. - . ' - - v - : . - - - - ; -..., i j :.t' 1 V 15 4. 0 - y - , - . - ' . . f. . Lift LwJJ,VJ LArU . I fry V. :l I. -ALCOHOL J K cex. slmilattag tefbodaxiRegA tic$t(ieSiBoals8nlB(wi(i I .i ""TTfjS tesDteesfioitfltBfiH ness and KntContalns fcrr t OpiumJ4arphine MrMuenLJ NOT NARCOTIC. AMItUtt- WormsionvulsttiBJwns ncssamlLossorSUEP. V Exact Copy of Wrapper. " j Physicians Advise the use of a goodlaxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undigested food from gettinginto youi system. . . . v The latest product iA science s VELVQ Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, geritit, reliable and of a pleasant, aromatic taste., Velvo acts on the liver, is well as od tlt slomadf arid bowels, and Is of the great&t possible efficacy in constipation, uidigestion, biliousness, sick headache, feverishness, coUc,flittulence, etc. Try ' VF I nn SOUTHERN RAILWAY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PQJNTS NORTH, SOUTH-EAST. WEST. Very Low Hound Trip Kates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 p m, arrives Atlanta 6:35 P rrt.'making clflae connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a rri, Mobile 4:12 p m New Orleans 80 p m, Birm inghum 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. This car also maken close connection atSalis bnrv for St. Louis and other Western points. Through Pullman to Washington loa ves Raleigh 6:50 p nV arrives Washing on 8:53 a m, Baltimore 10:02 a m. Phila delphia 12:23 noon. New York 2:31 pm. This car makes close connection Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and 'at Greena boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California oints and fur all Florida point. ' Through Parlor Cur for Aiihevilla leaves ColdHboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 8:35 a m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making closo connection with the Caro lina Succiat and arriving .Cincinnati 10 a m, following-diy after leaving Raj th, wilb close connection for all points North and NoUn-West. Pullman for Wimton-Salem lesrvea Raleigh 2:36 am, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection at Greensboro for all pointa North, South,' 'East and West. This car Is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldabofo at 10:45 p m. If you desire any information, pleaae call. We are here to furnish informa tion aa well aa to aell tickets. H. F. CARY. 3. OvJONES, fl. P. A. T. L A- WaVhington, D C. RalelghN. & T $20.00 ALL EXPENSES OF A FERSONALLr CONDUCT- r ED TOUR ' To WaahlnjtonV DrC,, via Norfolk Bouthero )lf,; aod Tforfok. ft WahlnWu a K (to , Itla'f Rajdgh MajSCtb 1911.' TV- La tLi.LAM t..Uea - . JIM ryaj aaai.fU" all I Bj.wiNMaj- tior "Meala ax4 Suurooma, both U- - and inrrtrrg akle tripe to -.Virf mia V. Pach, Arlfnittdh, Meant Vernon, AI- aiwlria, Va., and aatomobBeghtfinf trip t vsrtotta point ef liiatarU later ;'.' eel rotn Vufifu , iV -' x - That lour, tmdef tbe direetioa of Prof. .. f frank h. Hitter, (he RW,h Tub .'. ' ' lie fWhorls, aa Wt ermnfd rtisl t 1 for yoimjt fple- avl otbr , ' iwhih to takaadvanUfaef tbUastrv ma - ly kw'rtaNt Ibe eduvratnal alTn ' ,1t arorW bjr trot. lUr'jr'. " For romilole teformaU(n and i ' , trata-l ho-l 't d-npire rf trie t'ir t! PW : f N"tf' Ftb"ri tirket ' " a--' rt -')rea pfr.f. Fri,k M. f"' , 'J f.Kr,ir..iie K,l - v.-. V. t - N For Infants tM CMI !rcn- 9 Thl Kind Yea rllaya girt- ' raf aiirnuM MMuiv,m tR cot, ; LIVER SYRUP NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS Schedule Effective January 29. 1911 Tne following schedule figures pub lished aa information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND 12:30 a m, Daily-Night Express Pull man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 9:30 a m, Daily for Norfolk, connects for all pointa Worth and 'west, Parlor car service. ' 1 :45 d m. DaiW except Sunday for Washington, Belhaven, Greenville Wilson and Kaieign 4:10 a m. Dailv-T-Nieht Exnnws for Gotdaboro. , 9:16 a m, -Dajly for Goldsboro. 5:25 p m. EAST BOUND . 926 am, Daily for Beaufortr 90 arri. Daily except Sunday for Oriental. 6:03 p m, paily for Oriental. For further informs' ion or reservation of Pullman Sleepl'rfg Car space, apply o T. H. Bennett, T. A., New Bern, . C. v W. W. CROXTON, W. R. HUDSON N. G. P. A. . Gen'l Supt W Norfolk, Va, roiwatroiJEYPitis A CiinorrUt prisoner la the wllaeaa Und at Vlierb-J, Italy, a'ampaded rtha rcnvrfTown bv ihrowias bi giaaa y at the trial jxlga. PoUv Ktdaef Mils aotUaia In eoneeo trted form ibKredienta of.MUbliahed tH4 rapeotte value tf Um relief arid ewr ot aH kidney aid bladder ailments. r. Ui KHtne PdU are aotkepl. tonie a "4 restorative, RefoM oaailtataa. r..Ooffy. imarl Bay. Teacher (te W ptiUr-Why did tbe great UaauJUl fftves tbe Alpav pt Ht- Uf Utde If aa-Tof tba-aaiM raaaotfj es ik' kee cToaaed la' road. Tar Ook t eatrl toe with M pwiti - Bydaey lletlav ' r .U caaea ef rkeuniatknr) rVt froa pain an ike siarp arte) fast txlpie. M may be obtaind by applylna) Cham- bertaia't LMilnteat.' tor aaie ty ail deaiera. ' Aai iDveatlfaUoa) af the civil tavvtet tytters) tvaa W ofdarad by the Hons Committee Raforse la IheCiHlSer- Ire, ' ' AIwayscBoa ApK Use Yjr For Over i . . . - ... , 'Thirty Years liSlBll LAXATIVE LIFE C'J0YtANO Putting an lh 0( and Siaortlnf - YaurMlf With tha Othar. -' Very few persona kaotr how1 to get Into a Ufa buoy,' and, aa In tbla nnctr- taln vorld on never knows when ena' juyneed- fe maku use o a tmoj Hn raaJ .'eanieat,. a. -tJtUe practlca might proTa of great valoa lit aa emergency. Now,' wtea the buoy 4s throwa- into tba water the temptation' la to try to Hit it'TBer one'a head atft shQUldera or ta aire through It 'This, however, Is lmpoaalblw Tha correct thine la to J grasp the two aides of, the booy with nncera-of the hands nppermoat, iower yonraelf under the booy and come, BfH throngh v the" center, ; then, rest ypui arms npon the aides, and yon, will be comQjrfably supported as long as It is necessary. ' -V . ; - ' More often than otherwise, In case of accident, a life bnoy: la. not "at . hand. In such an.evanr may beused am aiihattVnta. " Nn there 1.4 rttnme Httte art Itf aavlag oneself by this means, for an averaeej8izea -bouu is not buoyant snougu to svpport a per son If grasped v as the first linpulsa would direct. There Is only one way In which the oar will support a human being.. It must be ridden like a hobbyhorse. The haftls put betweeuthe legs and tiief Diaae auowea to project aoove iue surface of She water in front of one. By this means the head Is kept well above the water Pearson's Magazine. , .Feeling For Death. Kor a week the self appoint guide o the blind an Mr daily walks had nifUed that the twomenvwho were Iter speeiul jJinrges felt carefully of the.walon ejtner swe or toe aooroi Nhe (iSlum wbfn passing in antf'out.. Since Sue was there to lead them, that ' nrecadtlon seemed not at all neeessaty, and bfie ttnally asked their -reason for it. V I am looking for crape on the door," one old man tola her. "xncy uon i like to let us fcnow here in thesylum when any one dies for fear of making us feel bad, but they put crape on the door, and by feeling for it when we pass in and out we enn find out for our selves when one of us has gone." New York Press. ' K THE SOUND SLEEP OF GOOD . HEALTH. Cannot be overestimated and any ail ment that prevents it is a menace to health. J L Southers, Em Claire,' Wis. says: "1 have been unable to sleep soundly nights', because of pains n cross rany back and soreness of my kidneys. My appetite was very poor and mv gen eral condition was much run down. 1 have been taking Foley's Kidney Pill but a short time and now sleep as sound as a rock, my,gener.l condition inrt at ly improved, and 1 know that Foley Kidney Pills have cured me." V. S. Uulfy. Prof. T. I. J. See. before the Pffi!os iphical Society in Philadelphia, announ ed discoveries-' in cosmieal evolution, fading lo the developnfcnt ef the scr4 nee of cosmogony. Children' Cry , FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Announcement. I hereby at onceAnnounce myself afii candidate, aod may I now thank my many friends for past patronage. ( now shall cut prices on all kinds of sawed shingles, a large stock on hand, must be sold by April 14th; will close out cheap aa I ex pec U. to make some change in my business. You win and I lose, BIG HILL Tbe Shingle Wan A HEALING SALVE FOR BURNS CHAPPED HANDS AND . . SORE NIPPLES A a healine salve for bums, sores, sore nipples and chppd,banda Chara berlain'a Salve is' moat excellent. It allays the pain of a burn almost instant ly, and tfnlessJtbe Injury ia very severe. heali fit pares, wjtnout Having' scar frices V f ft or airtrjt ajiaeai era. ." Dickens as a Dude. v : k tendenr for overdrawing; was l ways on of Dlrtfcns' rbarnrterBrrtra. "A rery.iru'i' man." Is tbe rrsorip tlon aierit of the famous noreilar by ooe writer. "He l.ruMhed his" coat fraqnenlly. rlinnpHl IiIh Miliars sev eral t lines Id n dny and cotnhed bia fealr 100 firm lo a day." . . V vApTiooirniph of llvkena lakan.' In ISnabowa blai In a frock coot with broad rrltet collnr, a waistcoat made of some furry stuff and truo-era of s bug check, retry nttaerald says Iba rraacb ttalna-fa remark. Ibal Dickens was "more rite one of tbe old Dutch admirals we nee la tbe rrlcrure callerUw thai a man of let t ens, ronreya ao ad jumbuij list Ni-B,iu ma srTHiae. f f - V ' ' 7 ' Lame Fhouidct rs nearly .always doe' ta nteomatam ar ih -musriea. ano rntckly ryll(' ft the free srHitcata of Chirn't laU'a Llnltnena.-; r or aaia .by 1 1 1 n 11 ia - -, 4 . - . . . . ' Psttad the tetUe Tee Quickly, tVJtl Ixiw, tbe pntuter; Ud Ihia le ry of tbe Latlu quarter da) lof hoi a rt Uwla Utereniuia. 'Iew and Sitrentui) wero rraet frvotla JrtWr, youth. Tbe'r frlanxlit.lp indeed fOntltltisd lo tbe lime or t wntera uratn .' "Itila." asll ib artiat. "wae nn -n dltilomntVc 4la brave, lie ronhl I ipry, and ba fouhl aim l fcmrt.iue $d fsflftf. pni night, I fpfncmiKT. we t In a ttArx lit tontmrir T!h rvd wine bl I rt ffnKliKt rtr" frfp'7, and -one rii'-niLrr ( OUT rr,. r-l bted srl r'""! i- ' y r ma onn arid a t bin at I''" I "''a f.' t 1 r hap d:s"ked. . As aa 1 w.irda w.Ve ai'-terl li cr9!''"t "!' a t-Mte t,l turU-1 II n! tli" f'l.'t'" I 1 It Km a 'r'.i,i. Irna t' f r- 1 - !' 1 taro Ml fi. fr Ir.'l ' t . . T a; r' it In I -n f ' t ar i ' . 1 Stomach :Bloodandy v-v; : Liver rl roubles 'A Mock atekfteaa ttarti with wk ttomacb, aad eoaaeqaent V oar, kapoTerk4 blood'.' iMervo'aa aod pafeevpte lack toed, rich, red Mood. Their stoewefas aecd ieviortin ' ' tor, alter a nu oaa. be eo stronger -thta bit irowra. i -A. reaedy that euikerthe aaoaueb stroo sad the liver.- eettve, aukes tick red blood and overoomca end drives 'l etit diieasa prodaeiiit bacteria and eorea a whole nulti. tede of diae.r- -rfcy ' 1 "f f Get rfeT mt ywavSreaieea) ITetaesVaat - ; ' ; Linr Lmzlmeam r tmklmi mr omr ef ; . N.Di. Plfism Ceiafear MeUlemt Catererf'; ?' V rv-fjte itat 9fmmek Mtttormttrm, Jrei-"-, . tarlfete aie! -oeja7 CeoeWj , T Yii eaa't afford to accept any aaedjcioe of amhtmi j ' mmptxitUm aa a substitote for VGoldea Medical Diaaow ; a soaaploto list ot iolredieata ia pUia tle-wrappe, sama beia attested as Oft WartVa. PI mult Pellet jejaielr mad Otr er frunksn fiBiiaa, 5vr " .An EdgllshBherln who -died aoe years since kept a "record ef thefort ous cases of drunkenness rhat cs me" tinder his observation. Several bnblt ual cases had developed -odd jdhbIs. One, woman" wbohad been irresTedl. 167 times for drunkenness In twenty- eight years -had a mania for break ing windows when.shewas Intoxi cated. An old soldier, suffering from a wound in the head, ajways stole Bi bles when .he was tjty. Another man stole nothing but spades, while one woman's fancy ran to shawls and another's to shoes. A man mimed Gnibb.; wns imprisoned"seven times for. stealing tubs, although titer? was nothing. In his line of life to make tubs partlcnlnrly desirable fo Wm. K ITIW1?V IJll 1 ( 1 XfLUi IMJ I STItJA. on Backache kidneys ano Slaoobi The Wings Are There. Hoax The man who backs a theatri cal show Is callerLirn angel. Joax An angel without wingseh? Hoax Not at all. The wings are on bis money. Philadelphia Record. ACT QUICKLY. Delay Has Been Dangerous In New Bern. Do the right thing at thffright t'rae.Lgj. Julia" Act quickly in time of danger, Backache is kidney danger. Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly. Cure all disttaesing, dangerous kid nty ill. Pleniy of evidence to prove this". Mrs, C. Pennington, 2f E.' Front St New Bern, N. C, says: "I suffered in i - tensely from backache and sharp, shoot ing pains across my loins. Often I was so lame that I could hardly straighten after stooping. I knew that my kid- hoys were disordered, for their secre tions 'looked very unnatural, I used just one box of Doan's Kidney Pills that I got from the Bradham Drug Co, and this was sufficient to dispose of my aches and pains. Doan'f Kidney Pills have been a greater-benefit to me than my other kidny medicine I have ever taken." (Statement given ."January 24, 1908 RE-ENDORSEMENT, "Mrs. Pennington was interviewed on November 28, -1910 and she said. "I can still recommf nd l)Wn'i Kidney Pills, for they gave me permanent relief You may cor I inue, to publish my for mer endorsement of thia remedy." ., For ealabj U dealer,, f rioe 60 oenta., Foakex Slllbuf tf Co.," Buffalo, few fork, aole agenta tor tbe United autefc . - V - Reaaember the name Doaa'a ejd take BeoUtsr. - 1 6tetly Buainaas. ', "To whom do you w)sh to make your benefit certificate payable 7" asked tbe officer of the paternal order. " . "Tq my'awcetboart," auld the candi date for InltJntlOB. ' 'J ' - "Actyrrdlng to tho laws, of cur order you'lf have to marry he tvA." j' J IIM. .1,.,,. pay, .-joiu ui ibii iniLinuvu wm fifteen tnlndtes and I'll go and attend JLlbot.,Vigsbkane ppok"W"''R''lw- - ( ,i' f- ,- I A r' ti lot lnfajiU avfid Cbildrtt.' , H.a tin. .Yea Han Ahrayt Banght Sear the Signature of 1 - EXECUTOR NOTICE. 'FsvbJg rra .WWif ( T aa aaarakor at Ca laatwiu aad isaUaWtaTiafra aesaa ajerkiaa) as.l Hie ef Crvraa rosirty, ortk OavaHaa. "Tkla a la sxrtify ail aarsoaa kavssc eWisaa asataat Bay aus.tanhrhllUtrsisaaM.aa a WoretJMls.'staafsaslKaaa ' ; 44 OraasiK .... 4ay of Marrli l4l(,'Mkk aatiea wW be ataades atahsa Mark J favkt Ava - is bet af tbalr rery. AS ssriaie kasiblnl to astdaaUUamptasaaaiakeaniaadiaSa aayasaat, ' 1 T, . Slaium fteeeatar. r WOMEN " .'. . . .'Womtfi of the V$uA tjft, wotnra of tnpenor trluraGoi ted rcfinemfat, l.nie rlisccrtJaicnl nj j-jmrnl' j!y WtM-t nj iTCt to tiflf Cpin'oni, t rrfi TI'. 1 r von "Tfl .. : c r - T i ' re r: Ea4lisf on it bat; orreetSmoe oath. totfarrf jtopXca. Lhr a4 Bowttt. SALE'flF RUL ESTATE FOR f CITY TAXES. ' Kic reby given tht ait the lands whoM taxoj for the city of New Bern for the cr 1910, end prior therfcto.wIH be aold for the tmyment of then; taxes at tha court house door in the count y of Craven on Monday Hay 1st. 1911 between the hoursjrf 10 o'clock In the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the following; named persons are particularly requireto take notice that their Undtirs described in the space opposite their names below, r among those to be sold that the amoants of taxes, expenses and costs due by eacft delinquent owaer U set opposite his name and property. ' Wbita DelinquentsTax for 1910 and ' Cost. White - "delinquent Barrinston Mrs, Addie Bowden Thomas Bowden Mrs. Mary Cuthrell J. Fj Dixon T. G. Gontier Ida. Bargett D. A. Description of, Property Amount. 52 48 29 Jones St. Cedar St. Hancock St. " St. $4 40 23 66 16 90 27 90 20 22 133 42 and 44 East Front St. 68 90 'St. 17 90 Broad St. So. Front St. Broad St Ave A. Pasteur St. 14 90. Lewis Isaac Est Howe E. H. Keeler Mrs. S. I. Lewis Sarah E. COLORED. Avery Mary i Bsker Richarti i 'Patsey Banks Barrow Emma 17 90 11 90 24 64 14 40 10 90 77 14 7 10 64 134 182 138 1-2 96 38 48 Cor. Pavie Ave. Gardners Ally Gaston St. Bern St. Bern St. Bern St. Queen St. Nw St. Cedar St. Green's;. 3 60 6 70 6 20 6 45 II 45 Blarklejie Mai lap Brack Wm, 6 45 Brown Emily Est. 8 95 Bryan Chas. C. 6 45 6 95 6 85 4 45 Bryan Junius Bryant Elijah Chapman M. W. Cherry Jno. T. Pine and Wn St.7 90 Grace St. "10 40 191 George St, 5 66 , Murry St. 2 90 :if) Kilmonic St. 6 90 r.t Johnson St. 9 90 38 RountroeSt. ' II 90 K West St, 6 40 14 Grace St. 6 40 Wi Pollock St, 8 90 10 West St. 6 40 31 Carroll St. 7 60 Myrtl" Ave. 7 66 5 I'avie Ave. 4 40 67 Effd St 3 90 15 Good St. 9 90 12 Short St. 13 90 Jerkins Ally 2 90 Cordon Elisabeth Cox Henry L. Cradle David Jt Daniels JonasTat, Davenport Isaac Davis Amanda Delahunt Moses Durham Lee Davis Amanda Est. Edwards Wm, EJwards Wm ft. Faison S. F. Fisher "Annie J. Fisher Thos R. FonviUe Ananias Foy Lettia Franks Joseph C. 87 IllohmfioldSt. 6 91 Garrett Rittie A, Cor. Elm ami Parmer. 2 90 GeimarTST" H 40 Cairo I St. 7 16 Ash St 3 lo Queen St. 7 90 GerroldJno M Granger Jno. Granger wary Green M riah Green O. H. GriRin Kliiabeth Handy Caroline IlsrsoU Dinah Harirejt Issiel Harris Bettie -Harris was Harris Wm. Hatrh I I'. 8.1 37 23 67 !2 9 128 41 1S7 64 11 West St. 8 40 Biddies Ave 3 40 George SU ' 9 66 Howard St 6 0 Main ffu 40 Uueen. 2 9V Blooraneld 8f. 3 90 Scotta Alley 3 66 Kim St. 16 9 George St, 10 (6 Miller sL 6 40 Green at. 2 90 Bloomfteld st 4 90 Dry so at. 8 40 North St, 6 66 B. st. 7 16 E. Front Bt: 10 U. A. 11. Richardson Jerkins Ally 6 16 42 02 10 48 21 Hicks 1'aUey Hollowar DaeL Hill Vietaria James Henry Jenkins Mary Jonas Dscator Keenan Minnie J4 A 16 Kennedy Cum IM iMla Wm. H. Adm. Lucas Ruth 61 aadisoa J P; C. Cor. $raad A Quean sta. 209 00 aankry Jan. a. 16 Green su aaeon Cicero 17 Good st. MkigettChae. liS Cedar St. K It, 5 40 6 40 2 SO I SO It 40 6 IS 90 t ao I 40 a at ailller Raymond R, s Cedar SL uoodf Pataey K Rail Road at. Moaely D. O. Moonahm Alley Martin J W Moya Jaa. and wife Mamford Victoria Hurphy Ed. 10- Cypress HU I7t Wast St. kt Blobtntield Pavie Ave Mora Jaa. II and 16 Carmei 8t MeRarCalia 21 Craokad St. MsMurry Margaret iJt Broad 8L ISOJ 0 4 SO 40 4 40 t at 4 40 7 40 4 II 1 40 4 at t to I wawaya Waaaingioa Kat, , Millar Rt. Oram Mary B End PtareaaJaa. It Carmer St. Physic daa. Kit. 14 East Cedar PoatBairteU III Queen PL ResMWk Quaaa Pt, 1 ft bodes Ja. EbaakSi. Rwaardaoa BHaabatli rorba Aney fhsttrasrtoa Isabella Whit at. lhapsard Joha . 44 LasaAve aaataas B. P. Urybora aiadt Katkaa , It Tin Cap Allay aetallwood Chaa.' ' astaa at arsairwtkad Ed. t, - CaxMcMSt, aatttk Cbsiij Ceoraeet. . T 40 I 40 I 40 u t to teat 4 40 sy saner weary . ia. Miuarat. 1 I aaralU Caaa - I tVaoked t. aaraul lata Oraeest Medlar KKtfO - raa- are.et. at tat i as .440 aa is atyraa Kalkaa ' MS O aw as at- aaUra, Aaaa4a . .. S Oaare at.H i. annua ansae :'0tor4arrAlU at Aatlna Carrta tyH Owae St, -, tit aatkaa Uaywaod 14 aeatta Altay at srtvasu Jaba) v ' Graaa at, TraadwaO Psailpsl 04 aaaiaet. t '' (at Trie awry IV , s CravaaAva-' 1 4 Watart Waaler . V tl raadet, ' S , , 4 Wataaaj Sarfh CL v M Kara . . , U ah baa r .'- ; el ravktAya, '' . I M W.Uaanaa . ,'44 Pavti Ave - 4tt WrHaHngtaa AU4 CAoraaM. . -'! WkrieCaT, , , ; Mews-anafr White Jallat .1 '"' Caaa St, i whHAeM J.B: ' " 4 arK.la-aet, , wkMfWa Qraaatt, ... WilnaaM Mttsbal at Karlb SV ' 4t 4 tat WUIaana . A.O ' - -..' a4 ft keJa arbaat '. t at w,nrrk a Waianai .4 at .u.. .-,. n, M Qnea atraat ," ' 4 t a R.Htae .-I rr, Irj, I C -4 rt nat ' 4 CIVI 1 AID1Q FTiUK f '.in, i 1 'fl t t ' lir, i n a ' i 1 v i t NOTICC OF MEETING ,TO. KUXT ' : . fViU a a mm Aai avtH n ui avs atuer! CSJEEK, DRAW AE DQC t , . ,V . ' matt : v. i ' t c T The Ownara W LaW WlUiSa Mosety Oeek rrausyPietriet- " . , TAKJE NrjTtCB. -.Tkat the atows eatrUed draiaaaa diatriet hav W dacierad eatahbatted by the Oe4ar as.1 Decree of Qua eoart. aa provkUd kt law. akd the wmyam piaa uareror barme beea duryap pmed. aad a beiac rheparpase ef tha osortts iaopoint thiae Mnooa was ahaH be dcsitiaa ted aa the Board of Dralisxa ComnuaatatMra, ana sack Drains rtmimteelraan beise MaWtrad by bia . w be etaotad by the owners of tha laad withid tha Drainaa DWriet. or by a atajorlty ot ue saue, in Such a manner as tha aoort shaD areacribe; and it beinc tha-purpaaa of tha coart to appoint such eommiasioners aa shall have ra- eehrrd a majority of tba rotes of such land owners Now Therefore, notice ia erven to tha owners of land within such district to meet in tba town or uover at rucnardaon s Hall 6n Saturday, the 29th. day of April, at the bour of 12 o'clock m , ssd at such time and place said land owners stall proceed, to elect a chairman and secretary of (aid meeting, and after so organizing, an ejection shall be hekflty Such land owners so assembled, and at such election three Commissioners shall be voted for. and such commissioners aa shaH 're ceive a majority of the voejs est at such meet ing shall be appointed by this Court a Board ot Drainage Ciamissionera of said Mosely 'Creek Drainage District, and if any on or mote of such proposed commissioners shall not receive the vote of the majority of such land owners, the Court will thereupon appoint all or the remaind er of such commissioners from those voted for In such election; and at such meeting tha secretary thereof shall keep an accurate Jist of tba names of the commissioners voted for. tbe number of votes cast for each, the number of Und owners attending auch meeting, and shall certify'' the same under his hand, apporved 'by the chairman of said meeting, to the undersigned clerk of tlie Superior Court ot Craven county immediately upon the adjournment of such meeting. '' It is furthered adjudged that this notice shall be published daily in the New Bern Daily Journal and the New Bern'Kun for ten days prior to such meeting, and that Ave notices thereof shall be posted at conspicuous places in said district, and one notice at the court house door ot Craven county. This the 17th. day of AprjJ 1911. W. M. WATSON. Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF LIBEL. United States of America. Eastern District of N. C. Whereas, on the 17th day of April. 1911, J 1. Pritchard .lied a libel in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, against the steam tugboat Curtiti. her boats, tacklt'. apparel, machinery and fdrnlture', in a cause of collision, civil and maritime. And whereas, by virtue of process Iri due form of law. to me directed, returnable on the 8d day May. 1911. 1 have seized and taken the said steam tugboat Curtin, and have her in my custody, Notice is hereby given, that a District Court will be held in the United States courtroom in t he city of New Bern. N C. on the 81 da of . May, 1911. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of aaid day. for the trial of said premises, and thatowner or own ers, and all persons who may hare oBlalm any iutereat. are hereby cited to be and appehi'at the time and place aforesaid to show cause. If any they have, why a final decree should not pass as prayed. CLAUDIt DOCKERY. - U. H. Marshal. By SAMUL ULLF.Y ,. Deputy. R A NUNN, Proctor for Luwllanc NOTICE OFLlfiEL. United States Marahal's Sals. . EaateYn Distcict of N. C. By virtue of anerderof aaie issued onto the United BUtas Deetriot tibyt for the Eaatarb Distrirt of North CaroHba. an the 20th. day of April 1911. notice ia hereby given that I will sail by public auction, for cash, on Tuesday, the 2nd. day of May 1911, at It o'clock a.m. at Oriental. Pamlico county. N. C. the Gas Boat "Pearl'', bar engine, boileaa. machinery, tackles, appetel. appurtenanee. and furniture, aa aha now Ilea. Sale will be made on board tbe boat, ' CLAUDIUS DOCKERY. Unlud iutea Marshall. SAUi'OF VALUABLE LAND. By virtue o an order of the court of bank- rutcy in the matter of W J Mora bankrupt. I will sail to the hlgbeet bidder for rash, at the Poetofflee door In OrteataL PaaiUoo county North Coronas, at II o'clock M. on thuray. tWllth. day of May. IU. all that certain tract br paraal of land situsU la Pamlico eounty. North Csre- llna, a short diitaaee North of Orlknaal eohnoea on the East by tha HargsU road, ou the South bajthe A. F. atidrett land aad aavtM Wast t tbe JordaaJcarL Being tba aaata saorteTaga ay . J Maors t Mary Mktyett aad enlr reakrrail m ta omae of the Eegistnr of Deada ot Pannce eauaty. ta which raferaaca ia baraby isde. and aositarft ing one handled IQo) acrea. aaoiear lass. This 10th. day of AprO. A. D, ISIt. UKOaag T. fARNEXL. Truatea la Baakraptry af W. I. Moore, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE PROPERTY . By virtue of tbe poer contained In the Deed of Tr ial axe uted toltvoonoa- llraed, on thettt tU of JeauarrlllO by U. C. Ullbert a at Margaret juittett, hit wife, aad dot 'amrded tahe e-flUe of the Rm later ef Dada of' Oar cotioty, N. C, In book lt, f4f Iw. becauae of default made nla patBt of the ItrdeUedoeaa therebt aweeaM hrtd by tht) retraest of loe aoideref the i4d reprwaentitur aoch andebedtM'V 1 1 f ealt for t teee I the blirhae t-ri e' ef the mlU du of the mill ef 8.- V.OMrt. near Cawe City. N. a. M that hot't II o'cioah m. vm Monday tha) t, day of May. lU, ail the foWe dart, ed hrofrty to-witt . - J- v. One 40 aortMi UdaJt kolW. , ft M hosre power Caaay 4 1 1 da: 4 Mter, aaU 50 borae potrar AUMerajtoe; 000 AaVar irea rrlaar, tare ae-infttHT ewt (T tttri, ; 1ioib. faa ate. ee Um tu,t r. fie, all af wbkh ta tqhjaet ta l ira bW bald by Ue Pro racers Lami.tr Company a tae ea II ee' wtr (Ine hcti at free from e t.te a, slari twie Iiyr wjinr 1 -, . la eul jevrt to the lea at 'hal'j.ta Supply Oirnpe.nj, aflaeone Vfr tra 1 If. key whlrh at am )l to tha i'," ! , H. 1irlae M lha laa) of tbw I r ff lmtf tnrrpsn, a Uo all I toad aet trrn road e'riipriwrt, it 'Inf rs;' aoi rri"M'rf aid t f tvery kint anl t I l.'-e 1-,'e. -; I rr.arl.iiiety aril fr'-f-riy af t 1 I in an I r.u- I i,a r I 1(1 i (', .u:.t, a 1'ia'i C. r t rT.i-.l I iiws 1, a i ri f w ' 1 i f lie i. ' ,' I I r. r ; ar! f t - - 1 I r I I . neir" ' h is ra 1 7 ' t i i 't t 1 fHtHlflSSWWtHitSot 8iae,V ' a. B. Ward, IMf!tf Ittfl lllinn -l.u.Ul0 Jail u nflfiU AfTOttXIY AND COUNSELLORS IT LAW tin iio, i. c, -A Offlee Boom 401.3 Elks Building ' Practice In the counties f Craven, DupliaV Jones, Lenoir, OnlTow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever aenricea are desired. M. D. Physician and Surgeon OFFICE 168 Middle St. hone 710 1R. DR. H. M DISEASES OP1 THE Eye, Ear, Hose and Throat AND General Surgery umce In Elks Temple Next Dr. C. A! , Caton, New Bern, N. C. mm I THOMAS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Practices in the countiej of Crnvi n, Carteret, Pamilco, Jones, Onslow :inil in the Supreme and Federal CouiiH, and wherever services are desired. Law Offices, 63 65 S. Front St Near Gaston Hotel. Telephone 450, New Bern, N . C. R. A. NUNN rVTTORNEY AT. LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme ami IVderu ('(iiirtH. Office Ne. 60 Cravtn Street. Telaphona No. 97 Nsw Bern. N 0. D. L. WARD AtTORNEV AM) i'(J SKI. lyER AT LAW Hughefl liuildin I'mni 'iiect New Born, X. t '. Practice in State and Fedeial roiirtn. Circuit, Craven, Carteret, Jours ami Pamlico and wherever evrvires aie de sired. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SOCTmIBK BAU fTAI HCUK1M l.KI N. B. Tkeae Dgurei are piililikticd lor tntormatton an,i are oot icntraa 3 hia 11 Leave Qolunboro, N. f . O il a. B., Uiroujh trail, with (ball oar to Aiherllla, connerllng at Cast DurhLtn. for OWrd. llen deraot, Kayivllle and Hlrkmond 4U naJTersltr for Chnpel Mill; at Creensboro for Charlotte and all PsJsts south, alio for Dai. Tllla. Lynchburg, (.'batiolteivllle Waabragton, and al' poluta awrtJa. 10. 1H LaaTSb Ooloaboro, 3.0b t. m. for Oraeasboro. banilU't tta rouicb PaUiaaa Ralalgb, to Atlaota. 00a a eta. at Oraeostxuo for all potata aorth, aootk aad wast Na Ul-lapaeea GoiJaboro 1 T p m aoVreeMboro, baodlee i.ullaja SaJelgb , td Oreeoehnro, coa lecte) at Qraeaaboro for Chat lottt AtlaaU , Now ykerflle. KavoirHIa, ' tJaatfna, Lyscbbar. vtaarTftta, Waaaiagtoa, aatftb. OrWaaa, alao tot CbarkoV, and all ot hrta(aftma(JUj aay tea tb art tic agaat er addreaa (be fteilCBtC r - T IT. . CAftY. r'. rtaaartl ieai. ' I f - WMbtoitdd. n. a , V TraraUat FaaweaaV Agetit , Helefgb, N. C. P4AWQH0 -,(.. .RAW, .... . , rV V 1 , a-ej t ftrnpr A aa 11 LAND (aj oft w4 i 1 a '' eVtr, Va4 itft) liavO) ?'B)a4vaaa. -eeaf - Vy . Sail! f II 14, I f''fl4) T - il t -. a lf a.ia1 j-aa, : : ! 1 i-':;:GGiSTa ' r " - - f A;

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