I :i:::K:!::a;:jasori Wfr Cvi ta . i-. ..i '. t A I t : 3 - I 3 tin, Ci.c i: .IT". itfss and lscromalnsndttel OpiumXarptune norttuEraLl xX JkUltSdtt- boawwA ... ArMinr Anafccf Remedy farCtonsBp- ttomSourStDmDlantai ' ' tar Sim Si&4Wrt of-.- V Stem Copy of Wrapped, AH ' A s liitlifS,,. l v-jj 4, f i . i 1 1 JK -sJ i ?m GuavanJLeeJ. uiuLa- uiTFooda t f " 1 , . ii , 1 ff ' sc . 'm jjmjim G. S. BROAD STREET BALTIMORE, MD. , ISSUED MORNIKQ, EVENING AND SUNDAY THE1 NEWS OP THK WORLD If 'ffatborid by io woU-srslned peoial oorrespbndenu of fiia 9VH and aoi betore tli readeraln a oooclaa aiMl liiMmsllnil manner ecob oirclrur And weklsy Afternoon. - - ' - ,r-As a. chronicle of woriw wtn TrOi SUN IS INDISPENSABLE, Vhue Its bnesuft M T.'tf il tui and tfw Yortc cnss.a thi news from the Llegislatlye and rntuxdal cv.-v,-ti.rf tte ana lateuectnauir psrr"' tn tusurst type, is potato sne very pest ieetvfres Hist can btt writti w) iishkm.'rt nnl tnlncslieceous matters. t TH flrKmsktnww tts.m it A HwJSI MAWS NECESSITY tortbAfsnMer, v!sejrcbot uuri the bAV. osn lpecd, Ua fomplef sad reUablo ulurmaUou npon tLau-Ttrtoas iisJU o( trade,- . - . .y..u ;.'..- "--.:r.c"- . - : - v THE siATVWbj And THE. stM; Eomfet Evciaj . - 1 , r,Wtt . . " " .:i"r- THE J '"--T'-'f ii i'i ' 't V - i. ...-R0U7B OFT!IB ::' Schedule EffclwVfiu4rf 29. 1 Toe foliowaif echedulo flgufed". pub- lisbed as inforastipni DNLT rand are . . i ' -w- ' x I TRAINS LEA vis NKW BERN " FORTH AND WEST ItOUND -120 a mi p'sliy-.Viljrht lUpreee 'Rolt . man Bleeping Car for Norfolklv- a n. Daily for Norftk, cor.necta k , to air points r7rie-awe est, v J v- " Parlor car arvice. - - '1Mb m.' Daily rt Sunday for , -4 T. Wehingvwi, llheverii Oreowvllle . Wilson and Kaielgh." iSwi mt Dfti)ir-iht Epi for " t.1 a m, Dsily fo C4dbero. v " i A lis p at.1. J - .'. ' ', r '' ; f . ' KAT BOUND: . VJWU..IIW 3b am, fsiiy for Beaufort y i 1.35pm, " . r"Y"' V :V ' X0 a m, IWy ''eicpf-t Sutxlay f.r . , Oriental. ; i-j r.-Daily for Oriental. ' rorrutlbr infnrmetiosetrfsrvs!; " of Poflrtan lpinf fsr rA. - , te t.-ii. Pcnnoit, ,T. A., N-w I . N. C. i , , , W. rTitTOXTO.f,. W.1U M.:i - ". . , C? P. A. . , On! r'H t V .Vrrfr.tk, V. . .... , r : . inmU L. ..I.:,-,;. - , Sit. .));: AVav Use? Fohittvef: 6 Thirty T J -a III 1 Y ' .. S 1 I (I I t I I 1 L 'fl 1 DNCLE.SAM: ' ' - t - with bis estimated; seventy-1; v five million po mlation can not - -make'a better selection m case. ... .... .. - .. - - : -t of war. than yoo can to make your selection from our stoclj of Hand-made BOgfeies"t and C rriagea. Come to see us. Yours to pleae, - . Waters -& SonS: HEW BERN, country Uie best that can "toe obtolid. and Soaiiy, t Teat . : ."X ... .""'o - '.. .V - . A. B. ABELL COMPANY NVt A WORD OF SCANDAL - marred the call of a Mlfbbof on M. W P Sner, eh of MenvUle. Wyo., who asid: '-setold me Dr." ling's New Ufa rii' bad cured, hr of obstinate kidney troon. ana msoe nor iei use a now woman ' Eaay.hut sure irroe ny tor stomach, liver end kidney trou bles, Unif J&c at alt Dealers. ; " ' . . A Qwootles ef Sea. ' . ' TnVbat Is Ibe dltTorencs t-we9 rmtiea) sod obstinacy TV atd . a yoang lady of br Cance. Si , , Tlroioa," was bis gsllaot -truly, S I boWo chararterMic of womwi; ohattnary Is s Umentable defivt In eaeelMray fiiartea. " on' " " 1 ' " 1 " 1 '' " Z s V t cf I'e 1" ? !jr. i if t r f U 1' Have you , . ... j I j.:: . '..Ktr y i. - n . ' c f r IEoq U t u. ! t . e . ; cout;'j and t i a v- t y t f ouk..a f i; 'u.;V l.e s ' -i ; . clan will tell y Ly vc t ti. . tloD (lit Diicrutt euiau.."i s f-iiu tie brath of tti oKler Cud ti.-.r Into the rfspinitory trart cf oiirnj, Vt bo tbereuwa couti too. Nut aiune la churobf but la tbeateri au olber Indoor place when people pattier tn large Bombers, la ihla. cougblur tabu noticeable, ; . -i ' " -In an Artlole dealing wilb thla. sub ject publlsbed lo tbet lddepeodent It U explalued tbat colds are slight Infec tions fever which spread particularly among the population of titles and wblcb are dns to contagion and not at all to changes .In the weather. These may predispose by J lowering feslsHve TltaDty and by disturbing the clrcnla: tlon la tnncoua aaetnbranea, bat it u the presenco of, an Infections germ that gtves rise to the symptoms of the Cold. Wben one of these bothersome affections gets Into a household usual ly more than one person" suffers from lUfcnd It spreod a in offlces-and. schools nd the -Jike. f: It .1? imnch rmore .re- qaently-caught In crowd than any where else. , t- . " 'i'l The people who have a succession of cold;, during "the winter time aaa those who haw jto worlr where many people" come and go daring the' day are partJcoiarlx unsceprtble to them. It la not to Home soddeo change In. the weather tbat the physician tools ror the origin of cold, but to ..some, rata- ef Intimate fonucr.wltb-other-aufteiv ra from similar affectIoftr&. ' Invtdisua.' 'k 1 . Passay la furloBSwlth M' that society reporter.1 " WM So?" - t o published th snnouncement of her, sDDroachlnR wedding tinder -tne tplumn -headed Late -Engagements.' FOLEY KiDtlEYPlltS 70S) BMBtlUAjraM KJONStS ANO BIABBSS) -v, w k HlaFlx.." "Pop, what does It mean by being flnandally mbarrassedr -"Being married. my son." Exchange. - FORCED TOE AVE HOME, , Every vear a large number of booH lunerera. sni sr lungs are tore ana racked with coughs, are urged to so. to another climate. ; But this ia coat'y and nox always sure. inere'aa better wav. Let D-. King'a New Discovery cure you at borne. "It cored ma of lung troo-; bfe." writes. W K Nelson, of Calamine. Ark., ."when all ehe failed and 1 rain ed 47 pounds in weight Its sdrely the king of all coach andHungeares." Thou lands owe their lives and health to & it positively guaranteed' for coughs solos, lagndpe, - wthms;. 'erouo all throat andlons troubles. 60c and St.00. Trial pottle Tree at all DrcgglsbV ' Had His Preferenoe. - Hospitable ' KarmefwMow,? stranger, alt right down to the table. ," Yon are welcome to your dinner, pot you'll have to eat what the real of us da 8tran cer-ThaDks, but r-efMf It's aB the same to yoo;- I'U eat wpat the rest of you don't Upplncott'a Do von know that or? all: the minor ailmenta eolda are by Mar the most danirerouaT It is not the cold itself you need to tear, cut uie serious aiseases that it often leads to." Most of: these are known as germ diseases-' Pneumon ia and consuwDtion are. amonir-them. Why.-not take -Chamberlain's Coogh Kemeoy ana euro year eowwnne jren canT.ror sale by turaeaiera, i.4 v -l toia nnn ne was oeaa rooiisn m pe so gaged To three girls almnttaneotisly.1 HoirXlidlttornbutr "As you might expect His expenses were such that be cot ao far behind with, bis- boar! be bad to marry his lanUUay."-IxulTllIe Coerter-Journal. jbhn " W. Sick'eiamith. Greeniboro. Pa. , has throe children, and like most children-'they frcauentlys 'tsjie . cold "We have tried several kinds of cough medicine," be asys, 'but Jisve never found any yet that did them at much good.as Uiamberiain avJough rsmedy r or sale by ail dealers. ; V."."? Warranted Not Is hlf? Doctor lour wife needs outdoor ek e reins more than anything eta. , Bns band But sberon't go out. What am I to Ce?.; Ddctotv-oira bar plenty of money to ebop with, , y . , ; ., . . Know "All About it r . . . , Do any perquittt come tn yir way at the officer "Not-tnarh tlioy dont We have a tuRky Janitor who throwt Ihem kind; of folks out" HalUtuoM American, t - ' . ' . . - Tlie onoet common raune of In' on nla Is riiwinlxrt of tlm stomn h. ( ! :! ' -r-Iain's :-'!.ima-h and l.ivor'l ai,!it r,-rt those H.'r.lrs and rnhlde yu to B. p. For sl ly ll d'-alr-m. . ' - WMmi ; "It ia ewl Mrr. tmt It I of rrrot. S11 il.l'W l trurt, li.i 1 s'.-io me Into i n np a - r 1 7 r t ( 1 . i r : 1 f "r a l. t 'rl s a : y r t 'I n r(a. t , U ti ... 5 IO t. 3 ' i i..ercby t;.foi ooverr" re- e t r if ve ( t -a biooJ, Mi ,i.t:( (OUiid VI, at s. t 1 wxirulM :,J Cm " Oi.p 4ta1-!-l eiVore owfJs "hit mt g4,t V' cV ?." I probe t httfr ton tilM.U pym rtoiv ---i.,v J ' l.ut tm t t J.itloj (Ae cure ao( iSe profit, v, - isers aotilni "lutt m go4" tor yea. T a. - - . . . : Dr. Pierco't Cotrtnoo Seme Medical teioe Simpi.ficd, 1008 pajes, over 7u0 tditioo, pa fwr-bound, sent lor 21 one-eont etampi; to cover boat of nailia tuty. Ootb-UouudrSl tamp. - Address Dr. R. V. Pieroe, Buffalo, N. Yr v"' v r.' 1 , "Bita" of Money. . Bow much is sis tytat - Way back la the' good ; old, dnya lner , were- so nlclcela anil dimes ' Small change had to be eat off a. dollar as needed. ,Tney nsed to takv- big silrer dollar of ow daddies and with an 'x. cut It Into eight pieces, sftmethlhgJlk "Slicing pie 4nto - pieces. .. ' Gactt piece was one bit till bits la 76 nts. and the term la still used-for short in some parts of the United States. Two bits," "foor bits,., and .all the other bita are far more seldom spoken howadaya." four great-grandpa nsed- to - pot .tt oa hickory Jog and .witn Yenisei ana sx make smalt chasge. ?' Uncle 8am had to pnt a stop to It 'Bomr made tea WU oSt o $l;Vrftw.Tora;.Preso. rOLEY'UlDIffiYPniS A r... If '.7The Want Kind.' - - 1 Crawfardr-tf-this clubfybn belong bomellkei Benpeck-Not thaf a the reason f goJhere.8mart Set i ... . . v.. -a You Will.Make No Mistake if You ' Follow This; Advice. '": Never neglect jour kidneys. If yoa havepsin In the back,Sirinary disorders, dizziness and nervousne. it's time to net and no time to experiment. These are all symptoms of kidney troor bie,lan you i bould -teek : a . remedy which Is known to enre the kidneya. .. ,Dons Kidney Pltls is the remedy to use, v No need to experiment ' It has cared many stubborn easet in thia vi cinity, i : , - r Can New Bern residents demand fur ther proof thia that contained . In the follpwing teatlmonlalT :i. James EvAskin. Jamef CltyN. C. saysj- i" While, in the army I recejved a severe atrate and after, that! was lub jeet to attacks of kidney tnwblec My back ached agraat deal and at time passed, the trouble f rew much worse. I tried many remedies but seemed , nn abl to ottain relief and finally bearing of Doan't Kidney ' Pilot -1 - obtained a boX.-.Tbey"yave me more benefit than I had ever received before.' They; not only stopped the pain tat my backj butj luengthened tny Kidneys ana unproved my.healthjftsfV'::4; For We hraa osalera. Wco M eeotC. foatanUbiarn; Ca,-Bnffalo' New Tork,"aobj agaau. rortba.uaitM Sun jM.-HtkvJ Remember .the aame Doaa'-Tat take no otidtt''') y&r'??;''i? X J - -- '''v Tainted Mast.'- fRod"-meals are. tee liable to con tamlnadon tha Oah or chicken. The latter, shoo Id .not be- eaten Jf there It the least suspicion of odor about them Beef slightly tainted, though fllsagreo- ;G ASTORIA -5 .Tor Itfatitt and CJUrea. -' TiHuy.j l!::3 C:: i Dears the C!natue of ,'' - .'Drawlna.- "r " -The Pest-Do you draw mocbT Art. jiit-fialary. pictures, breath or Wbstl -ixiodon Malt . ; T;-.r ". v t, - Win n' yoa have rlrumatism in tour foot tr i t. u an 'y ChamU'risin tunl- nicnt sn.l y.ia a.il got q'nrk rlief It co 'l .:t amrtr, Why tu.;rt - For t'.lplng Hsr Out. . Tlie EriLjM.m 'atn'mpted" tbe i'-i!n'nt (if trying to give' onwla. a fb In ripe .. f J'"'" nd o n l C.lll; IT 1 l,i.! 1. r.. r -i ,1 s. inrty flil ta ti.lKtrt r urn ;'. I r t : ' if t' a HI) 1 i r. ii i 1, 1 I f n 1 1 Ii. f . eblj wUl not produce ptomaine poison V-i - V ' 1 ' .-"? -i j r j i 1 ' H ' i la. ' k, t i i to u.. t i 1 I . ...ata ti t.. rTe ia -. . -t ,..-" Adviser. Ia Plaia Eaaliaht Or. Med-" illiMrratioiM, newly reviMd np-to-tWte 1 I i r"lT PMCf"H ' r X ' . - U .1 1 t..LtIj-..J.' J j. . 1 " Jones Qronty Superior Court," ? 0'. MOMDAT, APBII.JD."" " ; AH criminal cases. 4 T "' 1 tumberl 14Foy yaf Blade and Roper Co'a. S-iv- ,v -'3 . w 16 Foy vt Blades Lumber Co. 16 Smith Coartney Co. ye Charles A. Rhodes.. V' 18 Meadow ya Perry et ai.;' 21 Reynolds st al vs Klnsey etal 22.Ropar Lumber Co. ve Hudson et aU "WEDNESDATi APHIL "pUB, 24 WM Ward vJ D Heath. 25 Bell Vs Brink ley. - - 26 TollocksvilU Banking Trjjat Co. vs W,M Jones Adm'r. 27 i PoUockaville Banking TVost Co. ; vs W M Jones and J H Bell . 29 WJR Celley vs C R Johnson. , " 90 Lewis Le vs Craft A Turner et al. THUESDAy, APBTL 6TH. ' 31 EwVHarria A Co. Tt Geo,- H. rjttapeeWaodb VaX 1 ' w cure, asms ax vs m-n narnau 33 3 W Wer v Goldaboro Lembw 36 Wymiatt A 6 L Co. va 3 D- White - - 30 4 ft OimnymS VS aenry A Brown. fRIDAT, APS1JU 7TH. ; si dnariet ty Knoaea vt nyman puppiy v Company.; - ? Kate Eubank et al. va Archie Col- f m i . fu munger a Bennett ve w ureen Ml., . . " 41 T A Bell va Mune-er A Bennett' - A.1. Cmt' A Rolraa ac al wa Jia A Jnfi&o tt Toe Collins et al vs C D Foy. 45 Itaae W.Holt vs Asa W Morton. 1 Green, Foy A Co. ra i B BarroSi X A Smith exlr-va W M Hawkins and wife. ' - ' , 3 P D Kooncs vt J H Taylor et at 1 L Haughton yt Clyde Eby et al 8 National Bank, New Bern va J . Bank and wife. j k: DIVORCES. Larry Simmons vs Jans Simmons. T JuB Morrla ya Sylvester Morris, ' I AD ether eaaei tubject to motion. AMI parties and. witoeaaetcooeerned will at toad court on day ease it set for trial as above ttatod wlthoot further notice. B. COLLINS, " ' pA-. aerk Superior Court Jooes Co. Thta Marck?lb, lULiac 001 twtfMUtOta IMMOtveat aoAOoeS) Why la e blade ef grata like a ante of band? Beeanse It tt mttired by xajunc one. ' :. -.- -a- .'- if k FOLEY XIDNKYPILL,. Vl li Neutralise and remove the " noieooe that causa backache, rbeornatiem, aer vouaoeae and all kWJney and bladder b regalaritiea- They build op and restore t&e . natural aeuoe oi, ueee ytui.err gsna.-r. B. Duffy. - , . .-..j ' 1 r ..:. t'. ri.'A New'Messe,' .-':? A yoang woman who had not partto slarly enjoyed bef .first trip a erase the ocese' wss b( A party discussing the aamee cbosen by the different eteaav ship companies for lb sir boats. ; . Thry try to get aometbisg dlstlaO- tlvs, yoo see," said one, fso that ooe can t!l from tbe came what line It belonira to. For Instance, (ha oamr of (lis White Star Hue boats 111 end la le. Uks Teutonic snd UsJefUc They have rrnlly rearhed the end of the Met t tare hoard, and are at a loos what to cams the Doit one that th(y build.' That ought nor to be bard." core- C.i iitoJ th yotlnt Woniaa rrnilBlscofrt tr, "Why d'.n't they try Coskr-LoV d.tf' Uome JouruaL , 'ry's Hor ry and Tsr it lh I't r f 1 vr (''.:! ss it v l. i a tr ! I I I r r .. "1 J. , i, la st, b- .te A I .t. I - COMMISSIONER'S SALE OFH.JJ UTiTE. f the BasertsrCaeitotr Kak of Vwitu so. Mute WlUte. ST. o. u. wait, w. q. WDtto aaa J. kf. AmM Hi tt MoMBtxr Tana. UU.f Said m (J..1 InxKi Ixriac falted Is iadwa Um kad ) lurftor Assart) OS orovkM ia aattardor.i win. so Waoas.tlM lose W jL. aof A suH tsM 1 -t L. ftT -a I to soootr onrt hooss dosr to How Bon. H, C Lsess od bsisa si the te sad ooios sfasV Paplbi, Jones, Lenoir, ;Onslow, ' Cart oodioHo.itsshts.oosaBs hi toolosft retr.Psnca and "Wake, hi -the Su- of thssosdssttfasowlaf the Oowaaa Losdbw BretM aad Federal Conrta -and vW. - , thmmmian the asid tea tos Site. Umbo s straisht So ocross a SsM to lUr A Wrth- wttk- fcos aao So th (Nsoss) rssd; thooos eowa aoid road to tho bosav-l siae.oonsinliictwonly4TO aero. Mora or leos, saos. oomsmins wswyff ocn odbtktrmctof Iaa4 oosn WU W No WUB. asorsysd t tot sold and Ida' wife 8onkWflna.slootae toUowtaer dooertbsd tnat eIsa4.BOs1odatta'waJtsooJies4as&eaa stdoof Mooos rhron tkoaoa oartb tdos.at with Bollwoor's Bo s. Aonoi Haoa'aHa. tkoase with sold Dixool Bas to the esraer of I said Bobowayg sae oo too swlsr roast taoBos wttsssUliBSteaerenoaioaBootlwdlrWael Bqi sad Goo. HUH ;, Jfcta with said dMatoa Hn to tbseoraor oetwooni traetaf bukl ul Uui-Vm. Til. luri- UodiositboBos with esntor of sold InaBehtalta mouth, thooosm NoossriTirtO tfaa harliuiliio.'l sad Hocrss eoaveyed to IdaGoskias; slaoaaotli-l et tzaetsf toad MOtaJnims . m fa:ml''c': loss.boiiBdd am th soU eaeV by Neus. I rlrorsadTwkv's Crask. oo the Bortb by the toad of W. Brswor. aod em the east by (he hud of HaawAivetettfced, the shove dser Federal courta setoctba toad hold to (not by tWUIhfnrLwZl,. A " . reaeral courts the hob of tea Willis end esaveyedr said oeoBWaiis. r . r - Thisathjiay of Mawb. 19U. R. A. NTJNN, ADMINISTRATOR'S BALK OP. LAND. if st Marka, Admiaistratar of Teadopo Tndwn I dseooisd. BaasJbal Badhaai sad Isnls Bsd- -haaa. hiswtfa, sod Aoaootos Reynolds. . Pnnaut totfcsoathority and power obtained I beat the Saperlor Caort of Aavoa eooaty, 1o OmIUI ttOu. D.J1... ..J Atarastos RovpoMs. th sadsfhriwd will atj e'eiotkovoathe aeBosdiioB I wsta day of the said asoBtiuV at the oort boas doer Id Cravoo ooonty. oti to th. IhwhsstMdoerfOTeoah thoJoUowtet dnsriaid oSf laad irins aadboind In that sort of tba city of Kw Bora nwsiaiwly eallod Psvtotowa, sad linn. t rnHiiMa- i . Basiniiias si the anrthawt iidoiesmina of aai faa MonaysteosU and Tonaiaa northwardly wenay strsat aiaty-oo foot, these iwaraiyaaa saraiw wiui tfty-flvs othwartlysdpralii with MinraystroM sins ty-oofet te swhr atrsot, thane wojtwsrdly aloo jtalattrsottoth b-ruwlns. toetborwlth I " baessekasto thorooow M M MASKS : Adaialottssst slanesuV MU. S W Wn himtsoh. Attarasy, ADhUNI8TRAT0RS MOTICB. HaviacasahSad as admlaiotratorof the ostata of TWaes Oatot eossasod, tote et Craves oouaty. North OaioUaa. Thai to to notify aU aorsoas aav eaeybofMtbaetheayoflW rearyllX,teto actios wlfl ho slsadil la hoy ladsbtad aaaaJI saisra wianMoasaasao aaais-iaits saioi. JOB K. WILU9. Tbtottkevef MSU. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. MertbCanHasi.. tVeadwe0.lataetOraea Osaaty Morth Caro-I anafraU siisnsi hartag tlih oatsaaef the isld dssssssd as seoMSt ItheaaaMBwa os Kotos o hotsia the 11th. Asy ef foay. ISO or thas setto wttl ho aSaatai s of V-n swoons hidiitii le estete wiS M. SL MASKS. ' , .AAojieiotosSor. stW.wUIXAMSON. . Asawosew-J"-..' . . '" .yr.. arratsrAWUf as aa-aratnwa lathe iVv! u asanas . ... wd sake that aa osoka oataUsd a to tts tuyarloi Coort of Oasvom Om sty MoatBeraffwa toBoaeeof BaMraaaay aadtaseald tsfoodsal 111 farthor toaa.aotioa that he a rosalrai ss apeoar at aw of Quo prior Ot twssld oaaatrtoWhsot oa thooth day of Sooraory. MU. oi 0s eoaal hooaoaf soldosaawleMew Bars." H C sod a Qwotorliaiorasth isanktotto saalorUasW UMtoJoiiVwtnaoly aithoesoaS Sathsyu toostoi U WATSOrt.V 7 EXECUTOR'8 NUTICXv v-f- TV svUnlcMd sotiie doty eoaltiUd O . SstoitaK. Wititeo ixMod, aotlta al imw U whom a bvtad or hao otaaos ur.iivt k Ut ts unit IM oust U so alni4miiif to wfiil oo or Wna Cu Say ( rw P stily soiSoailostxd or OtO otio IUUkwd aahwof tk rMrv. A to.hMi to tt Jinn I ore ri4 to m.k OnaM.:ta aarsMna ta tko wil i, " ; '. ... EO.DMt.rt. r.'y.n tilt '.'.". - . - ' v- 4 If y -i Vsrs t-t :' ! In ft'g ri I of 'i It.jf t. - y'l are t 1 it It no r-l f-.r 1 t ' T S-. 8 t ' 1. ly . 1 rosrasry UtKlSOr .If r -v f - - Mora 01 1 its. ' t Uton Androws k.' '. -. - -.' ; .-7-: VS v- ,' eeeje04oooeoe " 1 P." K. SiMsasta; r v A..D. Wart, : VUuiait AITOKXKVS ASD COUNSLLOB8 -nw.fiii;Ts,'ei' " Offlo Room 401-M Elkl Building w BWfcsee are desired. " RAYOOXQ POLLOCK, H. D. iclaii and Surgeon - : i v " OFFICE 168 MifJ.I St hone7l0 1R. ATTORNEY ANP COUNSEL . LER AT LAW Hughes Building Craven Street New Bern, N. C. vntven, ineret, jonea ana famllco and wherever services are de- aired.! DISEASES OF THE En6, Ear, Hose and Throat ;- " AND General Surgery Office In Elks Temple Next Caton, New Bern, N. r ' , .. . Dr. C. R. A; COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports,- Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMPLE. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice In the counties of Craven, Carteret Pamlico Jonea and Oimlow nui)owie oupreme ana Federa I Courta. ., Ofloe Ne. SO Craven Street. - Nsw Sara, N. C. SOUTHERN 1 RAILWAY fOCTsiXRI RAIL ff A I BCHEDHLkB r M,' aU-Tbeoe flgures are published to-tafonaatWead are not gusraa- Ha 31 Lee Ootdaboro, N. 0H 6.41 ' aw ta, taroegh tralu with chair 1 ear be AshevUTs, connecting at Beat DerhAffl; tor Oxford, Hen dsrsom, kToytvUlt and Richmond at rftatveTflty tor Chapel HIM: st Qrswosboro for Charlotte and ' all BwlaU totta. also for Da. " ( ,aie, Lyaehbnrg, Charlotusvilis .Washington, and al point X Ue-Liures Ooldtboro. 1.05 . m. - -for OreMbora..aaadlH through tlbMaBaleUk. to Atlanta, coa ?V- t. al.-Qreenaboro for all -5 ';, petate aorta, aowtk sad west HOi' lll-Leavee Gosdeboro 10.45 p m - ' -for Qrssotstoro, kaaalea pallmao i JUlelgh - to Oreetabero. - cow aajeta at Oreeesbofo for Char y. I letto, ' AUsmta ( New , OrVsaea, ' . -Aahevnie, RaoxrUla, , aJae tor f Daavflle; Lyaobeer, : Char Vet j,4eevtne. Waaalastoa,"u4 aU J potato Mrtk,,;:. Jbew.fsrthsf tafonaatfee ea aay too there ticket asset or aAdret't the aaderstgae. ; , v, ,V;'r r . n. f. CARr,'i''" r ' ,t , ' ' . .aeaersl rssseatwr.'feat " ' " .I ' WaaMnrtoa, D. lv""; t ". - W. . PAENTLL, .- ;,, ' ' TratollBg raaaeanr AgeaV ';' " . Bsloirh. H. C t f Yd .1 - , f