i. . ..- .: i . - J . . " r - V ' '-if. ( r s, V"' . ' V t The I0n4 You LUve Always Wizht, auJ which lias Leen In ns for ever 80 years, bus borne the td,rnature of 1", ,' , - " and has been made under his per :: SZtyj0y- mnsA superrlslon since Jts Intaacy. ' yf7J, i Allow no one to deceive yo In this. YAH Counterfeit, XmitaUons and " Jtut-aa-good-' are hut '. Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Inlajats fand CMldren-Experlenoe against Experiment.' lAHatriq?CASTORIAt Castorla U harmleu Buhstltnte for Castor Oil, Pare-'., - goric, Props ant) Soothing Syrups.; Jit Is Pleasant. : lO, contains neither Opium, Morphine not otherllTarootlo ' Bubstancev; Its age Is-Its guarantee.' jit destroys Worms - and allays FeverUhttess,i It cures JDlarrho3a and "Wind ,V Cklic. It reUeves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It RHslmUates 4he rooa, regulates the StomiKh and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep"' The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. y- ; GENUINE CASTORIALVAYS 'Bears the Signature of -i TK, Ta ltsfr " A fl deal of t!,e ira "o;iwt3 ty tee wuikUitr ctawes tua day wpi Arthur Tui.tii compiaiued of tLe J- diction to till luxury Lad never eeea either India or CWna. la on of JoLa Affctoo'S worts on England he cite t esse In which' a boy charged , with (rambling stated that the money found la his poeaessloa had been jnade by picking tea leaves. This led to the dis covery that many persons made a Hy- Ids by picking sloe leave and white thorn leaves la the fields bear Camber' welt and selling them to a local cow- keeper for a penny a pound, 'One man said he pleked,frotB fitly to sixty ponnda a day and always found a mar ket' f of them. -The Jenyes "were subse qnently .sold to- a- wholesale merchant, who obtained as much as. 8 shillings a pound foe them under (ha jrulf of teaf The merchant ? was . prosecuted. : and fined, hot Jor adulteration, bat for 4. fraudlng the revenue. And toe "tea. leaf &ft is. still the. slang name for tha patty one, London standard, , 13 I ll it t f t fiwatbii2-.es e liuj Ues wuh lk - L IV E rt ' f Z C U'LTA T 6 R : - '-,; . (TEX rOWXHS f O&U) ' 1 1 Ji "v is the greatest of all liver' medicines Its powerfol purifying and , .strengthening inauence is at one sppamit ia an improved appetite,--' good digestion and a feeling of strength and energy is the body. -. When the system has been put hi order the yellow cast la the tkia -. gradually disappears and the complexion becomes cleat and healthy. . -,--v.- m f . HainMw,-'"' - . r Aik lor kinlMwlkk.lu . total n r Mmirt H,nvtt tea. wwtH Ml . il,Bua4. ihmh LU hpitw la rm ali.iauti4MHitartfcM aaaanlarM. v v rdc W.W m Wuu. tat IUIUIU41 UMi. J . -. , , T7 y - f H. ZCILIN CO., PROPS., ST. LOUIS. Mo. V - f , r-.- P'jA The Eind You ffaye Alloys Bought lr) Use For Over 30 Years tHt CtHTUH eOWWY. t T SIUMWY SnatCT. WtW TOBK CITT.' ONM 24 DAYS TO EASTER 1 The one day that all Am erican womanhood looks for ward to with keen anticipa tion is now near at hand. With its parade of the lat est seasonable styles Us display of new Spring out fits and its exhibit of fash ionable millinery it is the day of days for the woman who desires to dress fash ionably and well at all times. Have Yon Ordered YOUR Outfit? Time is going fast and if you don't order YOUft Easter outfit soon, April 16th, will be here be fore you know it Don't Te disap pointed ORDER NOW to be sure of halving your new Spring garments ready for this great day.-' We have now on display at our store all that la lat est and best for this season. And irom this large array you are sure to find someth ing that is just what you are looking for. Orlain of the Saw.' According to Apollodoros, the lnvee Hon or tne saw came aooui in toe re lowing way; Talus; so the- account goes., having found, the Jawbone of a huge snake used it to cut, through a A SPECIAL MEDICINE FORKlDNEVl worbod so welU 'formed as instrument BAILMENTS. t i bf lrort similar to 4t . The first aaw- kanv 'elderi opia baWloun Polev's Kidney Remedy a auick relief ciear nowieag. was. erecieu w iu and permanent hetwfit from kidney and ,BlBd ' Maaeirs aomewnere- aoont bladder ailmenU and from annoy inmxrrf the year .1400. , A feflr yeara later one inary irregojaritles- due to advancing was omit at eresiau. nere were no years.' Isaac M.VKegan, farmer, mo , I sawmills in England prior to JWWt, IB says: r'Foley' Sidney Remedy effect-that yeaf one was built thereby a ed a complete cure in my case and It mitchman. but he was forced to aban- aon. it- Hawmius were ereciea pear want others to know of it , F. S. Duf OraVe Mounds In China. '- . ThaJ21ulnese do not use monuments for marking graves. The coffin is In terred about one. foot, below the sur face, and over It A mound Is raised, Its size depending upon the rank of the London aboot 1770. New Xork Ameri- can, a . r i. a .v. J ' FOLEY IUDIJEY PUIS von aucusMtrisM kidnbys amd suavia j'lM.Vit' i i Trwn iHi.iuiiiTiiiiili -' y Finance Minister Limantour's return family and Its feeling toward the 4e. jto,MeSTc'S'City- lanot felt to have in- parted member. creased thehopobf peace." WARNING TO RAILROAD MEN.. " Look out for severe and even danger ous kidney and bladder trouble result ing from years of railroading Geo. E. BelL 689 Third St. Fort Wayne, Ind. was . many , years a conductor- on the Nickel Plate. He says: "Twenty years of railroading left my Kidneys m terri ble condition. . There was a continual db in across my buck and hips ane my kidneysaveme much distress, end the action of mv bladder was frequent and most painful. I (rot a supply of Foleya Kidnoy Pills and the first bottle made a wonderful improvement and four bot tles cored me completely. -Since being cured I have recommended .Je oleys Kid ney Pllla ti many of my railroad friends."-F. 6. Duffy. Visit Our Tailoring Departments F. M. Merchant Tailor 103 JUiddle St. CHADWICK , New Bern, N..; JOSTISTIK Some New Bern "People May Wait Till It's Too Late. Don't wait until too late. Be sure to be in time, - Just In time with kidney ills Means curing the back Before backacho becomes chronic; Before serious urinary troubles set in Doan's Kidney Pills will do this. ' Here is New Bern testimony to prove it -r ' ' ' Mrs William T, Hadder126 East Front street, New Bern, N. C., Bays; "I have had no occasion to trse any kid ney medicine since Doan's Kidney Pills cured me In 1908. I. publicly- endorsed thenl in January of that year, and at this time I give yott permission, to con tinue the use of my stitement My back ached nearly all the time and was often.se severe that I could hardly get Tn h drunken hrawl Honduran soldier oot of bed Jo the moramg. ,Th kidney kliird 2 o-enfir.li snd killed r woundfed8?,etio, bothered mS and felt, tired 26 others. r and languid, ' Dosn's Kidney Pills were so Highly recommended that i got box front Bradhsm Drag Co. It did not take them long to restore me to good health." . - For sale by all dealers. Prlos (0 oeeta. roster -Mllburn Cou, Buffalo, Mow -Tor V sole agents' for toe United States. - . , .- - Remember the .name Doaa'i an! ake bo wflier: ." . ' ' i 'A grotty- Mlaei .. "la matrimony really a failure r "Generally it la a mlss-taksn affair.11 Baltimore American. ' . . ' ' :.i ; COURT : GftLEKDAR onea i County Superior CJourtu "'-"Spring Term 19U. - J "Monday; aprii. 3d, AH criminal cases. -1 if" TUESDAY, APRIL 4TH. 5l E - Eubans vs Amos Becton et al 14 Foy vs Blades and Roper Lumber ' ICo'a. ' 15 Foy vs Blades Lumber Co. laSmith Courtney Co. vs Charles A. i Rhodes. 18 Meadows vs Perry et aL 21 : Reynolda et al vs Klnsey et al 22 Roper Lumber Co. vs Hudson etal. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6TH. 24 W M Ward vs J D Heath. 25 Bell vs Brinkley. . 26 Pollocksville Banking & Trust Co. -inWM Jones Adra'r. 27' Pollocksville Banking ft Trdst Co. " wWM Jones and J H Bell. 29 W R Kelley vs C R Johnaont SO Lewis Lee vs Craft & Turner et al. i ., THURSDAY, APRIL 6TH. I f rr.nl AnffVP If Weeeoeee . i-. i r-rrp. Mir-nirm t" notick or MORTGAGEB.SaLI or : -y REAL ESTATE.- "J, j v tlate mmi sy vrta at Um pMrir tt Mia. BtlNrn; ate S1m whMiMtn44ii nwM ia'tke ttMruUrf 4mU af Cm mm? 1M. rmu m. ti mmSd Mtmt AmI ilttcitintimiaWtoiiubMtOlf 4 to th aadnlcM sad orfaalt biHw saiWfal ortWeatttfanbr bmb ,huf4 itmi ia. tkaaartanwiudwBLaa Msadv thS4tlL.Wat AariLBll. at tmn fefeMk aw at' taa aant crtoioo la Maw Bara.'M. C, aSWiar aAttehWHatWaaaitaraMh,alka ftsla. hrf flawrlbal nal aMata. to-vtt:- - , - ' AoartalapiaMar samalof kta4 tenda Bq Bartta. WSBa Lads DlnMaiaaJatfat haaJii foltowm. Lytav attData 'aid Uiam m t rt . a to aM Haa aad mas with said ; ttaaaarth U wast Si poke Own aoath Tf art 1 aaha ts Clajr Btaaeh; Ham with wi4 braaea. Ia.dkrfia hmnftcanmt tan with JanMr'aUaa-axik tl wart Z pota, to Enoch Bantf eartor. thaa with aa ml a aa, as aaw Sana MS aSV wJSSjWfj 4SV B1jMSJBl BjSSSS fJVaSSJSTa thi norths, au M polai to anotaav at lia oorMT,; than with kkf Boa north M aaUtl boIm to anoinor ox awcrmr cornn-i tMa mull BMia' Una north 63 wcat bomb to- HarHt' wnw; than with Hurn' Tina north TO wart 8 pota to -tha boaianias, eooUioins U acna. )ora of law. This 23rd d of Much. - ' I . MeRAY DINKlks, Antsnea af aaid aiertsasa. R. A. NUNN. Attorney, adiuiBhta tM wwcrihal a iaa aasiaaac Jewelry valued tfalJBM, stolen from the home of Representative Parsons, of New York,' was recovered. Children Cry .. FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A BSBSKBSXawaW DANIELS s NEVBERRY i UVJST0CK CO. JUST RECEIVED - I CARLOAD MULES H. Front Strept,: - ' New. Bern. 'N. C. -.1 I A COLD. LAGRIPPE, THEN PNEU , M0NFA. - - Ia too often the fatal sequence, Fol ey's Honey -and Tar expels thecold. checks the lagripne. and prents pneu monia, it is a prompt and rename cough medicine that contains ' no nar cotics. It is aa safe for your children as yourseii, v. s. uutry. ,- ' .-. ..... --- r . ' Reward of Art. "Those -people talked all the time yon were playing.'' They couldn't hear l word of. your music. - ' ", -tThat's-all right," replied the emt pent performer, My music prevented me from hearing1 their conversation." Wssblngtott 8tar.. - '-..-: r NOT: A'W0R.r) or SCANDAL msrrVd tits' call of a 'neighbor on Mis. W PSoangh or Manville. wyo who said: '-she told me Dr. - KmgV New Life Pills had cured : ber of. obstinate kidney trouble, and made her' feel ilks a new woman. ' Easy, but sure reme dy for Stomach, liver and kidney ' trou bles. Only 25ev at ail ueaiere; -rv' r 3 Euro, Harris & Co. vs Geo. H. Du ' val. 32 Eure, Harris & Co. vs M N Harriett 33 S W Ioler vs Goldsboro Lumber Co, 35 Wymsatt & G L Co. ys S D White 'etal...- J H Simmons vs Henry A Brown. FRIDAY, APRIL 7TH. 37 Charles A Rhodes vs Hyman Supply Company. 39 Kate Eubank, et al, vs Archie Col i' lips et al. 40 Munger & Bennett vs W C Green etal. 41 T A Bell vs Munger & Bennett. 42 Cora A Sykes et al vs Jno A Jones. 44 Thos. Collins etal vs C D Foy. 46 Isaac W Holt vs Asa W Morton. 1 Green," Foy & Co. vs I H Barrus 2 J A Smith extr vs W M Hawkins -- and wife. 3 F D Koonce vs J H Taylor t al. .4 E L Haughton-vs Clyde Eby et al 8 National Bank, New Bern vs J B j Banks and wife, DIVORCES. $8 Larry 8immons vs Jane Simmons. 7 Julia, Morris ys Sylvester Morris. All other esses subject to motion. AU parties and witnesses concerned will at tend court en day case Is set for trial as above stated without further notice. - J. B. COLLINS, Clerk Superior Court Jones Co. This March 7th, 1911. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALS OF LAND. IN RE MOSELY CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT. e - i seeesseesseeeeeeeesseeeew i,rA:" t t " - F. M. WasMaa. A. D. Ward. AITOKKIYS AND COUNSELLORS At nw j ;.? IlW'lIaUr, I. C, "j vOffice Boosai 401-2-8 Elks Building Practice in the eountie, of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su- preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. mm pollock, m. o. and Surgeon OFFICE 168 Middle St Phone 710 1R. Before W. M. Nortb Carolina, Craven Coonty. Watson, C. S. C. D. L. WARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL LER AT LAW Hughes-Building Craven Street New Bern, N. C. Practice in State and Federal courts. Circuit Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are desired.! auri POLEY.KIDUEYPniS roa RNSwauaiaw aiBatsirsaia aiAM ' y, . - - --- .- '. - .- . V. .4 ' , ' -v-jj Sturdy f4era.. . " , ' ' Siberian horses are .sturdy.,. -They will so thousand ef miles at the rate of forty mUs S day. . , - . , A W WW A M A 1M ttrf SSAVM ji t iidAaan i ru i oio. r Whan vaii want a ntaaaant nhvala rla IPrisldent and :Mrs. Tsft and MlsslChsmberlaln's Siomseh and Liver fab- Helen Tsftttendd the horse show at ,i mu ZlF - . .. ,. -. , .-... -, hvihtlr action and always produce s ronaiyerv-.v..,.-k pnt cathartU effect. Call stall V J. ' 1 Z- ' dealer's drag store foe s free samp lew ; "i h ild r en 0 r y ;; kTTTvTT - -v,";- S FOR FLETCHER'S- y-'l ' " tne.B.wnt v C ASTORIA In The Superior Court NOTICE OF HEARING. To all Panona and Partial Conearaed tn Tha Above Entltlod Proceeding, of th. Dninaga Dia-triete-TakaNotie . , ? ' That the Board of Vtewen heratoforaapMtaied In aaid Dmeeedinaa for the Monte Creek Brain. ane District, after the eatablidiaianollald trk at the hearfns or tha pr-eiuninejrr-' of aaid Board of Vieware by this eonftf flUwl thfr anal raoorttn accordanea.wi&i 442, Law of IMS, with the Court. bitatit map, level, profitas, elaMlftcatbn estimate of cost, plana and nwclfleaBan, ezpenaai of inch aonrey and report: and hoard of viewer, ha vine on such the timber tn tenet on the tend of the West eatatewillba banafltad by aneb atainase. and havlnsclaulfled the nme, which ailaV tjmber izy- tamrt an owned b J, W. Stewart: . ' . ' Therefore, be it ordered that the td flnl re port, having been examined and found air the court 10 bain doe form aad In accbrlanee with the law, the aim. ia hereby accepted. ? . ' Ordered further that all persons and partie, eoncerned in tha above entitled precedinSS ap pear before me at my office in tha city of New Bern on Monday tha 17th. day of AprhV 4911. at 11 o'clock, A. M., for th. Snal bearina of the Onal report of the Board of Viewer, of the MoseQr Creek Drainage Diatrict. Ordered further, that i. W. Stewart,, the w of the timber intereet aforeaaid, be with tununona, together with a copy, of thl. notice, to ahoweaam,if any ha have,whsibe madea party to thl, proceedios and aaid timber Intereet etaaeifiad and brought in aaid drainage district, ia accordance with tha report ef the aaid Board Of Viewer, filed tn the aaid cUM. . Aad thi, notice ahall be firaa b piibllcatii far two mnreeilve week, in the New Ben Jour nal, and parted at th Court Heuat door and 0ve cotuplcDoo, places within the drainage diarict Aad bereuodar all sock persona are- aotiB, that I will hear, eoaalder and paa npoa the aaid rt of Mid Viewer,, and wfll hear and aad detarraia. any objection, that may . railed therato. . Thla Slat day af March I91L W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court Craven Coaaf?. Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. Caton, New Bern, N. C. Consulting Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMPLE. M U Mark. Admin Setretx of Penelope Tred-aU ; datiaaid. Waanfhal Badhaaaadl laaia Bad' . 'ham. hie wife, aad Aasoataa Rayaolda. Puraaaut te the aathortty and power obtained front tha Boperier Caott si Craveai aonnty, ia thaaaeeial oewillng, antttlat au . Karka,ad- iatrater-af Pauaiopa Tredwell. daoen acalnat Beaalhal Sadhaia, 3aaie Bad ham and Aeveataa Beynoida. tha andaielsaed wtU at n a'dsak av aa tM aaaoad awaday m Anrtt. 11L lt aaar thetaaUday at the aaid iati,) at the aonrt aoaaa door ht Craven aoanty, aaS to tha h Wheat Mdaar for and! thefoOowtag diarPjid hi af land tytag aad hebur la that part at thaeity af Mew Bare eammoaly eaJM Paviatewa, i baundad sa foBowatu ..-22? . .-?-- i Baamahw tha anrtti aeat Int ameiHon af nam aad Murray-streets aad raaafac aartlrwardly art- t- I " I " UIICLESA,1 with hi$ Umt4vd svvfrt. five million population ess hot make a batter selection In ra - .... of war, than you frt to rnaVa your selocUon from our atx k of lismi ma.le Cu," ,;' an 1 Carrlac't. D.-me l oa. Yours to r !' , Adviw from' Paris . ssy PfHildnt Taft sod AmbaMsdor Josterand hae discussed aa arbiirsUon treaty"- . jf' roLEY ;kipNCY rii.L' NfutrallM snd ratsere U poinjns Uisteaoae DBi-kacha, rhmetlm, a r-Tourn-,t and all kldnr and blsddrr lr- r "gal art ties- Thi'j luild tip and rur Uis natural srttm (f tht vital to gans,-r. 8. UufTy, '..- 'She Tea, 1 love ilnnl ItaJMu. I'd like te be a doa. . - fiha-Navar mind; you'll grow.rUarvard Umpoos. - - - ... r. , i . . , -, '.' '- 1 When yoe have rtumatiara in your foot or liMiU-papiily Chamtxniain's Lini ment and you will rut murk rallaf it coats but iisrur. W hysuffarT For tale by all dealers. , '. t- .- - . .i - - Mafaa. ' -- A pair of brs ondf fsrorsble too eittote produce 10.0U) lodlTMuals la four yenrm. . Had fits Prefur-en.e, Iloapltsbis , faruivr-Nn, stmnsrr, sit right dowa to tha tnbla. Tuo Bra welcome to your dinner. mt yoo'll htts 10 t what the rvx of in tcrsu- ..r-Tlinka, fit l-r-lf lis ill the ,am ti) inn, I'll eat wliat the r v t f fun dunX I.'i'il'i'-utt'a, ,ilm V," r I .- ( I ( . I .Mm i . ' r' Vaiai 1 r i: 3 i: i f r- i 'tf wardlyaad aaraOal with ami straat Bf ty-flva feet a the land aaw awaad ay Si aoalawanlty aad aenlWl wUh nmi atMt etae tarMfaet aula atrat, UMaaa waatwvdty along ktaiatm lathe baglanlne. tea line, with M M MASKS htanh Sth, ' Ull.. V : S W WltMAasofi Attaraey- 1 c y : l 4 at:. -9tr (, i I ..tt i Lake Dromraond Canal k Water Co. Lake Drummcnd Transportation CO. Lake Orumrnond Towbj Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Roots, Protwctad from Storm. Kina Faot of Wsur Minimum Depth " AlwayA 2 , . Q iifk Tri!t f ir TraTie.' Tromjit It ! ( ' Ga Se tit CI S To a'n j ami l'r i, " r t ' t.i i , j 1 1 --ill-. t 1 (4 I - ; ("'. k I- . v.. ; -, r, J. t Movsmant i 1 f rt- . t ratna m r.i.V I!ulll Va. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. - l - Purauantta aa order of tha Saparte fCrTaf Orayea county. N. C., aiada In the actioa aatSlal Bank of Vsacabora va. htaeoa WUIIaj W, ACeaJ a a White, W. C. Wk aad Jf. MV Ataaal-, the November Tana, 110, af aaid waatft tlMaV' Caadaata having faOal ia redeem tea hvaa mss- trmftwdeaerfbed as seavidal as aaklaadarjtSr wiD. aa 'Miaalay lk 10th. day W Apt ltU. at twelve Valaak-at a4 the eoanty eonrt haa,, d,ar St Maw naravW.;e offer for Sale to tha karbaat btdaat far aaa.an taa following deaoribad real artata: ..' '. J trios aad aetnar ha the a aaa aad eouaty aTara- aald and la Na, I towaahip, BagWnS m the fork of thereadeat the aad of tha Caaaaa. fAadtae ma UMaoadowa the aaid ane tea drum. aatralai4ltBeanmamaaldtoataryAaaWtV ertaatna'at thaaae Hh bar .Doe 6 MwW (Nana,) roadi thaaai d,waaaM,oad'tottaaaVta atna. eantalBlae taaay Sro tataf Wnii I the toOawmC aaaarlMt'w tMawhaweaAaaSgmaaathe aad bams the treated MaaaaWUlla haliarmaa WUfla amf ab wtfa Sarah WUha, ahm at hmw, aagtadae dMasf Meaaa rfvars theaee aorta. I deavaaatl wlih BaBeway'a Ba ta Aaraa.- Dtarnra JaW thanes WHh aaid Dbren', haa, a tmr aomeV at said BaOowarw Saa aa the ama, aoad; ahaaa, vtik aaM Uae a a craMaa la a aead, tbedivwka batweaa Baadaraaa BtO- aad Cea BUI: with aaid dIrtmaaNaa te the earner latwaa BhM oactat mad and taa Wm. Pate laaA; with eald Pata Baa ta taa branch xerOrrw Laadma-. theaaa with Meter ef eatd kajaehtalts awath. wteaee sa New rfnr a tad eweHMtoc eeatalalaa let aaraa, aad eapitiaa; trect af aad t i pmea aim,aied at ble fjaatlna". ahaoth- ar taact af lead aentamiaar SIT aerva. taaa,aaaaMaatha aaath aad waaa hm rUm and Tartar's Creak, aa tha Brth hy land of Wm. Brewer, end aa Om aam V r t . fc af Kaaey Arvaret. 4WA lha eaeae tri :.ad eaba the had aM m want by Pata .i.ej far' Uw p4n ef Sarah WUile sad eeavnwd ba aaid htaima Wlllia. ', ' ', r '., ''.''." ' ' t Thla Xh day af hWah, tSXt. ; , . ' , . - , . .Ar.f-vk OR. H. Ll DISEASES OF THE ye. Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Al R. A. COLVIN Engineer A, NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW . . .EXV.CUrORf.'OTJCli ! ) '4 aa awe.Ue ef t .r-t k.t.m el (Mr, n-Ma,. O. Jm i Mi f (V-t 0mm1ft HFth Ort-s U pmmmm fc.'li f f w'i . K.!.tt im mm, mm m 1 i tn h. 4 th-!.- t-rv. r. A II r-- Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret Pamlico Jones mi 1 Onslow snd tn the State Supreme an. I Federa Courts. Office No. SO Craven Street. Talssasns Ns. 07. N.w Barn, N. C. S0U1HERN RAILWAY DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS OBTH, SOiny AST. WEST. Very Low Botlncl Trip Rates to nil Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, Icuvea Ralelgb4K)6pm, arrives Atlanta 6::i5 p m, making'close connection for and arriving Montgomery following daj af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a m, Mobile 4:12 p m. New. Orleans 8:30 p m, ilirrn- Ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p in, Kansas City 1120 a m, second day and connecting for all other pointB. ThU car also mai.es close connection at Sulin bnry for St Louis and other Western points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 020 p tn, strives WaHhing on 83 am, Baltimore 10 a m, Phila delphia 12:28 noon. New York 2:31 p m. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago snd all points North a&d West and atGreens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida polnU.' - : -' - ' .Throogh - Parlor Car for Ashcville leaves Goldsboro- at S;45 s m, Rakigh tM a Jo, . arrivse Asbeville 7:40 p m, making eloae oonnecUon with the Caro tin Spedsl and arriving Cincinnati in s m, following day after leaving Ral eigh, With dose connection for all points North and Noith-West ' PuJUnan for v Wuuton-Sarem- leaves RaWgh tO S in, arrives Greensloro 6:S0 a to, melting eteM. eoTmec.tien st Ciwrnsboro for all points North, South, East and West 5; Thlr' t eri Is handled on train No. ill Uavrhg Goldsboro at , 1Q: p . :"'" A' If yon desire any fafonnsUoe, please sail We are here te furetah informs' ew ss wen as sell ticket ' " ' H. r. CART. ' ; W, H. PARNELL,' G.T.A ' 5 Fayettoy Ills St.: Washington, D. C, .' Rslslgh, N. C. II'VE.YC'J THIED PAXTINE , " Tlv GrsafTellst Oafmloldst ' : T Soa bars to pay m or LM a t' t to Bi"T!aq anttatpUva or pr c. '. Tom rjJi rcaka ll pints of a mors .'"a. fir ' : IaI. haeUngaDd doctor. I He aoluilon with on Vi ant 7 ''I ,. I I ." .' , - . y . ' - t. '- ,f ' "t mtir,-i soluhiS aitlwptla . at aft dri g'ore. f ga-rre (hat U' .- i why It ' v i a t y i, i.r ! T. i. rr'.o.Mi si I i f