r f S'- 4 tv- : v. ' .'is.; .. r -r . r" j. , . c . ' CaiKI f 1 L I . " . iCBSC'lilPTIO.t Ell III hTMrUlTUc4 .. .. ...... tM Mr, not ia edraao.. Mi teatbly hy carrier la ta eity AdrartlalBg '-llcatloQ. nul liralikxl a a- Enteraa at tk Fostofflee, New Bra t. Cu aeoond-olaaa matter. - - varmui PAPER OF . NSW ' "'""" .- AND CKAVTf OOTTNTT. BEIUf. New Bern; C.Jnni 2i, 1911. rt BALTIMOEB FOB HATIOHAL DEJMOCBA.TI0 OOJSf ? -rVV tioit, - 18 . r a 1 1 It j I lit were ti. t i .. r, "'ir i .1 l : ,,ie ( i a r f ti t4 ai.J t. The?oontentioii of Baltimore as being the right city la which the f national -democratic party .- shall -hold its convention in 1912r i re ; ceiving an ever widening attention from the outside, and the preset tation of .Baltimore's Ability .to handle such a ; great gathering to recognized and favorably received. - With the democratic party out look today, the place of' the next convention is ammportanfc -Xoca-tiou because 'of ?. political feffect "either in the nomination of .candi dates and the policies to be given - out for campaign help, .or . city . selected for possible political effect . upon the party's opponents,'' these ; in the past ' have .worked demo cratic harm. , Party" ' 'expediency has too often proven a ruinous one. . The national democracy should to day feel assured of sufficient back bone and individuality to feel free of adopting doubtful . "expedien cies,1', one of these being naming a convention city in order to placate some faction of the party, or for the' purpose - of - alluring : possible dissatisfied voters fronv mong the republicans. . Baltimore has the political At mosphere that is strongly demO' cratio. It is a city well equipped to entertain and well - entertain. Baltimore is on the border line of democracy's al trays great: strong hold, the South, and it. -would be a compliment to the Southern dem ocracy if . Baltimore should ; be named as the convention city for the National Democratic party in 1912. f. lAjer upoo Uiyer of oysters, v growth sol CeLrl brouflit J toe ae tj n of tbe wares and w:l... all of which final' grows L!gh eaougU to rte above tbe surface of the water This growtb Is exactly analogous to tbat of the coral Inlands of tbe Pacific. 'The Islands Dear tbe mouth of tnt rlrer Tafrua, Id Portugal, are said to bar been fcollt up In this way also. Here where tbere la uch a quantity Of oyster that J00.000.000 a year would scarcely be missed If tbej were re moved, lb ex pause of water Just' be yond tb river's mouth I dotted with oyster ta lands. As In tbe case of tbe coral reefs, which on tb seaward side may be covered wltb tiring, growing coral, Uv oyster, thrive in tbe sams Water where tb accnmnlatloa ot dead seneratlon baa serred ftrtonn Musolas May Mev Thmlvs,,' Albert voo Haller ar- Bwiaa jrargeon of the elgbteentb, century J. was the Brst to point out tbat tbe; mnaele of , ear bodies bar an automatic action. Before HaUer'a tun It waa beUeved tbaC tb moaclea could not contract or well bp of .themselves? bur "were draw up by tb nerrea of TollUon. Bailer dlscorered that "this 4 not--. but that a muscle, a tmtatea; wui draw a Itself together automatics lly, area when It Is quite separated from the nerve, and tbia has bIqc been proved to be true by a great number f xperiinents. . So that,thougb 1t lal tru -our nerve aro the cause of oar moving,: because tbe exclte'the mus cle and so cause tbeu to contact; yet ft real power of contraction Is In tbe moscl Jtselt - Tbe -bodyof " man ta tall of wonders, not the 4east of which this antomatlc power of contraction all muscles. -Loutsrille Oonrler Journal ' , t In ucnuc nurses xor iaaies Ti(,,At9 te Virr5ni. RpV u fe ww ntS: for ITien at I than fiirninho in Karf aIV Pntoa In iOanielS-NeWMITV Ll V e r v IPP01"1011 irmaiimtermeaiftC8tauonB . Y ,. . ?; r ! llQAhtaJaw tilf 'aaI A': iaMa fi Stables, South Front St. a 16. due to " K0rtoi sundav S0td f Of Norfolk morning good to return leavibg Norfolk A LEADING CALIFORNIA DRUG- u"til train l Monday following date of U101' - L "Wpk End tifketii Sold fhr trains rasaaena. uau. March tt. mi. i ia cv:.. ..j, q.,-j. ti j r ri-.iJL . m. i...: " Wui "J. :N'u; "'i :.ww sMTa."SaS iSKSh r110 "ton, ntu traiuUTue.. and Tar Compound for years. W bo- J day following date of sale . r- . uev it to bo on or toe aost eracienti jUet complete information from near- ufKwnan w un uiaravt. wuuiiu- 1 est amnL Children Ory FOR: FLETCHER'S . ' CASTOR I A Rebel Gen. Jack Mot by torrttdarod Mexican Fedoral in Lower Call forma. .' 7 '- 'C- - - ... , l HowTW?t - . We offer One Hundred .- Dollars' Reward for any ease of Catarrh that ennnot be cured by 'Hall's Catarrh Core. F. 4. CHENEY V (XX, Tola- do, 0. . ; ' We, the cndersigned, av. kaowa F. J. .Cheney for the last 15 yarS, and belie v. him perfectly honorable in all buginesa transaction and la- ancialiy able to carry out any .obB gationt made by hi firm. ..- v . WALPOfO, KOTMAN A MaXVM,' Wholesal Druggist, Toledo, tV. DaU' Catarrh Cur is takw In teroaUr, anting dueetly ; trpoa U blood and tnaeeoa aurfaoM t& ta system. -"' Ttimonil : aof ;' troa. rrlc 75c nor kottla.; Bold y B Drogguta,. STakalUir rmUy PiB f 0 - Upatioa:.'V; 'li .J?,;-.;ji; - EoiDerof Wllllaaa' bad- the AsMrfeaa ' fleet captain sd oad boat wr y dlnar gtU on tb HobMtollsta t t .-.w iL- 'V ?; i'pEEK. in ms poacrr ' ' . srooVi cbow th bol of Bark Wo 's Arri- ' c ftalr that K. 8. Uppr, earpUr. ' of MariltaT N. Y. always eartlf'- J - : hats trrt bad a rat, voand, rolaa. i- x or It would no soon haL x,wr1t, GrtMrt baalaf of turn, boila. eaiaa, rnappaa nana aaa upa. lerar or, asm rDrtk)rui, esoo. eoroi ' s , aad pit, 2&e, at all aaUr. . . , ; -,- Thru sriator fQ to tb ftaeood U ' ,,.of IH Eurojvao tHrttilt fiw LUj ;.' !' - t- u " 1 'J - "J'm- ' " - im ' ' T.-l -t Tl j v. ; j ;rl 9ij yf r r . 7 ("V.TiataRcIiaf! v.-- Only the "woman who has tried knows . what comfort and relief a New Perfection Oil Cook-stove brings into the kitchen. " ' It it not only that the New. Perfection cools to wel v 4 It saVes ; to much' i work . ia other way. ' - There are no j- ashes to, dean up before going to bed ; no fire to bankfor ' the night Everything is ready for cooking in the incndng , at a touch of a match. : 4 v,' . J - Vy., Your are saved from an OTerheated Btchenf'isve4 from soot andjjirts saved from choppmg wood arid carry- x t ing coal. - In the kitchen or the laundry, for the Eghtert ofr f the most elaborate meal, you will find the New Perfection stove with the New Perfection oven ii the best and most y 1 r- , -t - -jf 'W n ,t v w , lfci' IMmiMiMkaUir oMlMi.irkttaai Mr , , vji . i ."("I. 7-. Standard 03 Cswpany ViEEKEKO EXCURSION TICKETS To Norfolk And Yireinn Beaoh Sale.": Via Norfolk- Southern Ey.v toJNoriblk, jvow. on Va., And Eeturtf, is r Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S , CASTORIA 4 t'rojn Goldsboro LaGrange Kinston Doter New Bern : Van.ceboro . Wasbington Saturday Week End S2 60 2 50 2 50' Z 60 2 50 2 25 2 25 V 4 75 f , 4 76 ' 4 76 4 75 i 4 75 475 : 175 ing bo .opiates or narcotic it can be givw freely to . children.'- Enough ot the remedy can he taken to relieve a oora, aa 11 nas no nauseating resaiis, and doe not interfere with digestion. Xours vary truly, V U. Ward Drag u. a L Parsons, Sec'y and Tr as." Get W W CR0XT0N, G. P. A. N-S R. ; Norfolk, y. I, KEEFGLK-SC!lTKEF.:i FUTS03 FULU!.'.'l SLEEFG GIBS Between Winston-Salem and Beau ' fort Effective June 15, 1 Parlor t Oar Between Goldsboro and Beau forti Effeettve Jane 11, lflll. ' SEASHORE SEASON OPENS . With fhoy inauguration of sleeping car op trains No. 8 and 9 and Parlor car on train No. 7 and 10, ; all trains on the Beaufort Division will carry Pull' man Sleeping or Parlor Cars. Tbe Mhedule of train No. 9 will be changed to leave Beaufort at 6K p m and Morehead City at 6:16 p m, New Bern 60 p m, Khuton 8:04 p m, and arrive in Goldsboro at 90 p m. - 'i.i mil in 1 I 1 q. The Athens is the only house in New Bern showing Asocia Uon pictures, . ' ' The Tanni hu ended. LgislaUy filibustar ifc The Senate Finance Comrtiittee ro th original PoleyVHoney wd Tar both the Wool and Tree Lit anSirlr - V bUis adversely to the Senate: H I0TICE. .r - Chang In schedule. Effective June U. Va.'i Train will arrive at 6:40 p m, leave 6.50 p nv and 1 train 10 will leavsat (:40 p m. Parlor ear service from New Bern will be discontinued on train J and S New Bern to Norfolk and will be placed between Raleigh aw Nor- folk." Begining with tbe first xar leaf. Children." Ory - FOR FLETCHER'St-. -CASTOR'IA Loul XI Gregory; the fugitive former caahier ot the Atlantic Coast jLinaB B was' arretted in Deo'ver, r..iir . .LIGHTNING KILLS- FEW. iv-. In 1906 lurbtning killed onfy!l69 peo- . 1 . r 1. I a. , 1 iMvtng Goldsboro train 8 Thursday June twota a million," The cbane of death la, ruumao Bleeping car servtc will be front liver, kidney or . itomacb trouble inaugurated between .Beaufort nd Krtr, but not If Electric WinatonJSalem, N. C. : rat rartoer mronnatjon .apply to X. t -inr. ...a him nn m(tr .lahtaionthi B. Bennett;: Union ticket agent, or ot suffering from virulent Htm trouble tnen . ,r.-fj;-':y i"iiVW""W CROXTON," ' aad yellow Jaundice. . H wa then Z r. T'n -P A-v-i x eompletely eored by Eeleetxic'BitUr, r wV Thery'r the beat stomaeb, liver, anc :; .,- - .-'"V.- kidney . , remedy and blood puriflw ot firs at the mining town of Thacker, I earth.. W. Va., mad 800 people bome'ets. NMtMUMiM aioaai auu 4aa and on Only 50 at all druggist. '-'. The Athtos is late always k comfortable scat 80RE NIPPLEi' ....4 ... Any mother wbo has bad experience with thl distreaiiing ailment will be pleaaM to know that a cure may be rf fected by pp)yUig Chamberlain ' Fair Wipe it off with a soft cloth before al lowing tb babe to nam. Many trained nam dm um saiv wim Ix'st result. For aai by all dealera. Mrs. Jonae-Does your.busbaad re member . your wedding -anntteraaryf Ur. flmltnNo; so I remind bin. of tt la January and Inn and eh tw MTJluirT . ana presen t u arpw s uaxar. : . . . A.TERRIBLE BLUNDER ta neglect liver trouble. Never do Take Dr, King' New Ufe Pills on tb first aigner constipation, biikmsne or mactiTe bowel and prevent virulent m digMtion; jaundice or gall stone. They regnlate the liver, stomach and bowel and build up your health. Only 25c at su orogguta. rv.v - '-".V V ' 1 " " . A woman, and a man were drowned and sU women rcud. in aa aneot clou condition near Peoaaeola, lla. The uniform success that has attend ed th ns of Chamberlain'aCollc. Chol era ant Diarrhoea has mad It favor- it everywhere at can always ne us? penued upon, for ai by au dealer. The Athens b the only house in New' Bern showing: Associa tion pictures. fi: Editors of Virginia dally 'ppts are prsetiealiy nnanlmous la favor of rect- MnoKl Milk :A. . L .1 (f.rji it 'accJ ia your bci 13 t. J j . 1 iit jur L-cx Jrent it due od 1 t kit iii.y f tl q i-rter, and to !.ow ; ) j tl 1 t . -u.'.t cf rent to b pa J 00 or . r ti. kit d.'. f tk quaxte'. Yea ..1 U.rtf.Afe lr.i your (form lS3i) ati bare u receipiea woen yoe eail 10 1 y your rent. It is not matter of screUoa with m a ta ckwing your box If tbe rent i not paid.' but tb gov: ru&ent demand that 1. ahaU close' " i J. S. BASNIGRT. P: 1L Tb following are rule "of th- De partment governing tbe use qf rented boxes I are new giving, for th benefit of tbe patrons of thi 'office;-'- ..l"". Tbe use of boxes is restricted, to on individual, family, firm,- or corporation except in such ease aa are specified in this aecoav:. An individual renting a box may have placed therein -x I ManaddreseedlUnuelf. C TZ. t Mail addreased U a. visitor abiding with lu:i- 9 Mail addressed to bis care or the number of bi1ot by persons who wish him to tak eare ef it for them tempo- tarUy.--u;--; '.'-v - - ' 4 Mail addressed to member of hi iairdy.;.::-- - 7 ; stall addressed to bis servants or other employee who abide in hiahohse. s Mall addrested to his confidential or officia! ejnployee not abiding with him. 7 Mail addreased to a relativeor oth er person who permanently in hi boose aado tbe'members of his family. A boarder in a family is not a member of the family 1 A renter of separate apart ment in the house with a family or a parson who maintains .a separate tab'e is not s member of the" family,; ? 18 A person after having 'attained majority is a member of bis parent or guardians family so long as he' eontin aes to abide within the domicile of hi pareota or guardian as a member of bis family and does not engage in any buai nes or avocation separate and apart from that of his parent or guardian though himself the head of . a family provided his family also abides with that of hi parent or guardian subject to the same conditions. 14 A parson having attained his ma lority and living in a house rented from hi father or in separate apartments of the house occupied by his father's fan lly is no longer a member of bis fath ar'a family.. 15 The mail of permanent boarders at a hotel or boarding bouBe muBt not te placed in the box rented by tbe pro prietor thereof; whether assigned for the oae or nimseii and family only, or for the general use of bis hotel, tut the mail of a guest or transient boarder, when addressed to tbe .number of tbe bouse or the name of the hotel if not delivered by carrier should be placed in tbe box assigned to the use of such ho tel or the proprietor thereof : 16 A firm renting a box may have placed therein: . v 1'All mail addressed to its name. z Hsu addressed to it official em Iployces. . 8 BjTtae consent of all members of a Arm; every member thereof may have mall addressed to himself or members of his family deposited to the box as signed to It nee. . n uorporauons renting a box or drawer may bay placed therein only ! 1 Mail addressed to iU name. " S lfafl addreased to iu officer by their official titles. , - - . .,J. a.BASNIGHT, P. M. Now Bern, N. C, June 15th, 191 L iaACTC;iviIiAIR;10KiC FOLEYiKinlEY PITIS Oa AMSWMAI mBm SxiMIBie I look for tb day when women wtD cee to be Imitative, copying met. but will become romp lately, porfertly and proodly women. A Womin'aLe. A;PSS!3!!?a ; 7 :v---:-E!TI:j:!'SI Tiitlmony wu given Ufor tb KrtMtr.l CrtH, tf t SagarTrost iatMtigatlng cvmmitlael tnat ue aiorroo uitirch owsnrtyl hail f tb beet sugar Industry, i::-., I'3S a lev lr .TdC:r r - ' rj.: C:r: !. t ' Itavy Ik O'd OrwM. . . Tk Gnrs war It owner with rwrndf . All manual work wm (one ty Trtrian," a !ia Crrfti fa'.'.el thoae Who ha4 Iwa rr. t';rr t In war. Th rtt t( I hn On' ' S eU III th It.atttufSotiu Ar! ;..!! eu!?;-..kio In t.'-s J-ifl '.:..r i'iir;, A t7',r,;n amuiii.t if tv r- '''(! Ml . "I r ! " l. In (1: T I f I lift ' I. P-..1 I 1 f ' r 1 t 1 i Braator-Root may succeed Senate r Penrose a Republican leader U th Senat-.'' j''Wir''- -'.'"' ' MIDDLE AGED AND tlDERLT PEOPLE.-'"' ; if t f Um Foley kidney Pill for Ontck nd permanent result in aiieaxl of k Wny rjd bladder troubiea, and foe painful an annoying - lrrg atari tia. r. ,B, , : Maxloa'a Way Wkh W Woman' place In Mettcao life ta tb iDSTltxt)! mltigUag of tbe kfoorta UU of tli f yaiiteh cooquaror and Hi sarne lle of tt MllrH, th UllwanLe f.-nCiirl aya TU Cat lag Ii!, I L! w!f and dai'!iti-r be- LI: 1 ?..n taa r t :- . cf lord r- 1 v t! 1 " a -nni.1 I " 1 f :.. . 1- t. '., p ! '--7 1 1 r . f an,1 tta ! -turi sni tt U thi '. Oa l.'.a c ".-r 1 it mt. (,f f.. !;!-., ' t f tb ; t r ' ''-at I 1 f Hd'ii t t ' ' r c r "1 " . : A . GUARANTEED REuIEDYv: 1 Oc'BUYS A ZSBOtTLE to- ' adverase; CUT OUT.THlS:AD, p-ii sign name ana taice. to your urug- .gist ASK HlEY pSE IT AND GUARANTEE IT. BARB 01- NAME. i STREET. .No.. BLACK MOUNTAIN INN StVEHlH SEASON DPEHS JUNE 20th 1911, "The Most Beautiful Place in North Carolina." Write MRS. W. D. MANY For Terms v . Or Inquire at Journal Office.' 1 THE AUTOMATIC BALL-BEAR1HB JtXlE IS FOOL PROOF AND -EVERLASTING will ease tbe bur den on horse more than any axle ev- ' er offered, if you are using two horses get a vehi cle equipped with this axle and you can sell one and save the feeding. And is the first and only Ball-Bearing Axle that cun be sent to anyone anywhere, and be a sugess every time without any brain being sent along to adjust it E. S. WATERS ft SONS. BRSAO ST. NEW BERN. N. C. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES XP.8. Eexford, -615 New York Life Bldg".. Kansas City, M.. taya. "I bad a severe attack of a cold which aeitled lainy back and kidney and 1 was in rraat nala from me trouble. A friend recommended Foley Kidney. Pill and I need two bottle of tbm and they hsva done . me a worw ; of good." If. B. Duffy.- - , s . .... - ' v HilM ' ara, M 1 1''-- "-- , -m'"" n 11 " l "'"Jj ' " ... ' . . ' - ' L Secretary of War Stinvon will Cuba aad tbe Panama Canal - Yl.it i TBS X RAY TBKATMENT FAILED DUOTS ITCH: ORIENT: Write a prominent pbysidaa of 600th i:. -;Carolln.'. A v.; ; H bad tried rry thing for ..Ecsema en hi band, known to th medical pro fessioa for . seven . long yars;. wnen almost by . accident hi atUntioa i'ws called to Daffy' Itch Ointment , ; Becemmended tor all Itching Kelp r akin diM. -.-; 0; ? : : Dealer are Instrocted to refund pur chaa price If patient 1 not relieved er satiifted. -.V,-- '.V.C'i- ;.: At druggist generally, r or .; be mailed 00 receipt of price 5c.,' by i ' - FS- DUFFYw r ; r Has tme ISM given Thorouah instruction tuuler poattrvaly Otrtatua Influence at tb lowest posalbl coat." :,: - RESULT It k to-dar with It faculty of 82. a hoanMn natronase of 828: . LlU student body of 400, and Hs plant worth 1140)00- . , r iTlDl UADINO TRAININO SCHOOL FOR GDXLS IN VIRGINIA .1 is pars ail c&arge lot we rear, ineiuaing taDM board, room, ugnu.iteam -. beat, laundry, medical attention, pbyslaal culture, and tuition In all subject , ; exoept mnsio and eloeutioa..- fat catalogue and appUoatioa black addna, v REV. ItlOS. ROSSER REEVES B A4 PrlMlpaJ. : I ! ' 7 IF! AM 1 Oaaaf aa (Ww tullieai tm wnaiia la Ox mta tfcatiaiara aa A. B. ii . Ina fcwt yra at aotoa cHr work Mi dine u taa aaar4 dnasaa, " -. j V.rlMnawr4a la tba aatenlacf Zkmatkm. Art aad Ma.. , . " tftrary laeflhtaa ii1r.Bal n tralnta la Payakal Kliiaatlw : Caarta lar baakt. M aad tacala." - .h i - ' ' i'V v .....: V -walaeOaa.wlMra, byaaaattalf a aaetdaflr nrOiTaWTfaa.su I ias mmhm 'atotaar. -4.'V"-.' v Ci.!vv"'. '': .'.. -"'J.' , WuaiiUa4offwltaaaaaMlTJfafWrraa jHr tUtbtiarirria,irUrf Wtaaalata0oth.'t. ft aafafc Quarter lulfadn. ar falW Infwiartloa. tUnai V RICIIARD TILM AN : VANN, .RaIc!gb,':K. C. nitfOtlAfl aKalM,r. prfeOV for eatlatr lor ehrte UlltVmllMl.il CMl.t.lplr II win, and tLOHl I. tlx U. St a ; pat eouon vai"1 tiokit """ iht Uoo iior . la. ..... 11. n. 1. txrf iT.i.,in nl 1 h.l tl Hltf of ON TOMV t"U k tnoml. "P'ilH (pt f "t WAl-1, U PltT HnltV. L.ii.lWVnl.l'ilMliiWI ir"1 f '. ua ..ii i.i" rnHiviin(wi. iouk-aimuJs.sBt.Lr.. a, ti lett . 1 1 ti CU. Z'.m t' " tit f 1l f a f) ! Iff r 1 i a 1 1 t I THE KOrtni CAROLINA 'shS3trrlc:ii:i:3iti .... '.--I3'-A':.; "A i.Uinfl It l 'a L'aU foTtli Womn ' f J.'.irUi Ci-r.. !.'; a. ri rrguUrCemfa . z (,, lVi;rw , f, ial Cm'riie for . ra. t r-t:iiti-ntot-' wb' gf , , ' 1 - In L:t. Fall , I - ' . r 11, ml. ft . ! 1 ' si' iii'in .Mr THE.NOTItll CAROLINA tiiiitEtFraTiiEEn .t:."j "is v THt BTATI'3 UCC-T!UAl CCLL-CS Four-yaar ' rotjracs In AgT''"!!:'r; in Civil, Trfr;.-i.l, r.J J.:wl.at.!fst Prg nror;: j; In !..s!HrI ( 1 rrnle'ry ; in Cu.-a lr.i.r.iM ..t;: z I I'y'; lm j-raf r' .i--.. i i V ' t I ill 1 . i a Afl. .;,. r 1 ,1 u I 1 A..,., .,...;,. t ! , , , ! si 1 rrct v ? t' s t -if rcrn t t f t".a 1 t I. I I, l;f ;. r.

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