T T ' ' - r i i U . . i I 4. . 1,11. -THIRTIETH YEAR 1; 1 . t f 1 r V - t t ft-1 1 ' . ...Mv -vilE-FIKEO O 'SECURE L'iCOLlE;.) " ipy ANY people live Irora the income on their money and the I i I sa'est wy ploy fund is to deposit the money with I Yii this bank, either, in'a savings account or on our Certifi cate of Deposit plan. Your money will then be safe gnarded by large capital,- resources , and prudent management, while it vdl yield fixed and secure income. N . S-.'-1 - .V - accounts Subject, to check" are' also til I (tlllIVv ID OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Men's, Young Men s and, Boys Cloth- ing Now. on Sale, !at Exactly - in Li iU : FORMER PRICE NOTHmq Reserved; S 7.50 FOB SUITS IIISTEAD OFSIO OO bull L.-iLU Excursion Train Collides 'With a Freight at Hamlet With : : ' ' ..- -Fatal Eeault. . 7--,' . Hamlet, N. C, Jlay 28. Ao excur sion train from Purham, . on- the Sea board Air Line Railway bound for Char lotte, lushed bad-on Id 0a freight train in the yards of this place at 10:30 a. m. yesterday, instantly killing ieveo people and wounding" forty. ": ' The train which ran into the freight was a negro excuraion train.." AH 'the dead and practically the injured are ne - It ia said - that". the -collision' was due to a, misunderstanding of orders. The engine palling, the second section of train 33, carrying colored excursion from Durham to Charlotte, ran into the (fear end of a fre'ght train", which vat standing on the main line in the yards at Hamlet, on the time of an" overdue train, and that while this was due to a misunderstanding of orders t was not known at the time who, was to .blame, whether the train? crew or? the. yard men. sw VrW H & r iV 1 -The collision occurred between ten and eleven o'clock; and little informs' tioa concerning it was received at the company offices" in Portsmouth at 3 o'clock. ? It was said, though, that none of the train crew Was injured; and that all the negroes who were killed, were either on the platforms of, the cars or standing Ho Inside. - Advices received at the office of the superintendent xf traBsporfcatioa.. from Hamlet, shortly after three o'clock sta ted that seven had been killed and for ty irtjured all negroesT ..The injured had been hurried to' Charlotte; 'where they were placed in a hospitatvf Many were only slightlv-oruised. U It was alsotated that it was a bead- on collision and that the pilots, of Jboth engines were demolished and three, of the passenger cars, damaged i.Because i the excursion train was making only 10 miles an hoar the loss of , Me was Jiot r j h -, , i i .,'yg' S 11.25 :S13.50 liioo it it 0 tt tt 151 201 CHOICE OF ANY .STRAW. 'HAT. 1-3 OFF ,.: 3f ;K V ',' SELLS IT: FORiESS': :, t P 'X- LITTLE OUT Of THE WAY, BUT IT PAYS TO WALK TO COLON'S I', ' J f L ; f : uLih I I Ilands Off Or Fight Frauce May Intercede. Stock. Market : ' . Unsettled. London, July 28 Great Britain has ehvered an ultimatum to Germany en the Moroccan situation. She demands Germany to, keep hands-on or fight Hurried preparations are being made at the Wol-Wych arsenal in the North Sea. ' The fleet- has been -ordered to Berlin, "July 28 The Foreign Office denies it has received the . British ulti matum.f .The return bf the Emperor is anxiously awaited. ' Paris, July 28. The French Cabinet is conferring with President Fallieres. It is expected that ' France will relieve the, tension over. ' the Moroccan situa tion between England and "Germany.""- London, July 28.--A slump in the stock market because of 'the Moroccan $1 V S t "is Merchants Notice. Schooner R. "F. 1 Bratton - wiU load" goods at Baltimore for New Bern early next week take advantage of the cheap rate freight ana tush yoar orders m. sS WALTHEN & CO.' ocnr S oroser, d&wo. StoVes. Remember' We 'ar' complete "house furnishers, can give ' you .- prices on Ranges of the Joest quality, suc as the Favorite Ranges. ; Cook Stoves- from $6.00 to 20 00, Ranges , from 25.00. to J60.00. . Give me chance at yopr stove wants.' ' ' v t . Jr S. MILLER. ' WsalfcaalaMssaiaM -.Ti --f . ."r't.'-.V I Fifteen Skeletons jfound on Maine. Havsha, Jaly 58.-With the finding ot some more- bones, approximately: .16 skeletons nave been recovered from the wrecked Maine',! be .remains of 69 men are still in the wreck, but moat if pot all, were in the, part of the bat tleship which wss completely destroyed, and it is doubtful whether many more skeletons will be recovered. ; j ' ." WJ WILL INAUGURATE -: . T - OUR FIRST SPECI AL CIGAr SlE 7 ;: '.'FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, ' C r And WIS CootinusThis special Sale on Those Two Days For a Tew " . . - v Weeks. : We Offer YouTlie Following Valnea: V r .:, Royal Robes,' value $2.50 i box for $2.00 or 6 for 25c. i .Little Lew : Monumental f. ElProv:nzo V V:2.oo; -2.00 111 2.50 it $1.75 ; MS.:' - 1.75 " 2.00 : Tbe managers of Tbe Athens always look to the comfort and pleasui e of r their patrons. 4lr .,,... si' in M ay an s m is - Canada Oppoaing' - EecIprocM.' ' , OtUwsJuly.ia The" opposition in Parliament tontioud its attack on re ciprocity until I2:S0 this . morning," It Is expected that Premier Lsurier will make statement today defining the Amntant'Sl aKnattffnn ' ... V TVIIIIIJVMk B) VU .; NOTICE.' . t .- These brands are offered yoa it wholesale prices' and yon will make ho mistake to avsil yourself of this , "Great Bargain Opportunity." We ;alo carry a full lins of well known 10c and 15c, Cieart, Tobacco, Pi dps, 'and Smokers articles. Agents for Guth's Chocnlak-s and Bon Bmv, alto CmiMn FounUin Pens, all stylet and sites. Fit Year, Gujanue-U Hts no Fiul.' ' s - " ' ' ' ' EDWARD CLARIi Cor. Store, L!ki Tn",r!", - - rinme 91 Customers who are in debt to me wi pUaea square their ScenonU. It ir ut terly impotniblw for me to do baninees without money.' The public will pU ase note, that beginning July tliS 18th". hall do sa stwlute ra'h ti.ninriK. ' ' " JOHN T. HAYK.NS. . ; : . ' . t:i i:,.M!eEt. latnrjents Slze Custom fJous. eriais.-caused two failures todays iulyJJ8,J9U. - ; nSeas:leiort Destroyed. New Haven, -Conn.i. July 28th-Mo- maguin Hotel ahd Hoyt'sba thing pa vilions, were destroyed 4y flre"today with' a1 loga,-of $50,000. Mrs. R. B, rescued from tbe burning building with great f.flculty.;.?, Ji.K m V " 1 ' 11 1 i m jt" 1 4. v J1 - v . j - ;-:.i'RcWgeratorsi ., - Will sell Tthe balance left' over at', the following prices. v Genuine " Porcelean lined Lenard Cleanable, : the $25 tD at S22 60, the $35 0 at tSu fity the, S40 $0 St S& Off, the 5 W at 4 OOJ. The above prices are; the lowest we' ever'oiferd this clafffof -goods at, 'Everyone car ries guarantee that they will do all yon expect any. -refrigerator to doi ';v".;j, S MILLER ';V 'Bi Wwck.oa Westers; Road, y Kansas -City,;Mo. Joly 28th. -tbe wreck on the Chicago. & Great, Western pasf enger" ' train caused - by? an open switch.-. The engineer was' killed and, 8 injured,- ' We can't-"keep the-.mbs- quitd 'and.ln out' bf "your yard, but we can furnish you with the rmaterial to - keep them out. fyour1 soup and bed-room.; Cost nominal , j. S.3asnight Hdw. b. fUV TOV.W. (f HIM., y i L I i.wUilu -I'M. DILL Kaw Wool Dvity Is Eeduced' to 35 , Per Cut Ad Val-'; ; Washington, July 28. A compromise wool bill offered by Senator La FVllett of Wisconsin, a modification of both bis own and the House bill, was parsed by the Senate, 48 to 22, through the union of Democrats, having secured a record yote on the original Underwood bill, Joined with the Republican insurgent forces The measure adopted rcdocfS the raw wool duty to 35 per cent ad valorem, and ' correspondingly Reduces the duties on woqieii articles. - T ' .; The.T'regular'! Republican members of the Senateflnan .committee, an nounced tbat because- of the carrying out of the . Democratic-Republican in surgent Woo) program, they -would ;re fuse to serve on the conference com uiittee between the two bouses,-: '"There' la some doubt : as to 1 what course the House Democrats will pur' sue with regard to thecompiomfee bill. House JLeadex Underwood several days ago served notice that the House would not accept the original La Follette bilL 4. Although President Taft has'msde no definite atterance to tbat -iffi'-et, it has been strongly intimated at-the White Bouse from time to time that he might feef calledjjipon to : Veto a wool tariff bill, passed in advance vol a report on tbat schedule from tha tariff board, v The passage of the bill came "after a defeat o; the Underwood House bill. 41 to 36, on almosC party' vote; and after the original LaFollette substitute had been voted down with only the Re publican insurgents in its favor, Hav- ing"ecured a vote on the - Underwood bill as pastted by the House, the Demo- crats then supported a motion made by Senator vLaFollette to- reconsider the -vote by which their bill was defeatei . A a. Soon as the" motion to "reconstdur had been "carried, LPoIlatte offered hia compromise., . He said it represent ed a reduction of the duties in his pre vious amendments,?: Democrats accept ed it as tb best tbst could be obtained. The Democrats were unanimous in their support of it,' , J i ; 'imvu a jia' kidney pills- i Have you.vneglected your Cid'neysT Have you overworked your nervous sys tern and caused trouble with your kid-' neyB and bladderT Have yoa pains in loins, sidei back, 'groins and" bladderT Have you a' flabby appearance' of the face, especially under the eyesT Too ire quent a desire to pass nnnef If so, Wil liams' Kidney .Pills will cure you-at Dnursrist. Price 50c V Williams' MTi, Co.", Propv, Cleveland, 0- -l'. , v- - - i .- 4-.- .. - .- '--The most convihcing reference an mdividual can give in . ; J the transaction pf financfal and budnets affairs is bis lank' ' ' .-'and when the bankis .known for the businesa capacity and . conservatism of Hs directors, ; this endorsement beoornes . v . doubly impreasive.-.The" foJlowiDg'repref etjtatjve men" tf' vi . business and affairs supervise, the management ot The Peo- - pies Ban: J '' 1 -' 'K 'v" " ' ' v.?-cfhas.,8. Holltt'. E. H. Meadows, Jr. i WTdunger ' a D.Bradhsm , Wml Dunn , ' T. A. Uell v Clyde" Eby.:- V HM.Groves ' 'V Jt WI-Stewart : W. P.-Metts ; C, V. MeGehee. W, J. Swan ' W, F. Aberly i - , , G C. Speight -'r-., , : . "... 7 t , aiiiiiiii'niiiiiiin 1 Cups I!tytlpn. Ju'y : (n'ahavs the ut Jarkmrl, All toulln in revolt. 'X The Inanr euptonn hiue 11 I'bi.l U now The Alumnae Association of tbeS'a'e Normal College bat tst ; itself thelak of raising a loan fund of lifty jthoopand dollars, to be known at ths ' Itfclvef Loan Fund, in "honor of the man who not only ' endeared himself to every student and friend of, the Normal Col lege, but did such a. great and lasting work for the cause of education in gen rat."- ,?Vo-1 ':'-. .'' This wnrk wss inaugurated in tbe Summer of 1005.- during which time a field imcreUry bnn tbe organization of a'u nnoA trtwcinllont in tbe various coontietnr the Sia'e. ror two yetni Minn Etta ?pior gave her entire lime to thin work Uh the result that now there are fifty couitic organist sod twenty-two thountnd two bl'itJ'td Sid eighiy jlcilla-s pi i fpr tbe fund. The a noimt l bi ccst.ibutfd by the County U loft wllh each county aiiocia lion, tk 8R'i""ils b-inz maju. A fpa -ate account la kqit of, the money derived I mm eteh tounty . Thi ireny will I uned by yi ung w.xupn uf tliat rminly. Tli ti of tV lan fii'.d will V by Irirt l. iini'm rr Tp I'.f l'n. A y'o-'J CLOTHING AND SHOES t 3 1 We Will Continue Selling all Clothing and Ox fords at Cost. A GOOD STOCK TO SELECT ELKS TEMPLE FROM BAXTER DEFT STORE; ' Protest Against . Cotton 'Schedule.; Charlotte." N C., Uuly- 28 i-R,' M. Miller. Jr.; chsnman of thetariff-com mif sion of the American Cotton Manu facturers .Association, gives out -the following 'official steteme nt. on bebalf Ot tee aaaociation protesting -t against the proposed reduction in ; the Teottoo f uiff schedule; .TT m?il-:i' "The so-called Underwood bill ou the revision of he cotton tariff schedule is a bill framed" Apparently solely io the fnteret t of the Jmpotter and foreigner wholly unfair and unjust to us:gnor ing entirely tha interests of hs Ameri can cotton manufacturer and tbe Amer (c tn laborer, and If enacted- Into law will ''turn cotton mills of our country into soup houaes." '1 .T .' Based npen today's pi Icos' of cot ton yarns a beat that I can' figure, in order that the mjnufacturers ot ; this country. may reoit the reductions Jn the propoacd schedule; sod to compete 1 with imported yams, It wl 11 necessitate a cut somewhere from 25to60pr c nt in the, wages of vur. cotton mill operativti.. This means pauper wagts in F.urop. Will American labor stand forit? Amerteaneotton manufacturer 1 jrott against It,''"',' , " ' SEVENTH jiiiSH (IPte MM 1911. ."The'Most Beautiful ;Plac!c in North :t. t. CarolLh-l ilWri!eSsl3WlO.!PlllEy--Fo:Iernis H'f. ...". illr: Inni ro flf.lnttr'nnl llffirp; l;av,"n T"i9 Country. - f f and fell r, t irie r ! ha I f b Il...itJ ! er k i'i of tnnlj. ru f ir Inir ;..n f,f !! k n.ay ,m ti in iy gra ()!!. ty and at vary.i j I'.it the frie iJ htnm 1 .j t, H a I. i ' .1 t A.tffX f i 1 M;r ( J. 1 Te! ern, Ji i !,n r f t'.iniirrie 1, i flier ia ftat " Tic I .i X r- 9 rv ! r r il.'i .. ...' f "! (. I t'l -.tl ."V-'.VJt 's.vt". HTrnr H W Jl 1 jLi T I -a LOT i Ladies Metal tnmQ llmd igSt'iyeij bag 'wurth $1.50 to r$2.50cr;j)nce ' $ 1 .00l;eaciL ;50ne . jot" Meos Belts worth $1.00..ourpricc 50c;One lot Chitdrens PaLlxath- er Belts, Attend The Athcr.s wkf re you! can t!.vays krrp ccol and com-: f(rt.!.!c. v - i I r 1. 1 . I - Well Known Tlio Tjvo H e Co., N'i '.'' a 1; !"," (' r i --. i fr,.-i Kfi .n i.f f AV 'l t i Pi ' I ii'if (" - w fnr.i, N. C. no mueh Itcntf.L 1 ;.'IN!:, tint v f ,h,i y t )!, !. t r J i'-h iU f' ! il ! ' -.'. i A- t J- J .J-.S " ' t ,... e .Jt . r " e a u a v m v . A l, ' r v, n 1 :