V - N. C Hay 11, 1-U. 1IBE5U UDSCX XO. 8 K. C? F Meets every T v 8 p. m., over Ca Co'i office,' K 1 H H. Hard on, C C J. H. . -K. of R. tad & Visiting brothers are assured of a cher aher'B welcome.. CRAYO LODGE HO. U. OIGilTS OF fllEJIOSTB eeU 2nd. ud 4th Wednesday Bight In .ech month b Kaights Harmony H'Jl, comer Broad and H-iioock aUeoU at 7: SO 'clock I. K. ' WSUa, Pratdeot; J. H. 8mtta Secretary; J. D. McCoy, Financial Sec wfty: . " H00DXE3 OF THS WOULD KCT at K of P. Hall corner of Broad ant I ftanoock vtrtv semi-monthly, Fir anj Third Wednesday nights at 7:80 ) Veto, rutin Woodmen art lnvlt Tern. V ' XXVKX TO lW TlTI8I5Tf J. '.f-' . L . flLIMa ;i .i 'r. .'V ' Mew Bern Gas Co Gas Range. 1 New Sera Banking & Treat Co, 5 Daniels-Newberry-Live Stock (3ov -Ceoi B. Watera Fountato Drink.-' BUSS ' LOCJiS r NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE HONTBtviaitlngintnecity. MOST BE PAID FOR IN "."'ADVANCE.' ; . ICE Cream and Ice Cream Soda Water, j at G. B. Waters' news store. ' - " BLACK Minorcas-Just received a fine lot of Black and White Minorcas and "t Plymouth Rock Chickena, suitable for breeding purposes. Apply qmcK tmi morning at B. B. Davenport's. : FOR RENT A nice huge room suita- ble for storing household and kitchen .', furniture.' Apply at 18 Broad , tree tH C Armstrong. FOR SALEA 40 horse-power Boiler and small saw mill (no engine) for sale cheap, Boiler good for 100 lbs steam, ' Address Box 103, Oriental. N. C ': , I WILL have a plenty of Tomatoes, Celery, Peaches, Cukes, Strawberries and in fact any kind of fruit and all kinds of Ice Cream for you. So just go ahead and entertain your company, and leave your orders, with me and I . will take care of them. -H. ' E. Roy all, phone 83. ' . . . JUST received from Pamlico county an other lot of extra fine' Spring'; and grown Chickens, Ducks, -Guinea .fowls. fresh Eggs, Hams anil Bacon, ; 8pnlh and native seed Peanuts,'; Cigarettes, Mullet, Herring and Drag Netting, pine and Coal Tar, . Rump and, Mess Pork. B. B. Davenport ' , -f.. it: FOR Sale-One-borse truck Ipk perfect order, one delivery .wagon for grocery - store or any other . purpose. P. Tren with's Blacksmith Shop, Sou Ok Front street :'. ' ; ' ICE Cream and Ice Cream Soda Water, at G. B. Waters' news store. LIME-ADES aro the most.' wholesome drink to be bad at fountains, we make , a specialty of them all the- year round. K. S. Duffy's FounUUv DRY-KILN Wood 60 cents a load, deliv ered.4-Broaddos A Ives;' Phone 68. BHINGLES I have made arracge- menU to handle W. B. Ellis'' Shingles and shingle wood. Call ElUs Wood and Coal Yard. Phone 47. .', ; . V : AFRESH lot of Candles at Kafet's r ' Bakery 10c pound, CbocolaU SOe per , FOR Poultry Darling's Beef Scraps, r Bead Oats, Cypher's Chick Feed. Conkey's Gapes Powder, Cholera Cure . ; ete., at J. C. Whitty 4 Go's. Phone 98 : WANTED Five or more yoke of oxen and earts with drivers to work by con tract togging. Bteadf work. Offers of ' coe or" more team. Write or apply ;' Broaddus A tvee. New Bern, N. C ' FOR BALE t ey Under 22 horse power chain driver Bulck runabout, with top speed, powerful and m perfect runs- log ordrf. Phone 50, or adJreee Dr. O A Catoo, New Bern, K. C. . GETTING bot don't sook Cskee-Ortn gee, Wtrrrs, Fig Bars, Creole 0 Spieed Wafers, Lemon Part, Newport Frail Cakes, Social Tees, Grel.tm Crarkeis, Arrow-root Diwuit, Mrh manow (Wens and a good rntnr cth erreotie nf cekee at Utxlwn A Go's, i 1 " WANTED Te good gite vtMing city and surrwjmling for e cownlrj tJtlHo at et our itnre -up town. I)e 5t N"V, Pup. Co, ICECfemnd Ice Cretm fV!a VVetpf et G, 11, Wetre'Be itnr. WUUK to Ufrte-AtU.r i! ne in 'arr re nr ! I s j t m e:-rie)y.-E. tl -. t '.M f, rffnira.) e..'l .-'., ', i-H, itfwi e ; ' ;. very itil t i rcfiil's to r.ale tl. wota 1 1 j any cer i l . i .1 LL:J io!J eicfpl . . . BURIJETT'S VAN ILL A a . ' -, . S it, costs do more than the ordinary kind because It It so much richer ' and so" t5 much more Savory it goes.' twice ai lar. . , . - . ' Are you one of ' the good housekeepers who' appreciates the best TaruQa made "- - .'-"X-fr. BURNETTS VANILLA TEH CQ 00 JEB Mis Mabel Thompson, of Clayton, is in the city. V., . , , , MnC E. N. Rick8,'0f lit ,01ive, is Mrs,t- F. M. Simmons is visiting friends at Washington D. C. ' ; Mrs. F. D. Swindell, of Wilson, is spending a few days in the city. Miss Grace. Wallace, of Morehead City, spent yesterday in the city, . Mr.-and Mrs, L. G. Darnels are spending a few days at Richmond, Va The daylight pictures shown on "The Sflver-tiight' scteen The Athens are the .best ever seen in the state! - ' An Interesting Statement Portland, Me, "I suffered so long with .indigestion and stomach trouble that I lost flesh rapidly I had used .... a A. .s. .... ..a. r: au KUOS 01 remeaies wimoui neip. v in-. ol. was recommended and I decided to try it. I soon commenced Jo feel better my stomach trouble disappeared and I . can eat heartily without the alightett dis tress. My experience leads me to be lieVi that no other medicine equals Vinol for stomach.' troubles and tod! gestion. It tones up the stomach, in-. creases the appetite creates strength. W. - E. ' Weterh ouse. (We guarantee this testimonial to be genuine.) Vinol seldom fails to strengthen and ton up1 the tired, overtaxed aid .weak' ened nerve of the-digestive organs, and remove , th ' cause . of Indigestion and soon enable the sufferer to digest with ease the foods that : one caused distress. Moreover Vinol is delicious to th taste, contains no oil and does not upset weak stomachs, a do old-fashion ed cod liver on and emulsions, -. Try bottle ot Vinol with th under standing that your money will be return ad if It does not Kelp you. F.,8. Duffy Druggist New Bern N, C, Your '' lawn, will present more sightly, appearance by the application ot a Phik' delphia Lawn Mower, J Basnieht Hdw., Co. - Phone 99,!67 S. Front SiS ' ft . rsrad of th ahrtners. Th Noble of Osals- Tempi with th Novice will have th Parade Friday Afternoon May 12tb at 4,37 o'clock The right of th line will form at th Gaston Hotel and the line of March will be from Cton Hotel to MUUIe St,l!iiia',e St'toCroad, Broad to Georg George to Quern, Queen to Johnson, JoLruoa to UuUie. M14JI to B otul Brosd toCreven, Craven to South Front, South Front to Et Front, Et Front tePolUKk, Pollock, to Middle, Middl, (O CuUq HoUl. , , Do !' t r.ij-crirncnt whe you nee 1 rmt, n n t eoetiy, ns S'm'':m-s rum your firnj ty, Yovi ifi-)-ie no rl.k m!.t..ver whe you o t i a ! ,.-, t t r --. - h;:e -.:if.'r fi.u Let ' tf i . Ike t r. I to learn thut t:r. C ?. Lcnrutt, - the enifc) mstiiger cf the Caston 1' tel, ho be been crnfineJ to his rojir( fr )ina time U again atle tq,Le out. Every vibiUt in the city is extended cordial invitation to attend the Revi val service now going on at the Tuber nacle Church. Large crowds are attend ing this meeting each night and (nuch interest is being manifested. v r A number of . the windows of the various business houses in the city were yesterday adorned with the emblem of the Mystic Shriners in honor of peir visit here this week.' The work, was executed by Mr. Ed. Berry, Jr'- j Sup S. M. Brinson returned yester day morning from Beaufort'; where - on the previous mgnt ne aenverea - an Ma- dress at the closing ,of , the Beaufort j High School,' Mr. JBrinson stated that one of the largest audiences ever assem bled in that town was in attendance at he closing exercises of the institution Yesterday afternoon the .North Star Giants and rthe-Blue 4UbiMMT Sluggers again engaged in mortal combat, with the result that the former team atrain won the honors by a score of 7 to B.. Ball and Nixon handled the, sphere for"! the victors while Thompson and Juorswg were the battery for ha Blue Ribbon Tonight in the store : formerly wcU' Died by C. V. McGehee, the Atlantic Steam Fire Engine Company will hold a festival for thV purpose -of getting money to defray-their expenses tot the Tournament at Uiariotte next wee. All Varieties of delicious refreflhmqnU Will be on sale and the public Is extend ed a cordial invitation to attend. All citizens of this city; are urged to decorate their buildings today in honor of t;be visiting ShHners who wPl meet here, tomorrow. ' During the , celebra tion last summer thousands of flags and banners were displayed, and after that event was concluded these ware put away for future use. a Now is the time to nse them. Show the visitors thst we have the best and most progressive The members ot the Foreign, Miss ionary Society ot the First PresbyteW an church, instead of meeting atl ft residence of Mrfc Monro Howell, as previously announced, are requested to meet at the lecture room of tue church today at 8:S0 o'clock, and-from there adioiirn in a bodv ta' the Methodrst church to attend the Foreign Mission art exercises being - held there. . It.li earnestly hoped that all member. w'J F , While out fishing several days; ago, Edwin, the young ton of Mr. C B, Hill accidently stbek a large nail torough bis right foot , Although very, painful th wound was not .considered,, to very serious at first but it become very sore and i physician was called in and medical attention was rendered the young man. Yeeterosv tt was learnea that th wound healing" and that all danger of any serious eompllcations had DaMed:;;yJ The e try is full of ' visitors from parts of the Stat and other are com" ing In on every train. . The convention of th Woman' foreign" Missionary Society and the meeting ot the Shrinerk her have attracted bug crowds', an hundreds of new face are seen on th streets, Tha.hpspitalty of th New Bern people. 1 known all. over Jtbe L State and whenever a convention. meeting of any sort is to b held here It ia-iargely attended. , People who live in th bualneu sec tioo of ibe city and who rooms over look, alleys should us torn precaution in emptying water and in throwing ute less article from their windows before they first ascertain whether any on passing through th alley. While pase Ing through one of these thoroughf ares yeeterday afternoon a gentleman who had stopped ever In the city to spend thu day had a suit of clothes ruined by a tub full of greasy water. Of course it was very provoking to blm, but nc thing could be dun id regard to the matter.'. -: , ' D. P. S. Paint will make your old house look new, in side and out; J.S. Bacnipht Hdw., Co, Front St. .Phone 99. 67 A V Kr n J r:. V, i r 1 1. II 1 1 r.f r V V 1. 1 Are Uere Oyer I 3 1 Io XumU;r, I KLht. Vic Th delefitee to the Woman's For- gn Mutsionary Society of the North Carolina Conference arrived in number over one hundred on last nifrht's trains. More than the number expected will be ere. Last night at Centenary ' church most delightful reception was tend ered the vUiting delegates; . The" affair was social and introductory with re freshments served, .'adding to the pleasure.- . ;'-..; ': -' This morning at 930 o clock. In the church parlors the business sessions will, open, also continue in the after noon at 8 p. m. there will be addresses ot welcome with response, . report of omcers, etc. , - 's Board your horse at a. Mod ern Sanitary Stable., pamels- Newberry LiveJ, Stock, ,Co4 South' Front St. - - ' The tyU tt Watch A. r "AU Kinds All Qaalities AH' Prices jbM each Watch tSe best at its price, whatever the price.! . -. , JEvery Watch guaranteed ac cording toita worth, in knowledge of that worth. ' . . ' , V$l to. $125; : J. 0. Baxter JEWELER AND Tf ' J MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN SEKO YOQR ' j ions JO T mscrroi mmm . ..'.iv. ?P caii afford to I'; . vv'v.-rorts " or QOiung vriui t s: Z Gas, The jnstall in ybiir house a first- , - ... .' '.- . ' '-l'. . '.'! ' ,. -; v -: -.1, Jiclas3 0as ianandrriake;: ' ; all connections and; you'pay ' . $ J.i0-then $2.00 peri ' ' . " month-(5 Oc per week) iin- - i . til Rane 13 , a GclS flange and lion .ill ! ' IIULLETS let j'j5t received. ALo choice lot snail Sugar Cured Hams jind Boneless Cretkfast Strips, Yam .Po tatoes, Irish Potatoes,' Cod Fish, Fish Flakes etc V : Fiom the' Whltehurbt ,- ' - Farm Eevry Day. - - YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J.M.JlcDaniel 41. Middle SL Phone 91 IT IS OUR CHIEF Air.1 to give our friends and patrons, not only pure goods but the purest food products on the market, at the lowest possible price. 2lb. Bucke Cottolene 28c 4" " M 55c Prepared Ham per lb. 25c Best Tub Butter. 30c Apple Vinegar per qt 8c Granulated Sugar -2c .H.C. 11 I Phone 174 Middle St. nun tf v Prescriptions.; from all physicians Quickly andAc curately iflled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet' articles.' ;i73 ; .'-"1 ' .. I: cnjolhe torn-- ii company-' paid for, , Oct enjoy w-,j'.'i ass Pharmacy ' L 1 1 ill A . - in 11 I J A. 'COiLETE; LIKE ' ; y- ' f . - - ' -;'v ' ' ' ' . ' ';4BliieSejtiiiid- : : Mixed ;;Q6ods aire f Nbw to be seen at F. M. CHADWICK'S i;. -. ' ... ... . . . - Merchant Tailor, 103 Middle SV' New Bern, N. C SCREEN y Knocked down screen frames, Adjustable frames. Wire cloth black and galvanized; all widths, Atten tion given taking measures for sizes needed. Paint and Varnish Stains and Floor Finish, all necessary goods for the home. Service prompt, business appre l ciated, - Call us up Phone 147. , " OASKILL HARDWARE CO. Middle Street PhoheTl47, New Bern, N. C. T. J. TURNER Furniture Anything in The Drug Line Prescriptions Called For And i Delivered. Gaston Drug Company ON THE COR- NER PHONE No. 65 G. S. You will open your eyes wl.cn you cc3 tie kind fr.r; eerie;-. - tM You'll - ! !. :.: : !. i c VJ.t- ssb im . is a m I n ' J . , . . J J J j ' , BROAD 8TREET , I ' M t 1 ' I . r- .if ; i , . DOORS WINDOW SCREENS AWNINGS We have the agency for Hettrick Bros., Awnings, both store and resi dence. If you are in need of an Awn ing we can furnish you. I'lace your order before the Summer rush. Fit, Quality and Price Guaranteed. To see - samples and get price?, call phone 172, or address P. O. Box 445. Co., 93 Middle St. OPPOSITE . THE POST-OFFICE Uncle Sam with his estimated serenty ; five million population can not ; - make a better selection m ease f of wsr, than you can to make your selection from oar stock of Hsnd-msde Buggies and V Carriage. Come to see us. v Yours to pl Waters Sons 'NEW BERN, N. C 'I 11 fi LIEN. YOUTHS AD Y0U:;6 3v i:en !.:. GET ' AT . - 1' Oo-vD n - Th Om gfrxi fa). i , l,;;.f- r. l''l 1 r!-.r i f n t f M'l ,." - ! I .-.. vjA--.v.. . 1 .A - r. j r 1 1 i i

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