v '. :' ' .'ilk-; .V-i' i 4 . - ,e Bern, N. C. June ', 1811. ::..v;;:iG::ET.:.ECTc:t- aTPXXli LODGl XO. I,Wf Heets every Tuesday 8 p. m.; over Gas Ce'a offioe. Middle St, E. H. Hafaieon, a CL, J. H. Smith, v K of R. and S. Visiting .brother an assured of chev alier's welcome.'- VTTi V CRATES MDGE SO. 1; XSlGHr ; OF ; HAMOST-aTeoU Jnd. Mtf tk Wettaesdar lgW to nomOT I -KalghU Harmony BfSX, corner Bk end H,.aoock ttxoot t t:S0 o'doel : . K. WUU, Prudent;-3. EL'Smtta, Secretary; J. D. McCoy, Finndai See - rotary. ' - - - ' ' ' , , -r-r . , '' V WDEX K FT ASTUTUUflXTt The Peoples Bank. Royall Ice Cream. J L McDaniel Groceries. B B Davenport Chickens. , Mew -Bern Banking; ft Trust Co, BUSINESS LDCfLS: NOTICES IK THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR JN ADVANCE. EGG Plants and Tomatoes, Peach, Chocolate, Vanilla, Pineapple and Ba nana Cream today atRoyall's. Phone 88 JUST received, the finest lot of Spring and grown Chickens, Guineas and Ducks, best regular and Picnic Bams, Piedmont and Old-Mill Cigarettes, Pine and Coal Tar, Netting, Lines and Twines, lot of Eggs and Irish Potatoes just received at B, B. Davenport's. LIVE Crabs 15c per dozen, 20c deliver ed, choice steamed Crabs daily, 50c per doz.-D. D Windfield, City dock. ONE dollar per cord, 4 loads, delivered. For short, dry strips, phone 68. Broad dus & Ives. WE are Agents for Trophe Mineral Water. Ask for one of our booklets telling you all about it, Analysis and what it is .good for. H C Armstrong. "LET the Baker do the work" by pho ning your orders to Kafer's Bakery for hot Rolls and Pies for dinner. HONEY for Sale-Fine snow white Honey in pound sections. Phone 90L W K Baxter. WANTED to Buy-A cheap work horse. For Sale-700 feet 1 Pipe, good as new Draney's Scrap Iron Yard, 96, Sooth Front street. rOK KEN I .Ten room house, comer Graves and Change streets, with all necessary convenience. Apply to J, W. Stewart. VETERINARIAN Dr. C. R. Graham, office and hospital located at No. 64, Broad street, near Scott's blacksmith shop). New Bern, Phone 177. WANT. Everybody wishing to protect themselves from the fly and mosquito pest and rattling doors awl windows to investigate our Rubber Weather Strips. ToUon Lumber and Manufacturing Company. THE Southern Automobile College, Oak Ridge, N. C, affords unequalled oppor tunities in Automobile engineering, Write for special June offer. Gradu ates aided to positions without charge. WORK in Concrete-AU kinds of work done in Concrete and Paving and Step a specialty. E. E. Harper, SCREEN Doors and Windows made by os. Will not only ceue the house-wife fuss. Tormented by the pest of Hfa, But the "skeet" and fly will find It out, And in despair will ton about To the joy aod comfort of yoar wife. The Lumber Poet". -ToUoo Lumber aod Haa'ng Co, ICE CREAM rreMr.-Wa bare the Celabrated Steel Frame lee Cream Proeters in 144 ranting fross t te 12 quarts. A tlal U sofBckot. They , are fully guaraateed. If yoo aoed a foo ter give this) one a ttiaL-J. C. Waitty A Co. Phone 98, - - "WANT. Your "Home BoiUia", k qalrtee. . VV furnlah roe every thing for Its erection. Leave yeer trouble wfl us Toieoo Lumber ea4 Maaofactarint Company. fOR BALaV-gtor aod dwelling, ,1 Pollack tfreet, ooe boas ed M Daffytowa, ooe booee aod lot Is Bridge toa, 100 terea of Ua4 Deaf Clark t, pad a Peeaa Farm, trees I tear. old. Mar A- C L, Koed. Terie reesooable, eata or time. " Appfr UL.IL Caoooaw , y, PHONC yoorardert for Hot Ketla aod PUs for dinner to Kafer's Sekery. v " A L.. J L s i .. i at ' KewportV. .; , 8TAIJIGMS JLOCKB3 ' June 2L -This afternoon, onhe best day of all, in the mooth of marriages, at 6;l5 o"eloek, at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rogers, was solemnised the marriage of their daughUr; MiasLyda Belle, to Mr, Durham, HTStallings of New Bern. ,Bev. C, T. Roger of Magnolia, brother of the bride perform ed the beautiful and Impressive cere mony thai made them husband ; and wife. y-HM jti0f:i:fr. The horn was tastefully decorated. the color scheme beirg-whiie and green. and ti pajtor was veritable Jbower of beauty, with cut flowers, potted plants aod ferns. At the time appointed Miss Lizsle . Rogers, eiater of .. the . bride. dreesed la cream crape-de-cheoe- trim- mod with real lace a4d carrying a large bouquet of lilliee of the valley.feelingly and tenderly sang. "Oh Promise Me, charming alf with tho'aoft rich melody otber'Toice.. '" yj; - Mrs. 'i White who presided : at the piano, then played Mendelsohn's wed ding inarch, to the entrancing '.attains of which the bridal ctuplo entered the parlor iad took their places before the littles altar, artistically improvised for the occasion and ' profusely decorated jrith evergreens and white roses. The groom was attired in a handsome suit of black, wearing silver gray gloves. .,' ' The bride was a dream of loveliness in her silver grey meeealine, trimmed in gold boarding with cord,, shoes to match, wearing a white picture hat, and carrying a bouquet of white carna tions add maiden bair ferns. The bride is a most excellent and ac complished young lady of sweet and sunny disposition which has won for her a host of friends and many admir ers who. wish her a long and happy life. The presents which were numerous and beautiful, attest the popularity of the young couple. Among the presents- was a chest of silver. The attendance was very large. Among out of town guests were; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stalling and Mrs. W. H Watson, of Bridgeton, Mrs. Noe and Mrs. Eulie Belle of Beaufort, Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Thomas of New Bern, Rev C. T. Rogers and family of Magnolia; At I;20 p. m. proceeding the marriage a four-course dinner was served by the mother of the bride which a limited number of invited friends were present We sell the White Moun tain Freezers. Send us your orders. J. S. Basnight Hdw., Co. Pone 99. 67 S. Front St, Black Mountain Inn Opens June 20, The Black Mountain Inn opens June 20th and will be under the management of Mrs. W. D. Many. 10 is conceded that the location of this house is the moot beautiful io the State, even if this seems like a wide statement. The terms are moderate, but satisfaction is prom ised to all guests. Water has been put m the house and neatness will be a feat ure. Many improvements and changes have been going on at Black Mountain, With many new houses, and $30,000 spent in' macadam roads. A new mac adara road has been voted that will lead to the Inn, and the county will build a midge across the Swannanoa river at the old ford. The Y, M. a A. has be gun Improvements, the main building being under contract for. $50,000, loca ted just South of the Inn, and will be ready by the first of the year. Matinee daily at 5 o'clock, at The Athens. 5 and 10 cents, None 5c NOTICE. Of change of time closing mail In of feet Jane Uth, 191L ' Beaufort 8:46 A. M. Goldsboro 8:45 " Norfolk 8:46 . " WQaalogUa 9H " Oriental 930 ' " Bridgecoa 10.30 iBeuavea 1 34 P. M. Wnmbftoa . 1:00 " V . Beaufort , S40 " OrloBtal 60 " . OoUabor . 1:30 " Night Rjpr.ee , ;00 " v ! J.8.A8N!0HT, Ii.il , During the paat few afterooons a number of people hae beea seen h ing off pie market dock. r Ret. A. C Sholtr. pastor of the Bap tist Tabernacle,' informs his friends that he baa moved to No. 28 Broad St. v The freight platform la the rear of the Treat river warehouee, npos which wot . was begun sever ai weeke .ago lit. Kun AmnIl . ''x-'f - - i .-i' MMmm wwam wihwmwv. v. - , , , . ... . The Board : or aldermen at rT.uson have compelled the market men lo that city to acreea all neat placed oa sale and to slao place screen door and win dow In their stores, ; v''Y V r 'w v Two small colored boys create con siderable excitement yesterday moro ing at the union -eta tion ty engagiog to a free-for-all ' flf t fight. . Theser young negroes congregate around the trains upon their arrival here each day and are a nuisance to the traveling pjblic Capt. uoasette,of the Salvation-Ar- mv ssvs that he had secured ) almost enough funds from the Teople of this city to give the poor children a -picnic. but a few more dollars is necessary in aiding him to carry out his plans. If you can give a small sum notify Rim by phone and he wilt call on you. A visitor iq this City yesterday from Pamlico corner stated that the present prospect for a good ciop of watermelons and canteloupes in that section this sea eon was very discouraging. There has been but very little rain in that lection during the past few weeks and in a number of places the vines are frying up. Next Monday morning the members of the Atlantic Hose Team who are to participate in tne interstate nremens tournament to be held at that place June 27 29, will leave for Columbia S. The horse aud wagon have already been sent to that city and the boys feel assured of winning the first prizerin the hose wagon race. 3 Yesterday was another "scorcher." At noou the murcury registered . 87 de grees in the shade and at 2 o'clock it had aviated several degrees and only those who had business to attend to were seen on the street?, A thermome ter placed out in the open where the sun's full rays could strike it, register ed 116 degrees at 1:30 o'clock. y Mr, B. B. Davenport informed the reporter yesterday morning that he bad sold from his farm a number of ears of roasting corn. Mr. Davenport's - farm is located in Pamlico county and as these are the first ears of corn seen on the local market this season, that county claims the distinction of being the first county in this section to put corn on the market this season. While attempting to pass through the entrance at the Craven Garage with his large touring car yesterday from ing, Mr, E. B. Hackburn had the mis fortune to strike one of the large .wing ing doors and In consequence it wss torn from its fastenings and the heavy plate glass in it broken into a hundred pieces. Fortunately Mr.. Hackburn or his car were not injured in any way, Mr. William Lt&e, of Cove City, wss ia the city yesterday. - . .. ;1 v:.. Mr. H, B. Alka. of G&eboro, was a visitor to the city yesterday. .. Mrs. Naaey Nona returned yesterday from a visit with relatives at Eiastoo. Mica Lottie Mm Bennett went down to More heed yesterday for a abort visit Mies Julie WeeuoU. of Bayboro, was among the visitor to the city yetter- dav. - t- . - w .v .... r ' Mr. Deoard Eoberts u4 tittle oi Denard Jr- returned hoea. last sight from a, visit at BooUiport ; . . Does ?the . Cedge it of ; yotlr lawn ; look;- ragged ? -Then why not invest an?; a Phila- delphia ' wapwef J and tfim it Jc S- iiaspight Hdw. .'- "mi. Auspicious Openinz of fiie Southern Auidrrjotile CoUcge The Southert- Atttoqlo 'College. Oak Ridge. N.- 0.) -epend it :door April 17th. It h iAi erowdad to tbf limit o ver ainc.' Stodenta are arriving daily, and daily are going out to accept paying position in' this most fascinating buslne,.'..;. . They announce a kpecial June offer to students of schools and colleges, and to men who want to better their sal aries. Automobile owocra also would do well t) writ for information. Jessie Bell is in a different act from anything seen in vaudeville in this city. At the Athens to night Pension Notice ( The Pension Board of Craven County will meet at court bout on the first Monday injury, 1911, this being the 8, day. All applicant for pension of ex Confederate soldiers and sailor or wid ows of the same who wish to apply for pensions, or have their pension in creased will pleas Appear before the board on the abov named date, , Those already on the list need not appear. .8.R.STBEET, Chairman Pension Board. I eelaasler. fr- ff HEN fee or (a aed f say eca4 load Rtarhiaery, vets m attgtee, bow an, aod t4 head re-rmUa. Doe't frt4tfean o J. L. CoUlaa, New A rKWratervetlet Sprtalti:-Tto . and Clvnli4 BlnU, F-mbrxwd MoaMfng. AibmUm Replug, RuLUv WeetW Strip. Metal flora fronts. Metal t'leUrig Uth, Cronte r.o.t- Sere Wire. fWM Ir CrV:. ad Rrreefi MwWl.rr. TiU ,nt aad Maenfaetorlnf Ofnrvnr. rCAOl 4 Strobrry le Cm B U an) Uu V- ersiu K ;:ri'-p t! E KyH, Itinne ti. ritHnltU Cl-f-. P. I'i ' " -II 0- 'f"'-. c '. : ' ' Boar 1 your horse at a Mod ern Sanitary Stable.' Daniels Newbsrry. Uve Stock Co. South Front St : " -.J' FOR .SALE! Dig Mammoth SojaBeacs, Held Pcaa of all kinda. Oat Hay, Corn, Brand, Ship Stuff Beet Pulp, Distillers Grain which lithe highest Iri Pro teida of any feed cold on this produces milk . t, and ir.titics M-M.i horcc A report from Oriental yriterday stated that on last Monday afternoon Carrie, the mentally invalid daughter of Mr. J as. Spruill who lives near? Ash wood, wandered from her home and for several hours remained in a $ens swamp dear that pla-e. Searching parties were organised and afrer systematic search the young woman was found several miles away from her home, ' Recently several citiiens residing that' locality organized the Riverside Bos Company. Although this 11 new company now ha on hand a . km all amount or money which they Intend using hi purchasing parapheaalisj for the company, they desire to increase this amount Several of the members are now out canvassing and any ass! tanc givtn them will be greatly Tap- .... ' i . ' - L, .... praciaMa . . , " . T ": , Let us giye you out fig ures on all Builders Supples. J. S. Basnight. Hdw. Co. J y A Wed Known Man's Opinion. The Savodia Co, New Bern, N. c! 'W hav derived o much benefit frvm the use of BA VODtNE, tbstw wish to add our testimony to th iA of those slrsady aoqaaiDted with lu met it.;.rf''ri; :.kZ H My nf ha been using SA VODlNtf for quite a while for cold la th head, ateo ha found it a ready rati' for CATARRH but above , a!! that, is th fact of iU having proved Itself Invaluable to us tor oor baby. A short tlm ago be was ta ken very sick, and as h would clap his HOI bend to hi ean we decided be must be suffering with earache, aod re alising that something mut be don it ooea, we pot a tiny til of SAV0D1NE In bis ear covered It with waira cotton and I a few minutes he wa alMip I treat Iv as though he had never bid a pale. We eherfull recommptid Bf i dine as w will always feel grateful !r what K ha4 loft for us, a . ' , v.. , C. LUPTOhf, '4 t - ' ' Chief of Police. Hp Prii, N. C. J. r s Aanoonccracnl, I hTliT at orire annnunre rryneif fi rrx!i -late, r, l mr I rw I' ? 1 e.y many frl.n! fir .t p.'' - I now ' 'l rut rc ! f ' il !. . '-, lr ' V i i ! r t t I ! t A ; t 1 ' f Be sure and see Jessie Bell at The Athens to-night TARRYMOF IE HOTEL ii sWansboeo, n. c. All modern convenienoe for -bath ing and" inside fishing. BOAT LEAVES . 8 a. m. Lv. Swansboro Ar. 60 p. m; 11:30 a. m., Ar. M. City Lv. 2:00, p. m. THE -BIRTHDAY GIH ;Tb pfaetiaeei stfttfacatCailiia M simply siaodnftgAtae,slUt Tta faDOthlacntfaearlctaal klliaBoeaa ef CarWane to eve niulA mgf the Bift to a raUtiraw (rin. ttbatoaatt to! tmbltm. amttkatoa. ' bate aea worn n lisM wstot mtgm taaBlrlhearaift.'.XMktrtk darhilMr.rbla, wm-Oriilwi to enrrboir'a. .TWrtWrtoHn totke Wrthdae1ft-e in i1iiH whto ke CWtohB-stfttoeta. . -, " , . Orveaar.eraha miOlm.tttkm,tlmmk' kratWi ro4 fttaae-aswi eatkeMna. eav.-ae tt wOl e i rttoa. BUk WW.' "Tllli ; BIRTritfAy-ClFT f ax. .iiIIIIII J -.' - ' 1 111 I Jo;: BAXTER 1 : JEWELER AND MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN nNEUNEOFfA' TOILET SOAPS TO SELECT FROM AT ' -; MI0X2 l . . . , mm sffi from S TO 15FER GT. By Buying Youi Groceries I Fr oin McDanlel's Cash; ..Grocery 41 Middle St-t , . . .. . -v A complete stock of the very beat goods to select from. . n , Freeh JotVMd., Biscuit Co'. Cake just received 15c lb. Extra Fancy Ginger Snaps lOcIb. v. A few nice freeh Corned Ports mouth MulletaSOedot. SPEGIAL : BABEA1H PRICES HEBY SATDRDAY. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L McDaniel 41 Middle St. Phone 91 25c lb. A" COMPLETE LINE r OF Serges and Goods are Now to be seen at F. M. CHADWICK'S Merchant Tailor, 103 Middle St. New Bern, N. C. Apple Vinegar per qt. 8c Pure Lard - 12Jc Vegetable Lard 10c Boneless Herring in glass 12c - 8ugar 5Jc Tub ButteT 30c Print Butter 34c Oil per gal. 12Jc . . WEW LOT . . Ladies Metal Frame Hand Bags, every bag wurth $1.50 to $2.50, our price $1.00 each. One lot Mens Belts worth $1.00, our price 50c. One lot Childrens Pat. Leath er Belts, late styles, price 18c. Barrington Dy Goods Co H.C. Phone 174 Middle St. HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. Pharmacy PHONE 173 WE ARE GOING TO SELL COMMENCING SATURDAY IT 10 O'CLOCK 250 (1 Safety Razors at 50c Everyone Guaranteed. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY L GASKILL HARDWARE CO. Middle Street. Phone 147, New Bern, N. C. E OUR STRIDES are to better service, and we believe that w ar making steady and telling galas In thst direction. You can rely rely upon our groceries to be pure and fresh. In addition to their good quality you will find that our prices have a magnetism that will persuade you to trad with us regular, - Portsmouth Mullets, Ice Cream Jello, Ham, 8 boulders, Beat quality of Green sad BUek Tea, Coffee of quality, and w guarantee everything sell and deliver good promptly. Brcii; Street-. Brocery Co, PHONE 154 T NEW BERN. N. C . . 7 GB . .. ."Made from pure. distilled !-' filtered 'water.'' NEW BEJfN ICE CO. 19 JI M Griffith 6t , iTlOne 23 Under New Management. Call at the Gaston Drug store to have prescriptions filled or for anything in the drug line. Gaston Drug Company Cor. Pollock and Craven Sts. Opp. FoBt Offi.-c. ASSETS MORE THAN FROM INSURANCE IN FORCE TREBLED. l'JOO to 1910 MORETHAN DOUHI.El). THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (1861.) POLICY HISTORY. Policy No. II. Ismjod Msrch 1HB7, for $3X10, on 10 PAYMENT LIFE ANNUAL DIVIDEND plan: Premiums paid for 10 yearn (1K70, fully paid up) 839.00 Dividends received including 1911. 737 2i Difference between Premium! paid to 1K76 and Dividend received to data. 101.75 1911 DIVIDEND $22.70 (old age income.) ASK TO SEE THE 1911 POLICIES. W. O. BOYD, Agt Largest Dividends, Lowet Net Coat Insurance. gui m , i . m ton no (Luil-t ktiov ' t!i pn!urt cf artlsU' an 1 not tr.ru 1 f i r r t' ,.t ti.ilf Prr i j 1 1 Ti ! , t '. -1 a i (1 V :V ' ! j an r'l V!'. A- ..f I - I vt t a - t - " ('if ' ;,1 ft'i -.i0-t' t f '.,! u ' . r. -.1 It X.ILM. olJIii r1 . 1 .X