-sir "ffe V "7 ' tt 'v' 11.' f - iv jf V ' j p - i l i V. i ! ! y ; JJ- ' ' ii Tor Infants and Children. ' Ths Kind Yea Have ", ' j Always Bought ; k VtomksliiiMSeM "nf . gey X I JTx a Till ftessandHpstjContatasnettir ' UA -r l s Lr ' : Ophnu.Morphus nco-MueraL ' - ; li tp ' -3-1 l . - - :i --r- ' -1 M w - (Swift, AperIteinedyforCoiBa-j I Sanii'i WonnsjCenvobwnsJiwnsltJ II rK&l nEssanJLossOFSLEEP. 1 W ! ' -FacSMc Signature of j 1111 f'WTORrL Exact WJpy Ol wrapper. THr.eMT.UB ,..i:(.,"jf. naMaajrraaaaaaaPlBMaaHWMT Br7tiH , -, rir.i im mw-w BLACK MOUNTAIN INN "The Most Beautiful Place in North Caroli Write 1S.W.D.NIMY For Terms Or Inquire at Journal Office. THE AUTOMATIC BULL-BEARING AXLE will ease the bur den on horse more than any axle ev er offered, if you are using two horses get a vehi cle equipped with this axle and vou can sell one and save the feeding. Anil is the first and only Ball-Beanng Axle that ciin be sent to anyone anywhere, and be a success every time without any brains being sent along to adjust if G. S. WATERS & SONS. BROAD ST. NEW BERN. N. G. V"' fO THE T " 1 l:. KOTEL, at Morohood City,' h. C, u. . . ubpttfior attractions, u naxcallad accommodations, the largest variety of umunGinonts, and guantt hore enjoy the moat Invigorating and healthful climate on the Atlcntlo Coast. ; IdeulSurf Othlno BaachFinasi Fiahlna In the World Safe Sailing on Inland VJatorr. orho A 'lonllo Ocaan Largest Dai 'loom li tho South Ccrvonllon Hall Ten nis Courta-Bowling Alleys-Pool- El'lllarda. SPLlNDD CUISINE SOUTHERN COOKING A FEATURE The Summer Home for Mother and Baby Cool Sea Alrthebeattonlo. Kpacla! Hateiforfemlliee UwRat SEASON, TEN-DAY and WEEK-END onralon fare a via NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R HeUI Ratea, (12.60 to $21.00 nee week. T. Moreheed City, N. renaani Maaaaet fctaaartaf WhOa tdeaer W. fc , .... . y 'ft Physicians Advi: the tat of a ("yxTboatlra, to Vurp t)a) . loo troai f norrmti y wlf ' ty . . M tales croduii of atianra It VttVO Utl f ymp. tn!)y , i ' , fVltihle an) ut a fte tsnt, aromatic UA, Vrtva ms i t! pf, aril i !oiofil arrf Krk and It of the treatrM v--:" " '? In corn' ;') a, I' H!liinKte. rt HA frrl-Jin, -1 n T 1 F I T v r v A 1 1111 I . i I 1 f In Use For Over Thirty Years THC CIHTOUa aoHMHV. NIW VOMK CITV. ina. HASHORE ALEX. UAXTH, M bvmtlM open and frrtefit tj rvi-ew at n' --v; . ; 1 11(11 .f 1 rrrttA. o.ocJUtultrhP, etc. Try ' al m. . m - H ' i i KW It Hat Been Defined nd Com Flk Wh Nevtr Triad It - I Whtt U l&ng titer? An Amertcao hu morist baa called It "an undignified wideidng of the bumaa mouth, accom panied by a noise resembling a cough la ti effort to aToid Bwallowlnj i cbeauiat." v'.'lX"- . "Langtter,": - aaya r Ttotemor Blr dtarlea Bell, "la a conmlslTa action of tb dlapbragm. In tbU atata tbe per aon drawat foil breatb and tbrova it eat In interrupted ; abort and audible cacbinnatlona. Tbla conTnlslon,oI tbe diaphragm is tba principal part or tbe physical manlfesutioa of laughter. '. "But there are aeTeral . accwBorlea, specially , tbe- aharp roeal aaTance ariotng from tbe violent tension of tbe laryr and the expression ol be fea- rores, this being .8 more intense ona- of the amilei sln'PtreBBe cases toe eyes are ' molRtened by tbe effusion from tbe luchrymal glands." i t; There arfr some' people who cannot lauKb, who Are wholly unable to enjoy either the physical or the mental lux ury of a laugh. ? Thus it waa said of William ill. that be was utterly at a loss to understand what could be got out of laughter except loss of. dignity. There are many persons in history who have been, according to common report incapable of lrfughter. Queett Mary I., John Khos. Robespierre and Maltke are examples. Tbe iron Duke himself rarely, if ever, went beyond a grunt. Strand Magazine. STRENUOUS MUSIC. A Story They Tell of Strausa Ability 1 as a Conductor. "Tbe late Thomas Wentworth, Hig ginuon," said a Harvard instructor, "loved music, but not ibe extremely technical music of Richard Strauss. Ravel and others of that type. "Concerning Strauss a,nd his bang ing, crashing music. Colonel Hlggin- son used to tell a story. "He said that Strauss went one sum mer on a hunting trip In the moun tains. It chanced that on a certain afternoon a terrific thunderstorm de scended on the hunting party. Amid earapllttlng fhunder and blinding lislil- ning, amid deluges of rain whipped by a roaring wind, tbe huntsmen all sought shelter. "Where, though, was Strauss? "Three friends set out In alarm tn look for him. They feared that in the wild chaos of tbe storm he had fnllen down a precipice. After a long while they found him. They found hini do ingwhat do you suppose? "Strauss stood hnrehended on the summit of a lofty crag. The light ning played about him in vivid violet flashes; the ruin deluged him; the thunder rolled and rumbled ar und him; the roaring wind flapped his oat tails about his bead, and the inusi inn, a ramrod In his hand, was nusil on gaged on his high crag In coudu -ting tbe thunderstorm!" Washington Star. Vantcd Two Good Murderer . Some curious letters passed bet veon Garrlck and a man named Stone. The latter was employed to get recruli fur the low parts of the draTna, am one night he wrote to Garrick, "Sii the bishop of Winchester is getting i uiiU at the Rear and swears he will not play tonight." At first sight this seems peculiar con duct for a bishop, but it should l e j)Inined that the communication only refers to the man engaged to take tiust character in the play of "Henry VIII." On another occasion Garrick wrote to Stone: "If you can get me two sod murderers I will pay you handsomely nartlcularly the spouting fellow who keeDs tbe apple stall on Tower hill The cut in his face la Just tbe thing Pick me up nn nlderman or two for 'Richard' If yon cad, and I have no ol Jectlon to treat with yoq for a comely mayor." All Broke. "Ts your father in?" tbe man with the valise asked. "No," the boy at the front door said. "he's away somewhere breakiu' a year lln' colt." - "Is your mother In?" "No; sbe"s ont In tbe barn brenkln' an old hen of aetllu'," "You have an older brother, haven'l you Y' "Yea. but he'a layln' down upstair try In' to break up a cold." "Well, ran t I sell you soma patent clbttteaplns?" "Me? No; I'm brokt."-Chlcago Trib une. Strangely Interesting. -What a strangely Interesting face your friend tbe poet baa," gurgled the maiden of forty. "It aeeuM to puaaeaa all the elemenla of tapploeaa and or- row, each struggling fur aaptMnnry." "Yes, b look to me Ilka a tuan who wm married and didn't kaow It," growled the rynlcai fwcbelcr. Phila delphia Ilecora, , - Agreed. .. ''' --"A'' vTd (Ttva' any filing alnxmt If 1 Bad1 Mr. Tonei netolr falra." .. - ' "I tblnK It a orb mora patriotic to 6 wo. an Amertratt tua) , ctr."-Blr tnlnghim Ag Jletald.' ' - t ' ' . Ufc WMe It 1 "lva'tti nMfftihor aa ihTeetr anf) aiao iioi taituig blkjui ynnraeu ; doi and ihro and a a few kind worn bout blm.-Norfoik M& f lp.itm , t Naturtl Clata, (.Th ftito whe ik-a attrh aa at' gat Jo flgnlnet roe t a tpptile V.- ."Well, naturally be U aa ailrfiior.' "-Ttalllawra American. ' ' Ignorce in the prlriarr aourc all tnlaer and vk.4.iHuin. FALLS VICTIM TO TllieVrs. w. r. rf fVl f ft, Ab , I I tfl va yar. T'i"T I' i C-r i'U") I riMrn , il f tr i i a laIrf", Pj- I ' I. 1 : FOR HSARTDURN, Sonr'Btiaxiag, Poor Ap pelita asl Castijjtion, yoa need - ;-,.. . . red 2.' I LIVE R R E GU t A TO R t (THI POWDKS FORK) , lor a torpid liver.' Belpa digestion, and cheerful. Art tw ito ttfwkM wttk k M t tk ,' mfi by mall pomald. BIiwm Llm Belui I bT mall BNtMM. nimainaa l.lTnr Brwlatnr U. Jriaca. tLl faf aoatta. tak-lK M jVai S laaak i. H. ZEIUN 4 CO.. PHOM.. f. touia. MO. A Vvst Jndiaii r-iah Dieh.i A novelty to. tbe Jaded palate and a delightful luncheon or supper dish is incde of etiual, quantities of potatoes and ; Bshi -halibut or cod ' preferred. Butter well a deep, baking' dish and first put in a layer of breadcrumbs, then a layer of sliced onions,, then a layer of the fish. "'Cut 'In fairly small pieces and -entirely "free from' skin and bones. Season well and repeat Until the dish Is nearly flHed. Sprinkle each layer with small bits. of butter. Now1 pour over it all a pint of tomato ketchup and flnish with a layenAf but tered breadernmbs. A layer of sliced tomatoes may be put in and will im prove the flavor. Buke In a very stow oven for at least four hours and baste three or four times with a mixture of vinegar, flour and water, watching it carefully to prevent scorching. This dish has an unpronounceable and de cidedly nnspeilable name, but H Is very good and decidedly out of the ordinary. -Philadelphia Tress. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Jewelers have started a movement for the suppression of daring robberies and murder recent ly so frequent. DIRE DISTRESS. It Is Near at Hand to Hundreds of New Bern Readers. Don't neglect an aching back. Backache is the Kidney's cry for help. I Neelect hurrying to their aid Means that urinary troubles follow quickly. Profit by a sufferer's experience. Mrs. Lima Arthur, Sr., 428 W. Sec ond St., WasnuiRton, N. U., says; 1 sulferrd greatly from dull, nagging bavkaches. I rould nurdly get around at times and was afraid to move on ac count of the knife-like twinges in my loins. My kidneys were weak and no d ubt caU3ed all the trouble. I eaw Down's Kidney Pill advertised and ge -ting a box, I began their use. They relieved every sympton of my trouble and 1 tn therefore pleased to recon mend them." (Statement given Janu ary 13, 1907 ) CONFIRMED PROOF. Oo November 19, 1810, when Mrs. Arthur was int -rviewed, she said: "I am wiltin.r to emiirm my lormer en doraiment of Doan's Kidney Pills. They have been of sueh great benefit to me that I am alwHVs glad to make-. their merits known." For sale bj all dealer. Price 50 cent.. I?oatr - Hllburn Co., Buffalo New York, tola agenta for tbe United State. Remember tha nam Doaa'i an 'ka oo other. Very Simple. "I've been working two or three evenings making an umbrella stand," tay tbe man who baa taken up arts and crafts endeavor. "Two nr three evenings!" exclaims the other man. "Why waste all that time? Why don't you lean It in a oor ner or atlck It to tbe grouodT'-Judgu. WHT 13 BE3T FOR INDIGESTION? Mr. A. Roblnsoo of Drumauin. On trko,haa txrn troubled for year with Indigestion, and recommeoda Chamber laln'a Stomach and Liver Tablet the twat medicine I ever need." If troubled with Indigestion or eonatipa- Unti riv Utaro trial. . They are cer tain to, prave bene&claL : Thet are caay to take and pteaaant tn effect. Price, 23 cents, Sample free at all dealer. ' jTatty Poiton. Cnetom The poison may be eiceJ Ur.t, but tbe rau wont take It You'll bar to make It more tasty. ' Driur Itlat I'vt tried that already, but tbo lpreuUi-e twy eat It. rikgetida Btat f, - " ' " . ' i ' . ' "" 111 111 ' '' 'V -,, Plural.. ' ;TtiettJ I - couai'ierabl lea , reaaot) why the plural of monaa should be mha Ihna why the plural of apoo tbould lie aplr. , Any blgamlat will admit aa much.Pnclt.'" Try Scricjs ' Il la a vrry arriou matter to ak lor or rnedkln and here the wrong one ftvea you. To Ala traanri t ;r you la fctsytng 0 ef J t cmo-IU to fM !? orruln . - 1 I -at - . ,. . Ll.cr I': " .! bt ; :1 r.f V i T t X li -r i , t. It , -1 5 f It '. i r4 1. r. t ' make you feel bright, vigorous ' i' alkl.' II jui aM n H mult aa. ui la pat JM ! aal a yi lailla awai at lanaa aaaaai SOOTRERNJAILWAT DIRCT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH, SOOTH, EAST, WEST. Very JLow Round Trip Rates to all 1 Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 p m, arrives Atlanta 6:35 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaviug Raleigh 11 :00 a m, Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8 :iiO p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, eecond day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection atSr.lis- bnry for St. Louis and other Western points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing on 8:58 am, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:31 pm. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper' for Calif omia points and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a m, Kaleigh 8:35 a m, arrives Asheville 7:10 p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following d;iy after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all points North and North-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem loaves Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection at Greensboro for all points North, South, East and West. This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro at 10:45 p m. If you desire any information, please call. We are here to furnish informa tion as well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY, J. O. JCN'ES, G. P. A. T.' P. A. Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C. The Only Mourner. Randull - Was Sir:ilt a popular m-.' "I'oiml.'! r! Tho only mourner it tiif funeral wus the Insurance tomps .y " Life. Cuts and brui' cs m iy be hea about on -third the lime reqii'. the usual treatment hy iplyinj. berlain's Liniment. It h an ant and causes such mjuricx to heh out mai ural ion. This liniment. : lieves soreness of the muse e- aril matic pains. For sale ty all 1)' I in I i.j i' .. tii o re- r' cu llers. Ample Apology. An Irish lawyer once address 1 the court as "gentlemen" Instead ol 'your honors." After lie hail concltrV-l a brother of the br reminded hi ni of his error. He Immediately aropo and apologized thus: "May It please the court. In tbe heat of debate I called yer honors irentlomen. I made n mis take, yer honors." Then ho sat down. and If the court wns not satlnfled It did not disclose the fact. Case and Comment SOUTHERN RAILWAY National Negro Busincsn League, Little Rock, Ark., August 10, 18, 1911. Account tbe above occasion tho South em Railway announces the sale of very low round trip tickets si follows: From Durham $ 34 26 Raleigh 36 50 Oxford 35 50 Goldsboro 36 95 Tlcketa will be on tale in same pro portion from all other station, Date of aale: Auguat 14, 16 and 16, with final IkrUt to reach original start ing poiot nol later than raid-night of August 22, 191L " ' ; ,' AH tteatring , Pullman apaco plea e'ommanltat with John Merrick, Due ham., N. 0 - - . - Fpf information a to rates, schedule Ete , tall oo yuor nearest agant o ad droaa lb underalgned. ,' ; - . J. 0; JONES. . , -i. T. P. k.v' v ': Raleigh, N. a : i i , ' A reltMul Liken. " Honleiglj-I roaiir rloo't think the bhotographer caught any expreewloo, do rout iilae Keen (looking t pnotoi- l don't re any. lioaton Trsn rlpt , A Strena Plaree. . Ifolher-W'liat do rttu think too wit mV mt .f my d.tnchler' fal"Utr profoa.-Atx-ut dollar a !. If tfie t,ino W4 ont . , , Wlf K GOT TIP TOP ALVICC. "''j wife vMfl m to tske'mir lrfiT r-'r 1 1 r-rrtkr!. ft f'tvul", li'la, ' 1 '("it I i i n' A no' w .' ! en It. nil I a-, ' I ttiro. t l.e Ivitl in . , I ii ' f, i..-! cut (,. .' r t. " ; jrT v. '". t u'-6 r'-i. t'.riji nrMf. ' 1 Mi'im !-'ir'li, Trj . ' '-." et ft" i.r.'jLi-e. La Notices , . , EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Hawaar Knaa ja axacotor at Um aetata af nftaiua.' a. mated, lata at Ctarea Oe. t V: C .Jim i. t aatifr q eenaaa aatlac ctakna utaiaat tha aetata of aud iman to exMhit ttxaa ta ta BAdetMcudat Nn Ben. V. C ea e' fcefcee) aha ti ear af Aaa-aat. Wit ar ttue ae- tMaanO be plead ea iabaiattlaBir peramiadebaed to amid aetata will Hwmarliata paraiaat. V taia latdw at Aeguat MU. ' T. A. GREEK ' Eiauutea of Xaaua Dee'i. K. A. KUNN, Attaracr. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having oaaltfied ae executor of tbe aetata of B. F. HandsreOB, deeeeaed, lata of Jonea oounty. North Carolina, thia ii to notify all tMraona hav inc daime' a-atnat he aetata of said d eeaaed to exhibit them to tha andenig-ned at New Bern, N. C oa or before the 28th day of July 1912. All peoone indebted to amid eetate will please make immediate aettlement or this notice will be plead -ed in bar of their recovery. B. H. HENDERSON, Executor, D. E. HENDERSON. Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having duly qualified hb admin iatrntqr of Noah C.Rountree deceased, notifies all ; Persons to whom he was indebted or have claims ! against his etat to present thestme to tM&an- ddrsigned admitistrator for payment ohor bitore the 2tst, day of July 1912 duly authenticated or this notice will be plead in bar of their 'recovery. All persons indebted to the deceased are'requir ed to make immediate payment to the undersign ed. J. M. ROUNTREB. Administrator. R. W. WILLIAMSON. Attorney. WEEK END EXCURSION TICKETS To Norfolk And Virginia Beach Now on Sale, Via Norfolk Southern Ry., to Norfolk, Va., And Return. From Saturday Week End Goldsboro $ 2 50 $ 4 75 LaGrange 2 50 4 75 Kinston 2 50 4 75 Dover 2 50 4 75 New Bern 2 50 4 75 Vanceborp 2 25 4 75 Washington 2 25 .1 75 Tickets to Virginia Beach 25c higher than furnished to Norfolk. Rules in proportion from all intermediate stations "Saturday tickets," sold for trains 6 and 16. due to arrive Norfolk Sunday morning, good to return leaving Norfolk until train 1, Monday following date of I sale. i "Week End tickets," sold for trains 'and 16, Friday night and Saturday 1 'rain, good to return until train 1, Tues j uy following date of sale. tie' complete in.'ormation from near l ,i agent. W W CinXTON, G P. A., N-S R. K Norfolk, Va. i iJElFOLK SQUTHERN ftAILRlAD KOIJ". "NiGH ! schedule Effi.c F Tlh. riX 1' June 1 i 1 1 1 f ne following icduli i ires pub ann arc i. shed as information not guaranteed. ONI, TRAINS LEAVE NEW KERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND 12:30 a m, Daily-Night Express Pull man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 9:30 am. Daily for Norfolk, connects for all points North and West, Parlor car service between Wash ington and Norfolk. 1:46 pm, Daily except Sunday for Washington, Belhaven, Greenville Wilson and Raleigh. Parlor car between Washington and Raleigh. 4:10 a m, Daily Night Express for Goldsboro. 9:16 a m, Daily for Goldsboro. Parlor car service. 60 pm, Daily for Goldsboro. Pull man Bleeping cars to Wlneton Salcm, N. C. EAST BOUND Daily for Beaufort 9:25 a m. 6:40 p m, car service, 9.60 a m, Daily Beaufort Parlor except Sunday for UrientaJ. 6:00 p m, Daily for Oriental For further Information or reservation M Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply o L IL Bennett, T. A., New Bem, N. C. W. JV. CROXTON W. R. HUDSON, Q. P. A. Geftl Supt i, Norfolk, Va. Tha War Department la preparing to extend rnasixravar diviak! xperimanU to tha regular army pot. - i ' ' ii. ' a ii'f ' 1 m . t? 1 1 'i; i n Lake DniramondCantJ & Witcr Lake Drummond transportation " -co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal Aa Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nina Feat of Wur Minimum Depth ' ." . Alway. -''," fQulck Trareiit for Traffic. ' Prompt Toe-Wig and FrvIghtMovfTwuC . or villa, towing and frciftit ratfl apply at office in rW-wlward t'xnk lluild Ing and at IVi Crrnk tt, Va. . M. K. King, fnt. . A. f.',.:tf n,Sc. J. B. Cixter, Su.it, 1. T. Vhithur., TraU I'.iv.tpt, Hrf !k O.T.ca ?il i 1. - e t: :, ' eee-a2 rfMRSiflHlL-fCAlS I i t. H SURMM,' A. IX t'ar. SlttlS ill: HBO. AfTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW KIW BERK, g, C, Office Rooms Wl-2-3 Elks building Practice W the counties ef Crawo, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and W.ake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. DR. H. M BONNER ti 1 1 DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Oflice in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. E. A. PERKINS Estimates made on any style build ing, new work, remodeling etc. ADDRESS, E. A. PERKINS, l F. I). No, 3, NEW BERN. N. C. ?. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Office No. 50 Craven Street. Telephone No. 97. New Bern, N. C. I D. L. WARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL LERAT LAW Hughes Building New Bern, Craven Si.rert N. C, Practice in State an. I IV.Ieiu! ei Circuit, Craven, Carteret, Joi e Pamlico and wherever nervne.-' ai sired. 'arts, and de- SOUTHERN KAIL WAY SOl TnfeUPi RAIL IY AY SClii.Jt: Lit N. 8. Theae flguras are pubi shed for lnformat'oo ajir are not m iraa Uod. NO. 21 Leave Goldsboro, N. C, C. a. m., through train with chair car to Asheville, connectii g at Kt Diirhi.m, for Oxford. Hen n-o. Keysv'llo and pic wn at Pi-lTer-'tT 'or Hi.' 1IH: at Greensboro for Charlotte and all pkJata south, also for r vfll, Lynchburg, Charlottesvlll Washington, and all pedata nertaV no. 13 Leavea Goldsboro, 3.06 if. BV tor Greensboro, handle through Pullman Raleigh, to Atlanta, ooa wreU at Greensboro for all point north, south and wast NO. Ml Leaves Goldsboro 10.45 p m for Qraeaaboro, handle pullma Raleigh , to Qraauboro, aoav ncta at Greeneboro tor Char lotta, AelanU . New Orleaju, Athevllle, Knoxvtlle. Danvllla, Lynchbata. tearilla, Waahisgtoa. poiot ortk. alao lot CharU. ta U tor further Inform tin aa any Southern ticket agant or addraaa U taderalgacd. H. F. CART, General Paasaagar ivl, WaaUiagtoa, D. O, W. H. PARNELL, Trarallng PaaMBgar AgavV . Baialgh, N. a L Instead of Liquid - AntIscptIc3PcroxId3 niAny people re now twing ' , pAXtlne) Toilet Anlicptlc Tho new toilet frertntatd powder to be) dlsanlwd In water aa needed. . . ' For all toilet and hyglent ac It 1 ' tatter and mom eniBOtnlcal.. To eleanae Rod whiten the - tiwtb, r-mova tavrUr and rtrrnt demaf. to iitofst the nvinlh, rU- 5 atmt dlereuMi frrTD, and pnrify tha breath. (l To Vcp artificial tth and tiriiJuoworli cloaa, rKlnrlwa To rvrviva oicitinM fmm tba t"tll inrify th bvth f-r nwti l"f . Tt erwltoatm fverepl ration arwi V r!ra hf at-iti;' l.at Ii'.h,. ' fl lit tni ci Ho h known. H'Bt ar.rt i rctiitfnum tircit, ,i., 1 U-V'ii. j I u U -ir-' ' 'IT rf i " J I,- . ' ).' 1 M ifl,.,-" ' it ivr J .if, f ) I A ( y V.i. ' t . r t

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