3 ,5 ( . ( Wv t9 -ic- i, - , . - ,v f its- ''t.:1 f I.. Jiw Bern, X. C i r ' r L. ...J ilHISll lCi;3 S3. 8 & t ? I KMtitrirr Tgk! sV-t ta.F.jy -.1 intita Hall, eoroar 1-94 ni -JHnouck street, E. 1L Haiumd, U. U I. H. Binit K. of R. ad & . Hiiiit c orothera art essrored of , a elavaiier AV AlVVnTT-Harfi lnit. and 4tl -Wednesday alsbtt U un mono a ' Cnlfhts' Hnrapn? B'Jl, orner Eruai , and H.jcodt sreti at T:Sf &c K.WU1W, Pr3s4ditr.J.-H. EmltX ' - V', KOODJttU Of TEX TTOELD KTT .7 f" ftft JL of P. Hatt owner of Broad Sanoock, streets, emHMOtlOy Jlrst '( J- and ThlrirWodBOtdar night at im ; v ;'ohHdt f TsUtteg Woodmen JU WV want to itif nnwkw For CUy Electipiw , Recordr's Court ; . -- The People! Bank. - 7. Lk'McDanieTCroeerieir' " ' - G. Boccardl Shoe Repairer. ' t H. a ArmBtrons-Grocerie. ' - ' J. )L Mitchell dtCo. Dry Good. BUSINESS LCG.'IS NOTICES IN THIS CQICTN ' JJESS THAU ONE MONTH MUST BE,PAI0'f'O&.1N ADYANCE. ; . 1 EVERY body enjoys good book. ot received n full Jineof 1J60 Popular CopyrighU at 50c. Geo.' B. Watexm. FIRST claaa hand work repairing ftboee, beat shoe atrlnKS, 2 pain 5 eentB.--CL ' BoccardL 72, CraTen street WANTED BCYERS-Kettle Rendered Lard Ufi. fancy Tomatoae 1 10t Clancy corn 10c, Flour 8c, Mornlntt Cap Coffee 23er beat ' Butter 86e.H. C ; Arm strong. f ' ' - FRESH After Dinner Mints aad Marah- . mallows 10c per pound at Kafer's Ba- kery. CRACKER Jack Store-1 baVe a store for rent where you can easily make net 11,000 a year and lire tharenv'Apply (o Isaac H. Smith. ,'-v FOR SALE A rubber,tfred phaeton in ' good condition. Apply to Sr M. - Brio- CUKES, Sqaash, Tomatoes, Celery tod Lettuce at H. E. Royall'sT ' W THE season for BuakwbeaivlCak Is nearly to a dose, but we. haTt.just re ceived Ontario Backwbeat !a I and lb packages. Maple Synp -and the-best tfc can table syrup yen erer ,ste, . fin Sutter at 85c Hudson's la the place to get good things to sab- r ' .. NEW Bern Banking and Treat Coinpa- - ny stock for sale, three shares ' Apply ' t this Office. . i;.v-.;;.i . vx-'iV BANANA Trees. We - hara I young Banana trees' forsak, bow to the time 1 to set them out, ; come early or phone) u.-j. a Whittj Co; Phone CHANGE" In 'prices-Beet . Vegetable V'" ' Lard WbestJMtUe Rendered JUrd, ", -; 14c lb;est Tub. Batter, Me; lb;' U ... ..." Print Baiters, 86c lb; Bert OIL 121 11. Irish potatoes, 80s pk Qtroo. 19c lb; v; ' r.rnuttid Rant. (U ' Ihr bmk Pkior. ; So lb.--H C Annstrong. - ehftftnatie colors; ten subjects at 1 tent i -7,each.-PSDttffy;H4vrXt1,"t .'-''Wr 1 ' ' 1 '. " 1 " , ' .t 1 WORK in CooareterrAa kinda of work doot mCoocTeU and Paving and Step a epcanj.""afc ah DMijmr,- ,t WE CAN pfeaae you If you enjoy s good .'.'"book. yuU line of the beat works of v - fiction at 60c -Geo. B. Waters." :V i i i .ii in, iNVsVrttchvlry Duffy's Itch Otnt , V-J ' . cores itch, dandraff and nil itch i ' .V ": log1, skis ' ifouble- Coaraoteed. Price r- . .'25e. P. a Duffy'a Pharmacy. ASM FOR SALE I offer for sale wy J . 100 acre farm 1 mile from city limit I . 13 fronting oa Pembroke road. For . J ' particular . apply or wrlte-Joba A. ; Boom, 164 Broad Bt Nw tiarn, H. C ''PRfNCE," . Rubber-tired berry hameas for sale, atl to fine a)r. A Jn driver, well koown. For b.f n; ; Uott phooe 170 or ai frw P. O, P. 4 -C. T. Turnsr. " "!0T cornj lote line jf Popular C ; y tights la the city., rrilar Jl.tJ ..! .' " Of! now sellirj t !), Ciorje B. V'- trS. r. r SI CraeO stjwt r cleerL ri.airr l I o . f. ' L ..-..H't Vanilla' lJ l'ms orJloary, cLcep V.t ..J-j lU dffertneet 1 Crrnttt't Vanilla r ta)Ca rich, nihral -": strensT-n.", :" ;'- "- t - Xx " dcScioua, . aullle -X'.-. t&yci cornea , from " the ? nest - Mexican ' Vanilla , ?i;tan "possible, to ;pro-,C- cures h rve$ to the dev C sert or delicacy it is Used ?- WI Jj. a certain charm such a - ,e ,00 . oth" flavoring : CM give That's how , BURNETT'S -VANILLA. -f.'lfif lferenL: . h uVouH be mighty glad t v vyou insisted -on your- rocer sending - you v.- burnett'a Vanilla .Bc. City Election:- ; The following named - tegiatrara; aad poll holdera are appointed by the board of aldefmen at ito meeting hold 'March 'Fint:MWard'rAb-,'Leev;'egMtran JenwrB. Hill. Meyer Bahn. PottHoId- Second Ward C, E Haeoocki: Regis trar; Walter Fulford, ' Jewe Pope, Poll Holders, vvv J-.- Third Ward Gea Bowden, Registrar Geo. Wallace, P. U. Praney.Polt Hold nrs. 'f -j- -. ? t p fourth Ward Joa. E. Gaskill, Reg istrarj.U S. Wood. J, U Hahn, Poll Tlfth Ward L L Smith. Registrar. C T. Hancock, L. M. Banks, Poll Hold era. 41 Sixth; Ward-J. ' H. Stanles, Regis- tear,,' W. Dowdy, B. PrDuker.'Poil Holders. . , v " F. T. PATTERSON, - City Clerk PILES J PILES! PILES t . WllUams' Indian" Pil(i Ointment will cure-Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching - M once, acts as poultice, gives Jnstant relief. VWUliams' Indian Pil 0utment Is prepared Tor Piles and itching of lh private parts, "ole by druggists, mail 60c and SLOO, , Williama' MTg. Co. Prppsw ClsvelandVX).-; i Emperor William declared the ex- chanse of ODsrcartiats with this coun try M important as the exchange of eollsgs professors, :- - - Rhiuaatltm Relieved in Six Hourt Dr.Detchon's relief for Rheumatism Utaallr relieves severest cases In a few bows? Its' action upon the-system is remarkable and effective, ' It removes at 'once the causa and the disease quick ly disappears.. First dose greatly bene fits.? and $1.00. Soldby 'Bradbaml DiugGfc?.;;- A VtUTCnowa ;Judce vHands The SavodinsComoanT X ' Dear 8lrstf Front the use-1 have made of 8AVODINK I beUere is to be s'tery valiuihle remedy for caurrh and oslSs. It gives almost imtnedisto relief incase of d$cult breathing and inhstlog'It freely checks and gives relief In severs coughing,'', 8o far as I have bad oppor; tunlty to use It. which' is only a short time, J am much pleased with Its sfiV wnc4,,t . . ' ,"; -wv "r.;rA-. Very troly yours v C.'' 'i ;v'Ti F. SQKPARD,-, ,--. -."iff.-. Bay City, Mich. . JuJifS T. F. Shepard la widely known and Eighty , esteemed. He to a lawyer of rwenized ability. ; For years h wv Circuit JuJge f the EaaterolatrJct PI SalCUiyailsV e -. r , y ' , . . Ia an aJilress af Los Anr'e,' Cal Bare de Cpnutant. the Frvnch apostl of ptace, expmned fear that the Un td i'.ut msy be forced Into war wit A ! r itP, ia tl e. ...i La I The Ancient OrJr cf th I'ystic ...hera will ht-!J a eerjffi .ial atisioa j in this city on May lC.h. , .-. ToD!i,ht at Ceutecury t .. Z. Church Capt, and Mrg. Crawfurd.lf the St ation Army Wil deliver an address. The public la inritecVT t:--" Mr. W. G. Boyd ia having exlenaiva repairs made oa a building' owne 1 by im and located adjacent to hU bascV aoqoenes) home on Po'lcck street; An alarm of fire tamed in' yesterday morning called the fire eotnpaniea to Ave A Riverside to extingdiah-4 blase on the roof of the dwelling occupied by Mr, J. O, Baxter: Vary, little damage was doDe. " i j . c - The houae-keepws will 1e glad ' to known that there is to be another bake at the Parish House Sattwduy at 11 a. m. All are cordially - invited to come. There will be a varibtv Of cakes, vies. candies,' jelly?' bread and jilliod chicken. i. Yesterday mornng two colored dray men created, considerable excitement on South Front streetby engaging it fisticuff encounter. An " bfneerf was summoned, but. before - he artived the combatants bad tken. to their heela'to avoid rrf "J,elthe of khem.'; were hurt, -ghjv n ft-, ' A-elssram received vesiferday from Supt J.: Y.Joyner stated that be would be In this city on Saturday April 8.and make an adress tovthe "Craven County Teacher's " Asaociation which" meets here on that day, in regard to the Farm Life School which, this county - is dest- rous of obtaining; ;'Vk' s-k'S :t The fiaishing touches'; are now being added to the front of the , Athena The atre.' When this structur , las been vaudeville theatre in the toilth ihatcan outclass It, The opening clnte will be announced within fc short wlulo. V The members of the local High School base' ball team are hard , at "work each afternoon getting in trim' lot thei next match game. Although.' atl rarrange- menta ha not yet been completed, it is more : than probable rthai the neit game will be played with th-n Washing ton High School team, in thlaf city. eJ 40nly 17 days before Easto. If you have not bought that newrsvu or bat now Is the time to do sobeforn tEorush begins. - Thr besV-nerchanfll in 'New Bern carry an advertisement in .'. the Journal, aod by;iooklng these over you can tell at a glance where yoa can as- cure the greatest bargains for the lent monevj,,, -, - , .:S..- "After today no child-Can attend the graded schools pf this city nhleaS they can show a physicians certificate; shdw inr that they. hays, been successfully vaccinated during the paat three years. Prof. Craven asks every pupil who has not been Vaccinated to call a the office of the county physician eithec today or tomorrow and be vaocinatod.,rT,i Mos NeaL -colored.' Wat ffiven- hearing before Mayor rMcCsa-ttiy yes terdsy afternoon oo-a warrant-charging him with tetallmg,? Probable lavise' was f mtd and the defendant 7 wns, lotnd over to tb next term of superioiHeoort under $10 bond Neal claimed that the whiskey belonged to1 severtl colored men, but when tliey Vere ' cabled they claimed to koowaothlog aboult-;'-,' ' It is' understood that "the:ofilcUls''bf the Norfolk-uthernRailway-Cortpaby have under consideration k petition ask me tbata building of. soms vkriety.be erected at parka.Utlon to bat used as s depot. At present there if only a small platform at that place ahd pass enters who are combelted to iWalt for the train find it very Inconvenient, 'es pecially in Inclement weather. It mors than probable' that they will . ds- eids favorably on tha peUtion.', -;, ;. " r" .. vvt " 'I '"' " uw WGn Keurca Indostrisl Conoerni .Will Engage ;16nljr .YouD5 Menlf.?' Ia ibess days of strenuous competition when dividends count - for nw" than men, tha man who retains "bis "youth In the man who holds his job tha iongett. ' That b why one of the most Vicp -fol dermatologist In Feria b J wsrned youncmento take tcx.J t- of t' e hair, Ifyoogrow I -ill st Z.qtT'ht'. even when you are o'Jcr. tl.at 1 ' I , ; t will $q tit as aji'curance goi.a i!J l'i yaart to your l.fe, f ' i Mn 'who have h'ir sl.ou! : ly e" mnasp It. In la'-r yen: Un ; r:"ntl,vil,!.i'1 tl your s-..--' f If. i'y. rn 'ruT rri l.elr rr ( s i t!-.--: T ! ' i . , i t.i i it t ) f ' f." ' i . f I., i 1 j Z . , . r, cf rt, was ia t! e f jrt;r.ry. 'Rev. U. F. il.tiie reiuroed yesterdsy from a v!t:t to Efu'ur. - - . t L'.afi, ' a Llrrua, of Pollocke- .a, was amubg Ute victors to tie tit j eiterday.vc ... Mrs. J. : JL Bell, of 1 PotlocksvUte. spent yesterdsy ia the city, the guest of relatives.; . 4.H i iv 4 Mayor W. B.H. BJinfordVpf t)over. spent yes'erday n the city attending to some bosinees matters. - " Miss Julia Rmdaiph. of jdmton,- who has been viitiog"Miss MaryTurner In this city during the oast few days, re turned to her home isat nighUJtV - " " 1,111 ' Jl ,,n " C :ILES CUREO lH.t TO 14 DYI ! PAZ0 OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blinds Beed mg or Protruding Piles in 8 to 14 .days or money refunded: -BOc; izfi-jss LA DIE SI ins,kL Roberts : I lairi 'f-' Of NORFOLK AjT r WiB be at Hotel Trent; Ijforme . i i yy Hwelion)This Qty For . Ontf: Weeli Bekiining" VwX'MaTch J28tb.'iT: Combings made to order in latest . atyl. Samples on display. :y j CalfAy 5iw fterTt TrVaf? Dresser t., 1 II r J", i 1 , RARE DIAMONDS 7 Gems , which -iiaye -. beea selected from -,7 ttundreds'of others, r.-d tnaf are Guar--. - ariteed: to be' of the ';JFinest Quality. - rF MIL J- f t-" j.r u. jjaxier ' rr-. THE 7EWELER:a i- rt'v; e"swfv.).,yt. rVACCINATION iglSniELDSfl 5.. . PHONE 66. '" ' - ' -1 I'U 1 . JL-L-X-LAilLU-L.JI.'JL-l ,li-'"J.ll 1'. . . . . . ... ' ' . J . , I 1 I SELECTED GQnCIl SEED :3 Fl.!iTL13 FL"f 0SES ' t ? 'mmmmmmmm .'t" V"i" ' ' ;; . oc-t .;,.- ... Is for sale,' as long as t&cy last,' a ! limited quantity-of st trctcd Cotton Seed, Sfcp- ktr.s Variety carefully picked gir.r.c J t a privcte glT.'p.'ick cd Li cc.y t:,T3 cf3Lu:,!. Js f:ctn.C3'pcr ti'x!,' t C rcl en tent cr cr.rs. :i v... 1 crJcr. Vrrri;2, .1 't s r.. i3.u3 v4iC3; OXFORDS ?. FOREMEN-; V, ws Shoes a tria! ? Ypuc--rwill certainlj get more y. ?-i.Sty e comfort and ser- ' s jvice j for T the v money ' than lean beobtained ' -"7 ekewhere.ti - V, - S.-LIRMAN Cor. Front and Middle Sta. BESTrMMS 18c.ll). FAHCY- TOMATOES 10c. nan. FANCY GOSH 12c. 5-1-Zc. t HENRY'S h 1 Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. 4. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. iPKarmacy AHEARTY, BREAKFAST should be eaten by ell who. have, work to Ao during tM day,' Brit with niany people breakfast has to be Very tempt- tog or it Is n6t -eaten7 r., twiHAVEtHOStOP :BREflklTF6bDfe that will tempt any appetite..' .Pancake floorssyrups, cereals nnd wost not. Corns and, ask "to see tfiem, TV Sj ; J Country H ams, ; Smoked Jowfs Soar and Bweet Mckles, Hotel Astor Coffee, Apples, Oranges, Cabbege.' Everything guaranteed and delivered protnp)ylf ' Strcst ferjf.: Co. PHONE 154 . T-NEW BERN. N. C. FOR RENT;, ' . .- - 1 i "' j b ' Tl rce office rooms, best lo- lien in t!:c elty.'ovr r nradhrimV ! ,4 Store. Inquirc.atlthe Drug f j; ( .'y!rf::;V-t!nt jj y f r 1 :.!:y's I; f'-xr-.:;- W L .ff, C.l ARMSTRONG it Phone 174 . Middle St. 4 G;;LY 17 BAYS The. one day that Sfl Am erican womanhood look lor erard to. With keen aotkapa- ' tioq I now war fr With Us parade . cat ..aeasuoBDie styles ita .--r-di8play of new Spring out--ftta anct jts exhibit of fash- - r . SonabI milllrwrv it. U tVa Vf-.j.. -.'a . ... o uays ior 'ho. desires to v ionably and well Hiw You YOUR i.I'LAllflLlJ mm . Time la going fast and if you don't order YOUK Easter outfit soon, April 16th, will be here before you know it. Don't be disap pointed ORDER NOW to be sure of having your new Spring garments ready for this great day. We have now on displny at our store all that is l it est andbestfur this season. And. from this large array you are sure tofimi. someth ing that is just what you are lookingfor. Visit Our Tailoring Department. F. M. CHADWICK Merchant Tailor, 103 Middle St. New Hern, N. C. 0S sauftlMt BARGAIN DAY NO. 3 Will be Repeated at McDaniels Store 41 Middle St. Saturday April 1 st. Prices Same as Last Sal. Plenty of Nice Frcah Ei;ks 15c. doz. If you can't come send or phone your order.s. Prompt delivery any.vhere in the cily. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY, J. L. McDaniel 41 Middle St Phone ELLWOOD FENCE WIRE Also a full line Barbed Wire for hos and cattle, Poultry Wire, Rubber Roofing, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Ranges and a general line of Hardware. Write us or call, we can give you nht prices. GASKILL HARDWARE CO. Middle Street. " Phone NO EQUAL -We Have Just Received Our Line of Celebrated. North Star refrigerators ' SECOND TO NONE Our line features the luU-st 'm-. provementa viz thetSANlTAItY "-BASE and the rne-picoe seamless . provision chamber. We would he glad to have you call andcxtminc thefoi theonly 8AMITARY BASE oh the market. " Ti, Tomer. Fur. Co, '. V'WMiidJe St. Phone 17V P. O. Box 445. mmsmsmmBmmama . v - v . .. m r : 11 f ' M : aU I ' M YIhII ' U "i. Af S y vt - xm. I h II : VsT Another sniptnent of that famous Llggetts Chocolates received , --;'.if f .-.:. ;'- . by express., . ' v , ; 2S:S.fuiU)AT CANDyrAT 29c PER POUND. Anything ia lhc Drug Line.'; Prescriptions Called (of find " -. .:-V'DfUvercd.''';..'--:-'-..?. ''' Gaston Drum Company: PHONE No. fl5 - TOIEASTER at band, ottbe lat- i. we woman dress fash- at all limes. Ordered Oitfit? 91 New V -ru, N. C 147, New Hern, N. C. vc opposite, 4 "-fa? v.. TUB .- rOST -OFFICE UNCLE SAM Will." i,tm' rrtt ims tawl isvt I W . ; .. .r 1 flv mlllU'D itopiiHtlon ert not' make bttor i-iWllon lna ..... . . j of war, than yi' cn to maV.t f ynr rlrriiiri fr-.m uiir nt'xk . j( IInd-(n(!i l'.l'gj;'u'1 sni Csrring'-d, Con (a pro tm. , - :. - ' ..Jr;V:-- I: 1 ft . - . BJ Bm m. - i . ' V V r r f

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