f ' " 1 1 - 5 'i - V J. CNIdrcn Cry . i il i ; The Kind Xoa Llavo Always . in (ue fo rer SO jrears,'-ha I r. v - nnil Koa t. j allow AE Counterfeits, Imitation apd 'JnM-as-ood" are hut-.-!:V Kxperlments that trlfld with nnd endanger thq "health of Infant? And' Children Experience affatot Erpeitoent.i.;i What is CASTORIA Castorla, Is harmless' substitute for Castor Oil, PareW . . gojric. Props and Soothing Syrups, r It . Is Pleasant. ; It ' cohtatns "neither Opiuni, Morphine itor other NareoUo I ? substance. Its age Is its guarantee. ' It destroys Worms add allays Fe.vertshness, -. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Co11q If. relieves Teething1 Troubles, cures Constipat'on aqd! JTatijileney It assimilates the Food, regulates ihe Stomach imd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleop " ' Th.e. Children's. PanaceiVr-The Mother's Friend. '. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought- Use For Over 30 Years V " 5 f." r--v'!THE CCNVAOR COMPANY, V r MURRAY STHECT, NtW YORK CITY. - -' m THE AUTOMATIC BALL-BEARING AXLE . will ease the bur den on horse more than any axle ev er offered; if ,yoti are' using two . horses get a vehi cle equipped with this axle and you can sell one and save the feeding. And is tho'fiwt and only Ball-Bearing Axle that cmv be sent to anyone anywhere, and be a success every time without any brains being sent along to adjust it iG.lttEBS;tSOIJS. BROAD ST. NEW BEBNJ. kf dm NIAGARA FALLS SPECIAL EXCURSIONS NORFOLK-SOUTHERN RAILROAD IN CONNECTION WITH Chesapeake Line leaves Norfolk 6:00 p m. Old Bay Line leave Norfolk 6:8 ) p ra. Norfolk & Washington S B. Co., leaves Norfolk 6:00 p m. New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Ry , leaves Norfolk 6:1$ p m. August 29, Only) August 29, via Pennsylvania R. b. Sept. 7, via B. Si 0. R. R. and Lehigh Valley R. R. EXTBRMKLY LOW RATE3 FKOM '" Raleigh .1 19 50 New Born . $19 40 5 Wilson . 18 50 OrieoUl 20 25 J.- Greenville 18 60 Washington 18 25 ' " Godsboro 10 40 Bclhaven ' 18 25 . Kinstoit ' 19 40 Plymouth 17 80 . Beaufort 29-40 " Mackeys 17 60 " vJ'.' Morehead City 20 50 Columbia 18 15 ' '.v: Elitabeth City 16 60 Hertford 16 95 .'. , - - - . Rates in same prorortim from all intermediate stations. Tickets limited sixteen' days tromdaU of sol Attractive side trip from Niagara Falls to Toronto, Tboussml: lilun lsnd up the St. Lawrence River. Call Upon Ticket AgVn'n far complete information, or writs B. L. BUGO, Trtflic Mtfr. VV. W.CROXiON, G. P. ( :;;;4 - " NORFOLK, VA. fta Ws t fdlaxatlv, to keep tht bowels open sod prevent the pobont of undVsckd Md fro iS'-Ungmia yout system.- ; v ,; . tatsntprodoct adencs Is VELVO UuUve Liver Syrup.'porWy vegetal te, ten!., nflaotst siid of a pis snt, aromauc uste. Veto sets an the liver, wed as on th Itamsck snd twweU, and Is of the efeatoft powlbls cuVscy m cuoctipatkm, Inllrestksi, fcHousos i'k6e(lchfevertshnesfctUctuleiK, etc. iTry c . . Vn nn f "3;n nwr i a vat iwic -; ml ' Lake Dmmmond Dina & Vatf - :;- Like Drummond Transportatioji . ... . I . ' , x". ! i, , - .- uxe urummona lowing uo. 1 Dismal Swamp i- 1 Canal :k' ' ' v ' Al Inland Boot?, I'rolerted from Storm. Nlns Feet ef Wirr Minimum IpU. ... Always. - : . -' - ' . r. . - 1 ' Quick Triwi! fir Tri.Tic , Trompt Towli'B s-'-l 1 'i:ht Movni-nC( ' T r I-.:' . t fi'i 1 tf.;-',t it f ' , !. , - : I'M'- v r fcr Fletcher's v y. - v yv x v X N - ' i ( i D 1 i v i t v Bought, and which has Leen - ; ' borne the -signature ol KMh tnitla xtnnw h( npfw no one w ueceive iwiui uus. - Signature of wow ' mhui ' i m i m n - IS FOOL PROOF' AND- T EVERt ASTIHO" , t J icians Advise LHAHIIVt: UVER SYRUP "Ab," b protected, "my 1o for yon is ths greatest Iblag to tht world. It I Urrr lhno tbe world. It Is wider tbsn lbs see,. Let ms poor It Into your tan.', . - ;. - - . "lr. ejsctiletei lbs fair mld. "do yes inHia. lo tsytMnit sboat the Iy r !mr of ui rf Very tl Is S vy serious mnT V fttr 6tui mtdklne n4 bo i! WTtitig tie givrti jron. F if ! .' tttwn we nrg r'J la I -1 r Proctor Knott end "8ynt" Cox Ee- wailod Thoir Funny Tag. The late Procter Knott se.ics to be remembered chlefiy aa tbe authvr ot the facetious Duluth speech, sty tbe New Tork World. Vet be wta a great lawyer, and aa chairman of tbe bouse committee on tbe judiciary bs bad to do with arlouS mud vastly Important affairs. . Mr, Kndtt'a single appearance as humorist Of ed hi reputation for all time, and no amount of profoundly serious work could change tt 1 Samuel S. Cox bad s, similar expert ence with greater reason, for a early, life be had . cultivated the rlBlbles quite devotedly. ' Mr. Knott lived long enough to perceive that he- was to be Identified not with learning or public service, but witn an oratorical exag geration, and Mr. Cox found in bis ma turity that the speakership,, the goal of hla career, was denied him because it Wss no place for funny atuv. c Although never a humorist, Proem Knott accompUsbed something wlthj saure ana, way in wnicn. most jnen nil." ; He made, jbimself understood, Everbody - knew that hSiwas -Joking, Nobody sver demanded Man explana tloB of hla remarks on Dului h or a re traction . or- an apology. ;V trom that Viewpoint, therefore, - he..Vs one of the successful men of bis gei erstlon,- ' MARK ANTONY'S TRICK. . . ". Vf.f1' n. iij "4 38f ift It Worked Uks Charm Tilf Clee - patrs teamed the 8ecret. ; Accoruingr io rmrarcfl AJieopatrs was s votary of the piscatorial rt, and so keen .' did the -rivalry become , be tween he? andAntony that he resort ed to the meanest artiSces to Insure victory., ':Mortlne4':and irritated by the queen's superiority;" he ' engaged divers to take liv ash and place tbeQi on his hookM ' This, was done, so ex pertly that 116 pulled up fish after ftsb In rapid succession. Learning income way. the secret of his sudden success. Cleopatra "'pretended to congratulate him and to admire his dexterity, and at the same time she devised a cuo' nlng mesne of revenge. -Another match was arranged, and the fishing began in the presence of a large company of ' friends.- ' Antony soon bad a bite and pulled up a large Salted flsh to his great disgust and amid the loud laughter of all present! The Secret, was put; Antony's trick was exposed, end once more woman' wit had proved- too- much ,for man's ingenuity.-; A diver. Specially Instruct ed by the. queen had got tbe start of Antony's and attached the salt fish to bis hook. Mathews lit "Angling." ,' , Children Cry . . 'FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA One thing that you can't handle with gloves ii your personal responsibility. TORTURED FOR 15 YKARsl l-: by a cure-defying stomach trouble that baffled doctors, and resisted all rem dies he tried, John W. Mottoes of Mod: dersville. Mich, seemeddoomed. He had to sell bis farm and give up work. Hir mighbors said, :? 'he can't live much longer." ''Whatever I abe distressed me." he wrote, ""i HI tried Eeetric Bitters, which work fdx such wonders for me that I can now eat thfmrsf I could not tak for years. Its surely s granu remeny ior stomacn trootiie." Just as good for the liver and kidneys. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60c. at all druggists. W'-'il-v " ' . Johnnla Knton. A A teacher In n uptown scnApl was giving. ber small charges a leaon (n politeneM the other day." ? 't.-':J Vow, wbfn.t eald sbe, "should yds say 'Excuse me. pleeseT There was a moment's silence, then very small lKy put up fait hand. TVoii. JoLuiiier- , ; ., , I, "Please, ma'inuyou should ray 'Bt- cuse me. please .when you sneexe .It tb" table and don't, turn sway your head quick enoughs-Cleveland Plait ,1,.-...,, y -. , n, ,v SEEMED TO GIVE HIM fA. WeW, ; -'V 8T0M ACH.;. V-' "I suffered intensely ftr esfrng and so mod tc ins or tresinwnt 1 tried seemed to do any good. " w rites IL M. Youns- peurs, ikliiorof The Sun, Lske View, Ohio." . "Tbe first fe dosea of Chamb- erlaln's 8tomach an t Liver Tableu gave me surprising relief and tbe e. end not- Ltls seemed to slve roe a new stomach ana perieeiiy gooa Beuu.: ; ror Mie By an veaiert..; v .-' - -v i', 'yThS. vul ef the Prof '.V; ' liters used to be an aged elevator man wbe operated. one of to Ufrs Is the bouse wing. of lbs capltoi." Most of "bis pasactiynrw- were elUn-r repre- senUUvts of, newspaper cpireenotia snts." The old Utah got to kbow all ef the rorree(ioiideuts very ' well and always . had a cheerful grmnlug fof them. It was eficn noticed, too, that S aoeroed to be greatly Interested la tlKHr conversation. . ' . ' . One afternoon, as three of liim str l-d out of lbs elerator, Herend Pern of Xew tot stiP"d In. - As tbe car whiiI down tbe Old elevator maa turn ed end seld: . ; 4 ' ."Mr. Payne. 1 -coot uiiuVrtnd Uitit (hoe BewpY-cr" moo. Ibry "What's tb trouble wt'h thirnT fVn i!r. Isr". "Wrll, Jilr, I tync, rrr-ry nt lliry Ut t'.in rr nin f(''r !U turn to ermi:..-r an. .r. ' t it ' y-u Innw lo-lirf Ami t!. !. r f ' : I nn- i.r. .'.. t S !:. " V. I, t ! I"H k r,-.w f ') ! il II 1 I I f ' r I ' (' - i ; i ' t f 1 ' I,. ' f - r- f i ;. It I 1 i . ' I r i ' ' " " - ' ..- f i : i - -1 r; n ne woaaa speaa ot m w v , w iunmil om trw.ti yon. Millioas have be stowed ttit stsrk et eomi deoce o Dr. R. V Prtw, ot BuffJo, N. Y. - iJvery whera there are wooaea who bear witaaM to the wonder working, curing-ooww o Dr. Pierce's Favorite Peeseriptioa) which saves the i0rr ttm fnm pain, and sueoewiully (rapplee with wosaaa's'wcak. t osees and steMww - V ; IT MAKES IT . naif P ' " 1 No wotaaaVe ssisplaeed fwWs is Sons e THEARTrfSPCHARGES What i the . Fossil Remains of Planto 4&i2fe: and Airtmelaten.'iJa:-. Vv- There was i. time s when Neveh the polar regions bloomed with many of the splendid and varied forms of life t that now adorn the tropica. -S The 4dssQ emalos these' ancient i (orn- jireeerved in the bosom'' of '4be rocfei carry ns back perhaps millions of years .In tbe earth'a history and show clearly" what wonderful feVoliA Hons the surface of the globe has" tra? dergone since the first plants and the first animals appeared open 'iti, . Who would think of meeting a, rhi noceros nowadays 'on the" prairies :of northwestern Canada unless perhaps a traveliug menagerie should pass thajt way; ; Yet at one tim as alscoveries of recent years prore, a creature close ly resembling the rhinoceros of India and Africa dwelt lu that now compar sUvety cold, snowy and barren region. -Remains of these extinct ancestors of nn animal that In our day thrives only Id the tangled tropical forests and under the hot equatorial sun have been found buried In -the Canadian rocks. where now the cold blasts of winter Wqj over treeless plains and. sweep the flanks of Ice incrusted mbunfalhsV The rblnocems of that remote age was no less .formidable; a beast than Its desceudants. for the Skull of one of tbe skeletons discovered Is three feet long., while some of Its' teeth are f dur Inches across. - " The" fossil remains of many ether forms of animals have been found In the Same region within recent years. Harpor's Week ly. -,; - ; . . New Bern Has to Bow to (he Ioevi " table Scores .of Citizens t . Prove It "T "' , ';', m"-.' ' '-." :K " - - After reading thelpublic itatetnent of this reprentative , citisenv. of 'New Bern given below,, you must come to this conclusion: ' A remedy whleh cored years sgo, which has kept tna kidneys m good health since, can be relied up oo to perforin the aame work in other easesijiead tttai-R Mrs. James Day. 99 E. Front St.. New'Bern .N." 'C, rsijsVjAffered terribiy' f rom 4ult, 'nagging backacbea and 'I had acute pains through my kid neys. ; Whenever I attempted , te stoop of .lift, t anffered mora Intensely and sound sleep at bight was ou;of the qofstiQn. i In the morning wbea I gov up, myy back- waa tery ,am x and 1 was also annoyed y a. IWnej weakness.-. finally I got . aoppry of Doan's Kidney Pitts from tbeBrsdhsm Drug Ce.i. and It did not te them Ions to remove my " aches and pains.' I have been . feeling so much befer in every way since' I took-this! preparation that I.willingly .' give -this;' account of my . experience.' ; (3tle)nent 'given January 25,;i908.):vi r '' ';: ( Ji'TUE BFNEFIT IJISTED.': ! ' , tjn November 28, 1910. Mis. Day was Interviewed and she added-to the above: "I have been free froror kidney eom plalut and backache ever sloee Iosed Dosn's Kidney Pills soma; years ago., I willingly allow the contour publica tion of the atatemenr ( gsvf .'at that time, ail wish to show my gratefulness for the benefit I received.?. --r;.;i.-; For, sale by all dealsrs. Price M est, " )etr Mllbem Co 'Buffalo, Sew York, sole' Meats lor tta paHed tates,,; ' '.Z'iyr? ..'"r I '' fceroembar the a ame Doaa'i aatt take M 'otbat, J - ' - ' - r . "' ' - . Piesldent "' TafV vetoed the- Cot too wit jft-S'; A :.; ( t:i?H A w.-ll known De Mbines woman af ter suffering miserably , f ot two days from bowel complaint? wsS cured by one dooe of Chmnberiain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remty. For sale by all Dealors. "" . . . TsrifT 'revision will be the trend of the nsxt sesftion of Congreos, the Dem ocralu, Inaurgent and rgular Kcpub lirans boinsr bnt on iit rtirt pUns. m r - - V ' - - t ' ( i ' 11 ' r n tf tV!7 it: t r t S" I: . Or. PMrar Plmmmmt iicipji.- Honored byWcmox i t I- . -" Uti. , ; . WEAK WOflEN STRONQ Qirir wnpw SICK WOMEN iWEIi- ; v - vwe iv viisirfi w sppeal was ever misdirected or her eoe? wbca 'she- wiota tar .dm. tf ' ' the Woatn's DiiraNSAnV" Mimcal AssooAnoN, Dr.' ' . y Fierse, Preeideat, BuusioN, Y V. aMCsraf seW wortmeai eaoe atfiyi-;: f K Mi INTHEiSCH00U ; 5 r- i -k rr:-- ::h .: Mew Infant. Clasooe; In. 8ome rporetga fSjvf Countries- Are He'ndlee.i',3 ,-- "The men In the jeiub had been talk ing politics wtb .the School inspector until that genf lemaft declined to dla euss the subject any more. i -.': TWe'U" talk i about - the youngsters themaelres,' for at;change." be said. "Do you know that both. In France and JBelglpm reading, writing and arith metic .are being omitted from .'.-tna; Subjects taught tn Infant schools The children are simply taught to he happy' instead. '- And wnen they bring thetjr dinners, to school the food has, under the official, regulations, to be put into S basket, , which must be labeled at the school and set on a special shelf in a clean, airy place. Fancy such regulations In Englandl - Any old news paper and any cupboard la good enough for our children. " . "In Gerpiany toys are provided fori play, time, and all little children are compelled to 'bring clean pocket handkerchiefs- to 'school, and they must have a bath once a week. .."In .Finland the tiniest children are taught to wash dolls, dust, sweep, look after flowery and so on, and in some Japanese schools a resting room, with a bed. Is provided, so that ' overtired children may have a nap!" London Answers. Bill and Hie Watch. "Bill, can you give me tbe correct ttmeT'aays one of Bill's friends. "Sure," says Bill, dragging out his Watch, , "My - watch- was Just 'leveo seconds slow at twenty minutes of 4 day before yesterday afternoon, and I dont believe It's varied more than a quarter of a second Blnee. It's now twenty-two minutes and seven sec onds past 5V' "Thanks, .' old man." eayj- Bill's friend, wfio then drops his own watch Into his pocket and goes on his way. Really he wasn't so particular about knowing the time himself as desirous of giving pleasure to Bill, for he knows that Bill Is one of tbe few million men In the world who think each that his watch Is a'wopder and who feel them selves flattered.. wheQ their friends ask them for the Corivct time. New York Bun.-"'-r- ' ''" Oh!ildren Ory iih'Ml FLETCHER'S ASTORIA . ' A tirade against drug store beverages was made at the Duluth (Minn.) con- venttoa of the National Association of Pure Fowl Commisajoncrs WHATBEWFORINDIGESTIpNT -i' Me, X Robinson of -Drumqufn, On- tarw,nia neen troubled for years wtiti indigestion, and recommends Chamber lain's Stomach-, and. Liver Tablets as "the best medicine I ever -used." If troubled with indigestion or constipa tion give them trial ' They' are cer tain to prove beneficial - They are easy to take and pleasant in effect Prlee, 25 cents, Samples free at sll, dealers. -' -- -v.A Matter ef Breed. : . MThea fellers in the office of the Tty are' what I call fresh;" Deacon Ears Bullock -remarked to his 'wife at tin sapper-table on bis return from bit monthly visit to the town of Balaton. ."Uowso, fatherr iuqulred Mrs. Bui lock. .'-- '..-v-.1- ;TWell,?. ilrf Builocksald. "bn'e o my erronds was from Saba. Mabel Briggs S1m wanted I should find but why they hndu't punctuated ber lost poeraTboy ent a copy,' as', she said lr made- bw most sick' the Way they'd, spiled net beautiful Mean, VJt '.-'". '- -'u'k "WdU" when. I'd got ineded up te come home I drove round i the J3e iQ1p ' comnoslo'' room an''- beckda- rd young feller In his shirt sleeve te come but . A.- fNow; I ai8,.rouH do hef a favor If you II Ml me wby.yod didn't panctu ste Pn'Mbcl. Briggs' last pocmr - . . Cert'Dly." s's be.- 'I'm aot a point er; im a-setter.; "-Youth's Compaa- Ion. .'.-,:' " r". ".t f L ';.V WBSMMoaw4woojsoaeaoasaoisweaojssV " . V ' ,- ot. F - - t --' , -' '.' Molded by ClreumstaSoes. " xhlo Msrkiuo In MeClurs's, tells the following anecdote of bis literal auodedoeM:. :. ' - ;' . ' y "At (be grammar school I used to be lieve alt that 1 waa taucht But very often I made so awful mbiundwatand Inn. far Inotsnce. our rfl'rs ssld Tin hnnrnu nntnre Is Junt 1 1 sc e the wnier. If you pot ihe wstsr Info t 1' tbe wat-r will brnme t ; .-, end If you put It iuti a round . -i tt win hnve a round shape. 1 i snl K'rW. ilirifore yiu ni'isl l. a j-i'iir f rlr ndV ".' i f -'ii-r 1 1 . n n Hi. 0' hnnl rmtir wsa ("if run ) ii-y m r' r fiU'l J l' -'f ! .!!! I I X- I 1'i'd t!-t tnnStidr. ; I i i j ..;r I ' i In l.i-l. Or. I , I, r ! , . a -:i I . . . i f.U' " j I -ir.-a Legal 'Notices NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION. " Hvir Om 6r ewlUUd aa xhmimwtrar'oi bo mm Morn Fm,W: . W. wctaaMoniaotta asteto of asM rl.fi.iJ. it "rate wwUOad to irmit the saakK duly vwiSod. to 11m nlnad ob or y tk. Wtk. ivtAtmt 1SU. tka aotieo wB bo loado4 tf ft tMr neurit.- AH Mnoa. iUM t oWwtetaonoorabvnaooudtoauko kiaMoV TUs ITth. mv of AJwaat. IsU.'" ' .'tf.V ''''"-'- ; - c9..&U.v : aSmlahtaetor. ; EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. . ' ' Bwrlaa eftadas eante af the eotatp of Joaoosaodnieod,' omooid, lot of Cm Co. K, O. this W notlfr H nenoqs oovtn clofaos aeahMt tae eotsto oi said y-r - U eaaOM thaa to tha aodwsigiwd at New Son, 1C CU oa or bafon tbo M dxr of AnaTiot. 1911 of tfcw-.aa-eswiU boptaodal la ow of thoir rotovotr. AO (Mnoaotadofatsd ta sold estate will nkaso aako tmmodioto eaymont v This lstdu of Anaaat 19IL ' ' T. A. GREEN. Executor of June. Rairaoad. OmU B. A. KUNN. Attomor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Hsvina qualified as axecator of tho ootato Df B. F. Hendoraon. daoemoad. lata ot Jonoo oounff. North Carolina, this is to notify oil aaraons ha ina claims aamlnstiho astate at said i eoksod to exhibit thorn to tb andaratened at Now Bon, N. C, .on or brfoM the 28th da? of, July 1SUZ. All ponobs indabtad to said catato wfll nWoso aaaka immediata aetUamoat or this notieo will bo Bload- od in bar of their recovery. E. B." HENDERSON.' BjbOClw0a D. E. HENDERSON. Attorney. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Tha andanlanadhavins duly qualified as admin ietmtor of Noah C.Rountrae deoeaaod. notiflea aU persons to whom he was indebted or havetlaima aoainat hla eautr to present the aame to the un- daTaisned admitistrator for payawntoB of before the 21st, day of Jaly I9K duly f nthentieated or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All penona indebted to the deceased are requir ed to make Immediate payment to the undetsia-n-ed. J. M. ROUNTREE, Administrator. B. W. WILLIAMSON. Attorney. DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTH. EAST, WEST. Very Low Round Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh .4 :05 pm, arrives Atlanta .6:35 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving -Raleigh 11 :00 a m, Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8:80 p m, .Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:06 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection atSells- bnry for St Louis and other Western points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing- on 8:53 a m, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 1223 noon, New York 2:81 pm. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg,' Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California .points and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Qoldsboro at 6:4o a m, Raleigh 8:85 a m, arrives Asheville IM p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving Rai eigh, with close connection for al) points North and Not th- West ; ' Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro 8:30 a m, making close connection at Grcmsboro for all points North, South, East and West This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goklsboro at 10:45 po. - If you desire any information, please call We are here to furnish Informa tion as well as to sell ticket. ' ELFACARY, J.. O.JONES, CP. a. t; r. a. Washington, D. C Raleigh. &; C iPLX S09TJERN PMOU) - ROUTE OF TUB' . ? rNIGI5EmEss,, Schiduli EfTectlva) Juot 1 lf' 1911 - Tna following schedule figures, pub lished as Information ONLY and are not titeriwtoedAi Vf ; v'"-v ' "-.. i..-, L m1 -y'.-p. : -TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN 'NORTli AJP WEST BOUKO; V' 12JW a m, Datly-Nlght Expreea Pull- ; man Sleeping Car for Norfolk. 9:80 a m. Dally for Norfolk, -eonnecta for all points North and West, - - Parlor car srvlee between Wash- mgton an4 Norfolk. -,'-. 15 p m. Daily except Sunday for .,- . Waahlngton, Uelhsven,Grwnllle Wilson and Kslelgh. I'srlor ear ' between WashingUm and Rale'gh, 4:10 a m. Dajly-Nlght Express . for Goklsboro, ' . 9:15 am, Daily for Goldsboro. Parlor et service. - ' ,6i0 p m, Daily fo Cnlihbom. . Pull man lU'i-jiins; ears to Wmstoo- EAT LOUKD a m, P rn, i i r 0 1. ( P ' D'y for i' -ft -r TarU-r eee-eeee-e t 1 Uwllwtv..,tL l,...ji) jr-s:; : "V H" w-s-s-asafjs-M y k- " V 1L-. 81m'foas. r :V A. ix'.WaH. AiTORKSYS XSV OTtrgKLLOBo. nv'.iiiat'G, " t Office Rooms 401-M Elks Boildlng rpractlee In 'the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, ' Lenoir.1 Onslow. Cart. eret, Pamlico; and Wake, In the Su preme and Federal Courta, and where ever services are desired. DR. H. U. BOiER . DISEASES OF THE ye, Ear, Nose and Throat " 7 AND General Surgery Office In Elk's Temple Next Dr. G. A Catdn, New Bern. N. C. R. A. NUNN is? ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven; Carteret Pamlico Jonea and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Office No. 50 Craven Street. Telephone No. 97. New Earn, N. C. NORFOLKjnSION AUGUST 30, 1911. Special excursion rates from New Bern to Norfolk and return $3.00 limit ed return within 3 days including date of sale: For further information apply to I H Bennett, ticket agent or W W CROXTON, G. P. A., N-S R. R. Norfolk, Va. 111 ft-LTHE CO U G sTl nEi7u.seovEi K VOLDS t TRIAL BOT HE fRtl WAUTHROATAWP LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTCEO SA77SFACTOJ?y LggWAfcy PervAroeo. SOUTHERN RAILWAY bODTuIBJI RAH mi 8CHEDCLII N. B. These flgurea are published lor lntormaca -anj are uot cuaraav Ma SlLeave Qoldsboro, N. C., SUl . a, bl, through tralu wjKb chair ear to Asheville; connoctf&av at Cast Durhl.ni, for Oxford, Hen aarsoa, Keysvlile and Htohmond -at Piilverslty for Chanel Hill: at Greensboro for Charlotte and all pUats south, also for Da. Vffl a, Lynchburg, Charlottesville Waahlagtoa, and at) palate wa Us Uarea Ooldsboro, 1.01 as. for Oreeasboro. bandies through Pellmaa RaleigK to Atlanta, eoa rsta -a Qreeneboro for all points aorta, town aad west. NO. Ill -Leaves GoUsboro 10.45 p m for OrsfMboro, handles uullma Raleigh , to Oreeajboro, oos Beets at Orsnaboro .f ' . Char . , IoUe,"AUaaU New , OrWaaa, Aaaev1I 'Aoxv111ev.alaa lot " DaavQle), Lynchhoia;" CUrioV . - toevula," Washlngtom, ' an 'ltnUBort,-.." ' ' . lew farther 'trnrmatia ' aal aa itoDlharn ticket axaat ov address the I wdwslg&t4 v-'jViv '' fx wfaxf0x yf - Oesaral Passseter geat 1 J k - r'yt- r,1': WssUagto. IX X -l'.W. H. PARNELL,, ! c - Travallng Paseeuger Aaaul. ",' ' f-'' ' s Tle nw ''Ut r m.'f ' ! - ' rtnhe !'. i', rr i i n v a rr r . r -Fur U 1, . .t an I I i .. I U if, t!. ,, , Tn - 1-. ' I 1 ; I . . tt I " ' i-V-' -. V. ' t ' ' 1 '.'." . $ J ' . ',. v' 7 it - - ?.w -f : v: 4: '1 f Tf