V- M , . .A r - - 1 The Iwiud Vou Have Always Doug lit, and w Lick has beea ,-, la me for over 30 yean, baa borne the elffnature ol . ! i f , - ' ' and has f T si . ,i m. fy'sSA r- nonaa supervision Buicoiuuuumjt ; i-CCCCA4iti inw , nM tA dAccdre von In this.' f AU Coantertelts, Imitations and Jst-as-f ood' are bat - Experiments that trifle irtth and "endanger the health 1 . - Infants land Children Experience against Experiment. ; at 10 UAS I UKJA Castorla 1 a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pane- vxros nrxvrni fui4 pwHiiug . Djt .f A acwwvuw --M, eontalns neither Opium, Morphlue nor other Nareotle. ' eubstanoe. t ltd ag6 Is Its guarantee..: It. destroys Worma and allays 'FeferlBhness.c It eures Dlarrhosa and Wind Colic. It reUeyes Teething Troubles, cores Constipation and FlattUenej It assimilates the Food, reguUtes the - 5 : Stomach ana Bowelsrgmng healthy and natural weep. ' The Chljdren's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ' :,' ' GENUINE CASTOR FA ALWAYS Bears the . i i ' The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 10, yso ror v-ver tears 1 TM OtrmU 00MMt-T' MIIaV rnillT. M VOHK CrW. , Plivsicians Advise ffie use of t gootaxaawT to keep ttw bowd9 InM frnm o-artino-intn' vnitf-fivstem. .- - The latest flrodStt el'scienco Is VLVO reliable, and of A pleasant, aromatic iaste. . stomaco. and bfwetewand is of the greatest Diiiousness, slew neadacw. tevensnness. coucnatuKnce. etc. - rry , . .." : , v vr i ii 'nn urn SOUMfiHtWSt DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTH, FJST. WEST. Very Low Bound Trip Bates to all Principal Resorts. .Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4 :05 pm, arrives Atlanta 6:36 p m, mating close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaviiig Raleigh 11 KM a m, Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm inghiun 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:0 p m, Kansas (jty 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection at Salis bury for St Louis and other Western points. Through Pullman to Washington lea- vet Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washingt on 8:U am, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon. New York 2:81 p m. This car makel close connection at Wash in Cton for Pi ttaburg,, Chicago and all . points North, sod We4t and at Greene- : bora for Through Tourist Sleeper for ; California points and for all riorwa pointa. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 s m, Raleigh 8 M a m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p ro, making clone connection with the,Caro - lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 '. . a m; following day after leaving Ral '. ' elgh, with cIom connection for all polnU North snd Not th-Weat. Pullman 'for Winston-Salem teaves Raleigh z JO-a m, arrives Greensboro 630 a n. making eloae eonnec'tioo at Greensboro for all points North, South, ; . East and West Thie ear la handled . en train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro at v. If you desire any information, pleas J ' ealL ; ara here to lomuo mrortna- , ' s. tioo as well as to sell ticket . ' K. t: CART, 3. 0. JONES, s ' ' O. f.Xt ' , ,T. P. A ' "V ' Wsahingtos, D. C. y Raleigh, N. C I "$20.66 Aa ErENSES OF A TERSON AlXYj CONDUCT- ' v . ED JOUR,. 1 - . ,, r -':- v To Wsshlnidoii, 1 a.lKotfolk . . J Aouthern Uf., and Korfolk '& , : ' "vWaahinntonB. fk XkC, Leatlng ; , Ecijh May 29th Ull.' ;' - ' The rat Includes Pallmaa scoovmkIs- ' Umt, Meal and PtsUroocna, both dl rertiona, efirooU, tloUl la Washington . nd ntrUng H trip to Virginia ' rUf-h, Arlmgtffl, MoontVemon, Ale tmlria, Va., and aulflmofclle !gtt-inr trip to varkws tAnl$ of hiatorie ntr This tiur, fwtr th direction f frff. Frank M. 11 arjw-r, of the l?lrigh I'ut tv fir T'wn and cthra US in liVfH'-(ai-t)f 0 'a!rf ma 1 J, m rt, aa I I1 t'K '-il a Inn I 1 i r- f. Vi'i r. I It-' rf V been made mder his per- : . f at.,. I r. ....... iv"-, Signaturejof o t i - open and prevent the poisons of undigested Laxative Liver Syrup, purely-vegetable, eentis, Velvo acts on tbe liver, as well as on the possible efficacy In constipation, indigestion, SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE NEW TRAINS BETWEEN NEW YOEK, WASHINGTON, AUGUSTA and J A0KS0NV1LLB Effective November 27, 1910 the SOUTHERN RAILWAY will put in ef fect hew train service between New York, Washington, Augusta and Jack sonville, schedule of which will be as follows: No. 81. Lv. New York 158 P.-M. Ar. Washington Lv. Washington Ar, Augusta via Blackville Lv. Augusta via Trenton -Ar. Jacksonville No, 82. Lv. Jacksonville Ar. August via Trenton Lv. Augusts vis Blackville Ar. Washington Lv. Washington Ar. New York 6:10 ' 6:20 ' 11:36 A. M. 11:46 8:45 P. M. 90 A. M. 3:00 P. M. 8:15 ' 8:63 A. M. 9:06 2:45 P. M.I 1 n aoov traina win ne mown mm i , . .ML. I .1.- SAITIVUDSUIO OAIITUV t.Sf VDU "7, . , II LIMITED aid will consist of Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars, also Dining Carl Serriea.' This train as well as all other! SRNLWAYTRAINS arrive and depart from tbe Nw Perm- syhrsnlS 8tation, Seventh Avno and ThIrtv-8eond Street Nw York Clti' ' For all Information pertaining te tbe , - aamv address tb nnderaigned. v ' H. F.tJARY,'' " ' V' r i V Gen, Pass. Agt J, ' ' ' " Washington, D.'C , -' P Kaaw Mtolwslast,'V lbs bsd bta arrested for bar. tad be waa floed fQOO. "Yet tbey are good friends now." 'Ys a SDDoaoced u opsa (bat k was worth tb price." Lla vtUs Ooortar-JournaL BALKED AT GOLD STEEL," ,1 'I woo Win 't IM a doetnf cut my foot off,"W H. D. Ely, Bant em,. Ohio, "allboogh s bortlble) ulcr bad taea lb piagaeof say life for foortaara.. In - stead Iuh4 Bock len s Arnica I ad my foot wa aoon eampWlyl cored," HaaU Burn, Bmlf, wa, Brul, Eciarna. PU. Corn, ear- at illa eur. if at all droggtaC ' " Ta4hle taw. TeefbUaa saw bsv been ia rm ret- ting armot pista for a somlxT ol feara. Th Uury ef tb s-ti M I bra sins by toral foalon, du t tbe vary bleb ped of tb dlak, caualng a tnacv tbooaaad tiw-ha of atirfnr implnt tb tnatal tnprrul t: t tb anitertal Srt4 Of U heated t th p.,ll Cf fontact t temperatur trriTtiirtihie. If Brt anl to, tl.a f a- Ina point - It T'8ra a If ' am nl portlna ef t!; ti-fi l.r,r.g ml t ' t: .. i St f 'et 1n t r f r. ;, r t n r I i l 1 1 lit i f. t IMAM LIVER SYRUP - - - - I it ...- . Old Hiokory't" C.utio Advfo t Jama Buchanan. . "j- Ktoriea of Andrew Jarkaua are Hkety to be pointed aud to hava a praclloal applk-aUon. a do Uj lorle told of rrankUn. la MK J. W. Forney's "An- cdptea of Public kleo" tbere la giren a story as It was told by James Bochaoan at bis own table. Although tt contained a reproof from, lb presi dent to one who was to succeed blm. It la said to nav beea a favorite story at that Doaro,-: . -;. , - . J, r W Shortly after Mr. Buchanan's return from Bussts In 1834., to tbe court of which country b had been sent by Jackaoo in 1822. and Immediately fol lowing btaeieoOon to tbe senate be called upon "Old Hickory with a fair English lady whom be desired to-present to tb bead of the American oa torn.': mX:f&r?? W$i s Leaving her In tb reception -roonr aownstairs, tie asceuoea w iao presi dent's 'private garter- Iwheref he found General flacksoo anshaved,: on kempt. In his dressing gown, with his slippered feet on, the fender; before a blazing wood ore, smoKing a corncoo pipe, of the old southern pattern. . He anted his object, -and general Jackson said that be would be -very Itlad' to meet' tb lady whdmv Mr. Buchanan desired to present Mr. Buchanan was always careful of his personal appearance -end In some respects was a sort of mHecuUne Mlsa Prlbbe, addicted to spotless cratata and bugs colla rs, rt her protid of root small for a man or ms lurge star- are and to tbe last of bl?Tfe what the ladies .would, call verjTjood dsure.'- Havlng just returned from a visit to the: fashionable ,clrcles of the conti nent after years of .thorougB lnleN course with tb etiquette of ope of the stateliest courts In Europe, he was somewhat shocked at (be Idea of the president meeting the eminent Englich lady. Id such a guise and ventured to ask If General Jackson d!d not Intend to change his attire. Thereupon tbe old warrior rose, with his long pipe In his band, and, deliberately knocking the asbea out of tbe bowl. Said to his friend: . . - . . - "Buchanan. I want to give yon a lit tle piece of advice, which I bone you will remember.. I knew a man .once who made a fortune by attending to bis own business. Tell the lady 1 will See be presently.? The man wbo bctme president In 1857- waS fond of saying that this re mark of Andrew Jackson humiliated blm more than any other rebuke be bad ever received. Be walked downstairs to meet the lady In hls-charge, aud In a very short time President Jackson entered the room, dressed. In a full suit of blnck. cleanly' shaved, with his stubborn wWte hair forced back from bis fore- bead, and, advancing to tbe benutlful visitor, be greeted ber with almost kingly grace. Aa she left the While House Rhe Md to her escort "Tour republican presi dent to the" royal model of a gentle man." - - Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Facing tha Inevitable. "la It selfish ambition that Inspires your eagerness to rush Into officio! r aponslbllltyr "Not at ell It Is merely a generous willingness to go to the front sod etand toy share of tbe harsh 'criticism that patriotic effort alwaya receives." Washington 8tar. ' -" v BAYED MANY FROM DEATH. W.'L, Mock, of Mock, Ark. believed be has saved many lives In his 23 years of experience in 1 tne rung ousineu. I llU7k.. I I;!. tn An " eevry for wak. sor lungs, bard colds, hoaraiaesa.ob.Unat coughs, lagripp. croup, sithms or other bronchial offer tioo, for I feel aare; that number of ' t i.on-.ti, uu,,, u'th- beat throatard lung medicin that' made," Easy to prov he's right Get a trial -bottle I h . 1 A- tl m I Guaranteed by all druggiat. ;j j': Hem Only la Nama. A yoong tvarber wbo baa.suhatlrnU d In tb lower districts of -the city tells this llttl stor of on of bet pt piis:- There bad been an entertainment at tb school, st which the child had re ceived m pldur from tb prlbrlpaL Tb hett day th Utile girl apperirrd with tb picture nndf"Eer arm, gun retretfoBy ah laid It upon tcu tS desk. .; ' ,; v; Mom ears tbaoi 70. for the ple- Inr," sh ImpafSud. drawing np bt fagged little form, -hot w alo tgot oe wall to hang it on." v I "No wslir fried bf horrlfled young Jgujtuoi, ; -thy, Molly, wbst doyoe nteanr ! '' ' ...'hmiiUi. rrf In onf u .. ....i-ined ' carclrely. Mo"f . "'ha '"j,, I "sod vs lire in tb middle, b aeiptua i iw ..... POY0UUAVKTHR RIGHT "KIND . ' ' OF IIELPT FoUv KfclriPV. fills trjmi.h Toil U' right kind nf hi lp to nit iralija and re- mo v a th that cmi.a barkarht-, hos'ls-he, rervoiwrme an ) otl-r ki Inoj and bU'l IT silmn.t ." K. R. iHiiIy. On. C'.n ' -. Iti'r S f t- 1 I! .-.I (t ff iiUln't 1. r." j -j - s t Itio ; tti,y. rt tuof ft,. in 1; ..',,!) e-.'l r'. ' t re l tl.a rm.a t' ." 'l : ";, ; elu:;t If T: J tAT ;...:t;.. :,J that disagree withyoo, don't lrt it work in own .y throogh; its a slow proceae ani makea yon letl bid. Oct ril of it quickly .by ; taking a pinUi or two of - S - . ' e-'j v cin no no LIVER REG ULVT OR - (TBI FOWDEE - - ... - . - ' . 1. . . . It drives out Impunities and badly digested food In the stomach and ' bowels; atimulates the torpid liver and restores regular, bowel move " aaenta. - It is a fine tonic and system purifier that pots tb vital organaVI ia sound, healthy condition. '. . - P ;B .-,,4-" ;yy;. J J. H. ttiLiw CO.. taoa4.. St. Lows; iio.,"-.:? J J ,f .j-vV' GheaSing For a Railraad. I; Strict ecouoiny In buying, Is tb only qualification that can insur posfUon' as shopper for t railroad. v' - -- rbe womaa'who can be talked Into paying a cent more a yard for cotton or woplen goodi than to absolutely neces sary Aeadf iyer apply , for ,th Job," said, aTvoman who bolda a railroad ob..t"It ls my business to buy clothes for people Who have been injured on our iad, . Pending , recovery the road pays ell expenses, and when patient are iyeady' to leave the bosplwi they are provided "with a. complete set of clothing, vn ': to rubber overshoest Unless the patients are- unreasonable in tbelr dema bds w provida the -fclnd of clothes they ask tor, and no doubt many of them leave tbe hospital better dressed than they have ever been In , their lives. Since those outfits have to be 'duplicated a good many;, times In" the. course ci the year .lt is obvious that needless extravagance cannot be tolerated. The railroad Insists upon purchasing all supplies, and It to im perative that the woman who does the buying knows to a thread tbe kind of material she wantsand. what -aha ought to paytotlt"-New. York Sun. IN THE WAKE OP THE MEASLES 1 The little of Mrs: 6: B. Palmer, Lit tle Roc, At sr, had the measles. The result was a severe cough which grew worse and ha could not sleep. Shesayt; "One bottle of Foley's Hooey and Tar Compound completely cured him and he has; never beea bothered since." Croup, whooping cough, measles coughall yield to Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Tha genuine lain tbe yellow paokake al ways. Refuse substitutes. F. S. Duffy. FORM GOOD HABITS. , !Lfe s largely made up of habits. They re rneant tb make life easier -jfoi us arid better. "A good habit, once formed, is tike a towropl nSat pulls us along 'thereaftet without bur , contdckis effort. "The more good Kabits we can form the sweeter and safer and more sue-, ccjsTu) life will be ever after. Be gin to' form good habits bow this very dajr. ' ' ' Is there anything in a I this world that irof more importance to you than good dineationT .. Food mtot be eaten to sus tain lire and must digesced snd;con verted bite blood. .When the digestion fails the whole body totters.- Chamber lain's Tsblets ar a rational and reliab'e cure for indigestion. Thev increase th flow of Lilp, purify the blood, strength en tb stomach, and tone up the while digestive apparatus to- a natural and healthy aetioo.. For sale by al) dealers. ; The DlffareM In 6pd. ' " Tbe professor of shorthand la s local business college adduced this unan swerable argument la aa address to s rinw tlaaa th other davf '. ' ti .W ere told that'lt took Ora, au thor of tb well known 'Elegy la a Country Cbntobyard,' seven yeara to write that fatnons'poem, ' It. h had koowa stenography b could bsv don Jt In sereu mjnutes. ' We bsv gradu ates who have done, that ssme poem la that length. of Uma"-ClvaUnd 0 Dealer. .V bsrt 'this.. wordT pari sakad WUUe, pointing tt out In bis book. ' "Pbenomeoon," replied pa, ' '-f ' "Weil, what to thatr, r -V -. . That, my won, to etactly wbal you would be If yon never disturbed yon father --with qwitiotj, Cat boll Btandard aod.Tlmea. f.7 " 'J' ty v ...I..,-- . CASTOR I A , Tor lafatt and CIiiMren, i . ill Hi Yea Kits A!;:;j E::J .' Uaars th Slejaatar of UktStiii A PhillipsreekS ry. In rt ClirUtla K-udwiror Worid the Rev, 1'ram la K. Oark wrlia of hie t iMidlng Apdr TbfoloElcal aemlnary lib Job Cotton Itrooke, brother of lit fini'irw. UiA!tm-wn bishop and ha-lov. the liv. I'bUlln llrooka, Tb srrlt'-r . l-ririill one rrpartf-e. which John prwls rllf-d lo his l.rrdhcr I'bllll A ' f iir.D') tmt Kfiinfltlonnl ri-w- a proni In r, b) mn aft rwr0 f fnim I ' 1.' tn-lTig , -t,.., a t'l-M n r a i I o, I) !f tnl lo,.k en -Y " . r.rf ! L ! ' i a ' i . 1 s-i-l I I 1 n r" s.ltvf ! 'r-t t! ; i, ' f . t a : ; i I "1 I '7 " t X; fORM) Orind t Prfatln." From drill - man seta accustomed to dolna 'aader'anv-'clrcnmataiKwa, what I haji been hammered into his brain uw tun- uiub uii 11 joecomea secona nsjuf to him. Charles XIL of 6we dei, "the madman of the north,' rip ped most of Burbp up the back again and again because bis soldiers ' were drilled to perfection before be let them take tha Held at a time when, there waa great neglect or drill In other armies. He valued 1.000 well drilled fighters above 10.000 not so well drilled, ajjd, madman or genius, bis judgment . was vindicated repeatedly In terrible battles. One 'night Charles XIL was surprised in Poland by an attacking army of 8,000 when bis scant force of 000 was sleeping like the dead ,from tbe exhaustion of a bard march. Before his outposts and sentinels could be driven In his small band was aroused, mounted, formed In battle line all in pitchy blackness and swinging Into a fierce charge upon the enemy. By daylight the Russians and Poles, who bad thought to eat him up. were virtually annihilated. New f ork Press. FOLEY? FOR BAOKAOH KIOMCY9 ANO BlAOOSH Turning tha Turtle. Tortle hunting is not without ex citement The method of capture con Sists of the simple act of turuiug I be turtle on its back. Once in this posi tion it Is quite helpless. Its only de fense Is to cover Its cuptor with ennd thrown up by tbe powerful front logs or flippers. These are brought Into action in an instant and woe betide the captor who has his eyes and nioutb open at tbe moment, for the sand is burled with great force. When turned over the captive Is dragged, up tbe beach to above high water mark, and this Is no easy task, for It weighs about four hundredweight Premaditatad. "And why do you claim that It was with malice aforethought that the au tomobile defendant ran down the com plalnantr "On the mornirfg It happened, your 'honor. I heard blm say tbut be was gohig to take out bin new auto and see If .be could not, run across a few peo ple be knew.'VHonstoo Post If I LITHE CO UGH ANocuncTKiLurics tlEUBiSCOVERY fisic5oa-ijoo ARB ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUAfiANTD SATSFACWty Off moncv ftenfNoeo. Legal Notices MORTGAGE SALE. fmauaattaa power ef Bale eoataiaed ia that eertala aiei fa ssna eaeeeted at k P. MarUa aad Abbia Hartla kat wife eo Iaa H, SeaUk Bearing the eaU the UUay ef Nev, IM7 the tefat reeerded kttheinVeef Saaiater ef Deeds ef OravM aeaertr as keek let, nee frf-l wBI aeH attheeeert hiaasdimraa Jew Bera, N. C a the Uth. day ef Jaee ISU ai the hear ef It e'ekark St. ia the kiehs k4dter f of eakvJ ef thefoi- iowta S is ii Ihi tmt pretMrty ae seavad ha the asertgag. aforesaid. t wit, OaehaU of that eer tala ieteraraal el huat sKeated M Ue Wat side af Oeore Si. ad hetae? tha Haolherw hair of the let told te Mary PeDaW-byOea R. .White eae deed. aUi esa atary Pearler's WW feraaeare fell aa perfeet Jsearlpthm, awanded ae full.ws Eaet hy Oeorg. St ee th North ky MaUida A. lToU: ea the eat kr kit) 1, BIS aadaa Dm Soata hr I. W. lUawarta kad ha Hat kart af aM kw4 aader feaee. - where we new ttve Om St. le the erty ef New Bera. K. C , . New Sera, N. C SUr IS. 111, -, ' ' .' -.- . - . uaao a. satm. I MORTGAGE' 8 ALE, Perseeat I lh power af sal SJHilaiasd la ihea eertala nwvteae. 44 td hf KUaa lUrw (aaetarrM) te Japb L, liaka, teartog dateisf Aagwa) S4ih, it, end reaerdael aa the mWk fwerd, la irfrVa. ef ftaeteb ef Daedd for Crereamoly Is Wa Ha, ITS fall Sit, that 4mt4 will eff for eale eed sell le the khrh- mmi bM Uf f rh at the enart heow deer W. N C, , Mnl.sihSh.def J uil. .1 II- lM,oIIe'cWkas,aef the foOow r AWtiW raJ estate ee faaraal ka esid a, IMIU. , T wo f snt Wa tK.I at aftheerlfef r 1mv,u ".,.M4.ia,.il' ee t'M- r - I l - f i,, ,w f dla - i ..,..,!, in W, k I fiv M ead Sf ! . I..' 0 , isi !. arw.1 ,.f Uil- I- 4 e . Legal 4 Notices CnmCml, v ' iratn. lSIlJ oantaaa Brkfe Qaambt Corwaatua A. L. aVVtMlta, J. K, 'Woofm. i.l. CaakyAlbart fWda. AoaiMtiu BajTBoUm. Barry She kU, Bawd Wasnar. ioMvh BttMddS aad Gmc Irdud. TnutMaad.AaMricu Baptkt IBoma M union Soeictr. Incor- pontcdafNnrTvk.' u ' , I ThdrfnxUnt AaMrtea Baptist Bean atir- io tetaK Inewparatad otMaw Yotk. tU take notica that aa actkm ntitled aa abora o,m eammeaeed la tk Soparior Court of Cravu County, North Carolina, to faraetoi a ' cttm iven by the defandanta abova named other than aaw Amarican Bapttat Homo htiuioa Keetaty on real estate aitoated in Craven County, North Caw lina, on which said real eatata the aaid Ajaerisaa Baptist Home MUkn Society. Incorporated of New York, has a Ant mortsace. And the aaid defendant, American Baptist Home atiasion So ciety, Incorporated of New York, win take notice it ia required to appear at a term of the Superior Court of aaid County to be held on the 14th Mon day after the first Monday in March. 1911. it bein the 12th day of June 1911 at the Court ' House of said County in New Bern. North Carolina, end answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 9 day of May, 1911. W.M.WATSON. v Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the authority conferred upon the undersigned by a certain contract entered into beween Joseph L. Hahn. and Laura J. Simmone. tor the lease and purchase of an interest in a certain lot or parcel of land, hereinafter describ ed in which said contract the title to aaid land was retained by said Joseph L. Hahn Until the purchase-money therefore Waa paid in full and default having- been made in the payment of said rent and purchase-money as therein stipulated for its payment.' and the said J. L. Hahn being fully empowered to take possession of said land upon such default and to sell the same at public or private sale. Now therefore in compliance, with the term and stipulations of said contract aa aforsaid, the. undersigned will expose for sale.and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the city of New Bern. Craven Co-. N C, at 12 o'clock M. on Monday the 5th, day of June, 1911, the following real estate in tha city of New Bern, bounded and described aa follows: All of the dower intorest of the said Laura J. Simmons in and to following land to-vf it; That certain lo. or parcel of land in the city of New Bern. N, C . beginning at the corner of Po'lock and Jones streets, and the corner of lot No, 860. and running thence along Jones street with the line of said lot 60 feet: thence westward ly and parallel with Pollock street to the eastern line of lot No. 361; thence northwardly and parallel witil Jones street to Pollock street: thence with Pollock street to the beginning. This 2nd. day of May. 1911. JOSEPH L. HAHN. Owner. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the power of sale contained in the mortgage deed executed by Lazarus Dawson and wife. Harriet Dawaon. to W. B. Lodge on the mh day of Dee.. 1900. and dully recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven couaty N. C, In book 136, page 122, (which mortgage deed, with the power of sale therein contained and tha property thereby conveyed and the debt thereby secured, waa duty and in due form sold and assigned aad conveyed by an instrument in writing on the 10 th day of December, 1807, by said W. H. Lodge to H. H. Procter, which assign ment la duly recorded in aaid office in book' 187, page 17) because of default made in the payment of the tndebtenea thereby secured the undersign ed will sell for cash, at public auction, te highest b'-dder, at the Craven eounty court door lathe city of New Bera. N C at the how of 13 o'clock at. oa Monday the 2th. day ef May, Mil. Ail that certain tract or panel of land iyie and being situate in Craven County, N. C No, I township aad ad joining the aahda tf yr. A. Kwell aad others and aw fully i mills a follows: TheSret tract also ad join leg the etna of the heirs of Alex Wilcox nd the heirs ef Jened and ooatalning fifty acres, more or leaal tftie asc end tract ad Jo talag the lands ef Case BrkrM and Gardner Oatlln and ether and tentaiatag SOTeaty acres, snore or leas; both treats bin eontlgwoas te each other and com poop one tract and both ar. fully eeeerikee ia a daed dated tSU. at awptember.' ISM. by W. H. Ledge and wifeks Laaaraa Dawson wl la duly reeerded la the Jbgiatar ooVeof Oavea Couaty, N. C aad Is referred sa lor a fall Jeesilplliaietsaal awewaael ia hereby adopted aad atade a aart ef thai asert- Thia SStk, dar af April JSfl. v H. at. PEOCTOS, Aasagae of Meyiasatw, K. A. NUNN, 1 AUsrway ier Aeseraeeef Ataraw. NOTICE OF SALE Br vlrW ef sV aaUMsitty eeaWved atsdwlgned h eartahi aektrset aarkarsat Isa betwa .. U Haha aad MaHade Cheaa seal Aaade Millet far Ms k I aril 11 ef kstet est aawtdialal r pare! ef Nd deeareVed, which aaid entreat the trU Se sseat are rlalasd lay said Jeph L. Baka th S.rrhaa ssiaay thevefe l.iaid k kekl h fan. aad dafaaH bavtaat Sees) saeVia O-s KT saewt ef the aaid IwsrS aad Swsta.i sisi ae UetetollalaedftHaaiaes4. end th Said i. L. Haha he fall ewpesieisd te tat. aeaeksaef said swd epoa awah eWtaaJI aad te aefi the eesaeel puWIe ay petrel aala. . New thWer la I an llss se wtlh Utatorw od stianrhiUeeaefeald saatrartaeafei Id, the . deigwad Will etpeee fa at pWW yeada i the bet to fn sa at th e-r d-aw e the ally ef Hw Isera. Oavwa Ok.K C tt IS a'.Wk M. ISeadaV tha Sh, da M J.a MIL the fillewra raal aetae Si theeltref Mew Ren. WwVI aad i-alad a Mtrwei An Ihea eerUI Vr er pertel ef kusj WeWala M ae at (Taiaa. aHwt I 0at kw tau. at th !( ef h'w Pnv N. C4 a. f a.iwrrbnnUka1 et tke eothweat li aa ke fin. TA r thw sank e s . th. tine ef e4 MrmttM ft te -wrt rr 94 1 ill tl-r-'S . r. - -.... . ' f I 4 I t t . V J) I FOFFSSIi:AL CARDS I ' r. It Siasjoa. A. a Ward, rtSaSS'ilNDPO A rrORNCYS AND COUiiSKLLOBS s- AT LAW i nw im, r. c Office Rooms 4013 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jonea, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ver services are desired. ROBERT HANCOCK fire Insurance, Real Estate 'office 0pp. Gaslon Hotel, New Bern, N. C. DR. H. ! DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office In Elks Temple Next Dr. G. A! Caton, New Bern, N. C. R. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Practices in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamilco, Jones, Onslow and in the Supreme and Federal Courts, .and wherever services are desired. Law Offices, 63 65 S. Front St. r Near Caston Hotel. Tftephone 450, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties" of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones ami Onslow and in the State Supreme and Fedora Courts. Office No. 50 Craven Street Talephoni No. 97. Nsw Bern. N. C D. L. WARD ATTORNEY ANI) C01WSEL LERAT LAW Hughes Building New Born, Crnvi'ii Stnnt N. c:. Practice in State and Federal courts. Circuit, Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are de sired. SOUTHERN RAILWAY lOUTttlRN BAILrTAl SCHEDULE! 'i.N. B. Tkes figures ara uubllsbcd lor Information sn ar i.ot r.nra NO. 11 Leave Ooldsboro, N. C . 0.46 , bl, tbroogh trail, with cbair ear t Aahsvlll, oonnrrtlnn at East Dnrbua, tor Oxford. Hen darsoa. Kaysvlll and Richmond -at Oalvaralty for Cbanat Hill at Gtwarjabero f or Charlotte snd all pOau aoatb, also for Tflle, Lyaohbarg, Cbarlotteavllla Wsaalogtoa, sad ail point araa. 4a Ut Luv Ooldaboro, 1.06 y. as, k for Orwsnsbo, aaadt through x Pailotaa Balalgb, to AUaata, Ooa aesU '. si OrMMboro for all aetata aorta, soatb sad wt Ka.m-Uavaa Goldaboro laifi p m '2 ter Omaabore, handle pttllme i BUlb ,J tb .anaasbove, oa - V'tmcu at Orseasbere tor Char'. lotte, AOaata , Nr" Ortass, Asaevflls fuibtVllU, alas) lot - " TvtllsIchtwrfrki. - tasvUM, Wsy aftosL ' U .n. olnUsrtk ' ; r ryrtkar tafofasaOea aak ay, looihra Unkat Agent at addr tt ; drslga4,. 'i t - ' . . f. CART, '' 0aral rsjenf eaV- V WaaUt gtes, XX ' ;', - W. IT. fARNELL, . Traveling faaaafttar Afast. "j ftalalab. N f ' 4 sr;u5. iai', ... i r