" ft : i " I aW-al i"' i I TcrT --MrMCMl'ren. - I ;AMetaUeRrp3rarjfi5rli. t tag a S tonarJis tujowi J ness and BeatContalM irtori OpiunLMorphtae norMaou BOTgARCOnC. JntoaW- AperfW Remedy fod3onsflti tlon.SourStoraduDUntai Woimjnmvniswnsjenria ness andLOSS OFSUEER ' TuSimae SialwtoT 1 NEW YORK. ib' IrJ Ycj !:va - :Bears the Signature: - m - t aw m - Mr af .a l j r J: In Use For Over Thirty Years it r i f W' " I -s r-i AnrsKti r, '. Ex Copy of Wtppr. W . mi esanuia eeaimuiv. era tea errr. , . Legal Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. a straight Him acres the field to Mary AaaWath- Under and by vtrtue of the power of aale con tained in that certain mortgage deed executed by Joseph ETentDKton and Sarah Herring: ton. kt wife, to B. P. Dinklns 80th. day of January. 1(01 which mortg-re -4eed ia reorded in the office of the register of deeds of Craven count in book 180, page 460, the said mortgage dead and the debt thereby aecured having oeen duly transferr ed to the anderjtgned and default in the payment of the debt thereby aecured. having b-enmade. the undenlgned will, on Monday the Htb, day of April, 1911. at twelve o'clock m.. at the county court home door in Mew Bern. N. C. offer for ale to the highest bidder for cash, all the follow inf described real estate, to-wit A certain piece or parcel of land adjoining the landa of Enoch Harris, William Lodge and B F, Dinkins and others; bounded and described as follows;- Lying, situate and being in No. I township. Craven county. N, C, and beginning in the old line and runs with said line north 11 west 54 poles: then south 17 east 148 poles to Clay Branch; then with said branch to Calvin Joyner's corner; then with Joner's line south 8 west 26 poles to Enoch Harris' corner, then with Harris' li ne north 80 east 26 poles to the corner; then north 6, east 20 poles to another of his comers; then with his line north 24 ast 22 poles to another of Harria' corner; then with Harris' line north 62 west 82 pobw to Harria earner; than with Harris' Una north 78 wait 8 poles to the -beginning, containing 61 acres, more of lass. This 23rd day of March. MI I. McRAY DINKIN8. ' Assignee of ssid mortgage. R. A. NUNN. Attorney. t L rex i.:;t::;3 v.i e,.:lad. H Is Kora Than Sport; It la &orl - . of Religion. ' - . ? la England sport t, not only a reli gion; n u the religion. Its man U good sportsman he need not be any- thing" else. It may seem hyperbolical to describe fox bunting as a religion and toe foi as a deity, but tt la a bare. bald exactitude. The true fox bunt ing sportsman exhibit alt the attrl' utea -of the devotee, the fanatic, the martyr. He la ready to- die, for bis faith. I am sure be won Id cheertnjly allow himself to be bomed apve rath er thaa bunt a bag of aniseed. -.HU friends wonld cut btra dead If they ospected xlm of treason to the pnre Ideal of fox bunting. His cluba would nfrtgerata him. Tie would be a mark ed maa,r He, would be a pariah," aa outcast, a bounder, an outsider'' A H Tbe power of the caste of Jot nnnb era la as formidable as the power of iba Tarlous Indlau castes, ; It . la a mightier engine than the lawfor tt la drivea ty public opfutoa.' Ttra, ounty wnnlrl oafmcria 'the wretclL centrht IB the act of 1olatlng.tbe iox banting i code. His . career . -would - be- enaea. Never more could be hold up his bead. Ha would be a" leper. The taint of aniseed would '. hang about him for-' ever. James Douglqe . ia. London leader. .. , '. - - TRUTH TRIU MP H5. New Bern bttizens Ttify for the Public Benefit. A truthful statement of a New Bern citizen, given in hie own words, should convince the most skeptical about the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills. If yoo suffer from ; backache, nervousness, sleeplessness, urinary disorders or any form of kidney ilia, the cure is at hand, ttead this: - 1 a P. Harget46 Burn St. New Bern, N.'C, say; "Iamjuit aa pleased to endorse Doan's Kidney Pills at this time as I was after I first used them 'some years ago. My back ached a (treat f AN ACT TO ESTJXX.! t A fcrf CUL I . I .1 UL V .1.. Af rMenanl mad: thenfls Sowtt said road to ths bevin-1 Qeai Bud a unu 1DUCI1 uaiu iuiuu(h ui) nine, containing twnty-fle, acres, more or lees. JkiJneyS which plainly showed that I and being tbe tract of land conveyed to the said I wa8 afflicted with kidney Complaint. Maoon Willis by Norman Wulia and his wile - tr,Hr. Pill. n7r nrncnrnrf f rum Sarah Willia. also the following described tractl 7 " " J r, ., . of bad. baarinninsr at a white oak and own oh the t tnS Bradhaffl Drug Co., and tbey SO f- side of Nsuse river.- raenea north 2 deg. east fectively removed my trouble that I with Hollowav'a line" to Aaron Dixon's line. I kou, nnlu harl naori nf thpm r,nrn ninA th!?toTfa,Wu""'to "TTL Uieo. At that time they again acted said Holloway 'a line on tbe main road; thence " ... . . with said llnataaunress in a Dond. the division prumpny " between Handerson Bill and Geo, HiU: thaaee KnQW that this preparation acta as re- with said division Una to iba comer between this presented and is worthy of the highest tract of land and the Wra. Pats land; thanes J ,ai,iTt with said Pate line to the branch near Oowpen 1 . , . r 1 ut , t t..kni.l For aale bj all dealers. Price 61 mouth, thence uaNeuse river to tha beginning. I oeota.. Foster Uilbnrn Co., Buffalo onUlnlna MO acres, and excepting a tract of I N w y0 agents for tbe.Onited anu e- aeiea onmna w wauawuw, mami mnw er tract of Jand containing 237 acres, mora or lass, bounded on tha south and west by Neuss river and Taylor's Creek, on tha north by the hind of Wm. Brew, and on ths aaat by the lands of Nancy Aiverett, deed, the above described land being the 'and held la tiuat by Peter Willis for tha heirs of Sarah Willis and conveyed by said Macon Willis. Thlatth day of March. 1811. R. A. NUNN, Commissioner, States. Remember the .take no other. name Doaa' - Dapenda on What's Out. "What are proper 'calling cards?" "DeDenda altogether- what's out igalost you. old sport."-Exchange. IN RE M0SELY CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT. EXECUTOR NOTICE. . Havleg qusllAed as executor of the last will and tes tamest of (Mrs Susan a Jerkins) deceased laU of Craves county . North Carolina. This ia to notify all persona baring dabna against bar estate to exhibit them tome, oa or baforathala, day of March Kit, or this notied will bs pleaded ia bar of their reeovarr. All parsons Indebted tt ssid estate will pleaas make immediate payment. T. J. MITCHELL, Executor. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Before W. M. North Carolina. Craven County. Watson, C. S. C In The Superior Court. NOTICE OF HEARING. ToallNraana and Parties Concerned la The Above Entitled Proceedings of the DraabagaOav triet-TakNotl'. That tbe Board of Viewer heretofore awsolutod la said proceeding for the Measly Creak Drain age District after tha establishment of Said Dfcv trlet, at the hearts of the, areiiatlaary report ad said Board of Viewers by thla saort, having tied their taal report is seeoniaoee with ehaator tt. Laws of lma. with the Coart, warethat with saaaa. Isvels nrefllea. skiaslfiaatloa ef aatlsaato ofst. plana sad apaeineaiicesl 1 aipsnsss of such survsy aast report: sad. sail ' beard of viewers having Oa ' aad elaasiniatioaj of mads tfcs tiaiker toasrost aa the ntads afaVsWast sstatewOlbe beas4 by suak luliist, bad baviag Ussalflid the asase, whisk said tan bar by am sat are swasd by t. W.ltawsstl , -navfas. be 11 ordered thai the said aaj re- tart, aaviagsaa issmlsil ba4 feaad krtba as sit ia daa tore aad la snalasn with ' the Ww, Uie awaa Is hereby aiissesl T Oswaras fnrtikst that aB verwaa aad aarUss 1st sawva awtltlaf niiillsai a- year bef are Mat ay erlae hj tbe ekyefMew aWneaMMaaydianta. day f AsrB. IWLai U a-elass. A. at. tar the asl sssriaai aUbttaa' rsaertaf Ua Basra ef Viewer at she Meaecj Cawak Bratoasa) WatrasV . v Oraaved farlaan, that 1. 'af af the tl n sr lassreat wHA I li i ami a, aarslaer wMh saaw af tha i His, to aba ssassa, V say be beva, why be gssdessarty to Otsnasuillsg aad aaal Poas awartoUiai i i li sn wMh the rHef tha aaal . aWsrdaf vTsaeieSM to taatoU saaaa. . Aad Uils aitlss shaH ha givsa W rWUlla , for tw mi laili'l wbs IB tha Hew aWra ieaa - at aaa) si we edtawCwart Baaaa sW sad ar. mil iplseaSarMlitoasadiaiaags dlatrietv Aad bwiaa lay an aajeb sarsssa sea ax'Js thai I win bear, eeoaeaar and aaal aaea aae aaai j SBsJaBrt saal aBaswagl V lav"wla"wsj wMkaw wVlQ aaaaaaaf aaTaaW aad l.aaaaefca.at that aaay ksraiaer fWetav . . TV) ttat eay af Manb ml. " . , . i .... . M. WATatt.. . . . Oerb taaeriar OaaH Craves) OsnKy Differenet, in lea. Ice made at a zero temperature- will last longer than that made at 18 or 20 degrees. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, The piss si signed having duly OjUtLfled aa ex- cutorofa. Williams decaaavi. notines al paraims to waoss be wan Indebted ar nave claims sgaiaat hie aetata to ntseant tha same to tbaua dsn breed executor for paj malt aa ar before the rtad. day of Pea. 1UI duly autbenUcatsd erthie aotlee WlUbe plead la bar af Uev recovery. AO paraan bid sated to the dirssisit are raaafawita make ssansdlato aaisssot to tha aadarkigasa. ' H.O. DRAMET. Kxaeotor, Fohy.tlUa. John W. Sickelsmith, Greensboro, Pa., has three children.'and like most children they frequently take cold We have tried several kinds of cough medicine,'' ha says, 'but have never found any yet that did them aa much good aa Chamberlain's Cough remedy," For aale by all dealers. ' - aaajsaaansaaaBBaaaaaaaaasaaa A Geoel.Lesert -.., Rlley-now about , that, gold mine you bought atot'k in last year! 8miley -Why, we've called It nbe nulldog." It'a tha bravest little mine you ever beard of. ' Riley pusaledi-Braveatt BmUey-SureJ There btuj a yellow streak- any where Id' lU-Puek. . The General Assembly f Noria Car- olina do enact: . - . ! 'Section 1. A Special court (or the trial of misdemeanors and certain civil causes and to be designated as the "Special Court for Craven Coun ty" is hereby- created and establish ed..,--. - r -. - . . Sec 3: Said court shall be a coon. at record and shall be- presided over by -a special Jadge-who ahall be a licensed, attorney at law ot ' good moral character and of good elan fl ing In his profesalom, and who shall he, at" the time of his election ana Qualifications, aa elector la and for tha aaid county,., and in hi absence or sickness by. a .substitute special ludae who ahal lpdaseas the same Qualifications of the special, judge. . See. S. ' Said judge And substitute special Judge -and a clerk t! v aaid court shall be elected at a Joint meet ing of tha members of the board of aldermen Of the City of New 'Bern and the members of the board of commissioners of- the-- County,', of Craven; at the Court House in. said county, on the first Monday ot June. one thousand nine hundred and elev enf to serve as special, judge and suV stltute special judge: and clerk, r spectlvely, until the Brat Monday, in December, V one thouaand nine hun dred and twelve. . At the next gen era election in November, One thous and nine . hundred and. twelve, the special judge; and substitute special judge and clerk; ahall be elected . by the voters" bt Craven County and shall hold ofllce for iv&'fje&n beginning the first Monday In December,, tine thousand nine hundred and twelve Said judge and substitute . special Judge' and, cleric ahall, before enter ing upon the discharge of their du ties, take and subscribe, before a person authorised . to administer Oaths., the, form of oaths required of1 judge and clerks of the Huperior Court, respectively, which said oaths shall be recorded bythe clerk of the Superior Court. The salary of the special judge shall be twelve nun dred dollars per year, and the salary of the clerk shall be six hundred dollars per year, to be paid monthly out of the funds and in the manner aa hereinafter provided. All vacan cies for judge, prosecuting attorney and substitute judge and clerk shall be filled by said two boards until the next regular term. Sec. 4." The court shall hold daily sessions, Sunday excepted, at the Court House in ''Craven County, ex cept when the Superior Court shall be In session in said county, during which time the sessions' of said spe cial court shall he held at such 4lae as shall be provided by tbe board of commissioners of Craven County and the board of aldermen of the .city of New Bern, or -designated by the judge, and It is hereby made a duty of the said board ot county commis sioners and the board of aldermen of the City of ewBefn to provide a suitable place for. the holding Of the said court during the terms of the Superior Court of Craven County- The first session of the said court to be on the second Monday in June, one thousand nine . hundred and eleven. Tbe Secretary of 8tate Is directed upon the. ratification this act, to forward s certified copy thereof to the board of aldermen of the City of New Bern and the board ot elections of Craven County, and the, board of -county commissioners of Craven County. Sec. 6. Said court shall have a seal with the Impression "Special Court ot Craven County," which seal shall be used In attestation of writs, -war rants or other proceedings, acts or judgments ' of said -'court, .whenever required and in the asms manner and to the same effect as the aeal of oth er courts of record In the. State of North Carolina.- Sec. 6. Before enrering upon the duties of his office as such clerk of said court, he shall enter Into a bond with good and sufficient surety, to be approved bT-the board' of. comm'e slonera of Craven County In the sum ot one thousand rtl.OOO.OO) dollars. for - the true and . faithful 'perform' ADMrNISTAATOB'S BALI OF LAND- '..Koley's Honey and Tar is tha' best M M Marfca. Adwdaletratar at Paaalca TradweU ICOUgh remedy I CVtr BSed as 1C QUKKiy HaaalbalBadhaaaaad )anat Bad-1 Stopped a Mvere tough mat Da long troubled me " snvsJ. w. Kuhn. rnnce towa, Nebr. - Just sn Quickly and surely it ecu In air cases of cough, colds, ia grippe and lunir trouble. lUfute sub stituies..-f. 8. Doffy, . : j tassvskwlfaad Aagaataatsolda, ymrsasat to the aataoHty and power eblaiord fraai the Saaertor Court af Craveai soaaty, bj thassiilsl isisailsl antWad U . jarka,adV af fsssln' TradwelL . deeesead Ifasadbal Bsdaara, aale Bad ham and Aaaraeta aVeysjsida, the a ada1 signed wlO a 11 e-etoek a. aatha aeeead aassiy bj A era. UlSOt toalhaay af tha said ssaathj at iba atdaarla Craven 'eewaty. aril to the bbrbast Wader far sank ths foSawhar dsewrlbad tot ef kwd brtog aad beta hi that part ef the city af New Bare I ily salted Pavtetowa, aad bsandafasfiinsws; - ' igtoalag at Use tbsaat bjtoi sastlas) af atola ad BTamnf stusarisl raaabag wartbwsrdly sloasl porray street akasty ss laat, tbsst aast aardlraad aaraUat WKh aUas street afty-lra hat to tba bWara assl by Sbepsoa, tkasss aaatbwardly aaal paraUal wab srarray aUeet sma Waa fast to htoaa stmt, tkawas waetwardly WMb -"' Harihlpaf Baflglng,' ' ; , Lady llfKlug muni lie bard.'. -Trsuip-lt la, ludyThis ts tbe slxta ttwe I have bad, to est sup lodajf. v -Mat MARK! ' Adailrs-tml- Marsh tb, IMt, JIWWaUA r i A PLEASANT TBX81C. - ' When you want a plinntphyieBN (-hamberlaio's Slorcacn sod Liver 'tab laUattial. Thry are miij and g anils in thmr action- and always produce a pleasant eaibartu rff'ei. Call at all daaltr's drug ttirte for a f rte sample. ' - The Right Kind, ' - . Oswfurd la llila rlub yoo brloni a botneilket Uui' k-No; Uiat'a lh reaauo I go Uerv-6urt Set COMMISSIONER S SALE Vf KF.Al ' , r.'TATF, rr VMatf, H. C , htM-s) lark i V4h T. 4aVaVrs ; : W. A, ( tK K ! '. W C. Va 94 J. M, Ar-w-.l s. Trm. )' ! tw -I 'V 4 f - a r t v tn ,i fee snra : U I i , r ' - , ft) j, fry m 1 - r R. A. NUNN t An0?vNXY AT UV ' Prartice) in the twin ties of Cravan, Carta ret, I'smHrw Jmf an 1 Onslow and la the Bute Suprrme and Flrs Courta, ' Cc S. 13 f ' (. A COLD, LAGRI1TK, THEN PNEU MONIA. . I no f.flen the) fatal e'Minre, f' l IST Sllonry anr i ar fl-u trie f u J, chw k Iba Isrlj jiB, iri'l pirn'a pin-u-mmis. It i a ffimiijt aiJ nlmhlr ronj'h rfirthrif liiot r-tf.tsiiiia fta rtur eolic. (t i aa af f r your rial. Irrn : at yourself . H. i anceo( bis duties" as clerk, And for tuv laikuiui swuuuui iw su urvu- eys which may coma Into his hagdi as- kuch clerk.-- - ,l. i ' ' .' Bec tt The jurisdiction of said eourt shall be as follows: : , i a): ' Bald court shall bsva final xciuslvriiglnal lurudictloa of all criminal, offenses committed within the City of New Bern. which are now within the jurisdiction of the justices bf peace, or which may, b ereafter .be within.' the Jurisdiction i,of the just- ices ot peace, ,.r (b)' 8al4 eourt shall have final exolualve original jurisdiction of all violations of town ordinances com mitted within tb limits of ths City of .New Ben,,-...---'-..v. (e) .8ald conrf shall have final Kconcurrent original jurisdiction ot all criminal offenses - committed Craven -County, outside of tnt City of New Bern, wbU-h are DOW, or may heraafter be Within the jurisdiction Of the Juatlrae ot tbe pears. : (d) . Said court shall have fin original atcluslve JurlaUictloa of a frlnilnaj offenios committed tha County of Cru above the ju Imllrtlnn of the JunMcae of the pare and rrlow the itrnde of felony, aow deflnai by law; alao, final orl Inal Jurlartlrtlorl of lnrrony, and th rM-nlvlng of ston K'lOiIa, knowln Ihfin to hava brt-n sto!in, then th property sUiIti (!( not axrra t-nly (iZO.nn) aHara In tslua, r ffpt lannT frnrrl the owelllr.il I bri'sklnu and rnlir'rg In the d tlm f i s L! T' I i '' in I - lr-f "f ato.l lit If 1' I..;1. i,i i..i. Csi.l. 1ft I .f ( I, I I!.. It la ti'f All rt' t- lT-m sra ti msrir. If I take (. Z i :-, r fi i n wll ! ' -i rrnr- . 'r n t d'li' urc" ! J j i pr-T 'f it r: M ! I I ) i . ,f ! t-Ti 1 r" In I ' f.ill tr t ! sm v. r ..it l r..l n ; ; ii (' h rf li"!: h v a si 1 t er court all persons charged with' any crime .commuted whereof tha preliminary investigation is bow con ferred on the justice ot the peace and the mayor of New-Bern, and to render such judgment In such mat ters as now provided by law: pro vided, that In Any case where- prose cution has been commenced prior to the ratification of this act tiie eourt in which aaid prosecution has been instituted shall have jurisdiction thereof; and any and 'all eaaea beard by the Judge-of the -special court as-' tabllahed by thla act as committing magistrate against any person or per sona for any offense whereof said court herein established bas not Jur isdiction in which probable cause of guilt la found, auch person or per sons so charged- ahall be bound in undertaking or -recogniiance. - with sufficient surety. If the crime bo bail able under the law. to appear at the next term of- the Superior court of, Craven County for the trial of crim inal cases, anil condrttenal for the payment of cost upon conviction and In default of auch bond. Or reCDrml: ance,, such person ot persons, shall be committed to the common Jail of Craven County t await triaJ,; as aforesaid; if the crtme be not baila ble, then to commit the defendant so charged to the common Jail ot Crav en Cdunty. to .await; the action of the superior court . thereof : . - f g I : Said BDecial ludae shall have all thepdwer ant Jurisdiction and authority now conferred by .law. up on justices of the peace or tbe super ior courfot Craven County to sent ence any person convicted in' said court of any offense below the .rade of felony, aa noT defined -fW for Which the punishment preser ed by law is imprisonment, to the common jail or to be worked on the public roads of said county, as now provided by lawA and the clerk of the said court snail issue-commitments therefor in the same manner aa now provided ,by law for clerks ot the superior courts. h). Warrants may be issued by the special Judge of said special court for any: person or persons charged with' the commission' of any crimin al offense of which the said court has Jurisdiction, final or otherwise, (1) The said special court shall have jurisdiction of any and -all criminal offenses committed before the ratification of this act, and with in the jurisdiction hereinbefore con ferred, and of which no court has taken Jurisdiction. (j) The said court snail nave run jurisdiction to issue search warrants in all cases provided by law, and ahall have Jurisdiction, exclusive, original and concurrent, of peace warrants as herein provided for oth er offenses. Sec. 8. The costs of serving war rants, subpoenas and other process Issued -by the. special court shall be the same as now fixed , by law and shall be. paid to the officer perform ing such services. The fees for is suing the warrants, , subpoenas for witnesses and for making up bill of costs, and for any other process or writ Issued by said court or services performed . by - said clerk, for which a fee is now prescribed by law, shall be the same as now fixed by law for justices of ths peace and clerks of the superior courts In similar cases; and every defendant -convicted, ad judged guilty, or Who pleads guilty in said court shall be taxed with the costs of tbe prosecution, aa now pre scribed by law; and all such costs of prosecution, as now prescribed by law; and all such costs recovered and collected in said court, except costs due to 'sheriff, consable, police officers or specially deputized officer shall be paid on Monday ot each week by the; clerk of aaid court to the treasurer of Craven County who shall keep a separate account there of, and who shall report to the board of aldermen and the board of com missioners of the Countyvot Craven on tha first , day of each month-tbe amount paid by the' clerk; and the said clerk shall file, with .the board of aldermen, of the City of New Bern and ths board -of commissioners of the County t of Craven an Itemised statement, of all costs collected by him and paid to tha treasurer of the County of Craven for the-month pre ceding. Out of -the fees sovbald to the treasurer or ihe County by the clerk ot the court there shall be nald monthly tha salary of the aaid judge ot ..the special court,' tha salary, of the prosecuting attorney and the sal ary of tha 'said clerk of said court. and the expenses of stationery, books, files,-dockets and other -expenses of said court.. If the. fees so collected snd psld to the ' treasurer of - tha County of 'Craven shall be .Insuffi cient to pay ths salaries of tbe spe cial judge;, the prosecuting attorney and. the clerk of . tbe said court, then ths difference ahall bs psld, one half by ths City ot New Bern,- and one-half by the commissioners of the County Of Craven.. If ths lees at ths end of ths year ahall be It excess of ths salaries of ths special judge, - the prosecuting attorney and ths clerk of the aaid court, the said cess shall be paid by the treasurer of Craven County, one-half to ths treasurer of the City of New Bera and one-half retained by the said treasurer ot the County of Craven and credltad to the general county fund of ths County of Craven. The eloar proread of all fines collected by the clerk -of said apeclal eourt shall be paid to the treasurer of Craven Cunnfy and shall be held by the said treasurer for the purpose now provMr-'t-hy law; pautlded, how- r-vcr, that all oe due salaried po I'.romm ,f tha City Cf New firm ! all l l aid to tha treasurer of lb C tf nf New Hern,- to be lildtmrsail '-.1 . ii; ,Vl a nil' provldod by tha fl.artcr of tha City ot Nw Uern rid t! an.n'':nr.nts Iharato. . the puniahmeat Imposed- la -a fine or Imprisonment, - or -tmprtaonment and toUt, the special Judge shall sentence the defendant to the com-! moa jail of tbe county , or to be worked - upon the public x roads of the Couaty of Craven until , such1 sentence bas been. , complied 'with, and the clerk of the said xourt ahall isaua -eommltmanf of (ha nsfssiiiai In accordance with the Judgment of tbe said court, provided, such sent ence) may be made to work on the street e other works - of tbe' City ox mw -eern,- as now provided in tar cnarter ot us city or New Bern. - See. 11. Said court shall have all Jurisdiction and sowers In civil-mat ters Arising ..In - said county .which are now, or may hereafter be given to Justices of the-peace, and -In ad dition to the Jurisdiction conferred by this section shall have exclualvt original Jurisdiction "of all other cLv II actions arising in said county or on aaid contract, where ths sum de manded does, not exceed the sum ot five hundred ($500.00) dolalrs, and those arising on tort where the value of the property on the amount in controversy does not exceed five hundred ($500.00) dollars . Sec. 11. Any person desiring to appeal to the superior, court in criminal or civil case from a . Judg ment of the special court shall be allowed to do so in the same man ner as. now provided for appeals from the courts of justices ot the. peace updn an undertaking in double the amount of the judgment rendered to stay execution and to secure the pay ment of costs, provided, however that an order may be made as is now provided by law, in forma -pau peris, upon certificate and affidavit to appeal without giving undertak ing for costs. Sec. IS. All civil actions shall be commenced In said special court bjd summons issued by the cierK ot tue special court, and shall be returna ble the first Monday after service; provided, service shall he -had on or before Wednesday preceding the day of return. The plaintiff shall file a. written complaint on the return . . .. .. l. j e aay oi sucu summons. iue uewuu- ant shall file his written answer or demurrer on or before Wednesday night following the return day ot said summons, and the case shall stand for trial on the first Monday after the return day thereof. Sec. 14. . All Judgments in ctvTl actions, except those for costs only, rendered by the Judge of the special court shall be duly docketed in- the office of the clerk of the superior court, and execution shall issue thereon, as now provided for by ex ecutions. Sec. 15. Nothing In this act shall prevent the judge and substitute judge Of the special court and the prosecuting attorney of the special court from practicing law In the higher courts of the county and State in any and all cases which have not been passed upon by the said judge, or prosecuted by the said at torney in the said special court. Sec. 16. That either plaintiff or defendant in actions in this court may demand and have a jury, as provided in courts ot Justices of- the peace, except that the Jury shall be twelve in number Instead ot -alx that tbe Judge of the said court, in all cases in which, in his Judgment the ends of justice would be Uest served by submitting the issue to a jury, may have a Jury called of hi own motion, as above provided, and submit, the issue to the jury. Sec. 17. Said court ahall. have Jurisdiction to try all actions for re covery of any penalties Imposed by law or this act, or by any ordinance of the City of New Bern, for any act done within said City of New Bern contrary to law or aaid ordlo ance, and said penalty shall be re covered In the name of tbe said City ot New Bern Sec. 18. It shall be the duty ot. the clerk of ths said court to keep an accurate account and true recerd of all costa, fines, peaaltlesr forfeit bres and punishments by said court imposed under tbe provisions -of' th la act, and the sard record shall show the name and resldeare ef such of fender, tbe nature of the offense, manner as the special judge, a pros ecu ttag attorney who shall be a li censed attorney at law.f goad sapr- . ai cnaractee. ana . good-standing la bis profession- and who shall be, at the time of bis election and qual ification, aa elector' fn and for the aaid county and who ahall. before entering upon the discharge of his duties, take and subscribe the oath la the form required of solicitors, before' the clerk "ot the superior court of Craven County, or other ner- sons authorised to administer oaths. Which aaid oath shall be recorded by VC4 clerk. The said prosecuthiK at torney ahall prosekute actions be- . fora the special court, and his sal ary shaft be six hundred dollars per year, to be paid monthly, in like rnnnner as the salary of the special Judge. - Sec. 23. There shall be taxed in the bill of costs in each case a fee for the prosecuting attorney, as now pro vided in cases for the solicitor in the superior court. Such fees shall b paid into the cost fund as other costs ot said court, and to he used as other costs collected. Sec. 24. It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney, upon re quest Of the solicitor, in all cases of appeal to the superior court to assist the solicitor in said court, without any additional compensation. Sec. 25. All justices of Iho peace of Craven County shall have tho same jurisdiction as heretofore to is sue warrants in criminal rases, bur in the City of New Bern, the same shall be returnable to, and- triable before, the Bpeclai court, and other justices of the peace of Craven County in sections of Craven County other than that of the City of New Bern, may by order as therein or thereon endorsed, make the warrant in any case, returnable to the special court, and all such cajes the special court shall have Jurisdiction as here in provided. Sec. 26. All witnesses compelled to attend by the supoena ot the spe cial court shall be entitled to the same fees as is now provided in the superior court, to be paid as provid ed for in cases in that court. Sec. 27. That this art shall be come operative when submitted to the voters of the City of .'ow Hern and County of Craven, and approved by a majority of the. votes cat at the regular city election held in May, one thousand nine hundred and elev en, and at a called election y, he held in the precincts outside of the City of New Bern on the same day, to be advertised for thirty days in some newspaper published in Craven County, and iij other respe ts t,, he held as general election, and to he canvassed, certified and returned., both as to the City p.nd out-ide vote In the same manner as general coun ty elections. And at the jid eiei lion those in favor of the adoption of this t shall vote a ballot on which shail be printed or written '-For Special Court," and those oirpo 1 shall mte ballot on which shall vniiicn or printed "Against Speci:ii Comi"; l), cial ) n of lift- and If a majority vol Court," then this act r.hall force and become operative Sec. 28. All laws an laws In conflict with this hereby repealed. Sec. 29. This act shall h, and effect from and after cation. In the General Assemlilv 'read three times and ratified this ith day ot March, 1911. W. C. NKWI.WI). President of the Senate. w. c. nown, Speaker of the House of It.-pn ativea. Examined and found correct : A. 1,. QI'ICKKI. Kor Coinmilt nt- X DDfimoomuii nun no t t I rVUUOOIUilML UHltUO ; eseeo-eeeeoeeeeeeeeeet A. 1). Ward, M. 8imnons, 5ilIS IB WARD ths date of hearing of trial' and thej A1TORXKY8 AND COl'N'SKLLOKS I Ti e 'rr,s, s'llipoanaa t ; - s ti !!1 l r tl 1 fuirt '. I l (V.rc 'c.l : ; ir t;" ar lawful r!T; r i " i s ' ' , s - 1 ! !,ei iter 'f f punishment Imposed, wblca recoru shall be, at all times, opeuTto? and subject to Inspection -by the 'board of commissioners of fhs'Cssnty of Craven and ths boar -ef 'aldermen or tht eCityVof New Bern, and other oeraooa bavin a business relaiiak- to the said court. He shaft prevlds a permaaeot docket for recording . all ths prooesses Issued by said court,! which shall conform to ths dockets kept by tbs elerk of - ths superior court , He shall, also, nroride prop er uiva.io, prvpwny evti- iwcurua of all sauses which shall be dUpoaed of-In sard court, aad' what .'disposi tion nas been mass itnem, .See. 1. - AH eases-wbjcb' Have heretofore been nsarabls by the may or of New Bern shall, attar-tins' act goes Into effect, bs tried by'tos spe- siai courycroaua by ion act;? an a all caaesr which are pending' ia-tbe superior court of Craven, County at ths tlms this act goes Into-effect snd which tbts court Jia JnrladUj tlon under 8 action sieves of this, net. shall be transferred W ths spec'sl court, and ths same Shalt bs dispos ed of rn this court, o&d ay"-raea pending before ths jwitbws of tbs peer of Craven Coanty shall be tried and disposed of by said Josdcee Id accordance with ths law as it Sx iated at ths Urns of the ratification of this act. Sec. 20. Is the abore of the spaclal judge from the City or New Iiarn. or In tha evant of slctnM or disability to hold the (Islijr --nlon cf said court, tha court shall, be rjre- J1 over by lbs substitute im -lal Juftta eitd as hara'n rrrT,14 ana n snail rare an ina r-'. -,rs. AT LAW IIW Bill", H. C, Office Rooms 401-2-3 Kllcn building . Practice In the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart erst, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su premo sod Federal Courts, and where vsr services are desired. UD POLLOCK, M. D. -a in. . . g and Surgeon . ' OFFICE 168MKls1t tt . ' fhons 710 1R, D. L; WARD "iW'f "' "T ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL. 'C.LERAT LAW tofboi Doild'pff " CrnvcnLrost Practlcd in State and . Psdera) courts, drcull. Craven,. Carteret, Jones and rsmllco and wberever services are de slrad.1 v . . ' ., -. -' V '03. H.' IJ. DISEASC3 OP THE fUt '1 t . I ' a t, , , I y t ' - !tid par f nrm all the dnt! (to intna ff lirrl' Tfroil j. tt, s,.ac judge. ' in. .... t,. iU. CI. ' t.lij IMljdl jlatlon Shall ta five (15 " ) ) 4...,-rs . , , - ; t"f Cr. t" 1 H out of th s'.ry AD ".f tha si-1st J ufl fa. , f.--r.f fi,rn!'. r. II. ll-.t-Ut J"--, -sub- - t. ..J i'Jl Jj rt In 1 ( I r; ! J.Vit Vr, a A) ? r IV.t U. C. COLVIN