-' 4 . mi m: m c . . .r 1 ' V '"'".yxj- t 1 f'1 1. Kew "Bern, K. C ' June 2, mi. '.lossEc: ' 1THXXI1 LODGl M X.' OF F- Meteve'ryTaesd8pvinl'rOTwGas ' Xo'i office, Middle St.' E. H. Hardiaon, - a C, jJ. H. Smith, Ki of B. and S. Visiting brotheri are assured of a ehev . alier's welcome. :: 'P:-, '.v ' CE1T5 ' LOD68 XO. L' .OlfiH? F fliJEtMOlTI Meets Sod. and its Wednesday mdgMa la awi moott Jw Kalghts Harmony ML corner Bros, ends HrJaoock etreots at T M . tfclocl . K.WUUa. President; JTH. Smttk Secretary; J. p. McCoy, Financial Sec retary. "' ': IvOODMEK OF THI WORLD-MEIT at R. of P. Hall corner ot Broad and Hancock streeta, semi-monthly, first an,i Third Wednday nlshtt at T:M o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are lavtt ad. INDEX TU NSW APTXRTUIlRirTt Rayall Tomatoes. The Peoples Bank. ' B B Davenport Chicken. A G Allen Minstrel Show. New Bern Banking & Trust Co, BUSINESS LOCALS : NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. ICE Cream and Ice Cream Soda Water, at 6. B. Waters' news store. 6c. each. FANCY Tomatoes, Oranges and Ap ples at Royalls. FINE lot of spring and grown chickens and ducks, country hams, corned mul lets, fresh eggs, butter and cheese, rump and mess pork, Piedmont and Old Mill cigarettes, pine and coal tar, rope lights and life preservers. B B Da venport. BRICK! Brick ! ! Brick ! I ! $4.25 f. o. b., Quality guaranteed as good or bet ter than anymade in this vicinity. Now running over 90 per cent. hard. Enter prise Brick & Tile Mfg. Co. -J. W. Stewart Sec-Treas. ICE CREAM Freezers. We have the Celebrated Steel Frame Ice Cream Freezers in sizes ranging from 2 to 12 quarts. A trial is sufficient. They are fully guaranteed. If you need a free zer give this one a trial J. C. Whitty & Co. Phone 98. THE "Ideal" Self-heating Sad Iron, the house-keepers friend, for sale by J. C. Whitty &Co. Phone 98. FOR SALE One standard gauge Lo key and one narrow gauge Lokey, 8 miles of 25 lb rail, 21 miles of 20 lb rail. Apply to' J. W. Stewart. FRESH Limes and Limeades, we get them from the Isle of Dominica. F. S, Duffy's Fountain. FOR SALE Store and dwelling, 146 Pollock street, one house and lot in Duffy town, one house and lot in Bridge ton, 100 acres of land near Clarke, and a Pecan Farm, trees 8 years OkL m A. G. L. Road. Terms reasonable, cash or time. Apply to L. H. -Cannon. FOR SALE A desirable bouse and lot in good neighborhood, Apply at No. fti Pollock street. PHONE your orders for Hot Rolls and Pies for dinner to Kafer's Bakery. TO BE sold at boce-Three bones and .a transfer. Apply at Mitchell a ate. bles on South Front 6 tree t. FOR RENT Four rooms. No, 2 Changs Street. Apply on premises. FOR RENT-Desireble realdenee Na 23, Change street, 8 rooms, telephone hot and cold water, toilet and bath. Apply to W. F. Metts. - 4 WHEN you are in need of any aeeond hand machinery, such as engines, bod en, nd second band re-rails. Don't forget to call on J. L. Coltine, New Bern, N. C .'; PEACH and Strawberry tee Creaa So das only bete, fee cream headqaarter-H. E. RoyslL Phone Z FOR KENT Five, room flat. Mi Mid dle sUest, with bath and' other eonre nlenoM. Apply 1o J. W; Stewart. ' " BEST Open Kettle Rendered Lard lie; beet VegUble'Lard 10c; Moraiiig Cop Coffee 26e. H C Arnwarong. ' - WANTED Tan or BfUta boarders and ; footnera At ence. Moore's old boerdtog booM, 40 8oth Front street,-W. & Lead. V - V .st--. ... ; t ICS Cream and tee Cream Soda Water, at 0. B. Waters' tm store, te. each. DRY-KILN Wood 60 emu a load. dIIr . ar4. Broaddos 4 tree, bM fl ,- ICE Cream and ice Cream Soda Water at C. U. Waters' mvi atorc 6c tih. WORK avConerrU-AII kinds ef tk ; dose wtGtrtfreU and I'srlng fvl : a frfHjr.-E E, Hsrpr. WAN1 ED Five or more jr.ke of cion Bftd title with Jrif lo vr,ik y rctn- E KNCW THAT CHEAPER .TO BURNETT'S '- . '. ' - - ". - N.- --. V rthan an imitation extract S ; it really will improve less costly ingredw - i ents by "importing tothemanlndividuai yet .j; a 6mootrv tempting, delicious flavor. - v-" ? Try BURNETT'S .VANILLA in -your next batch of ice cream, Or in a-custard, and - ; prove this to your own satisfaction. JOSEPH BURNETT 'CO. BOSTON, WOMEN GROW YOUNGER When Dandruff Goes and Halt Grows Abundantly. Parisian Sage, America' greatest hair restorer, will keep you looking young and attractive. It is guaranteed by Bradham Drug Co., to make hair grow, and stop fall ing hair; to cure dandruff in two weeks: to stop itching of the scalp almost in stantly. Parisian Sage is the most invigorat ing, satisfying and pleasant hair dres singSnade. It is not sticky or greasy, it makes the hair soft, luxuriant and handsome: it is' especially praised by women who love beautiful hair. Pari sian Sage is for sale by Bradham Drug Co. at 50 cents a large bottle. The girl with the Auburn hair is en every bottle. Hammocks-Fancy colors, extra large size, very durable at prices that will surprise you. J. S. Miller. MEN: For tender face and neck after shav ing,- for pimples, black heads, dandruff or any skin oi scalp disease UBe ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP. ' ZEMO is guaranteed to relieve all sorness and itching. The soap is part of the treatment, best for all toilet purposes, Sold by druggists everywhere and in New Bern by F. S, Duffy, Druggist M. E. Whitehust& Co., start their Annual May Sale Monday, continuing all the week. Don't fail to attend. PILES ! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will eur Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acta as a poultice, gives instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts. Sole by druggists, mail We and 11.00. Williams' M'f'g. .Co. Props., Cleveland, 0. . M. E. Whitehurst.& Co., will put on sale Monday a lot of solid Brass Jardinieres, Candle Sticks and Flower Baskets at 19c each. CASTOR OIL'-POVDEn Ammo tat fr J-I IS itn m Atnr I -J lAATlVC KNOWN hmSkmmmmm AT Lu wman mmmmm Jtt l I. ITT Z -" " " " " " SHOW CR0UND BROAD AND ; WED. JUNE 7; A.; G. ALLEN'S MINSTREL SHOW Ti:: r::ov in.vr always nr:Ar.:.s rvr.nYrcDV. YOU WILL ?IND IT USE V. . jv.J', VANILLA 1 MASS. S1BT'G EVENTS The price of cotton is still hanging around the 15 cents per pound mark. Two bales sold on the local exchange yesterday brought 15J cents per pound. This afternoon at 5 o'clock, there will be a meeting of the Library Committee. Every member is requested to be pres ent as matters of importance are to be discusBed. This afternoon at 4:30 o'clock' the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of Centenary Church will meet in the church parlor. Every member la re quested to be present Meeting Woman's Auxiliary will be held this morning at'Al o'clock; a full attendance is desired as this will be the last meeting of the season. Meeting at Christ Church Parish House, Doubtless no city in the State that is as large aa New Bern, has aa few cost ly fires as has this xity. During; the past month the damage done to proper ty here would not amount to f 100. Remember Farm Life School meeting Saturday 1 p. m., at the courthouse. Let everyone at tend. Another very refreshing rain in this section at an early hour yeefepday morning, done much toward assisting the crops. The farmers are now more cheerful in regard to the outcome of their crops this season. Tbe contractors who have the work in charge have begun operations in ear nest on the erection of Mr. J B Blade's handsome new borne on Broad street. Heavy piling is being used in the foun dation of the building. Prof. Craven ha requested usrto sgain state that every pupil is expect ed to be in their class rooms at the usu al hour thia morning. After the chap el exereisee are concluded promotion and condition cards will be given and the pupils dismissed for their vacation. Plans are being completed for the erection of a modern brick residence for Mr. W. D. Mclver on the vacant lot adjoining Mr. R. B. Nixon on Craven street. Some of the material has al ready been placed on the ground and it it supposed that work will begin at an early date. Cards are out announcing the ap proaching marriage of Mies Maude Am yette Fulford to Mr. Frits T. Brandt The wedding will be solemnised at the nesday morning, June 14, Mr- Brandt was in command of the torpedo boat On Pont while it was located at this port YA letter received yesterday - by friend in this city sUted that the eoi dition of Rev. A; C Shnler;who went t Atlanta, Ga., several day ago to 6 treated for a malignant form of kidney trouble,' was not improved. : The ait- tanding physican decided that an oper ation would be necessary, but this will not be performed. until the patient's etmlltiaei ia mora favorable. V. . ' '. ,' ' Peed ess Iceland Freezers, you don't break them, -they freeze quicker and last long er. Phone 229, J. tJr Millet. YOUR NEIGHBOR'S EXPERIENCE How yon may profit by it ' Take Fe ley Mdney Pills. Mrs. , G. Wbitina, 300 WiLow St; Akron, 0 yi: "For m time I had a very serious e of kidney trouble and I suffered with backache and d'zty headaches. 1 bud Iim-cks -floating before my eyei and I f tit alt tired out and miserable. 1 Folpy Kiilney I'll s adrertixoti and got a bottle and took totTm according to dir ections and rMtilte sbowtxi simfMit at hwM-e. 1 be pia and dmy hodchn pft m. hiy ey-lcht bw-ims r)prani trxley I can y I am a wull wmn ihnks to roley Kidney I'tll,'; r. b i)u r. . ' There is a d-'crcnt clrrr r!:rre nr. 1 cn eircf rcfir.cr.r fit Th; At!;t ns. 'A rr:::c in im roncnr ft I r ... : . A . nit:.:::. HaMaanaaB - Mrs. G. W. Dudley spent yesterday at II ark) we viaiting friends' , , : Misa Helen Farnell, of Bayboro spent yesterday in the city with friends. - MraTU. A. Underwood returned yes terday from a visit at Wjlmiogton. ; - Mr. M. L. Jacobs spen't yesterday at Vanceboro attending to tome, business , Mr. fchn Gibeon. of Oriental,' waa among the business visitors tothe clly yesterday iA t-.J - Mr. William Wateec. ef WUdwood, woo has been viaiting in this eity, has returned tmewl;vy-fi.Js;;: ' Mr. J.;W. Smallwood "spent yester day at Morehead City attending to some I business matters... y f -v, -o . . Capt and Mrs. W. a, Simmons left last night for Black Mountain where they will spend the summer, . . -; K Uiw Mary Nixon has gone for a sev eral nionths absence, that includes vis its at Chapel Hill, Winston-Salem end Black Mountain. Mrs, H.B. Payne, of QrienUI, wUol has been visiting Mrs.. C. Rigdoa in this city during the past few daya, re turned home yesterday. : B. P. S. Paint will make your old house look.new, in side and out. J.S.Basnieht Hdw., Co. Phone 99, 67 S. Front St. WATCHES . The Graduate deserves and will appreciate a good watch as a constant, depend- able companion, always" bringipg to inind the kind giver and the happy school days. But be sure it comes from ' i . J. 0, Baxter JEWELER AND MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN FINE LINE OF FANCY TOILET-SOAPS TO SELECT FLOM AT If ;' - . (1V IT AAV TWP Is each step of any stairs, that's bailt of oar lutaber. : It's easy, becaoae the stair builder doesn't have trouble In building iW Vji Kr-'Z-)f'j U'r i "EASY WORKING I.UMBER" must be free ot knots, properly cured, and made at a mill that uses latest Im proved machinery. c v '' ' i . :- That applies to any sad all lumber at our yard. It's reliable and M one can undersell us...'. ; ; We manufacture; 'everything manu factured by mill work plant aoclr ss Hash, Door, Turned Work etc. Try us and save money.' . m. -ifrr t-.l:r 2 h Factory tndCrHct 123 L FronL St Kcw Ccrn, ft C. DISfllflllCY l ?itrm' LfZj phone ia fflpvl lilt's mm vi M - '1' There is no Piece of Jewelry r 3 i Nke lot N. C IIam and, ShouIJers at McDaiiiels, 41. lli&Zt SLV Also' small Su gar ured fig Hams from 5 to 7 ms. each, sieat big Cu. comber Pickles ? iSc.,dbi Npwpack: Fbh R6 ;10c can, Fih Flakes 10 and 1 5c. can, Fresh Fox'lUver Print Butter received fresh from dairy by Express every oth er dai 34c per lb., Pure Kettle rendered Lard I2l2c Hare yoo tried Lord CalvertlGoffee? YOURS FOR CASH ONLY A PLEASED HOUSEWIFE will be found everywhere our groceries are delivered. Thus qualities are well worth your consideration if you wish to eat wholesome things. The prices for which we sell groceries are certainly attractive. This will make you regret not having traded here be fore. ' We invite your patronage. Country Hams and Shoulders, Ports mouth Corned Mullets, Queen City and Vox River Butter, Morrises Family Tripe, Blue Ribbon Extracts, in fact everything at the right price and guar anteed and delivered promptly. Broad Street' Grocery Co. NEW BERN, N. ' Prescriptions from all physicians; Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also i full line of Choice Toilet; articletv. , llsde from pure distilled, t-'"'. filtered' Water; "r NEW -BERN ICE CO. 19 21 23 Orlfllth Bt Tnone 23 wlilrh can He worn by all men with to tiu-h propriety, h i m ilinlinrtiva sntl at fj.e n!no time o Iiliit'-!y ma. r, i, fl ! ting. Fo ... , if I ,t in tt!:J inn . ' " f )! ! ; t l t Ti " t a man l it u al I-'i ;;. II w , sr ' v' - a II BSSMiMMMMMBMB j. L. mcDaniei i I 4 i Middle St Phen91 J ,'2 f . ir ft i - The season for ice tea is now 1 ' ill 1 m III well underway and we are proud III fl ifflMsSraflTnfpSJ 9 HI to acquaint you with the fact 1 Pf!lpjy 'VniMm III that we are agents for Tetley's II j Safey'''' -3 III "Orange Peko," Green Lable" 1 X - " I and "Yellow Lable" Teas-A 1 HI line of teas not to be excelled if 1 HI equaled in point of flavor and rich- II 1 II III 1KB, VA uviur. II SJgBSpjgpjgm I TETLEY'S TEAS PLEASE h. c. Armstrong I Pfaone 174 Middle St. 1 Pharmacy uOE ') & COMPLETE 5-'- -1 OF Serge Mixed Goods are Now to be seen at F. M. CHADWICK'S Merchant Tailor, 103 Middle St. New Bern, N. C. i - T. J. TURNER Furniture Company. OUR ANNUAL MAY SALE BEGINS MONDAY Fine China, Gut Glass, Art Pottery and Vases Brass and Copper. NOT. A LOT OF CHEAP GOODS, BUT EXTRA FINE GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Special Prices on all Dinner Sets. M. E. Whitehurst & Co. 4 NO. 45 POLLOCK STREET. CAR SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOW SCREENS Knocked down screen frames, Adjustable frames. Wire cloth black and galvanized; all widths, Atten tion given taking measures for sizes needed. Paint and Varnish Stains and Floor Finish, all necessary goods for the home. Service prompt, business appre ciated QASKILL HARDWARE CO. Middle Street, Phone 147, New Bern, N. C. NO EQUAL We Have Just Received Oar Line of Celebrated North Star Refrioerators 8ECOND TO NONE ' Our line features the latest im provements vis the SANITARY BASE and tM one-piece seamless provision chamber. We would be flad to bsve yoo call and examine them, the only SANITARY BASE on the market. . T.;'j;;Tr; For. Co. ,:s, 4. M Middle St n" rhone 172, t ' ?, O. Box 48- B - ASSETS MORE THAN ' FROM INSURANCE IM FORCE . TREBLED. - '.. 1900 to 1910 I MORE TITAN tX)UBLl;D. TEE KIM CENTRAL ttT lMtPmt8BU . POLICY Policy No. II, lMt)d March f7, ANNUAL-DIVIDEND plui: , . . ; , . ; . . . Fremlums paid tot 10 yars (1878, fully paid op) S39.00 . . . tivideols leeeivd Inrradins; 191U ;. T378S Pifrerfrfe brtwpon rmlurr.s and Mvidrm! Tffvrd to dt4. LINE is and WE HAVE JUST RE CEIVED OUR NEW STOCK OF COUCH HAMMOCKS. LAWN PORCH SWINGS And we will sell them cheap for cash or on time. See us before buying else where. 4 HISTORY, tot $2000, on 10 PAYMENT LIFE paid to 1S79 : loi.n f TT- 1 - 1911 DIVIDEND $22.70 (old $zh Income.) Af"v to f.r.EiiiE nil roucics. trrt lieinj, Flr1jr work, ( " r i f 1 .n ff t'tn. V.'ril nt t 1