Vy. VMuX Willi. " . KNOWN - CIRCULATION KTAELCIO) y) -V 1878 NEVr BERN, NORTH CAROLINA; WEDNESDAY HORNING; JULY .19,; J7S. THIRTIETH YEAR; NUMBER 94 A t t .f V I. ! it t. vH- . v$ - A' 5- 'j? Pit 'st ft mi Vf1. i - IV 'It I I- r V"? ft 4 . - HINTS IK i BETTING ,..Y ''"-V: ' Vuw NiKETfiEa;,'"! "7 C, vv IUST how the expression 'hore senae' came into w?ii t known. The meaning of the expression is simply an. old fash'' ion logic, simple analysis and actual truth. Make these prin-" , ciples the basis of your living and you will , get along well. The man who uses "horse sense" is more successful: than the man - Who depends upon smartness. : f - THI5 BANK ACCEPTS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OF j MIGHTY THERE'S A INPROGiSS SALE AT COPLiliiS IVILL SELL; den. posmon site Following our usual cu-tom, we are cioRing,out all broken lots, ' odda and ends at bargain prices. 'We don't want to carry this season's g ods into next season. Alrendy new Fall goods are arriving and we must have the room. WE'VE CUT PRICES TO BED ROCK REGARDLESS OF FORMER VALUES. Read the list of some of theibig bargains we bfr; fer and remember we Guarantee all goods as advertised or money back. Any of the season's stats, Worsteds, Cassimers and Serges $10 00 grade now $7.50 All fine Wool and Worsted suits, all sizes $15.00 grade now $ 1 1.25 ,.. Apy suits formerly sold up to $8.50 Sale price $5.00 about 250 suits to select from. ' ' ' 25 per cent Discount on all boys Knickerbocker suits. Bee our Window Display of boys. Wash Suits at reduction prices, all sizes 2-1-2 to 10 years. Traveling Bags, Suit Oases and Trunks at reduction prices. Any pair of Barry .Oxftfrds that formerly 'sold for $3 50 now $2. (15, any pair $1.00 Oxfords now $3.00, any leather, width or style you may want. Judjje To HameCommlssidn to Sell Jamesjown -Exposition Grouoda vArAod BoIUIneaL - Norfolk, -f July 18,- Federal Judge Edmund Wddill, Jn, yesterday direct ed sale the Jamestown Exposition site ou Hampton Roads by fcoramis sort ers probably five In- number, to be named by-i-,tnd court ' July )19th.' The property constating of 2?6 acres, togeth er with' the exhibit and state buildings thereon' as well as all other improve ment belonging to ' the receivership estate will be soldi' first in parcels and then as a whole persons' offering ti bid on parcel lots , being - required to mat e $500 deposits -and those offering to bid on the wbple to make a deposit of $10; 000. The sale will( probably occur in October after four weeks', advertise ment In each of the Norfolk fiew'spap ers. y The terms of the sale will be one- fourth cash and the balance inhree an- nul installments. ; " . The commissioners of sale will dp- termine the number of parcels, into which the property will be divided f r first offer at auction. The division will probably be in blocks rather than lotr, There was some question as to how the water system on the. grounds would be sold, but this was decided in favor of its sale in one parcel as a whole, the entire water works system to be includ ed in the property when the land and' improvements are finally offered as a whole. The decree of sale affirms the right of mechanios' liens to come in ahead of the Jamestown Exposition first mortg age of 1400,000, heretofore decided by the court, whsn the mechanics liens are valid. Those nominated to the court today as special'' commissioners of sale were H. M. Kerr, R. H. Baker, R. M. Lett, H. C.iDaVisand H. H. Rumble, Most of those' named were trustees under various mortgages involved. ' The eourt said this raised a troublesome question and it would do the best it could. THE; VITAL , , ' 1 ! 5 SPARK IS SEEil We have not mixed a lot of cheap goods with higher priced ones in order to gel. an average price. Besides causing you to rely upon you own judgement for a bargain. Our former selling price remains '.on every garment in plain figures, so we guarantee absolutely every article just as advertised. WHAT YOU BUY-WK STAND BY. S. Goplon & Son : SELLS IT FOR LESS LITTLE OUT OF THE WAY, BUT IT PAYS TO WALK TO CpPLQN'S . - The Smitli Premier VISIBLE TYPEWRITER MODEL 10. Acme of Perfection in Construction and Service. HITS X" : : : STORE ,- - v . BLACK MOUNTAIN ;INN ,.e Most Beautiful Place in . North: Ut St Carolina." Its Departure From'' Dying f0n V Witnessed by X Ey .; ChicagJ, July' 18, The "flight of the vital spark' has been witnessed, accor ding to a statement made today by Dr, Patrick S, O'Donnell, aq X ray expert who has been following up experiro nta made.fby Dr. W, J , Kilner, of London, England. , ;, ' Sometime ago, using a chemicalized film scaled between two thin 'stops ef glass. Dr. O'Donoell pave a demonstra tion to twenty physicians of the anrat or "elecirical radiation" of . living hod ies, four young women being need as subjeets. The aura developed a a. strong ray of light surrounding the en tire form of the suject Last night," said Dr. O'Donnell, "in the presence of geveral physicians at Mercy Hospital, 1 tried the expert ment on a dying-man. He was "rapidly sinking. Suddenly the attending phy sician arinounced that the man 'Was dead. The aura began to spread from the body, and presently disappeared. Further observation of the corpse' re vealed no sign of the aura. "We do not claim that the light is the soul, or spirit.. In fact no one seems to know what it is. In my opinion. however, it is some sort of radio-activi ty made visible by the use of the chem ical screen. My experiments, howev er, seem to prove that it. is the aniraa ting power, or current of life of human beings."- NOTICE. Beginning at once, the Norfolk-South ern train No 92 from New Bern to Washington, N. C, and intermediate points will roct tueiday, Thursday ind Saturday, Instead of every day. Freight for these DoiUttfwill need to be deliver ed the day befwe to insuie leaving on these dates, ' M. W. WARREN, Agent. County Teachers' Association. The regular examination for Teachers Certificate (July examination) will be held at the court house in New Bern on Thursday and FriJay, July 20th and 21st, beginning each day at 18 a. m. The examination on Thursday will be for white Uacbera and Friday for th colored teachers. S. M. BRINSON, County Sup't. of Schools. The Athens is the only house in New Bern showing Associa tion pictures. . ' - v , 8mltha to Give Hoke Welcome. NOTICE. Customers who are in debt to me will please square their accounts.'' It is ut terly impossible" for me to do business without money. The public will please note, that beginning July the 18th, shall do an absolute cash business. JOHN T. HAVENS. 944 Middle St. BiraULDfi llllils Washington, D. C, Jury 18-Tbe Smiths la Congress sre prepairiitg , to gite Hoke Smith, the new Sesator from Georgia, a bally -reception upon bit arrival.-, Tbero ar ' already' tit 8ml the U tbe Hooso, ta tboSeoat tbero Is a' 1 Smith from M icbtgan, one from kfarylsad, ene-front Jouth Caro lina and dow eomef Smith from Geor gia. . 'V-'V'vV-:'' -' ' 1 ,"'' '''-' . ' , , i J ..'.Vf'Or.JwiKlre'tt Joornil Office. . 'VV DON'T HAVE TO WORK ";''"-vvHARD;::;;:r' Tu do a days trtnk fhil hot wrath' er if yii u our lumlrit Is : mnufartiird so accurately, Winks end file toglhr no nlcfly and thn too, pfitr1f g .!- !, , th at it f Tralljrs pl-ure li(.rk. AM the eintTt .n ff r w t (ml Iumbr wlipu thy "flrrin-lhn A la IaimJ r I.nm I rr" ton yiiii l,!snn thfT r--ln-- ymir Ui.nr I .;!. I' y ri t 1 r- 1 , i r I I .' ' 'The ' Phifatieiphia , Lawr) Mower will rnake'your lawn have a ' decent "appearance when ; properly applied.' J. 3.fBasnieht Hdw. Co. -K' ; -; ' v. ' 1 11 . ' .'" f ' A Well EjDOwn Man' Opinion. The Savodino Col New" tora, n: C. ' "Wo havo derive! to murh beofit from the om of SAVODINC, that W wih to add oor ttlmony fo the (Ut of tbnto aheajy acquainted with lis mer its. ..' '. ' ' My wife ht Wit ealng SAVODINC fie quite a while for etM to the hrd, ai b found It s road; r1l( f it C AT A K 11 but libove all t!.. U I be ImtofJU I hsvlng proved lUrlf In valijut.) to tin f.tt mif bhy. A nhort time s-o ho w I kn Vry (irk, unit I.e .! 1 rUp Ut little hn-i to hi r. i)""!! Ix rr ,t n"erii.g it h r -'ip. I r k r 'l tint -.ti ! I. ,J r : - I I o i' ' - '.t t ' J I I ' f i ' ii ! t f r'.i." ! il i - . :) ft f P r ' - t I v -1 i; . r BKIDGETOK ITEMS. Briatefon, July 18.-Weare glad to see the rain, for we have had Buch a long spell of dry hot weather, though now every thing seems to be so much refreshed. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Moore and chil dren, who have been at Sno Hill for several days viei .ing relatives returned home Saturday. Mrs, H. M. Bunting who baa b?en visiting friends in Norfolk, returned Saturday. Mis Viola McGowan, who has been Visiting Rev. J. M. Wright has has gone out in the country to viait. Mr. A. M. Tingle spent Sunday at Stella. Miss Ksnnie Weston, of Hyde county, spent Sunday io our town, viiitine at the home of Rev. J. M. Wright on B street Mr. Barnett.'who has lived in our town for several year moved to Bel- haven a few. days ago. Now comes the sad news that his oldest son, Alex, 1 years of age, and a colored mtn were coming to Bridgeton last Friday for the purpose of moving a colored family from hero to Belhaveo, and while. In Pamlico Sound the sail knocked young Barnett overboard and bo was drowned. Alex Was a floe young man, and this qoDjCnuolty la pained very much to learo of his sad fate, . t . t ; Hemra T.W. Iloltoti, G. A. Eviog- tm and J. Gy Tripp wont to Norfolk for i few days visit.', - V. j Mr. Landy GairU and his father, of GWf too, were hi our Iowa today, JMK W. H. Whltford aodMr. 'J. C. HaitbcoeV and wifV spent" Sunday 'kt Merehead Oty. ';' ' : , L . Mr'. . J, Baylese went, to Washing ton yeeterday. . ' ; , , ! 'i , ' Mr. M. t. Ptlgh Uft this morning for Sevoo Spring for k short visit, r v 4 , (' Mr. uoanio uarrw, woo nas peea w our town for sotn time at , work, re turned to hla Dome at Gnfton this monr ng; he was accompanied by hie ooualq, Mlae Msble rugh, who wUI visit there for a few days. V J". - Mr. 'Clyde - IIopewelL.of Aklnle ylalting to ourUem Uxiay.. '' Mnt I.any Jhnoo and child resVsra VWIIing KVIiHHV" v . ; V Mr. Wm. R itxfia, of Brown Sound, U In our toe vbiting hi aunt, Mrs, S. O, rtkor, on C tret. - They Musi Go Oti Bcoord AiTo Various, 'Preseot :: ana' Past, . 1 ' Policies of ' Party. Lincoln, Neb., July 18. -The Demo cratic Presidential aspirants are to be placed on record on-public questions be fore the nominating convention is held if William J. Bryan has his way. oryan, wno, ,oy reason 01 me ruie whiph compels a candidate to receive a two-thirds vote of the delegates to se cure the nomination,' will be a patent factor in next year's convention, de clares . in the Commoner today that Democrats should profit by the lesson of 1908. - "The Republicans." he enys, "took Mr.Roosevelt'a word for the political disposition of the Republican candidate for trie Presidency, and they have been naturally, greatly disappointed. The questions he wants the aspir ants for the nomination to answer include: "Do you favor tariff ior revenue on ly? Free raw materials and a revenue duty only on manufactured goods? ' 'Giving consideration to the element of protection in revising the tariff? "Election of Senators by the people? "The income tax? "Promise of immediate independence to the Fillipinos? "Publicity of campaign contributions and expenses? "Safeguarding of States' rights? ' Indorsement of labor planks of 1908? "Strict regulation of railroads? "Indorsement of the trust plank of the 1908 platform? "Aiset currency in any form, and more especially the Aldrich monetary reform plan? "Legislation guaranteeing bank de posits?" Bryan would alsa put the aspirants on record on the question of keeping the three branches of government with in their Constitutional apheie and whether they believe in the reading of "unreaionjtble" into the Sherman Anti Trust law by the Supreme Court. I ' JJy '.oiva' -ytx ? , ' A BANK FOR ALL: THE PEOPLE ; The convenient locatioVi of this bank in the heart of the business district, tlie facilities it affords in all branches of modern banking and the individual attention given by its management to the personaKrequirements of each customer, make it an ideal hanking home for people in every walk of life. Checking accounts are. received in any amount and 4 per cent compound interest is paid oil savings. 1 55 The managers of The Athens always look to the comfort and pleasuie of their patrons. CLOTHING AND SHOES K. Kit tm KM ta III tu We Will Continue Selling all Clothing and Ox fords at Cost. ft GOOD STOCK TO SELECT FROM J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEP'T STORE. Refrigerators. Will sell the balance left over at the following prices. Genuine l'orcelean lined Lenard Clcanahle, the $26 U0 at $22 60, the (35 00 at 30 00, the $40 00 at 35 00, the 45 00 at 4 00. The above price are th.t lowei-t we ever otleru this clajs of goods at. Everyone car ries guarantee that they will do all you expect any refrigerator to do. J. S. MILLER. . . 1 i Attempted Big Swindle. - .'Rsn New York. July 18 -The police ar rested a well dressed man, who said he was Edward B. Kabn, of New Orleans, who Is charged with having ordered from cloak and suit manufacturers in this ciiy goods to. the value of $60,000 (0 the name of a Chattanooga, Tetm., firm to which th goods were ordered shipped.. One of th firms viaited by Kahn wired U Chattanooga for confir mation of f 10,000 order, snd received a reply that th eompaoy bad no buyer io the Nw,York market. THE AUTOMATIC BALL BEARING AXLE IS FOOL PROOF AND EVERLASTING will ease ths bur den on horse more than any axle ev er offered, if you are usi n g two horses get a vehi cle equipped with this axle and you can sell one and save the foe ling. And is the tire t and only Bail-Bearing Axle that can be sent to anyone anywhere, and be a success every time without any brains being Bent along to adjust it 6. S. WAIEflS & SDNS. BROAD ST. NEW BERN. N. G. Ihera wt.l be Jupanrvt lawn rtj FriJay lit'hU at eight o'ltock on th ! t riPlt to tt Mthlt ctiureh, 11,.t will alao I h)n!f(i cm,ul for U rhil Jr.n. Kivn r-i,i ill t !.i,fa'i ij li, inlif lh f.nilnt, r, 1 jr; ! U Notice of Loss of Certificate of ;A Stock. ; , Notice is hereby given that 1 have lost or misplaced Certificate No. 1 for tao shares of aerie No. 4 of the capital stock o( the Hom Building - 4 .Loan AasodaUM bMOM tome, saidcerancato bearing flato Ma )st,', 1909.'If aam ta sot found wilnln thirty oayi appuca Uon will U mad by m for- duplicate ' i V. Lr PERKINS, ; ThU fba 90th, day of June. lWL! ' v '.,. . v " ; . : 'i " ' -y , Damage By CycloM, : ' Port Deposit, Md., July 18-A eyekme practmatly dwetroyed Richardiment, "a himlet eight mile enrth of here and ept everr thing from Its path In Otoraro ValU y. . A flmir mill built to mk flmir fof Whlngtoo"e srmy. an 1 which waa Still In opryt!on, waa dflmolinhod . Th total damag laenfi intl at $10,0 0, NEW LOT Ladies Metal Frame Hand Bags, every bag worth $1.50 to $2.50, our price $1.00 each. One lot Mens Belts worth $1.00, our price 50c. One let Childrens Pat Leath-, er Belts, late styles, price 18c. Batrington Dty Goods, Co. T f ir (!. f ,r j r., Hp 't I rutst FILLS 1 ruts I Will t 111" I It - ' I , ,.n I. I i- " T! t' ' ! '! ' 1 a ( v," . 1 f r i I n I'll Ointmi ' ..r.-r an I It, ).:: -a. " . ii r.t will - I .' ' ' I ' t " rirsi ' gaaMS flT" 1 f r . d I I 1 1 tit' 'M' i 4 - J1 tt.1 V!'-