At ' .. 1TEIIU ll: " - sleets every Tuvly 8 p. r-, c '! - ' -' Co'i office, Midi: St. L. II. 1 . .. , C. C., J. IL Eruth. K. of R. r i y Visiting brother are assured of ec'.. - titer's welcome. ' ' : ' - CRATES jtCBGS KO. L Hi: -s OF flliXOXI TeU fld. -l ' , ' Wednesday nlghta 1n eclx mob'.. Ik , - Kslghtf Harmony H'Jl, wrsw En: " 'and 11.41 coca mtrijtm at 70 o'ti , ' - K j. K, WOMs. Prudent; J. H. Xaiith, v " 'I Secretary; J. P. McCoy. Financial Sec- rotary.- - - " ' ' C '' trOODXEX OF TlUt WCULDKIIxl a m. oi r, cuut t " Hancock atresia, - semi-monuuT. B4 Third .Wednesday night t 7:30 i'dicvk.'fymnf Woodman are Uvtt Notice of Sate. V , : 'V" 1 , Mortgage Sala-ifi , NHM nf RalA. ' ,v . i t Tb Peoples, Bank. Wanted-Boarder? PnIUa.Vrlhlea. r : ' i For Sale-Runabout f ' V H C Armstrongs-Groceries. New Bern Banking k Trust Co.? , Daniels & Newberry Live Stock Co. BUSINESS lOC'lS r NOTICES' IN THISf COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID! FOlON ADVANCE.' " . V . THE beat Cigar for 6c-r"John Jt handled exclusively by Geo. B. Waters. ; PRIVATE! family wants three regular boarders, 19 East Front street, knbwn i 7 ( IT IS our chief aim to give ouririends and patrons not only pur goodsU but the purest food products m the market t the lowest possible prices Z lb Wick et eottolene. 28c, 4 lb bucket cottolene fiSe, Prepared Ham 26c lb. beat tab Butter 30c lb, Apple VinegsrlOc qt. Granulated Sugar Bc lb.H- C. Arm strong. .,!'V., .j.V.' - FANCY Strawberries, Bananas 15 ets. a-dozen, celery, tomatoes, lettuce, pine apples and all kinds of lee cream today at H E RoyaU's, : FOR SALE 2 cylinder 22 boras' power chain dmer Bulck runabout, with top speedy, powerful and in perfect runn ing order.1' Phone 220, or address Dr. G A Caton, New Bern, K. & 1 ) THERE ni l time when you eounot . get Lime-ade in New Bern that lime has passed, yoa can get a Lime-ade any time of the year at F. S. Duffy's fountain.- GETTING hot don't cook cakes Oran ges, Wafers; Fig Bars, Creole Cook lea, Spiced Wafers. Lemon Bars,' Newport Fruit Cakes: .8oc.iali' Teas, ' Graham Crackers. Arrow-root Biscuit. Marsb- ; mallow Pecans and , a good .many oth- er sorts of cakes at Hudson Go's.' ". ,. FOR RENT-Two desirable rooms,'ln quire at Nw 46, Metcalf streetn-- ,- , . ' J , v .HOUSE for reota Changs street with - "lever connection. Possession given on lUsy2d. Apply to Mist Jlnnie Justice; .'(; - East Front St;: ' tl. U,, V WANTED Two good agents for ean- ' ' Vassing city and stirrounding country. , Call to see us st our store op town. rj , De Soto Not. Sup. Co. i, BARD Wood sawed la short lengths to take the place of coal, at Ellis'. Wood lard. Phone 47. - iv . QUOTE yetf as followi: Evaporated . - V Pacbesl2c lb, beet tub Batter BOc Ib, : ' . "fox River Butter Ut lb, beet Flour 3c 7 ' Lsrd lie sod He. Rib Meat lie and 14c -, lb. We handle the best of everything at f the lowest possible prieea. IL C. Arm' - strong. . , .. : FpR RENT-An eight room dwelling. j WMdera Improveaients, -electric l " ; city water eU,Na. 14, lltc!f ir. . Apply to & W. Willi, No. 43. 1.:..:; street, i ' ' 1 v ' lest class oaiang powaer. v - , i r v ; "Roval Baldns Powder costs onlv a ..;::5.',;.' 3 & s V " ! ; .. -v y The manufactiircrscf .Ilcjd inT Pcvdr Have tJvayi dccll: A f, to produce a cheap po".Vv.:r at the sacrihce or quaLty. vj . Royal Baldng Powder is rnade frcri V; pure, rrape; cream of tartar, aridis Imont rf nil friA Avrdlfsr"' T possible to be attained in uie,hirh-. ifair price, and J.nraecofeil . at its nrice than anv other leavefn2 - agent,' because Jor . the superlative .contain Big alum.: re (requenhSr iitributed from door to door, or njven'away m grocenr stores,? Such 7 mixtures are dangerous W use.' m food " In England j - . m . - .. at w - " ' France, Germany and some sections or tne United otates men sale is . prohibited "by law.' Alum u a dangerous mmerai too, phyaciaM condmrn baking powders containing it. ;) Tiw faAel of aum htdklna powder M- i-' ii.'-.t-V'-BV efila sT...M'A--skwW. ,r-; W'1'.'-' READ THE IAZZL if ,1 ' r ."y is L..l,: r-'- -' " . - . - ' v j L .. (,.... arrieJ L' ' , t f i (" : x , . ; . s C V (. V cf Oriental, is v'a- is re'ti-n- i.i t. t'.'.f,-' " - : Ur. V.' 11. S. uo, of WlUwood. - !.t 5bt-jr Jy ia the city. TLs A;'.;j ire l'.e test ever seen i.i the st:.te. . - : .' t Baking Contest. At a cake baking contest held yester- J day( afternoon at Edward Clark's store conducted by Ur, S, C, Heoly epresr enative pf N. K. Fairbanks A jCo., demonstrating the merits of cottolene, aeveral valuable nrises were awarded' to ladies ww excel ed in cake bat i z.l First pris - Mrs WHlikm Hatid, sec ond. Mrs. Thomas 0. Carrawsy.i third , Mrs. MonroeJHowelj fourth Mist Be-'l becea Attmore. I-1 hereby t one announce -myself a safe candidate and may .now thank my many rrieods. lor past patronage.' I now shall cut prices on all kinds' of sawed shingles, a large stock on hand, must be sold by April 14th; , will .eWe put cheap as I expect to make some change in my .business. .You,.WUt4Qd . . , r -BIU HILL ', The Shingle Man. B.KS;. Paint .will make your bid house look new,, ia? side and 6utV JfiSi Basnigh't Kdw., Co. Phone 99f37' $, Front St.;vf v weather or AnriL T ' ' - The following maximum and minumum temperatnree. and rainfall on dates be low, 'complete April weather report. 4 , 1676-40 .66 - . 1 ' ' . 18-72-42 1 f. -:;i9-7i-47;'-; . v- JW 7B--60 -,.Uh - , '-VV ' "21-75-41 06' smsw iar wwv. isii i' ,02 28-74-40 24- 60-44' 25- 64-8 ' 26-78-87 W-74-2.'. 28-78-50-9-72---30-75-57'. -1 100 pairs High-Grade Tins and - Patent Leather ladies Oxfords6rth f rom;$3.00 6 $ close(.out quickat HAtelTht Greatest Bargain Yet3-V& Baxter5A : TV-Sir. .' r" , ' Inlghtt Templar.- 1 There will be a reiralar conclave of SC. John Commandery . No" 10 K. T. held, at the asylum- this Wednesday night, a 8 o clock: - A. short business meeting, every Sir Knight la expected to attend; 'ipyl-'V-- ' Bj order, V'o- V ''' ' ,V v,y ;-v H. W. SIMPSON E. C. Splendid Fishinj tt Beaufort and ;; v Elorchcad Gty. T - ' if-Xs-'Av - - ' TROUT AND BASS PLENTIFUL Beaufort, April 23.-Ltrge catches of Trout snd Ban are being made daily in the vicinity of Boaofort and Morhiul City. Ilnning early in April Trout and Baai brin to run and a record tea eon is pmiirtod by the wily boatman and fpil'li -f vicinity. , , "EQUAL to the Ut, tvpnmr to the reeL" ''John r." 6c. Cls;r.-G. II. BUY JovT.CB.Vm, l!rl and IVs for EaUr frum Kafir's i'Amy and itvr an Ihst trout. ! at 1. . WOUK In CwK-mA!l cf fik done m Dmrrot 1 1'-. '.: j n II t , a ap'lUy.-iE. H It': -r. : metis rr.r::) c..m.-?. r .t f S-'otland j.:. - v, ::. c, , ., . this pri'iSc C"i ! t t ! i ! p srre. V'el.- .a r , 'yi f'i' l.rtt I r 'ii ( n 1 '. 1'!. n ! jdtir or 1 t-r l f it i ' , ; ' Whiify A ( ... 4E03lfW.5Si::8-E(IiiISS ' The Woman's Missfonary SietJ f the First Bapsist Churchy will heet in. Spring peas1 sold on 'the' New Bern market yesterday at $1,25 to 11.85 a basket.' There were over tweiye , nun dred baskets sold. " r,- The tegular monthly meeeting of Christ Church parish Guild, will be held this morningatll o'clock in "th parish house All members are urged to be present. - - J " j- v.r The shipment of peas from bare yes terday via the Norfolk-Southern road was estimated at thirteen hundred bas kets. There wts ,a conaiderabja ahlp- mentol cabbage also, y -j' ; The funeral of the late Mrsl B, G Credle was conducted from Centenary Methodist Church yesterday 'afternoon at 4:30 o'clock and the remains ..were laid to rest In Cedar tjrove cemetery The first snake of the season made its appearance yesterday ; and was promptly dispatched.',; The repjjle was of the chicken snake variety aad been hibernating under the platform at the eotton exchange... A... -g ; Tour presence Is desired at tne Tab' emacle Baptist ChorcS tonight Much interest is being manifested in Jhe re vival meeung now in progress i mere An interesting sermon is in -treat lor tooee wno attena lougnu " 1 lir. Charles Gibba, a' former New Ben Ixiy, but who is now 'residing at Columbia, S.X, is visiting his parent, Mr. and Mra, II: .W, Gibbs, on, South Front street This Is Mr. Gibbs first visit to this city in 9 yean. Strawberries were very much in ev idence st several grocery stores in tVs city yrsterdiiy. The writr ro'.'col some bctutiti st a Bral striv grwn irrocery. from the farm cf l.'r. W. F. Crocket They sold st 2 c a qui L ,1. R. Rfcni, of Newwrt v,i!l le fivrn a h,rin before U. 8. 0 ! i- iun. r C. P.. i:.'.l trxliy en a r f'iig hiin with rt.imiir ; li-jncrs Wi'JiOUt a K, . !) f M ! l:.':-r lr n I - UKT prt lb. S -c r I .kers ChocolaU l"jc . J. .-rNEikers Cocoa 23c ' it Ewgar Cured Hama v 18c I' Ancy Cream Cheese . ;." 20c 7ox River Print Butter' ; Sic, TV .cyTable Syrup - " per qt 10c Fancy Portorico Motasaes i 10c Tine 'Apple Vinegar 9c. Ooton Soap 6 fora S CT'?25c fiury' Jap,". Whole Rice4;'" 5e -fancy roluja Head Rice" .7tc Ifeadowr Meal .- -per pic. 20c Best Patent Flour -; per lb.v Se vaporat4 Peaches- va-'-V 10c- Special BargaiD,Day.Price5 tr i Evert Salufdav:- . : r .The above m Just a few. of the many bargaina we offer youi My 'stock t well assorted with the best" goods obtainable, i " -oe.:v-'" r s "YOURS FOR CASH ONLY j;r: McDahiel Phqns 91 4f MliDltSL..' v Announcement." Blue Serges': arid ' Mixed Goods are Now to be seen -at jt is;ou3 ciniM &u" ir Ts; " lis jbm-n miw I t.-JLAXATlYT Kr flli r1 ROB'I.b.IIANCOCK Firclhsuratfce Real Estate OFFICER 0pp. 6tstonKote1,-Kew Bern, H C to give our friends and patrons, no only pure goods but the purest food-products on the market, at the lowest possible price. 21b. Bucket Cottolene 28c 4,, i . M - . , Prepared Ham per lb. 25c Best Tub Butter 30c "Appk Yiriegar per qt. 8c Uranuiated augar s-1 -zc jf 1 i 5 E M. CHADWICK'S Merchant Tailor, ;--103 Middle St. .- New Bern,N. C CASCEENmO(XRS AND WINDOW SCREENS Knocked down screen frames, Adjustable frames. Wire doth black and galvanized; all widths. Atten tion given taking measurestfor sizes needed. Paint and Varnish Stains and Floor Finish, all necessary goods -for the horrie. Service prompt, business appre ciated. Gall us up Phone 147. t HARDWARE CO. Phone 147, New Bern, N. C. GASKILL I Middle Street - I r-rXP 1 Phone 174 - " Middle St. TEAS CCfFEES t CriCZS AWNINGS it 11 W-f Watch All Kinds Afl OssIIHe All Prices ; and each Watch the best at Its price, whatever the price. . " ' Every Wath ' guaranteed'' acj cording to ita worth, in knowledge of that worth. .,.i $1 to $125 Ybu- will-opea your, eyes wide'when- you see the kind of groceries we sell You'll be both amazed and delight edri.Our stock-isalways fresh and new and .we guarantee everything" we. sell and de liver them promptly. . c - .1 ' .-n t ' ' :,k- CCSTHT' H".::.S. SHQULDEBS vf vwsp;-.;: ; r CrciJ Str2t Orcoery" ; Go. NlEW BERN,VJ. C PHONE - We have the agency for Hettr'ck Bros., Awnings, both store and resi dence. If you are in need of an Awn ing we can furnish you. Place your order before the Summer tush. Fit, Quality and Price Guaranteed. To see samples and get prices, call phone 172, or address P. O. Box 445. 93 Idle St. aBBEJ D-Y Another shipment of that Famous Liggetts Chocolates received ' - by express. SATURDAY CANDY AT 29c PER POUND. Anything in the Drug Line. Prescriptions Called foe and Delivered. Gasfon Drug Company ONTHECOR- (. .'NER ; PHONE No. 65 OPPOSITE THE ' POST-OFFICE TTAT'T :vLi.r:i a:,.). r " tcrlal 1 Paints. Oils AND , ' . ; mnlshcs - r . , ' . V . Mi 3 J). i Uncle Sam .. with his estimated seventy- Ave' million population can not intake a better selection in esse . 4f war, than you can to make -your sc lection from odr stock , of . Hand-made Buggies sad Carriages. ., Cwnetio see us.' - " Yours to please, &S. -Waters;&Sons ' '. NEW BERN, V. C. ' : BROAD STREET' rf " r r rnu.F'il. C. .i c y ? ' to t've t" r nrs r ..- 1 f r 1. FIRE PROOF, NEW AND HEALTHY v DAIIIELS V AND LIVE Si l CO. CMl. ' f .r Id!f, i f r ( intlimfn, l (.'a i A (Untiori ).' :; l:; i:t!i.Kcinoi(oo::o . a:i!:;rtEi : AT 1"T v. r. r t-1 k',.. ' '? 1 rt - : ( 11 M 3, t' t i ( ( '