seeeeieevevaa rf::;fs::::ii-'CEOS;!R:A tt u t :s or.. - - - . - -f '' - - ' ; f 1 ' :i,f si ,vt V- - t - v, , .. : r4 - .. Nijl .1 ' : I " " rrVJ, jljT :f " 1 !' - - SB I 'J- r - i vr Al Vv S IVerar5,'""n!iA5 lueSioaodBaa Promotes Di&sfionflwifiJ ness and BestJCootains eetSv OpiumXarphiae imTtfuraLJ NOTJNARCOTICvl X Jktstit.. , i MmrJM- ltegmaAM- : ftnorfefl tion . Sour Stomch,Dantmj WonnsjConvmsionsJ'CTEnsr ness eiuiLoss ui auu Facsimile Signature of NEW Y0UK.w- Exact Copy of Wrapper. iG. S. ft r ISSUED MORNJNa EVENING AND SUNDAY':' THE GREAT HOME PAPK OF TIDE 50DTD i' THE NEWS OF THE WORLD is traUierod by & welVtrolaed avkoUwrraepondentaot TEH SUN wad woA intarecUntr manner enata xnornlns- nd As a chrcmlcla of world events ItlE Ul4 la invizirzMaJWLj Italia Its boraous In V. achlaetoa nd Maw York Boak tta wrvm trom tbr lagialatly aiid HrumciM (intent of ttaa country the beat that can be otkUnad AS- A WOMAN'S PAPER THS SUN baa no antwrtor, bataa morallf and lntalleciually a mper of tha bisrhast typ. II pobilahaa tb very bast' feature that ea4 be written on taahionj art and tnisoeUrJiemM tnattara.. TUE&tXIt'BfaarketnawsmBkefltABUSINESSMAN'&NECESSrry lor the intrant. ib norchant aod the brolrnr oan deseed upon oomplata ad raUabl lafcciaaUon upon their vmrtoua Unas of trade. : . ' Py Hill THE SDH (Horning or Eminj) b 2&a Hcmti or $3' a Yor ind TEB SUN, Homing, 'Evening and Sunday. ;.V 470 4 Tot ' AddreasAUOnUra to.', v. j, . ' 4 ; THE RQllTG OP THE' v. "NIGHT EXPRESS V Schtdutt EfTecttvs lartuftrj 29. 1 9 1 1 Tne olloWrng schedule figures pub Hahed U Information ONLY end are not guaranteed. ,' 1 'f ' i TRAINS LEAVE" NEW BERN ' . v NORTH AND WESt POUND ; . -1 It SO a in,' TXty-Nljrbt EprM Pull . ".men Slerping Car for Norfilk, . : 'SiflO a m. Dftirv for Norfolk. ronneel ,', '. ; V Parlor car sarvioe. - , , r 'Isa5 p m, Daily eirpt Eumly for . . VVaahtngtm, llhavertjCraafiVills :V v ' . - v." WilU and RaWtgh. ' . ' Y 430 am. Daily-Night Fxpreaa for -, JoVJstoro. , '.; lift t to, Daily tor Goldabora, , .. . .' 5 i a.oa . - ; ' fart bound ' - ... -' . .,'. . " - , . t2S ft m, Daily for Basufort tXO-a'm. Daily exrrt f.r - OrifnlsJ. , , 1.00 p m, Dily tt Ori'i.ul. ' Fr fur'hTir.f'.fms'l.'nnrri r.'. " f Puilman i .'"V'g f -r . 1 (O T. It. I ' M.r t, T, A . ? a .' N.'C. ' - V, w. fr 0T7r?i, w. p. i : G P. A. f I C t 1 I . t .e, ...StAlO va V - V f I -- . - . ssr i r . ' ' - - .. -v - - - - . ' 1 Bears :tEo', Signature' of, UNCLE SAM With hi estimated ' seventy-1" five million population can not make better selection in f asei. of war, than yoa can to make ;: 1 1 your selection from our stock ., I tt Hand-made Buggies and C rriages. . Gome to sea us.' Yours to please,: Waters, &:S6ns 1 -a i ; a . ; n i 11 .3 l it 2 ' - t ? r Th rtv Years; 't '.thbobntauhmmmnv, hkwvorikhTv. 1 ' ' - ll.llHil IUIIIIIL!!.. Ilmijl. !. 111.11 ' ' III li.l.....Li-il"-"' T - Ml BROAD STREET ri I";. NEW' BERN; N.,6 , J- "VJ BALTIMORE, Ma :'. sot Wot tb Yotutsrs la QouriM waakdur itarnoon. ' " A. 8. AfiELX. COMTANY tllaStly Irrltalsd, . foiir i'ii.'.!'1 miiiUl lare S t!'t: solid f ""-1 tli 1 t h t;:" to niifl, aald t!i . Mat to in I la K-liT lu'i'i'rrl il. Bl!n if. ' -Tlii'iiiv''""(';H"ll "t ' bla," rn.'.lwl I? a C !(r, -ntt I nl- 1 by t h , i.t l! i. . " Ttit (r I ' 1 1 ' 1 I . t i r i t i I v 1 l t , ."'! 1 t fasaaaBsasaawMiiKa"" y -! ! ) , 1 1 u'"1. , . ..... A .. I f ' " ' j t - - - 'I , , , . . . - - i i i . I II. ...ji " 1 i - ..... , f t .1 t r I It ta t t t " ) f-rous, r r it 1. , t I f J u.. . t tv.s t.n -e on ta i y i Jo a t' e cc; . : 83 f ' f Cut it suirs or a tmndre-J otL-r t;, do eTery duy tiiiLv'v.t a t.'.ut cf personal 'barm.' More people are kU.: i each j ear by falling building material, more die trom fright, thso are killed by lightning1. The census bureau shows only 1C9 people killed by lightning lal this .entire country . during a given year, and only thirty ot these people were killed In the cities. - Heat-and the -sun killed 7C3 during the same year, 203 died from' cold and freezing and 4,885 were drowned.; K. ' ' But yon wilt And it quite a wast of time during a thunderstorm to try to ease -the tears .of : ft person who Is afraid V telling him or her that the chance of being 'killed by lightning are less than two In a million; they will remain just as frightened tor all this mortuary knowledges Ana after the atorm has passed ana nervjfea are steadied the; woman ".who was so frightened a few minutes .before will! start getting supper on the gaa stove, smiling through her-tears that the danger, pat all passed and only laugh lng If- yon Venture the: remark that twice as many people are Wiled by fas stoves as by Ughtnlng-Oountry, Life In AmerlcC 'i "f-rt'inu .'linn? t,H"W,mf Sjf'd 'Learned His Own ValuaTi,! ' A husband and wife combination la Vaudeville, with" the- husband as tne feeder and the wife as the rfeat at traction, worked for Lew . Fields In one of his summer shows. "'The two were very popular and got mucb news paper spate also' Jhey had. $1,000 a week.' . One day the husband, puffed np by what the newspapers said about the singing of bis wife, went la to see Fields. - - '- vf "' ; , rii ' - "Mr; Fields," be said. It Is 1,200 a week from now on for us or we quit right here." "Twelve hundred, h?" Fields asked. with interest: -V- ' - "Yes. elr, $100 ft, week or we quit and go out oq the big; time Jo 'the Morris circuits i ...Mjrell. Bonny,"- said -Field. !S tmna ari awful lot of your wife's work,bnt I.dont think 'she Is worth, $1,175 ft teek to me,M-r8aturday tlvenbig Ppsfc n. .. ... u,,u' '"i. ' TlfAfm anil paeMaa- . - - ' Here Is ft good story from the collec tion of a -German school Inspector. The pupils were being examined on the Subject ofsersonal bygleoe A. boy was asked. ."What have you to do in order to keep your' teeth sound and white?" -''Clean them, was the prompt reply."' 'Wheijr .'ought you - tp. clean themr' i"Mornlng noon and night" "What are they to. be cleaned: wttbr "Withft -toothbrush." ---Verygood. Have you. a toothbrush V? "'Nov lrv "Has your father ft toothbrush "No, sir. "Has you t mother toothbrush r Nov sir.'!, ?;Butrhow-do yotr know about the nee of toothbrushesr-We sell them, sir J-'V. .-'iT ; -...c -r. m .s- , . ChaweteHa Hsnrfwritlni? ,' I showed a profess pt caligraphy a letter I had received. Be took a very unfavorable .view of , the handwriting. It was tbe handwriting,- he told me. of ft' tnaa without learning, without gen. IDs, wlthont feeling, And, now sir." 1'! said, .."will-' you - took 'at the - signa ture?? '.The letter was written by Lord Macaulay-Aruold's fTttree Cornered Estays, I. '..;'; jv? it- rns Ti rTPvrs'e ' CASTORJ A Minister , of Finance Lrmahtour, of Mexico, stated m New. York, thst 20. lOO United Stktes troope,oojb Mexi can rooter were not necessarf te stop v. NdT A WORD OF 8CANDAL mamd the4 call of ft'nelghbnr od Mr. W P Spangh of Manville. Wyo who said: 'nhetold me Dr. . Kink's "New Life Pills had cured her of, obstinate kidney trouble, and made her feel like a new woman." lanv. but sore reme ty for stomach, ltver and kidney trou bles. Only aa at an ueaiere. " -. Orlsln et the 6aw. j ' AccordloB to Anonodortis, the Inven tion of tbe saw came about In the fot-lowlng-wayr Talua, so the sccount gr. having found the Jawbone of a hnire aunka, 0d It to cut through lilwe of' wood aad. (mllng that It workM ao-welL formed an liuitruni(nt of Iron ttuitiar to It The first saw mill cetirernliis wblh we imTS any rlrar knowli-ira waa ewftrrt on tbe I!Bnd of tlsdelr . aouiaa hrra alx)t the year 14"0. A fuw yr Ist'T boa 'si Imllt St llrvslati.. Tfmra T,eo swriitlli tn Engiauil rr1r,f 1 ln t!i.t yier ciiB ws Imlil Unre t y a Injtdiman, but be waa f rTc to absa don It. fs nil'.is vrrs i'-'l ri'.-r U'liflut) iit 1770 New Tork An. i tat. .' V.). 1 1 n v" 1 I v r' ,, ;.f..'T( T .. . , i ... , f - It T ,.." . .1 , L. i k.-lL..., e'.:y ;;'i cf a twtl ! . r - ' L'.mn-ir.s HjJ Z Liver Y-tj' uLlor (TL& rowJc-fTcra) ia a fins tomo for a cisordeied liver. ; It ftcla promptly ; The bilious impurities which have interfered wita. the free action Of the liver are driven out, the stomach is - cleansed and strengthened . bo . that J.t- can more thoroughly - digest iood. The bowels are purified and a regular habit- re-established: It' is a .splendid medicine for the whole .system, Promotes a feeling. of energy:' mental activity and cheerful spirit . SsM by Dmims.: rrtaiwg Mdag, JWW Inula prefat I SUni, koltl.; J. H 7Z&M ft CtL Prop, St IMs, Ko. na auaa qr wrvama. . ( Dreams are-nOf-mer fantasies ef 1' tha hratn: )mp ra a brid stomach a Aik In 0 rmriM wMi tbaKWtn b1)Mt.' It yam cuutM tt. mil to u. wlU Ml by mil ponri4. flimuon, uw tumUMtU llouU totm tor tboM who Brain U. VlM. a4 fllseasedltmnitU bat are .the natural 1: Kate Eubank et al, vs Archie Cot RMupnMM 'of: events, which have ee I Mas a tuallv taken tolace. In nte. declares an vT . . ... .... ir., ... ...... :1 emfneArDavehnloslflf and nrofessor of mMinina.- MieidoPtor aaiierts that the brain, working while oho sleeps, acts a screen, on wnicn iu uituga wa 1 one" baa been doing during the day are ! refleete(lCf;He declares. that supersa t Hon regarding dreams Is "bosh" ana adds' that-If onewere to realUe that dreams uri nothing more or leas'thaa the' photographs of events lu which one, nas been -tne enter actor a great deal will be added to one's, peace Of mlndnNew xork Tribune. kAtf ' Il),.i.l.iii:.l-"st,-' I SjriEdward Grey Brltiah . Foreign Secretary, -savs Britain's- naval-build-! lno noliee waa'racticaUV governed by't - t - : j . . 1 jfhat.of Germany. ' v-jruoooras. Don't lUistake tbe Cause of Yoofl ronbteL: JXSTewBern Citizetv ."' Shows Sow to Cure Them. ' - r. Many people never suspect their neysjiAt suu""B "; muv,y wom Ar'ahino-.hark thev think that rtls On-t r". - S i V . ' trouble sets in they think it will soon orrect tytS Aod lt is wftK a0 that must cure tnese trouDiea or xney TOi lead to more . serioua onet' The .best remedy to Use is Doan'f Kidney fills. It cures all ilia which are caused , by weak Of- diseased kidneys,1 Hew Bern people Jtesttfy to permanent cures r.L A. Smith,1 18 Griffith St,", .New Bern N. C.J " Says; : "Backache .caused me a'ereat deal of suffering, and I had! other distressing' lymptoms of kidney complaint.. . iloau i, K.ionev ruiftv wnicnt I procured from Bradham Drug co. completely and permanently cured me. I hsa-a nnhllrW' endoraed this ramedVI my fo;UteU'tOf caaa weaKnesa ot , ainneys, ; eiae oiedDtfaa'a Kidney JPills and was re- Ueved.".J1rr 5. , Fox sale bj.eU oeaiera., prioe, so cents.. .-Foeter-HtUDora coi- Buffalo, New-York; sole ageaw for me vanes Statee..'' .,.'jrv.'Vv-: - Raw ember the take b othet, v' asaie Doaa'seat p . .V Mean the Same. :j. ""Wbafs the tlUe Of your sew book. "I'm colling tt "8iod For tbe Boll "Isn't Ihst a bit ktale? Why not call It -'Lettuce- Alonsr ", Boston Trai script- ; v.N.- ' If 1 avetrouUe in getting nd of yotir oi l yau msy know that you are t tr f ' t it proper'y. 1 re I no I ? a fiol ahotilJ hRng on for t ,.1 not If y t-kJ,smbfr s Cm. h Kcn-edy. i ir.iia ty au A Hi em ef Wsler. A l ur J"t of wsl'-r a.!',! i i it n r-'nn , . l I. ita t . I- ii I' f pi i r i I :f a'ui. 1 1 f-oi 1 I'l X -I I t J t f f i m f h n ! i n t - ' r ! - Jones Cvuaty j;tiiGr Court, "pring IS 11.' MONDAY, APRIL 3D. A3runlnJ eases. . : t -' !-.4 -Tl'ESDAT, APKEL 4TH." " . - - .. - SEE Eubans vs Amos Bee toe t al 14 ty - vs Blades and Roper "Lumber 15 Foy vi Blades Lumber Co. ; - - 16 Smith Courtney Co. vs Charles A, Rhodes. -i,'".-' 18 Meadows vs Perry et L 4.t 21 Reynolds et al vs Kinaay etal r- 22 Roper Lumber Co. vt Bodsoa at al WEDME9DAT. AFftDV bTB.V;'4,; 24 W M Ward vs J D Heath. - 3;-'-1 25 .BeD va Brink ley. -x'5' V ' V?- 26 FoIlocksvilU Banking Trust. Ca .vs W M Jones Adm'r. -"v -... " -' - 27 PoHocksville Banking A' Trust Co. .vs W-M Jones and J H BelU r 29 W R Kelley ve'CR Johnaoav -. Lewis Lee vs Craft ft Tomer et aL Si Eure, Harris ft Ceo. H. Do VftJ. s'! r 82 Euro, Harris ft Co. va M N Harriett S3 8 W IMer vs Golds boro Lumber Co. 85 Wymsattft G L Co. vs S D White i H Simmons vs Henry A Brown. 1;: ... . ,t V. , I""es t n-nwes va oyuiau oupp.j UMnpaoy, .ri... . 1 u unge uenuew vs w Vf ureen 141 T A Bell va Munger ft Bennett. k z ra A Bytes et at vs J no Agones. iw viup mi i v vj . 45? Isaac W Holt vs Asa W Morton.' 1 ureeo, Toy dcuo. vs l n uarrus. 2 J A Smith extr vs- W M Hawkins and wifev r - ' 1 . 8 P EKoonce Vs J H Taylor et aL 4 EL Haughton vs ClyHe Eby et al 8 National Bank, New Bern vs J B Banks and wife. ' DIVORCES. 1 88 Larry Simmons vs Jane Simmons. 1 47 Julia Morris ys Sylvester Morris. "All other cases subject to motion. AH parlies and witnesses concerned will at- tend court on day case is set for trial as i aoove aiaiea wunout turtner notice. - ....... .... , , J. B. COLLINS, Clerk Superior Court Jones Co. (This March 7th, 1911. E:;:5i:ESTEn spills DIAMOND.' BRAHD tH - ,.. 7 i '-i.j)tB9 f Ask ra SranrMt for CltKHBS-THk'6 1 t'AMOND BRAND PII.WI la Ao andA "'&AttISiV m bha - nuB. - a":;',a" XBftTBO' ;in an article on i nomas . ueea in the Century Henry Cabot. Lodge re calls an. anecdot which Reed used to tell with glee; . It waa about his exam lnatlon for admlaalon to the ar of nsHfnmla " A' vnnna annthanr Jmi wnrai tha ina foi axaminatloa at ys same time, ' The Judge asked the soutberner IT. the jegal tender, sets i were consurno,nai, vno ne r: youngi I a i answered wlthont a moment a owimuun, - fiu. ;. wis mw J"a ieaaaaeWerea evivVS w,iu .aid the Judge, oa are ,dmlttAj .who cas answer -that qneattoo without healta- Uon ought to be admitted teaay bar." I r- -' , nmimtt" f T fTV TTff I O I Ul &l UVIUitlil'i' IWaJ tea bAOsuOMS KviiMiais amb StAoeaa - ' ' n" ' ; :- ' Careful Aheiit Ha Vote.- Y'1 : Often a man's reasons for giving et withholding bis vol r eubUe, Once a country saulre solicited the support of a notorious poacher whom he bad previously sent to, Jail. v The tnaa de cllned to give tt. -: - ' " "But urgod the BMgtatrate cand date. Hhat little poaching aSalr waa years ago... You ahould let bygones be bygones.'' f-.-s." ."Uv,., . ... . Ml. ....n. tnm Inoklns ana A " piled the man. "It's tbe reason why yon did It thst pots me against yoa." TV'hst was the reeaoaf - Why, you said I had stolen reb ut, snd tt was a hare. ao.tbe mta who flun't know tbe fl'.Torwe ain't Bt f r a member 0 parliament" Loo- dun Ctirtiil le. ror-cr.DTo leave home. jr-. pry r-a r s 1 -a r1 - ' r r t.t ix-or --y jrr s r an 1 t i f 'l I f ' y - 1 lH - . - EXFaTUTOR NOTICE. J: . , . . .... . i HaviBCaliat4 u ucutar f tta bat tl a Xrtawat of (Mm Sumb & jTtii jiWl Mto f Cctm eooatj. Nortk CuoUu. .Thto Ja tsaatliy ali oa binc mi jnn UtalohataaBitoaM..jr aatoratlwH, 4wti March ltthM kotica vfll at frfapdea P. la bar at taaa- neorvr. AHpanooa fadabM to "m aateta will alaM awlaaMdiaU vantat -r 1" : rv-r-.. Li?l COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL -T- JT1 V ESTATE,-" "'-'ih fnrmant to aa oxdr f tta Saparkr Covt af Onvaa apaaty. N.C mmU iatfa attka anflUed Baak at Vaaaabara . Macon Willi. W. A, Oea4 ft a WUta. W;X Whtta ana J. M, Arnold At U MflrambarTam, Ilia at. uldjnort. tbe aW tadasta kavtos faflai Aa. ndaan tiw land laaftaraaieriM aa prvridail- ia ada(aaL4 aadaravraad aaBuntaaaaar' vBL on lata, da, of April. 1MV atrlT a'eMek If. at tha aanatreaBztboaaiaaw laMaa'Bani. N.!&: Sar for aria to fat Uehatt bidder , for eaMv l I taa ivuowmM awwnnaa wai-anaw; . ' Lyiac and beins ta tbaa'ato aad eoanty aid and in N. I township, betiuains In tbf fork of tha raaaa at tta aaa Ot tha Cowpeo Uidln Mm; tbsDoadowa tha Mid Mna toa ditch, ttanoa a ctnucbt Uaa aeroM tha field to Mary Ana Weth arinctaa't; . thanca wtth her lino to thiamin (Neun) road; thrniea dowa (aid road to the Win ning, containing twentjr-flo acrei, mm treaa. and beins tha tract of iind eonvaxed to tbalaUd Macon WUlia by Norman Willi, and hi wife Sarah WlUfa. alw the following deseribed. bract of land, beginning at a white oik and go A on the Id of .' Ntusa river; thence north t dug. ut With flolloway'e line to. Aaron Dixon'i- line. thaned with said Dlxon'e Una to the corner of aid Holloway'l line aSt the. main road; thence withuid Una toacypreu in a pond, thfl dWislon between Handenoq Hill And Goo.- Hill: theace with laid diTiaton line to the corner between thle tract of land aad' tha Wm. Pate land; thence .with uld Pate lhm ta the branch near Cowpen I Jilting; thence with center of id branch ta its month, tbenee op Neuw river to the begmalhg, cooUfota 140 aeree. and excepting a tract of S and 34 sarei convey edto Ida Gaskina; alao anoth er trect of land containing 287 acres, mora; or les.boiinded on the' bnth and west by Neuse river and Tastor'e Creek, on the north Ay ike Mnd of Wm. Brewer, and on the east by the kfids of Naney Aiverett, deed, the above described hnd being the land held in trust by Peter WUlu for the heirs of Sarah Willis and conveyed by said aoon Willie, This 9th day of March, 1911. R.A.NONN, ' r Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF LAND. U M Marks, Administrator of Penelope Tredrell deceased. 'Hannibal Badham and. lame Bsd' ham, his wife, and Augustus Keyiiolds, Pursuant to the authority and power obtained from tha Superior Gourf of Craven county, in the speeta) proceedings' entitled li. u. narks, sd- mlnlrtratar of Penelope TtedwelL deceased against Hannibal Badham, JTsaia Badhsm and Augustus fteynolds, the undersigned will at 12 o'clock M. on the second Monday in April 1911.' (it 3prblng the tenth day af the said , month.), at the court bouse door hi Craven county, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described lot of land lyingknd being In that part of the city of New Bern commonly called Pavietown,' and bounded as follows; Beginning at tbe northeast Intersection P xin and Murray., stmts and running northwardly along Murray street ninety-one feet, thence est- wardlx and parallel with ' Main -street fifty-five feet to the bud now owned by Simpson, thanes southwardly aad parallel with Murray street nine iy-ene feat to Main street, thence westward ly alone Main treet to the beginning, together with one house situate thereon. ' MM HABX8 -Administrator March 9th. 191U B W WILUAM80N. Attorney. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Bsving qaslilled aa administrator of the estate ef The mas Gates deceased. Mta cf Craven scanty , North Carolina. ThM is to notify all persons ha log claims sgslnst said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned en or before tneata dayef Feb- rasry 1S12. or this notice IU be pleaded ia ef their recovery. All nenons todebud to said esUtswill plsaeaaiase immaileu pument. JOIK. WILLIS. ' ; i AdaOniswator. This fth day of rebruary.lSlU. .; . . g. at ORgBM; Attorney, .ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.., HorthfWlmv.-, Craven Coanty, . Bavlae aaaUAed es administrator of Pwnwca Tread welL Mta of Cravaa Coanty North Osro- ttnai thai Is to notify sB peasooa having sUhna as eetato of the aaalaaasassd to present I m paymrat a r safbra tba lltft. day of yaby, JSlf at that BaMes will be plesd la bar of parasas htdabtad to estate will pUeas matakaiedhtopajanat. Uth.Ua. , . ' 'iW'V.'ii, - . AieaJstrator. ft. W, wTLUAktBOTI, v AUaraav . - . . .- 11 ' "eXECUTOU'8 NOTICE., , J, fbeaadenWaaj'havbtg'daly eaaftlMd'ae ea atataaaa. .WUUaaw deoeases, aotinaa at pennas to wacsa be waa tadebted ay hav, sUaae agslaat bk aetata to ni'i.snt tha aaass to tha as. erMa-aadeaaeaUfarpayaMataa ay befasatha Bnd,aayatrea,lt(daly aothentteatsd erUle aotkawlllbeplMd Is bar of letreeevyv AS tMM tadted as the diteawd are juirJ to aake hnaakllata, payneal to the wd-nMatt. v ... r.r f 'i ' . Coursge and tha Flea.. Courses la yfnisfanre lo ftr,' ron tery of f'-ar, Oot alpiwef (". - .l . cci't a rrriiura be pwrt rowsnl, h to nvt a rrii.; "t;irnt to Mf it la bra1? ej 11 !. i r. 'y a iKie ttilpiillrBilin of !' no' i. Cormlitir the fis-Jncooa (.r.-ii.!y ttia hrarwut of all (lie crA- i i f r, A If 'irtjortuv-e ef f'.r ware r.m . VUjptlirr yt era aalsvp of t-r r. - tirt you. rurlr i ; f r r. frt (lint In tiuifc ami i i i.ii r f I ! ' .1 SB f f'.e r 1 1 1 1 toooeseoeeeoee It Wmsataas,' . B. Ward, isi::."::;s-i-W vvaro . AfTORKIYS AND COUNSaXLORS Mvjrfw txxa, H. c. Office Rooms 40l4-8 Cka Building Practice in the counties of Craven. Duplin, Jones, -Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, ki tiie Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired, RAYf.:o:;o pollock, m. d. Physician and Surgeon OFFICE 168 Middle St. Phone 710 1R. D. L. WARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL LER AT LAW Hughes Building Craven Street New Bern, N. C. Practioe in State and Federal courts. Circuit, Craven, Carteret, Jones arid Pamlico and wherever services are de sired. DR. II. 1,1. m DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. AJ Caton, New Bern, N. C. J?. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMPLE. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and-in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Office No. SO Craven Street. Tslspsess Ne. 97. Ntw Barn. N. c. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SOUTnleW tUILtTAI 8CUEDI LII N. aWTheee flgurei are published (or Inform atkin anj are not guaraav teod. ? ' " Ma II Leave Ooldshoro, N. C, 6.41 a, bl, through train with chair car te AahevUle, connecting al BaatparhUiL for Oxford, Hen-6Vajsa-IEeysvnie and Ttlckmond . t OaJverslty for Chapel Hill: at Creeosbero for Charlotte and all pwlats eoath, also for Dan "vflle, Lyachhorg, Charlottesville Waaamgtoa; and al' points aofss, w HO. ll-rLevee.Ooldsboro, S OS ,,. m. tor Oreeasboro. bsadles through PoTItaaa ftaletgh, to AUanta. ooa awata a Greensboro for all . ' ' potato sorta. tooth aad wast NO. llfLeaVea CoUahoro 10.4ft p m tor Orseaeboro, haadles pulimaa - tUletgk r l Oreeasboro, eoay ," leets si Oreeasboro for Char totte, - Ailaata , New Orleans, AAhevUla. .KaorvUla, also tor r Daar Die, - Lyaohbar., Charles teorOle, WaahlBttoa. aad n . potato averOu , v.;. M let farther tafornetla aat aay 'oaOiera tlckrt agaot et addreei tkS, mlerslgaed. ' - " J ' - -' -V- , " ' ,IL F. CARY. : v .V -:, . . ; j " '.i Oeaeral raaaeager ttmt,"- " WsAhhigtoa, D. do (.;W. If. PAENELL, : 4 . . Trarallpg rsaasugar A fast ' - .- ftatftg N i:aye ycj t:.::d paxtine The Great Ya'.ist Carm'cldsf -yvu ea'l tsvs to yty 9 or l OS a flnt for an. a aat'.-nk or pr '. 1 : . tou n . II pints of a more sr,s i - it- !.'..!. hwillnt SRI i( ' ' &, . .'!- n a Kh una fin 1 1 rf !' r. S "!'.. bll j " r. i a al si. diug si-'wa. . ; 1 s (aims t at rt:i-a 1 .,-ii,i 1, ' . ,t 1 i 'i ' .1 4-V v. 1 5 1 TV -I A. .1-! 7 - i' -I. V t