i UK, ri.' . von ! 4 fc J f . -, cot La edvaaoe.. it carrleT la the city !- '..zs, ycu r...J a t, - :c .-' .:c you r:;i is CJ, i'.s v;c:r.:n's t 2 tect t:n:c for v.'or:e:i, tccaure i-3 i illy fiiailci t-T women's nccJi TI. .3 U'crr.rJy.orjans and help tj rive ncc-ci.strc i-ilD C0LLDG5 c . .... I. J t It is i. C.t C 1 tr.i IMM fnraaaea an t- ra t the Portofflo,.Kir Bar f eecond-elaaa matter. . vii'v to the worn-out womar.!y trams. Cardid is a' vegetable medicine. It contains no min erals, no iron, m potassium, no lime, no glycerin, co Ul cerous, or habit-forming drugs o! any kind. .' It is perfectly harmkss and safe, for younj and eld to uce. All PAPER OF NW t, Tt CRAVKf cotmTT. BERN I r.crn, N. d ? July 13, : 1911. ,-lSQDOWHBB-:t-'-: ' rOEB CLAY IMAGES. Le esteemed NewsObtmer has i .flnollT satisfied, that .it ipped -irroiiglyrtJiWM-l lSgly at the shrine of Inaur y, lu the hope that from these ing-to-be-reformetV not .pnlyj country would be the gainer, t Democracy through the change political , heart of these .Insur- t3, would profit thereby.,'- . I ays the News-Observer:--- tv -s ii t i V a aj " 77 -):, , "After my doctor had done all he said he could for me, writes Ate. Wm. Hilliard, of Mountainburg, Art, "I took Car Cii, on tn advice of a friend, and tt helped me so much. " bre taking Cardui, I had suffered from female troubles for five years, hot since taking it, 1 am in good health,- ' MI think them Is some of the best advice in your book that 1 ever saw.' Your druggist sells CarduL Try it ' ' - r 1Wf(r tn tadiet AdVfcorf Dept. Chattanooga Mfdlchw Co., Chattanooga, Tenav ktSptclal i&trmkms, and tt page book. "Horn Tceatmenkf women." sent free. s - Sale Property For Taxes." One year ago the country resounded 'i nraisa of ths ReDublktn Inaur- JtBenatorB because it believed they J Notice is hereby giveta that .all the ere leading a fight to fre the coui-1 lande Whoee owners are delinquent in try frmrartiBansbip in legislation with I the payment of their taxes for the town "the, interests." Ther toad a note-i of Brtdeeton lor the year 1910, and Lie fight 'against the Payne-Aldriah tar- prMvthertto, will be sold for the pay- i.T act and their speeches did much tel meat eajfceir taxes at the post office expose the iniquities of that "bill of Bridgeion at 12 IK.August Btb, 1911 ebominatione.'', They ' returned this land the folbWering named persons are stisaionupou the flood tide flf populari- particotarly required to takenotice that ity. They awoke to find themselves fa- their lands, as described in, the Space taous, and all they had to do to retain opposite their names below, are among rWular confidence was to continue the those to be sold that the amounts of B. t, A. St. 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 acre . , 1 (Williams . - 160 t.w. neons. $ 75 2 18 88 76 5 05 4 01 1 50 213 taxes expenses and costs due by each ' ion. It is a matter for' reeret that they I delinquent owner is set oppesite bis ' did not remain as firm for tariff redue-1 name and property, tion and atrainst privilege and teetiott- Allen John . Lota aiism as thev seemed tbeo... v J Barringtoo, W. A -It is impossible for the Journal IU iHXKyv OB piuuns, awyu yiu -1 HopWell,1 V. K. entheticaUy, this gner ot tne JNews Morton, C D. ' and Observer over the tumble of I Wolman Mary Tnsiiro'ftnftr. th .rftvealinir . of the! West w, .8, clay in this mage' that promised v7tWnton Mary A . to be' genuine' political' gold.' ' It j,r1roDJLd be natural for the News-Ob-1 . 1 Tax Oolleotor. server, as the Democratic organ of , this State, to wish to see political reforms that tended to help its own political 'Bide. ' . While depre cating the fall of Insurgency, sim ply from the, position of one view ing the fall of an apparent right eous movement, the KewftObserv- or might Shed tears for, express re-V B. CL, grecs, out tnoBe io aecepiea seri ously the reform' protestations one " Notice of Election. m John W. Gates, the "American finan cier is critically ill in Paria.. . M . Children dry ; FOR FLETCHER'S v C ASTO R I A. 'i.A''pMSaaw4aBMawaMaMiM,';'- j The Wallace shipyards ia Vancouver, deatsvyed by ie. . ' ; year ago or at ' my. time,'of " Benivl -the' : - tor Bristowarid his ilk. must haveiW tlWBKWi.RD.S100. readers -ot 'this paper ; will be tor Bristow arid his Ilk. must bW?!?. L been wantida very" badly : to .6r-l been able to core tn 'all its stages, and -' BhlalsomethinV'o Genuine Dem- ftat Ctah " Hal1'" Ca"h C.ur?l!8 7 'H-. p"eA.v"w . ff"r the only positive cure now known to the wnx j aas inc pnooipm w maKeimemcai iraierniiy. ueiarrn, oemg for,rofomaudWwncmentof,the people's Interests." Straying After Cure ia taken internally, acting, direct false gods lead.; bu ?bue;d4 Sr.yhbr'oX disaster The world has rood prio- foodtioa' of the diseue. ' mod giving np es, enough Wver every poiuicai. social ana reugious..: it lmr its work: The mroprietors have so Is onl whfttt.:an refoato a1uc " - ; ; . ; r. tnat tne offer uoe Hundrea pollers knowledge principles as being live for any ese that it fails to cure, ' 8end - !.- n-i'iti. . Jt: ' ' I far natef t tliruwill Mill, viuu: i.iinb i.iif. rnMn npinnii-'T ' ' - after, 'oologiea , and vIsms.') There are mon who stand fit' principles, and any one can see their genuine ness. It is endugh to follow these and .'not be tomjijod away by noise and many, promises, V; - vOhildreh idry x VtfCR FLETCKER'S AviV Y- T- r a a . V i iv Address, t. XCnSSKt ft tX).,Toledoa 8okl By att Dniggiats, 76q.' :- Taks Hall's Family Pills for on stlpatloB. . 4... - V. , The two women accused of shooting W. JC. D. Stokee, the New York hotel man, were nota u ts,ow bail. f.B.Hetford. 615 New York' Life Bldg., Kansas City. M.. aats. "I had a sever attack of a cold which settled ia my back and kidneys and I was In Gov. Hoke Smith gota majority of f "J 1- tcs in the two bouses of th Georria I a k.i.n. . iw . ew WW WHflWVI MIVUI SUM VW"! UfV uiiavur.. 'vouns aepaniveiT, wrioooe me a. worn oi goou. -r. t ! luted States Benator. : u -. i Dnify.- OLD SOLDIER TORTURED. Doubt Is exaressed at Washtngtoa as "For years I suffered LMpkablel w w"""'- ,V:,"T"7.T tureXrom axleaUon, eof)atiiaton jw rToiumn. : ? - ' I liver trouble,'7 rote A t, balta. ' ;;. a. ot Dr. I : ' . . : ' ' . v r veteran at irie. fa , bot Or. 'a New Life Tills flxad me aU u lly're simply great,'? Try i for any stomach, IWet or kidney :,H'. uoiy at au aeaiera. rly all the departments of the naJ Educajjonal Aasoclatlon,' to ... ntlon. at San Francisco, bald aea- notice; -atr tf f- t frr- 1 1 Borate teaolre' careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely It will remove the parte to a healthy condition., for sals oy an eeaitrs. , ; , ., .. , - ( , vf " af mi sfTi arstj , J 4 i, : By thf liosrd of AVWrman of the dly of New Bern, be It ordained, ' ' . 8ction 8. That It shall be ihe duty of every pcraon, partfirhlp, firm, as sociation, or rnrporaiijti, rnada liable to Sny lirenM Ui for Ui prlvilrgeof carry ing on any trajio, prufoloi, bu'mH, occi!;!ion or tailing In th cily. tor?g Utrr with tlia city riork, hia, Uiir or ita nsma or aij'n. j.!- of r;,!r n i, Xrikm, t-nifv'i'-n, tiiiairir, r'f tj j,a I iirii rr ta'l.t a- J 'rrt !( .f l! Whereas: one fourth of the freehold ers of number eleht township, having certified their intention to apply, to the Board of Trustees of the county Farm Life School located in the Eight Town ship, and whereas, the said one fourth of the freeholders of said number eight township, presented a petition, to this Board, asking that an Election be held in Number Eight Township -at the reg ular polling places in said Township, on Saturday July 22 1911, , under and by virtue of section ft, chapter B4 of the laws of 1911, for the purpose of voting a thirty year bond issue, in the sura of twenty five thousand . ($25,000,00) dol lars, of said , Eight Township, Craven County Bonds, bearing, 5 per cent in teres t, and for 'levying and collecting on all the taxable property and polls in said Township, sufficient to provide for the payment of the Interest on said bonds, and creating a sinking fund, for the payment thereof, -for the purpose of offering' the same under the provis ions of section' 9, as aforesaid, r to the said Trustees of the County 'Farm Life School, ) Provided , said County Farm Life School be located 1 in the Eight Township.; Now therefore; ttb hereby ordered that an Election be called and held in Number .Eight Township, Cra ven county, at the regular polling pla ces in said Township on Saturday July 22 1911,' during the hours on said day as prescribed by the general law govern ing State and County Elections. . The said Election -shall, be conducted in all other repects under, the provisions of the general-1 law ; governing general Elections, .. A new registration - In said Township is hereby called, to be had In said Township Under' the provisions of the general 'law : governing new regis trations; at which Election those favor ing the issuing; of said Township Bonds and the levying and collecting ot such a tax. for such a purpose,, shall . vote a ballot, oa which shall be written or printed the words ';, "For County Farm Life School, " and - tboae .opposed shall volte a ballot on-which shall be -written or printed the 'words ''Against County Farm Ufe:School,,t;.r.)rdered -.further that for the, purpose of holding such Election, ihe' following are hereby ap pointed Regiatrars and Pollbolders, at the regular polling places which, are as follows:, 'fi-i? r i ':' First Ward-At the City Hall, vlteg btrar Abe Lee,' Pollbolders,; J. B.BlU, Msyer, Bahn-mt; Second Ward-At the Court House, Registrar C Kj Hancock; Pollbolders, Walter Ful ford, Jesse Pop. fj ' Third Ward-At ' Atlantic t Engine aoose, Registrar, C. W. Bell Pollbold ers J. I), MeKoy, D. W. BssnlghL , Fourth Ward-At Fourth Ward Fir Company's House, Registrar Alex Mc Leeklan, Potlboiders J." F. Heodersoo, W. F.'GilbertV ' , , 4-. . ' - . Bern Freclnet-A tth,"Ward Ioae ueei UMOquartera. Kegutrar. i. 11. Stanley, ; rollboldera B. f. Dukes, L.. Bmith,- !';: --.'.i' ': leech Grove-Reg tatrar J. B. French. Pollbolders Daniel Una, K. UcKeel. ' Cum , Rows Brgiatrar J. Wilcox. Pollbolders B., B. . Bcott, D. F. Atkln- 1 U r c. : ' .'I ?( t L .., ' y vt...l It ; : i y large crowd, and e?;j-lv..!y sat ei t ecjoy it. -. ! A few of oar youcg people went to CLiUreaa' Day exercites at Vacceboro, LTethoJIat Church Sunisy n!ghfc . - liases ZUa and Ll Ipock visited U'iti Carrie Whitford Sunday.-?. People are making more fishing trips than they are working crops around here.;. .jrl a, a.v, -'.it-.c Mr. Stephen Whitfnrd and Mr. Johnie McLawhorn went fishing a while Sat urday evening and caught two gars, one cat fish, and six webhmeaViv v , Mra. Duff Whitford and "ehiidrea visited relatives at" Hauls Swamp yes terday. , ?$rh jj--$&:;?Z';M. WILLIAMS' KiDNirPILLS ; Have you -Neglected your Kidneyst Save you overworked your nervous aye tern and" caused trouble ' with your kid neys and bladderJKHave you paina la loins, sinX- back groins and bladder! Have you a flabby appearanee of the face, especially under theeyesT Too fre quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil- liamsv Kidney Pills wfli can yoo-t Druggist, Price 60c. ' Williams M'f'e. Co., Props., Qmam"!mimmm chant; who was drowned last Saturday is believed to have left a shortage of !" I son. . TidleeVklatrar, W. F. Crurkett Pollhotdera J, T. ' Bhute, CerUr Ti- ' At the cloae of taid FWrtiun 11 Ef iatrafa sod Polllml Jprs of the Firaf the "Second, the Tbirit, the F Warda, " PrfTB I'rrrinrt, Cm Gum Howe nJ Tii!n!'a I", Townahlp alisll crti(f r"inrr,a aid r,!li..n lo t'.e r...r I .f O James fettlt, a :0'gJn.;:airi ; OhildrenlOryv FOR FLETCHER'S. K Six of the Ulloona that started from St. Louis have landed jaiflf; 1 want to thank von from - the bot tom of my heart.'; wrote 0 B Rader, of Lewisbunr. W. Ve.. "for ihe wonder ful doable benefit I got from Electric Bitters, in curing me of .both a eevere case of stomach trouble and of rheuma- usm, rrom wnicn r naa been an almost helpless sufferer, for ten sears. It suit ed my case as though made just for tvi A ' tPftm ilusltiakvaaiBea 1ntHeMamwlMa 4aa,' bmv, ,', : a va uwpviiBiaaa auuiiwuaa wiasiT dice "and to rid the system pf kidney poison tnac causes raeumatum, kmc iric iii.ini uaa no equal, i lij . uiem. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. uniy ouc at au ornggista. . Twelve live! were lost and 64 persons injured in the wreck of the Federal Ex press at Bridgeport, Conn, vs f '' ' i' ' '.' "' ' "i. ' wma, iii..'Mvaiuu VUfcC , May not result from the work 'of fire bugs, but often severe bums are caused tnat make a oulck need for. Bucklen'e Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest core ror Duma, wounos, Druiaes, twus.soree. It subdues Inflammation. It kills nam. It soothes and heels. - Drives off akin eruptions, ulcers or plies. : . Only E5o at au 0esUenV'5-,iy-.-',--i .bVV . . i'it ; 'k aeAo-'Cloths.'-S;' -.- . Many housewives gladly pay 25 cental for so called aagicMl clothe, as they are very useful for aflver and other metals. Z Being dry, "they do not aofi the" bands ' or clothing and do their work until the cloth. Itself wears out. To make such a -cloth take one quart of gasoline, one-half pound of whiting and one-eighth ' ounce of rotate add, mixing an .together and yhailng welt Soak pieces ot .woolen, elotb la the mixture and bang them la the opee air. In a ahady place to dry. Wher the cloths are dry the '."nutte". auaU tlee have been given to thent nd these they wfll never lose. The material must be wooL-New IottTG.lotoe, V ;,. v ;t: : i i ,j ; iii i e.X.'j' ''i aThil r1'A " neiw'- .v . "v. , l WJ. ;Vi-;,rux ILtlCKtRS ?CASTORlA i. t i -f.-.r.bcf tLsfree-b.'.l-j . 1 i. 7 t-wi-iVp lavi. g tut:.., i ' I. ' a to a; - j to the IXard ct ..a tf tie County Farm Life 1 to ttva the a&id school located la tie Seventh township; ' -. ; Aci tereas, the said one-fourth of tbe free holders of No. 7 township, presented a petition to this Beard, ask ing that an election, be held in No. 7 township, at the regular' polling places in said Township, on Saturday, Au&ttat. 5th, 1911, for the purpose of voting a thirty year , bond issue in the sum of $10,000.00 ot said No. 1 township. Cra ven county, : bonds , bearing . 6 per cent interest, and for levying and collecting on all the taxable property and polls in said township, sufficient to provide for the payment of interest on said bonds, and ereatng a sinking fund, for the payment thereof, for .the purpose- of offering the same under the - provisions of sectioa9. as aforesaid,' to the aaid Trustees of the. County Farm Life School, provided said County Farm Life School be located in the seventh town- Mow mereiorei it is nereoy. ordered that an election be called and held in No. 7 township, Craven county, at the regular polling places in said, township. on Saturday Ang. 6th; 19U, during the hours oa said day as prescribed by the general lawa governing new registra tions, at which election those favoring the issuing of said township ponds,' and the leving and collecting of , such a tax for said purpose shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the or vUounty rarm x.ire . Schools,' and those ppposed, shall vote a ballot on which shall be witen or printed the frords.. f 'Against County Farm Life hOOS."';a- Ordered Further, that for the purpose of holding such elections,, Mr. H. C. Wood is' hereby- appointed Registrar, Miller are hereby appointed poll-hold ers,". At the close of said election, the Registrar and Poll-bolders shall certify the returns of said election to tfte Board of .County' Commissioners, ' at their next regular meeting after swd election, in the same manner andjp erned by the said lawa as such election, officers are requested to certify election returns In any general elecion, By order of the Board, this July 3rd, 1911. ; 8. H. HOWLER, Cierk Board of County Com. A j I 1 1 . - Has since 1881 given "Thorough instruction under positively r"4ttT I influent at the lowest pceaiMe coet," ,v ;.. RESULT Itls favday with Ita faculty of 82, a EoarulngOatrooanof S Its student body of 400, and Ita plant worth mJoSSW , '.' -THE LEADING TRAINTNO SCHOOL. FOR CIRLS IN TTIUJINIA fl5t pays all charges for the year. Inehidmg table board, room, lights, steaaa , heat, laundry, medical attention physical culture, and tultkoin all subjeots Dxoepi ieubw ana etooauoo t ror eexaiogue and application. Hank, address, -" vl A REV. THOS ItOSSER IlEEVES, B. A PrlootpaL fib's J BLACK8T0NB, VA. EftST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL . v A State school to' train teachers for the public schools of XETorth Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall term begins Sep tember 26, 1911, For catalogue and other informatiep, address. fiDBERT H. WRJGHT, PRESIDENT, GREENVILLE N. C.l v 7v :-, ... ... Yekklberf , - editor of a sews paper, was assasstoatod to Constantinople., ; v- . ., ? : :., Never leave home oa V joaroey with out a bottle of Chatnberlain'a Co lie. Cholera and Dlarrttoaa Hrmr 'r. It i almoat certain to bs needed .J cannot be obtained whan on bosH the ear or steamship, For sale by ad dealer. , V" - . .-::: IVw.4efk'' -1 Mrs. rrune When do yon actors SI the theater draw your payl poarder I am not aa actor at the theater, madam. I'm prompter there, l.'ra. rrunae Wall, you'll have to be prompt er bare, too, or Cud an'" r tearing house- Kansas City Jvu. 'I For summer dirrf..wg In r' 11 'r"n al ways five t l.an i . ... rj'a C .-, tl.olora hud iJmrri. - a l..,m'y a- i I -tur C-l, aid a t' !i cure la o '. .j., 1 or sa by all d..f.l. -a. ' . FiHir 1 1-. ' i$ la rrt ot CV)mninoi,iTipr, lioari to b t" 1 In Ati'iH l:-!l, mm (rr'i:' ' la a ai 1 . 't i q'i'r ! to f - ' 1 "7 1 at ('. 1 i,n ! Isi A" f t I f t Bond UecUon farm Life School No. : OneTownsnlp. . Whereas, one-fourth of the free holders of No. 1 Township having certi fied their intention to apply to the Board of Trustees of the County Farm Life School, to have the aaid school lo cated in No. one township. And Whereas, the eaid one-fourth of the free-holders of said No. one town ship, presented a petition to this board asking that an election be held in No. one township, on Friday, August 4th, 1911, under and bv virtue of Section 9. Chap ter 84, Laws of 1911, for the pdrfbse of voting a thirty . year bond issue in the sum Ot ten thousand dollars otsaid No. one township Craven county bonds, bearing 6 per cent interest,- and for levy log and Collecting on all the taxable property and polls ia said township suf ficient to provide for the payment of Interest thereof, for the purpose of of erlng the same under -the provisions of action 9, as 'aforesaid, to the said Trustees of the County j. Farm ' Life School, provided said Count Farm Life School be located in No. one township, Now Therefore, It Is. hereby ordered that an election be called ., and held in No. one township, Craven eoouty,- at the regular polling planes la said town ship oa Friday, August 4tb, 1911,' dur ing the hours ob said day as prescribed by the general . laws': governing new registration, at which 'election those favoring the issuing of such a tax fos said purpose, shall vote a ballot," on which shall be writtea or printed the 'For County Farm Life Scbool'and thoaeJ opposed shall vote a ' ballot oa which shell be written or printed the word "Against County Farm Life Schools:" Ordered further, that for the purpose of holding such elections, the fallowing were appointed Registrars and Pofc- holders, to-wiUk' " 'w'. tJ V ' ' Yaocbon Precinct-BL;C Butler, Registrar, and McRay Dinklns and A R, Whitford, Poli-hokler. : L'aple Cypreaa Preciott-U. F.J Al- drL'.;a. Registrar, E. F. Adams, J. W. UuT, Poil-holders. ;. . ' ' r" ' At Ihe cloae ot said election, the r.i-;!ra and poll-holders shall certify the returns of aaid election -to the T ard of County mmfMionfra at t! Ir xt r-'ilar meeting apr said ' : 'on, In the aame manner and gov' r-r J y the galj laws aa such electbii t." ti are r"1"'Rt,d to eertify returns In ary fonnral ! tiod. I y er !, r of tl.e L'oarJ, this July 3rd. i :i. s S. H. FOWLER. Cl'nk Foard of Umnilfei;iners. r. ,f i ( l i ?.'. V Oilf snf : i : t t redith College. One of 'h few oollaffeS tat ompln tha 8ooth that eonfaraan A. B. dagTM represent ing four yean of genoina toltetf e Sljlaeoarflng to the Stenaaid OnUasroa. Diplomta awarded in the Scfioola ofElocutio Art and Mnsie. ' ' Library faeilHioa eio,iIent.vfiyetmitie tralnhig in Phyaical Education ooder director. Courts for baket-bH and tennis. ' t Boarding- Club. when, by about half an hour of daily domostlc aerrlea, students aan from SSSjteSSta rear. ' -v;'-, Students not offertof th necessary units for en terance may prepare in Meredith-Aosdsmy. Beliered to be the cheapest Woman's csllege of its grade' in the South. For catalog. Quarterly BuUettn. or fuller Informrtion. addreaa.' " ' RICHARD TILMAN VANN, Raleigh, N. G. TRINITY COLLEGE 1859 1892 1910-1911 Three memorable dates: The Granting of the Charter for Trinity College; the Removal of the College to the growing and prosperous City of Durham; the Building of the New and Greater Trinity. Magnificent neW buildings with new equipment and enlarged facilities. Comfortable hygienic dormjjpries and beaufiful pleasant surroundings. Five departments: Academic; Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering; Law; Education; Graduate. For catalogue and other information, address. R. L: FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, N. C. i 1 i ' Trinity Park School ESTABLISHED 1898 Location ideal; Equipment unsurpassed. Students have use of the library, gymnasium and athletic fields of Trinity College. Special attention given to health. A teacher in each dormitory looks after the living conditions boys under his care. Faculty of college graduates. Most modern methods of instruction. Fall term opens September 13. ' v For illustrated catalogue, address . s 7 W. W; PEELE, Headmaster, Durham, H. C. ftl IMF 14 AM aaheVlila, N. O., haa prrpartd BOVS for Oellaa and for Oh Hay. UlriVinArtl,. tlan ouiawnaHlplor lie Mara, aml ALOHB U the U. S., oOcia a MSB ROUND TRIS1 TIOUBT t aection, is not convinced that 11 1RR WALL, areithe SST for HeS ,.i ,vd for Catalogue or ana X fronjnywl aptrtft ON naatts Saait hpre owl a e wiin in BOO nrnea tQ any perem BTOBV brick rooaa. stpararrd I SasslatsM, VeaeikrUei aa safety against rial anTsceTcoL. S. M SOU II Saw,, . t . S. Se. Si rha. ea lav by penaet SB. t THE K0RTH CAROfeiNA State NormalahA iiidostriat CDLLEGi OF ASH1CULTURE iKD Maintained by the Stat for the Women of North Carolina, Five regular Courses leading to DcgreeaC Special Courses for Uaehers, Free tuition to those who agree to.becoineieacfaW In the State. Fall aa,lon begins Septernbef IS, 191L For TBI BTATTS UDtOTIlAX WLUOI m Agrkttltore, 'Four-year- eoorses ta ; Civil Electr , Er'nering; ta industrial Chemistry; ' hi Cotton Manufacturing and Pymf.' ', Two-year oooraes ta Mechanie Arts and : ..t.tnam. arwT i WrnformatJon addraaW m """v ) UTT. . "" . . : Ua :: '! ( iAgrlcufture., IW.SOurse are both practical and sclentifie, fxammatlona -for admissioa are held a:.U mmtf i'j seats on July JfWi- A $ V -"fc'G. "'.X'tat REGISTRAR, f :"'. j "; "rWest RalelghN. -v IULIUS t-FOUST, Pniident, J,n1r?SrtK' OaiOUe-BM!ter5 A snfnaiMl Dlnsalmisrmp ttic. imurcti. IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH c i -- "' 'TRAVEL VIA' ;i ' , " -' THE CHESAPEAKE LINE' Th n n y f DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUNDAY r J'it l' si i4lfl ltM r.Ar.Ti' ', a.rvl.a t'.e "CITY ( nuifiC eli iaiit a-.-l l : : roi.'K" end' X i -te L"!amers ) I ft ' v n sir, t 4 ' i4 ' ; t ".'fl'PW'. up TV. V. i ,M it .- ... w. t: r.

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