le::i caiy Pttbrtefae Tr y la te rsr i- Ciaraa nmt . rBcm no. L DITOBt AND PROFRIKTO . IIIItKIITIOI UTUl , ' 9u Ttw U UfUM . . ...... I4.M S)Wa rear, Mt t ttniN.'v ---".MS atbty r n1r te tfc ty J BntereS at t Ne Bar d-leee matter. ormiAii rirmor wwj birv .New" Bern, K. C. March 81, Wit , THE RECORDER'S COURT.- . T The text of the bill, to establish a special, court in Craven-court, better known as a recorder's court, : Js published in these colums, in ".order to give every voter ! the op; .-' portunity to become familar and to have a full knowledge of this ' public measure that is to be voted upon in May. In this day and age changes " that involve the general order of things, are too apt to receive ad- dkif4-i Alain nS4'1rkn4t 4lA AtfM. eideration as toirhat the changes may mean in their general bearing upon all the interests of the com munity. Municipal, county and state changes are being constantly - made, and these are for the better; , meeting of the people's interests, under the order of what maybe - termed a progressive world. - All Changes have opposition, it is well that it is so, sometimes, for if every proposed change, ' locally or in the state and nation was aooeps tably taken up without discussion, there would be many a 'measure I.L.i v put through that would.: work a '. hardship, would injure the peo-pie. The introduction of changes, of ; new public measures, must always prove of general interest, certainly so to every voter who must pass unon the measure at the noils. But these proposed new measures demand thought, eall for intellig- - ent looking Into, before a vote Is - cast. The recorder's court should -' receive this careful attention from each voter, and each voter after intelligent consideration can then cast a ballot with a full knowledge as to why his vote was cast. There : is no. haste in this. No reason for .flurry or hurry for there will be thirty days in which a calm de liberation can be given the subject, and the vote then cast - The- re corder's court concerns every one . in Craven county. Let there be a . full knowledge of what it may mean to the neonle's interests, if it is established, before a vote, is cast, and every voter should look - into the matter for himself, by reading the bill and so decide how . to vote, :; Children Ory i. FOR FLtTCHERT -CASTOR I A c . r Colonel Roosevelt ecored "AAaniu inuekrakara" in a iactor at Berkeley; .Cal. . - DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED "by local applications, aslbey eaaaot racD toe aiaaaaaa poruoa or th aar. . ihereisMlvoMWavtocuntlawfBeaa, and that fa hy.onsUtutloaal reasedica. , Deafnaaa is caused by aa inflamed con dition of the mueoos lining of tbaEaa Uehiao Tnbaw Wbaa this tub to in flamed yoa have a roirrtUng aound or . imperieet bearing, and wbaoit la aUr- 7 viuwu, uaaii w UN rawxiL. ana an Issa tb Inflammation ean bo takaa cat and this tab restored to Its normal ootv dttion, bearing will be destroy ad forev er; nlns ease out of tea are eaneed by . catarrh, which U aothhtg but m utftaaa ed ronditioa of the mueoos sarfaese, W Will envt on hundred dollar for any cue of deaf nea (canned by ea , tarrh) tbat eaonct be eared by liaU'i . Catarrh Cur. Bend for circulars free, " f. J. CHENIT COropa, ' ToUdo, 0 SoUi by IngrfMU, prlos 75.' . Takt BjJrg f andly pill for ooav 'atipatloa, ".Vf ; '., . t i ' - ' - v . - . . ' ' . BIInf atoamera re turning - to IJi J.hn, N. F., report lart estche. " , AM CL0-T1ME PP.ESCr.IPTICM la nuxWa produrt From time Immimorlil hh ant Snlphnr bar bn ul for tii hair and -ftlp. Al . mrt Try oo knows of tbe value of ifh a romblnailoa fur dark ntnf t: balr and rnaklng It rrov. , ! oMn tltn the only -ay to (t ). lr tnnle of thl rt waa i hrw H In the borne f!r: ', a meth'1 (!,(, al iroubl. i,e ai-.1 fc t al--(? sal '.u rrlnry, f.'owa 'r ai it n-y ii ; f-i-dat tirur ' t on J !ajafrn:w!ijar 1 l a ' t. k ' . ' ;"t rr : ! h - r j . 1 U', t- t' i -, i ' I i r f . , ' CP When yon Icel iaiy, strctci:. fcalf Vto tick, "bloc" and discourage 3, t thliTer. It U torpid. LIVER REG! v (THB POWDBE ?CM) i ; IS TEE REMEDY TOU NEED' ; -': - .-.. . : It 1 not only a Invigorating tonic lot i torpid liver t but if' extend itt cleansing and testorariv influence to the stomach and bowebv Etelpadigea tion and food asaimulation, parities the bowels and brings back tie habit of regular daily bowel movements. When the stomach, liver and bowels are active, bilious impurities no longer obstruct functional processes, the ret suit of which is, renewed . energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. , Aak fcw -m fioalaa wttk taw Bat 1 aa ttw . I i tm antt fat H. ntaU M M. n w81 Mai ja Bull aHpaM ajmatonfl Urar Baluor t alM pqt up In UaaU (orm far Una who ratar tt. Prtca. UM tat LliZEtLiNft C0rtoptC$t 'bssWlaW ; Chance for Office. The United States Civil Service Com mission announces a stenographer ana typewriter examination to be held at Goldsboro April 6 and Wilmington on April 6,i Thto may prove a good oppor tunity for some New Bern boy'agitU understood that a vacany in the local U. 8. Engineer Offic will be fiUed by an eligible from this examination. Parties desiring to take this examination, should writ the Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C, for information Application form No. 304 is required. Children Ory FQR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A The Royalist Lacour, who assaulted farmer Premier Brand must go to prk on. MEN: For tender face and neck after shav ing, for pimples, black heads, dandruff or any skin or scalp disease use ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP. ZEMO is guaranteed to relieve all sorness and itching. The soap is part of the treatment, best for all toilet purposes, bold by druggists everywhere and in New 'Bern by F. S. Duffy, Druggist Jacob Baschang, former liquor tax collector, waa convicted in Cincinnati of soliciting and excepting bribes and sen tenced to two year imprisonment. WARNING TO RAILROAD MEN. Look out for aevere and even danger; ous kidner aad bladder trouble result ing from years of railroading. Geo. E. BelL 68 Third St. Fort Wayne. Ind. was many years a conductor oh the Nickel Plat. U says: "Twenty years oi railroading left my kidneys in terri ble condition. There was a continual paio across my back and hip so uy kidneys gar m much djstresa, and the action of my bladder was frequent and most painful .1 got a supply of Foley Kidney Pills and th first bottle made wonderful -improvement, and four bot tles cured m completely. . Sine being cured I hav recommended Foley Kid ney Pill to many of uy railroad friMdVVF. a. Duffy. Signs of s break among tb Insur gents la tb New York legislature are discerned. ' ' ." ' J . yoa hav trouble m getting rid of your eoid you msy know that you are not tasting it properly. There is no reason why s cola should hang on , for weeks and it will not if you Uk a Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. For sal by all dealer. - " : a. ; Th on hundred and twenty-seventh meeting of th Balt(hor Annual Coo frnc of th Methodist Eptocopa Chorck begsn. ,.. . ' -' " ; 'NO NEED TO STOP WORK, ' Wheo your doctor orders you to stop work, It stagger you. - "I ean't' too say. You know, you are weak, rua towa and failing In health, day by day, bat you nait work as kmi aa you can stand. - What you need b Electric Bit ter toglye tone, atrenath and vigor to yoar system, to prevent breakdown and bnlld you op. Dnr't be weak, alrkly or ailing wb0 KUclrle Bitter will benefit you from th first dooe.- Tbousanda bloos them for their florioDS ha th and Strenfith. -Try them, i rrry bottle I gaaranued to eaUsfy. Only 60o at all Drufglate, - .'.''- . . . hi i ii . .. . . .' ' CeefcftaMln to Crtgland For Cwntiirtm roi kHnhtlna en eoorsirod lo B:t1h m-hnoU ' '; fli.ic fbn I I If- tw.-lflh rrliiitrr mention. It as Id amumm)t of i ..mi r and tliat yearly st Plirorpitflo iii lxTa o! vry m lnot tmui(t't nx km tn llmli "hlmiilwm, and all the forrnimu W aprlit la m hixil wlinilii(l lliixti b!rl rent As lai JT:x) Hie In rtima) uf. tb K-hoolmxHtrr of Aptiif frii. In Hiwo hlr", w (trs wn finn 'aj ty ffi.rn r- I Pl.t iSnrm i- n l I T at lnat t'.t rp WK n anniint t'n t r. 1 ri'i'p.g at tl, li'. i CU7 i Thought It Va trlwui. ' Ti e turiii- f of XUr t Cref friars cburt b in F.J.nl argb ocrurrd ue Sunday cuvrulut, hi i tbt joua people of a bouse wtik-ti backtHl eiwa tba thurxhjard were ainuog tb Brat as they were prvparing to start -for cbarcb, to obaervr in Games. It waa the bousMna Id's Sunday" oat. and old Kitty, tbe cook, waa tbat day reapoiy aible for ber dutiea. Bearing unwonted commotion and excited outcries p stairs, aba fata panting and hobbling op from ber baaeuent kltcben, crying anxiously at each stair: J : ;. -: iOh. what la'tl : What latr V- r fOb. Kitty, look here!" cried ona of (b gliia from a wlndowv "Greyfrlar churcb is burning up." i t"',' Kitty dropited limply ob a aettea. -iU that a. mimT Bbfr'frrnmbled ba tveca gasbaT ;Wbat.a fright ye geed tnel J -thlcht yeaald its parlor art Waa onL'--TduU'a tmnanloa..'A f FORCED TO LEAV8 BOME, Every v ear a 1arg- number of poor sufferers,' whose Jungs re or and racked with coughs, are Urged to go to another climate. - But this a costly and not always sore. There's better way Lei Dr, Kmcr s New Discovery cur you at hora. . "It cured-me of lung trou ble." writes W R Nelsonl'of Calamine. Art., "when all else failed and. I train ed 47 pound in weight.' tt 8 surelythe Kmc; oc an eoaen ana mng cores, inoo sftndB own their lives and fiealth to it. It's Dositivelv ttuaranteedl for cough". eolds, : : lagriope. :athma-crouB-'sll throat and lung trouDieo, sue ana suuu. Trial bottle fre atjaH Drofe gists, t i Japan's -Privy JCou.jcil ratified th treaty of commerce and pigation with too umcea states. . . FOLEYKID rOH RMKUMATISM KIQNBVS AMO BLASTS The residence of the 1st Senator A. P. Gorman was purchased by Milton J Lambert, a son-in law r - Do you know that of aH the , minor ailments colds are by fair the most daneerousT It is not the cold itself vou need to fear, but the serious diseases that it often leads to. Most of these are known as germ diseases Pneumon ia and consumption : are among them Why not take Chamberlain's Codeh Kemedy and cure your col while you cam r oraaie ny ail dealers. J P- - V ' According to th Department of Ag ricalture,diseaseand pests did $8,000,000 damage to the peach crop east of the Rttky Mountains last year , NOT A WORD OF SCANDAL marred th eall of a neighbor on Mm. W P Spangh of Manvilte, Wyo.; who aid: "she told me Dr. King's New Life PiUs had' cured her ot obstinate kidney tnauble, and made hr feel like a aew woman' Easy, but bar reme dy fot stomach, liver and kidney trou bles, uniy zbc. at an Dealers. -r- A Newark (N, J.) brewej charges a United States Commissioner with bezzlement. r Ohildreir Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A Because she was ehastisedn school a fourteen-year-old girl, of Portland, Or. committed suicide by shooting. FOR DISEASES OE THB SKIN. Nearly all disease of thl skia such aa ecsema, tetter, salt rbeunr-and bar bars', itch, ar charactarisetr by an in tense Itching and smarting, which often make lif a burden and diaturb sleep ana rest. - yuica renei may- D nau D applying Chamberlain's Sal. It, ar tsy tb itching and marflna- almost Instantly. .Many case hav been cured by ru us, ror sal by all dialers. Th United State Circuit Court of Appeal at St Louis declare Oklabo tory,. v ..-i.'; , FOIEYiKlDJlEYPlIlS foa auoaoowa KnxtcYa ami auua '" 'v V'Tlreles Wings, i ' t ' Th atbstroM baS been known follow a ship for two months without ver being aeea to llgbt snl In When you hav rheumatism In your loot or instep apply uiamberilin'S Lini ment and yoa will get quick relief. It eostt but quarter. Wily suffer! - For sal by all dealers. - . . . -v y ' . , As It Really Waa. " Oa th morning after hi ''Unit ap pearance on th bisk tb tonndent but ntalented yonrtr- met I friend who bad witnessed bis first fterform nra. "What do yoo think ot my act IngT" asked tb Would be Uainiet. " That Wasn't acting," replied tha friend. "That wss nilabebsTior." . A DREADFUL EIGHT - loHJ P.arnuid, of Frvil!, ; N. Y., waa lha f-vr-ir tlmt I .. I'y ;., I ) life for yor in il of rn y s , i he trl I. At Inut fi luf'I I i n's Ar nira ,cu'v ami irritut; "It ) --i rr hrhl-i with lu arn.ly a ;. r I, ; ; " i . burn, li'iila, arinnu, ruin. ;- w-i,!n.af c(,r n fa r i -1 j ,;t a ,i, i- , .'nly i-c at til I." ilt-ra. , r. t i Jt 1. itinl.: 1 ti I t NEY PILLS Ai !i :0UT!C3MBNTS- alc:-::an 3d waud I hereby announce myself a candidate for AUerman from tbe third ward, and If elecUd,' pledge myself to an eco nomical management of city affairs and no Ibcreaa in tax rate. ' - '". -""ReepaKtfalJy. -C-t ., O. A. KAFER,"; f ALDERilAN Atk WARDI I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Alderman of tb 4tb ward, subject t the Democrstie Prima ries to be held on AprU Uth, 191L " - v ERliltliWAK I hereby announce myself a eandi drt for th offic of Akkrman of the! ftHTward,. subject to th Democratic Primaries to beheld April lltfi JSUL '; ;-w.r KepctfullyK-!i : : ' ;v J- G.tBRINSON.V 2nd WARlV thereby announe myself a candidate for re-election as Alderman from '2nd ward, subject to action of the Demo cratic Primary and if elected willpronV is to serve you a faithfully in th fu ture as I have in thpaat-y V"ve - ,.v( V E. .H.-HARDISON. ALDERMAN 2nd WARD. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from, the. 2nd ward, sub- ioct to the decision of the party as ex- - . .... - - , . ' pressed in the Democratic Primary and if elected will act for the best interests of all citizens of the city. ,. x ; . A J. GASKINS. ANNOUNCEMENT. I herewith announce myself a candi date for th position of Chief of Police to succeed myself .for th next jtwo years subject to th Democratic Pri mary to be held April Uth 1911. I have endeavored to perform my duties faith fully, impartially, and I desire.to thank my-many friends for th liberal rap port that they hav always given me in th past, and as this will b my last request I bop you will giv ma th same, liberal consideration aa you hav heretofore. ; Yours very respectfully, . J.M. HARGET. ANNOUNCEMENT. . :. ... ( '., . I herewith announce myself a candi data for. Chief ef Police for the city of New Bern, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. If elected to that responsible position I will endeavor to discharge the duties of .the office faith fully and impartially to the best of my ability.', I have served in the capacity of policeman fortwelve years, and have acted in the abaeneeof the chief several weeks at a time atd hav acquainted mysslf with th dutias of the office. Very respectfully, " C LUPTON. ANN0UNCO1ENT." 1 . I berewith aimouaoe myself a candi dato for th position of Chief of Police, subject to the Democratic : Primary to be held in this eity in April.?; Bsvinf served as police officer for over 9 year, (promise to faithfully' aerform the dutie of Chtef, If elected. V.' r ; . ;-if-V v -'ii.'i- BspctfuUy,S ; V : f.i VVW. H. GRIFFIN, . i tn i . v. y. - I hrby announce myself a candidate for Chief of Polk for tb city of New Bern, subject to tb aetioaof th Dem ocratic primary. If elected I prom! to discharg ths dutiaa of the aflics to the bsat ef my ability.': S- .-1-BDetfuIrr.Wi ;:"',- J.:.W. WARRINGTON IV. ; ; k AITNOTJNOGMENT. I herewith announce myselT a candi -dato for Chief ef Folic for th city of New Bern, subject to th action of the Democratic Primary. If elected I promise, to discharge the duties faith fully and Impartially to th beet of my ability. ' . a , Respectfully,, : ' : - "? C D. FULCHER.' C.J. McCAUTlIY FOnHAYOR I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-nomination by th Democratic Primary to th offic of Mayor of the city of New Bern. - If I ahall be honored by your vot I aha!! appreciate your confident as I thank you for pant favors. It will be my em!ptvor to continue i Iq the pant to ei.forf the laa t y all lawful meani Wilh frmnea Sr 1 withnut l,an;hn-M. I shall iprt to fc!v ft hi. 'aver of my time, the h(,'.u If iw.-a ry, to lock sft'-r t l..h it tU-m t-m nd i; '' In l iv;,!v ) i;i t!.o ( "y r'V.-!- n ' ', sn.J: '1 r-- ! t.thel: -;,r.! f ' h i 1 1, i.i n j t ALDERMAN TJI WAED. I hereby announe myself as- candi date for Alderman from th 6th .ward. subject to action. f th Democratic Primary. If elected I promise to ose my best efforts In tb Interest of all ciUxemv ':-"i:t: Ki'-k -; - .-r Reapectfully, . J; .1 if-f 'i';i-- A. SEIFERT. ALDEEMAN.6TH AY AED ; -I hereby annoupc myself a candidate for AUerman-from th 6th ward, sub ject to the action of th Democratic Primary Jo held April Uth, 1911, aad if elected shall, endeavor to faithfully serv all interests of th dry, .' '- Respectfully, - ; -,.. R; J. DISOSWAY. t; ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman of th fourth ward sub jectto tbe Democratic primary to.be held April llth, 1911. .. F. W. SBRINER,- Joo. E Weddell Nfor Mayor. I desire to'annothice myself a candi date for nomination by the Democratic primary for Mayor of . the city of New Bern. ." It is my desire to .be Mayor of this City. To be fully qualified for this high honor, I have tried during the two years that I have been Aldermaq to study the condition of this city. Having' learned from time to time the true con dition with the help of and by the warm Support of other Aldermen. I am aware of the kind of legislation which should be followed to beat advance our city in future. If elected I shall endeavor to further it interest to tbe fullest ex tent. I believe I am informed as to bow taxes can and should be reduced and I am apposed to any further increase. The duties of the office will be ad ministered justly. I Bhall be careful and unbiased with the end in view to deliver justice to all men alike. I will also devote all my time to the office if sleeted. Your obedient servant,. JNO. H. WEDDELL, Aldermen -first Wjrd. We nominate for aldermen from the First Ward William Ellis and A. H Bangert who nave made good, and no better can be had. FIRST WARD VOTERS, ALDERMAN 2D WARD. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman from the 2nd ward, subject to the wishes of the voters as expressed ah th Democratic Primary to b held on April lltb, 1911. Respectfully, W. K. BAXTER, A9K0UXCEXENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomination to the office of City Tax Collector for the oily of New Bern, N. C, for the ensuing term, sub ject to th Democratic primary. elected will endeavor to do my duty ac eeptably. . ; Yours most obediently. J. J. TOLSON. ANNOUNCEMENT. - I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of City Clerk, subject to tbe. Democratic Pri mary to be held April HtS, 191L In soliciting your support I desire to thank you for the eons id oration that you have always given m lo th past Respectfully, .,: FT PATTERSON. V, ANNOUNCEMENT. ; I hereby announe myself a candidat for re-election for-Aktermaa from tbe h ward, subject to tha 'setioa of th lmocraUe '; primary, and If lctd, promt to mtv tb city to th beat of my ability as I bav don in th past ' ' Vt -'."Rpetfully, t 4 v .. ; ' v'e ': WILLIAM T.tiILL : ; . ' r , , , - DERBIANWARDl At the oliciUtioa of many "Jriends 1 brby announe myself a candidat for Aldermaa ef tb 4th, ward subject to tb Democratic Prlmari, April IL' ' 4 - - JAMES Hi SMITH, " ', . y. 1 , v- 1 , ' ANNOUNCEMENT. t I hereby snnooac myself a candid at for eleeUon to th offic of Aider man for th elty of New Bern from First Ward, 8ubject to action of Demo craU primary to be held April llth. . T. 1 ASIIFOED. AN NOUNC1TM HNT,' : TV' fcprehy announce our-salva as earn!:. latas for election to tlfsofllceof A! ' nr.-ii fur the City of New Bam from th Firat Ward suhjact to the ar : i of Dmo";;itic primary to be held A r:i nth. V.'ILLUM F-I-LH. tA. II. DANGEUT, NT. 1 a r. : ' t of rny ' ri yw't a f i f f To ; ! r ... ! tl a 1.' I 1 v ,r J. , A.; JONES Uvery Feed, Sale O Escchange Stables Largest and Finest stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for sale in New Bern. A car load of each just in. Also a complete line of Buggtes.Svagous, Harness, Robes, Whips, Cartwheels. J. A. Broad Street, For Planting Burt or 90 day Rust Proof, Native and Western. White Spring. For Feed White, Mixed. nr A3 S32 MIES8 DANIELS NEWBERRY IV LIVESTOCK CO. f . JUST RECEIVED "M""S A CARLOAD , V h IW IT p C , igmG"'S J A v Lj Ad J aWti,uuiaaJuMiy j S. Front Street, New Bern, N. C. PROTECT The Health of Yourself and family' Pope's Hdrfc Is prepared to provide a depandabl household remedy, based upon the principle of purity of blood in suring; freedom from disesse.. It Is a medicm for maladies such as, Rheu mstism, Llvsr Complaint, Constipa tion. Fevsr and A rue. Female Disord rs, iDdigeation, Lbmbatro. Kidney D ranremmta. Catarrh, Eick and Nenr- ous Headache, lo of Appetite and all ailments arising from inactivity of th Llrer and Kidneys. . It is a purrly Berb, Barks and Root Cor pound It Is but op in choeolst coated Tablets pleasing and easy to tax, or can d oissoiyM in water.; Mas, J. C. IdtxDt, or Hyattsviujc, Un. Rats:' -i ' -;., l , ' "For years! hate sulterod with Back- acb. Hdactiea. Meuraitna. anofiarr ouane and irire Fsbgo. I tried many rmdis; witnout reitei. ronr month ago a g-rstoful fried induced roe to write to Po Uedlcin Co.,s Waah Ingtoo, DC, for a hoi of Pope's Herb ComDound Tablet, th rerr first do of two tablet ta relif. I ad vot quit a 11.00 bos and I am entirely cured ot Ui pain In trgr taca aoa pat no roor hadch.". ; , . ' . Da. 3. V. HrNNssnr. A" rmoamsxr ParatciAN and SuauBoM or Alsaht, N. Y, in f ast sats: . ...f "Ae a Hloo4 Purifier, Urer, Kdlney and System reifulatnr I prescrib Pop Melirir Co's of Wsahlnrton, J). C. Herb I'-ompcurwi. ss 1 hsvdon forth past 20 years and have fonnrtjt to h jrreat rwrnoHr, whirh seidom if eer fells, ilifre ere tti'niinii uf letters from ora rjf Fii' lif rba, that has been henrfitt.-d sthI curvd by Ha proper IW l'oi's l!rb Oin.j-iiinU TaliVts are put iipi'fllnl b", mnotti s trat- n.f nt," an ) will be nnt fmet-paid im re foii t ff tl , I 11 h ! mntaira a t rii.t- i i-irw;'- t.-ii-tina; us to refund ! 1 .r i.t o tf ih rm1y fails ti n-f.t, : full ri.rectiona, ... . ... I ...( f.i Art, Imnm M. f t n r 1 i J JONES PROPRIETOR. New Bern, N. C. ITS UTS 3S lHARDWARE Building Ma- terial IPaints, Oils AND Varnishes American Field Fence !W ftTB, la C. ar "ns a lo mimnaa at ak UK :W0MEN ; ; ... . . ; t Womsa ef tU k'jhf rl lypt, women of tuprrlor tdacslioq tnj rtftnfmfrt, iriott JiKerniutct r.i JaJjmrst Ws we!U tail forts t ll flr cp'r.'.ar.t, l!hl' rri": t! e wcnJcsfJ crrrc'.'ri I Ct:r:.!f f rr--; tf C 1 "if t Ili.-rT.V , i:;c. . i). c . r