r 'Vf iij .'11 Kew Bern, N. C.Aprfl 20, .1811. Arami lcdgx io. a i ci r- .i vvMeeti every Tuesday 8 p. m., over Cm ' - Cots OfflovWiddie St, E. E Hardiaoo, CvJ. H;5mith,X.-f R. d s. Visiting brother are assured of a chev t irlieri welcome, i ---,.' W -AJ ' fJEATW VMD61 0 1.5 OI6BTr :;0FJUlUI0jt--llet Ind, a ttl " auitfrU Harmony Bn. corner Broad ' enl..aoock wtreota at T:I0 o'clock. S0cretwyr?. W MeCuj, Financial 8eV hooDOK or f hi iroKLD-jma a R. ot P. .Halt corner of Sroad aac Qanoook atreeta, tend-inoatUf Wrs- a'ctruk. Tlsrtta:Tfoodn ere invh CTDKX TO HIW IBTtmglKim S Llpman-Hvl;-'V: H'i J M Hitehell & CoDry Good. BUSINESS J L0CS J . it" NOTICES ;IN THI8 COLtUN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MOST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. "BEAUTIFUL line Eater Post Cudi just received. 10c for one doien. Geo. B. Waters. . . - ' QUOTE you as follows: Evaporated Peaches 12c lb, best tub Butter 30c lb, Fox River Butter 34e lb, best Flour Sc Lard 11c and 14c. Rib Meat 13c and 14c lb. We handle the best of everylhlng at the lowest possible prices. H. C Arm- Btrong. - LEFT at this office-Od outer .Coat, gray in color. Important articles in the pockets. Owner may secure same by identifying the ..coat and paying for this ad. , - . A GOOD Idea for, railroad and mill men, as well as every body else would be to take some stock in the Mew Bern Building and Loan Association's April series. None better. -W. G. Boyd, FINE lot of Leghorn and Black Spanish hens for breeders, Spanish and North Carolina Peanuts, Hams, Breakfast Be con and Pic Nics, Piedmont, Old Mill and Fatima Cigarettes, fine and Coal Tar, Mullet and Drag Nets, Life Pre servers, Lights and Rope. B. B. D veoport FOUND A Fountain Pen. Ownereaa have same by proving property and paying for this aA Call at the Journal office. FOR RENT An eight room dwelling, modern improvements, electric lights. eity water etc,, No. 14, Metealf street Apply to S. W. Willis, No. 44. MiddU streeti BOB'S Sanitary Sprey-Thia well knswn and very efficient diafeetant and deodoriser can be parehasslat Scott A Co's Livery SUbles. JELIX) ICE Cream Powders, JelVO, Lipton'iJellie Tablets, Mother's Gela tine. Koox' Gelatine, Quaker Puffed Rice reduced, I lbs for 16e, plain Bock wheat, prepared Buckwheat: at Hud son's. Phone 22& . . ''' BUY your Cakec SrMd and Plea for Enter from K tier's Bakery- and eave all that trouble at bom. ' . . . DO NT scratch, try Puffy 's Itch Oint ment cures itch, dandruff and. all Itch ing skin troublet Guaranteed, Price 2Be.F. S. Duffy's Pharmacy..'': WORK la Concrete-AH kmda of work doae in Concrete end Paving and Step a specialty. E. fc Harperv , - CBEATEST Hoe of EasUr Cards town, look them ever , ewe doae for 10c Geo. B. Waters. . , ; "; f .'' s-: PUBLIC 8Ue-AO the booeebeld and kitchen furniture of Moore's' Uoardlog Ileoee, 4fl Sooth ; Front etreeC ,N Bern, N. C BeJe begmaieg Se tor day April 15Ui and wiu eontmoe, eniQ Set- Crdaf tvening April t2. .' f' "v nn:n tern -uw. tn. mt StntUnd Nark. N CL .rA BHk '.;'-i thte proline em last season' 100 tuhek ' I"' per acre. We.have supply f tiie .- . ' :". ' rt4 Cor ew hewd, . 11 ws' hev : -'I f ! er before It is all gone. J :; : : ' : W bitty 4 Ce. . i' V : : 1 -r- . rvK KKfl r Twe Arena sw 7 roum '. , . .hacees, eentrsliy letstd. TVse boo- , ; ; , ee have pnrtelelA Uth, hot and to ' , Wktwr and U eKjrn tofittnUn. Ai " drM Owner, bo 77, er pke -. ANOTBEK sr.lpet of t t f.rrn 0a. ft. Wet-. ' . . FOB EAI.E-A tvlb tlrr i r .t,, In good condition. An 'f to B. M. Prla rmisiia en a a, p. ri' Si Cref (rpu C,trX . t'i eVanM, rf 'r-l ai.d iu!, ,m t v V 4.4. W wiiviO -appreciated tKe Teryv best"- . vanilla, possible to make there wouldn't be any otbef .-Hf sua soia cefj v- c ; 'X. BURNETT'S N I L LA -V-.'-ir-.-- .'..v--. jf . i?v-t i to no more than the: ofnary kind because it iTi io'4.ti:;r(GKaind bo c much more flavprjuTt goesj ; -' -1 1 appreciates the best vauDa BURNETTS VANILLA eta itm nn A. v. Mrk . .Ensa Parker tf KiMton, Is t'b- itlng relatives to this city. -V'r';.;;. an, 4. A, neauowi is yisitias; roiiv trree and: friends at Beaufort. ; Mr.fand Mrs. Rv F. Kearna, of Oairi bdt, Germanyrare stopping it the Gas- t ' Mr. Thos. Gaskili ii at Washington, D. C, attending t some business mat- tera., -.';r' - Mr. W. S, Jones, of "Wallace, N. C, Is in the city visiting his parents, Mr. fnd Mrs.; WUliam Jones. The Talkative Trickster at The Athens this week. El Gar DELICATE CHILDREN. Made. "Strong 'and Healthy by 'I wish I could induce every mother who has a delicate,' sickly child, to try' your delicious cod liver and iron tonic, Vinol. ; It restored our little daughter to health and strength after everything else had failed. 'It tastes so good the loved to take it not a bit of cod liver ofl taste.Mrs. C. W. Stump. Canton, Ohio," (We guarantee this testimonial to be genuine.) .. The reason Vinol is so soeeessfoj In building op puny, delieate. ailing chil dren is because it Is a combination of the- two most world-famed toqics,-the medicinal body building elements of eod liver olL aided by the blood-making and strength-creating properttes ef tonie iron. It contains no. oil and children love to take It and it' cannot barm the most delicate child, v If w caa Induot'yoa to try a bottle of Vinol as a body builder and strength ereaL for your child, and yon do not find it la all we claim, ' we will return your money on demanii F. 8. . Duffy, Dmggiat, New Bern; N. G v :J c ; and you wilt know what you are using on your property. way W easy- Boy one gallon of -ju';' .-;;viv and one gallon v of ' Pare Linseed XXL pot them together, stir them np well, and you will have two galloas of Pure Unseed OU Paint: there is no, -doubt about yoor oil being Pure ' since' YOU bavo bought and added It YOURSELF. This is safer, 4han Jo, teio someone eleo'a word that tbo Linseed Oil la yoor palni is pnre.--4f , - V ;iTwfJT.S1 , ' VF0R SALE tt' The New Dcra Ebi!diaij &uj- :-:'Cvr4j;Co,-fliV NEW MEM - ' ; ' ,N. C. .Tlie Opponent of tbeea'.attlinhmai.t f . L t ' 1 . r . . . f i . i . a win c riin'7 ton iWtrDt. II f don't foU fr the P. eof'lfi'i Court, lry-kDe It la friml u; Wnp!y to "it vo vmrU) j s J '','' m l tla b m-i vtU f'r the' Krfrt !.'?' RcLaol. 1 IqM !.' ti) sk l.'.n. C he t i;rt ti it rhfK t.j jrun , ),nA glvti g a j.h." We . r 1 tf t 1.', 1, an 1 onr It, rrs ' ,i t ro-: ; t . t Isir! n ,:l r v t I . i ' y I. 1 ' 1 " I ! . I ( ! t nr-r ' f !.: ; ' 1 . , ! tt I i '1 i " 1 rui . i. .inn,, ,1 1 1 . tit 1 1 : P 0 n ' . Tl Pr A 'Q f;0"pT I f 1 ' I I . 1 !!- -, 1! ' I. "TLre was no eeiwion of. tbe'pc'iic court yesterday afurnoon, there being i no casee ready for trial." ; . -; ,'., . The schooner Mabel and Ruth, Cyst. Geo, Coowy arrived yesterday from Waahlngton," D. C loaded with corn" and fertilizer, ; iZi . ; ' : Such days as yesterday, wind bfowug a gale and fiiUng every, one's eyes full ef duar, is the - time that ' the street sprinklerje -'neededU isl.' the increasing popularity of tte great temperance j drink"r , Pepsi-Cola, s ' at tested by the laree daily shipments that leave the factory u this city for all sec tions of tte'fountryi:i?jf ti -'Becoming frightened at some -object a large bird dog jumped through one of the1 frohtf wmdow of Mr; McGehee's J store last Tuesday afternoorfc The "dog was not nun, duc iblwuhiuw .raa yz Bolt shell crabs have mado ' their ap pearance on tn .weal : maraeuane price charged for Jthem by; the dealers is almost prohibitive. tO the average person and butfew of .'them are being me prtceor, eggsnas aavaocea our- ihg the put few "days, . Saturday they could be purchased for fifteen eents per docen and yesterday they sold od the IQOal'market for eighteen and enty cents' per lon.,l!V;-.V' 'y-'f President Oi H. Mill, of the A. & M. College, will sneak in this eity at .'the court house Friday night at8 o'clock Off the subject of Fam-Wfe . Schools, Saturday at z 0 clock ne "wilt speaa at VanceboroTMt fa hoped that a large audience will hear him. We beard a gentleman from the coun try 'cussing'.1 the autoinobilea.: a . few days ago because' they frightened, his horse, : He claimed that some auto dri vers pay no attention when g horsobe. Comer frightened bntifoscooting'l by just as If they;bwned the universe. Tomorrow nighL the-English-Grand Opera Company will preseht.Cavalleria Ruaticana at the Masonic Theatre. This 'company is being highly praised by the press, and those who attend havflin store for ;themr rare musical treat. 8eata for the performancn will b on sale today at waters; store., . ,The'AtIantie Fir , .Engine. Company are having their engine overhauled and repaired preparatory to entering -Lit- the tournament - at Cbarlottw next month. '"The company baa an' engine that has, "male good'VloTpas't years and they feel confident of " making an other worlds's record at the .next tour nament. -r' 'A-J,--i.Oj An exhibition prire "fight between two local youngsters created -consider able interest for those .who happened to be In-the vicinity at that time, ? Sine the' advent of two; youthful , boxersat oneaf the Joeal theatres several days ago. pugilistic encounter "among ha yonmrer contingent here - have . been c-uite freqdent .' ' "4 H, ' '"H. The manages of the -local branch of the Salvation .Army baa In his eharge yonng whlU - girl -whom ho -wishes to place in some family in this city.-" The girl has a good character and; Js willing to do all of the housework in return for her board and clothing. Fort her inf or nation may bs obtained by inquiring at the Army neadauarters on Broad street If the local hose- iearot who are to participate in the State IFiremen' tournament whkh to to be held at Char lotte next month fail to' return home with ooe or more prises t will not be because they have not properly Upload for that event Every afternoon they caa be found 00 George and East Front street and so far they Lave abown. op wall in their trial runs.r;j t-J- " .during the, past few dayt two color ed base ball teams have been p laying ban out at the colored base ball park. Oh both Monday and. Tuesday , after noon the tane broke ap la a fight and several of the pextlclpanU la the melee Were badly beaten, -, Tueedsy afternoon several" of -the ecrappers were before Mayor McCarthy for -being disorderly and were Warned . against any further similar sooduefbut on the same after noon they engaged in another affray, . Mri : Herbert Ednundsoe ' wTvo was employed ae blacksmith by the Roper Lomber Coanpeoy la thie eity, and who attempted to take bis life several day ago by taktng a aamber of grains r f bichloride of mercury and who wm later placed in 8Uvrt'e Sanitarium fo ' pi ple are not ..'.r' (he Far S." I r th it t' t t', lu!,n,nttf U,e J "1 I,T f. I fl it taV t ut 1 (1 .1 f ll I y 1 t (' nn.e i Y.: ' .n ' '-' ' ' ' - t it r - '.' t to 1.1 ' I n , i 1 i ; !.- r t i-f t:.e i:-".r !.-.'s l 1. 1 t j r -1 4 V W I -4 1 A . Mra.. H. B Marks Eatertsma; Complimentarly to -' Mrs. William Hand. Mrs. B. Marts . enterUined at a large and delightful bridge party Tuesday -afternoon at her homeimJoha son' street. '-I&Xk.'.?' The entire lower floor of Mrs. Marks' borne was . artiBtically decorated in rosea, dog-wood and wild flowereiS There were nine tobies of bridge and the place cards were suxgestive of the EutegaasaoM-MW' jJWter the game two delicious eoorses esro ikfffi0ffy!('- Tueedsy ; at her home on Newtstreet Mrs. C, Curran-Sfhollenberger "enter tained a a beauUfuliy appointed lun cheon in honot of MnC; WolfeTof PhlUdelphla. Covers were- laid for sis and there were've.-.couwes;-'.'- ;S the decorations i were ' in .- - white, and green Tillies of the' ; ysJIy poet s narclss and flag lilties being effectivOly. used on the,Uble. W& ffirubled" jdtiring he 3 rm; Iweather witril a smoking stove for tone that doesn't bakwell: CdJl and see outline of Buck's Stoves and: Ranges. :; S. Basnight Hdw, Co., 67 S: Front St. treatment died, at trTatlnStitution Tues day night . Uls remains, which were accompanied by his' brother, Mr. Let' ter EdmondfOD, were taken.to Robinson- ville, N- C; yesterdsy momug for In terment ; Ti ';'-V-i.' i8if test Oesi 'I'.Fashion; decrees that the La yaujewvwill be . wom more exV iensively than ever during the " coming season. . And in response to this' demand it would 'seem' 'that' the designers of artistio jewelry have surpassed all pre-1 vjous endeavors. Never before " have we shown.: t - . ' . - , : jucn a rich . and varied display., And-never before have we offered. Inch valuea ; :.... .- . JRWRT.KR ANrT'-""S-- i' E MAKUFACTURLNG OPTICIAN ions - i t C 1 1 .. r . ' PHONE 6V SELECTED COTTON SED ;' y- For late, as Id n 2 ii they lasC a " limited quantify of grlcded Cotton Seed, Simp kir.s Variety csre fully f ked c'r.ned tt a private tin, rack ed h new L:;s c!3 tu:.h(!s f'ch, ttSl.C) for bushel, (' !."vrrr l cn boat cr cars, Cr.ili w:i cnlcr.' Write, !' ,1 IV" 'f - It II. . !) I; ft' - ! LI' mscriDt n ic nfiy I1U - :1roungmen with an eye to smart . styling and a; hankering after fashion will eppreciate this nobby GoldJtondi Guaranteed S2.QO ".Straw Ba&E,There's a signed and sealed guarantee bond of complete satisfaction or money back with everyTJold-Boad Hat, and besides - we're showing every smart sh pe of the season in either Softs or JJerbies and every seasonable col or, too.-" ' y "Cor. S. Front and Middle Ste. Besf Tub Batter 30c Meal ier peck . , 22c Lard per lb. 1 lc and 14c Sugar s 4 5-l-2c Fox River Butter 34c Queen Gty Butter 34c Best Flour . 3c H.C." Phone 174 Middle St. 'S IVescriptions . from all physicians, Quickly and Ac WatelyfiUed. " 3 J Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. VLFtlC pbiSnb k:w J-; V A HEARTY BREAKFAST : houldbe eaten by all who hare, work to do during the day. - But -with many fteopla-breakfaet has to ha Very tempt inf orll is pot eUt"V' ; iic" V'v' WE HAVE' A HOST PF M DREAKFAST F00D$ that will tempt any appetite. ;n Pascake flours, syrups," cereale and what nob Come and ak to see them. , ;'. "" ' Country Hams, - Smoked Jowta, flour nd Bweet rklil Hotnl Astor CbfTce, A I plorf, Oranif, Cl-bjfi.. EveryUiinf" t'iraiitd and di-hvered promptly, ' ... - -1 fri f n Live Cheaper HENRY ijimiijimyr A COr.IPLETO" liINF Blue Sew "Mixed- Goods are ; Now to be seen at F. M. CHADWICK'S ; Merchant.Tailor4 103 Middle St. New Bern, N. C. Portsmouth Corned Mullets :" NICE LOT JUST RECFtVFD. Fresh Fox River Print Butter only 34c. lb Fancy Elgin Tub Butter 80c. lb. Small Blue Band Hama-18c. lb. I'ic-Nic Hams 14c. lb. Uusu a) Saturday Bargain Day again this week. Prices same as last Sat urday except for Butter, which is as quoted above If you cannot come or send, phone your orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prompt - delivery. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY, J. L. McDaniel 41 Middle St. Phone sooooooooe-ee-e-eoee eeveeMM POST CARDS! t AT : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee T. J. TURNER Furniture CAR SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWSCREENS . Knocked down screen frames. Adjustable frames, Wire cloth black and galvanized; all widths, Atten ; tiorrgiven taking measures for sizes needed. Paint .and Varnish Stains and Hoor Finish, all necessary godds for the home. Service prompt, business appre t dated; Call U8 up Phone 147. ; GASKILL HA ROW A RE CO. Middle fStreet v ' Phone 147, ' New Bern. N. C 'y Another shipment of thaf Fsmoos Ligcetta Choeolatea received -"7 r.Cby-express. ,.. SATURDAY CANDY ATr29JR POUND. Anythinjj In the Drug LIne. 'l Prescriptions CalledT for and Qaston DrugjCornpiiw ner '73io wirjaJUb"XMmi . A the ,-v. rno N'K No. 65 ' " ' .' M V ;es and 91 New Bern, N. O HEirs e e e STORE AWNINGS We have the .'igenry for Ilettrick Bros., AvvniiiKS. both store and resi dence. If you arc in need of an Awn ing we can furnish you. Place your order before the Summer i usli. Fit, Quality and Price Guaranteed. To see SiimpleH and get prices, call phone 172, or address P. O. Box 445. Co., 93 Middle St. ... -iTORT-OFnCE MsssjssaaejsjayfjT' W Uacls Sam with his wttmsted' aeveoty " f Tf miUito! population can sot tnitV a tatter eelecUon fat caae i t r, than y tan to rnake jf,.if n f.-oin Mir itixk if f Ar 1 r i ! IUiCZe sn'l ( t r ; - . r , h te ot, 1 Whi! : you 1.-,, : , .1 (