1 -2 v. u, lis w, .'TV, y t rr 'if -A ''r'.A - .( . 4 rf.,' r Mr f ' ' riijv jr,","ii 1 Trr aay ta tfc yaar - racanma i. r . EDITOR AHD FBOrROBTOB '' xmtcmxrnou bats Am Yaarla adraaoa 4M ika rar,.a ta . . ., M tar Kf earrtar la th ettj M v aoTartaataa tH raraJaaad aa aa- atetarwt'attha Faataflea, Haw Bara C taL aa noad ela natter. PAPER OP NEW BBRH Jrt CRATEW COT7NTT, V'Bem, N. 0. July 18, 1911. "j , SEU1 itiDB PLAGUES. . "Individuals suffer from plagues and' communities are plagued, and there are exclamations of astonish ment over the afflictions, as being .from the Evil One History tells Of . persons being severely dealt (with,', as being possessed of the devil, --because of some physical ' disease that made them a terror to their:, neighbors. Many a town and city has been doomed to de vastation through some plague that destroyed those staying and followed those fleeing. Modern sciemea lalteflMOTrU 1. . .,,,l ' I , npunreveata the ntM J14y1 oped the eTfeelB of th ftriflQtea ' ' feoples. l&vm& ndifferenoe o $jrrlat int joelnt nhe way to the source of InilvWu . al and community plagues. The 1 personal refusal to live rightly , marks the beginning to widespread J trouble. That no one lives for him U self or herself alone, is seen every dy. The carelsssness of one means fire that destroys both the careless one and surrounding property. Befusal to observe sanitary laws is a crime and outrage that well gov erned communities punish. With jnunication between towns and cities, the plague of one can be made the plague of many, there fore the necessity to enforce the law upon the individual of right and cleanly living, that through failure of such living theni be opened no way to wide spread dis aster. The clean premises, the destruction of every fly and mos quito breeding source are health demands, easy to carry out, and carefully carried out mean com munity safety. Bvery household well ordered in its clean bill ;of V jL-fceaUh, meana-a clean communltyi3riry ,60c at all druK: jtaA soroor&mmunity to commu-j ; V totty there areeflblisned state and EwVonal safe guards to preserve earth, by first keeping away ev eay source that may first lead to aaettneas or disease. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Btehard Welling, of New York, de- Bajaared civic depravity before the N C3aJ Education Association at San ftatocW $100 REWARD, $10a The reader! of tfcU papa will be ffaaaod to learn that there t at least mm (treaded disease that aoieoce baa iMa abU to eure in alt Ma atogee, and mm Catarrh. UaH't Catarrh Car is tkeeahr positive ear new known ta the mtmml fraternity. Caferra bemg a eaaaKHutlooaJ diaeaae, reqairea a eoo MtbdoBal treatment. U all's Catarrh Core to Ukenyinternally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous suxfacae t tha fystem. thereby deatroyinc the ; foOBdauon of the disease, and tiring kas patient trengtli by balldinf op the avBMUtauon and aMUUrar natore to do- , !( Its work. The proprietor have ao1 , ejaatk faith m lu caratfr poweaa fltat eMtuey offer Una Hundred UoNart at any ease that It fails to eure. Bead fc batofteeUmorjlak. Addresa, T. J. CHENEY A CO.,Toledo, 0. . Bold by all Druggists, 75o. Ink Halt's Family Pills for eoa- 1 , a The Govtrnroant paid to special proa eg tore fl, 281, 48J froaj IS10 1 191U In feildlUoa to -RMS.aft ia aalariea to ray;. . Ai aaaitUota. WOMEN .'orta It dSr Vpj frill tW Dmitri tl catTtdm ip I cmtln frvpalUi l Ckuav Irrlili'l rioraack inJ UltfltV V'U Tlrcr;!i0'4 iuij aflftl i' .'i t! tr ' t'l tl Cz'l'T- yr :-,!' Not Nw aa4 aia ym c iara woaaea naaa imi dawa cba atrac rbe look lik afetera. Vim mwm Mftncih(l im lKt lliaa am ' aMkf Bad oaahter, and yoa realize that - a anna at torty r lorrr-" ovgat w M t aar aneat and faireat. Way iaa't it to? Taa iaaanl healta of wqpaa m ao ie tiautclr anoeiatcd with the local fcoalta of tha aaaeatially feminine orfrae that thara aa. ta ao red check aad roend foraa wheta tbera fa female weekne, - - . Weaaea who here aaaTered froa tail trouble bare found prompt relief and eure in taa ate of Dr. Perce's Favorite Prescription It (irer rior and vitality ta the organs of womanhood. It dears the complexion, briihtaaa (tat. yea aad reddens the check. No alcohol, or habit-forming drugs u contained in "Favorite Prcaeriptioa. Any tick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. - Every letter it held as sacredly confidential, and answered in a plain envelope. Address I World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. K.V. Pierce, Pre. , Buffalo, N.Y. Sale Property For Taxes. Notice is hereby given that all the lands whose owners are delinquent in the payment of their taxes for the town of Bridgetorj for the year 1910, and prior (hereto, will be sold for the pay ment otplheir taxes at the post office Bridgetoc at 12 M. August 5th. 1911. and the followering named persons are particularly required to take notice that their lands, as described in the space opposite their names below, are among those to be sold that the amounts of taxes expenses and costs due by each delinquent owner is set ' opposite his name and property. Allen John Lota 1 3 1 $ 75 2 18 88 75 5 05 4 01 1 50 2 13 Barrington, W. A' B. St. A. St. Ballang Ellias Hardison, M. L. Hopwell, W. R. Morton, C. D. Wolman Mary West, W. S, Wethington Mary A. Agt. 1 acre 1 (Williams 1 50 W. MOORE, lax Collector. Ensign R. S. Young Jr.. of Concord, N. C, disappeared from the destroyer Perkins at New York. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Representative McCatl, of Masaachu- aetta condemned the initiative, referen dum and recall in a speech at Cedar Point, Ohio. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. "I Want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart,' wrote C B Kader, of Lewisburg, W. Vs., "for the wonder ful double benefit I got from Electr c Bitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheuma tism, from which 1 had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suit ed my case as though made just for me " For dyspepsia, indige&tion, jaun dice and to rid the system of kidney poison that causes rheumatism, Elec tric Bitters has no equal. 1 ry them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. 218 19. 'A heavy tax on dowries of American brides in international marriages was suggested by Representative Kaen, of California. HELP FOR THOSE WHO HAVE STOMACH TROUBLE. After doctoring for about twelve years for a bad stomach trouble, and spend ing nearly Ave hundred dollartt for med icine and doctors' fees, I purchased my wife one box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so much good that she continued to use them, and they have done her more good than all of the medicine I bought Before. Samuel Hoyer, Koluom. Iowa. This medicine is for sale by all Dealers, samples free. Threatened the King. The honor of knlRlitliocwI Ih nnt on stolen sppoals to even IkkIt. Coke of Norfolk, who rinldercl tlmt he hnrt n far bettor elnlm tlinn the speaker to the designation of first commoner of England, atronKly dlHllLed the Idea of a handle to bis nnme. This fart tim well known to Oeorps IV. When Coko wst chofn to liend n deputation prsy ln( the kins to dlKtnln from his rn-r-eoo and council those ndrtsers who by their conduct had proved themseWea alike enemlca to thr throne and po p Oeorge announced tlmt be wonld fv wtbo with him. "If Coke of Nor- f o an ntern my prewenrr," he declared. r Ml knight bim " Thr tbrwit waj repeated to Ok, who rejotnnd. If be 4imi surh n thing I swear I'll' break bin sword." And as the MtUMt tforfuik squire waa quite rapahln ci oottut Urls, George refrained from car ryluf out bla threat. tendon Chroo Ida. Nver leave home on a loumsy wilh- Mt a bottle Of Chamberlain's Cotlr, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It ia auwiet certain to be needed and rsnnot be obtained when on hoard the ear or iteamehlye. For sale by all dealers. tarty Reman Lews, lite very earUeat Human law were the contained la the ae caUed "I'spl rtaa bode," but of tbeee but tittle ta known. The next In order are Unite of the twelve UbWa, compiled by tb Decewvlrt at the bedaaltif of lb farm oeofury of tbe d(ya btatory. K u SCO. Toeaa famous laws fatal Of rvrlatoQ Of tb the cf l'"if Uwa, artfkantMMWoMi whkB, ifenUaf tw ttidlliott, Im4 bee lnv txjrterl ran 'Or try three commhv aiMeri wke bad Um aeat to Athene for the (tarpoM of tUHt ikw law and rnetnfne aH night b baefat the pfti of Hemk, The sew coda, whew vmpMr4, m( tngntti on tweivt tahUta nf my ef brcaa aad net bp U paUi !-.- . . ' . , , " Notice of Election Whereas; one fourth of the freehold ers of number eight township, having certified their intention to apply to the Board of Trustees of the county Farm Life School located in the Eight Town ship, and whereas, the said one fourth of the freeholders of said number eight township, presented a petition to this Board, asking that an Election be held in Numher Eight Township at the Teg ular polling places in said Township, on Saturday July 22 1911, under and by virtue of section 9, chapter 84 of the laws of 1911, for the purpose of voting a thirty year bond issue, in the Bum of twenty five thousand ($25,000,00) dol lars, of said Eight Township, Craven County Bonds, bearing 5 per cent in terest, and for levying and collecting on all the taxable property and polls in said Township, sufficient to provide for the payment of the interest on said bonds, and creating a sinking fund for the payment thereof, for the purpose of offering the same under tbe provis ions of section 9, as aforesaid, to the said Trustees of the County Farm Life School. Provided said County Farm Life School be located in the Eight Township. Now therefore; it is hereby ordered that an Election be called and held in Number Eight Township, Cra ven county, at the regular polling pla ces in said Township on Saturday July 22 1911, during the hours on said day as prescribed by the general law govern ing State and County Elections. Tbe said Election shall be conducted in all other repects under the provisions of the general law governing general Elections. A new registration in said Township is hereby called, to be had in said Township under the provisions of the general law governing new regis trations, at which Election those favor ing the issuing of said Township Bonds and the levying and collecting of such a tax for such a purpose, shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "For County Farm Life School," and those opposed shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "Against County Farm Life School," Ordered further that for the purpose- of holding such Election, the following are hereby ap pointed Registrars and Pollholders, at the regular polling places which are as follows: First Ward-At the City Hall. Reg istrar Abe Li e, Pollholders, J. B. Hill, Mayer llahn. Second Ward -At the Court House, Registrar C. K. Hancock, Pollholders, Walter Fulford, Jesse Pope. Third Ward-At Atlantic Engine House, Registrar, C. W. Bell Pollhold ers J. 1). MrKoy, I). W. Basnight. Fourth Ward-At Fourth Ward Fire Company 'p House. Registrar Alex Mc- i.arklan, Pollholders J. F. HeDdereon, W. B. Gilbert. Bern Precinct-At 6th, Ward Hoae Reel Headquarters. Registrar. J. H. Stanley, Pollholders B. F. Dukea, E. I.. Smith. Peech Grove-Registrar J. B. French, Pollholders Dani.l Lane, K. McKeeL. Gum Howe Registrar J. Wilcox. Pollholders B. B. Scott, D. F. Atkin son. Tisdales-Registrar. W. F. Crockett. Pollholders J, T. Shute, Carter Tia- dale. At the close of said Election tha Regiatrars and Pollholders of the First, the Second, the Third, the Fourth Wardii, Burn Precinct, Beech Grove, Gum Rown and Tiadalea No, Eight Township shall certify the return at aid Election to the Board of Coooty Commissioners, at tbe meeting of amid BoarJ to be held on the First Moolay in August 1911. ra August 1911, ia the same manner and governed by the same laws and such election officer are quired to certify election returns for any general election. S. II. FOWLER, i Clerk, New York politic is becoming or aiderably involved m tbe reapportkm tnoot of the House of K prveaota three. SAVES TWO LIVES. "Neither mi state nor my naif might be living today. If It had Dot baeo for Dr. Rmra New Dterorarr" write A. I). McDonald a rayetteville. N. O, K. i r? 'VAV r. u, no. b, "for we now bad ixigs fsl cooeha that ae other remedy eouM harp. We were UM my tarter bad ca smpUon. 8be wee vary weak and had eight sweats but year wonderful medi cine completely eared es both. It's tbe best I ver 4SMd or beard at" For or erunf , eovghs, eotda. hemorrhage, kfT'ppe. eelbma, by uver, map, wbooplrar foot h, all branchial tree bU, (ta supreme. Trial bottle free, GAe and f LUX Gear an lead y all drug- . ?s ' a m i i . i a '. ' , ''tsm AW. At Chrltes dinner la WsiBter ta a aloenis wbe had bej a h fa tfi pnWUt eye vrae ritiM epos rir the trw ir make a HttJe ar.rh. Ifa frm anl fxrsn: " n t 'i r'flr.r fnr att..r,,., a f,r tn top. 1 ,! l H Ralead Raetteaa aVefare NeM . DjMBiltw Greek word for p Car. Ita cbewilcal naaaeta attroglyoatta. It waa dlaeorered la ' laboratory Parts try A. Sobrer ta 187. Sobrar raped death a honored times by ctoaeat marjla tad waa aerer able to lean bow t handle thaaxpkwrte with aaysafatyvv iv . j- r ". hoot lSKf Alfred HobXa ffwexUaa nglneer, Vaaned bow to explode the HiNtf by detonation. Nobel Bros, of BMMtmg that year Mat a jvmnc maa to Amartra to tatrodnca lta use to mln era. He met with ao raceeai, aad a On ean of the liquid left by him ta a New Tort hotel when thrown Into tha (tract wrecked ' the hotel, Injnring many and causing the neighbor booh to rain glass. It waa known commercially at tale tage as "glonlon" and blew op by ac cident a Went Indies packet at Colon, killing fifty people and detjtroylng property worth a million dollars. Then Its use waa prohibited by law. It will bora at certain temperatures If tbe quantity Is small. When exploded It Instantly expaifds 10,000 times; tbe gases rminlre 10,300 times the apace of the liquid. At last Nobel learned to soothe and quiet the liquid by causing It to be ab sorbed .In Infusorial earth. It was this preparation that in 1866 was called dy namite by Nobel. When It explodes tbe force plunges first downward and then rebounds upward. Unless confin ed It has little tendency to lateral pres sure. This is one of Its great peculiar lUaSv Lo ulsvllia OouriafsJoumai. Clildren Cry t OR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A The motions to quash the indictments against John and James McNamara, alleged Los Angeles dynamiters, were denied. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE. May not result from the work oPRre- bugs, but often severe burns are caused that make a quick need for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest cure lor Burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores. It subdues inflammation, it kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at all dealers. Hundreds of people are believed to bave perished in forest fires in North ern Ontario. HAPPIEST GIRL IN LINCOLN. A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "1 had been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and stomach trouble. 1 be gan taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I was able to be up and got better right along. I am the proudest girl in Lin coln to find such a good medicine." For sale by all dealers. souMflyu DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOITUBT. WEST. Very Low Round Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4 :C5pm, arrives Atlanta 6:35 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raieifh 11:00 a m. Mobile 4:12 p m, Kew Or! ans 8:30 p m, Birm Ingham 12 16 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m Kansas Ci y 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes clof connection atSr.lis bnry for U Louis and other Western point. Through Pullman to Washington lea ve Raleigh 6:60 p m, arrives Waahing- on 8:53 am. Baltimore 10:02a m, Phils delphia 12:28 noon. New York 2:31 pm This car ma ces close connection at Wash ington for 'Ittaburn;, Chicago and all point Nor h and West and at Green boro for 1 trough Tourist Sleeper for Calif o Die xlnU and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leave Gokaboro at 6:46 a m, Raleigh 8:35 a m, vrivea Aahavilie 7:40 p at, making dot e eoanertion with the Caro lina Spaclal and an tvuig Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving Ral sigh, with lose oonnection for ail points North aad .Jottb-Weat. Pullman for Winston-Salem leave Raleigh I JO am, arrives Greens boro 620 a m, making close connection at Greensboro for all points North, South, East aad West This car Is handled oa train No, 111 leaving Coldaboro at 10:46 p M. If you desire any mfonnition, please call . We are hers to famish Informs Una as well as to sQ tickets. & F. GARY. ' . O. JONES, O. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, ft C Raleigh, N. C : Instead of Uquld , Anliccpljca-Pcroxldo V . isargr people fe sow tuinf ' ' Paxiin Toilet Aoturptle taa WW toUat rrtnlMd aowdar lo h dla4 la waur a rdd. ' tot all toiwt aad byrtrals mm it 1 bcUar aa4 Sanr aounofnWial' To iImm aoi whites tba r taath, ranxrrs IsrUT and praraat a Knar. - To dtalofvi fevmlli, i - atrtT dlaaaaa rrta an4 pSrify Vi I'r'aih, trrtrttfwrrk tR. mtnrlMA to rrrvi fcloillm frm tl. Uth and mrlfy t Irwith fir -riAli.. T'i T""l n ar. i r-' 'It1' i t Band BectioB Jsna life School io, - V Certs Tcrwnahla. - r :Wherees, one-fourth of the free-hold- ' era of No. 1 township having certified their mtentiowto apply to the Board of Trustees of the County Farm' Life School to hare the said school located ia the eeventh township; And whereas, the said one-fourth of the free-holders of No. 7 township. presented a petition to this Board, ask ing that an election be held in No. 7 township, at the regular polling places in said Township, on Saturday, August i 5th, 1911, for the purpose of voting a thirty yeas bond issue in the sum of (10,000.00 of said No. 7 township. Cra ven county, bonds bearing 5 per cent interest, and for levying and collecting on all tbe taxable property and polls in said township, sufficient to provide for the payment of interest on said bonds i and creatng a sinking fund, for the payment thereof, for the purpose of I a offering the same under the provittions j St of section 9. as aforesaid, to the tad IS Trustees of the County arm Life acnooi, provtaea said county f arm l.ile ifj ci I l I i : . i . ! vjrf ocuuui uw locateu in me Beveiun iiiwn- ship. Now Therefore, it is hereby ordered that ao election be called anjBield in No. 7 township, Craven couiitiVat the ft regular polling places in said town? nip, on Saturday Aug. 5th, 1911, during the hours on said day as prescribed by the general laws governing new registra tions, at which election tho. e, favoring the issuing of said township bonds, and! the leving and collecting of such a til for said purpose shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the 'For County Farm Life Schools,": and those opposed, shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words. "Against County Farm Life Schools." Ordered Further, that for :he purpose of holding such elections, 'At. H. C. Wood is hereby appointed Registrar, and Messrs. J. W. Conner ami J. A. j Miller are hereby appointed poll-hold- j ers. At the close of said election, tne i Registrar and Poll-holders fcliall cei tit'yj the returns of said election to the ! Board of County Commissioners, a- their next regular meeting after said" ; election, in the same manner and gov erned by the said laws as such elect ion. officers are requested tocerhfy election returns in any general elect i..n. By order of the Board, th;s July 3rd, 1911. S. H. FOWLER, Clerk Iioard of County Com. Bond Election Farm Lire School No. One Township. Whereas, one-fourth of thn free holders of No. 1 Township Inivin certi fied their intention to apply to the Board of Trustees of tho Cojnty Farm Life School, to have the said school lo cated in No, one township. And Whereas, the said one fourth of the free-holders of said No. one town ship, presented a petition to this hoard asking that an election I held in No. or township, on Friday, August ilh, I'.Hl, under and by virtue of Section 'J, Oiao ter 84, Laws of l'.lll, for the purpose of voting a thirty year hond i .sue in the sura of ten thousand dollars of sin i N . one township, ("raven county hond", bearing fi per cent interest, in id fur levying and collecting on all Lhetaxahle property and polls in sani tow -n hip ml ficient to provide for the payment of interest tl ereof, for the purpimc nf id ering the same under the pr ivinons nf section 9, as nfuieHiul, to tin- Mini Trustees of th" I'o ii.iy Firm l.fe Sehool, provided naid I't.unty Farm Life School be located in No. one t iwml rHE:5tate Norma; and loflustrial Now There that an tdix- No. one township, t'raven county, at the regular polling places in "aid town ship on Friday, August 4th, 1911, dur Ing the hours on hukI day .vi present i d by the general lawn Koverninc; new I regitration. at which i dec lion tho' favaring the igsuing of nuch a tax lot aid purpose, shall vote n I allot, on whlKh .hi l.u WNll,.n ,xr nrlnlu. I H n 'For County Farm Life School and thuyi opposed ahk.ll vote n ballot on whirh hall b written or printed ihe w.wdi "Against County Farm Life Sc1.iob " Ordered further, that for the purp of holding toch h-ctions, the folio war sppoinud Registrars and Toll bolder, to-wit:. Vaoeboro Precinct H. O. Uutlr. Ragiatrsr, and MciUy Dink ins and A. it Whit ford. Poll-hokler. Ilapl Cypres Prsrinrt-M. F. Al- drldga, Reglttrar, E. F. Adam. J W. Uoff, Poll holders. At tba cVom of said alactinn, tha Rafiatar and poll hoklera shall certify th return of said election to the Board of County Cornmimionrri at taaif Mxt rsfglar mealing af lar said alsetloo, in th 4ams mannsr and go? rnad by tns laid law as uch lction ofnesrs ar rrqolad 14 cerlify rat urn ia any erl (lectloa. By order of th Board, tWa July 3rd. 1911. S. n. FOWLER. Clark Board of Coram awloorr. f.8. Rajford, 615 Nw Vork lAtt Bldf Kaitaaa Cily, M., mts. "1 had a aetar stlark af a cola which Ud ia my bark and kidnay aad 1 waa In traat pala from lay trarbla. A frtaftd raeonnwnad folT Kldy Ptllndl ad two bottlea of Dm and ttoy hava dona rna .a world ftf fooeVVtY S. Daffy, i,i ; ; . , v , - ,. my . ii ii. i il mt s V; Frvwa vk4 Spaia t aptrn tb mltrlBnA( of ro Krwchmon by tba Spanish troop at Alratar, Vmrotto, , Tp'Tork If U!att)rrUrilth prnrriai VJral nrrfr. tat. SCnOOLS: AND COLLEGES i ' -v .r;- i---v ' ; v:.! vK-'ir;. .--- Has since 18 1 givenVauorough instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost." RESULT: It b to-day with He faculty of 32. a boardlrg patronage of 828, Its student body of 400, and its plant worth $140,000 THE LEATWNG TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GJLLS IN VIRGINIA ! $150 pays a'l charges for the year. Including table board, room, lights, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition i all subjects except music and elocution. For catalogue and application biaiik adarees, . REV. THOS. ROSSER REEVES, B. A., Principal. RLACKSTONK, VA. 3 ly,wM""B ansanannaal aMBaasaaiBBBBBBsnnsBjnjnnsaaVM fnravnHHdaHaaaaaaaaaaf mKtmBimmmamtmmamimmmMmmmmr.- - awasrz- 'tassBanaBBBTwsraaaaaaaBBWsai HST C-IOUNfl TEACHERS Till SCHOOL A State chool to train teachers for the j iblic schools of North Car lina. Kvery eirefgy Is directed to iis coe purpose. Tuition fit ; to all wlionrw to teach. Fall 1 i m begins .Sep tember 2(, l!ll 1. For catalofnio and other iufo- -tation, address. S ROBERT I. WRIGHT, HBMT. 6RE 1V1LLE. N. I. . .jiii i x Meredith One of be fe co!I'k.s for womtm In tht South that confer? an A . B, drree represt'nt imt four yoarn Konulne coIIcko work WAtM-iliriK to th Standard C- llo(j. Diploma awn tlI in tho Krhools of rendition. Art atul Music. Library facili. -h fxcpih'nl. Svnterrmric trainitiR ih Physical Kdu ution und;r tliroctor. Court h for basl. t-ball ami IcntiiM, lUmrding CIu" whero. by alwuialf ton hour ofdaily domestic aerv -co, students save from U,2U $61 yca Students nnt Tcrinpr tho neorsaary uniln ftr ontrrance may prepa nn Mortnlith Acadt'iny. Ilf'litivorl to Im ho rh-aM- t wornan'H rstU-Ko of i(n Kraile in the So 'h. For catalog. I larlorly Itnllot in. or fuller infnrmrtion. addronn. RICHARr TILMAN VANN, TRINITY 1859 18(2 Three men. -ralile date !: The Crantin' of the Chart -r for Trinity College; the Keinoval of the ( 'ollc'i- In t he ecrowin anil prosper ins City of Durham; the Huildin of the New and ( livater Trinity. Mngnilicen new lniildinc;s with new ei lipment and enlarged facilities. Comfortahi hygienic donnitories and lieanfiful pleasant surroundings, l''ive depar: iieiita: Aeiuleiu r; Mechanical, Civil and r lectricul laigineering; Law; Fducatioi; . Graduate Fur catalogue and other information, uiMresw. R. I, I-LOWERS, Secretary, Durham, N. C. Trinity Patk School i:si'.m,isiii;i) :il, l ti t i rt -1 1 1 iiiniirpasncil. i- nf f I if lilirary. (.'ynina.sium and at! I at t. nl jf-v.-ii to ticallh. A teacher oNilitmii- ol 1mc,s uinlcr bis care illcp- i- r in ii i.it i-s. Most rncHlcrn rni'tiiu ' 'lei St j i f i 1 1 1 1 r .'. d calalnt'iic, .'n)irtri I .oral loll h. '"ll-K.-. S I'lcr tin- 1 1 v i 1 1 Faculty of F;,ll t. rn, I'ur illu.slra THE- NOR ' II CAROIJNA o.M L llrJIjU j Maintained hy th. Slate fur Ihe Women Five re;; ular ( 'iiiirwcs . Special ( "uiirHeH fnr : fJ,,r t'1 t'an.hi 1 N : ding to licj;n i, ...-hers . Free tu .on l,,'il,: .,. whrt ajjrec lo herorne learhi h in the Stall.. Fall; S. iKion Ixgins S. temher LI, I'.Hl. For J -i. i iil.ry'lle and oil riiifi.riiiatii.il ii(Vlriii JULIUS I. Fl UST, President, Crtcmboro, N. C. RQUi 1 : ' ' i A 4ifii ami tJf p ub oi mu a aa ahviiie, m. c, fc,,,"r",",l tlan CltlaanaHlD t " faiR HOUMO Tail YICKT nr''" T'itnn, U rMil cvnvoi'il Ih.t Ha tinh at ONI inni in. i im in it. cm oil rtRK WALU udhr aTfnr lU.hk. IuumU. 171 , hl lot l JUkif nt -W ' - malt,: IF YOU ARE. GOING NORTH TRAVEL VIA . THE CHESAPEAKE LINE; . .- . . U ; DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUNDAY -f Vi Tha nw etemnar Jtiat plaond in,ri tha "dlY AF NORFOLIC andT-l ; fCTTT Of BALTIMORE" ara tha moat Wcnt and ap-ta-Oala 8uiamra V btwi Norfolk tod BtfUmor . t v . t BQUlMTJTl Vltir WlUBVri:LKPIIOSI3 IH tJACUjUrOlf,' ' i I: tut! U. ' tforMk ' tiacltwai i'i. alS P. mt,t'y, ';, f-V Old PotntOmfon -i v ?.!;, 4 ;.v;. '.'h it. RajurnoM iXt : .V1' ' , ' rnnwtins; at Baltimor for all rTU Morth, MorO-Et and WttL ' ' ' n.np rrrdiion Ti "t fit) rl tl MrjfTrnl. RMrt, AUhntit; City ' nJ College. Raleigh, N. C. COLLEGE 1910 1911 i-th- f each Ids of Ti inity diirnntory looks of in tniclmn. W. VV. IT.KLi;, Headmafr, Du.ham, N. C. THK NOTIi !I CAROLINA LIis!!1"" . witbtiiiiib fitin THE STATE'S Ie ''USTi5;AL COLLEGE I'mir-jj'eiir cm. in Civil, Flectri Fngineerlng ; in . in t niton M anuf a Two year course isi In Agriculture; in .1 Mechanical I usl t . . J t hemitry; urin and I'yeing. 1 1 Me. name ArtH and irTe . ar cairFe in courses arv loth ulir. Fxnminationa at all county tin textlav Art. Auf irultuae. Ttn Tftrtiral and ni fur admisHion an nent.s on July 1'!. For Catalog nddp.nn i Tl. ; hfi ; isi'kA u. Went lU'elgh. N. f'.- I l.-.-X r"i"i aora v onrf " w onrta. lia yr oort ALOHI la IM V. S . oIm a tihln IBM mll'i l nf warl wti. mi Irv- a TORY bthl nam. aTORV nxma KpiMlel t"rao VilkiiUa ami ' aln tOVt UM2UM. -.. t.tTt. tU. II w riaa, IM1 I. i 1 i -. ' , -.y-trf ft , , t ... a ft, v J r i f '. .ri. I K. .fr-ira F'n. ' C. I '!.!, t