v PAPER WTIIK : known ;: . circulation - A. A. .- V- .-7 , ESTAEUSHID : " IN 1878 j IP 'r I - il NUMBER 7t NEty;BERN,7M THIRTIETH YEAR i a 4 r. . it.;' I r. J- '' 1 - tikil I TBEy DVANTllSES ? OF ; l CHECKIHB ACCOUNTS N account aabject to check with this bank will enable you 10 make your money go farther than 'it does when you carry the cash in your pocket and pay it out haphazard. A check, moreover, when paid and returned t j you be comes an unquestionable receipt foe money. $' One other advantage of a checking account is found in Ui9 fact that you can keep a correct record of your income and expenses without the ipcodVenience of a book account 0 rSf CENT PAID ON SAVINGS- There arc no Free Passes over tlie Road to Wealth, you have to Pay Every time you ride. Short trips make long journeys in time i v But Long Journeys Will Make Short Trips if You Come to MITCHELL'S SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK Every raisin in a plum pudding can't be on top, and if you have a full weeks time to enjoy the pud ding the middle or bottom raisins would be just as sure to be eaten as the top ories. We have had phe nomenal trade, but good things in abundance left. You Are Quite Familiar with the good values we offer at our regular prices so it will be an easy matter for you to figure out how much you will save by coming here and doing your shopping this week. This Special Sale Will Last Just 3 Days Longer to SATURDAY JUNE 24, There is no restriction regarding your purchase, you can buy as much or as -little as you want. J. M. MITCHELL & CO. (I POLIOCK ST. PI10NE'2$8 . . "THE STORE 10 POI TIH . FWIH IS' . . lut BILL; : --PASSES HOUSE But Senate Likely To Tlold It Up "UntilNDeccmber Session. Washington. June 21. The House of Representatives by a vote of 221 to 100 passed the Underwood wool, tariff revision bill providing for a reduction of 'the doty on wool and manufactures of wool. Twenty-four Republicans vot ed with the Democrats for the passage of the measure and one Democrat, Representative Francis, of Ohio, voted against it. Maiy amendments were offered and votel down, the only one adopted being a slight change in phraseology. Almost five hours went spent iy the House in debate under the five minutes rule. Im mediately preceding the final vote, a motion offered by Representative Payne, of New York, that the bill be re-submitted to the Ways and Means Committee with instructions that il avail a report from the tariff board on the woolen industry before making fin-' al report of- the bill was lost by a vote of 189 to 118. The bill places a duty of twenty per cent, ad valorem on raw wool imports as against an average duty of a little mote than 41 p-r cent, ad valorem un- dtr the present law. On partly manu factured wool and on products manu facture! in whole, or in pa't from wool the, average duty undrr the proposed laW would be about 42 5 per cent, ivl valorem as compared with the present average ad valorem duty of more than 90 per cent. The Ways and Means Committee has estimated that the bill would reduce the annual revenue under the woolen schedule of the tariff by a little more than $1,000,000. The bill prescribes that it shall be, in effect January 1st, next, but it is not believed tkat the bill will pass the Sen ate at this session. Jessie Bell is in a different act from anything seen in vaudevilfe in this city. At The Athens tq- ight. Killed Instantly. A telephone message received in tl-ia city yesterday afternoon from Oriental stated -that John Truitt, of that place an employee of the Rope Lumber Company had been instantly killed while attempting to couple two can on the yard of that company. Meagre de tails were givn in regarg1 to the ac ident, but it seems that Truitt, who had been engaged in shifting some logs in the pound had volunteered to awist the break man in his work. Being in experienced in this he was cxuyht bt twee'n two of the cars and crushed to deathf HOT1CI Gentle horses for ladies and Stylish rigs foV men at J Danielr-Newberry Livery Stables, South Front St." Seeking Fresh Air. TO BOX tXXTUS. rvV Bill (form 153?) Is placed ia your box to tell yod that yuar box rent U dua on the last day of tba quarterj and to show you the amount of rent to b paid on or before the last day of tha quarter. Tow4 will titocoforo brkiS Toor (form: 1638) and have it receipted when yon call to pay your rent" It is not a ; natter of discretion with me aa to eloalng your box if tba eat snot paid, bat the gov ernment demands that M, -ahull close them.,' ' ' - ' . .. . J..S. BASNIGHf, P. M. The following are rules of the De partment governing the nee of rented boxes I am now giving for the benefit of the patronsif this office; The use of boxes is restricted to one individual, family, firm, or corporation except in such cases as are specified in this section.. An individual renting a box may have placed therein. 1 Mail addressed to himself. 2 Mail addressed to a visitor abiding with him. 3 Mail addressed to his care or the number of his box by persons who wish him to take care ef it for them tempo rarily. 4 Mail addrejsed to members of his family. . 6 Mall addressed to hi, servants or other employees who abide in his house. 6 Mall addressed to his confidential or official employees not abiding with" him. 7 Mail addressed to a relative or oth er person who permanently in his house as do the members of his family. A boarder in a family is not ft member of the family. A renter of separate apart ments in the house with a family or a person who maintains a separate table is not a member of the family. Hi A person after having attained majority is a member of his parents or guardians family so long as he contin ues to abide within the domicile of his parents or guacdian-as a member of his family and does not engage in any busi ness or avocation separate and apart from that of his parent or guardian though himself' the head' of a family provided his family also abides with that of his parent or guardian subject to the same conditions.. 14 A person having attained hla ma jority and living in a house rented from his father or in separate apartments of the house occupied by his father's fam ily is no longer a member of his fath er's family. 15 The mail of permanent boarders at a hotel or boarding bouse must not I e placed in the box rented by the pro prietor thereof; whether assigned for the uie or himself and family only, or for the general use of bis hotel, but the mail of a guest or transient boarder, when aidieJBed to the number of the bouse or the name of the hotel if not delivered by carrier should be placed in the box assigned to the use of such ho tel or the proprietor thereof: 16 A firm renting a box may hate p'ated therein; . 1 All mail addressed to its name. - 2 Mail addressed to its official em ployees. 3 By the consent of all members 6f a firm, every member thereof may have njail addressed to himself or members of hia family deposited in the box signed to its use. n (Corporations renting a box or drawer may have placed therein only 1 Malt addressed to Its name. 2 Mail. addressed to their official titles. . ' J. 3. BASNIGHf. PJ M. New Bern, N. C, June 15th, 19 IL BK& L. COHr VENTidrr CLOSES Each night Eut Front street along the river front is lined with pe iple, both young and old, who are seeking a breath of fresh- air. There is not m single seat of any variety at this beau tfful place, and Ihtae who go there for aa hour's ret t are eompsl'ed to sit .on the bare ground. A number of benches could be procured at a ' reasonable cost and placed there. ; This would b great- ly appreciated by the public. : ; 1 The Smith Premier VISIBLE TYPEWRITER MODEL 10. Acme of I'crfocUon In OootrtteUoa o4 ,-,' rJcrrloe. ' e-eeoeeee4eeeee-4e-eeeeeeeeeeeeee-ee-e-eeee - EK"E1TS : STORE - FOURTH OF JULY IstWy Ume among beOders, ff the weaUirf Is f rally gnod In summf. It (a ft favorable lime ale t b plae lumber, for jHrn-fct are euIly - aompWU eM ft if rrbl. We era pe r .)( tn pine rombf and (M : I'' arrythlnf tot the baMintf, ! . h crie or low. ' Oar I tnch v, . MhfflerrJinf huarvrmUU i . ful, a4 eor rheep eUir il ') rr re. la !! wort the 0. iu officera by Rheumatiira Rallived ia Six Hours Dr. Detchoa's relief for Rheumatism usually .relieves severest eases fa a few hours. ' lu action poa. Ue syatemHs remarkable andaffectiva,- 4tremot at once the cause and the tiles quick ry dUeppeara, first loa -rerflry beoe- At.17Se tad IL00; 8 M by Bradhanhj Crazy Wonsa and Electric , wirea" Yeaterday owrnlng .a demented col ored waman wasflaead in the paddeJ cell tolbejaiL The eloctrk? wire that rarnianea power for. the' raw in , the court bouss la loeated in this cell and in one way she got fcoM of one-of these and by tnaia force jerked it out." Fono- aaUry thf waa not Injured, tat the fans were stopped. She waa removed to another call in order lo lp ber from tearing oowo tba wires slur tba break baa Men remeotea, Black Mounuia Ina Opens iuaf 20, : The Atbefil Is tbenly boose iiNe'iT; Bcrnihowlni Aisock- twn picture. , Bs rorget Hi lartyTralalai. (Communicated) I'fV Appropo, tba tragic death of Heary Taid eonvkt as rotated in yseterdey'a Journal, we Writ that tlenry earn not of the family o Mr. i. f. Clarke, this cily. Mr. Clark'a father Had store ia Path. N. O. and a farm en Taatego with some ino staves' before the war. On the etpture of K Bm and the tonaftnt evMgatlofl ef Wsnhirgtoa sod t'lymnoth the otird pte f lork to tbneo i lrs IndrovM. fr hls.ebo ws a mir9 In the family and rrnlmfirnr of TIMiry woulj nl s. A (let clnte of f fcer hmt.trvt Allca mn.t beautlftil in Ihe f.t.U. evn If iha i r,,( Mnl fr u Jnl hinJ lh )kmm .ro like aidtstlrh.nt. Tha Urm. ( ly , ws, m:hl .t rrrh sr. irwxi.nil., but esli.f.MUm If prom- j ,,, Ui(ex ,,, ct.f ki, U4 lo a I tiwt. W.Wli.i.fnlut,.,.,,,,, Afl-r .!t''1.v aib-af-l- ,,,1 ,l0 (':. ,)r'M t.f h-t --i' 1 hf t-'k It". riff ti Mr. r:rke ml '.! I f,Un The Btack Mountain Inn -opens June 10 th and Will be onder the mr)ajmn of Mrs. W. D. Many. It la ,eow-ll that tHe lorttlon of ftilr botxie U the Interesting Session Held Tester- day Morning. Automobile Bide Given Members. .' XI 10:34 o'clock yesterday morning theEightH Annual Convention of the tf, C Buiiding and Loan League met at the court bouse for the transaction of the business on the program for thev second day of the meeting. I The following report was made by the committee on resolutions; Mr, John M. Cooke, Esq., of Burling ton, waa on the program for an address but owing to the fact that he was ser iously ill at his home at that place he was unable to be present. N A number of other resolutions were also made by the various committee and there was considerable discussion on these. At 1 O'clock the election of officers for the ensuing year was begun. Mr. E. L, Keesler, of Charlotte, was elect ed president of the League. Mr. G. A. Follin, of Winston-Salem, first vice president, Mr. Alexander Webb, of Raleigh, second vice-president 'and Mr. John Dunn, of this city third vice-pres ident. Mr. John M. Hendricks, of Con cord, was unanimously elected as sec retary. The members then entered into a dis cussion as to the place of meeting next year. Ralejgh, Burlington and Marion each wanted Association to meet there and there was considerable discussion in regard to this matter but a vote whs taken and Rajeigh was chosen rb the place of meeting next year. The Association then tendered thanks to local B, & L. for the courtesies shown the visitors and also to the press for the interest taken in the meeting and the wide publicity given it. Yesterday afternoon the local mem bers secured a numbsr of automobiles and carried the visitors all over the city and several miles out in the country. This trip was greatly enjoyed by all. A smoker was also given them at the Elks club last night and this also great ly enjoyed by all present. A few or thoVisitors returned to their homes last evening and the re- remainder will leave this morning, j Several of these will visit Morehead City. The following resolution was offered by the committee and unanimously 1 adopted. Since our last annual meeting, an all ! wise Providence has called to his eter-; nal house our beloved President Samuel Wittkowsky. For over a quarter of a century he devoted much of his valu able time lo help the wage earner and bread-winner to build an e irthly habi tation, a home and he lived to see his faithful service rewarded. He became one of the vii-epreniienU of ihe National Building & Loan League President ot our State B. & L. League and preniJent of the largest Building and Loan in the South, that at the time of his death had then loaned to home owners over $1,000,000. His enthusiasm, his active careful ind persistent interest in ever) matter pertaining to Building &. Loans made blm an authority. Thro' his in fluence the formation of th presant N. C. Building 4c Ivan waa largely due and he bid been its President until the time of bis death. He gaVe valuable auitianre In driv ing out the foreign or "wild eat" In stitution, from 4hs Bute which msny years ago jeporadtsed tba local or true Building t Loeoa. He obtained the B-. A lu laws of other states and helped: draft the pre e it rompeilte' B. 4 1' act of the Stats, Thia law aa covers; the trae 8. ft L. Ides and Is a cUarly explicit, that aloce its psssige it LW5 1 there bat bees ne newaaltj'rv the coorta of the Ute in an' doalsioa toj coos ales the ae He belptd the whole! Sooth by being tnatrtmesUel la getting ' the national B, ft L,' AseoHattoo last' year to toeet fa Cluilotf , and ItU! believed that if be bat lived i wgr be would bare bees la Us.pritdrtof tba national League. ' J"; j la bla office fa the city ef (hariotlir ea the Hih, day it Tbf, ef U ysr- with all bis ; facttliliea oni r. paired kt th ripe itetl 78 U tbl fuloenof time, 'OodVf.Bier touched bint ard be, siepfj'" "'.''"av He baa belpel uImwi. if has In this rest work ot borne tulldlar irrldoul' tb folks principles Of liteloKMv klnd. . Maya mereiruJ Father rr4 blmior the gapd de)s imt la the Rftth, arwl may b aahe rest la peac. , , Keprtly Puhmitted, ' -. - . , r IIERlOTCLABItSON,1 - I . : B. A. NUNM. i ' OmftlttiM, Your Banking Requirements. Modern banking requires equipment that wijl enable pa trons to transact their financial affairs promptly. A charac teristic feature of this bank is the fact that our officers are alnays accessible to customers and attentive to their needs and that the employees, courteous and obliging, handle all business with utmost dispatch. Modern equipment and per sonal service are found here at all times. Oil felllllllllllllllllllllllllllliflllllllllllllllllllllllllHtilllllllllllillllklllllUlllillll 'M',,IMIt''P'asssssMasWasslsssssasMaWI Continues to be a Record Breaker LARGE STORE IS CROWDED EVERY DAY. Our 1 2zC. Bleaching such as Barkers Mills and Androwscggins at 82C, 1 0 yds. to each customer. 1 .000 yds. of Unbleached at 5c. $1.00 Silk Hose at 79c. 50c. " 39c. EVERY SALE H BARGAIN FOB W J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEP'T STORE. ALiS THIS WEEK WE ABL PRESENTING T INCOMPREHENSIBLE VALUES IN PUR UDIES DMBfMENT. While Ihe pce of some of the items mentioned may ,r , seem too good to be true, yet you may depend on it, you'll find everyone just as advertised i 1 In tha h"Us d r!o or. ' J I Mur.Jf lmpftmn rwl r'.' ;.' hS ba J'llr.jf Ml St I'laflf Moil' ')", ' ' with tr lr.f rn h'uar4, M. I I frt In n-Kitn) to U, A rr - 1m r"d h V--t . 1 1 s ) In I1 fna, Sii f.Mm'y 'I I ;tl I a' r 11- r rif'n ' n 1 r ftt !' ' 1 f H; '1?. V !'. (".A. h l , ; lot 1 1 -1 ; n n 1 . I 8 ? II a t .1 JUHN. 1 fsflioa Kottct, ' " T Ven.nrt i'rd t,f ( ritofi Onjfttjr i'lmt't kt r- ,i f,t) t fr.t ' t,Ui InJ.jiT, I'll. IH. tr'-, I'o 1. ? ..!, ; .' f-.f " ' 1 t f 1 1 '.- ' - ! ; a- 1 : .'if ! . S 1 1 : ; ' .' ; ', 'f f fis ! ' ( I s . - i ' 1,S(K) yaf di Mdroawjpni Bleachinf, well worth 12Jc jd., this week apcciil 8Jc. yd. You all know whit these goodi are. , On lot .Fancy Lawns ia thortlcnjths. 10 and 15c qtiaflty to to at So. yd. , ..'.-" . .: ' . . 1,000 yards Checked Dimity, food' quality, wtH worf 121c. yd. this wck at $Jc yd. ' ' Solid Blue Cuisfaams 36 inches wide only ' 7c pet Corset Covers at 23c eath. , Keep the boyi cool la our Vfuh Salts," all- colors, sizes 2, to 10 j cars. , Y09 carTbuf any boS Sultat reduction of 25 per tent off. ;W i - ' ' ! ". We want' June to f.f.ow' tit isme tfctnmdous lo crrn-r; In turinp:i at c:! x "r.cr.ihs psjt, Come fcrlp jf .r-f !f to t!.e trr-'r-tt:. 1 w r hive trrr f '.'rrcd. 1

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