- -XT f - EtfABUSHED vara cu: LATI3:i : i : ! V; i . IN L2?.X. KC1TD CALGLi:,TA. TUUKSOAYOILLG. APRIL. 0 19f JI --.. .-, MIMES i7, -.TBIRTIKTH YEAR IS"-' JlLllL l.LliU .. i -. '" J , ' 11 :;ILf:E5jIM It. a"? V- 4 r - . . 3UE tatter for everrpersoa, who receives 'noacy, to consider fa the 'qnestioa of the fstzaThere - '4f wiU be a time when the faeooa m& be, less than it a .H,Stspresent .Will little moaey be help la case of sickness? :. When you have -settled this vital .question, depotk I pwtiori of toot income weekly or monthly with' this bank Where-the taoney wiU earn interest and belDKK lately mm. . v . . v J Come b And Talk ; TKs 'Matter Uver With Uur;umcers, MEW BERN BANKING & TRUST CO. DIRECT FROM THE r MANUFACTURER TO THE RETAILER. Century Silk, Price 30c. has the touch, wearing quality, ap pearance and feel of the highest grade silk that would sell at $1.00! ., Tissue T 1V1VI PirirA 7IIA HI.: the manufacturers take pride m pre-: senting this fabric to me public as they; believe it is the best yatuie in merchah dise that has ever been: offered over a retail counter. Dupiaone Silk, Price 25c will make a handsome v coshime for Spring and Summer, looks arid l feels ; like an expensive silk 1ri5the latent" styles only. ,-'-:.Zr Near Silk Foulards Price 15c a popular; facbric, WeU adapted r-for? a JSlillTCnEIifCOS T1 li.Orf dltkWnd of U 1U Uotor Comimn forth pMt rt Jtr Coaunod ttock to Moat tiitomohUt muafc luting tncm from SO KMi W 1000 r aml dWkWk. J ' t ' ; Oar offering of Um t pr MAt CamuUUv rrfrnd Stock of t ' C0HSOU0ATI3 KOTO! CAX COTrJUT, (OpIUl ilork f t.OOO.fyvi,) ct ' GhttUod, t r, 1100.00, wiUi bor.oi of 109 pw CDt of - Comrr,'!, ilwtld ptxrt tit!l prokletiii t prof.U. . . - ' v: TUCOSS0U0ATX3 tOTCJ CA1 CC'.fkXr nnu,'ifiurH U.t ' Sojrkl TorV( b4 tt Ooiiim Cr, toth of bkk r fn.; :&r l VTrry AatooMJUSbil. , ' ',, Most be Ibovi OueThousaniTdi V. 1 T:n Jr .- j J lest. - i- WMhiatfton, April 1,-'K iaraawxb tbla to bailer that aa ropla 1000 yarda away would aUmJ soaboa; U on ly tba servler rifla wart used", vl'hfct it the conclniion of naval ofll eera, dxpraaaed In ao official r report, to tha Navy Pepartmont oortha first at tempt erar nade to ahoot an aeroplane- anapaa Kice iroro a oaue emp. . .u The'axperinent aa made AprirB, when theAtlantic fleet waajit . target practice off Hampton Roads. rTben only the a err ice rifle waa peed fa flrinj at the kitea. Now preparatkwa ara, being mada to oae a threa-tochguBi r, .t " Thekitei naed wera box-8haped,4x2 feet, t Jd the third tolley, aimed at the flrat kit aunt up, tha atring by which tha klta waa being towed waa cut by a ballet, and it Bailed away without tha number of hit being disclosed, ' Of on hundred shots, fired, very rap idly at tha second kite. Jorty hits were made; several catting the: braces and f ramee. I'Aa the bunting covered not mora than three fifths of the' total area of tha kite as presented to Tthe ship'. said tbe report, fit gave tha excellent result of forty hits out 160 ahota at an area of about fle rquare feet at a rap idly plonging target 500 to 700' yards distant in tlie air." ' ; From 8ransboto on -Tha Three act Vaudeville at The Athens, this week. The Mans ictdar as. Comedy Sinsers aod Dancers. 1 Meeting of Chamber of coma tree -rJ Tonight, ' 1 i. There ' will- be a regular qc .rterly meeting of the Chamber ; of Cor. - nerce tonight in the eoort house at 8 r clock The meeting will be addressed y fir. B ,' E.. Riee, : IndnstnaU .Agent tbe Norfolk Soathera. .tfr. Rice Ms an authority on advertising local r " urcee ao hts talk will be'intanatily ii aresU tag. Mr, Sw Af Thompson will ad drew the meeting- on -the suh t of deeper Waterways. - Ha ik the fi-1 sec retary "ef tha National River am Har bors Congreaa. He has made th i' sub- jeeta study-fpr the last 'twen ? five years, -Every eitiaen of New; Bern; whether a member of -the Ch'ar. beiof Commarca or not, la invited to itteod thia meetings v ' .- . - The 1st. Co. a A; drwllftai '.rag alar drift and target practice too. ht at 'r. - HUNTER iU) fH. , 7!iHft in th : NovItV Strnnc i""r - t i act, Tne Grent ; Platf pnn , Back act at The Athens this , week?:" Dr. VaMi I. lodgers to Caase to .the .- ,''v'r'.eAM.iiiU' Rev; A; C. Bboler, pastor of the Bap tlst Tabarnaele. baa secured Dr.-JuUaa 3. Bodgers, of AUaat ; to assist Wo ka a eertea ef meetings at the Taber nacle" Baptist church which in all prob biUty wiU start osxtSondsy, Dri Rodgera la DO stranger to many In ear city, having ooce before M soeeting'at the TbereaU wheq ftev, J. W. Uam was the chorcbY pastor, . Dr, Rodgtrs k a tosa of collars deep tee-Blnav and ripe exterietkca and oogbt for ia revival work the country over, " ; He will he heard with pleasure by many of out people.'- vriLUAIi3' IIDNET riLLS " Have you ai(leetd jroor. SlinryT Have ye ovsrwork your nervous ys lm and ea:mi troobla with yo4jr lid By arwl LlnlvJotT I J"U' fin V.ine, t'i, ;fk, groins "and lt!f l'Tyoa filly ; ',...rn- f.f tb' fra, r-;- "j ui,'. r tl.e tyT T" f' , - .t a (' r V t I.: T It t, V, ii ! ' Y.'.' y m'M -ire yon t Dr.; .'.t, ri.ff2. Ti'iir.rw' yi g. Co., C '-!. O. Atlaptic Ocean in - Onslow .. County to, i ' - - - -f "v. I Farmviue n Pitt County. . -Throutrh the-effortr of Mr., J. 'K fjlxoe, oar esteemed fellow eitizen and Honorable Representative, .the member from Jonas county fa the hut legiala turethe charter of the Trent -River Railroad Company waa granted. ? - The. flrat purpose of tbla eharter la. as before stated by - advocates, .to conn hect by a abort line of railroad la every part of the county: V',' t- There are now three North and soutu lines ot.raflroad running through Jones county which dor not meet the demand for Interior development : pat afford a direct connect ioo, with all aeedona of the coontyvwih each, xthef - and the oublde world,-''1' TheBe lines are:-Iiti Tlie Atlantic CoaBt Line from New Bern to Wilming ton, via Pollockaville and Mayevllle, 7 2nd. Tbe John L. Roper Road from New Bern to Catherine Lake, via pol lockaville and upper White Oak and evidently - destined to point further South. These first two roads are in the lower. ot eastern end of . Jonee county. Srdt The Dover South Bound' from Dover to Rlchlanda, via Foys' Tsylor's, Phillip's, Dudley's and Comfort In the upper or western end of Jones county. None of these roads reach our county seat at Trenton or pass through the rich middle section of our county Under present conditions it will take - about two days to go from Maysviile to Com fort -by rath In fait one can make the round trfp to New York City and spend day of business xtt pleasure in that Metrogolia in leas time than it will t aka to make the round trip by rail from the Eastern to the . Western end of Jones county and spend a day In building a - new railroad it ia im portent that we take advantage of our national facilities, and .while It cannot be huilt, literally, by every, man a door yet every man in tbe county will, prac tieslly, have a railroad at hie immediate convenience. The proposed Trent River Railroad Will develop tne entire county, put our county seat on a . railroad line arid do the most good to att the peonje fbWBreathea There a Man With Soul ao.Dead etc.." : -' i The charter ofthe Trent River Rail road proposes to construct a railroad from some point to deep water on Trent river at or near. Toltocksvilla in Jones county via Trenton to some point on the Dover South Bound. with the privilege ef extending East td West -to make any other railroad or water eonneetioQ. The, diaunee 'from Pollocksville. via Trenton to the Dover. South Bound is about (17) seventeen ttiTesTThii seven teen (17) mi ss bf railroad will connect aod Hnk iogethet every "part ;f Joel's county and put every , neighborhood fa the eouniy in touch with - the; outside wortf. - And rihVend ia not yeb'.Tbe hujldlng- of this seventeen (17) miles of railroad, upanlsg a larte. rich seetien of our county; giving My, quick traa. porUtioo'to a Urge per . cent ef our people; who have so Jong keen deprived ef these developing agenciea, putting our County east. Tree too, on a railroad line andonxhe march te wrowth and prosperity hut the constmetion ef thia seventeen (17) miles ef railioad makes ths following lines feadable and practi- eabU, for Instance, at PoliocksvlIU you connect with the Atlantic Coast Una for New Barn and Wilmington, tha John L. Roper road forJJtfW Bern and tie South, the Trent river with deep water for New Bern and the Atlantic Oeean. Prom Trent river secure tracaage ever the John L. Roper , read to the White Oak road st Mies QldSeU'a plantation. build a Una from that point Eaatwafdly erulnf and conoeeiing sgain wllhlhs Atlantic Coa.t Line at Uaysvlll,thnee d wa the North Sid of White Oak rivtr throaght the Mkbra'.rd 1mg Peiot FieouUn, whkh now bebjngs .to the MUtsefthe UtevIlpory II. Rgtrs, who it is -eald had 'the di'tlnetkiii ef butMlnf the Virginia lUilrotd from the fxal fieUsAf Weal Virginia to Norfglk harbor, a d'tna of 4ol mil at a cot Of forty ml!!In dollars, without a tingle bond rr a drfisT worth of stock liabili ty 2!iwt It. '' Tii clrbral3 Ing I oint .!r.Uin hit ix r f -itr fr.t on t' resident's (Position) On Mexican wSLtoaUon .Tension Somewhat. . "Vv" Believed - " ' .Wuhingtoo, April 19-!'An Invasion of if ex ICO, designed for a. limited and temporary purpose, might be like fajuch ing a match to a tinder house.".; .Senator Bacon,. of Georgia, ranking minority member of the Senate Com ml t tee on Foreign Relations, thus epi tomized the sentiment of leaders of both parties fa the two branches of Congress.. While recognizing the grav ity of the situation fa Mexico. Con grew ia satisfied that the President is doing every thing that can be done un der the eirenmstancea, and nowhere k there seen-the slightest disposition to embarrass him ot his program. it waa learned at the -close of a con ference at the White, House at whfcb were Senator Cuilom, chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Rela tions, and Representative Sulzer, chair- mmof theHouae Committee, on For eign Affairs, that President Taft, for the present at least does not jeontem platesending' to Congress a special message, dealing With Mexican affairs. The President, however, is keeping the ( leaders of both parties in Congress thoroughly acquainted with develop ments, with the result that the closest co-operstlon exists between the Capitol and the White House. - Positive assurance that - the Mexican government will adopt a "definite- re striction policy along the border, and news from Dougla that the rebel fo - ceshave evacuated ; Agua.Prieta, has dona much to relieve the high tension under which President Taft and mem bers of his official family have labored. The assurances from Mexico followed demands of the State Department that fighting which endangered American lives in the border lown must be slop ped. Dispatches received at the White House from Douglas -indicate that the situation along the border is now quite satisfactory.. A-message from Govern or Sloan, of Arizona, said in psrt; ' Good order prevails, and situation entirely satisfactory. ' Am satisfied Federah took reasonable precaution to prevent firing into Douglas (luring the fighting." fi A Well Known Judze Hands Down aii Opinion. The Savodine Company ' New Bern, N. C .- j Dear Sirs: From the use t have made of SAVODINE I believe is to be a very valeahle remedy for catarrh and colds. tt'givea almost immediate relief In eaae of dlffloult breathtng and Inhaling it freely checks and gives relief fa severe coughing, Se far as I have bad oppor tunity to nse it', which . is only e abort tftoe, I saa. much pleased , with Its effi elency, ' - . . ' Very truly youre.'' - -" " .T.'P.SBEPARD,.r 'J' V -'1 Bay City; Mkh. 'lodge T. Pi Shepard is widely known and hlghry esteemed. H Is a lawyer of recognised ability. ? For years hewu Circuit Judge of tbeEastera District of MW-Wgaa.- ; ,C r'V'.'v. 64 O. PAID ON 4 C. STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATISM . It has always been the policy of the officers and di rectors of this bank to manage it in a most conserva tive manner and it is due to this fact, in a large mens nre, that the i institution has won the unlimited confi dence of the people of New Bern and Craven County, thereby accumulating deposits in exeess of $335,000,00. DepnsitS-SubjeCt to ; check are welcomed in any amount and 4 per cent interest is paid on Savings. WM.DUNN PBtST. CD.BRADHAM VICE PR E ST.. TA.UZZELL CASHIER JUST RECEIVED Madras With' Satin Stripe, For Waists, Blouses and Shirts. ONLY IOc. PER YARD WELL WORTH 15c. Barrington Dry Goods Co. LET THE GOOD WORK GO ON. We are advertising just as much to educate the public to the use of good pine lumber as to sell it ourselveB. Therefore, at times, we need not dwell on the merits - of our own timber but can safely leave that to the judgment of in " telligent lumber buyers. Our ex . perience with pine lumber en ables us to speak with authority, and to offer a grade of goods absolutely ' without parallel in this section of the country. I Broaddus & Ives Lumber Co a23BBBnBBlBB&B3E i.i--3 r ' ,' There ere individual, f -.wdan..' .il, e-.vhanlrl r.- ' eompWU line of eoA.nxr-;! t-. , t- ' 1 j r ., '.Urge eroflU 14 the !rsveeUr, !!. we i.l t''-; ' Snr; . , ' !aveevr will a!o le f in.'. . 1 S j ' " : . Statenienta annl nnu"T. T.-e ho.k t - '. . t 'si n Im .ifi of n - f !. ' Tl v Crwi' Tmc-i'i " r - I 71 I ? r ' ' 1 ' ff (TV ;) 1 I 1 ' ' i c'vt ! 1 ' , . ,1 4 f. It U "f 1' - ' t ' . 1 -r i 1 rr la .'wi.n ro jr.'.y as.J ' thn pwut vt'iiaeerl- t r 1 tr t I I I i r f : f will develop the CetrtrsJ Eastern portion of our lute atore than anything ever yet undertaken, a proposition; :' that erery progressive spirited man can take hold of with the satisfaction of know log that he la Striking a VIow : for his sod coning fsneraUone, placing v his on vantage grouad with other. high ry favored aecUone..' - ' : 4 t: " 'ry- a!"' WHTTIOAI.- NEW BERN BUILDIIiG S LOAM AS3 N. ansssBBBBBSBBssBBBwaaaaBaMaansBsBSBBBBaBBn sBasaMsssssawBSBBBBSBBi ?i .-The attention of the New Bern public is invited to the Jfact that the next series ef the NEWBERN BUILDING & TtOAN ASSOCIATION opens April 1st, and that no better :'ortafe( investment b offered for their favorable consider ation. The stock, of this popular investment is now on sale ' through the ageocj of the undersigned who will be pleased . to explain its merits and method of operation to anyone , mterested. ,'4 , .-k - -!---?V.--k. : Jilephonei: Offlct ,400, , Hora 258. Elks Bunding Cf.-i?'.'.: vipiiiiiii t!.e l.i ( 1. ti 1 n I' I '.ji .5'. '. i , ; n