NOTICE.. 1 -a' - r 11 t.L- 1 : 1 i. 3 1 . A t . !. ... . ' "I -i Bears tho Simatiira , i . r a f-.-..i i I V ..i:t tl i. -i.i Ui ivi !:: 1 la L.s m-3 to t t-;e rtessandlLstjCor'sn Kot Narcotic.' i .. maw mm--, WraaSr- jt vaVnf r J . iV eaMsw f-aiW- - " ttmJfmtmm 1 Apetfed Remedy for ConsRj tton, aour awiubui.uiiin," Wormsfonvulsioiislevmsfr pESSandLOSSOFMEEP. jjcSbae Signanif of NEW YOUTC. i '.Em? Copy of Wrapper. ::--Ulr- M ' U V Finally the it i . ; ni -.. . ud ana witn a 1 ' 17--" -1 recalling ine I " diiJ " trtiBWWI tbe 1 -JV -VV f f U "--CV-h. 1 tovbla frtend'a 1 V - 1 land to yLtviiiiriy iuurs ; rl 1 . .. - ! I " J : ," ' Vv u TBI UKWUII NUMHrllwnMm:'. !'.: I . 111,1 llll : '," 1 1 1" 11 11 1 n 1 11 1 - 1 11 . r-. I i -1. : i I 1. :-i-ii C',.rT't?:t ! Tli ot-it !v, J.-t:;-:rn to ro to t' e a:ua .iure a?.r.o, l.e calldl a.nt:uaa aud ptilnu-J 10 Mm AtlilreMS that tie bad written down. Tbe catmQ looked tlm QTer, cracked h! wb and drove awaj wftliout biro. i -1 ' . . "; - TUlsexrHTlence belDR repeated wltb two or three other cabmen,-tbe Rus sian turned tadlgnantty to the police; with do better results. One officer 3 1 i. 1 1 . 1 .1 hi. wouiu tuuKU, nuuujer wuuiu uib - ' - . bead and make a motion Imitating tbe J wheel, qd tooa, . poor foreigner gare It frreat deal of dllffculty. Inudttiftrka which, be" bad day before, found bis way bouse. . , Arrived tbere company with on4 who could understand blnv be delivered hlniself ,everv oondeiunatlon of he qab and fhe pollce of JLondon fortlielr luiperttnenee nnd dtecourtesy, ::;,v- -4,. - JEU friend qaked for a look.t the BilrmTrrovoklng address and the fay tery w solved. Tblt waa tbe entryr Ring tbBell. - -;5"J V - .The Kusslan bad with great, are mnbHracter- forcharactPr,1. tbe leuend on tb gn tepost supposing tbat It indicated tbe house aud street Pear- Bapariat Coart lucTm.UU Karti Caroiiua, -f I Crvvan County, Carol in Bic Onmpaax a Corvaratun "I 1 ) Ill Fust Bap '.let Chufrh, Col (aMnKS- - ,-' 1 i. J. Cuk. Albart FWlaa. 1n an English Hotel, t s - irorfrietorvfaddresslnff . porterWa f the AmertcaK pleased with blat room. Wnilami-Nowr I; wouldn't hetirctly y Jhat. sir. '-JJE Iookedna If there 1 might be-something that wasn't. Just to la. Jlklng,"but t Fathered from ,U re-' marks that 'e found It buuusqatly com fortable;, .r,. - Proprietor Well. what, dld"vheay I about It?" ' V ' A '-, V M h WHliam-'te said It-was cowlderfhan Sulphur is n Ifctiircd Elesent olrthe llair Wheri there is not a suffident amount of sulphur in the hair, it loses its life, color and strength, turns cray. and falls outo There are many forms of sulphur but only: one kind that is suitable Aox treatment ot the hair and scalp, and tnat is lac klui. used la preparing WYETU'S 4 SAGE AND SUIJ'EUR XIAIIt, UEiMZUY. i" V . -s.;- f..aLRimjiKmgj i.-,ivJL1'.Df Ward."' -.:"'' We Have the Secret, and We Give Yoa the Benefit ot fc :;Itatw Exceedingly UwJrice.Vv'- w. . ifJ, imvf. ffl" twa or three yar4 my hair baa been falling JT-' " ind getting quite thin, until the top ot tny head iTirtCC -entirely Data. : adoui tour nromns ago- unuun using Sagevand Sulpnuf,-f-The fits bottle i I II. I II , a some koou anu i Kept tiMug u rcguiauy, ?.vj rTT -Ttiav. tist four hottips.'- -The wnoV. ton nf 6Ut tny head was Iicomraented seemed to' uuiu now f my .head PS I " r - is now fairly covered with, hair1, and it keeps coming s J i" in thicker I shall keep onf using it A while longer, as Ii-i."" - r notice a. constant improvement, " 'X . S rtpHfcl ?ACONr- Rochester, N. Y 50c and $1 Dollies, Al All Drajuisis?1, 4 WRt-Mi&A ti: '0 v i - a V r kiii.ii'Aa'siA'A' ' . . ,i--A,...' 1111111 v-r-A j -- t II Iff ff 'rfi rM& X TOIEKRIDNEYPIUS rOSSIUIITIaiMIfiMlvawi(Mait , Tbe Waning Hbneymoon." w .Tho young jbnsbajid .halted" et the rate and retraced hla steps. 1 . J "DM om coma tncjt forpher klaa, deorr Inquired the bride. 74 C01YTLANDT STT ? NfiV YiDRK CITY.NYa ( A SSo Cake ol Wyelh'B Sa mma soipnaor Tus soap rree to nr L 1 1 L la wno will send u ibia advertiaemmt with lOe in stamp to cover c I lilaila' ol wrwpina jusdmallln the aoaa. " a"- ,r " V - : If OR SALEAND'JRECOMMENDED BY:JF., Sr DUFFY. 'iV.'X-1'V-lavVf. jjr oosperm venionpiia w J. " Viniyrlnf (nti la-nnt: : -nAmilfli-- In . th A "Wel, nr. take ' another' Wss, but l mrv)h unmira. " uk A o AHik.Mli what 1- tame Aack 'for w4 nr l'in..RaMin tha?rioiit- ha- ha ahoea.'SKansM Caty aoBrnaVo t na'littla ataMoa of Beached, ba. f fwatkH . lamtoalam onl fVtA Aju it taftiYaf -'LT',-' 'aMaMBMaakaasB)Ba aiuia uvw. awu " " X t-'."? . " i . . , , ' I nf foiwlnn tnnlrtns- "tnltbinB vurhl TuwwSSKOT .-l?n ewti Soma Idea of tha ab- rfeBabte and ot -a tessant, iaromafic taste."r Velvo acts the Bver, as weu as on u i s wj u mu.wu i iwrrauya ui, viw ' wnaiwii Stomach-and bowels, and tool the greatestjsslMe affcacy Tn-cnstlpation,JUi -," 'K""""!. srioe8men-.;noio neu, m"iwry. oouga- jiUoasness, si J headache, feverlshness, Ut,nabjlence, aTyj::f:rSyi!!l-:i f , teMh5,,.V-': I ittoW Wtbared when It1a mem I . H f 11 -II ft?.i? ,:r " "".v-"V 5 r vT I ooned Wat seterij ot tba party, baa I euro jor muiKmiin; l my mcrenaa wre k. Mle,urif, the bood,,8trength4 "JL. w ill., j i i -Tn.-. i l i i - rr rv, v- r i ir i i k a h i- r i f a- Jt . . i a i bb bi v w bk. I I ISU-J ifi 'I Ii n:IAIlllliraMN ' Jij Ui U a LIVER SYRUP, ssis sipeople:kiiw . -a - -- , I. NORFOLK SOUTHERN BAILRO'.D ; ? "NIGHT.; lrKtSS kti? ,r Schedule BffetWt ianpar 1 811 e 1 Tno following . schedule ngnrea' pob; Uabed aa information ;ONLXvd ' "hot guarantead, , Cheap fEx'cnraloft BdckV Atk -: .' t . . -, - Annual iieubion eraae veterans, 4.'' ' TRAlNSliEAVK NEW BERN H NORTH AND WEST BOUND ..1 - 120 m. Daily-NIeht Express Pull , man Sleeping Car for Norfolk, - 90 a m, Daitf fo Norfolk," oonnecta . t for an pouua nona ana , ?a .' Partor car aervica,r''-v.r 1 :46 p av Daily 'icpt Sunday t for . ;wahmgt.w, peihaven, ureenruie . .: Wilson and lUlaiirBt.: .v-,w?. i 1 4J0 am, Daliy-rNight; Eapresa-for ; . ". (jojdsboro. v j-j.-- r-. j:-cv 105 am, Dally' for QoldatMna,-; ; EAST ,B0UND;vli 25 a mt Daily for Beaufort. v : . . io a m, Dafly - axeept fiundaf for Ortental, ' .;' v - w ' ;v 6.-00 p m, Dany fwOriehUl;; ; ? '.V. 4 -"".for fortW information of mervstion af Pullman Sleeping Car space, . apply .y- t T.H. PennetV,". A, New Bern, W. W. CBOITON, W. R. HUDSON tl, U P.X,.;,;-Ctnn8upt (i- 1 Norfolk, Va, .- ' $20 00 ALL 'EXPENSES OF A PERSONALLY CONDUCT 1 ED TOUR. ' : To WasblnRtnn, IX CL via Norfolk r - Southern T.y., and Korfolk ft - - Washin;;Uin P.' 1). Co., lyrnvin? v The rate'inrl!-! IH.Hinan arc' ' ti'tia, McsU SjhI, 1 !i ; trlHt , enriiuf, Jlntrla in V ' ii i'..r and lntrst'.ng !! tr!j to Vi:" raa, h, Arlii'e!..n. ?'"iil.t Verr - , , , an Iri.t. Ve , ' . , t- I i . a I ' f ! at a " nul V.' ' I ..1 i. .-.f. i.' ' t - If- . 1 -.', m W or great. ,T ?a 4 a ZM tii 1 ona forever t IT-y' TT .-But ma,' aay jdi ueauonu women- u ? ,wft TheV BaYtt of .lid tMiawiwudedA'? J 'S.ry-!;!'? '' p??4 Atiauatua Baraolda. Butt Mae,!-' - - . UiB..lirard WanaT,- iapa ' iToauaaana amartcaa Baptia IHoOMt SlhiViB nrU . iTuvns. I - . I -M .1 ... rw nw turn v :; - r TMdefandanV Amarlota Bactiat Boonatar! atoa Society. Incorporate of Naf Ifok, wul take notka thai as art ion anlhlad as aova maa leoiwnaneed J ,tba Sopario Coart ol Craraa Kxmutjr, north Canlma, aa foraekaia-a aurti givaa Dg uwoeiandanta abeva named atfaar tliaa ! Amarfcan BaptiatBoma. lUaaioa Hodaty aa rial ascataaitturiad. in Cravaa Caoaty, North CaM- lina.i whltlj aaid real aetata tba- aald AajaHcaa I Baptist H Uiaaloay Sociatr. Ineorporatad fit New YorifchaaaUrat mortgaa. Aad Sae-scM I defeadaot. Americatt Baptist Horn Miaaioa 8o- ctotylBrpoiatedof Naia Tarfc, UJ tak notka It iareaoiml to appaar at a tana af Ua Saparjor Court of aaid Coast? to ba bald onthe lath HmJ oaraiierma jirat aionoaf n aunaviiut. RDaaiaM tha lZthdayaffubaltil atthaCoart. Honaa of I aaid County to i Sw -I4lila;isB4 ( answer ordeam tatte eamjdatat in aaid action or trplainil-wl)'toiaVwtfbrthaattaf ' (Umanikd Jriaak wnW -riPi s.w; Watson. Clerk Suparior Court .irEo.!.-..-' Byvlrtoeof the authority eonfarrad upon the nBdaraned tqr a oartaia tontraot antared lata' boween Joaeph U Hahn. and Laura aimmona. fortbaleaaa and purchaaa of an intaraat In a certain lot or parcel of land, bareiDaltar deacrlb ed la which aaid eontract . the Htla t aald land waa retained by said Joseph Hahn until tha irarehafleHijoney therefore waa paid -fa fall aad default havina; been made in the payment of aaid rant and " aa therein atlpblated tor its payment, and tbe aald U U Hahn beinc folly ampowend to Hke-poeaesaioa al aaid land upon anch default and to aell the same at pubiie or private eale. Kow therefore la compliance with tha tana and atipulationaqf said contract aa aforaaid, the undersigned will expose for aale.and aell at pnbHc veaduatothenwtWdderto!aahattheoeort honaa door In tha city of New Bern. Craven Co, N C' at 1 o-oJoek V on Monday the Sth. ' day af June, 1911, the tollowilur rea) estate ia tha city of Mow Barn, bounded and deacribed a follawa: au or tne oower interest ot me aau, Mura I. Simmona hi and to followlna laadto- wiU ' That certain lot or parcel of ktad iri thatlty of Maw Jin taa two- seta-of musclea-ths l!ywH'. ITS r:" ' i' . ' . . :. ' . ii SMIU aSUISOT aMWVMB,alUU bUoj DUtun M - BVt, j.w VW, the toner onea, Which are your longs, jUne of aald lot M feet: thanea weavwaijaiyv and haart. atamaehJ.and -other interoal Of- patallalwtth Pollock atraat to the aaatara Una of - i..-..)..' nrnrsn. I " toaao. nonawanuy ana jmuavitn i W' - , .. - I jonaaaiaamiaruoeasirawt-.inenoewKarwoca; leacea ioc peiuruuuj( . cuuuo irrxt to. the baclnninc. inner onea are Jour Ufe-thtf "rate" -rtfo 2nd, day af May. mi. which makearotl baDbr or 'depressed. f : ' JOSEPH U gABN. trart..?':Tbe6i inner jmuscjmreflnlra training, just uita any.otnei muBciea.v MRTiQAGE SALE!. b .tateuijujjaiwteo;-axercM,-w.i . , .,. .., IrTORNEYS' CbTJNSKLLORS i r fOOet Rooix-i dOla EIki Buiknns;Vr -; 4 ; : f rractJca in the counties of Cravan,-, tmpUnr Jones Lenoir, Onalow, CarV aret, Pamlico and : Wake, m the ffai - inrM a Oe.ral cjourts, and where aver aerricea are desired, , , '. yr. iU'f poMicoci fir IniiMfipo Pool U -ito II UU IIIOUIUIIUU, JiUUI LOIUIU office (top, Gaston Hotel, ; New Bern, N. e. 3.r. V;".1" tieraea PreeaU lacslplalrrka -J VVYETH CnEMlCAL COMPANY 4- Two Setiof Musoleav-t, V j.jr-t'j! if). -Iiir .t-wj ;? ' IBBIHtR 11 ..,, AND Genera! : S fHE' antr Throat : '.V.'i. Offica in' ElkS Temple Next Dr. e. A: Caton, New Bern, N. C. . CHARLtS R. THOMAS ATJORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Practices in the counties of Graven, Carteret, Parailco, Jones, Onslow and in the Supreme and Federal Courts, and wherever services are desired. Law Offices, 63 65 S. Front St. "Near Gaston Hotel, telephone 450, New Bern, N. C. Edmund Thompson In National Jlaga- ? t ' r- ii i i . ,;. : H IOhildrentOry FOR. FLETCHER'S ; R. A. ' NUNN ' i anaii . ' . :J - '.' :.- ' - ATTORNEY AT LAW , Practice in' the counties" of Craven, CarteretTamlico-' JoheB and Onslow and in the State Sunreme a;id Federa Coarts. , ,. . OfBee Ro. f 0 Cravsn 8lrt. fatspnose ho. 97. , ' Naw Barn. N. C. ' "' . ;jinSM aj'.b' i';.v A: ;':''S; '., f CASTOR1A l."J'ifk.The ajame Thing. ;;;' y Tb Man-Bate y0 seerf Daubwr'i latast color studies T ."-v tv.:.;ni. aa w.hifi.fl'W. 'fa1 :ii"e,;'J oaiantereaL. . l latest olor atudl)ts.:Tha Critic No. 'EateS Wttle jolaei'b.rrie4l 4elWnni ttwaMiaca. TTtiifcA! atenfaitu .gy' 1 . '. .. i !' feryM irrr" r?r r.'r-ivri"i-Wkw .-.m iW.-.k . miL I i at.- uj ' j .. ; - " ... . ' . I Iain's Salve..' It will allav thav naliy al P7 ZJX:W2rL&3? .r. nJ. -ttwgawurancaa go tb round. Uoat tasUntlv a nd o uickfc heal'thi to. ire :rt.??f lam'a Liniment wonderfully . effect! vA, 0' press:, ara . published 0 facU, vm4 '- . i e,i ...La. . ia-- rtvtrilA K'aftmi alrAfkl (! ' (In atria ainK. i at.. .C.r.Xm lW fc,ll,r. will vii into juu " " a-Vr auw .v..w merita. - Trir Foraale b all dealers. I l-vr knt lym la ranM w i nrmaarirfo r or me aoove occasion yov owu"" merits. - Try it.-1 Railway announces tha aalef ery Ibwj -.;,v;t , j.;, Mund.triri ticket as ollow:Xr:;!?::r. round-trip ticket as follows;1 t Raleigh' ri&Z&,ii';t &Z t I)urbam'T:19 40 ' a 'VrJorlington - ,.18 Va-a.- ii.J't 1"? 2?-.t Oft rHtW Har Inferior -iThif (8 due to the' sciual experiance of lour cltizensf and their public utterances tly and Quickly . jared prLs.: For sle by all desJera , Oxford fiJi. JTi 20 OS' .Belma'r rr 'lr' " 'zo . uoiasDoro . -i. ,- , oo ' iTroportionally low ratea from all oth er Stations. -Vv. ''.--''r---'''." .."Tlckata" will be on sate May,; 13, -14, and 15; with final return limit to, reach Dears tha original starting point not later than feature tf mid-night of Msy 234 . Extension of final limit can be secured making tickets good to reach original starting point not Ister than June 14, 1911, by depositing lama with Fpecial Agent and paying a fee of BO cents Southern Railway will operate through Pullman filerplng Car, Raleigh to I. it tie Rook. Car to lsve Ralu!;h at ;t5 p to, Sunday May 14;h . , For Information as to rts, schedules Pullrnsn r!crvtliinatc;i'-Jr.-a tha anderalgned. ' -1 ' hear aha married beneath ter.-I regarding them, ; The ddubtar must "Tee; ber husband filaj s a. wretched (doubt no mnrf in tha face of -audi evi gama. nf brldge."f. Exchange. 4, .3 ; Ideaca as thla. : The pubiie sUUmantbf a reputabU citizen living rght at noma. ohwbom yoo can aee every day, leaves oo ground for tba skeptic to stand on. F. P. Avery, 190 MidUle itreet. New BerorN. C ssyst f'tbava. no ressoo to change my high opinion o.Doan'a Kidney Pil s which I expr8d through the local newspapers some years ago, i got"this ' remedy from the Bradhsm Drug Co. Wheal was inffer'ng. from kidney complaint and backarhe and it None Bettar. . ,, ..... t hate bOngbt "" ",ulf ""U'tiiia tiros ium CASTOR I A NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S; SALE vf.pF: REAL .ESTATE. V. Pursoant to tbe power of aale eontainad la eertain B3rtaa deed axcuted brSllaaJ Bow uraTnarriod) to Joseph K'Haha,- baarinal data of Auaah, tH08.and thai public recorda tn office of Kasiatsr of Daeda Jor CraTnooonty tobookNo, 173 folio III. thenBA deraianad wul off for aaat aad aell to tha hkrh aatbiddavfor oaah at tha aaart honaa dootin New Bern. N. CL oa Monday the Ith, day of iam VUi. at tha hoar ot It o'clock av aU at tha foUaw, law deaeribed ntf estate aa ooererad. la aald -Two lota ol land -In that- aart attUtdtoaf MewBera, kaowaas. VlUiamaUiavuler. aa pta. ted and rsoordad btaAeaof raciatsraf daeda to Craen eoonty la hook M Wo folisa H aad T ! 1 fiaU) M halM sltueU tm the rtiU miUti. har (treat adjotelne tier let on whlsa .tha Star f Zloa Oharah la aUaated, aad baarUc the aaaaa- ker tentr-to (21). and twenty -foac (Kit a- speeijTeiy. aoaordiaw to said plot o plan, This tad. day of May A, IX, 1st. " ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL- . LEE AT LAW Huhea.BVading. . yCravcn Street t New Bern, N. V. PraetJoa in 8tata and Federal couru. Circuit, Cravenparteret, Jones and Psrtilioo and wherever servicea are de- insd,. T-'.i-V- -3 -j- -v- ' - N0T1CB or SALE. : By th-toe ef the aathiwity aoafarrad aaoh (Wa j. o. jONn, -. T. P. A.-,' j Raleigh, N. C M. Il,r,cni:i-U C. T. A. ' .11 N. C ' filtlna Trs't ' .'toOTK nulls' llif:.!.i..-'..i ly l:'a .'.nl.. 1 la m- n j "1 mi !'iit a . '"iiita f, r 1 1'ka !.( of t'iri . 1' ' ! : ' -rn A : " , ? 1 ltra. Wise I wouldn'i ci;ar for my btubaud if I were you. A. man doosu't HUe his wife to do Ibnt Mrs. McBrlilo-1 know It's risky unless you're very Careful to grt tbe beat, but I ti careful. Mrs. Wlhe Were yon I l!r McCrlde-'-Tes. I picked cut'a box called "llni'st mnaa." Tbera. coulJu't rftRilblr be enytlilBg bettor thso tbat. yoj know. time. , For Sitle "bj all 3saUra, l"rtoa 10 6BHta' ' roster Ullburn Co,- sluSiJo. 4etr York, Ma sgeota for tbe UokeO 8utia. : ' , ' - " ' ba :i'-.ulr tha same Doi' am i',U 1 esitarbl r""j;l from a ('l"r. I ef , n,n of t!,a i : :v h uni run i-.- I I i ii. e i f ,i 1, '.. ,i..-r (,(,- I.lvcr 'I al,!et, '1 ry .r 1 I v .' - ', All I if i Inisrts. I a.4 1,1 fr'r!!' !l f.,- ' r ! . nn pi; - t T Ttv vietna af tha newer e? aale aaalalaed ha the mortaaa dead kraM by Uaarwa TJawaaa aad slaraltae a awrtato oara ana, wif lUrriea rjaarsnm. as W. H. Ialaa tm- the I oetweaei joaeph naaa aaa exanaoa vaaaa aaa iwk A., it Dm. land iMul meniMl la the I AaslaMlllat wr tM laaM aM pvcbaaa ac a pnar eAea of the Seaiaur of Deeds ot Cravoa county I - at land herelaaft-r N. C la book IX vjit (whW, awrtna. p""- " ad. with the aewee eale IW4. eaetaiaed "Jl waa Iwtetoed to aajd ioaat U Haha watfl enS the t,r-rt ihenbr eeeMved aad the debt I archaa aaoaar akarafara ahoaU he al iKix M iih ei la due r noirf H. ss aacaait acrtoat asaa aaaae aa iaa- awyv rut aasaasJar Shsaarft al TiA aarnyl aOsw aart Iw aa asaasipaiinaint I wens af tha aald rant and pan-taea aaaaay' ah km writlne n the lftih Ss fJ taeenW. tW7. he I Uwn atlpuhtad tea ha -14 w II ui,,bRM riw. .kickw U. U Baha hern fully eanpowared to tela pee. ,il.i,wd In eeJS tloe I. aooh lav I aaraloa af anid land epea aaoh aeaauk hd to oat ,71 ,r.nurf..bli iu,l. I tha I IM aaine M ShUa or amaM i ,h. .ue ikmb, . a- .nm. I New efare ia aaawnaaea with the teroM and l.ile.nforM.h. at at.hlie .uU to the e1atwa of aaid aaatract a4 oxorenaM. the- a- M,W hMrt. ml the t rs.M en el howae d "O fot Oslo. t pahUa -veadaa I leth. nn of M. U- N n. , ike athe ftwheot bUder tn, ea.1) e, the aawrt aoaap Is . . a i has r s n e Mnsb kl . on Mulv Ue tHh, day af May. nuewiw -"" ve.,r,. v. II e rioca at. aa ssanoay u oi a 4 ewe l!L the 'llnwtna ral eeteha ia Cm if mt Mew Rva. InitWt aad eVvwDeid aa fntlewai AO IKt wt4ls M m saml e land h'ahialna e the ait of Chapman etreet ia lUat awr Ice ef the ' it, at Hew flare. N. kanf HcMndn.ilia. at M aertii wt - ans a iV t4 M No. f. end raoniee? tneare aorth the ..-. line af aatd eitae. feet to the 1'hawl emMT a K . 'VI: II , ,, the a',ih H" tJ Ha, SI S the a, a ,Rrtf o L4 Si t' tXae-a aamlh &fl faa So if e - :-.t mmt ef He, tJ I s -i n .raar W t ' I I:. e. ',,. , : i a .. s n ! --a I . a r f .I s i a i I . , a ,, ts i t ' ay , . t , ' , t . a? a U " 1 1 I- -a. a.-a i lull. .. ..... .. .. 'All tlval reruln trert ar psrrv) of land tylpt mni h -ii-m aitueta In Cntyan 'vnly, it,CH hv No. I Uin.hipan4 a ltinii the Uwla nf m. A. i.w.: f .i; fr,,J t.fha-ji mA tmwe fully JpfrilM as : Til r,rat it: t alart a!) ihit letvia h,,,,.f Ail 1ft ,W,a a,! tlrf baira nt i-.naa ..- . tia Ute'le ef I aaaa T I a ra, t.f 1 a. K,t lr a I, I, , to e h ' ai .a a (,a. I I. f i-1 'U-.4 r ft. ' i , ! i I ... a- 4 1 . , I I is, , . I . A 4. ' a f ,.i f.l 1- Ti D.L. WARD SSI 'V- SOIITflERN 1 W'.t)v) ttlWAV . I .' ibiiTiiinitAiikiK : fcr- B n, . a -v.V v-i.i, ,aanw,--a,awwa aauajaa-aafw. puiMaauwa tor lniormatioQ ani ara MtWasv -ij,' . a.J L J -' (d Jl-Laava Oolasborir. N. C, 141 4 ml Sm thraneh trait wit chaJS . v x'ear to AaluvfliaoonnacUhg air May . . ..: r East Darhun, for Oxford, Hsa . M - laraoa, Kdjsrflle and'RIchjnon n ' . - - at Ualrartlty for Chwwf Hill Jf''fJ St Greensboro of Ctaifctti and ' 3 all tvJata aoatlv alsa tot Pais t- " "' ani i aa.kk.. n,aloltIITe , l. a,aiatv,i , waM .a.ww, a - ' :.'VV:,;' ' 1. . , - 0. tta-LsMVaa iMdaBoroaM.iVft. v?wy'.t?. '..- - 't; for OrasMtioro: buaits.Urouirh ai Vk Pbllman'Atlaota. o : -i rU A: Oraeosboro" fot all ii' lx .! r fotnta.iorti oBth u). st ,r NO. 111-Lwavse CoJTBbor 10.45 in't ". lof Orihstoro, hsndlxs yalltnaa , i flaU'iV, to Oraei..--" J ierta At GrfnatiorO . tit! A'JmiI.s ", ' i ' 4t,Tr.!a, Vn'n i DaI,'a, t-Jt)'." L -":., . :- , : - i. . ' 'iro, eos f.-r v. ' Orl'uSa, -. u'.-o fot . (rr)o i all ' r l. f .rtna't l e"l r aa ask aay throes (as r. r . U- n. 'V. A, 'Wit