; r rtc: "M nr 5.. . i 1 Tie Kim Yon Have Always Bought, and which luis been : In tine lor over SO years, l:as borae the signature of AD Counterfeits, ImltaUon3'and 'Just-osg9d, are but ' F.xperliiients that trilc -with nd endanger the health of , , Infants and Childrcn-Experlcnce ngajnst .Expeiiiuerit. - y CastoHa lg a" harmless tmbstUot lor Castor Oil, Pare- gorlc. Props and Swthiis Syraps. : It i Pleasant. It ; " : contains "neltlier Opium .Morphine, nor other Xarcotlo i substance, ". Its age is Its guarantee.- It destroys "Worms ; -. '- and allays Feverishnoss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind ;0 Colic. It relievos Teething. TreubleSjeures'ConBtlpatlon'J and Flatulency. ' It assimilates the Foo!, regulates the i f Stomach ffad Bowels, giving "Jieaithy and natural sleep, :J, The Children's Panaeea The Mother's Friend. ' ,. l, genuine CASTO The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Years, THl CWU COMPSNV. T SlUHtlV TRttT. WtW VORK CITY. THE AUTOMATIC BALL-6EARIN6 AXLE will ease the bur den on horse more than any axle ev er offered, if you are usi n g t wo horses get a vehi cle equipped with this axle and you caq sell one and save the feeding. And is the firstand only Ball-Bearing Axle that can be sent to. anyone anywhere, and be a success every time, without any brains being Bent along to adjust it u 6; S. WATERS S SDSSr BRSflO STSHEtt BEBS. N. C. The Smith Premier mm x VISIBLE TYPEWRITER MODEL 10. Acme of Perfection in Construction and Service. the use of l gvxlhxatfve, to keep tlie bowels looa from kA.tinginto your systam. Th latest product ut science is VELVO leHable and of a pie sant; aromatic taste. stomach and bowels, and isoi the greatest Moousoassj sick headache, feverish ncss, coUclatuloiKe, etc: MillliiisYiol DIRECT LINK TO ALL POINTS Kf "a KOBTH. 5QUTH.: EAST. WEST. 7"?' Very Low Ron ud Trip Ealrt to'fcll Through PuHmart to Atlanta, loaves Rajclgh iiM p m, arrives . Atlanta C:36 p m, making close connectiotilfor and arriving Montgomery fallowing day af- Vter leaving " llalulgh 11:00 a m, , Mobile y :;,:,sa2 p m. New. Orleans 830 p m, Uirm ? , Ingham 12:16 noon,- Meimphit 8:06 p m, ;' Kansas City 11 20 a'tn(econd day and , .'.fi.? connecting for ' all other , poHil This ',.'.'''' makes close connecUotvatSrlis , bnry for St Louis and otlwr Weatern polnu. - . i , ." - ; , -j inrouun 1 unman w nBnnuiKun h:- . M . fv.tl Tlf L ! l m R.Mt'h fl f.fi n m. arrivm wajthlfitr- ' on 8 :53 a m, DaKiroors 10.-02 a m, rtlUa ' delphia 1223 onon, N9W York 21 pm. ' This car makes eloss connection at Wash- InRton for ritUburgr Chlcsga and all ' points Jorth and West and ' at Creehs- boro for Through .TourUt Sleeper fof '. Califotnis points and for all florid '. ' points. - t '-J , 1 ' , ' '- Through Parlor Car for 'Anheville .' iesvoa GoWlcr) at (5:45 a : ro, Knlcieh ll:! m, arrive Abvilli 1M p m, mkin clow connection with the C n ro ll nt rjiKM'ltil ami arrivine rmcinnnti 10 . s m, follnwlng dy aftr ) -aving l:l !j!v i'b clie connri'lUm for nil piiiU North and N"i th-Wput ' I'lillmiin fr ' Win.t'in-S'.iVm )r n. and tan been mado under nls per- . sonal Buperviiilori fclnoq Its Infancy. .' Allow no one to deceive you In this. IS FOOl PBOO? AND EVERLASTING ' ' i STORE Advise Open and prevent tbe poisons of undigested . j- ; . ' - . Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, genOa -; Volvo' acts on the liver, s well as on the possible efficacy In constipation, Indigestion, Try VFI ; ; IGUT EXPRESS' Schedule ERecllve June 11. 1911 Tn'fl i following schedule figures f.yuV llbhed as information ONLY And art not guaranteed. V fr .';' 'TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN KOUTItAND WEST BOUND s 12:80 ji rn, Daily-Night Exprens Pull , t, v man Sleeping Car for Norfolk, a tn, Daily for Norfolk, connncU for aH points North and Went, ' ' parlor car cervics between Wah ' ': ington and Norfolk. 146 Am, Daily except Sunday for "i Wihinet)n, Kclhaven, (ironville ", WIIon and RaleiKh. I'nrlor rur i.-i.'. -between Waahingt'in and Ralwigh. 4:10 s m. Dnilf-Night LxprcM for ' Gnl'Julmro. D:tG a m. Dnilr for GoMhIkim, Parlor i car service. ' , iJM p m, Dhily for Gol!lxro Pull - m:in sleeping CHra to Winn ton1 v' '. Bali'm, N. C PAST BOUND flii a m, 6:40 p m, " Cr service aiifcrt. Parlor 9.:.') a in. P'ii!y OrM nt il. -xri !' f r (' t ,1. r in o 1. r. wm mmB mum i 1 1 : i . c. i f- - 'I..- 1 Mf.i.'rr . . . 1 i ' po.-s h ea t x V...X L s t a c;.r : tj a L',,'j cf i-t-i j 'U ia l . era oouLirlrs, nai Buii.s a! uui-t locrrj llle f t.M Lave a eco ::. a:.!.- 1 ia tLls curious branch of Industry. . rnjbuL'jr Use most reuiarkable bui!d Insr constructed wholly -of ke was the palace built on tbe Neva by Czarina Anne of Russia In Tbe first at tempt to construct tills building was unsuccessful, as tbe slabs of Ice were too thin and tbe building collapsed in tbe first thaw. Subsequently large blocks of Ice were cut and squared wits great care and laid on one an other by skillful masons, who cement ed the Joints with water,. -which Imme ; diately frore. The building when com pleted was fifty-sit feet long. ' seven teen and a half broad and. twenty -on high. It was of bat one story. The facade contained a door - surmounted by an ornamental pediment and six 1 windows, the frames and panes of -which .were all of Ice. . An. elaborate balustrade, adorned with Statues, ran along the top of the' facade, and an other balustrade surrounded the build ing at tbe level of the ground. .The side entrances to the lncloaure were flanked with pillars supporting nrna, the lat ter-containing orange .trees, ' wnose branches, leaves and flowers were all Of ice. Hollow pyramlds'of ice on each side of. the building contained lights by night ' The grounds were further adorned with a life size .figure of- an elephant, with his mahout on his back. A stream of water, was thrown from the elephant's trunk by. day and flame of naphtha by night- 1 . . A tent of ice contained a hot bath, tn - which persons actually bathed. There were also several cannons and tnortars of ice, which were loaded with bullet of ice and Iron and discharged. - The Interior of the building was com pletely furnished with tables, . chairs. statues, looking glasses, a clock, a com plete tea aervlce, etc.. all made of ice and painted to Imitate the .real objects. A bedchamber contained a state bed with curtains, a dressing table with a mirror, pillows, bedclothes, slippers and nightcaps, all made of ice.- There were ice candles, burning naphtha and, most wonderful Of all. an ice fireplace containing burningicelogs-l. e, blocks of ice smeared with naphtha and then .kindled. Scientific American.: .... . . . . Th Doctor's Fee. -vr There came a letup In -he rush of pa tients, and the doctor, opened two small envelopes lying on his desk. "Ifs all right,'' he said. "I wasn't sure. Without? otrenaiug. 1 couiuu-i ojen the envelopes In. the presence of the persona who gave them to me They contain the fees left by two Englishmen who -called close ;on each other's heels. English etiquette is rather embarrassing . for a physician who ' is rtised to patients " who ' hand over their money with the denomina tion right ontop,. American fasbioB. In England it would be considered an insult to give a .physician his fee un wrapped. You can't Insult an; Ameri can" physician; that way,' but newcom ers credit him -with an excess of sen sibility and give him a good many .un easy, moments wondering if he hasn't been underpaid ."-New York sun. Penn Vary Much a Londoners "William Penn, the founder ef Penn sylvania,, was bora on Tower nil! oh Oet.T14, ; 1044,; was christened In AU Hallows church, became f.a: student of Lincoln's Inn, and then. Joining the Quakers, be, abandoned the law1 and preached along -with George Fox ia a meeting bouse oft Lombard street. ' He ones .occupied a : house, -In ; Norfolk street. Btrand, chosea'on account of its closeness to the riven which' aclllta ed escape from duns, and- he'was Im prisoned both at Newgate and ttt thai Fleet). 'Bo ?Penn: was,, after' all, very much A Londo.ior4, London Standard. yK Cruet Un4:':-.-:Kf '''. , Several ' villagers were -discussing departed sister, who bad been given to good deeds, but was rather too fond pf dispensing sharp spoken advice. "She was an excellent woman," said the deceased lady's pastor,. "She was Constantly in the homes of tbe poof and anilcted. In fact, she was the salt of the earth." -; , '-' 1, " . '' ' "She was more than that" remarked a Tillager: "She was the vinegar, the pepper and the muHtard as weU. 8nc was a perfect cruet stand of virtues." London Tit- nits. - - y C - . President Markham, of tbe Illinois Central Railroad, ended hopes of n immediate settlement of the labor dil Acuities of the road.'. ';. '' . , GOOD FOR BILIOUSNESS." . ' "I tok two of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver TablcU liuit niht, ind I fet'l fifty per cent better thun I have for tet'k, iaya J. J. r'iref-tono, of Al IfBn, Mich. 'Ihey are certiiinly a fine article for -biliounncsa." r'or tale by all tlenlera. Kumplei free. The s'ftterrifnt Dr. Davl. Hill, Aml':i 1 -if t Ccrmnny, Jyn Is nt lic'J In WaoliingUln to explain thli.. any- - t; m In r Mi Cr : n, I .i-.l v li j I. I 1 J 1 1 o o "jr"TI m tew mm $ " -f : A Battleship's Eyes. j. , .In the design and equipment of Un cle Sam's newer battleships no feature id more noticeable than the facilities affardod-f or observation by the officers and men stationed on the bridge ob servations, of the beacons and'Jther aids to navigation, but more especially observations of the movements Of s supposed enemy...' On the bridge and ou the "fire Control" " tower overhead are to be found artificial aids for the "eyes of the battleship," ranging all the wty from old fashioned glasses to the powerful telescopes and kindred unnlhllators of distance. that' are top large to be supported at arm's length and manipulated after the fashion of the spyglasses of the ancient mariner, -Detroit Eree. Press. ' The, Washington (0. C.) convention of "hoboes", appointed an employment committee. - , . . . You Will Make "No Mistake If ., You Follow This Advice. Never neglect your kidneys. H you have pain in the back, urinary disorders, - dizziness, and nervousness, it's time to act and no time to experi ment. These are all symptoms of kid ney trouble,' and you should seek a rem edy which is known to cure the kidneys. k uoan's Kidney .nils is tbe remedy to use.;': No need to experiment. It has eured many stubborn eases in this vicinity,-. '- ;jHV-;'f's- KX-y'-'T"-':'v- f'". Can New Bern residents demand fur ther proof than that contained in the following testimonial? :'S . ' .. i Barnes RAskm.i James CUy. N. C, aye: -. " While in'rths at my ? I received a severe strain .ana ferter that i was sudjecf to ' attacks of' kidney trouble. My back ached a great deal and as time passed,; the trouble- grew much worse, I tried many remedies but seemed un able to obtain relief and finally' hearing of Ddan'a Kidney Pills,-;. I obtained a box. They gave me more benefit than I had. ever .received before They not only stopped the faia in my baeki but strengthened my kidneje and improved my bealtb,-,; y :.- fj- Fox , sals b; . aU dealsrs. , , Price to ssnts. ftet)r-l&llbara .Co,, fiaffalo, lew -York, sols ajaaU for the Usltes States, .-. fi;. ?VYfr; ' Remember, the smDoaa'e sal aks'oo other. -.- .e ' By an explosion Inthesurfboatof the United Stales gunboat Paducah, Capt W. Gilmer, hie wife, his wife's mother and two other seamen were injured. CASTOR I A . -. : For Infants and Children. - KlrJ Yea A!:;;s eignatare of '-'', A Solemn Ceremony, '' Tors." wblxpered Jobnny, who was In ntiendnne at fhe Sunday morning Si-rvli-ea, "wby do the people look so ami when' fbey drop thiilr money in that J)UitT" Cblesgo Tribune, Safe. F.'l7fibi1h bad Jimt rommtfti'd Vnry tT pii .nn. "Kcnr not fur your anfi-ty. il. ;ir roir.in." slia snld. "TtlO lowrr la i' ',''' i-i-t t'lmiiptmnt wl'h the Wm-k -!i." J''iifiird Oii'i Firrnl. c A.K'E U: -v . . Legal- Notices PUbiC SALE OP HOUSE AND i LOT, . Pormant to power contained In Uw will of tbe late Geo. A. B. RichrdMo. deceased, which will sof.Meotdis Ciaven county the undersigned will on the seoond day of October. 1911. at 12 o'clock mi on said day, at the court bonne door in Graven county, sell at public auction to the hiahest bidder for cash one house and lot situate at the northeast corner of Main and Eubank treat, fronting-104 feet on Eubank street and 51 feet ton Main street and folly described in a deed from Geo. H. White to the said Geo. A. H, Richardson, deceased, which said deed is of rec ord in CraweSaSShnty. - The above mentioned sale will be made for the purpose of division among- the devisees of the said will. W. H. LEWIS. Administrator. D, B. N. of Geo. A. H. Richard son, deceased. - EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having- qualified as executor of the estate of B. P., Henderson, deceased, late of Jones county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against J he estate of said ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at New Bern, N, Con or before the 28th day of July 1912. or this notice will be pleaded in bar cf their re covery. AU persons indebted to same estate will please make immediate settlement. -E, H. HENDERSON. Executor, a E. HENDERSON. Attorney. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having this day qualified as administrator of the estate of Moses Push, dee'd., all persons hav- ins claim against the estate of said deeendent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before the 17th. day 'of August 1912, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their reoovery. All persons indebted to aabt estate are hereby requested to make immed iate settlement - This 17th. day of August. Ml. i , -. . J. P. STANLY. ' Administrator. aVD'HABA, Atty. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified aa exaentor of tbe estate of James Redmond, deceased, late of Craven. Co. N, C. this la to notify all parsons Having claims against the estate of said, deceased to exhibit them to the andefaigned at New Bern, N. C on or before thejd day of August. 1J12. or thi ao- ttoa wiH be pleaded in bar of their recovery. , AU parsons Indebted, to amid estate will aleaat make hrwnediato payawnt.'; ' t;. ? This 1st day of August 111. . 'r1''. -V,4'. T.A.GREEN. .""' Kmientnrof Jaaaas HedmoMl. Dec'd. Ea, MUNN, Attorney. - ; ..', ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . ' V i:: :''":' 'v ::'-'f-'-: '" ':' Thai aadennawad having; duly qualified as admla Mratarof Noah CBountrae deceased, no tines all persona to whom he vaa Indebted or have claims against his ata to preseot thesime to the oo dersignad admhMstrator for payment as or before the list, day of July mi duly aothmticatod or thlsnoUos III be plead la bar ef their recovery. AO persona indebted to the dscaaa.l are rcqab d ts mkt hnmediaU pansent to the uadamgn- ti. .., ' ! t - . - ,r " ,' i ".. ' -" j, Admlntstratet.' ft. . WILLI AMBON. Attormey. ' ? r James R. Keens, lbs Arpcricsn ftnan cler, was successfully operated, upon in A a un ally treated, a sprained ankle will dinible a man for fnree or four Liniment frwly s xn as tbe Injury la rorrivi'-i. ami observing th- direr tionai with rarri iwittln. a cure can ne aiTeciea in frofi two to four diys. For sale by all dealers. CiHh of Aeroneutlos. v Tt Wflx nu Aug. 1. 17U7, tliat tba r,rv trlininn Illnrk of Kl!;iblirgll filled a Ullli! bus TV 11 ll bydi'r-ri pne finl WhU h.-.i It rl ' to ' i .- A f i ft i ' 1 It r, m r'rU I' n i I I bis 1 1 Cut. I. r. h li-l ' i!y a 1 1 . I'"' 1 I f.. .1 I.;. il ; ! r I; ---1 i t n I'M I i: 1 Ml' 'I. i I 1! I 1 i !. n t j i 1 1 k i 11 -t J . t 1 t 1 71 2 i . 1 r r ,-- V ' j r i K i M f 0 1- 1 V J" O o 1 Ml v a - mmm The mHiinfucture of glass antedates anthentle- history. It. Is only, about seventy-Are yean, howeter,- since its true character was ascertained. It la now generally conceded to be ji saltr-4 chemical compound resulting from tbe union of aif acid with a bweV taescid Is silica, the seme that found in quarts or the quarts particieii of sand; hence the use of sand in Its inaaufac- ture. The base may be ' potash' (or soda), together with alurhlna and l&ne, or lead may take the place ef lime. Lime makes a bard glass and one leas susceptible' to acids and suited to win dows and chemical purposes; lead a softer, more fusible and more lustrous article, suitable for optical instruments All acids act to some ettent on glass, especially If the latter bag an excess of alkali in it. Even wine may 'cor rode the bottles wherein It is contain ed. The moisture of the air Often dl solves out tbe alkali, causing the-' rain- bow-like colors (iridescence) of some wlndowpanes. "The Telephone Voice. The voice heard over the telephone Is a mechanical reproduction of. the original voice and differs from that of a speaking tube or megaphone, where the sound waves produced by the speaker at one end are transmitted directly to the other end. In the tele phone the diaphragm of the transmit ter la caused to vibrate by the Bound waves produced by some one talking Into the transmitter mouthpiece. This diaphragm is connected with a small receptacio having a flexible front and purtluHy filled with granular carbon, This carbon offers resistance to elec tric' current In proportion to the me chanical pressure brought Upon it The diaphragm, therefore, in vHirat lag produces a varying . pressure against the carbon. Tbe Carbon is Included la an electric Circuit, so that the variations in its resistance will vary the current strength In the cir cuit The most powerful fleet ever assem bled by France was reviewed in the roadsteuJ at Toulon, France. For bowel complaints in children aM ways give Chamberlain's ( hlic, Cholesfe and Diar.hoea Remedy and castor il. It is certain to effect a cure and sfhen reduced with water and sweetened pleasant to take. No physician ean pre scribe a better remedy. For sale by all dealers, -v . -. '; Tho Play of "Othello." Wlr-wed exrlnnlrely is a dramath fabric, -Ot hello' is not only the best ot Shiikespeare's play, but the best pjl5 In tlie EtiRllsb- language." Say Wlr llam Winter la,the Oenfufy. 'vro sto ry could bo more almple; direct, fhhsrri and elenientally trhgle, but wltti what marvelous skill the poet 'has told, it with whnt iusenolty ot (UTentloh, wltti what vibrant vitality - fit contlntyma action, with what smpis. and Superb drawing of. character, what prodtgioaft volume, of foelltig., what "tumult of Surging. and 'Conflicting; passiofa And What perfectj!on.ot poetl? Style.r";' " ,' -.' fjv?;--- v- ...... . Diarrhoea is always more or less pre? valent during September. B prepared for It. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be ' depended upon and ia pleasant to take, tor sale by all dealers.' .-, ; - -i 1 ' f . , i--' The German Foreign Minltr nd the French Ambaaaador met in lWlin td uM Franca proprMilf looking to a settlement of the Moroccan dltp&te - Buokod th Tloe - forest ,lniid -f -souMuhiI lflt The prowesses brwd of b'i " siieri.r to tbs unrliil ' llio plnlna. Tl)'.r ara i:,n, an'l mntifllvf. wild U i-U , n' mul r.o'".e Inilm-i xo tn' i .f I !inh .mT. a !,- won t I'.-.-r rfii..( nut tit fan f ' ' 1 i.b b'Pl -ii.ii ii luut-1. ! nt (.11 (!. T"i';.. ai.il t r!-'l t'l S 4 Jf tlir tt t i a -. i . A 1 rd r v 11 r- r tx- ( 'a F'.ltT a a y g r (1 ! I'm , -.1 ; i .. I . .j !,. I r.;-... I lit it V. r.l.M npi-n l.' .i. f-,u t i r 'f '-! tl I - t 1 I:- 1 ..'1 f,f -'-It' - r, 1 1 i i ?-f A. I). Ward. ve'-'ivn'".r'ipn ii......M.iJ,ruitJ , liAuU ArTOENKVS AKO C0UKSIXL0K1 'ay '..H .w'fl "J "V.V v Offlcs Roans 401-2 Elk RnfLting - v Practice i the counties of Cravsn. Duplin,. Jones, Lenoir, Onslow. Cart eret, PamHco and Wake, in' the 8a- preme and Federal Courts, sad wbsrs ever services are desired. OR. H. M. EOiER DISEASES OP THE t, X. Simmons, K far, Rose and Throat 5 AND General Surgery Office. ipTElks Temple Nextr.Dr. G. A acon, ew Bern, an. u. v ; R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven.' Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Office No. 60 Craven Street. Tslaphen No. 97. New Bars, N. C. Lake Drummond Canal & Water Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Denth Always. Quick Transit for Traffic. Prompt Towing and Freight Movement For tolls, towing and freight rates apply at office in Seaboard Bank Build ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Va. M. K. Kino., Pres. J. A. Mitten. Sec i J. B. Baxter, Supt. J. T. Whitehurst, Traffic Manager. Norfolk Office Bell Phone 621. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SOUTuIBH BAH. If AX BCHKDCLXI ' N. Bj These figures are publlahea for Information and. are uot (uaraav JO. SI Leave Ooldaboro, N. 0 lit ' a. nt, through tralu with eaatt car to Ashevllls, connecting at Bast Durhun,, tor Oxford, Hen-., dsrsos,- Keysvllls end Richmond -at Dnlverslty for Chapel Hill; at Greensboro for Charlotte and all pwists soutn, aiao tur. l. villa, Lynohbnrg, Chariot taavUlt . Washington, aai all pelat Ma US Lev Ooldaboro, 1.01 A fa. for Qrsenshoro, handles through ftllnua, Balsign, to AUsats, eon : ' fawttk V si Oresnsboro, for all . points Sorts, seats sad wsst,- NO. in-Leaves GoWaboro 10,46 pm ; tor Qrtsttsboro, haadles poilniaa '"'. ' Raleigh to - Oreenabor, eoav ascts at Orseraboro for Char ! lotts, AaanU , New , OrUasa. lrC'" Aahevtlle, KnoxvfJIs, also" for J DaavIUs, Lyaehbar, . Chark;. 1 tssvUls, WsaUagtoa. ; id s : sr harthM tstomatfar uft as? loutasn. ticket agent sr dr dsrslgstL v .-'. . H.P. CART,' fcV" ,"' Osoeiral Passsan J4aL '.-'t-A'... v Waskhgtoa D. O, I ''J,': W. -EL PARNELL, '? . . rTSVsllag PaSMBflajf Agact ''V'-'e' it.'" - RaltlgK N. C. r :!c! Uz' m y y ; ara now usii ,; c - Tc:!:t Ar.ii:-; Tlie nrw Villct pi-ririlni.le Jy.w.!-(!;r.-!r. Iti It a ee"lil. P..r ail til"-t and bysrinilo w l- i'cr aii-l more iwM.noiti , al. i i --i.ux" ami whiten Hi" i. . ., rc-H-.tn 1 1 rfar an 1 ' 1 , .; ' t t V s , r r r4 ratf ii'h t .JW in, errivs Ci r, r 6 .'''I s m, fitkiii? c!'i- c(ion-i ii..n at ("r, t," l.i rn f.r nil ju inl. . r.r f 1 :i't ii"l Vrif 'llm mr i d m l ( 1 rn 1, f.' j. Ill I-.vir.J li..l ! ;.,(!( ul I ) 1" p Pi. If y. 1 .l--ir n-? -1 ... f! v.