ESTALLISIIID . IN - 187S ; " . 1 , M rt mi. TWENTY jNLNTH YEAR 1 , v r i " - J"V" - t ' r ? 4 1 fr j. vir, H' li f IILE maaj people dor not prove posit issued by this for money and yield interest annum Idle money wsavings can De sareiy set to wont, - , i "jr.V c it , sited with this bauk.V ' , Y,".-0 - -r if deposited Deposits ' Subject NEW BANKING, STRUST; CO. I i i' i in i J Broaddus ti -tves Lumber Co. . ..j.,.. M,ii.ii , .ii, iM hikih ... n num.- ' i mm u. .. im..uiii.nin J'mwa ,7 COMPLETE LINE OF 11 ' r EDISON PHONOGRAPHS A!1D SOLD ON EASY PAYMEfrS, IF INTERESTED CALL7ANl HEAISOME.Otf -JJIE aATEST i "THE SPORTING -GOODS, MAN" '4 V'; ; 258 i'V rr;v 91 Middle Street Phone Jjr . ' ,.... ymt. 1.. rr . ;n-, mi:(7:rounn?i:fPrn ' L-JlAL-JUJi-.-':: 4-,'-, One Hundred . Choice Residence Lots ;Ehd,'? -V,' , . . ' - k i ... . t . - v ' NEW BERN, 11 C, At Tliis propcity has been con day to aiy one who h;n a f' attend will secure a V u ' in.' Brothers," tin; 1 in iw . invest their "money h stocks safe, the Certificates of De-. bank afford positive safety at the rate of 4 per cent per to 'Check; Also BERN '-DO YOU KNOW f-.W can tell fine lurobertnore ad-r t-'ivantagepusl than others cant u sf'i?- fs laeetas We take it from , ihe v : -stump and do all.ihe handling our-, felvca, lading money io this wajr ;r-:and that, economizing in one thing h ",nd aaotheV -and'.'.ftt 'UM.'santft time making sure that thd-i qtml- -: TV'' Hy-i right, We sell pine dumber if only-the best there i. ' ' 1 RECORDS. b RECORDS oi Neuse Road,, One Clock. From 1 ": .- - : ' Broad A "J IClHx A. iii. -1 to n I ,.i iti 1 L .mi v . U i i Health I'lcscrvatioa - Adopted. .. Sixitch Coming. llesolution Singers - Xhe next number of the Lyceum Course will be given on March 29ibf by the Scotch Singers of Glasgow, The company la composed of the following: Miesesi Tina ' Crawford, Contralto; Jeanne tte Culhill, 1st, Soprano; Ella Campbell, 2nd, Soprano and Pianist and Agnes Hyde, 1st, Contralto and Reader, and will be fine' attraction an I one that will be greatly enjiyd.' n '-; On Friday morning spoiling match was held immediately after the opening exercises," The:followwg. words were mUaed.- exhaust,- lettuce, sovereign, ac- curBte, privilege, , michevioas, ; itilndry, dependeot, : . parcel, drama, . 'meteor, prophecy, -y iek), roguish, ? peculiarity, auxiliary, ungrammaticaV " The following spelled and missed thej wor48 opposits their, names -'.' ' '- : William Hollister, 8 A SNell Bisbor, 0. o VV'' " p mill fpu- n - --Vl'-Sarah Carlton, "3.': f',J - 'n'v n Jjinqa urown, d. . Cormne BlaloekI, f 4 Gertrude Carra way j 0,r: 4uu mwuivv i. ,WUIie Blades, 6. f 1 Jtobert Barnum, v-iV .,''' YiT ".King BryanS, '-5?J',H " r- Guilford Charlton,, '" William Baily -1. , .",V r. -Mary Armstrong,"; t).. JL' k Jacob Chad wick.,. 3. ' : These spelling- nia'chei Wit) ; be held for the present each Tuesday; and Fri day' morning -j ; ' " account oi several. eases oi small pox in tvwnt i)t was , thought-necessary by thd county authorities - to' hva"all the pupils io the school vaccinated;; ' Dr, Rhem catna up several days this week and on Monday sfter noon, 120 were vac clnated; on Tuesday", 111 and to all about 600 have been - vaccinated. There' only remains about 25 children in school who 1 have not been vaccinated . i . . ,, r. ..... . .... - . ; ' ' il- fi- j j!-. i. t -i. A j . :i I. 4IH rCBUlUBSq WltU WHICH iUB pUpilH ,of the school responded to the appeal to protect themselves and.' others against BflimilAA .Ml TVtJ IHbll IUK UIUQW, - At a meeting -of the BoarTheIdon Friday afternoon a resolution was pas sed that on and after,1 April 1st, 1911, no pupil will be allowed to attenfl school who has not .been successful vaccinnatefr1Th ,br0,ther wil1 "Platn Ma, Dlvin6 within 8 years-. This was' made a per manent regulation at the school. The British steamer Cacique Isashore in LiGirlija chaonel, ChHa,r, .'. L-J 4. 4 aJli C2l. j. 1 i k.-4-w . " '1 4 r 1 I Tj fir it.1: Ml- '.! i II. i iiluiu.uil Showms Visible Supply at llome -r-AnJ Abroad Com- u piled. z , . - New Orleans, March. 18 Secretary Hester's statement of the. world's visi ble supply of cottoir just issued shows the total visible to be 4,487,872 bales against 4,628,882 last week and 4,270, 607 last year. 1 J. Of this the Jptal of American cotton; is 3,363,877 bales against 3,506,882 last week, and 2,927, 607 last year. Of all other kiqds, ioclu-. ding Egypt Brazil, Jno'iaetc . 1,-124.- 000 bales against 1,122,000: last week and 1,343,000 last year; . t , Of the world's vissible supply of cot ton there is now afloat .And held ' in Great Britain and Continental Europe 2,633,000 bales against vs.221,000 last year.' and in Egypt 226,000 gainst 157, 000 last year; in India; 518,003 aainst 758,000 iast year, and in the;-. United States 1,031.000 against 1,135,000 last jear.' - , ':"' H' - ' i .. . - ' " -We carnfji. 'complete line Of Hardware aod want "your riusiness 3 -S. Basnighi Hdw Sickness Among Troops, 4 " ifc 1 i-ir ' Saii AntomoMarch 18.-rGenerali:or -der were issued todays fo v govern "the maneuvers. . They include target prac tce for (he recruits, pracKee "marches by regiment, brigade and, ultimately b? division for' tha purpose of disclosing the efficiency and ntneis, or -thon- trary; of theforce-as a moving and fighting machine, a- , t5',-' t -In particular. the tojiltiplicsUonof orders is io ; be avoiae1?' Jsvery snrea of red tape that can be 'd'spenjed with is to dropped. -The encumpoifnt is ex pected to prove ex (pceaj vlue in this regard.-Tnere are fifty casea" of aick aess among the j-ecfuits, Including one of smallpox. There it no alarm ielt over this at the case is perfectly lsola- ted. 5 h-- Lecture at Court House.' V Monday ' night at 8 o'clock by Inter- natlonalJBible student F. FvJcok Ufl der the auspices ot Peoples Pulpit'' As- location. Brook'vn. N,Y. . f Subject, !Tha Coming of the King, plan lor human salvation, as acriptbraly revealeq, by a long and earnest prayer ful study of tame.:. Adrnisslon free, and no collections. . ATcordlal invrtatiod to t r L J ... -. at "West r I il f n 111 DIE ' -Oi! ;.I FIFTH ''J Stetson Gets .Thirty .-.Years "at . Hard Labors-Other JIeua " bere Sentenced. -Wilson, MarchJ8.-The curtain rang down on the last set on - the Wilson stage of the West and Stetson trial this morning, when. Judge Adams pBswd sentence on these notorious prisoners who yesterday were ' found guilty, "the orraer in the first degree, the latter in the second degree for the murder of Deputy Sheriff Geo. . Mum ford,. Irr this city on Friday afternoon, .February 3d. -The scene- bow' shifts to.JRaleigh where in the1 State penitentiary the final gruesome acta will beenaetedf-?. -Lewis West stood up when ledge Ad ams passed the cenlenee, that ; West be taken to the Wileoa ' jail,- then to the State penitentiary, wherr, he be elee trocuted on May 5tbr between tbe hours of 10 and 2 ircloek4J ., Stetson was sentenced, at hard labor in .the Stat penitentiary for the,term of tbirtv year, "J f 'Prayer for judgment on Jim Simms-, who ie charged with being connected with' the gang, waa continued until next eonrt. ' , t v4 , ' Dave Young, for conspiracy and car ry iug concealed, weapons, ' was 'senten ced to two ears in each -case and to work on the public roads, one sentence to begin after, other ends. -. ' ? As to Tom Smith,-prayer ior' judg- ment was-eontinued.- " 1 Will Lane for conspiracy, was senteni ced io two years in jail and, to work on the public roads. ' .- m- f Wade Williams for carrying conceal- edwespons, was eentenred to jail -for two yearsand work on public roads.1' Mary Young Imprisoned in jail for 12 monthaT t, , - Grand jury? jlid not" find '..frue?. bills sgajnct-Fred Lane and - Jimbo Taylor, who wera thought to have been connec ted with the gang. A " . ' Joseph Cooper Granted fardom. . ;: Joseph Cooper,jbf Craven county was convicted at i the October; term. ' I&jO. Craven superior court of the crime of highway jobbery and gambling and Sen tenced to serve v twelve . months, less seventy days, on the roads.-, , The pardon is conditional and the ret- sonsare, - c , i,", , Prisoner, a darkey- of. good general character v .never, havings been in the courts before," came to -New Bens on the occasion of t. the bi-ntennial cele bration and got is wjtiC negro of bad character and others and gambler1. The bad negro lost and drew his, pistol to get his money back, V hen he was dis armed I) Uw others and his pistol turn d over t the police -' Prisoner has ser ved five months on the'road. The trial judge, two attorneys' who prosecuted, several of the jurymen, all the eonoty ofTlcws, several deputy, sheriffs, 1 the chief of police,' and several policemen and many other, citizens recommend prdon,7 There i no protest. -Ilia pun ishment for the part he played in" the matter has now been sufficient to justi fy 4 MtnHitinnal nrHnn. PnrtinneS -On condition' that he . remain- law-abiding and of good behavior.. Services at Opera House. -The Tabernacle Baptist congregation will hold all their regular services for today at the Masonic Opera House. : Sunday school at the usual hour 9:45, and preaching ' morning and evening. ToniRht, Ihe pastor, A. .C, ' Ehuler, will preach on "Who will be Elected?" Mr. WUliiiL'harn of Klnaton will have charge Cf the mtisic, will also sing solos at the evening service. " '' ' You sro invited to sttend the ser- V.C 8. .- . . O SAVINGS . .- - -r every - w oman , wV J. 4. ' ' ' " io NewT6ern and vicinity , is, jnvited to open an. &c J count subject with "thiaba'alc; Paying bills pi according to this plan entails no eiense; it is really a ccouuinicni uetiiuse ii piacca uie iiuauuai auairs oi i the household upon a systematic oasis.'" One "dollar &jppens,a -checking acjcottiitv V -,t -L : .. tWotnea, find it -;4 ' pleasant recreation to transact their, banking business with us, - , Wrvt DUNN . C DD"R IL S T JUST RECEIVED The;BVst:'B - - - - 1 0c. A GoodiLonsdale Cambric - 10c. I White Checked Waistings - - 12c. . THIS IS FAR BELOW THEIR REAL VALUE I Barrington Dry Goods Co. , : C-A-W-D-Y ' - Another shipment of that Famous Liggetts Chocolates received - by express. . . . SATURDAY CANDY AT 29c PER POUND. Anything in the Drug Line. Prescriptions Called for and Delivered Gaston Drug Company ON THE COR ' . JNER , PHONE No. 65 The: $&XoJllL Store Fox:River ! JONtV 35c: PER 1 :-? -Also FincyIgin Butter ..84c, Fancy Cream Cheese, Imported and Domestic Macaroni N. C.'lams and Shoulders, Ijibby's Trtpe 20c can Good Table Peaches 15J,'3 lb can,- Fancy 'Carolina Whole Rice -7c1b-,' nd loU of other good things, to eat," at bottom prices. -k. - - , ii , , 4. -I'.YOURS FOR CASH ONLY,- ' .., I- -4 kJ:il. McDaniel i ' 41 Middle St, . . ,V Thone t ' H. ' New Bern, K: O - eeeeefeee-e-es-eeeeeee e4e - j posi cmstf !V ; V , , i v t ) ' v ! WW " 1 f II Jlst I ri II is - ,"H PROGRESSIVE- ADHAM TA.UZZELL OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE Print Butter LB. AT McDANlELS e4eee - eeeeeeeet -t v - jr J