NIL. : CO 'II c Y JUNE 9, i;iL : thirtieth year. ! Olir Banking Foiicy. ej NE of the distinctive features st this b (a V J i1Bt'tnt P,aa to Jts , banking btsii .wefl .-. taw K tuntntf lSfrAt.nrn'afAt.inir 1 f rttr oi the distinctive features f this bank has been" its linesa from all rays- T tery by issuing Uterature"stating frankly its facilities and the safety affords, thereby making banking easy : lor even ihe humblest patron. , . ' '", - "J AFFORDS EVER: BANKING "AND TRUST' A i . i - ' J, I- , Have Hot Yet SuDDlied iYbur SbnniofWand summer uress s,ana urary. . . t 1 Ydu certainly should nor fail to; see pur elegant shoyping of stylish and dependable goods f ore mafe ' fng your purchase. If you rant ' the ifi&t" ' yc-uanf place your confidence in anything you may ptircriasff here. We urge you to come and see what this store i -offers.'. 1 - ":r':,K' .r. , Even though you have no intention of buying, for ' we honestly believe that we can interest nine out of every ten people who come to seeour offerings;!? When yo select anytnjng nere, it -matters not wnat" - price you pay, you are certainof gettingX:.':, vt k.'h? . . . ' -v.,-.- . . .. V , . ,. . .. mc pcsi vaiucs :ior; vinonev. We stake 5 oiirSiDUta- uon on' me quality oi our gooasr wc Know wnai ior ouy ana we kqow- to sell. -.1. ; If we can , make you feel that it is 'simply1 impos-' r sible to surpass bur values, we are "driving home the truth and driving ta our store the .trade we deserve, becaus? of our clean,' farsighted merchandising. . j : J; JPffllGHHM CO; V6ih)txociLST: : '!i--"v-:-;Vi:one:2S3 ''V.!IEE "V'StCHE TO FOTiul FflH r ! ...I i.ii LO.lS phi nn blULUI iLii ..iii-iil) b : tLJ" UUUQ nrprnjir'! Passesr Laws as Strict as Those of : .v Uncle Sam to Protect - Washington, June 6. The Japanese have followed the lesd of the United States in legislation to secure the abo lition of child labor," the safety of the employes and sanitary conditions in fac tories, according to informatiop received at the Department oj State. ' .-.'' :Under the new. laws, persons under 12 years of age may not be employed jn any factory a? Persons -under 15 years of age-and women may not be employed more than 12 hours a day,' nor for the oiling or repairing of- dangerous kna ehinery.' All shall have t least two holidays a month. ! Persons under 15 shall not be employed in the handling of poisons, injurious, chemicals or explo sives, -f v v," " j V ' All persona working more , than six hours tiay shall have a recess during working hours of at least 86 minutes, and if working more than 1 10 hours the recess shall be at least ono hour. .Per. dona Working ' alternately, in day and night shifts shall have at least 4 holi days a month, and the working hours shall be alternate at least once every ;:20t-eoftardCleanable.Re- f rigeratbfs porfcelairt Jijiedi quartefed oak' cases. - They. save ice and look better than any othet rAsk me the price. J. sl Milier.'. i ' v. ; takes His Own Medicine. WashingVon. !v Dii5ijune--TAs an example to the army, secretary or (War StimBon has been vaccinated a- gainst typhoid fever. ' The viru Was .adnunistrated by Major Kussell at the Arjniy War College., : ; , Unthlnrf ni Rn( ITiitnn .tk O tawa, June 8.-rrAmerlcan campers ia Afgohquin ParkwiJI no;; longer be permitted to ny the American -flag, s the Provincial Government has deereed that only the British flag may bedis Isye-f. Mexico's Capital Trembles With Earthquake Immediately Upon. ?. ..Revolutionary iYictor'a'Ai V Mexico -City, -: June 8 Sixty-three persons ware, killed, 75 wounded and property worth $100,000 wan wrecked today by'aa earthquake- which "-shook the Mexican espital end injected a note of tragedy into what" was . be be a day of pure rejoicing over the arrival" of Francisco L Madero." Jr. " ' ' -'J1"." When the work.of searching the ruini is completed . it la possible that the" tyve or deal will be increased eomewhat as here and there throughout thecity there doubtless are many wounded who, with traditional fear of the authorities knd government hospitals, are anxious to evade diacoverv. - - i The earthquake, shook the city Just before daylight, At the first shock every light was extinqutshed and there was a rumble like artillery which pre vailed for aeveral momenta.' . , t No personal property of. Americans was damaged, and, with the exception of one, Chinese killed no foreigners were injured. In the barracka where tiiesoloUrs wererk loertheir lives. They . were the Wives of artillerymen, $i -y'f: -vvKi'iiS'v The water maina cf the eity wen not injured andv the tight and power eorti. pany suffered little ' inconvenience in opers tions. Some damage w as done to street car tracks but 'not enough to interfere with trafiai!t excepr bn pne linei i The projection of the front wall 6t the iJelem prison was thrown ; into the street No s:reat damaire was dene. TWO of the capital's bid churchei and the Natloijal palace showed effects of the shock V. Long""cracka' ppered S ia all pf them, ,1a the palace, a keystone in'ohe' of (he arefaei was throwit almost out.: The twocnurches are Sahto Do LsProfesa; the latter 40 San Fraiiciseo atrecW PILES!. PILES! PILES t- .''."-.i--V'J'-'f.---' : 1 1' , AhSc Williama' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind. Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acta as a poultice, gives instant relief.. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment la prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts, Sole by druggiats mall 60c and tLOO. WUUama' UTgOCoT Props., Cleveland, 0, T'V' i' ..... . .. - . -.A , Labor federation "Opposed to Pro-; ;'V lilbltlotru r, ' Richmond, Val, June 8-The Vlrgia Federation of Labor, in its sixtieth an mi a convention here practically tabled all matters pertaining to prohibition, passing a resolution that it go on record' ai opposing any legislation for state wldj24rohibltkm or against, local option, and incidentally was to-basketing a com munlcation from fteStite anti-saloon league, A resohitloo that the Stite furnish, public school children with school books free of eost wis adopted. Affiliation of the federation with the Farmers Co-Operallve and 'Co Edu cation union end with UV qual Suf frage league was formally was effect ed. ' , . . . todactoii :;;.:! tci::c v 'A tDARiiTEED UEIEDY A10P I E Y B Ac!( raifa'ic';-' . Wc. BUYS A 25c. DOTTLE to ndvcrti:s.- CUT OUT.Ti H.S AD. ', Stop ' fighting flies, Screening your house with our Screens. J. S.- Basnight Hdw.. Co. Phone 99. 67 S ! Front St. - " r .iracs riiilaihcs Clly Union to be Or- .'Cir.Jcd, rrtdny Iv-nlnit 8:30, June, 0, IB 1 1, Ccr.irnarj Mcln- 0d!'4 Church.. ., . fv r''-"ry I' ."..-a ivl I'l ' ' inv.le fa'-h sid fvcry H'" : ! " f (' ci J'.irri r I . II.... !)! ( ' y t i n ' ! i 1 l i !' . ' ' v ! ' ' I r-- 'ii c f : i I ; . - .: tt f- ' ; Tlie Athenhs the only house in New ': Bern showing; Associa tion pictureiMSiM 11 :ytm Ufa retool Blda Today; This : morning at 11 o'clock' at the eourt house, the Trustees forth Farm liire acnool wut meet to open tu bids thai may. be .'tendeivd "by; the several townships to secure the location of this 0-?p rtremen, AttehUoa " - Members ( the. Allan tic Fire Compa ny will meet tonight at eight o'clock at their quarters by order of the Foreman ?M -rT.iP.'CARAWAYVf :'.Vv -'" vv:'C-:8ecretary. ;-"'. ' ; 1 1 " : .' ; Gentje.'.: horses for ladies and Stylish; rigs for. men a' PaniehrNewberry ,5 L i v e r y Stables, South Front Sti" .': Wcldoa Company Dlabanoed.'' Raleigh, . N. a - June 8-AdJutent General R. L. Lelnater of the North Caroline National Guards baa mads or der for the disbanding ' Company K. Third infantry, Weldon on account ef (he company having failed to meet the requirements at the time of the la iifpoction, mads last Febraary, ty Id ij.ertor Coneral Thomas Stringfleld Sr Uoutenant M. A. Well, of t Seven Ufnth in runty," United Elates army M. U. Drake was ctptaiu of the com piny just diihao'e L .'' y . Hyde-Msltfcic ' ", " ' In e.Ji vr nlnr of the lri'lt. e'e ny of the T':h. a C y j re no TPii::iTi GETS a-: Li OMR he Pukes Make; Another 'Hapd-isome- GUt toOollegeTwa j; a Other Departments. - Durham,' N. (X, Jon 8. It was an nooneed at thetloaing exercises of Trio- ity iIlege that the North Carolina and the Western North Carolina llethodis( conferences and the Dukes of New York city, have entered, upon a plan whereby Trmity .College ie to be given a million dollar endowment, of which amount $200,000 Wall be raised bylhe church, r", The giftof $100,000 in lands by Jas. B. and Benjamin N. "Duke, of $60,000 for a new building by James P. s. Duke. and of $10,000 by B. N, Duke, or cam pus improvements was announced to day, thut totaling $160,000 at this com. meneemenf and 'running the Duke phil antnropiea isr aoove a nuiuon .and a half to date. The million dollar endowment is to be used, It is supposed, ior the purpose of establishing at Trinity College a depart. ment of dentistry, medicine and other much needed additions North Caroli na and Western North Carolina confer ences have agreed to raise $100,000 each of this amount, and it is generally sup posed that the Dukes will chip in the remaining $800.000..; The. gifts of this family to Trinity now amounts to close oito two million dollars, and with the new addition this institution will be sev eral times more heavily endowed than any other Southern college. - I sellhe White Moiin- tia Freezers. ; Send 11s your, orders. J. S. Basnight Hdw., Co. Pone99. 67 S. Front St. Sme Intensive Tairmlng This. As an example of what land in this section wjttproduce the following, which can be verified, ia given: From four-j acres in Pamlioo county upon which $225.00 was spent for fertilizer prepara tion and cultivation, was gathered this seasonNiao batrela if Irish .potatoes Which soldof . $6 60 .per "barret a net profltof'$2,0:;:i:;v " A.cjv pt ycoiwu in inniiy wmf ition is now growing on the land,vhicli with favorable sessdri will yield oneaod One- balf to two bales; to the- acre or six Xo eight barei.bni'tne- plot: It ia need less to say tfiat the land iu . beingeu)' tivsted by one' if" Pamlico's most pro greesive f sjpDrwrsC 4. . i. President: Oarfleld'a Slater Dead. . t, '-Vj..:?vvV- lis Angels. Cat , juna8.4Mrs. Ue- httable G, Trowbridge; aged 90 yean, sister of X-Pre)Ident 'Garfield, died here Tuesday: - Mrs. 'Garfield widow of the President who ; lives . on - Jtng Island, was notified by tetegrsph.' I' M !" n m lt! y c r i . J. f-r i. 1' Rheumatltm ; (Ulieved vSix Houri Dr. Detchoa'a relief fot Rheumatism usually relieves severest eases In a few hours. - Its action upon the system ia remarkable and effective It removes at once the cause and the disease qukk ly dlMppeara. First t!oa ,TTaUy bene Dta.' 7So and $L0Q. 8' Id by Bradhaaa DrogCo '-;; --- -, " jmj. , . . ... ,' ',.1 . 1 , "'Brovm oa the Cotton tltoatton. ' - Ns York,' June 8ib. The appear ance of W. P. BrowO,'odeo( the prom inent New Orleans bull traders, on the floor of the New York Cotton Exchange, wm tho t Ignsl for rutrmrs that Brown had come here to take charge and end the season of the bull campaign; some what similar to that In ehlchbs figured lafit y -ar when cotton, during Aegoar, sol J for 20 cents a potind. Urowa r f to diicaM the puUalrillilyof of the !.ull tirr,pa'n, t it eipre sd; In piurh. L . '.'-r griffs f. r oil trop t-j l'isil; 1 am viry fculiioh on ; p'l" of raw rnit-iial an. ' , ! '1 rt U r.(l of lh :i v !!,..,. : !'.,! ,lh ,.- , and nit a . -y ! 1 ? v !t.o !.i,a'ui fit '-!)! r,'i'iirriii't : ; s . ! ' f. 1 ? pr-p in i " t 1 it rc r t. .':' ! i WrjIEN ;'YO0 ' CMENTO : 'THE-ciTY A either on business or to make a deposit, we cor ' dially invite you to itop moment and getbetter .acqusinted.witliinv roSBke&thiWtag us of ' yojir deeds or plans for developing your business of improving your farm, we may be able to point . out to you the manner in which yon ' can derive . 'greater benefit ' from our large, modern equip ment and facilities. ... -2'L i '03 llIIIMllllllllllllllllli! 1 rl.w lit a 1 the Pick of the Parasol This is the best wy to class our showing of Summer Parasols for ladies and children. 1 hey are surely the best of the heap. So pretty thaj. they command instant and rapt attention as soon as they an Been. So new that you will be forced to admit never seeing anything like them before. And bo reasonable that you can ecsily afford to have one to match every dress. ( The showing consists of all the latest styles, Ja; aiete, Mandarin, and the 17th century prevailing, in colors that rival the rainbow and ure just as beautiful". Do not misa this parasol parade. You will be sorry if you do. Your , friends will all be under one of our parasols this Summer. So if you , don't want your friends to get ahead of you you had better get ahead -of them. j Here Are Hints of the Prices Which Range From 50c. to $5.00. J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEPT STORE. eooeeeooeeoaoo I . FbRrSALB ee-ooeeeeoeeeooe-eooeooooe ENNEn'S 24 H; P. GAS BOAT KEWrsi.soo.v-: !- Kc:r $750 'STORE ;eeeoeeeee-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ' 1 ! ! J ton, rr'.ri mm Good Trunks .are gooj menoe vue poor trunkt"trunk yoa eaa't trust,- ' are ae aixfesireble tod disappoint-. ? fngee fatM frkil. II yo. buy "G, 4 8. Neverbreak, Trunka," . 'tt will be true to yvO. 'f ' m us snow you. .Pry'.".Gco3sJ,Co-1 i'rr name t 1" to ;. (..1 . 1 i i.ptf r,', 1 .t Hi t 1 .1