1 r rj Children Cry fosv Fletchers f 1 TV -r- 1 2 111 a -rail HI The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, anJ which has been ' In use for over 30 years, .has borne the sljrnature of . ami has been made nnaer nis per- sonal supervision since Its Infancy. . .. . f f ft w Allow DO one to ueccive yuuiii uua All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jast-Jw-gaod" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants .and Children Experience against' Experiment. . What is CASTOR I A Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-,, goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrup1. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. St destroys Worms and allays Peverishness. It euros Ilrrrlm:a and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething1 Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the" Stomach and itowols, giving healthy iw.A natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The SI other's Friend. r; CAMELS IM A RAGE.'?- Patient GENUINE CASTO! Bears th( ALWAYS Of WKtn -RuMd ThM Usually :'e Animals FiQht LJKe fjii-y." i- ; - The usual), patient and rabmiasirt eamet lik tbe proverbial worm.; will ometlroti reeut aa-- overdoee I of .abtiHA. Too denae to think of i way la which be caa outwit hut driver and axt take blffl ooawarea. when roased U the pitch of fury he rushes at the tyrant open mouthed, and hla formi dable) teetb. and powerful jaws do aerl ous damage. . ' '. Of thia vtodletlveness the camel driver Is aware and of the certainty that sooner or later tbe camel will seek revenge. Accordingly It to customary for tbe person who fears bis nrallee to throw bis clothe before tbe camel meanwhile biding himself until tbe. animal's fury has been expended I tossing and tramping on them, when the-Injury, real pr supposed. Is at once forgotteiv The canel will not Identify himself with his driver or rider in the smallest way whatever. lie steadily declines all advances. HIr eye never lights up with love or even Interest at tbe-ap proach of his master. Shonld you at tempt to pat or caress him he will oh Ject In a very decided manner. Good treatment or had makes no dif fereni-e to the camel. Life and Its hard conditions are taken for granted His view of things is far too serious He Is so absorbed and ajpeoecupled that he has no time to waste In the gam bols Indulged in by all other young animals. Harper's Weekly. A Pobr Weak Woman vvC) A ah is tetWa, win wdora bravely and patiently fc. ' ? - whick strong snaa would give way uder, , ML The Kind You In IH Tk .1 J ave Always wmm C-ver 30 Years Use Fo THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 7 Wl'!i;U,V rR '" FT, NEW YORK CITY. IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH ' TRAVEL VIA THE CHESAPEAKE LINE DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUNDAY The new Steamer just phveil in s rvioi "CITY OF BAL.TIMOKK" niv the m ist , between Norfolk anil Baltimore. equipped with vn;i:u:ss, n: DELICIOUS M IIA I-S N' . ', (()MFoi: r ,m '' Steamers Lv. Norfolk (.iaekson Si. " ()i(l I'oillt Colllfoll. Bull inioro Ihe "I'lTY OF NORFOLK" and h'".iht mid up-to-date Steamers LKi'IloN'K IX KACII ROOM, :i, I A KKYTIrtNU FOR iixi i;xci:. r,:ir, P. M. Connecting Ar at Baltimore :1." :tHI for ;.ll poll) Cheap Excursion Tickets on '-ale to M other New Jersey Resorts and Niagara I'; Is NdUi, X urlli- U. sort A. M. ljast and West. ;, Atlantic City He Knew. Mrs. Wedd John, what do you think of n man who smokes cigarettes in a room where ladles are? Mr. Wedd 1 think he needs a wife like you, mj dear. Boston Transcript SORE NIPPLES. lorn tat Ja women are mora patient tkaa tber touaht t be .under auc troubles.- . f ' f Every woa&aa oa(ht to know that aba aaay obteia ' tba mrt experienced aaedioal advio frt if dtmt aad in mbstlutt enfijnet and privacy br writiiia to ' the World's Dispensary Medical AwocUtioo, R, V.'. sr ri-roe, M. D., Preident,affalo, N. YTTDr. Fieroa has fceea ebiei consulting pbyaiciaa of tbe Iavalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, ol Buffalo, N. Y., tor many rear and has had a wider DMBtinal iimmm in the treatment of women a diaea a than any other pfaruoiaa in thil oooatry. liu medicine are worid-Umoua for their aatoniaaing c&oacy. , The moat perfect "remedy ever derated for weak and leB eate women ia Or. Pieroe'a Favprita Preeeriptioa. I TT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG. ." SICK WOMEN WELL. The-Jtany and varied aymptoms ol woman V peculiar ailment are fully set . forth m Plain English ia the People Medieal Adviser (1008 pages), a newly , revised and up-to-dstf Edition of which, cloth -bound, will be mailed fret op receipt of 31 one-cent stamp to pay cost of mailing ea. Address as above. Notices MORTGAGE SALE. H0T1CE.V Change in schedule. Effective June 11. 1911. Train 9 will arrive at 6:40 p m, leave o.w p m, ana train iv win leave nt 6:40 p m. Parlor car service from New Bern will be discontinued on trains 1 and 2 New Bern to Norfolk and will be placed between Raleigh and Nor folk Begining with the first car leav ing Winston-Salem Wednesday June 14, leaving Goldsboro train 8 Thursday June 15, Pullman Sleeping car service will be inaugurated between Beaufort and Winston:Salem, N. C. For further information apply to T. H. Bennett, Union ticket agent, or ' W W CKOXTON, G. P. A. SOUTflERNJIIW DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH, SOOTH. EAST, WEST. eaeaaa Anv mother who has had exuenence with this'distressing ailment will, be pleased to know that a cure may be ef tected by applying Chamberlain s halve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before al lowing the babe to n'irse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. for sale by all dealers. Those Useless Questions. "IIow did you set. the bruised face?" "It was caused by the hatrack last night." "Accidentally ?' "No; I think it attacked me pur posely." Kansas City Journal. His Objection. " Mrs. Richquick-Jolm. I want yon to buy a new parlor suit. Mr. Rich quick Maria. I've been npreeable enough so far to get dllTerent clothes for mornlm?, noon, afternoon and night, nutI'in eonsnrnrd If I'll cbnrige 'em every time I ko Into a different room. Brooklyn Life. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Breaking the Hecord. 'The Cnlli-r-l ln-ar thai von'vc been to a pnrtv. Maliel. Hid you dance much? Mabrl ii)f.rPl eitjlin I should SH.v iNlifl I danced two quadrillions. Cleveland Plain lii'iiler. The woman of tody who has good healthgood temper, good si use, bright eyes and a lovely complexion, the result of correct living nd good digestion, wins the admiration of the world. If vour digestion is faulty Ch iinberlain's Stomach and Liver-Tablets will correct t. For sale by all dealers. and Reservations made and inf- rmation W. H. PARNELL, T. P. A , . I.. . : f .; i ly furt ; 1 ed by NORFOLK, VA. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOU mm RAILWAY SCHEDULE TO WIONT POINT, NKW VOK VIA NORFOLK AND NKW YORK CITY. H.thiI. Leaving Rah igh, Colclsbuin. and Oriental, N. ( June. NORFOLK -SOUT1 IK I; N KY minion Line, Hudson Kier I'. l'.lh. . Old I' :,v l.;n.- Xi-.W Ait; ) : i .i ' i v 1 1; iNs v,i-;tween YORK, WASHINGTON, 1.1 ACK80NV1LLE ..v( -ii.b. r 27, 1910 the A II. WAY will put inef- mi vice between New inn, AiiKustaaand Jack .le of which' will be ai From Rate Raleigh W " WilBon 2!i t:i Greenville 2'J :'.." Washington '" Oriental ilo tl From li.Ve Goklsboro $ Z K" Kins too 2J S6 New Hern 20 H5 Beafort - :wi w llorchea) City :n ) Ratea In same proxrtinn from nil Ar. Lv Ar. New York V. iiMinngton V..:.nngton Aupista via Hluvkville Auiinta via Tn-n tun .Licksnnvillo 18 6:10 6:20 P. M tenBcdiate stationi. If Pullman is rrnt required to Norfolk rau-s will Itesligiit ly leas. Ratae mclude Pullmun and State Room accnmmoilatinna and all otphIk en ItWta to and frlun New York ity and boUl (mom onlyf for f days in New York City. Tha party will be chaprmnwt by Mr. ami Mra. Horace R. Dowell and Mis Flora Craach, of Raleigh, N. C Ftr cornpteta information and booklet flm( d tails, .apply to any arynt Nor folk SooUarn R H"or atttlma. D. V. CONN." W. W. CROXTON, JnrkHonvillu Ar. Annuals, via T reuton Lv. Aogusta via KlackviDe Ar Washington Lv. Wishinut'Mi Ar. New York HAr. A. M. ll:4fi " :i:45P. M U:(K) A. M 3:00 P. M. 8:15 " H:M A. If. 9:05 " 2 46 H. IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Don't Mistake the Cause of Your Troubles. A New Horn Citi zen Shows How to Cure Them. Pleasant Anticipations.! "Why cau l job marry uieV It's true 4'm nit euoruiously rich. Still, 1 have au" Ineoine plenty big euougU to sup port us nicely." Yes, but think how ridiculously email tbe alimony allowed out of It will be." Exchange. It is worse than useless to take any medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that is need ed is a free application of ( hamberlain'B Liiniment. ror aie oy on ucmcio. True! The people who are always short find It difficult to get along.-Phlladelphla Record. . Raleigh. N. C. Norfolk. Va The above trains will be known aatha SOUTHKRN'H SOUTH EASTERN LIMITKI) mid will consist of Elegant IV I man Seeping Car, alao Dtnlnf Car S-rvirv. l liis train a wttlaa ii OtWt S il ITHKU.N' RAILWAY TRAINS Will nnive an I depart from the New Pana vvivama r-tntiofi, Seventh Avenue and Ihirty-Sei-oiid Street. New York Cltjr I r nil ii. formation pertaining to the same, address the onderaigned. h f. cary, fn. Taaa, AjtV WashlnRton, D. C RJLWIUDNWPniS roawauioaempaiwvsa) A Well Known Man's Opinion. The Savodine Co New Ifcrn, N. C. Wa have derived so much benefit from the use of SAVODINE. that we wish kTadd our testimony to the list of those already acquainted with its mar-Ita. Uy wife has been lining SAVODINE for quite while (ar cold in the bead, also haa foood Itaready relief fir CATARRH bat above . aU 'tbatTii the fact of lu liavlmj prored lUeU invaluable to ui for our baby, , A abort time ago be waa ta ke) erf alck, aad aa b would cbp bis little batjdi to tr.we4clded be moat be touVripf Withaarache.'and re- alktiog' that ei5Bath lor nrt be done at oneav we pdl a tipy bit f SAVODINE la hie eat eofertd Jt,w(h warm cottoo and In fw' mioo'ci be wie" aeping ae iwaeAly aa though b ad never bad a palo, We theerfolly recommend fUvo dine ae we W la;a fs.l gratefdl for W9 mar. : u u bu.do : 46i Klni Yea Haw Alwan Bought V . ', allefefliee., i' yj'lfTT- ' rUw Ram, N. C HaMfe pf ZSjCUcAt T ' '.WOMEN - vtwt tf ttrprnot c iactUot pj4'l rtfLBttnecl vLom . iueenmcti f-rc la lit! fpinSofii, iigWj I " ' wtrairrfal CorrtdlTC i ' " - rrepertlci ef Chim ' atWnJ Llrer TiV ( ' 'if, fyptn iirDwf, eieveef In Ole Oreeee. Tbo Oiwke were alee vaaert with a reaannre .All tnannal Work'wa done by burharlana," i lb tlrerti esli(4 b wbo bad bn fTtir4 te wr' th feft of the Orerti aaw ai etl In Ilia lirMfiafwia. Arttol la qHe vutBp""" In M JiMloVatloe of atstety. A frfrMH atomiat of mf Wftr hsd to b oWe, he rlatm4. sad ?o aatarH wtetl" rr Intaodod te da Tl l la amoe of the Or atCIMl OtHeambernd tbe frm foof of (lr fo one. Waaoal tahnr rsme la fJfMra lo he IbnOjtbt aVfradatWwi, d the btehrf Vof, ; t.ten fina Who wnttied fo werae r ht Are fotle ptared Wilsi1 th ronMUntlm And Wfcst a Irss of n t;rtv pia11t fi nf fH'Hrt ' ' rl-it f.lis. -r'.'i"'-' - Mary people never sutpect thFrr kid neya. If sulTrinp; fr.im a lame, weak or arhinn I ai'k '.hey think that it is on ly a muncular weakness; wh.n urinary trouble sets in they think it wilP soon correct i'self. And so it is with all oth er symptoms of kidney disorders. That is "isl where the rianper lies. You must cure tbeso troubles or they may lead to more serious ones The test remedy to tirieia Dunn's Kidney IVIs. It cures all ills which nre e.iufed by weak or dia eased kidneys. N' w Hern people testi fy to permanent cures. L. A. Smith, U Griffith Btree', New Bern. N. C, sajn; "tiackache caused me a great deal of Mutforin, and I had other distressing symptoms of kidney complaint. Doan'd Kidney Pills which I procured from tlie"Hradhum Drug Co. completely and permanently cuied me I have publicly endorsed this remedy before, and-iVm now pleased to confirm my lormer statement., uur son, woo i I i . t i. :.i il nna ii weuKiieiia ui ino aiuneys, aido used Deal's Kidney Pills and was re lieved." Kor aale b; all dealers. Price 60 ce&U., Foster Vilburn Co., fltiffalo, )aw York, eole aganta for fb United Btatea. Remember the nama Doea'a and Aha oq other, ' " , Very Low Round Trip Kates toall Principal Eesorts. j Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 pm, arrives Atlanta 6:35 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter" leaving Raleigh 11:00 a m, Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for, all other points. Thia car also makes cVe connection atSalis briry for S(S? Louis and other Western points. ' Through Pallm&n o Washington lea ves Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing on 8:53 am, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23' noon, New York 2:31 pm. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for -California points and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 8:35 a m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p ni, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all points North and Not th-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection at Greensboro for all points North, South East and West. This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro at 10:15 p m. it you desire any inlormatton, please call. We are here to furninh informs tion as well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY, J. O. JONES, G. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, D. C. Ruleigh, N. C. to a pawar of eats eaataioed ia real aetata aaanaraca axaeatad by r.CartBraadwtfaDaKlia Itisabath Car. tr tea!aterHaaa,baaria data ol atHh, of Jaa aarjr. I8M. th aema Win recorded la the oAos of tfaeSaciator ef Deeds ef Cravea county ia book Ut, pace St, I will aell at the court treuM door in Nav Bora. N. C. on Saturday. Jnljr 16th. mi at the bear of B o'clock If. tu taehishest bidder for cash, all of the followinc described property as conveyed in the moztcase aforesaid, to-arit AH our right, title and interest sod es tate in and to tbe certain piece or tract of land situated in saM Craven county on the south ride of Neuse river and on the west side of Clubfoot's vicr., cuaiatouis mre nuoarea acres, more or lees, being- the same land that 'was granted to John Jones by patent dated 18th. day of Decem ber, 1794. and the same which was con veyed to Hard' L. Jbnes by John at Roberts and wife by deed dated the 19th day of March 1847. and from Ed. K. Jones and others to D. W. Bell by deed dated 10th. day of Uocember. 1S5C and by D. W. Bell to said Amos Carter and Alfred Williby by decddnted 10th, day of December, 1859 rpgistered in office of toe register of Deeds of said Craven county in book 68 folio 472. The interest and estate in 8i l lurid of the said parties of th ' first part and the sme hereby conveyed being one half of said land. Default having been mode in the payment of said note this sale is made to make payment thereof. This the Uth. of June. 1911. MAYER HAHN Mortgagee. W. D. McIVER. Attorney L CARDS 1 M Simmoas, A. D. Ward, MO WARD ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS IT LAW KIW BIB, I. 0, Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Cnrrtn, Duphn. Jonea, Lenoir. Onslow. Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and wher ever services are desired. NOTICE OF PROPOSED ISSUE. BOND North Caiolina, Craven County, (n Rf. Monely Creek Drainage District. It appearing tu the satisfaction of the Board of Drainage Commissioner a of WoaHy Creek Dis trict, that the total assessment in said, disft ict exceedfi the average of 2G cent per acre on nil the ! lands in the sa.ii! district, notice is hereby given by the said Hoard of Drainage CommiKsioners that they propow to issue bonds for the con struction of said improvements, and the cont and expenses already incurred, as allowed by law in the total amount of the sum of forty-two thousand dollars $42,000 00), bearing Interest at the rate of fi per utmuin. for the full amount of the assessment not paid into the County Treas uper. together with thu interest and cost of col lection and other incidental expenses: the said interest upon Htiid bonda to be due and payable annually, and s;tid 1 Kinds sa;til be paid in ten i 10) equal installments, the first installment of the principal tin-re .if to mature at the expiration of three yeira from the dute of the issue of said bonds, and one installment each succeeding year for nine (9) additional years, paid bonds bearing date the first day of August. 1911. Said londs when so ismied to be sold by said Commissioners at not legs than par. ' !e proceeds thereof to be devoted to the payo -'nt of the work as it pro gTeHaes, and tn the payment of the assessment for said drainage dt ;i:irt. nnd the construction and improvement t cif. and for the incidental expenses accruing mid accrued thurofor. And any land owr.er having lands assessed in the District and not wanting to pay the interest on the bonds so to l; issued, may, within thirty CIO) daya after the publication f this notice pay the County Trean-irer the full amount of his HHaessment and have h's li.nd released therefrom. This 19th. da of May, 19il. G. V. RICHARDSON. Chairman. Attest: J. H. WEST. Secretary. OS. H. M. - tBI DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and tat AND . General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. CHARLES I THOMAS ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Practioes in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamilco, Jones, Onslow and in the Supreme anil Federal Courts, and wherever services are desired. Law Offices, 63 65 S. Front SL Near Gaston Hotel. Telephone 450, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS FOnHalKUMATISMKIDNITaAMOBLAetH Illuminating. While toorliiK abrond n rertnln cltl zen of New York found thM Item In n lint of police rcKiilntlons posted up oil a highway In Ireland: "Until further notice every vehicle miixt carry a lljcht valion drkni-s l (fliiH. Dnrknexx tH-glns when the lights are lit" Saturday Evening Poat ! -' , Kaaplnt .tfcn 0V ' ."Whft doea pror. tmtvit 6rmhi yon hi iftj qlaillJiir'f ll4 PUI waU'ljojf-' ' r ' 'f V . " "Ha iwry iy, I'm ty"jot w. t;)i .twi t n wi tt ib 'U'ah1nrnn H'f '' ' 1 1 t'rr- 7 V 1 1 5 r I r 3 V a ch a, Th Ross a. roet I can bioU no mlaiaka In say ing ""Jn-r heel(!i aro like" Hie roaa. Fwud-nut you have naver met lier. rt That mutter mil. If ho It roay tbero ara ruNca. If aba U pal thera ara wblia rwa. and it aba l uTkw tber ar yellow roea. CASTOR J A , Jot IaCuU Aad CMldrta. '' l " J. Not Surprised. -- ... f.l ... 4 kpt it.t.id K,.nK Hnllvar " aM 'i'-Wl.al'a Ituir k4 nirtnea. T Wby, tjtoy iuMiti m tilnj for mjf pMldhltla fbfl oil day.. hj tft fT,' ttci" oy ranit In look tbpra nt nrlhlna- IIk." anli Wlfc'glm. "VI1,' tu, not ' iirjirlao4." aaW lijmJ 't aevn ifii1 aa anything la IViUvot mjiT ,t- Itsriwf'a vkl, . .,. . . ' . A TERRIBLE BLUNDER t. neeleet liver trouble. Never do it. Take Dr. Kins' 'a New Life Pills on the first sign of constipation, bilioaaneaa 01 inactive bowels and prevent virulent in digestion, jaundice 'or (rail i tones. They reiruiaUi the liver, atomach and howeis and build up your health. Only 25c. all druggists. A Kloklng DifarraJ. Aunt Clara (tu her young oepbt wbo baa lost bronght a Imcket lata tba partor where abe la' alttlng)-Oood rrartaoa. Tommy 1 What ara yoo do ing with Uiit bucket T Take It down to tbe kitchen at once. Tommy-I want you to kirk It. Aunt Clara, 'cause 1 baird papa saying wben you kick tbe bucket we'd get at tbe very, leaal 125,000. Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Power, known aa Garfii'ld'it intor and former chap lain of the House, recently died in Washington. Practice in the counties)) ofj Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Otfica Nr. 50 Craven Street. Telephone No. 97. New Bern, N. C. D.L. WARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL LERAT LAW Hughes Building (haven Street New Bern, N. C. Practice in state and b ederal courta. Circuit, Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pumlico and wherever services are desired. Folfy Kiilney 'ills contain just the in gredients niccHxary to rcKulnH and strengthen the action of the kidnes and blndder Try them yourself. F. S. Duffy. The Democratic House majority voted in cnurns to liuvi the tariff as thr only legislation during the extra ees aion. SMGElESTEh SPILL DIAMOND o BRAUD US' r ft r U'SWUHU UMA.M) ril.l.'t la J'D ami 9old aartslllc birrs. M-.iU-. with blu BJbbov Ta ho omca. kl aa tADntnt yon story- dsrl Ma-t.rn C.K,hh094. Omnflinh'-r - A m'. b"w frnnld tUo pte n" tr ;l i-.n A1vattf !.;; 1 iih. r. frnnnyi ti"t a 'rr. .! (! Tt-'r ' '"1fy iiKi m 'in t '-I' ii i hpi a et pf n ae InnoS 1. 1 i iiitir' V. p aUxit'l ti.ia Ii ptn. tcr n-t I., i t wtf1 ) i' I'ira i,r a t ' i. f v i Ji, I fii'V n I ' u. The uniform success that haa attend ed the uae of Chamberla n'aColic, t hol era and Diarrhoea haa mae it a favor ite everywhere.. ItcanaJwaya be de pended upon. For aale b all dealer. . Brave Man. '. -' .Lawyer-Now, air, yon jay the m liar, after creeping, lo through tbe front window'began to' walk'alowly vpjhi aUIra, aad fH jo did aot aea bint, tlHtovgb yon were (leading at the) bead of tM atalra the ttioe, M ay'J vaotare to Inquire wiry yoo did hot a trim f rrinpa'l WltneMt-rper' Ulnltlr.' 'rbe fart to joy wife waa U 11.1 ;.. L - . . ? . Mw WP" PCS. V 4. Kr fiii-4'UKa.Tia a aiaaieaii RkiM pii.i.a, for twrnir A ,rs regards! lk-M.balrs:. AlwsV" -UblL SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE TI1XK F01EY klDNEVPlUi1 roai BtAosukOMa Kioaiiva Sukoa. . ; i ,ii s .. V tre"leal. S Prison YtaliotwTo what do yon It- Iritmte yout downfsll, my poot nan) ConrH To prwraaUnatlrm.-' Ptlaon Visitor Ak. ys; firOrl-aatlnallon ta tbe tbtef cf tlnt. . ContM-fcxal, I stole a wktrb.-New' Tnrk Tlmr, f T ! NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD IROUTE OF THE "ftlJGlIT. EXPRSS"' tchtdalt EflKliw lun 11. 1911 Tm following achedulo figures pub lished M InformaUon ONLY and are Dot (uarjuteed. . TRAINS LEAVK NEW HF.RN ' ..NdaTU AND WEST BOUND UJO m.'Dallv-Klrht Expreew Pall . t i ''fbn SWpliiK Car for Norfolk, JM ft to. Dally for Norfolk, connect foe ail paints North ai4 Weet. Park car eertk betweH Wash ; '. ZlngV and Norfotiu - ' 1:46 p m. Daily ecpt 'Bqnday Waahtngum, nelhaven,Orontill ' WiUafl and Ralolgh. Tarlar rar, ' ..- UkftM Waahlngton aAd Raleigh 4:10 m. Daily-Night- Kipwar -for , Coiilaboro. ' ' , '. . - IS in. Dally for GsAWbont, rarlor far aarvkce. eXO p m. Daily 7o CoiUbo rn. 'full. - muiiWiMng tin fc). Winslo' Salem, H.C. t'. SOUTHERN RAILWAY BOPTnEKN BAILff AI 8CHEDULXI N. B. Theee Dgurea are publish ad tor Information anj are iot guaraJs taod. NO. Jl Leave Goldsboro, N. 0., I.U a. m., through tralu with chair car la Asheville, eonnectlng at Eaet Durhtm, for Oxford, Haa da.'aoa, Keyavllle and Richmond at DaJveralty for Chapel Hill: aUGreenaboro for Charlotte aad all ixJati aouih, also tor Lta... villa, Lynchburg, Charlottesville Washington, and all polite Bert. 10. 13 Lavaa Uoldaboro, 1.0( n. as. for Ufeenaboro. baodlesatbrougb Pullman Raleigh, to Atlanta, coa aU ai Oraeneboro for all pointa aorth. aonth aad weet NO. Ul-Leavee Ooldahoro 10.44 p aa tor Oreeaaboro, handle poUaaa Raielgh , to Oraansboro, ac aeeta at Oraansboro (or Cftar lotta, AOaata , New Orleaaa, AahevllU, KaorvllU, DaartU. Liackbr, toavtlle. WaaaJagtoav, potau acria. lor farUatr tafcTmatWa aal aay toathera Unket gea or a44reea Ova aeftenlgaed. H. F. CARY, ' Oaaeral faaaeager tat Wahlagto, a O. W. It PARNCLU Trarallal taaaar AgaaA. ..;'.' - Salelall. tf. fV ; EAST' POUND J a m, Daily for Pa'aufort. 6 4T ft m, ' lUaufotV rir arii D. a rn, I ir ! " y eirt TerW -. "1 y for Charted ul all : jnstcsd of Liquid ? AnUscpUca.Pcroxldo j - many pofk dow tialnf V ' r.xtio Toilet Anliwtic XU w lolUi rsUlA far W U dlearlv4 la er aa aa-W, . fo all Mtei aed hyrl'e itaa Il la , betlf aad aararo mxn',. fo oloaoae Sn4 Whli th iostfw tnr iartar aad ( Jitwan I qaia y, To Hinft Ih fawvath, d- . Strr-y 6m fri atnl T ar l iS ' ' i t

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