W.WARWNQTO - VANNQUNCEMENT. '7 i I herewith announce myself - a candi date for (Jiief of Police for the" city of New Bern, .subject to the action of (he Democratic' .- Primary.; . If Sleeted; I XSPECiAL MEDICINE FOR KIDNEY 5IT-fTAIUIENTS.?ri--,--'-?:V Many "elderly people ! have found In FoU y's Kidney Remedy a jjuick -renef and permanent benefit from kidney and bladder ailments snd from annoying ur inary vjrreculsritiee due to edvanrlng fears.- luaac N. Kcaan, Farmer, M , says; "Foley's Kidney Remedy eitcrt ed a enmpletS cure in- my cage ar.H wsntethers to know of lU'V. S. l)y.t fy.' s- . s-Js-k. Hard on Baby."- : 1 Tlrrt." we teach the baby to taltt and ttu w teach bm to hold bis toiijfue.- -Hinnrt fit. '- "' ' r . - 1 1 A f 1 t- .' , ? f I. . ' r S i Tc-'-i. "C :l ! promise to discharge the dutlee fafth- TZ"' .J fully and impartially loathe best of ny ' '.'. J.--. ,.fc?-'- ahilifyi1;d'-;': H.sllnaRW-:F: '&&SZS .Kepectfuliy.T -ryjl " -'The-belief tbt ,taJu , 4 lit V ;;u .1 IS , 1 It ut am nciS r thM i v. ua- oil nets e OUS" I estren.. s. Insist lera and I to 4hat tW-t t any tii s to a io oombr impaired I ProVliiu j In whjfc' eut Mai a charg vetlre an y. be-dii ultk I i .1 QoVei aovev was ;iftt at th lnal. slooer: Agriculture Pearson and. Cot . - HOUSES -WftJlSEIi: - Those who Jiave houses for rent in the city of New. Bern will pletse notify die Chamber of' Commerce '-at: once.' Inquiriea are being made; from" time to time to tbe Chamber.' of Commerce,' re lative to the prospect of renting homes in New Bm f rom outside people,- and cann'ot-be intelligently answered tmlesi this information la kept on -file at all times. - ' Jt '? j(Signed) f ' - - . ; - -. i. LEON WIIXIAMS, - "j Secretary. ro"aMsuwATisMKiBNsraADakAoea - - r Notice. ri " v : ;AB ikindB- sawed-', shingles -for sale, Brick laths, 5 good gentle road or work horses,, one new "one horse wagon, all must be. sold A ftargain for some one as J em selling out. -First come. - First choice also one jMMdred thousind cull shinnies, See jti ?, oh," -BIQ HILL, the Shingle-Maa? z-frttZi SvFreatSL. V.rWHXlAMSVBbNEY'-PILtS; flave yott neglected your' Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous ays torn and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Have you pains la loins", side,1; hack, 'groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of tbe face, especially under the syaa? Too fro quent a desire to passurmel If so, Wll- liams 'Kidney , Pilla will cure yod-at Druggist, Price BOc, WilUame'. M'f g. falling rPuslon day .has. particular medicinal urecrUe still eurvlvesTln some coun-iryivlllaW'The-first dutyof the house wife on tbe morulng of this day Is Jo Set out In -tbe garden ail'her pliites flikT dlsbesiB fact all the broad and aliullov crockery that bef small imutry mat contain. , Often she does this iq vakj. but If there should be a howr then all the water collected Is trickled Into bottles, which are corked ul stored away. Tbls Is called "holy water," and Is used ss a lotion tor eye Lroublcs.--Loiidon OrspUlc. A-MOTnrr Foley's IIwi 'Icy S IIon . la L-t .' r t' r' .- allc'.- ..j. drn ru In cliitu H an 'I Lroo ii. Dully. , How i r l ! 1 a . i . v r. t I ; f 1- r. J hrd It Al r.- nut o&!y a reli- n ; tia region.' If a mil U a i 1 ' -ns.uso t ael not be sny. t-.: ? It luay soa fcjrU.iial t) c -i.-r.Je fa hunting as a reVsln t 1 t e tot as a deity, but it Is a bare, ! -..J eiactitnde. The tru fox hont I ; ;xriamaa exhibits all tbe Sttrl totea of the devotee, tbe fanatic, the martyr. ' C la ready to die for his f..:tn. - 1 am tare be would cheerfully aUow hu&self to be burned alive rath er than bant a bag of aniseed. His friends would cut him dead It they nospected blm of treason to tbe pore UeaJ of fox banting. His clube would refrigerate bints - He would be a mark ed man. He. would be a pariah, an outcast, a bounder, an outsider. t-' -'- Tbe power of tbe caste of fox hunt ers is as formidable me toe power' or the various Indian -tastes. It 1 a mightier engine than the law. for it Is driven Jby public opinion, Tbe county would ostracize the. wretch caught to the act of violating, the fox-bunting code.: .His career, would be ended. Never more could he hold up bis head. He would be- leper. Tbe taint' of aniseed would bang about hm; for ever. James v tXiuglau in London Leader", yf .i' V . A fteie Illness. " A Chicago broker, .who Is not noted for bla humor nearly to much as he Is fametl for his fear of his wife, found himself to bis club st dinner time one evenhic moch tbe worse tor drink. ' ; He called a messenger boy" Mhd. with jrreat difficulty, wrote this hotel - -"Deav WJfe-Will notllne It home. Have been taken unexpectedly drank.' "Popular Maaslne, " COhildren' Cry ? FOR FLETCHER'S . CASTORI A - Cautious Youth. t , .."Bobby, your father wants to s The boy looked dubious. , ?Do I want to See blml" be asked, "How should f knowr? "You ought to be able to tell by the took In hu eye." A Well Known Judge Hands Dowii aa th.eSavodinaConpany JNew Mrri, N. a Dear Sirs: From the use I havemade of SAVODINEI believe is to be a very valueble remedy for catarrh and colds. It. givS aUMSt lmmediaU relief is case of -difficult breathing and mbalmg it f reel f checks and gives relief in severe coughing. So far aa I have bed oppor tunity touee it whwh-only a short timeuI am much pleased with 1U effi ciency, v , Very truly yours. i j " - F. SHEPARD, - L ' " J '""Bsy City, Mich. : Judga T. R. Shepgrd is widely known and highly esteemed. .He is A lawyer of recearnised abilitT. For vears he was Circuit Judge f the Eastern District ?k monkey .has - four haada," re marked thtfaootogtoti tC'Z t -tea; replied Mr. OsBaO,?'.!nt a lb me to seeihe animal aeglecf k o portuultles.' It ould play, av enOr game - of hrtdge' a-' Jbialt'-Bs S Ohildre m Otfh FOR' FLETCKLTS, i S STORIA5 "0 fberlan horses are staiS .Tbey will go thousands ot mlissi at the rate Of forty mlb a day f ii ?.'-,--. WARNING TO RAILROAD M EN. Look out to a-- and evea danger ous kidnev a;,J 1 . r Iroable resulU ir-r from var cf r -Dadifg, . Ceo.- E. t,.L 6us Third S'. tart Wsvae. Iod.. was mny years s cood'telor om tha Nickel 1'iate. lie says: "Twenty years of raiiroK r- left my ktdnefs m tenv blecond.Uuo. There was a Continual rila acrois an bkckand bipsaneK L '--yi rave ma rmich ditlreas, and tbe , ryl f was frequent aod " h I ft a surply of FoUys i - i i.iO fift battle made a I i rov -rt sad four bot- ; r r - f. Ffnce being ii i"d roioys Aw y 1. if ..rry railroad t T- 'V cotae- : t :::. 7) 13 Livery, Feed, Sale Q i:' Ki-"' , . , ' . ... ; V v.- Largest and Finest stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for sale in New Bern. A carload of each just in. Also a complete '. fine of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Eobes, Whips, Cart Wheels, - J. A. JONES -Broad Street, PROPRIETOR, New Bern, N.C. Physicians Advise fl useof a goodlaxatlve, to keep the bowels open and -prevent the poisons of undigested food from getunglnto your systei. ,,- -JThe latest oroductTrf sdente ls VELVO Laxative Uver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle, reliable and. ot ' nlmsant, snnurtr. tct vivn a. k. u. . .1 itosuch and bowels, and .19 of the greatest naotraness, sick neacaens, levensnnegs, coCc.flatuteice. etc Try VPt ill seeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... .. . . ' . .... PAST CARDS! AT eeeeeeeeeeee SOUTERH RAILWAY DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS liOBffl. SOUTHEAST. WEST. Very Xiow Bound Trip Bates to all Principal Resorts. Through Puljman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:06pm, arrives Atlanta 6:35 p m, making close connection . for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh U0 a m. Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans SO p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:06 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a roj second day and- connecting for all ether points. This car.alao makes close connection at Salis- bnry for St Louis and other Western points. - . r ' . Through Pullman to Waahington lea ves Raleigh 6-0 p m, arrives Washing- on 83 a m, Baltimore 10.-02 a m, Phil a- delphia 12:28 noon. New York 2:81 pm. This car makes close connection at Waah ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for- Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida points.., , rnr- . Through Psrlor.Car for Aaheville leaves Goldsboro at 4:46 a m, Raleigh 85 a mV arrives- Aaheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Una Special and arriving; Oijcimmti 10 a m, -fouowmg day after leaving - Ral- elghr with close connection Jor all poinU North and Notth-Weit.'--f - : . Pullman Jnr-Wlnstou-flalem leaves Raleigh HM a m, arrives Oreensboro 6:30 am, making close ceonaection at Grcmaboro for all points .North, South, East and West This 'tpr'. Is 'handled on train No. 1U leaving GoWsbore, at It you desire any Information, please calL We ars here to furnish mform'a-j Uon aa well as to sell tlcketa-V- . ' IL Y CART; 11. PARNKLL,. O. P. AA'JT- 214.Frettevnie St Washington, D", C : "Balniglv V. C, " s'l.;)?:- , fOR DISEASES 01 TlIsVBUjLo Nearly all dlaeasae 'of thealilu sorb ss Kt.ma, totwr, salt thetr gad bar bera' lh, a. t riretrl' j 'by aa io tcnae itrliln f : arnartin?. hich oftaa rnoliea life a t : a a-l r 'irbe sUp anJ ra t. Q ul k t f i r ts bad b 'ring fi arr.! ri . s . ..I., It a the It. n.g anil '.'' almost i '.r.;'y. i ny wf(,.t! a cured 1 i. u, or sals 1 1 t ra. '.DT'.rOf'jsWE . I- t lot In . W T r aa!.- i. . II. ! Exge Stables . (' "y:M K -j- possible efficacy In coostipetioo, uxttgestkn. LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP e IIII1TS STORE eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee souiuEieusnuiE NEW TRAINS BETWEEN NEW YORK, .WASHINGTON, AUGUSTA and J AC KSONV1 LLB Effective November 27, 1910 tbe SOUTHERN RAILWAY will puHa ef fect new train service between New York, Washington, Augusta and Jack sonville, schedule of which will be as follows: No. 81. Lv. New York 1:38 P: M. Ar. Waahington 6:10 ' Lv. Washington 6:20 " Ar. Augusta via Blackville 11:36 A. M. . . Lv. Augusta via Trenton 11:46 Ar. Jacksonville :46 P. M. No. 112. Lv. Jacksonville 9.-00 A. M. Ar. Augusta via Trenton 8:00 P. M. Lv. Augusta via Blackvllle 8:16 " Ar. Washington 8:58 A. M. Lv, Washington 9.-06 " Ar. New York 2:46 P. M. The above trains will be known aa the SOUTHERN'S SOUTHEASTERN LIMITED and will consist of Elegaat Pullman Sleeping Cars, also Dining Car Service. ' This train aa well aa all other SOUTHERN RAILWAY TRAINS will arrive and depart from the New peas-sylvania.fltatiasvJsrTonth-Aoaao juA QjlWrty-6etStwan. 'NewTevk Ctty- For all lnrormauoo pertaining te the ssme, address the undersigned, H. F. CARY, -' Gen. Pass. Agt Waahington, D. C FOR SALE! Soja'or Soy Bcaos and FWdUw, feas Hyde Co.Vpown Burt and Rutt proof Oatty Hay, Oalt)':' Dairy ?FQirv Brana aeetruip, smpsnnr and allicinU bf (ee ' ! ' BURRUS & CO, u u Mi Jdi Bt r akm, ir. a f ::v-v:v- Ftona 184. l ' . t. L&ke Drcmmond Ctsc! & Wf 7t - 'i ' - ' : V - '. - - " V ; J Co.. ; h ' Lde Drur.r.cr.J TewL2 ti ', AnIi.Un1Routo.rrc"--''?: fwa; torm. .",l,e Fet cf V,''-r t".i.::nTi 1'apth 'X .... T ,

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