,1 r ... r Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been j Java) lor over 30 yean, uaa 1oto the-signature of.V"; and has been made under nu peir;. JV-- y- : sonal enpervlsloia since 1U Infancy.. 'UC&t4 - - aiw no tone to deceive you in thU." . . . . . v i , 1. .... ' -w i Kxnertments that trine with and endanger -the health of .V, ) InJanis and ChildrenExperience against Experiments -L. . , . ; UK 1 1 CI la .1 9 Xa- W I ; W . a a jTv ' '. Castbrhi lsVhaTales vnbBtitatefor Castor ' Oil, Pare ', forte, Drops and Soothing yrups. It Ls Pleasant.. It J: " contains neither Oplom, Morphine nor 'other Narootlo,- substance. Its Age ialts guarantee.' ' It destroy worms ;, and allays Feyerlshness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ; CoUc. 7 li, relieves Teething TroubleS,"cures Constipation and flatulency; " It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach aod Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Chllditon's' Panacea The Mother's Friend. . , x GEriuiija CAST 0R1A always Bears the Signature of TheEfn d You Have Always Bonght In 'Use Ton Over 30 , Years ; f tHt CtHTAUB COMPANY, . MURRAY aTRT, NIW YORK CITY, ' -- -- IS FOOL PROOF AND EVERLASTING THE AUTOMATIC BALL-BUS AXLE will ease the bur den on horse more than any axle ey. er offered, if you are. using two horses gets vehi cle equipped with this axle and vou can sell one and save the feeding. And is the first and only Bail-Bearing Axle that can be sent to anyone anywhere, and be a success every time ' without any brains being sent along to adjust it 6. S. WATERS ft SONS, BROAD ST. NEW BERN, N.C. IIIAGAHA FALLS SPECIAL E cnis -VIA- norf6lk-southern railroad 5 IN CONNECTION WITH Chesapeake Line leaves Norfolk 6:00 p m. Old Bay, Line leaves Norfolk 634 p m. ' Norfolk & Wsthington S B. Co., leaves Norfolk 6:00 p m. New -York, Philadelphis & Norfolk Ry , leaves Norfolk 6:15 p m. lAugust 29, Only) August 29, via Pennsylvania R. R. Sept. 7, via B. & 0. R. R. and Lehigh Valley R. R. ' r EXTREMELY LOW EA.TE3 FROM Ti. "T:on For... Cr. cf C. isfnii'l Natural VtBf,:er. California. nwki B.i.T c::,ef natural wondws. et-rtatui a ijue forest" Tills U Wrtrj In Sootna couatj, only a few miles from the little resort of CalUtogs E prints. TLlu "fjresr, con. liita of l (Teat many petrified tre. all ofwhJch ar prootrite. . . ' - In respect to the treat number of petrtflpd trees and their Immense slst tb California "too forest" surpasses that ot Arizona. . 8 trance to say, very Uttie Is known about these wonder ful 6tnoma county petrtfactlcma so far. as the feneral public la coacerned. Many of these trees are of eDonnous slxe- The famons "Queen of the for est" k ; prehtotprtc redwood about. eighty feet lpng and nearly twelve feet tn diameter. It has beea broken W. several places, and these breaks are a clean as tf Cut off with a saw A tree has grown up through One of the breaks and has attained quit a large sue. Another idsnt tree known as the "Mon arch" . Ues near by, whlch- Is almost ninety feat long and f to ?'wWwt break. ' This tree is a fir, ana averages ten feet In diameter. , Not far 8 way is another giant son of the forest a red wood that IS about sixty feet long and nine feet la diameter,- This free Is broken' Into many: hundreds. of pieces. yet It retains Its shape almost perfect ly. : Scattered about lor; the area of several acres are mftny othejr pieces of petrifaction., So perfect has been, the transmutation Into stone that tbe grain of . the-wood still remains very clear. and the 'variety of toe-tree may be er Uy detennlnecLSclentlfic .American. JHE OLD LIBERTY BELL History of This Rslie of the Rsvol tionary Patriots. Overvlgorous ringing of the old L! erty bell many years ago on the occ sion of the celebration of the Declar i- tlon of Independence was what p the crack in It and forever destroy Its resonant tone. It was cast by Pa & Stow In Philadelphia and bung the belfry of the now. historic stat bouse In lower Chestnut street early i Juue. 1753. It contains 2,080 poun of metsl. Near tbe top of the bell were ca t the words "Proclaim Liberty Throug i- out All the Land Onto All the Inhab - ants Thereof." Prophetic of Its dt -tiny, this gave It the name Liber j bell. When the British army marched i Philadelphia In 177T the bell was ta - en down by patriots and carried off i the night to Allentown In order th. t It might not fall Into tbe hands of tLe enemy. In 1781 It was returned to ti e tower of tbe ststehouse. For more than half a hundred years thereafter the bell was mug and hon ored on Independence day every year before the crack appeared in It An effort was made to restore Its tone by sawing the crack wider, but -this prov ed of no avail The bell was finally removed from tbe tower, to a lower story of the ststehouse and used only on extraordinary occasions, subse quently it was rigged up on Its origi nal timbers In tbe vestibule. In 1893 it was exhibited at the Columbian ex position in Chicago. t ... Tb PcstaJ Tekj-s-CiiJ Ca taasiU ans twn Us t ijtkttrM)se!ta HYwai'5UPPi.yc0a, :Dtroit eh 9,- 1911 .if' - HiAHDERS , TUZU'N again maae Sleaa sweep awarded first and! secona all the prizes there wera 'In her class in .ten days reliability nttftteapoli'Ao' Uontanav JCardest contest any light car) rex entered one thousand three hundred ninety miles orer mountains. nd plains "worst roads j; in Anerioa and rained most every day mud hub "fteep 'Jhs two F&AHDERS were only otjrs in her elass to finish with perfect sobres and only one ottar oar of any price a marmon $2700i iini8hed jDerfeot., Sars penalized inclurled paclcard stoTddard-dayton fahhot-detrbit ample maxwell cole Tt-it hnpmoMle and other small fry. (THia 'is 8eiond great 'victory f FLIiERS 'TWEHTY' la a month other fras three perfect road scores in la little gl-idden no other $800 bar "on eartfi can stand up with TLAHi ms T1ESTY in hard road work and 5n this latest contest "she went out of her class and i-inmed the four; thousand dollar fellows. , K to STTOEBAKES C0RP0RATI0H J2-M-2 Pactoriea. "vt Raleigh f 19 Be New Bern . 19 40 Wilson 18 60 Oriental 20 25 f Greenville 18 50 Washington 18 26 i' Goldsboro 19 40 , Belhaven 18 26 t ,. Klnston 19 40 Plymouth 17 80 U- " Beaufort 29 40 Mackeys 17 60 -V Morehesd City 20 60 Columbis 18 16 -" Elizabeth City 16 60, Hertford 16 96 IE IT. I New Bert Sas to ow to the Inevi table Scores ot Citizens Prove It After reading the public statement I of this reprentative citicen of New Bern given below, you must come to this conclusion: A remedy which cured drooplwrand unable to walk that be years ago; which has kept the kidneys in good" health since, can be relied up on to perform the same work In other eases,1 Read this: . : r . lira. James Day, 99 "E, Front St., New Bern. N. C. savs. "I suffered terribly from lagging backaches 6hakespsar as an Aotor. . Bbakespeare once played tbe ghost In his own Hamlet." A younger brother of the dramatist In describing the event said that be wore "a long beard and appeared so weak .and was forced to be supported and car ried by another person to a table, at which be was seated among some company." In As Ton Like It" Avon's bard assumed the role . of Adam,, tbe old i - - - -- I mi. world" and who was "not for the I "" " penevar attempted w sP fashions ef these tltnea Intermediate stations. Tickets limited Fulls to Rates in ssme proportion from all sixteen days from date of sale. A ttractive side trips f rotn N isgars Toronto, Thousands Islands and up the St. Lawrence Rivev. . Call upon Ticket Agents for complete Information, or write B. L. BUGG, Traffic Mgf ? Wll.Wi-' CR0XT0N, G. P. A. NUKF0LK, VA.: ; - , Famous Qretna Qresn. Gretna Green, Scotland, became fa mous for Its celebra,tlpn of Irrefulai marriages. For many years the aver age -number was COO. Th ceremony consisted only of an admission, befprr witness, by the couple that they were ottift, I suffered more intensely - and sound " sleep at Vnight was out ot the question..' In the morning when I got up, my peck "was very ' lame and sore awj 1 wu alto snnoyed by kidney weakness, ; fiaally ; got a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills from the Bradham Drag Cei. : snd It did ; not lake them loog to remove my aches and pains, I Big Poker Stakes. Many stories of big poker games among the western cattlemen lu tbe early days have been told, but this story of the. game with probably the greatest "stakes Is really true. Two well known cattlemen of southwestern Kansas,. one of whom is now a promi nent business man in Kansas City, started to move their herds to the pastures of Wyoming. Each herd con tained more than a thousand bead of cattle. When they came to the cross ing of the Arkansas river near Coo- lidge they found a flood on. They were unuble to cross for two or three days. To while away the time the two men eugaged In a poker game. When tbe flood finally subsided so that the cattle could proceed one of the cattlemen . said to bis won, who was helplug to drive, "Just turn my herd over to our neighbor and we will go back home He bad bet and lost not only all tn4 money be bad. but all of the herd of cattle-Kansas City Journal , Legal Notices NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having this day qualified aa administrator of th estate of lloaea Puth, dee'd., all persona hav ing elaima aarainst the estate of said decendent are hereby notiAed to present the same, duly verified, to the onderaivned on or before the 17th. day of August 112. or this notice will be pleaded in bsr of their recovery. Ail persona indebted to aid estate are hereby requested to make immed' late settlement. This 17th. day of August. IUL J, P. 8TANLY, Administrator, B. O'HARA. Atty. Children Cry FOB ' FLETCHER'S C A 3 TO R I A SOUTHERN RAILWAY lOCT-f EH kAILfral SCHIDCLII M. S. These fgurea are puhlishsi lor hi formation asa are not gasrsa II Leave Goldsboro, . C, t4l a. av, thrueih' traJV with etsfi car U AibsvUle, oounecUng Bast Derbua, for Osfora, Bsa dersoa, KsysvUle and Rick mom at Darvt rslty for Chapel Hltl. at Greseeboro for CharloUe and all pviaU souU,' alse lot iva. , vOIa, Lyschbarg, CharlotUsvUV WasatagtoB. , pa -, V .. IwU HO. ' i; NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE , r . -NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective June 1 1, v91 1 , Tne following schedule figures pub Usbe3 as Information ONLY aodj are not guaranteed. 1- ' DWUIWI IBS V11B, Ull UCIU HHUKn-HH , . . - ,Hk ' Im to nnmtttntm S we I 111 tnarrlaMj- AftPf I ""l thls th. offlcUttoarL-functloaary M Tr tor I took PPtu man rMr a htacksrolthL meet liet tnai i piuiogif . aive uis . account oi : TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN ' . NORTH AND WEST BOUND with two witnesses, signed the mar. riage certl0cste.fi...:r ; ; . ; f r What Vre Weetsd. " lr i . The doctor stood at the bedside end looked gravely down at the iavsnd- '1 cannot bide from you the fact that yon are very 111. be said. "Is thtrt snr one you would Bke to seat -; MTes.1 ssld tbe.srsffsrer faintly. l"Anoibes dodp'r." L stl ly siptrisnce..- (Statemen. ' given January 25, 1908.); -; ' THE BFNEFIT LASTED, On November 28, 1810, Mrs. Day was interviewed and she added to the'abeve: '"I have, been free from kidney com plaiut ami backache' evef since I Used Doaa'e Kidney Pills some years ego.; I willingly allow the continue) publics ties of . the statement I gave si that Urns, st 1 wish to show my gratefulness EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having- qualified as executor of the estate ot J sines Redmond, deoeaaed, kite of Craven Co. N, C this la to notify all persona bavins claims against Un estate of said deceased to exhibit them te the Bodmigned at New Bern, N. C.. on or befere the Id day of August, ltlt, or this ao- Uce wiU be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons mdehted to said estate will piss as make anmediate payment. -This 1st day of August MIL T. A. GREEN. K reenter of Jamas Hertmoari, Pae'd. H. A. NUNM. Attorney. -ru nk.4M.MiAa.. .- l"" .w-. ri'ii. - . e.i to. i a. wau s m, -upp T hlT. Cooa- the eiSmlner was try! if ' 2i . r v. "TJ7" ' lo get tbe topogrspby of .the eoonsry VSiU USJIV ror nortota oonrmrw i lhA ,n,. .iimiUs sf nhla a for all points North and Wt 4, .-kd. -Which a t rartor car service Between rv a- r Ha U Lsvse Oolaaboro, I M a tot OresBibora, hsadlss tar I ' J faUmsa lUUIjn, ta Atlsau, U ' rj -:; ett at; Orseasboro tot , r poInU aorta, south aa wtet . . , ' . . ' , r ? t NO. Itl-Lseves Geldtbore 10.45 pn r, toff Oieeasbere, ssadlw piUlmt ' "Ulelgh , U PfseBiboro,. cos aects st Crsesaboro for.Cbat - XoUa ' Atf acta , New - OrUnt - Ashsvttls. Kxiorvnie," sle fm DsatUJe, Lynf-hbata. ? CharV "lostlUs, Wasklnsi'ia,-(s aP . tolsts aorta, V ingtoo and Norfolk. : ; ; lyl& t en. Dailv strept fiuixlsy' ' . Wsshmgton, Helhaven, Greeat lie ' Wilson and Raleieh. I srlor St between Washington ssvl Hals, a. 4:10 km; DaHyNlght aUprsee . .or; .IS a m. Dally for Goldsboro. ' fslor '-: -.' ft service. ' . ; tJUpm. Dally for Coldsboro. HU . . - msn sleeping ears to Wins m- ; fialsm. N. U. .; v.1-- -' '. ' does I be rosd run past your bouw r Tbe reply wss, "! way a ytir, r honor. p sod down. Case sad Gf tv roe aele y aU aealera, FYlce M esats.. ToeterMUbara Co, Buffalo, Sew Tork, sole agents (or the Called ttemembsr tne take ao other. ; - A Coeieiville' (Pa) Judge jrvlei that gam a, a, . . I II W yvi BfU SH TTSSVIIIW III asjv am waw VivltofCl esw your husband la be bomed a oi.'n st the Kaks sal who nm-d ta town lodsr. la fscL be v st nw oi ids moo a purpose was bui7 se close tbat I eonld bars toocl d of murdar. blm. Ilosteae Tbtl's slranse. All home he Is se close tbt nobody touch hlmi ' ' Te MaV R.d Ink. VRed Ink It. easily made by amateurs who follow this, recipe: Get a, .one ounce bottle and see that It is perfect ly clean snd dry. Dace iq it one' tea spoonful of Squa ammouls, gum arable the else ot .two peas and add st grains of cannlutv -nil ftp th bottle with clear soft wster, and after stand- tag s little while It will be lit for use. WHAT Jf BE5T FOR INDIGESTION! M. A. Robinson of DruAQuin. On- Uno.hss been troubled for years wltb IndiKsetioo, snd recommeods Chamber Urn's Stomach and Liver Tablets st "the beat medicine I ever used." II trouoled with indigestion or eonstipa- tina rive tbera - a trial. , They, are rer tain to prove beneficial. 1 bay are er to take sad pleasant in slTect. ' Pi ts, 25 eeota, , Samples free st all desle -a.- " -' The Tie Trisl BimJs. - ; r 1 btre s cook sow tbst took e col rire courts. la domestic sdKS t HmMf,"' ' ' - "Ton sm enlhnaliattc. Malei' "i "Tea; I find we Wlortg Is the asms aWret sodrr-.Wab.ltirton UtraJ. . EXECUTOR'3 NOTICE Bavtaa eaaliSad as exeeutc at the estate of B. f. HeuoWaoa. tiiiiiil. late ef Joawe eoanty, Mortk Oarsttsev. this to aotlfy afl parssat bay tegehim agataatiae aeteUof aaid 4 eeeeed Is SxhibU tlreai to tae anderauHMd at New Bera. N. Caa ar MorathalBth day of July Ull. AO aersoae indebted to said estate wis pleas mea imisdlste ssrUsmaat ar ttuamottsa will be Head ed la bar a( thair reeevery. E. H. HENDERSON. Eueutor,' a E, BIHDKBSON. ' EAST BOUND V 33 ra. Daily for Besu'fort. h AO bin, " lsufott. csr service. 9JJ am, Daily - sscept Puftdsy of Urltntai. . ' no a m, Daily for OriiuU For forth inforrnstiori or rrvation Fullman KUping Car pre, rr'f 0 T. 1L liortiKlt, T. A., N r.m, N C, w. w. cnoxToi w.R. iiud:;on, O. T. A. " C.n'l Fopt, f .rf 'I, Vs. Aela ef K indues. if every wne did sn st of dx ly lltiflncM tit tiU tirlr-MKT sn1 rfu 4 T' lor to d esy tinkltinri ralf tha son tf thta world would N l..I" l n ' litsr, ln llsclerott. Mo Man ts Stronger A !'"( !t' f t- l f.,...l Thm His Stomach h. ) 1 Cult ami brnisat rT ISs b'a'od In slxMit w -t'.itii ti.a t sf' I l-'Uiin'S l-trii r." t. ltt.fl 6'! a; and s i 1 t ' '1 I'd w exit na Ufa' i i 1 I lipvee S ' f ! ' 1 ' ' maiie -e. i -r ly -l 1 H SI' "I ., ,t IN'' r j I in-) ,.-' n j. h f I i -n and i r tt.it-.' ! t ,1 or. No ansa ra n f. -n week tr,mt h with its r fr.ra -)r OH..'f t!t" I fit ' jtii. v ! tt h im ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE., The ondaeaisat aavteg dsly gaJtfted as aarals btwtat af NaakaSoantrei tinaiit. astiSman mi M whom as was Indebted ar haw atatra agaioet aia estate to pfiaeet the ae te the ea W gws4 adailtlstiwtet far ajmsststiaTaafar ds) tOaWeVsy af Jaw Mtsv aaUVsilsatil ar UiIp axtetwj be atead u Waf tlnla. eatawary. Alt jiaua lonebted Is th d-aasart rs eaaa ed tn saaks aasiarliati ayasqt It tM irajervia-a- a if V7 :".'"''. AdalnKtrabv. a, . wrUJatrMHaei.-. ty. ' J, W. OinTrlt,. SOUTHFJaNJRAILWAY DIRECT LINE TO ALL TOINTS NORTH, SOOTH. EAST. WEST. Very Low Bound Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4 :05 pm, arrives Atlanta 6:85 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11 KM a m, Mobile 4:12 p m. New Orleans 8:80 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. This car also 'makes close connection at Salis bury for St. Louis and- other Western points. Through Pullman to Washington lea vet Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Waahing on 8:63 am, Baltimore 10.-02 a m; Phila delphia 1223 noon, New York 2:81 pm. This csr makes close connection st Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and fell points North and West and st Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida points. Through Psrlor Car for Asheville leaves Ooldsboro at 6:45 a m, Rsleiga 8:85 a m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro line Special and, arriving Cincinnati 10 s to, following day after leaving Ral sigh, with dose connection foraH points ' North and Not th-West Pullman for Winston-Salem Waves Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro 6.30 a m, making close eonaectioa at Craraaboro for all points North, South, East and. West Tblr ear Is handled, en train No. Ill leaving Goldabora st 10:45 p to.': : ; " ' : V . If you desire any mformstioa please ealL We are here to furnish mforma tioro at well as to sell tkkts.; A, H. F. CARY, ' J.'oi JONES, CP, A. ' T.P.A. ' Wsshlngtott, D. a , ,PiJh,N CV' . - , - ' si i fir i 1 i I -1 It. I I I I I S.-.J j i.,.'iiiii"ij uiij Late Drammond Canal & Watet 4 Lake Drummond Transportatioo Jjiko Drummond Towln. Cd. Dismal ' Swamp CcmoI A -1 i!h1 It-k: to, rrt.lo lyl from Storm. Nine Kt of Wttr Minimum Di tk Alya. ' y;ilr' Trnit t it TrafT.c. ' Prompt Tusvn 2 and Frttt MovomtT t i-t t.wtr; In ! 1 frolj-1 t rsire . , t... e . t. . i . 1 i svtiw a'vrn a.ffjrt4. if-.hv N.-Y to fort plain, N. Y, a d.stu i i ei 1 1 jeaaWS3SraejargaBBaaW v Instead! ot iiqi:.a-v fthiIscplicaPcfcxId ( J: 'jD.viy pooplo arc now nsicf . ; ; ; Paxtint) Twlt TVa r toOfil fei-Bilclde- ; , , ' d1ar.Jv4 in water a n. . Tor alt Strllrl snd hytflfc'.' tie'ltr od more svnouiiX ' Te lanvt and wlilua the r Wth, lrwrre trUr end f prtvjnt fwtrtav. To dit!nfrv-t t:,4 fnriTitl, rli atmv itra f'rtn. and To V p ri '. P. al WlH at. 1 btilOWnTH PlfSII, f. '! '' ' 1 t 1 t sr' 11 1 " ' r - ' V,- V a. '"I .11 ' let" furtasf InforroatUa mI HI foethera Cckst atBt er eadrest tke as4ert1g4. - ' :ri. r. cart. '"'I Oenaral rsrr L , ' V . ' s, t). C. vr, n. r t.. x t ' ' y a t r - ! t K. K .U.ar-1 1 i It I ' 1 V, V.' Tf rr-tMira ft ii vtnrlfr I'l 1 t rr R I ; I T I 1 I. . r 1 Cry J. tr. 1 I J. T.