."v XT' : pater wnnr mmmmmm ESTABLISHED IN 1678 V-KNOWN4- 4 , CIRCULATION NEW, BERN. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY 'MORNING, JUNE . 15, 19a m THIRTIETH YEAR ' i ' - .enV ' Jf 2 -J : I. I I - v v vs i j i .it V- y I 1 r '- - - SELECT THE STRONGEST. TFTf VHEN you are considering the selection of a bank with - if which to deposit jour savings or other money, it is merely a matter of prudence to select the strongest. This bank has capital amounting to $200,000.00 and its stockholders are responsible for an equal amount, making $400,000.00 security for our depositors - - YOtRlFAQRA INVITED m tfsmtm Geat Divisioa Sale $12,000 REDUCED TO $6,000 This Amount of Merchandise Must be Reduced One Half. . To accomplish this and do it quickly, we must make prices that are right in fact they must be ex traordinary. We want you to call and see what we have got along this line. We can frankly say, with out gear of contradiction hat this is the greatest Price Reduction Sale ever held in New Bern, and it will be a long time before the same low price level will again be reaceed. We have made it well worth your while to attend this sale.i If real money-saving, is of interest to you here is your chance to cut down the cost of living. This sale offers decided Reductions on Dry Goods and Ready-to-wear apparel. We need more cash and less goods, hence these prices. TftlS SPECIAL SHE WILL LAST ONE WEEK BEGINS Saturday June 17th, L M. AND CONTINUES TO Saturday June 24th, P. M. There is no limit to this -sale you can buy as much as you want or as little. See Circular For Prices. 3. M. MITCHELL & CO. 61 POLLOCK ST. PIIONE-88 htuc cTnoc m diit vnnn nrtu iwV MIL IHUUI IU IUI IUUII Mill 111 (10 SESSION;; SUPERigR:COUHT Held Yesterday. Jadge Ferguson , Indisposed. Greatly Improv ed Last Night. v Owing to the fact that Judge Gar land T. Ferguson was indisposed, there, was no session yesterday of Craven County Superior Court which is in ses sion here this week for the trial- of criminal cases. A reportfrom the place at which he is stopping last night stated that the Judge was grtatly improved and in all probability the session will be resumed this morn ing at the usual time. The grand jury was kept busy all dur ing the day hearing evidence and re turning bills, but none of these were made public. The case of young Bar ne'.t, the young man who embezzled $24') from the Hall Tailoring Company a few weeks ago, is attracting consider able interett. The grand jury has not yet investigated this case aid it will doubtless be the latter part of the week before it is brought to trial. There are still a large number of eases on the docket but the majority of these are ef minor conrequence and can easily be dis pose j of within the next three days. In the cae of the State vs Addison Toler, of No. 2 ..Township, charged with abduction, ti e jury returned a verdict of- not guilty. This case was tried on Tuesday ;ind tha Jury remain e I out all night, 20 Leonard Cleanable Re frigerators, porcelain lined, quartered oak cases. They save ice and look better than any other. Ask me the ptlce. J. S. Miller. Pension Notice. The Pension Board of Craven County will meet at court bouse on the first Mondiy in July, 1011. this being the 3, t'ay. All anpiii ants for pensions of ek C(inf ( deia'.o soldiers and sailors or wid ows of the tame who wish to apply for pensions, or have their pensions in creased will please appear before the board on the above named date. Those already on the list need not appear. S. R. STREET, Chairman Pension Board. Tallman-HUl. A pre'ty wedding was celebrated yesterday afternoon 3 o'clock at the home of Mr. anl Mrs. George (T. Win- field, on Change street when their neice. Miss Ida Hill was joined in the bonds of holy wedlock to Mr. R. P. Ta'lman, of Wilmington, N. C. Rev, Mr. Rogers of the Church of Christ performing the1 cememony Only few especial friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. Tallman left on the after noon train for Ashevilla. where they will spend a couple of weeks enj lying the lovely seceoery and climate of Western North Carolina. They will make their future home in Wilmington. Says That She Knows Nothing Iu Regards to the Poisoning of Her Former Husband. Mrs. Leone Casey, wife of Burrill Ca sey, both of whom are now connned ia Craven county jail awaiting the action of the grand jury on a warrant charg ing them with poisoning her former -hus band, Mr. Joseph Whitty, of -Lane's Chapel, was interviewed late yester day afternoon by a Journal reporter. When the reporter was shown into her cell, on the first floor Mrs. Casey, who is a very homely woman, wai sitting on the aide of the iron bed which the cell contained, She said that she was born in Lenoir county on Jan. 28. 1891, that she lived there until 1908 when she married Mr. Joseph hitty, then they moved to Craven county. That in all their mar ried life they had lived happily and had never had any misunderstandings. That after her marriare to Mr. Whitty she met Cajey, and that all during the time that she lived with Mr. Whitty, Casey was in the habit of coming to their home at different times, and that there waj no objection from her husband. She said that several weeks prior to his death Mr. Whitty bad been in ailing health and that his demise did not come unexpectedly. That on the day that Mr. Whitty died Casey visited her home and that about three weeks after his death she and Casey were married. That after Mr. Whitiy's death there was considerable talk among the neigh bors that she had poisoned bim, but as she knew this was untrue she paid but little attention to it. That she did not know until yestwdty morning that his body bad been exhumed and that the stomach had been examined by a phy sician. That she was utterly dumfound ed when Chief of Police Rouse, of Do ver, called at her home Monday after noon and placed her under arrest and brought her to this city. That she did not know at the time that her husband was in jail here on the same charge, and that since her incarceration here had nof beeu allowed to see him or io communicate with him in any way. That she was not in the least afraid that if the case wai ever brought to trial that they wovtid be convicted, be cause there could possibly be no evi dence that either of them had caused his death. Tkenat a whole she did not seem to be duly concerned in regards to the grave charge which they are feeing. At no time during her story did she f alter, and once or twice she became amused and laughed outright. The only thing that she seemed to be troubled about wai the fact that she was not allowed to see or .talk to her husband The grand jury has not yet asen up this case, but will doubtless do so sometime during today, ami the outcome of their investigation will bi nude known tomorrow. GHAS; LAJHAM EXHONQRATED Coroner's Jury Held Inquest Over the Body Of David Fpnville Yesterday Morning. Yesterday morning the Coroners jury composed of the following gentlemen. Messrs E. B. oStckbum; foreman, C. P. Bartling, C. E. Ellison, C. T. Pum phrey, M. D. W. SUvennon and D. P Henry, beld an inquest over the body of David Fonvill, the young negro boy who was shot and killed at hU home in Duffytown Tuesday night by Charles Latham, also colored. At the conclus ion of the inquest they rendered the following verdjet. 'We, this Coroner's jury empanelled this 14th, day of June 1911. to investi gate the cause of th death of Dav id Fonville, colored, hereby render the fol lowing verdict: That death resulted fcom a gunshot wound in the brain at the handd of one Charles Latham, age 12 ytars. Same was without malice and aforethought." It was proven that the two boys were the best of friends and that they had been playing together on the eve of the tragedy. The murdered boy's mother Btatedthat she was convinced that the shooting was accidental and she was co-operated by a number of other wit nesses. Young Latham stated that tbey wererhaving a playful dispute at the time the shooting occured and that when he picked up the gun he had no idea that its was loaded. With such evidence as this before them the Co-o- ner's jury had no alternative b it to turn the boy who fired the faUl load loose. The AthensT the only house in New Bern showing Associa tion pictures. seseseeeeee e-eeeesaeeeeeseeee ' . . FOR SALE 24 H. P. GAS BOAT MjW - KD.V $750 -I . - STORE IF. YOU CAN GET UM- BErtFOR NOTHING , yoa'r foolish to pay for it . Bat what M of torrbff would It U1 Not the kind yWd care to pot into any ctmstrtittkitf yo'd be prowl of. How wbB (t entrves to sine HiroW,' in snjr farm," wt oUiM te be sblrte serve yea tt We b1le Uit oar ptee t Uttef In qtmtity, lower It &ri- and will g yt bettor Pr!' rn "t ft'h- r p'n In I -r' -n. " ' ' i ' r V WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Aave you neglected your KidneysT Have you overworked your nervous pys tern and caused" trouble with your kid neys and bladder! Have yon pains m loins, side, back, groins and Madder Have you a flabby appearance ef the face, especially under the eyesT Too fre quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams' Kidney Ills will cure you-al Druggist, Price 60c Williams' M'f'g. Co.. Prop, Cleveland, O. - Pecrlesa Iceland Freezers, you donTbrfAk themthey freeze quicker and last long er. Phone 229. J. S. Miller. A Well Known Min'i Oplnloo. v 1 ' -. r The Savodlna Co- New Ben, H. C'J We have derived so moth benefit from thege of 8AVODINE, that' we wish te add our UeUroony te the list of those already acquainted with its trier Its? - .,. v ' - " My wife hsa been using SAVODINE fot quite a While for retd is the head, a'ao bss f wnd it srvsdy relief for CATARRU but above all thet, . U the fact of Its having proved Itself Invaluable ua f r our baby. - A ihrfrt time age he vii la ker) vry lick, and as he would c'p hisl , little hand lo his ear. we dH-U3d he ! mint he suffering with etrtnbr, n 1 r- Od to NeW Bern's Street Sprinkler, fcBfcSSS8 8prinkle, sprinkle.' little cart. How I wonder where tbou ar, When the dust Is blgb and dry , Never can I find yon nigh. Wbe4 the elooded tan is set ; And the streets with rain are wet Then you wing your little fllgbfT Sprinkle, sprinkle, left and right. ' I - " .- s . NOTICE. : Of change ot time closing mall in ef fect Jane 11th, 191L Beaafort ; . .. " Goldsboro ' " Norfolk- . VWBmlngros),' .Oriental ;t ;tlrUto.7 ; Belhavea Wlmlrlgto Beaufort,' 'r' Oriental ' IJSO 'Cold-bore tv ;:7 6:20 ' Night ErpreVs ..--; ;00 Auspicious Opening of the Southern Automobile College The Southern Automobile College, Oak Ridge, N., C, opened its doors April 17ih. It has been crowded to the limit ever since. Students are arriving daily, and daily are going out to accept paying position in this most fascinating business, They announce a sptvfel June offer to students of schools and colleges, and to men who want to better their sal aries. Automobile owners also would do well t write for information. .. ....... . WE 4CEEP FAITH WITH OUR DEPOSITORS. It has been the policy ef this bank to make the interests of depositors its own. When we say that we render them every facility, we keep faith wilh them and do so as far as compatible with the approved banking methods to which we have unvaryingly adhered. We cordially invite you to open an account subject to check or for savings with $1.00 or more. ;.r;::it wmmm Early Jrlprnlng Marriage. Yesterday morning at 8 o'clm k at at the home ofpie bride's parents No. 23 Craven street in the preface of a few invited frie ids and relatits. Mi in Maude Amyette, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Dennard Pulford, became th- bride of Mr. Fritz T. Brandt, of Dea Moines, Iowj. Immediit-'ly aft r tie ceremony had been performed the bappy couple drove to the Union depot where ihsy boarded the trait euroute to Wil mington, From that place that rill gp to Savannah. Ga., wher thy will; spend several days on their honeymoon, j They will then return to Charleston, j S. C. where thy will make their home. The Journal joins their maoy friends I in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous married life.. MM TULiaiimer Sale 8:45 A. If.v - :;.; ; li'c'-' 1:Up.:ii.: 1:00 V 6:10 I. J. fl. BASN1GHT, ' roetmsster. Rheumatism Relieved In Six Hours Dr. Detchon'a relief for Rheumatism usually reUeves severest cases in a few hours. Its action opon the system Is remarkable and effective, It removes at one the cause and the uieeaso quick ly disappears. First uVis ratry bene fits. 75s and f LOO. Brk Chy Bradhars DragCo. eBkBMSBIBBBSBBBMBlniSBtoMeiSMSBB9 Mld-Smnmer Sale Starts To-dsy. I ' . '4i4if.3 TorTey Mr, . J. Baiter, one of Mew Bern's leading dry goods dvslors will inaugurate tbs eaaow's Urcest cleat a net eels.'. This salj will eontioue for ten Ays snd thousands of bsrgsins can be secured during that time by the peo ple of this city. The price ef every ar- tlcl i la the store has bees greatly re duced eoi there will be great bargilnt. The doer will te tbroe-o open Co Jibe public this morning at Bine o cite' Vlelt the store early and get your choice ef the tboosaads of articles that will be oa sale. "'., . " .' r'- Starts To-day Lasting 10 Days ENTIRE STOCK ON SALE Greatest Reduction Ever Offered on Any Stock in New Bern. COME EARLY MP STAY UIE J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEP'T STORE. I i l rSPEClULS FDRdlOllYllHD THISWEEiTl Docs the edge, of - your lawn , look raed ?- Then wny not invest in a riiiu- 'atiiiirig thatrr.lhing'iriutt h il-.n tt CiCIpnia UlVtU IlOWCr 'uTlQ 'Mtrim it. J. S. Dannicht Hdvv. oneo, we put stinyl.lt of JAVOl 'Mi esreovertd It with waimc't' line frw.nilnu! he w km j swiftly a t!i()(?h he I u I ttvr lis 1 pln. We clirfful'y rprom't 'I J'bvo dine s we will always fw 1 sra .' I ! r hat It I d ine ( r v. , c. I r; -i ;, 1 f 'i . f r.f I . r. Co. I I '?lt. 7 I - Come to Coplon's for anyih'ng arid everything yon nee I for mn women and children to weer, Becauee-we buy with the idea in viw at MxInR how much more we can offer than y n can get 'elsewhere. is Vipools to fuml h fd for the city hones for next K mnths will be re crWod at the cirri's oftir ontil June 20Lh T.y ordr of lite Board of AkWf fnn. i ' ' , .- ' ., t. t rmER.HON, - City Ork. i rUiJo Ctro, eilM I'reMet efj Ven-T:;o'., lti-oro4 st Tort I-!, n. p. Taint ft. IV v.'ill cover, Comfort" Service and 8tyle can be had in Coplon's Shoes at least eest Fstlsfaetios. is Jhe grest thing 1 1 buying shoes, we abao- . hitely guarsntee the fullest satis faction In every particular. We have the sort of shoes yon admire and need and every pair is care fully fitted. We offer you not . ooly good, shoes at. fairest low eoet, but our gre I service costs you abseloUly not log,' v. . 12.80 Woetu'l evet rvspfe C9t.9, $11 tt.; ! ,vu-. ,Jhry art positively ttM vaieee '-' WbitS Pumps for wotnea, all ' ' InVee, Rargaln at . , gS 00 This We fc 11.50 "Onys" Bilk UoeeforSroee, . lo aU color.; White. Black, Navy,; Cray and X k t ' ' ' I ... 43c. a pal.'," 3 '.' Bo Tr fhe chiliriBB,, flam and ,"' 'Kanw'ie eli ii-"e 4 to I. st . f, loc., 156, 4 7C. ' wh Suiu f r r ; , ' all sit' fr-.ni : i ti 10 yi. U) all rotors' -lmoi;hn.l.lo, all s'ylft, rritr1als gn 1 to h !'. " ' S 1,2$ tv-i t, -:ta - S3' . 2 c) ; i 1.$ 1 ? I " ' - t ? f ' .- Xi ill- il ' 4 I I ''mm-. - - P. ft O.tlrw 1 Amerieaii Lady f orarts, very potu!ar with worn- ikuvlng fleorve ef moderate pre potUoria, sis 18 lo 81. ' Trtet tl OO . . , :