established; ' ' j IN',' '.'r'-'s, -CrXl'LAlION,: NTJJIBER 137 n::;;. i;c?,tii cai.clina, Thursday horning, septehder 7, iquv THIRTIETH -YEAR - V v I aw OR fill GIL RESOURCES T'TT 7 AETHER your business is large or moderate In volume, Y j ' U fe important to hke an account subject to check with' : Y ,; i ? batik yrhere efficient, prompt and courteous service is maintainediTh9 J8-1 cordially jnviteVyou to consider its facile ties when additional banking service is required, ; j j- " v " . 4 PER, CENT PAID ON SAVINGS AND, . J 1- 4 - CERTIFICATES. 4 Sf j ; -4ji I8 'MVlWK- l! OUGHT TO ; .BE OUR: BUYER HAS ? JUST RETURNEDTFROM : 4 M York, Philai. and Safe We are receiving daily by freight and express all the new: things in wear ing , apperal for Men, Women arid Children, for 4 Fall ' and Winter. Such' " - . ' an8 assortment , of merchandise as we ' ' -1 ' " are going to show for the coming sear fson'has never been shown , in .New; iBern before. - 'WATCH. OUR: 'ADVERTISEIENI :' V FOR FDRTHER NEWS; . , - -,- '. , ' j.',. ' -.. ,-- -j,' .; .- ."..V Jr. v '' - - - ( 1 cn i c it mo i ccc - - . . . UTTLE OUT OP THE WAT,' BUT IT PAV8 TCTWALK TO COPLON'S Senator Cummins Thinks o, And Hopes -For . Nominatioa Tf . . . w.. Progressive Eepub-, 'tr- ' licau. . Dea Moines, 11, Sept. 6 Asserting that he entertains Jione but the meat friendly personal feeling for President Taft, but the nation's chief exectutfve does -not ta'ce the ''progressive yiew,'! Senator Albert B: Cummins,; in sign ed statement today sets Out in 9 ''bill of. oariiculars'.'; the rrason "why., he thinks. Taft should not be returned to the President! l chain, Among other tilings fnentkmed invTaft's -alignment Mr, Cummins points to the Executive's po sit ion on Canadian reciprocity, j . That measure the Senator calls "th most unfortunate act bf legislation iK& sed within the period of ibe present ed ministration. ", ' "- rJt-" Topics of current political discussion from the . Payne-Aldrich tariff law to Taft's vetoes of tho woolen bill and Statehood measure of. New Mex'co RETinEO TIIE OLE L ID 18 Original Plana For . Paoama-Call- foruia Expositioa Greatly ;f .C : ",., " Enlarged . . J-J San. Diego, Cat, Sept, &-A result of the passage of a resolution in the House of ; Representatives - authotHtmg .."the President of the United- States to -icr. vita foreign countries W participate in the Panama California - inUrnational Exposition at Suf Diego' js the deter mination to enlarge -ths physical dim ensions of the exposition in Balboa Park, The determination waB made ''by ithe boardof- dtfee tors, pt Hhfi exposition, who have- called .UROtt" tandscape Architect John C. Olmstead m to alter his original ground plans as to -be able to care for an expeditionist least orle half larger, than was originally planned for.V'". ' - ; Architect Olmsted; wo is in Bosen at the present time, will submit the new plans to the dictors of the : e pOsition within the coming months and it Is 'quite certain that work ..upon it and Arizona, including the recall of tlJfiftSSSS of this ear. taken Senator udiciary - are' Cummins. , In conclusion, Senat jr Cummins avers that 00 all Vital- things : ths- allies and supporters of Taft have been thereae- tionarins and standpatters In the Senate and Housed and - says that - it the Ee poblicai) party betieves in perpetuating this leadership it cannot do better than nominate Fresident Taft. However, Mr,- Cummins -says he does hot believe in it and is therefore hoping , for the nomination of a progressive Tlepubll can. '-"--, x What Sensational Stories Does, . ' r r . Kew York. Sent. 6 At . a moving; picture show, last lght.4taffaelo. Eich etti and his 1$ year old daughter. Rasa, saw the story of a tragedy Ja which a father killed bis daughter and then him self, V "I'il do that to you so rate , day, '' Rosa ssysjier father told her. ; E rriy today Richetti Crept to h's daughter's bedside atfd shot her, then fired a bulJet into bis own head. . Both probably wiU die. 1 - THURulAn PiGHlG SUCCESS ;5 -1 1 V The buildings and groanis committee of the exposition basjiad plans for the first building in hand fpr some wefeke, and these plans haVert, practically -bet n accepted. v. ?otne .alterations, w ill be necessary to fit them to the -changa of location in the( park made necessary by the enlargement of the general plat, but the general lnes will ,be followed, The plans show, an immense structure, or rajther series 01 . Structurei, in the Spinish Colonial type,- with massive towers a'od Jong colonnades. - Attend The Athens where you can always keep cool and cdny tortame. - . - c - 5 Sold: Yesterday. iTTie greatest Range" Demonstration ever known In' New Bern, Coles Origi nal Hot Blat See the twd demonstra tors broil ateak side of fire grates.. I , ,). 8J MILLER, Agent ' i- -n, him ,1 V -r - What Plney Grove farmers Union s Iiney Grovet Jones County, Sept. 6.t Our local Union met - in eall meeting Friday, Sept 1st to elect delegates to attend the Cranty Union which met at Trenton Saturday. Sept. 2nd. " , At this meeting we inatidted six new members and received two applications for membership Our Union 18 progress sing finely.. - Tho delegates ware instructed to urge the County Union to have ail members of locals tohojd what cotton ' they can until prices are better, i Our' local will try to d so, 1 ut "-unless others all over the country dJ the same effort - will - . . .. 1-2 . L ' loot accompli ih .much. - Most farmers Quiet Wedding Yesterday Afternoon. L meet iA". 1 5, , ' ' .... .Mr.- E, ; D. Pipkin and . Miss 13ertioj,Mk a bale or twiand if they do this it Barrow, both of Reeleboro, N. C were means in tbe agirsgate thousands and married yesterday afternoon at the -'J'1 THOSE WHO ,ARE' IN ' v USUS"- -w,xt ' 5n erecting good, substantial build ' sij f'fpTfp rflMl know that goodsound. well 'S VJIi eeaworied runfber )s an absolute VslL e48unl'a' 41,6 ntructlon," 1 I V , v tbe k ss shrinkage there is the b 1 - etvmaHt T:r' ter the building will stand.. Our Jumber'la . thoroughly, dried and -4 seasoned nod free from cracks A v and defects, i :'. 1 BVoad dps & Ives Lumt zz Coe Baptist parsonage. Dr. JE,'VT. Carter performing the ceremony.- !..-- Mr. Pipkin is an industrious young farmer of Pamlico county and the bride is the daughter of Mr, Henry Barrow, a prominent citi&Hi of the same county Tbe happy young couple left last night for Morehesdlnd Beaufort to spend a few days before returning to their home 1 , at Reefeboro.. even" millions of . baleB ' kept 'off the marlcvt, creating better pripea,v ' .Th members Of Pinef iGroYe"Un!on are going to hold apportion of their cot ton and other Unions are urgod to do like Wise. yt T v 1 ; 7 ' "-There is a differenced in the atmosphere at The Athcos?-Gct 1 1 s , in tne uesi atmospnere. :,," ; REPORT OF " THE CONDITION .-9. ,.- - stnt twm "T-.i i,r .!.."..: w ui lUtt ' National Bank ; of New-;. Berne Fully Oue Thousand People Wera 'Presenr, v. Numbctf . pf Promt' , v a inent Mea Made ... ; Yesterday a ibe ! "widelyT advert ib id Farni-Liife School Picnic was held St Thbrman, a small village located about five miles east of ttua - To iay tbatt wa; a complete success in every way would hardtv give- the evetot the proper credit, I Fully one thousand peo ple from- all : over this- and adjoining counties were present and participated uv the exercises. V At least two bund tired persons, went from this city -and thew.were augmented by several hundred more from Croatan, Bavelock, Newport and . other" towes along the Shortly after the-arrival of the train from New Barn, Mr, G. L. Hardison of that place and who was master of tbs ceremonies; announced that Jthe fitdt event ef the day would be a foot face for the small boys, ' About fifteen of the youngatera were lined op in the road near the depot and ' at tbe word "go" they dashed for tbe desired goal. Three races were run - and New Bern boyrwere victorious in each of these, After the raes had been concluded the throng surged over to the speakers stand just across the railroad, where Mr. Hardison in his very eloquent man' nor, urged such one of the. visitors to "feel to hum." He also made a num-1 ber of -other remarks in regard 'to the location of the Farm-Life School and set forth the advantages of that town. H'S talk; was short, - but to the point he was loudly applauded. Mr. J. Leoo Williams, secretary of the ChamberDf Commerce, then made a short talk in which he urged the farm ers in that section to assist in - making the big agricultural exhibit which is to be held here on November 22 and 83, a success. He told them that the exhibit was more for their benefit than anyone else and that they should exert every effort In making it the event of the - 'At the conclusion of Mr. William's talk , dinner was announced and the crowd wended to a spot . locatced m.the rear of the speaker's stand where ten pary tables had been erected to bold the bnhmited quantities of food. Such a dinner has never been served before in that section and doubtless never will be again; : Twenty-one pigs ' had been tai becucd for the occssion and at least oue hundred young chickens bad given up their lives for' tbe event, " To en umerate the. many vsriefms of food aonld take at least a colom of space and- we will I are that out. . It is suf Ccent to say that there, was more thin nnugh.tb feed 1 tie large crowd an every tne thoroughly enjoyed the feast Dui ingihe afternoon 'a cumber of pt'iminent. geritltmep, 'among' whom we-e Hob. J. Y. Joyner, Sat Superln-. tcridentof 'Public Instruction and Mr. A. Bryan, of this city, made short : speeebps in regard to the advaatages of-lbe Farm Life School anj of educk Hon in general. These speeches Were ry interesting and held thrf attention of the eaiii- crowds Muoh too .'soon the bour for deparfbre ( arrived' ' and vflltor boarded their special .cars and returned to the city, each one of them more than pleased with the hospitality and attention ehosrq them., f- 1 The people of 1 hurman are lo be"con graialaled on the manner In which Uiey arrangsd and consummated Ibis event' i.-. i -; m 1 ..' DEPEHDENRAUDITS. Realizing tht the public has aright to know- the exact vt": - ".. -. .- "r's- ' -. .; ' eondit on of the affairs of this Institution, our Board of Di- - - -r '- v-j'- :'. .- - -r rectors has inaugurated a .plan whereby the bank is regularly examined by a Certified Public Accountant whose report is . published in the newspapers in detail. The statement re cently, issueu afforos ample proof of the sound methods to . which The Peoples Bank adheres. You are invited to avail yourself of this protection by , . opening an account eithor subject to check or at 4 per cent r interest in our Savings Department At ftew Hern, in Tho State of ..North Carolina, at Tbe .Close "of Husl- FALL ANNOUNCEMENT Our Fall stock of Clothing, Mens Furnishings, Shoes, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Ladies Tailored Suits, Millinery, etc. , is arriving daily. Our stock this Fall and Winter will be the largest and most up-to-date we have ever carried and the public is invited to call and inspect our stock and prices before buying. REBATE TICKETS .ON ALL PURCHASES. WE WILL TAKE YOUR MEASURE FOR YOUR FALL SUIT AT A VERY SMALL ADVANCE OVER STOCK SUITS. J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEP'T STORE. Dcss, September 1, 1011. 3,8y.93 , , f j- 1 ' r ' ' . -' RESornrrs ' t J . Ioans atidDioconnU - . JM2,6Gi). 71 Capital Ovsrdrsfts, secured and un secured . . , : j.f V D. S. BOarts to secure clrou-; UUon ... .......... UoikIi, Securities, etc, . ) Hanking houne, . furniture, J and fixtures , OiW Ral l-tat Owwd 'Due from NaMonul l:anks, , LIllHUTirS stock paid In.,,, Suriitni fund v, , Undivided iirofiln, IfKi i pnvs sn I tixcn psiil !i,X0.00: National n.nnk not" out- 00 12,f!00.0J 2,r a 17 (ml rrve r in from r.'.'ite hi I . '. ar, I I- ('...'Hi al-.K , Si! I I . ' 4 . : i !: hi r ) i'riv( , Tr.i-.t Fayii';;i ,n.;i D4 i r-. t ini ! 1 r rvo Ml 4 77 sUrulirig ' . f - Duo U o' tn-r Natlrmaj Hanks IJuo It) Stat siid 1'rivato Hank am! I'niikerl Indlvl.tnnl : , - fino,onfl.oo ' fcl,0()0.00 '27,725 40 2 1 300 Mi 1,411 20 600 tK) . Rochcste rJ PcrcoIatcrs-The best Pcrcolatcr made, a new lot just received. M. E. WbitchUrst & Co. '.,.- ; Nowhere Else Will You Find Variety So' Great and Prices So Low. We are Offering our Entire Stock of Mens' $12 50 and $15.00 Summer Suits at and Below Cost Price. AH the leatest Summer fabric, such as Serges, Casimercs and mix tures, the tailoring finish and style are excellnt. A WONDERFUL LOT OF SUITS BELOW COST PRICE. SAM LIP MAN 'Qat; Middle and B. F, Stoi - Bryau LJoclc. imvmmmBmxmmmmmamm CoMly funeral Car Dcmollftied B At-: - lamlc Coast I'ne Tnln. r 1 '.If . r - " a. A KEW -LOT OF THOSE VELVET iiiEine lie LADIES 'V v. X r i WT HMD BAGS !')(., Is to rli'-r ITt S.4II.I-2 The hglij;unre of uno of tho Atlan tic 0)t Lino Railway Company's shift int crews cirfd a .0 f unernl rr vhirh hJ b'M'n titpK'il to Mr. ), K. I Willi in tliinrilj to be almot complete ly !-.:;- !..'.', I. ' ' i "J'l.o car u (ir inrel by Mr. V ocvmih) i 1 Kj- hut nil tnt.l J-rnlot- y 1 Mm ,; r I it arrive In the ri!y, 1 -;v.,-,.u z Gas at '.1 I Oi l, I' 1 r i ' t I. ;t f 1 1' .iiii ii' ! 1- ti. i,fr..- f.t , V' i 1 ai V aril f & ;"'" . . . . t ill- 12:10 ggqki;;s I ,- If you ere interested in keeping up-to-ditc in nnttcrS rchtir, to cooking, you j-.r.ow t!.-.t gas :m:c,l ccq::i:d ICODS t, r, t 1 t t t! c I:.t !; 1 - - h coo;-.: 1 ! V t: I I r.orc s 91 t , v 7 : ;'.!&4'.'i' .tl : - c -V- f I a, v ' - v', - , - - ''.'-' "f X-f-, .-f.sfi I- 'A ' V

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