1 FEB CKMT ; Aclab)ePrrpart'Bn &rA$ iiiUKSuiaadBaBiBmdsif Promotes Disfionflrnfi' nessandRretXontalnsncihff Opiiuu-Mafphinc norMiaaaL WOT NARCOTIC. IHrmM- Apwfert Remedy foTdmsfip' tiolt. Sour Stonth.Diarrhiiea Wbfras.ConvulsionsJ'evEnsii ness anil LOSS OF SLEEP. FafS'imiic Siiatare of NEW YORK. araeodunaWthert 'ECxacf dopy of Wrapper, Physicians Advise the use of a fvxllaxative, to keip the bowels open and prevent the poisons o' undigested food from T'tinginto youi sy'jn;. The latest product of science is VF.LVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegel. ble, gent,, reliable and of a pie sant, aromatic taste. Velvo acts on the liver, as wr I as on th Stomach and bowels, and is of the greatest possible elliracy in constipation, jiiigestion. biliousness, sick headache, feverislmess, colic, llatuler.ee, etc. Try VP 1 HI II LAXATIVE SOOTHERHSIlWiy DIRECT LINK TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTUIISI, WEST. Very Low Round Trip llatos to sill Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, loaves Raleigh 4 :01p m, arrives Atlanta i:;if p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a rn. Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis H:((f p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. This icar also makes close connection atSrlis 'bnry for St lxmia and other Western points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ve Raleigh 6:.r0 p m, arrives Washing-i on 8:53 a m, Raltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2::il p m. This car makes close connection at. Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago nd all points North and. West and at (ireens boro for Through Tourist Sleeer for California points and for all Florida points. Through Pirlor Cr for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at i'.::.ra it. I!:dcigh 8:35 a m, arrives A-h-- i I" , p m, making close connerin. i, uii, (. run lina Special and arri.ini; 1 n- ": .,u ii m, following day after leaving Kal igh, with close connection for all points North and Noith-West Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 am, arrives (ireonsloro 6:80 m, making close connection at Gr.nbboro for all points North, South, East and West This car Is handled " on train No, 111 leaving GoldsUiro at 10:4S p m. If you desire any information, please " call. W are here to furnish informa tion a well as to tell tickets. H. F. CAUV, J. O. JONES, a P. A. T. I'. A. . Washington. D. C. Raleigh, N. C. ,' JUnuiy worn, sj uipmni-irr nuen- . -Lions. WBKiirninpsn uiinnixi wixiiiuiiik , turn's seiilMreos"tlH coot very lit Mf l.l ,MT-f mw " - ....... '- . , : T,, . from tha Fountsia. ,r ' pea. BeD-Haf Hrern srr rsther 'HiatilBfjaNtt't'tbsyT- PhiUdelphU " - . - ' HrVVMaTI OTBTlTaK ft H '9mt ertosia mausr to tali tot on iMdklae' sad Uyr tU Bi fcaa jtvait ym, ,tot U0a re eon ve arga yea ja ttiyinr; ta lA careful ta fit tba cautaa s GLTxibDaABtSflT r TH frfiHaxXon of liits 1J, rtla ! t l trr d.x.ine, f ir r-liriifn, ) j If -inliiilii; ZtO'9intt liOifltl t :V( IK ii lOii. It A THltir f'r 4 it wtwill ftnl M r1 U' v.-.is itvrt rw'f!.tH LtT1' r ') town 1 ot).s en-)-l)ti!. : i - i t Tc',? ri rorlnfatrti and ChU ircn. the . Kind Vou Have Bears the. jytf jii SignataLreyf in Use Over Thirty Years THE OCMTAUH OMMMY. ) VOS CrTT. NORFOLK ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Elfeciive June 1 5 . 1 91 1 Tne following schedule fig li es pub lished as information ONLY ind are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BI'RN NORTH AND WEST BOUND 12:30 a m, Daily-Night Exf r(ss Pull man Sleeping Car for No. 'folk. 9:30 a m, Daily for Norfolk, sornects for all points North and West, Parlor car service betwei n Wash ington and Norfolk 1:45 pm, Daily except Si i.day for Washington, liellmven, ireenville Wilson and Raleigh. 'nrlor car between Washingt n an 1 1 '.aleigh. 4:10 am, Daily Night Ex r ss for (loldstioro. 9:15 a m, Daily for Goldsboro. Parlor car service. 6:f,0 p in, Daily for Goldsboro Pull man sleeping cars to Winiiton Salem, N. C. EAST BOUND '.):?S a in, Daily for Beaufort. f:40 i in, Beaufort. Parlor ar service. 'J.IVI a m, D.iily except Sunday for Oriental. fi:00 p m, Daily for Oriental. For further information orres n ation -t Pullman Sleeping Car space , apply o T. ii. Bennett, T. A., N w Bern, N. C. W. W. CROXTON W. R. II JDSON, G I'. A. Gen'l Supt. Norfolk, Va. A famous Wslh rortri. Carn-irv.ni castle Is tb must t Men did specimen of medieval mD lury an liltci tiire survlrlng In Br'tr.in, not exepptlng Mnwlck'. Art st'l b mty wero romli'ised with Htreng.'i by De KlfretoD, Hie an tiliect who u .d been couuuanded to fnuMrnet n J ilaoc wllhln an Imiiregtialile ns. 1iethr tln nic-an liltle pnMic x mm Ikt In (lie lig!e tower woa tho 1 Irtb place of IV Infnut irlice thcia Bd- ward I. miide t! e medium X mil I griiM prndbal juke upon the WJsb scenm doulilful, but the mUn ftory inny sMIl 1e true. . Etcry Iscx-ttl, aol- di-T who helped to oikke fcls ary In thU oirucr of Kritala baa ptryel Home part wltUIn or, without ibt waU of Camarvnn sstla. It ba been atsfr- d into mirrender, bat nrer enptitrad by foat of arum and can tbirsfora cioioi lo M eonstilared f "rlrgla tot- trea,"- WmrmlnatertiQMtta...' .1 - e OIsvm ana Klnos.' , niorea bare alwaya beea connaet4 riflt royalf. Won th Inmb of King1 Joha was opened century oo It m dlacarerad that bia handa were gtrrwl la Fwnc (ha glwvn worn by the king at th coronation wr connwratTd by tbe officiating Mliop, and n( BnaU h coronstkm r'" i thrown 6ru as rhslUnir tp any wis to dltpuf tle royal tlllo. ' Whoa Oeofga II. was frowfiod an tinfMiirB Jscih t csnu- forward hud lifted iha g'ova m tehnlf Of lh alent r'HiAft, and at 'he Ciiro- ttth tit Mar4 Til. the Uu'.it of r-'orfotk hst.dwl (o his majy a pslr Bihrwt'l' red wHU iba ducal arTiia 1 on a runnor ntin'J3 ''It i Ihe rliike'a lhlier'fne H he'd by fh arr--p of priTi'lne (he ninir-!i rH.b a fitrar In nil !ova on lh 4? -f tb cwn-MiM-n.-T. r.'i f. "i V, -i r.j. SOUTHERN RAILROAD Th Budiinf Cotipotw CHanged H' SihMlmutif'i Opiriorv - 1 , VTben OououJ was at U sebool of as woo was called tb food Pl Pleraoa be wa etiostauth at-rlbbtlng musl-l Botes. ' One day th school toaster scut for bias Into hi atndy." ' ! - "Toor parents complain." said Pter ana, "Tber do not teh ai j musk-laa to their family. Xoa must 0 profes sor." ; , r . . " " ; Ketwr .V 1 Tour only choke la between Greek and Latin. " -V- ';r-, ' - ', But 1 wUl , be ' musJrtaBu-' aW Gounod.' -Vi :'r.',i- ' ' . "loo win? Glre It bp, w; U ta l profession at all LloweviT, v will just aee what you baa da. Here's, pea and paper. Compose for ma a new air to Joceph's Trordi, 'A peine an aortlr da Feafancer 7 It iras the recreation bonr. Before ths ben sounded I r the stud ies to begin again Gounod came back with his paper completely covered. ' Already T' cried Plerson. "Well, sing U then!" Gounod aang and accompanied film self and so deeply affected poor Papa Plerson that with tears he ressed him In his arms and exclaimed: "Oh, my dear boy! Henceforth they may say what they like, out a mu sician you shall be and nothing else." From the German. LOVE'S LABOR LOST. H Intended to Bs Generous, but His Bi'ida Thought Otherwise. "What Is the matter?" ii quired her dearest friend as she wns ushered Into the boudoir of her newly married cham and found. Instead of the vision of happiness she had epe, ted, a dls hoveled heroine largely .dissolved In tears. "What Is the matter ?" "Algernon has goue away for a week" "But. my child, you don't mean o say that you are such turtle doves that you can't spare him for a week without making a scene like this?" "Oh. no. It isn't that at all! Of course it is hard to live alcae, but he has at Inst shown me what a monster he Is." "Why, this Is shocking! What can he have done? Tou haven't, found he was already married or" "No, no, no! It's only that he is a heartless, miserly creatuie. Only think! I asked him to leave me a check to pay for things while he was away" "Well, surely he didn't refuse?" "No; worse than that far worse! IJe Just wanted to wound and humiliate me! He left me a check, all dated and signed, compete, except that he dldu't put any amount in! Wasn't that very cruel?" Judge. Analysis of Laughter. For the benefit of a melancholy world an English professor has been devoting his careful, scientific ntten tlob to laughter and has prepared an expert analysis of the whole business, according to the Trovldence Journal "Laughter." he says, "Is a convulsive action of the diaphragm. In this state the person draws a full breath and throws it out in interrupted, short and audible cnchlnnatlons. Thin convul sion of the diaphragm is the principal part of the physical manlfe: tntion of langhter, but there are seve-al accea soriea, especially the- sharp vocal ut terance arising from the violent ten slon of the larynx and the expression of the features, this lielng a more in tense form of the smile. In extreme cases the eyes are moistened by the effusion from the lachrymal glands." Philadelphia Ledger. Walnuts at Food. The ancleuts held the walnut In high esteem. Mortals could and did exist on acorns, but walnuts were so. de1 llelous In taste and flavor, ao jmlstable and nutritious, that they were revered bs food only for the gods to dine tipod. Modern Investigation and modern cus terns have popularized the uses of the walnut to such an extent that It is now regarded not only-as a luxury, but as a food of great uutritive value. chemical analysis of the nut shows that It la six times as nutritious as meat. No vegetable or fruit, with the poHstble exception of the olive, can be compared with the wnlnut na o strength giving and fat producing food. Al nuts sre poanesed of eleiaents of nil trltlon, but the highest In rank Is the walnut Manchester Guardian. Strangled th Tr. A Victoria clergyman bad an oraofce and a pine tree In bis gardni. One spring it was noticed that the orange tree waa drooping, and On dlgginj down be found that the roots ' at tbe pin, which stood at some distance, bad twisted aronnd th taproot of th orange tree and were strangling 1t to death. Tbe offending roots were Jin ' twisted and rot away, and (ha droop ing plant revived. Tbe tre eventual ly died, - Then on digging flow a at a greater depth tha clergyman found th pine bid attacked' tbe orange root lower down and accomplished He nmr derooa endsLoodua Orapulc .) ' ' ,' 4 'if ' "I II H ' i.'.,?., .. He Warrt a FrtaanM On, ' losbna waa taring a fleldglasa. TliU ona.' aald the elark. "t 4ot Wtut yon want It Magnifying poV ar I Iwrnt-flv tlme.,'.(, - ; v "Ko." Joahna reidted; ' "I want to use It ertener thaa lbt"-flocca Uagasia. '' -, . , . -i ' 1 ' ' i.. ' .. . , , i . ,. . k -, ' - u m. )m. ;- - ?'A'lt1n It. P. ear lrtard. with due aolemolty, "Mr. ripraket. I ean Bot tit artJlt here and kern silent with out r1lng and aaylnf a few wordar Lasdaa Telegraph. v , D!GESTI0f AND ASSIMILATION, ll It aol fli quantity of f-x"! lulcn bnt h etKiiini il r,,'"t ''mini ed that fives almin-it) ti, I v the tt-m. ( l.an.i -i's ami l.lvpr 1 ahlps inv . rh aril liver ( i"l t n form their funr 1 1. r .i i.i tal l y il (!(( - . t-1 I o SI- to . i 1 Afraid of Ghosts , Mn' rxopla ar kfrd of hou. Ftw KopW are umd U era. 1 at tbs (ho k a feacT a4 th term is teat. If germ could mtjaitid to a ia 9qml tm hs ttmrt it would appear an . tarhbla' tkm say tr-bradii 4raiuaw Genu cut ba araiacd. Thay are ia Lb air wa becataa, tb tr w driak. . i . . Tb fena eaa alf aroap wbaa Am osditioa ' af th srUeas grvs H fra scop to Mtabhtk it :. Mil Sad acrelop. . Wltaa aW is a dcaoMooy of i vital faraa, laateor. tssrins. a aallow obeek. . a hollow eye, warn ti appatit is poor and tha . ' .' slcW it arokaa, it is time ta taard aaaiatt th ama. lorbfy th body ajaiast all ttrmt ay ft aa Medical Disaovery.- It Inaraatai th ,yteni of eto(ia( iatpariti, arioh th Mood, pats rh : acb and erjiaas of difmtioa and aetritioa ia workiaf ooiuhti - Biat tn gerat tma aa weak ar tainted spot ia which ta bread. ;" "Goldea. Medical Dtsoovary" aoataiaa aa aleoaol, whitly or aabit-ionaiag .drafs. ; All it lafradieot printed oa itt outside i wrapper - It i act a aacret aoaenna bet a nwdicioe or known ' COMSosmoit aad witk a record of 49 fn f turn. Accept bo . aabstituU--tbera i aotbia "iust aa good." Ask your neighbors. Awed by tn 8rvant The amusing mistake once made by two Abyslnian delegates of the Em perer Menelek to France is narrated by the Paris Ganlola. Awed by the splendor of his gold lace uniform and the solemnity . of his imposing man ner, they mistook tbe usher at the door of the foreign minister's office for' M. 'de Selves himself. As they were -brought. nto the anteroom the usher was standing with his hands on the' door handle ready .to annouuee the'm.' But at the sight of his silver chain his medals, his sword. Lis gold topped cane aud his three . cornered hat the Abyssinluns could not be ex pected to know they were in the pres ence o a mere servant So bowing low repeatedly, they approached hlw slowly aud with great respect until they were within reach of his coattails, WUt'fe, one on either SidC they Seized 1 In their hands and kissed. The USher did hot know What to do. but the a-. pearance of tbe minister relieved the situation. THROW CIHTHE LINE Give the Kidneys Help and Many New Bern People Will Be Happier. "Throw Out the Life Line," The kidneys need help. They're overworked can't get the poison filtered out of the blond. They're getting worse every minute. Will you help them? Doan's Kidney Pills have brought thousatids of kidhey sufferers back from the verge of despair, Will cure any form of kidney trouble, J. W, Uood, 216 S. East St. Kinsln, N. C., sayc; "1 have used Doan's Kid ney Pills and th: y have helped me very much. About ayeir ago my back bt- came weak and lame and I had much trouble from mv kidneys, I got a AUD- ! ply of Doan's Kidney Pills and their use relieved me at once. Other mem bers of my family have taken this nm- erly for backache and otnerr "symptoms of kidney complaint and all have r- coived benefit." tor aula t all dealer. Prloa 6l' nta.. foster Mliburn Co., Buffalo iew York, sol agent for tba Unibad -State. Remember the aama Ooaa k no othar. Cathirg In Gold. A Parisian Jouiuallst who had spec ulated lu railway shares won 200,000 fruuia asthi resulfoT '"a"1" lucky ven ture.' Drawing it in gold, lie proceed ed to a hotel, emptied the bags of Hold In the lied and went to Bleep lit erally, ui the Bauds of Pactolus. The uiiiir was ho crued, by his good for tune that he found indescribable pleas ure In reHellug In a golden bath. Paganlnl, the vlolluLst, when be re celve'3 (lie proceeds of his concerts (he InAlated tion lielng paid In gold) used to wash his hundj In sovereigns. A French novelist, Soulle, wrote a book called "The Memoirs of the Dev il.", It was successful. The publish ers pRid tilin for tbe first volume $10, 000 ia gold. The author carried the goid tn his bedrootn, poured it into a foot bath aiid enjoyed for half an hour the- excitement of moving his feet to anil fro In n l ath of gold coin) smok ing menawbile tbe biggest of Ua Vanna. it- CASTOR I A . t .faT.IafuU aid QUdxaa. ' ni lh Yea Mars Ahrajfi Bangbt Baaratba .lgMtra of WiaZ f r,"'. . ..;v '.' Th 'utuiy fanauina. r Of all 't he foreign birds to be teen In oolpgical oallectloni It U jtba nengulna that fain th moat popnlarltjr with th to , 0,,, baiioon to the hiht least attempt to do ao, ear writ D, 9J70 ttl . Banooiiing was a tw in th Imdoo prapbltf, wbd prodjM'(wltv-tna ,a an tmaajUglf abort Urn They flu hot affably convert wltb th t popuia, i aU )andv-Nw pumic 4ixe parrots or maaa groiescjo . III. ' l . 1 A k ,l,.l riQiim iiav 4vnmias lautwb vur atndlonsly Ignore the rWtort wbam they attract by their UiltalUW onalat cartratnr of bnmanlty. No blrua de part more ta form from Ibt asual bird type, end tVra I tomethlng about thera which areautlbly auggntt to otrfd little boy na an Orercoat With the slrcre , ery tntKb too light for him as they toddle tboot with their tiff wlmm hnntrlng dowa br aolemnly meditate a three Inch Jnmp. "' '. '1 1 I f " ' - a ' v. . I 1 i Ym m. 11 1 - at at Dr. Pierea'a Gold, vital power, rlranacs the Btoa oonditioa. sd Notices EXECUTOR'S NOTICE """""-1 Ravins qualified aa executor of the extAte of B. F. Henderson, deceased, lati uf Jones county. North Carolina, this is to notify a'l persons hav ing claims against he estate of said d ceased tc exhibit them to the undersigned at New Bern. N C on or before the 28th day of July 1912. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re. covery. All persons indebted to same rntkte will please make immediate settlement. E. H. HENDERSON. Executor. D. E. HENDERSON. Attorney. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having this day qualified' as adminitrator o' the estate of atosos Puvh. dee'd.. ail persona hirv- ing claims against the estate of said drcende. t axe hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before the 17th. -day of August 1912, or this notice will be pleaded in b.r of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estato are, hereby requested to make immed iate settlement. This 17th. day of August, 1911. J. P. STANLY. Administrator. R. O-HAKA. Atty. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Haying qualified as exocutor of the estate of James Redmond, deceased, late of Craven Co. N. C. this is to notify all peraons having clainu against the estate of said decea-d to exhibil them to the undersigned at New Rern. N. C,. oi or before the 2d day of August, ii-2. or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will pluase mnkr immediate payment. T.iLi 1st day of August 1911. T. A. GKEEN. Erecutor of James Redmond, I)ec'd. a A. NUNN. Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having duly qualillidas admin istrator of NahC.Kountr-edwaHed. notifies all persons to whom ho was indebted or have elsimt- ftftsinst hin estnt - to present the a me to the un dersigned admitiatrator ror paym4iton or De-ore the 21st, day of July l'J12 duly authentirsted or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the deceastd are re-i Hir ed to make immediate payment to tlie undersign ed. J. M. ROUNTREE. Adminintrator. R. W. WILLIAMSON, Attorney. Self "catsd. "But don't you think you could lean to love me?" he Inquired of the beau tiful belretis. "Pa always said I was hard to learn." sho replied tantnlizinfly. "But I ii in not a book." lie p-oteste-'. "Oh, I can rend you all rllit," she answered.--Pittsl)iirg Dispatc h. Lonjtvity. "Ixmpevlty? I should s:iy lmij-'cvit -did run lu the family,'' snld Mrs Ppriggtns. "Why, John whs six foe two, filll wnsnl foot four, un l ( ie iri; had more lougcvllv than cny i-nin ever see. lie was six foot seveu If t was a font." Exchange. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Birth of Aeronautics, I Tt was on Aug. 1, 1 717. that the Scotchman Black ot Edinburgh filled a little bag with hydrogen Ks and watcbod it rise to the telling of his room, and It wus rluht then and there that the science' of aeronautics was porn. Caveudlsh had only a little while twforo proved thnt hydrogen can waa about eleven times. ll.;bter thaa ronimon nlr. nod It occurred to Black that, such being .the case, a light bag bfiatcd with It would ascend. The experiment In his room lu Edinburgh showed tlint bis surmise was correct. ' It wns not , long after Black nude hi demouatrstlon that Montgolflcr seat silken balloon op Into tbe heav ens and watched It careening through spar, and tb following year, 1788, tha, Montgoirera-Joseph tod Bhrpbsn r-mad Beaaful ascent In a bal W Th asm rr Charle ascend v Antcrhaa. " - I , Diarrbo I tlway mora or lea pre J ot daring He-pbsoihrr ' h re pared for it '. Chamberlain' Colic. Cholera and Utsrrho Uetwdy ia prompt anol ftecuiaJ - It can atway be Oc penned opnn and It picas tat to uka. ror tal by aU dealer. '.,?. y Mw r'reekll Lrtd Meeaac. Franailn rot'iKled thirteen principle to rover th amill ameolfle of dall; Ufa F.ftch week h plr ked out on aav practiced It diligently, thus crwittng a habit It took threa months to rov1 Iht-m sIL Krb ye.r be prrfid ech nn four Ml weoka. II kept this HI fur omtiy yewr. Th oncoslb Trunk Mn r.f r'y ainhrxt V he f nind fault wish his wife fir givinp bin a Mrt n1 e i'.i!n Ijon I f'r lita brped si 1 ti.;:k In-'wxl of a fTinr nri r 1 r',enar rr k, flevc ' !-d n' : ,. r'.-"i:'iiin and nih f-f l'e 'wit'-4 1 Co tt-i-t r.f f ''.-! men. w' I't'a- V' 1 r ' 1 I'- - it A ' t ' ART IN 1C. WeaeWut Fata That Wat tutrt by Caariaa Aaa af rtUala, t . Tb aa at lea for arch, tscxa raj var-' poaea la aa art that has U-a crrd to a nigh tat f pertecOaa tn -aorta- j era eotmtriea, aad aoma akasuat (ncraoV : lbte feata aav tea accomptWhetl' ta Una enrtoo branch of Indnatry.' ; ' '. Probably. tba most fcnurlabia bnOd lng constructed woolr a af wai tha palace tmllt on th Nevt by Czarina ana of Buasta la im 'Tbe Brat At tempt to const root thla bonding' waa unaucceisful, as th lb af 1c were too thin and tbe building ctUapav' tn tbe first thaw. Subsequently "large block of ice were cnt'antt aaaarad with great care and laid oa an an other by skillful masons, who cement ed the joints with water, which Imme diately frote. Tbe building when com pleted was flfty-slx feet long.' seven teen and a half broad and twenty -one high. It was of but one story." Tbe facade contained a door surmounted by an ornamental pediment and six windows, tbe frames and panes of which were all of Ice. Aa elaborate balustrade, adorned with statues, ran along tbe top of the facade, and an other balustrade surrounded tjte budd ing at the level of the ground- The side entrances to the lnclosure were flanked with pillars supporting urns, the lat ter containing orange trees, whose branches, leaves and flower were' all of Ice. Hollow pyramids of Ice oh each side of tbe building contained 'lights by night. The grounds were further adorned with n life size figure of an elephant, with bis mabout on bis baefk. A stream of water was thrown from the elephant's trunk by day and a flame of naphtha by night- A tent of ice contained a hot bath, in which persons actually bathed. There were also several Cannons and mortars of ice, which were loaded wi,th bullets of lee and Iron an discharged. The Interior of the building was com pletely furnished with tables. Chairs, statues, looking glasses, a clock, a com plete tea service, etc., all made of tee and painted to Imitate tbe real objects. A bedchamber contained a state bed with curtains, a dressing table rlth a mirror, pillows, bedclothes, slippers aad nightcaps, all made of ice. There were Ice candles, burning naphtha aup, most wonderful of all. an leV jl replace containing burning Ice logs 1. eblocs of ice smenred with naphtha and'fhen kindled. Scientific American. The Doctor's Fee. There came n letup In the rush of pa tients, and rhe doctor opeued two small envelope! lying on his desk. "It's all right." he said. "1 wasn't sure. Without offending I couldn't opeu the envelopes In the presence flf the persons who gave them to me. They contain the fees left by two Englishmen who called close on each other's heels. English etiquette Is rather embarrassing for a physician who Is used to patients who hand over their money with the denomina tion right on top. American fashion. In England it would be considered an lasult to give a physician his fee un wrapped, i'ou can't insult an Ameri can physician that way, but newcom ers credit him with an excess of sen sibility and give him a good many un easy moments wondering f be hasn't been underpaid." New York Sun. Penn Very Much a Londoner. William Penn.- the founder of Penn sylvania, was born on Tower Hill on Oct. 14. 1(;14. was christened lb Ail Hallows cnurch. became a student of Lincoln's 1 11a. and then. Joining the Quakers, Ire abandoned the law and preached aloiiK with George Fox in k meeting house off Lonirlaird. street. He once occupied a bouse In Norfolk street. Strand, chosen on account o( Jta closeness to the river, which fJUUrtef ed escape fnuj duns, aud tie wa luf- prlsoned both at Newgate and In -Ure Fleet. 80 Penn was, after all. verir much a Londoner. London Standard.' A Cruet 8tand. Several villagers were discussing a departed sister, who bud been given to good deeds, but was rather too fop ot dispensing sharp spoken ad Vice.' " "She was na eicellept woman," said the deceased lady's pastor.' ''tb w constantly lu tbe homes Of tb pool and afflicted. - In fact, she wasth salt of tbe earth." "She was more than that." remarked a villager. "She was the vinegar, the pepper and the mustard a weft 8b was a perfect cruet stand of virtu ."-- London Tit Bits. Street Through Churoh. On of tbe beat known Instance of, rbiirrbe with streets through f hem t thst of 8t John tbe Buptjat't cburcrj In Bristol. England. Tb church sit uated right over tbe ancient gateway Into tb city on th Avon, and th tow ering aplr. sundlng high abov tb neighboring bouses and trta.'lt a ra- markabl tight aa ona survey tt from tb roadway below. . , " . r r i Mmmta' PeeuilsrHy. Oa bis eightieth, birthday 'Tbodov Mommaen. .th. hugorlan. facetved k viartt fron I great dafegatjbg'er ata daatt, who nan-had out to tir bom, but b could aot U Induced 1etv hi wot to greet Hnm. - "Tr " avert car t La aaWanar." bc'a'! "Why- do thy want, U 4ltVha4 letr - 1 . ' y i ...... ii . j 1 1 ;v'.i laulltlv.V . Vi-:4 w I. ' ! ' "That fallow la a poatUra Jok. A. 'TlettUv at yoof rlfiW hoWng better Job tnaa yoarDtrpfr fr Praat. , -"V -.'Vn i , , ,.N' i ,', 1 7' ,0 J, ' Faith and bop tbwiahrt tbalf ),' whll daathleai tharlty : retothijv- rtiotv' r ...V,',-V -IC; '.' :. ' A f '-:3.'l'!' : ? siA'J. fat bowel eompltfit In rhlMr. ' aJ rv sl t hamtMirl -In'a 1 hue, 4'hoWe and Diar hea H .ly and ctn oil. It ia rwrtsin tn ect a cure si 1 v hsn. riwed vnh walrr and 1 t. n I p cot ,nt ti t k Nophysri I r - rril bettor rcm"!y. . i nf c i!f doalort. 1 The ltnTT, i r Paris, wis c! s-f 1 fo I1., p.' !'e t-r. V. first f ( " r'f -. ; ' -a-i' (if t'' J t' ' ' ' 1 vrvwttltMMttttltttiiilt . f. 1L nautaaa, V-' 'A. I. Wart.' AIT0RXKT8 JLKD COL'NSKLLOK ' At LAW n hrh. 1. c, Offlea Room 401-2-3 Elks BuJUmf Practic in the counties of Cravaa, Onplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart ret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. OR. H, M. DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven. Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Office No. 50 Cravtn Strtit. Ttltphent No. 97. New Barn. N. C. Lake Drummond Canal & Water Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co, Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth Always. Quick Transit for Traffic. Prompt Towing and Freight Movement. For tolls, towing and freiirht ratet apply at office in Seaboard Bank Build, ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Va. M. K. King, Pres. J. A. Mitten, Sec J. B. Baxter, Supt. J. T. Whitehurst, Traffic Manarjar. Norfolk Office Bell Phone 6 SOUTHERN RAILWAY iOUTuEBS BAH WAY BCrlKDULkl N. B. These figures are yuulmned or Information an,) are not gntraav X. O. tl Leave Ooldtboro, N. C, 6.41 a. m., through irali, whn cntu car to Athefllle connection at tCeet DurbLin, f r Oxford, lieu 4roa, Keytvllle and PIckmoD at Palversltv for '"hsnel Hill : at Greenaboro for Charlotte and ail piiaia souin, also iut rflta, Lynchburg, ('barlnMee-Ill Waablngton, and ail pelat rV a Lm Uoluaboro, 1.46 i. sa. ' for Ornboro, bandies inr,ua Pallman Raleigh, to Atlanu, 00a rata at Qrentboro for ail point aorta, south aU wn. NO. lH-Laaye Goldaboro 10.46pm lor Greensboro, handle pullmaa Ralalgb , to Ornaboro, eot a act at Ornaboro tor Char lotto, AUaat , New OrWaa, Aahevflle, knoxvllle, a Uo far DaavUla, Lyachbnre. Char la. tog111a Waaalagtoa, ad JQ i aolata aorU. tar farther UformabUa aa any Soathani ticket agaai ar aaaraaa Um 4s4raLgaC H. P. CAST, Oaaaral Paaair A Waauinftoa, IX Q, W. IL fARNKLL, Vaaf Uaa' Ptaeaaat AgassV v it. a 'j Instead of Liquid ilntlscptlcst. Peroxide if mnjr pMpleiw now uain; ' p4UtmeToHet AnLUUlc , Th aew toilet aanatetd BaWw to V dlawJved ta water aa aeoitod. '. ' - ror ail toilet aad bygieale aa H W bettAff and eaore entingaaicaL . ' , To elena and wbtUa th cT71 , teeth, rmov tartar and frravent dnnay, ' To dlalafont th aanathd ( atny dWiu rrrwa, and pnrify th wlh. To p artlUrta.) trth tnd I w I i rl'!i4,w(iTi slean, olot)s T ... . . . . 1 11 P-in-m atnttine Irmo V lMH aa-a Itir.f 7 ti breath afvr auuklaf T r licnte praplrlloa o4 Ms) ol'ira l'f ;Miiif lallilnir. t N t aoii't' wh knovrn. ' ; i-. ani ' rpriii !tr r e tl r erasV4 , -f-v.-v 1' ' E ! -i hr, ,;1 1 Vr'-ti! -s n ' r -j ft 1 ' if A I - ' 4 i

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