Legal Notices cert .-at f va j f e : 1 a::, a t 1 :,. . lliliU. "I lim f - . - -I k I I t . . u ' 1 Over. . j i" -i c-a ' $ ) v u '"4 f ti- .!' . 1 K' , I - i . k . l ... .J t v. i I . . ml ri . " """ i " " i ' 4 s S -J tJ h . - ncssandRestContoLisoclSarl r,' VA-rr- y 1 1 Ms.;, i.A doesn't i upiunrnorpnine norfjaetiiLi ,l,-fr , r llr - '..t-icotmn i . t I V : v-V 7 . V --..V make. UMMnmt m trJ f.;r.. . of tu. . Taanaaar-. . - a j j, III - - -H'K?;. rvs i,.-'-1. .. i. i t.i 1 r AnDimniwiiKaviurtuiamiri a , u ., 1 1.. v m nw. lag t h f.iui chtf trmk-a the vb 1:3 B'i'e co!b.Tt or i ill Hnn " mir Stnmarh.Dlarrtm pict Copy of Wrapper. In Use ForOver At 1 Thirty; Years inn. , TMI MmW SMNKT, Mf VOm IT.-; be S,'i (' "Take this dark, twt, jtii.-y p'.ue of ' 'navy Jirown," o tK'puIur Btuong the more jirosinroud tyji .f ttnuisterg. Well, the flu vor of this ping .15 due t auce maiie of BUt'st'. licorice, Whisky and boney. . '" "-' .,. "Here la a mild, cool v'l?- fobacco that colless -boys-favor. - Saiell .tt. Very aromatic, eliT ,Wu, It hs beeo steeped In"Tt saviee Diuposed . of t the essential, oil of - citxouella, . tergamot and casein. " ' -N v1 " , V "But It Is when 700 wmeto tho high grade HnTnaa eljrtip,, the elj?ar that sells for 40 or 5Q cents, lhat yon tobAcco jrfief at tia wt. 41 make tia fauces ihen.ofsncfi common lneredienu aa sagnr, oerga- Jlcortce aad; jiotortji. No.:, b them of T)cteria;vJhe navorH. nlgl grade Havana.; tobaccoa jrou et iitliely . on -.their ferments;) Each tobacco undergoes; a dlfferentfennentatlpr) and., nere, the chef cornea Jn",:1 Applying the 4acteria of yearo. which causf tbeSe fcrmebtae tiowt to the leaf o - i-" --Te,'the tobacco chef .of th highest type; the .one-. whoT ferments , Havana tobacco, bandies the various breeds of bacteria s "ftn ordinary;-chef :bandles pepper and' salt, muStnrd .find- clove and toace.'BuIfal(i'?Spreesj' ".; . 1 1 1 in1 . i' in.. 1 '1 w Rheumatism Reiieved io Six Hours ; -1 ' i 1 ucst iu- t .1, trvia uie orr vr ttt t;. itbiiit.ii lit ocs'J of ; bu ri im iur ;!" uni,B. 1 ur a tl iiountch ); U wtk or a.esd i; rr u luM t4 th nulriuo' .' Conin.ued in Uoii, wkica i tii toaro of all Ireni'h When a ma " doea'l ted iust rijht," '. bt a b e't (ierp well, am uooomfurtahle ' - - ia lb ttiniai.ri after aauui. it Uaiuid, aervous. IrriuUa aad But, tie 11 lotmf tha outritiua aaeoed to atake ttreotih. " - . . ..' fuck m mam airf as X. Pierce" Coldtm r " liiconrr. it cimj tliaaasca Me KMBacft atf ra ; trtiii of 4littlm mm matrltlom. It aarfcaea (a a mld, ' larliurmt fa Uvar, fraCfea Ma kidneys, nemrlake T : Mi lemi. aa CilS ML3LLTU 3iy STRMUTU TO" "- TUB WHOLE BODT. '. -, f. , -.v.. w;,v-.r v, Yoa caa't afford to accept srtrrt aoatruai a aubatUnta far tUt .3. t" alooholio medicine or xnowm coupotmoN, aot cveo thoolr tha vrgaot deajar bmy thereby saaka a little bi4er proSt. IniredieoU printed e wrapper. Li-'Z '"it' An: Emparar'a Compllmarrt. '-TUat, Napoleon IL bad bia full share of the Bouaparte wit,' tinged with "a kiodllneas all bia own, U proved by a gracious memory recently, recalled by the Wrli danlols. -M 3 7 " V ;lt i balT at the TnUerlea k 'middle aged, office and hia fair partner came to.f grlefi 'A'-A. the mortified reteraa BcramDIed tOvhla- feet the emperor ex tended a band to him and, taming ti I thelady, remarkeC-" " ''Madame, this Is the second' time I have seenibe colonel fali The first time was on the battlefield Of Jdagenta, 'J ...HlliH T 1 I 1, ill 1 ,1 1 .1. ' tttLEVKlDtly PILLS f OR, KlOWKV AMO atUkOM - , r - I t " t r - - - Dr. Detchon's relief for Rheumatjsro Judge E. H. -Gary " advocates, an In I usually relieves severest easealii a Ielt9rnationaI. federation of steel and iron I remarkable , and effective It removes lat once the cause and the tiiseaso quick. ly disappears. First J'' ;reatly tne- BU 7S and SI.DO. b Id by Biadham Drug Co. - IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH TRAVEL VIA -? '" " : THE CHESAPEAKE LINE DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUNDAY . j f i ' . The new Steamers just placed in service the "CIT?, OP NORFOLK" and "CITY OF BALTIMORE" are the most elegant and up-to-date Steamers between Norfolk and Baltimore. ' f . ' t EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS TBLMPHONB IN EA.CH BOOM, . DELICI0US;MBAL8bN BOAED, BVEBYTHING FOB COMFOBT AND CONVENIENCB. Steamers Lv. Norfolk (Jackson St) 6:15 P. M. " Old Point Comfort 7:15 " Ar. Baltimore - - 7:00 A. M. v Connecting at Baltimore for all points North, North-East am) .West - Cheap Excursion Tickets on rale to Maryland aorta, Atlantic City and other New Jorsey Resorts and Niagara Falls. ' Reservations made and information cheerfnlly furnlahed by . W. H.: PARNELL, T. P. A.," NORFOLK, VA. ""What Happened.' The last time 1 met you yon bad a scheme that you- were sure wouiu i make money." ... . '. -"Tes, 1 remember." , "Pid you ever put It through V, "Dldnt have to. It feu through." I Cleveland Plain Dealer. .. . Rome New Bern People May Wait Till It' Too Late. vDonJt wait until too late. - Be sure to be in .time. - . Just' In time with kidney ills ; Means caring the back Before backache becomes chronic j . Before serious urinary trouble set in. Doan's Kidney Pill will do this.- ' : kere is New Bern testimony to prove it -'" . s' . . - Mrs. William T. Hadder, 126 E. Front SfNew Bern. N, C., says; ul have had no occasion' to" use any kidney medicine since " Dian's Ki4oey Pills cured mejn'1908. I nublirly endorsed SGiilHERlUr: J DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS; KORTH. SOUTH. - EAST. WEST. Very LOW RouWd Trip Bates to all Priocipal Bcsorta. YOUR NEIGHBOR'S EXPERIENCE. How you may profit by it. : Take Fo lv Kidney Pillfe Mrs. E, & Whitme, 860-Willow tw Akron, O., says: r For some tune I had a verv renous case of kidn-y trouble and I suffered witb backache and d?zy headaches.. 1 had spicks floating before my eyes and! Foley Kidney Pills advertised and got 9 them in JahUary ; Of that year, and at bottle and took them according- to- air this time give you permission to eon eel ions and results snowed almost at 1 in0e ga bf my , Btatemen. 'My lerne. nry eVe's.t 1SZ today 1 can sny 1 am a wen woman loiteu. uo severe wi,i nww paruiy aivt I 'hanks to Fqlcy dney P1II3, uuny., . , ' F. S, I out of bed ih the morning: The kidney secretions bothered me aod J felt tired nd languid.": Diian'f Kidney Pills were sq highly recommended -v that"! I got a box from the ; Badham .Drug Co. It did out take them long to restore me la trnnA hoalth ". ! ? -:.-. a, - -j-v, r' , z Vor sale b a4k dealers, Feminine Frlondihipa. .Bhe ffave you eve met my two dearest friends? - They are Just lovely and ao devoted.-. He How long have 1 yon s known tuem? uev ny.J y b-MAwM' ' A nnalla nal ton illlVM .flfld' 1 Margaret almost ft week.-Cleveuuid oaniau wwiiucu - w. wuhmo. Through Pullman to Atlanta, (eaves Raleigh 4A5pm arrives . Atlanta 6:35 p 01, making" cloaeonnectibn for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a . Mobile 4:12 p m. New Orleana.8:30 p m, Birm- mgharrj 12:15 noon; - Memphis 8-05 p m, Kansas City H20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. . This car also makes close connection at Salis bury for St' Louis and other Western points.,. S.fe;'',-- ' " Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing on 853 am, Baltimore 1002 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:81 pm. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg,- Chicago and . all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Aaheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 835 a m, . arrives Asheville 7;40 p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all points North and NoUh-West Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raletgb 2:30 am, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection Greonsboro for all points North, South, Bast and West This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro 10:45 p m. If you desire any information, please call. We are here to furnish informa tion as well as to sell tickets. B7 F. CARY, J. O. JONES. G. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, D. a Raleigh, N. C. , weaant to a pewer af aale aaatalaaS la UmlT certain Teal ertato aMrtaa aaaeaaaS ar Am r. OarWaadaHTaDeiata f aarnWU Cer fT..eTHahA.kaaite4af el SMKof am- omn. Ixm. tlM km Mac eanrai tkaafl at tae Bciate af Peada el Cm a onan a bmak 12. pweSt. I viil aaB at taa' eaut b door tai New Bera, N. C ee Satafdap, Jat leta. 111 at tba bear ef It edack M. t thaaajaaat bidder for aaaa. all at taa .Iblknriec, aWaarlfaM anoattr ae oeav7d ia the aHrtaaaa eJereai lo-wtte Aaearriafat. tHleaad interaet aodia- aUaia aad tatke eertaM piece ar trattaf laa attaated la aald Cnvaa eoaatgr oa-tfce aaltk aide et Neaae river and ea the weat aide at QaMaari ereek, eentadaiac three handled aorea. aneer kaa, WiBctka auae lead that waa treated) ioaaa by pataat dated Igtlt, ear af riuadi- bar, Vm. and taeauie arhiea wai aeavereS W Bard U Jones br fttn H Beberbr ami wifeUr dead dated the lMk Jaraf March Ml and treat Ed. B. Joaea and others tett W. - Befl hyaead dated 10th, da at Deeeabar. I8M and by O. W, BeU to aidAmot Carter and Alfred WUUby by deed dated th. dayaf December. B narktored ia office u tnereciater of Deeds of aaaOavea county ta book S8 f ulio 472. ' The intertot sad eaUte la said lend of tbaasii parties of th tilt' pert and tba same hereby eonveyed bains; eoe half et said land. Detank sarins' been atade' in the payment of said note this sab) la Bade to atake payment -thereof. This the 12th, of Jane, 19H. . UATBB BABN Mortcaee. W, D. McIVER. Attorney Pries Hi , ... ........ rvrvj., . .eVj''C ," Physicians ' Advise the use of a KXtfkifcAtJra, to keep tbs bowels open and prevent tba poisons of trndigested lood from k.f.tlnguito yout syste,,' , - ..i - j - - -w ' - - r . The latest product of edenca Ij VELVO Laxstiva Lhrer SyniPrPUrely -regetatle, rerrl rellabte (hi of a pleasant aromatic taste. Vefve acts on ths aver, as weU as pn tbs stomach and bowels, and is of the greatest poadbta efficacy m cunstipaboo, todlgeatton, ' tliiousness, sick bsadache; feverlshoeas, cxie.natulsncs, stccTry . . . VP I Plain Dealer. . 1 - - Children - Cry ' FOR FLETCHER'S; CASXORilA iew,york,'soU aganU tor tb DnlUs v Rem ember ill itain DoA,v--avns ik- B fltheW. 1 i f Liverpool.: Liverpool bolda sn nnrtvaled post A jT - ,f SSSSeaaBasBBBaB .' -m r. It; 8i.L'U :-"-A. FX Ward;- AfTORXEY8'AifD COONSttLOKi Offlcs Rooms 401-M Elks Buildiog ' -Practice to tbe'counUee of CravwtuT' " Duplin, ionesv benoir, nsktw, Carbi.. eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the 8u-- piwme and Federal Courts, and when ' ever services are desired. OR. H. (1. DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office ta EIks Temple Next Dr. G. A caton, New Bern, N. C. NOTICE OF PROPOSED ISSUE. BOND US R. 1 1 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. . Practioes in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamilco, Jones, Onslow and Diainaj-e Commissioner, of Woeely Greek Die- ,n Supreme and federal Courts, trlct, that the total assessment in said district and wherever services are desired. seeds the average of 25 cent per acre oh all the North Caiolina. Craven County, In Re. Hosely Creek Drainage D strict. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Board of Law Offices, 63 65 S. Front St. Near Gaston Hotel.. Telephone 450, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice-In the"; counties" of j Craven, Jones and Onslow lands in the said district, notice is hereby siren by the said Board of Drainage Commissioners that they propose to issue bonds for the. con struction of said improvements, snd the cost and expenses already incurred, as allowed by law in the total amount of the sum of forto-1 thousand dollars (142.000 00). bearing Merest St the rate ofo per annum, for the fall arnonnt df the assessment not paid into the Oouhty Tress- oner, together with the Interest and ooet of col lection and other incidental expenses: the said interest upon said bonds to be doe and payable annually, and eaid bonds saail be paid in ten (10) equal installments, the first installment of the principal thereof to mature at the expiration of three sears from the date of the issue of said rartarot Pnmliv, uuiuu, u win iRBiaiiBKiit nun suvceeoinsj year, . . 0. . 0 , , for nine ) additional years, said hands bearing "u lu" ruern date the first day of August, ML Bald bonds Courts, when so issued to be sold by said Comnrlssioheis Office No. E0 Cravtn Strait. at not less than par: the proceeds thereof to be TilaphSSS Hi, 97. Ntw Bam, N. C. gresaes, and to the payment of the assessment for said drainage district, and the construction and improvement thereof, and for the Incidental expenses accruing and accrued therefor. And any land trur having lands aaiesssd in the District snd not wanting to pay the interest on the bonds so to be issued, may. within thirty (80) days after the publication of this notice pay the County Treas.irar the full amount of his assessment and have h's Und nlcaaedtheretroin. This lth. day of May, 1911. Q. V. RICHARDSON. Chairman. Attest: J. H. WEST. Secretary. D. L. WARD ' Eight hundred sndAfty ji stufcntfj tlon as distributing centor- Within ill ar siiv.wuuiu 1 1 . Jl. ili i i it' ' --u- ...... i4... n u KTij otl : ' " . " . LIVEItSYRUP --ARU011:' GOING -TOTHE Muscadine, Ala. "if It had JjOt beXDj -) for D' Kirg s NfW liacovery, sBte was down in her bed ma able .to sat I up without help." She had a severe bron icntai ircoDie ana a ureaniui couk". ,i h . si't w. - ..... m- a. other a bottle of Dr. &ios New Dia-t ICB MuJ IC'J K3I8 W-ili.LSUgBl ena,iu ...' ' ji .'', ' ' Bears the):. CASTOR I A Tot Infants and CnEdrea.-w. . V , - .. 'Of 4W . 1 .sm -t::: mm L IHfsesAlr - I , ' sssaral .V,I;V- The ATLANTrO HOTcl; at Moreheaa) City, N.CHoffarttaparl0raHtlas,usxcIUe5 sooornrTioda'Urie, .the- lardaat ' Varlaty f emoaeManfi, arta'ttissts' here ertjoy the wies'l Irlvlgoratleg mm 4 hsaithfal ellmate the Atlentls Coast.; Vi- it' ' rfBatUnej Bsaehrines' flahlnt IritHeWerl Mlnaj e Inland WaUro r the Atlantis Ooaaa Ball "teom . Me fJnUi-Cervontlo( Hall-Te'ii- CartaDrHa AJIdys Pool-8'lllsrds. . . - v .i cdi cwnin rntntrjr : ' 4 ;.'SVI. bUMWII WUIW.IIM '. .' SOUTHERN COOKING A ftATURt , rrt mar Home lea Molher and Baby Cost . ins Bllirnnia, " j SS . I a I niwii".miiif.. . ta SEASON, TtNCAY and WttK-CND- VJ ait faeaa wla ' '. , . ' - .' ,' L.i : NORFOLK SOUTHCnrJ n.n. HetSlflatoS, 412.KO i t21 M M'"t ' . I T. Al tX. I X1 '. H, M3r. rtmersj aaeaasr ej i sassrla WW Ui.e I.Ht.M Va, fracas 5- Iovry, and she on begso 1 to. mend, and was well In s sb rt timeiV infslii- b e for coughs and colds, it s the rwi rtlrable remedy On r artb fortJniperato Inog- trouble; -bemorrhacea, ' laimppe, asthma, hav lever, rtoon and wheopmg J'ousb.HXv 11.00. Tual boife iGturantoed by ail aruygisis. ; rr Oav Htm His-Cheloe.vT.ri.! The Boonder-l My', bid man, I wish you'd muks.e point of being In this evening. . l-ah. want . to'-' see- yoo about marrrla' one of your gals. h .'" Tbs MaJor-VVUh pleamirc' L Whlrb I do yoo waot-tbe too or the -houae- maldl - What J-Londo otunion- , . ; 83jruAtursOf v S',' etoaaBMSteBaaai 2 V5''' f 5 -, FOLEY'S KIDNLY.nEMEDTv Is DaHiculary rmnmn4 d t r rhron lie etav t of kUlpr-y arvl t.luiiilcr troul.U It tn)j to rrulate andr'Mitrul I ha kll ny arr) tlsiiiier acifn and is bealinf itreBgtbrninj and bracing,. ' ; , ' Baresetia Caddy, - . . Cadi fit ImTy sninti'Ui, -ho bna loet U r (rlub for tli llitrd t!mpv-lf jotl i t) on 111 (Ills, t se )0d txlg rhanii'lon .f Finr'Tnd. ' .- ' Tho -U I.h!. flt Si.lfJ. . . t.Hf - N! tli lowing tlie 'amuier'- tj.: The NatlooshGoyenimeDt: will .'use 4000.000.(i00'envlot)es m tneaext fourH . There is one niedlcine that every fam ily should be provided with and especial, lv dunnz the summer months: v is Cham- terlain's Lolic Cholera .and Diarrhoea Remeiy. , It U almost certain to be naexliHi. - It coats but. a qiifrtT...Can yoei alford to be without it I For sals by all dealers. ' ' , r i," , ";;r- ".Vv; Lata St Uauatr' VV-'f : ' KtjU''VrWhy was woman crested Sf.udi'iio kftr rroliSbly abe was get ting ready In a minute. Brooklyn Ufa. STOMACH TROUBLES. Many remarkable cures of stomach troubles have been effected by Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One man who had spent over two thousand dollars for medicine nd treatment was cured by a few boxes of these tablets Price, lib .cent... bamplea free at all dealers. f .-.. . "I : - J'::X,t.:I-Ji-ir- SOUTHERN HUT SCHEDULE NEW TRAINS "BETWEEN , SEW; .7QB1C, WASHINGTON, AUGU8TA and JACKSONVILLE i . ,r., ; . . -. . - v i ; Effective November . 27, 1910 the SOUTHERN RAILWAY will put in ef feet new train Service", between. New York, Washington',, Augusta' snd Jack' sonvills, schedule of which will be aa fdlows;; V'-" ? No.-8i. Lt; New York. - 1-38 P. U "j V'.-J.v Ar. Wsahingtoo. 6:10 , " ? t ""Tie-W Wa. a i . . " .Ul as 'trZ Blackville- . 11-35 A, It ,'" 1 L. Ausruata via ... V- , TmI. oJH.iK-l fM-y gfflj ifi - -! i.. .'. I I"r --It. -1 f K ,.!n-y I'lHa r on tain J'" th" In i'i t.r rratfuf to r.'f'ila'a si.. V -l Kn -f t' t - 1: - . ! : r. Try ll .-m ..i,i .,( .- i 'j- Ar. Jack sonvills NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective June 11. 1911 Tne following schedule figures pub lished as information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL LERAT LAW Hughes Buildiug Craven Street New Bern, N. C. Practice in State and Federal courts. Circuit, Craven, Carteret, Jonea and Pamlico and wherever services are de sired. SOUTHERN RAILWAY IOOTmBBN EAlLrTAl SCUKDCLXI H. B Tbase Igurea are published lor information and ars not guara- NO. II Leave Ooldaboro. N. C, 6. a. dl, through tralu with chair ear to Asheville, connecting at East Durhun, for Oxford, Han cVsob, Ksysvllle and Rlckmond a-at Ualvsrslty for Chapel Hill: At Greensboro for Charlotte and all puisu south, also tor Da, Tills. Lynchhsrg, Caarlotusvllie Washlngtoa, and all poUto 12:80 a m. Daily-Night Express Pull- - - man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 9:80 a m, Daily for Norfolk, connects for ail points North . and west, Parlor car service between Wash- . ington and Norfolk. . -IM Dm, Daily", except Sunday for Washinirt,Mi. Belhaven. Greenville . . Wilson snd Raleigh. - Parlor ear . between Washington ana Ksieign. 4j10 a ta. ; Daily Night Express lor ...Goldsboro. '- - ."" 9-1S a m, Dally for Goldsboro. Parlor! Ma MtwLeavea Uoldaboro, u. at. 3:45 P. If. iX) A.'M. , On K, Nil J MO lUVUIl Deesrit He, Theuoht . Ilach-onf. s, now, ll.'tiry, yoa (J'in't pay aa tuurb Stlentloa to youf v!' fin roil di, U f..ra j-cu wi-ra mar rlc!? 11. I'- k- !. j.-'l I n.liii twi t as a'!!. now.-To i ! Clad N6, 82. Lv. Jscksonville .;. Ar, August; vis r ; . , Trenton .--tM P.14. Xv, Auguata vls t;l - ;Ar; Wsahlngtoa- A. M. Washington I .-at D6 - ' :' 'Vi .Ar. New,YorkN--) 2-4(5 P; M. 'The shove trains will be known as the SOUTH ERN'S SOOTH EASTERN LIMITED and will consist of Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars, also Dining Car Sarvice, - This train as well as all other SOUTHERN RAILWAY TRAINS will arrive aod depart from the New Peon ylvanla Station Seventh Avenue snd Thirty-Second Street,. New York Clty- For ail In format ion pnruining to the is ma, address the undersigned. - ' r H. F. CARY, .;.-7''-?; - Gen. Psss. Act"; 1 , . ' - 'Wanhli n-ton'. D. C A f ipI !' -i I ..I ' Pi a v urn ; 1 ii: ,' a to s'.orti-n :''-s 10 WSDlS l( iPli-'fl - ti I I ! I 1' VOL1EN i , r 'Tt a: i -' ) .- 4. 'ar service. .. ,- , 6-60 p m; Dally- for Goldaboro. Pull-1 S . man sleeping cars to Winstoo 'f '-Saicm,N.C. " , . - : ' - : - EAST BOUND ' , 2S a m,' Pally for Beaufort. ' :40 p im, - iBeaufort;: Parlor .-.- ar service, rv, 9Z0 a ro. Daily --except 8unday fori . , Oriental, -v v- 1 ; v , ; pre, Daily for Oriental.. .. For further In formation or resetrvaUoo f Pullman Sleeping Car . spa, apply to T Uv Beonett, ?TV A,,; Nsf Ben, N. C,iv.f y'.ttr-r. '.S -'-; VY. VV.CR0XT0H . - .W. R. HUDSON, " G. P A.-V - ..0n7 Bonl. T.-vv. Norfolk; .vs. ;vt;; " i . j I sail a . aj'.ejisaw for Qrssjuboro, hsadleasthrough - PtOlmsn Raleigh, to Atlanta, eoa . swst at Qreensboro tor, all poiats aorta, south sad west NO. Ul-Leaves Goldsboro 10.46 p n tor Orsssisboro, aaadlss pullaaa Balslih , to Orsenaboro, aotw Bads at Qreeasboro for Char v lode, Atlanta , New. Orleaaa, Aakemie, BoxvlUa, slaw tog - DaavOls, Lyseabsra, . Charto ;. tvtlls, Wsshisgtia. aal . aa r fwtata awtth'r; ; . f 4V; (I. -. . ' -.v - . ler "rartasx bns as, aay loaiae'ra tloks agtat or soims tka va4aastaadL .'- Lake Drwmmond Canal &.Wttlt - ' Co. - Lake Drummond TranrportafJoa : : ;- Co.s Ut DrummorJ Towbj Co. DismrJ SvCMip -1 f-v A H. f. CART, Osatrsl Paaasstsr s, f ; Wuhlagtoa, D. Cy - i W. H.' f ARNELL, ?v. ; 1' 1 Trarsllag Pssssagtr Agsnt, J I: ,C -.. v.- Baiefsh, h. a.. f'f Pf V"r f many panyla aro now v.U.j ;'. ' Paxtlnt Toilet AnUf 'Jc Pie now V"M gersnlalile JKrw.ler label (i.w.lred la watAe a n!. F t a'.l tillet and bTSt'ri'" '' H la tpeHr and more ewmornl'-al. To c' ansa and whlt0 tba 5 . tMii. r'.ro'iva UrUr ai. l f i" t BV'nth, d ., .--re rnn anl t Irenih, . Ii- -l trh Sri J v V ,4 t rT t(-. .rf4,i . 1 .1, t. . -'..f:- ' k ';--." . ,-WlA;l' - , - - - :: ' '7 ' ...... . . an, .ri - s - r, ' .-. 11 ' t 1 is' r