. . ' .... - ; . i- - - t . . X : . ; ' g t , - - - '.'is - c . V X- V r.-' t "J" : vV "r - ."V 1. 1 ;8 i yew Hern, K. a liiy 19, 111. it::: 1 Q JiTHXSU J.ODGX KO 8 X. P v-i Meets every Tuesdays pm.; over Gi Co'a office.-Uiidle SC E, iLDardUon, C d. J. B. Smith, K. of R. and S. viViaiUng brothers aw assured of 1 ehev. V' alter' welcome. v-; : f CR1TM IODGS HO. 1. . OIGHr . 'J; or.- anaoirr-u and. juw iu w Wednesday ikisbta 1 cji taonta (;, Calgnta Hannonr BJii.;cocnr Broa-" and Bcjioock streots at t;0 oNdool a. K. WiWla, PrtsMent; a,8mJt Secretary; J. Du McCoy, yinancfal Seo ITOODMXK OF TffB WOBLD-KIT at K. ot P. Han jBomer M Broea "tod Hancock ttreeu; aeml-moutW jrTliBt and TWrdWedneeday alKnta at T;I0 'druk. TWUftt Woodroan ara.layft r'i. ' I J " WDM 10 HX1T APntfeTISIaTXNTS Royall-Fruits, . f . The" Peoples Bank.. . -Kaf er's Bakry-Candy. D ? ' .- . Davis Pfiannacy Moth Balla. . New Bern Banking & Trust Co, ; BUSINESS LOCALS: NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAK ONE MONTH MUST HE PAID FOR' IN ADVANCE. ICG Cream and Ice Cream Soda Water, at G. B. Waters' newsBtore, Be each. A CHOICE asBortmentr of fresh, Choc olates just received at' Kafer's Bakry, 20c per pound. " ' PEACHES, Pineapples Oranges,- Ap ples, Bananas, Berries and ait kinds of lee Cream today at Royall s. BEST Open Kettle Eendered Lard 18c: best Vegetable Lord .10c;' Morning Cap Coffee 26c. H C Armafironsr. r-t FOR SALE a second band. Delivery Wagon reasonable H. C Armstrong. AGENTS Wanted everywhere for quick selling household article.. I Great money maker. "Write quick taAdolph Klein, general delivery. New Bern, N. C. SMOKED Herrings of the well known Richardson brand can le. purchased , fay phoning or writing to G. T. Richard- Son, Bellair. N. a PREVENT fevers and bibous atUcks by drinking Limeades at F, S. Duffy'i fountain. - WANTED Ten or fifteen boarders and roomers at once. Moore's old boarding house, 40 South Front street, -W, B. Land. - ICE Cream and Ice Cream Soda Water, at G. B.- Waters' news store. 6c. each. DRY-KILN Wood60cnUaload, div ered. Broaddua & Ives. - Phone 6S. bHINULKS-l have made arrange- menu to handle W. B. Ellis' Shingles and shingle wood. Call Ellis Wood and Coal Yard. Pbone 47. v ' " : FOR Poultry. Darling's BW Bcripa, Pin Head OaU, Cyphwr's Chick Feed. Conkey's Gapes Powder, 'Cholera , Cure etc., at J. C. Whitty ft Ce'i. - PboM 98 WANTED Five or more yoke of oxen and carta with driver to work by con tract logging, ,8tdy work. Offer of otto or more team. ' Writ or apply HmuMiia A Twa Km Rm M r. ( FOB SALE-1 cylipder 22 itora power chain driver Bulek wnabout, with top apeedy. powerful and tn perfect rano- logDtder. :Pbone 20, . wr address Dr. G A Catoo, New Bra..N. L j , V ICE Cream and Ice Cmm Soda Water at a B. Waters' oew ator. (a. each, rytrORK Mtfcoeme-All kinds of work doCM in CoocrcU and Pavinf aod&ipe epecUlty. E. E. Uarper, ruasna clcb-4. v, iuixx- tl Craven stmt. GenUemea's cVUm eieanad, repaired axd preaMd LaJk . wktrta, praawd a specialty. , ; ; A .WcDJKnOwa Maa'i Opinioa Tb SaveilU (X, New Pra, R C. - w bay derivM ao mock tftft .jfivflithBaaefUAVODINE. tt wish te add ear Umony to iK rut of .- Umm already arriuatnWd with IU lr-r ,r Jly wife h.tUn o.in S A V0DINK f fltilte a while for roll tn the hi1, W. ' h trmtri K s f1 r '."f ftf CATAHP.I! hot Uv all Uil, It U fct cif Iti , ftavirif pTO-l irt I:. ft.,' ;: 1 !(, t.t f .f ( . amis' hal-y. A shwt t rs 1 h9 very slrk, an 1 I w ' ! f '.- p ! f UW fcrH! la t r r. '11 .'j Jmnt be ofrrt j i --- ' . . ! to ' AJitirf t'.l : I ' ' w X"'x ' ? 1 ' ' fc! mr f i - i i' ' turtwO ! ' 1 1 v; '' d us a ! ' ' it 1 i tv;c:a - - ';. Duxtt' Vanilla ' anJ tKe ordinary, cLcsp Z?linl) -to" -. .. Jd (his difftrtneti : j vLpurnett's VantlU Its' 'Veaoona, - ; subtle ""flavor comes.- trom . toe finest ! Mexican Vanilla " rT' Beans 'bossible to Wo- Sf-cure. 1 gives to the desS'f sen or oeucacy w - with, a certain charm such ' u no other flavoring , -" fan grvfc That's how . tBURNETTS; MANILLA; t- 1;, .r (Afferent. - 'fVoul be migbty glad fyonsisted on your' i,-1 grocer.' sending - yoo u Burnett' Vanilla when you once try it. - Say Churches 'Are SubsUiEedpy4he "The church today is largely confined to one class of society and is prejty thoroughly class conscious," savs Bis hop Williams of Michigan fn the June number of the American Mazszine. . It only confines itsfwork mostly to the respectable classes, ' bat it puts It self in -a position of dependence on the well-to-do. It accepts, without question the taihed -money": of. 'wealthy male factors' and inscribes their names over the doors of its. houses of -worship and it institutions of education and charity, fawns upon them with , the grace upon its Up 'for what were about to re ceive the Lord make ua duly thankful, and often ' muzzles the mouths: of the prophets lest they offend the sources of munificence and check the streams ,of bounty upon which it depends. It regu larly applies a- different and stricter standard ' of moral to the beggar who shall deemed worthy, of .its charity than itdoe to the patron who aits In the front seat re the church, the vestry and the ecclesiastical legislature. This is an offense not "only to the spirit of oemocracy, bat to the new -conscience of the age.",- .: :-'.:v-,..-t: Stopin at F 8. Duffy' drug store ancf gett a -. free isampie; bf; ZEMO andZEMO SOAP.s , The surest and moat economical treat ment for eczema, pimpea, dandruff and all diseases of the skin tod scalp, - Do not neglect this., , They "will give yott prompt relief snd put you, on the road to cur. : Oood zor iniants aa well ; grown 'rjArsons, i ;y? -aa y Brick Testing Out. Th teat of the Augusta brick.-In th fattkr behinlth city hsUi going pnJon wa very muchr m evidenee.-Jack merrily and noisily. .The brick are test ing well and yesterday ranged 16 to 20 percent the hitter being the acquired minimum. The teats at first seemed t indicate aa inferior brick,; but there seem to be no Boubt now' but that the average will be coder the required Jim It. A Jt of Baltlznor brick, from son that were bn band,, showed rovr H per cent toss, although they were ac cepted under the former epntract. "r r Gttrp atoxf party nd take your inends to loe Athens." FALUNG7HAIR 'f Cm wilj ll Btoppfid; Abo Dan dralfaiid .-''Itching 8calp.i! 11 ' tsrielso Sag docun'i stop faWjig haln'ltching scalp, and etadkat dan draff m two week Bradham Drug Co., stand ready to refund your money without ergancnt of -red tape or any kind, ' . ',f, ..'- .'' !;7! " . Farislaa S? wiU put fascinating radiance bit any Woman's hair In a ftw ya,-' ; Susanna Calahan. of 'Hotel iioj-al, Bucyrua, Olilo, oo March 25, Mitt, wro "Hothr's hair bean to come out vpry t,''j ami W Klp s a sore it Vry hrd to do ny thing fof It Pr Ulao t-;e reived a Cn.KDEUCCi::.'S rywxy. IIr hir tlopf4 toinh.g out, i!r.r, ,.'ru!T J d!t; .irfrni a!) l-?t t! s'p arwl j,.r hair U mmlrg iaa.-in vry nir-lv." I.arfe botUe W ets at lira-Hiam trug (V. .-:' Jurors Craves Oiunty Court a C:' " ! -,l (V-irt wk ; a St A The Current EreoU Club will meet this afternoon, S o'clock, with Mrs. ,N. B Street, ,.v. : - jOnly one bale' of cotton was disposed of on the local market yesterday.';. The price paid war 5J cents per pound, ?;, The regular monthly 'meeting ;f the Daughters of the- Confederacy win be held in the Wolfenden Hall Uua af Ur noon at '5 o'clock 'if ii'V At the Atheh&,'0'Dowd and- O'Dowd, Irish comedians, singfng.t dancing and imnersonaGoris, Chang of hour cf matinee to 5 o'clock. ; - The regular monthly- meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy will be held this afternoon t 6 o'clock at Wot fenden' haTLA full attendance is de- The handsome new touring ea? which Mr JT. A Jones purchased on the north ern market several "days .ago -hat r riveds - The machine was manufactur ed by the Winto Automobile Company and is a beauty in every respect, , CapV Thos O. Daniels - Informed ns yesterday' that the torpedo boat DuFont will be taken- from the -ways lit the Charleston shipyard sometime thifweek and will be returned here abou June 1st,'' Th erew which formeily'ownned this. boat will be replaced with, f new crew. - r W - J. if 'I Every lover of good music in this city is extended an invitation to attend th musical recital"' to be given at griffin Auditorium tonight by the music pupils of the graded BCboOL A varied program consisting "violin and piano solo and vo ealcborus will-berendered'duringxhe evening No admission fee will -be charged. - " . . -" Peopleahould t careful wher they throw "broken bottles and other nieces of broken glass. ; While playing in th street yesterday afternoon," Ralph King a small white boy who lives on Georg streetr stepped on one of these 'broken bottle with his bare foot and received aa ugly wound which ' required medical attention. .All such articles should be put in toe iraaucan iodo cuneu wry Aftef an extendedi resfc of ; several month the etieet eprrnkler was t yes terday brought Into service and. the quantities of dust-that have stjrged around the street w the businea dis trict of the eity durinfr the past few day. was partially allayed.: The" ! streets especiaR in the business district of the city wrherethe;traffie:iaespeejally heavy, should 4 be . sprinkled at least' twIcechdBy,,;;t' 4 Next Sunday a Journal--Look out for it ; Yesterday morning Orville : Jackaon, eolored, who lives near th: coal chut In the northern part of the city exhibl ted a large rattlesnake which he sai4 he killed out near the National cemetery, Alth6ugh It i rather early Ut the . pe-l sou for reptiles,' especially l the deadly rattier, to make their appearance, this aoa said that h intended, skinntng' the make mak a belt out of it vart-eplered Tber to strong' belief that '.'consid erable quantities of cocaine are being sold to the negroe of 'this city, - The evidences of. thi'. powerful drug bav recently come, to light tea aumberlo ease and an tftait haa been made to capture the persons dealing In th drug but up to the present Urn this has bf eo ntwosafu).VTbe penalty for 1 !'i it dealing in eoeain is heavy aml if c tared th offenders wiU doobtlees gel a kmg ierm'oa the county roads, j , j , r.Vi;. AVUlijun7ndian Pile Ointment 'wjU cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching !i!o. Itabsorbe the tomorm, altars Itching fit once, acts as a poultice, '- gives lnt -'.t relief. 'Illinma' Indian Hie Ointment is prepared for Piloe and itcl.irig of t private part,-But by drugehtta, n ; .1 60e and L00." Williams' M'f'g. .C Prop., Cleveland. O." ..-,: .. . A JeV. Th.t r.n.4 , ; . Onr whpn fj'.nrtk Iba w r gogod In WTltlng a r!nr he by ft an Oroprxsl a erruB Of ivr on !' Wer the wonla, 'the JK-i.,f -. Mra Ib-n ! iiTiiJi.fiJ tn rv-j ) ' anl cnij iVy fpr""f r- -' nvho Is ll.at fi r In j..-.r t 1 f-;; to'JI - ei!. I ' ti.;; r lb a t rt - i ". t ; ) r I- 1 i i - ' ' t l , t-f fa t" fa J c f r i r r i - i 1 z. a r.A ! ; . .. . 1 I i . I 1 i tl t". i oe, lit U t.. i.t.i.s f.ratr.; .riy tn l!ay k 1 had i. ; r 1 l ie i.ic. mong th entertainments was an in- tereatiagaod c'.rwtly p'.gyel tsse bftU ami. Lvervboif Vhaja fcig time." t Mr. Moore, proprietor of .the Tary- more hotel is having a wind mill -erec ted which will be tised to pump water for the hotel A reaavoir of. sufficient capacity to. hold water. for liouaeholi and fire use of The town will also be built. Gen. ST, . Willi is managing the construction. . f Our townsman. Mr. Claude Franelie, is suffering with a1 peculiar ; atlmen' Some time ago he had a chill, since than he has partially losl his voice. : ' j -. Mr. Hezekjah Jones: a young nan who lives near Swaoaboro, rent' up to Maysville Thursday to meet two young ladies and bring them 'down here.7 Four or five miles after 'starting Jon his re turn, Mr; Jones became suddenly :in- sane, but the ladies' were equal to lht occasion, one of them took Charg of the horse and the other' held. , the man; and the trip" of 8 miles was made be fore they were relieved of their charg esby a hostler arkf physician. Mr, The friend of Mr; E. a. Barnura in New Bern wiO be glad to learn that be sprightly as ever. ' Ma was at the I Bank pie nic Saturday ; alking igood roads to beat the band. " ' There will be anotherjiie nic on Bear Bank Saturday May 20 th. People from j here, Queen Creek.-'Bear Creek; and I Brown SJOnd will participate. s If the road around1 here are-not to" proved a lot before July court it ia like ly that somebody will be todicted - v, Matineess daily at A o'clock, at The Athens, 5 and 10 cents, Nurses Sc :--SSS pM.riiMawiapawawJM.1 Rheumatism - Reli wed - in Six flours Dr. Detchon'a relief for Rneumatiam ttsually relieyes severest case to a few hoars.; -It action upon' the system is remarkable and effective, It removes at once the cause and tha' disease quick" ly disappears. First doar- 'reatly bene fits. ,7Be and $1.00, 9 U Bradham urugw. " BkS. - Paint ; will Vtnalce your old house look neW,:ia sideband -;out!st J,S:Basnight rioCbPhone ?675 nuui ot. Bum turn it JASTfltM MmnmMmrl rnfEtST'Ar'i sarcsTr-- I .-I LAXATIVE KfJWII rJ J . I TDE KDJD T0;DUY 1 Isn't It about tlm to irt.thev' Solid Gold Watch which, you have alwaya, lotiged for 1 1 j ;rf u I am ready for-yo with a Wr' perb line of Cold Cases; and I strongry recommend a stout ease, one that win protect th work. I have the light-weight eaaea, too,' at prices to meet competition , but you should pay ,a little more and you will need no other during your life-time. Come to see- me when you are ready, and i will talk to yon for your best Interest., I like to sell "Watches that are beat for the cut torn r to buy. ' J. 0; BAXTER .'. ' JE'.VIXEIi AND m A n u fa CT' rrrrcs o iti CI am . ji n i: - t . $ IIULLETS f Kice j. lot "just - received.: Also choice lot small Sugar Cured Hams and Bonelcsi Crealtfast Strips Yam Po-f tato'es, .Irish Potatoes Cod fihh, Rsh Hakes etc '"Z . FiomtiiV tehuriT-; "x Farm Eevry bay,v! YOURS FOR CASH ONLY 4 T Middle SU " ' Phone 9 1 HflSiDMR EHIEF:ftin to give our friends and patrons, not only pure goods but the purest food products on the market; at the lowest possible price. - 2 lb; Backet Cottolene 28c 4 r . 55c Prepared Ham per lb. 25c. Best Tub Butter 30c Apple Vinegar per qt . 8c Granulated-Sugar 5-1 -2c Phone 174 - Middle St W V:-"v AJsiy BtiitdlhgjMa? hPdiatSiOils Varnishes American , Field Fence EuV8!!iSLulB;: Ire Mna, Java' - J"AN. EASY 'BTEP"' f is each step of any luir- that' '.built of our lorober. It's y. becaaa th Uir builder omn't have trouble -In building U.' .:' A :TrV ? "EASY WORKINa HJMBER"-r mat be free pf knots, rSreperly cured, aivl mu le at a mill that uses latest lm- truvrd Biarhlncry. ' "r r Tl it pi li i to any and all lumber at ir i "1. it's reliable end noone ehfi iiii.ior on. . ! ... '.V.' .-. j We rnaiilifartur everything menu f i ! 1 by a mill Work plant such S ' S. ii'x.nt, Ttirnod Work etc.. Try jt oJ ave monry. f t If i 123 L rror.t'St , ?:. C, ' HARDWARE lllllllt 'CotTV III i l fT MeOiiiELBXElllINE aerc jvuxeu uooas are now -5 4, R M. CHADWICK'S Merchant Taflor 103 Middle St New Bern, N. C. SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOW SCREENS Knocked down screen frames, Adjustable frames. Wire cloth black and galvanized; all widths, Atten tiori given taking measures for sizes needed. Paint and Varnish Stains and Floor Finish, all necessary goods for the home. Service prompt, business appre ciated. " Call us up Phone 147. G ASK ILL Middle Street, . ' Phone I. J. TURNER Mure Anything in The Drug Line Prescriptions Called For And Delivered. Piston Drug Company ON THE COR- , -PHONE No. 66 " -V S . 'eaa-aeeoeeyaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeee vvf '..;r,--.'v.V'-Ji, ., x - ctA DC 1 .''Awmiyv-'-v. .1 l. ti.r,l w-'h tvrytf. .. 'ire fru rl . V.' t S '. . t- '. !. mr CU' . . 1- ; ( I ur i a -i I !' " i ' -.t a-lc ! a n.f-'-l v. v 1 m ft . J . T f . 1 ! . . - i t ' t r t f IS.- es seen at CO. 147, ew Bern, N. C. AWNINGS We have the agency for Hettrick Bros., Awnings both store and resi dence. If you are in need of an Awn ing we can furnish you. hi ace your order before the Summer rush. Fit, Quality and Price Guaranteed. To see samples and get prices, call phone 172, or .address P. O. Box 445. Co., 93 Middle St OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE . Prcscjiptioai . from ' a9 jpf.ysich.T3. Qakkry and Ac curafcli KIcd.'itK''Pfi Also i fu!l liniot Chot Toilet article. C "'7A:u - ' ri:o:;n x 73 " i. 1 t 0 J. i HARDWARE Phone 147. N v ... .