A- - PArr?v vam ; .known ' ouculation ' e i j 1878 i - NUMBER 697 VB KONClWEWtt CAuPAlBir opeciiig: mm Toiooai iV. I si or pinii w 1 Gin DILL ARPflOVEO mOlBfSUCCESS. City 30 k llilki IJIUIILI , lllinilULU, ID ft tax'em stnmge to you titat yoa have jut noagb mopy to Uye on comforUbJyT .-The fet i that you might tavfe il portion of your incoro without anfferingany notio- h'r-tr' JHTVU iub uwMiWivwKa an? uia jkvjuuw hi any amoan tf and pays interest on money at the rate of 4 per - cent, eonipouoded wiee i year. V; V HOUSEHOLD AND PERSONAL CHECKING r : .Tt ACCOUNTS JNVnEBr.;:; a Gireat $12,000 REDUCEDTO:$6,000 i M ii .'-. This Amount of Merchandise Must be Reduced One Half, To accomplish this and do it quickly, we must make prices that are right in fact they must be ex traordinary. We wanf you to call and see what we have got along this line. We can frankly say, with out fear of contradiction that this is the greatest Price Reduction Sale ever held in New Bern, and it - will be a long time before the same low price level ; will again be reached. We have made it well worth your while to attend this sale. li real money-saving is of interest ta you here is youtxhanceto cut down the cost of living. This sale offers decided Reductions on Dry Goods and Ready-to-wear apparel. We need more cash and Jess goods, hence these prices. .THIS SPECIAL SALE Will UST ONE WEEK f- - BEGINS i Saturday June tftn, A. M. AND CONTINUES TO I Saturday June 24th, P. M. Measare' Advocated by eoate v pmmltte JVpukt Pjrevpnt ' - "WaBhlocrtoOi Jubb v lTbo.' "tBost drastic ;, campaign publicity bill evert framed has dmb officially approved by the Senate Coffioiittee .n "Privileged and Elections, i It m intended to tovef- every point developed 'by the scandal reagltfng from the election of William Lorimerw It is also intended to meet all requirements if the Constitution-is subsequently amended to permit the election of Senators by direct vote. ' VTbe bill goes much farther than that: passed by the Bouse on ApriKHth. It provides for statements of all money contributed in" regolarelectioris . for Representatives in primaries, in con testa, for Senatorships before State Legislatures, and. in the selection of electors for President and Vice Presi dent. ' Every feature of the campaign is covered from the announcement of candidacy to the election. Promises of office and other favors are regarded in the same light as cash. Personal dona tions to a nominee must be reported. Statements must be made of funds loaned. . - The radical features of the bill were added by Senators Kenyon and Kern. They were determined to make it cover all phases of corruption in -eonr cctinn with the election of Senators, : Repres entatives and Electors. It was their desire to maker it so comprehensive as to prevent future scandals. In view of the Lorimer case it is be lieved the drastic campaign publicity bill will be accepted by the Senate and passed. Saturday was the greatest day'we ever had in any sale, there is one'week more, new goods put out every day, everything going at cos. Don't spend one cent till you give us a call.' J. J. Baxter. Neosc River Claims Two Jtlore Victims Kinston was shocked Sunday after noon at a double drowning which oc curred at the "guobjat,', a swimming resort in Neuse river, just- Beyond the corporate limits of the city, under cir enmstrances that made the tragedy al most gruaome, At about 8;3i) o'clork Tom Bell, a colored youth 20 years of age, stepped off the-' sand bar into a deep hole, and .being 'a poor swimmer, was drowned before assistanre could reach him. Ooe hour and a half later,( Lemuel - Simmons, ..another colored youth, who works j for the Goldeboro- Lomber Company at Dover,, who was ens of a searching patty to recover the body of Tom Bell, sank from sight in a whirlpool near the scene of the first drowning; while in reach of a compan ion, wbo could have saved him If hs had the proper pretence of mindKins too Free Press, 19 Lh. Most Sucesaful Opening in History Never before, Jn its long career has f more bnlliaht aasemhlsgsvathrel,at any -Korthfaroluutiesort than that represented stt ths opening ball of the Atlantic Hotel Morehead City Saturday t-.-.. ,jW. Sotnock interest was manifested at New Bern nnd'Kinston that on Friday the maoegement of the Norfolk-Sooth-ern decided to operate a special train to Morehead City especially for the New Bern aod "Kmsi on con tmgentii In addi tion to a large ' number cnoming down upon the regular aftertooh train the special train brought fully 175 folks for tn'e ball. The'spacious'ball room newly dtco rated w!h varied colored electric ligljta.that : reflected, opon the handsome ly gowned iair sex jahd ,gslant young men, a variety of Color which produced a color echen eof magnificent "splendor said rest' beauty;. w M -' ""f'-; The getman was gracefully- lead by M'. J. A. Nuhn, of New Birn, After a mi iiber of figures had been danced ire merry couples were ushered into the din ng room for a ouftet .supper which allied much to the occasion, - lare number of the cottage colony o.: tVio'si.esd Cirv and Beaufort attend-! td , nn bcii. Among theMqrehead- City colony uresen!; were the Misses Mc C;ui ;g, cf Knoxville, Tenn., Mr, and Mrs. J. tf. S ilier, Mrs. WalterGrimes uf KaVirh, Mr Steadroan Thompson, a;.d Mrs. Boylsn, of Ralejgh. Among the Jests registered at the A'.l4til;c Hotel Saturday and Sunday; I F Wiley and frimiiy, Durham; Victor B -yur.t and fanjily, Durham; Col. -Harry S in'iei, Greetn He, JadrfeR BPe spies, and M's. TG Hyman, MisS Togt, M m Jor,r. MliMes Manger, New Bern; I L Morehead and C M Carr, Durham; I' I. Overman, Go!dsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Haz.;U)urnt, AflanUt; Mrs'. W T Brown, xii i Miss Lain B own, of Winston; Mrs VV J A-Imiis and family, Carthage; Mr. a d Mrs. L C Blades, New Bern; A G It i jn, Newsrk. N. I; Mrs, Patsy Cba. pi -. Ha t mV. ; Mrs. M K Guiick, Wash i mtar), D. C; Mrs. O 8 Cunningham, l C; Mrp.. L D Hart, Raleigh. Immediaie'v fterjthe danco a nom- "ber of the gjpgts secjred boats and iiled ofer to the surf, there beneath t . twir.kting atars and the glow of a ige number y lanterns which bad 'ee?i bung In the pavilion enjoyed the il iv 'till brez4 coming in from the i.e,.ii. Af.er ieiuVning to the hotel s I .;iu lu ic'n we served and the merry make, bid each other" good night and There is no limit to this sale you can buy as much I as you want or as little. yv See Circular For Prices -; "61 .POaOJK ST ' PU0NE J88: yIBE SIOBE JO PUT -TOBB Mli-ffl pi)i ainw Sit nurf rmiiw, Aits sms, , : . Libfrry tmOUm multt. BMieitii shiliw ntHml Hwilw m r ru fitx MMink v. : ..... , wmwi ww w asww vwnn af w w aw rmmm wm sjmw guwi . - ICIIARD TIU1AN YANN. IU!f!A N. C. Marts CorcUl Uughs it Story of Her Death. London, June 19 Maris Corelli heard the t sport of her desth from America sod laughed. ','4. never bother to deny nssors of ray death or msrrig," she aid - "Don' wwty; VU be' on hind' t writ my Imp'reasldne.o 4hs eoronaUoo fotlh.Amsrlens-..r Wosaaa A Clrtl , War Soldier. Sj-.d.v morning oawned bright and and the tt hundred guests that ae at '.tw hotrl wars assured of having d.(;nhtL'l weu'Jir during the day. Do- niig.ti'K otumvn a- Urge party from tfoi:be.? wenr over to the hotel, and u;oi ths riJ of the tralo from the VVt at leant t wnty.flve or thirty oth- ergueiu a .i.eJ. ImmMiately after Hi liii-l)ar. I'M! brea served the boats Umt were m varry the ytsitors over to thu ku.-' e-e prspa-sd fo. the irln, and f!l..tu. a.ntieJ ef th 'ia!Ure went over li UtO.D into IBS AUsnUt Taken .( a .wuo's tlie opening this ..t Hia w Cit of tbs most eaeceesfal .i i he utt : f of thst ' popolar - hostsby .,. j,-m ger T, JiUt Bstter is to b . . , . i.'.4,l upo' tns issolts be ob-(f-eJ. ."J'of of' the guests who i:cj ypj:ea tsair usisntiosi si c.a. tuaja tte near fUir Xof A days ' i jng. in t.ois Vno aiw 'ipsading tvrl we: tbers ssy Uat U -would t mpo'M's is local a more deslra- Iw p!te v: ; Eeaolutiont Intrbdaoe- iu -House . v to Investigate Uncle Sam'a . -Washington, June IDth.As s direct consequence of the recommendation of Cot Joseph Garrard that Frankr' Bloom be, refused a commission In the army because hs was a Hebrew there may be a searching invesCigation into, the effi eiency, the mohihty and the general or ganization of tha army, of the United States. . . : When the Bloom case was made pub lic. Congressman Kahn, of California, joined with representative Hebrews in Washington in protest against the Gar rard order, and he was among those in strumental in securing from the Secre tary of war permission for . Bloom to take an examination for his commiss ion in September. -Now Congressman Kahn has introduced a resolution in the House providing for a joint committee to make a sweeping investigation of the army. Congressman Kahn does not admit his resolution has anything to do -with ths Garrard matter. ' He basis it on the need to determine definitely whether or not the country has an effective force in time of war. Prior to the Bloom af fair; Mr. Kahn gave no intimation that he had any doubts about the morals of the army. In discussing his resolution, Mr. Kahn said: , 'The bills introduced by M. Hay, chairman of the House committee on military affairs, are intended to save som five or six millions of dollars per annum, it such a sum. can be saved without impairment of the service, it ought to be done. "But the more immediate cbubo for this resolution is to determine definitely whether we have a military organiza tion that would be an effective force in case of hostilities, and if not what rem edial action ought to be taken by Con gress to make it effective. This would indicate that under our present system it is impossible to mob ilize a sibgle division of war strength within any reasonable time. We expect upward of one hundred million dollars per annum on our military establish ment It ought to be in a complete state of preparedness for any possible emergency. We recall the fact that when France declared war against Prussia in 1870, all that von Moltke, the chief of staff of the latter government, had to do was to issue an order and the entire German army was in motion. 20 Leonard Cleanable Re frigerators, porcelain lined, quartered oak .cases. They save ice and look better thin any other. Ask me the price. J. S. Miller. "tony;- Vs.; Jons tt-Krs.- W Bliss of "Angusta Coooty, ba again bade application for a sivU war pension asserting that In male atrirs she served as a tnetfiWr of Cotrpsny G, 6ntf third Illinois Volunteer Infantry,- On as cheek sbe Uers an og'y srsr which she srt was made fev a Coofedetsts sabre, (Ut elaVa to service is soppoty sdby good Idancs. '- i ".- J: ..Baxter had ;W xjosc 4 his, 'store; Saturday, night for an hour in order to' hold the graVcrdrvd tack, 25 clerk could not wait on them fast enougfa 1 "t A, u you can cet lum: r.CR FOR NOTHING yur foolish te pay Utt K. -Put j' - II lid of luirber Would It be I ' : . t the kind yws'd cars ta pot , i., ry const rocUoa you'd be ' 1 1(. Now wbn (t totneS to I-..-I.W, In any form,' we"' n til sl.W tiMrveyou best. -- ) ,. v Oisl oir 'ln is bUf l.wr in frw-e and will . i fof nr'tr fliso any oth- . in I I'.i M-!','n. MskS OS i' t ; r - fl' If OpnosUii Any arty CmU Wosata . Btoekbolm, -Saed sluing sf the slslb Om Umaltoeal Woman Soffrsg the Rev, ferSKvU psrty on BIG FACTORY ivsm i vuiwi truii'PH f .Dr. Anrs6hsw-rdUsuf korth Carolina Fim.,!urc IW ierotto septet 'any polttirel . j-.- ntilUey lad grot-d tha V 1 firs are fiotnjf to- Often the remark is heard from people living hi the city ' tnat it ia easy tor country residents to save because their ex "penses are low; on the other hand, those living in the country say it is easier for city people to save because their income ia greater. i a matter of fact, all persons can "save it is a question not altogether of income and expenses but of systematic economy. One dollar opens a savings account in this bank 4 per cent interest. I i iTlAiTi MID-SUMMER SALE (NOT A MID-SUMMER'S NIGHT DEEAM.) ENTIRE STOCK ON SALE One lot of Oxfords, worth $4.00 Now 11.90 One jot $3.50 and $3.00 Oxfords How $1.29 fine lot ladies Oxfords, $3 to $4 Now $1.49 More than 4,000 pairs of Shoes and a good Bargain on every pair. EET THE PICKINGS WHILE THE PICKING 15 jj J. J. BAXTER tt. A reolrtiHm a4iptd, . , le tt is elM l- r. Tbree Ismr.rs :rr;te T.?., f T : fr 1 ,...1. . t- . ,t ' f irmt !r lirlUM lirre, t ML I f tf r,l t T. 'r;( m t'.'.f- ' g tl ' In Ihs rart'e fm-Vt f A V --i 1- .' tt ta fc iin fr m !'h n't t n ) ' f.w Ynrk WtirLl HiO'S ,'lpi. dh'tIi (. f I ' - A 1 I . - 1 . , t' 11 f - ! l.f r tn I j t a j n ' -rj ' ! .- - t ' - r Mew Bern Convict Killed. On Sunday, the ball psn thit conts'n- d a number of aegro convicts, near WaUryille, Haywood Co., near Tennei Hoe, collapsed, killing four, serious ly Injuring twelve, . slightly tojoriog fourteen aal three . sosrde, , Among tfaakllWd was Heavy Paul et this city, wbe was serving three years for lr- . )Tbe aosviet earn was .located la the very brert.of the SsMkles, whers (1 looks4 oVjwn Into .the' Pigeon river, 150 Test be)ow: Tbs pea was Bl by 80 fel, the piles acting as sopports being stool si f set la height near the edge of the trail Sad twenty-eight fret In height t the tesr, Jhs building was tsoastruct sJ of besvy togs and it was the great weight f (be top which eaus4 It to esllapos. Uli:trj? Tsarest bsgaa te alia and the heavy batldiag ilid forward, pinning tha men Ulvraa the glaat rafters of the sailinf j sad the r.f'jri luppotliaj ths flooring, ; Whsre tha tmoera earns together tbs ' ova were terribly tnsrg led tt4 the ( r met intiant dea1i to Mle wy, Tre s ' pvevenUla greater fall ind tbs oVno-; Ik h1 ttror tore tame to a etendstU about ity firs fsst duvsth sMs of iv. b.ik.-. . - . .. , ;' : Tlie convicts, Ugther with en guard t. . .j op in tne pn, s p ra :', prln( th TN) end rl.io, u .fl in-.lVf t ir4 itt j.jt lrni le the kit ti n " --r, r-'t lahtuj. lth b a;s flu-1 I ! 1 H r rn.it t-J l.im at a! t!" ' : t 0 ery rr,i.smi:t taklr.g I '' i i 1 1 t''n, Ak t (in; ii t:n srt r i lh t7iJir r i 'a j f ', (' f oir who wre kiit!. it U f - . 1. s t at In gsroe st t e ELKS TEMPLE DEPT STORE. THIS WEEK WE ARE PRESENTING L 05 II! 1GQMPREH E IE VALU E5 ES rY1h6 the price of Borne of the item mentioned -may - oeera tod good to be.tnie, yet you -may depend r.; i oq it,' you'U lindisveryon just as advertised a :.1.pt! "71 A -t I t ! - t1 i 1 -1 ffl-..T 14, i I rf r,f .--1 Arrlvo. rj r. ' l,S00,ytrds Androseottilns Wcithlni', . well worth (21c. -yd.,-' this week spe&J ! 8jc "rf --Yw til know what these roods tte- L : ff H .One lot Fancy Uwos In short IrjthilO tod 15c riry ta?o tt ScydVjiH 1,000 yards' Cbcc'ud .DiflitjTj eofti iasJity.-'Vtll worth 12;e, yd. tbii wttklt 8;c yd, yard, o!if Dbe Chbbirn. 3( behes wide, , cnl Jc. pel ! - .'."' ' ''"-.v..- '.,. w v v v.- Conct Coyen it 2k. csth.; j ;V-" Kr cp i!:c boys cool Ii cur": Vc-hr Suits, il colors. ?.!r 2J to-10 yrsr. Von raa tuy toy boys Soil st t rcturtiDi cf 25 rrr crct c'(.V- , a " ' 'i- V.'e t J to f' If ' . " r r ;c i""? trr.T.rr,:;o -.vp cvrr c . f-c!? - I: 1 :'t t t 1 -'T" ' ? ' nV? V f ' ' - -

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