.J. i K.TKXS11 IODCJ S3. Itt? F WeeU every Tuesday 8 p. m., over Gaa ' Co'e office Middle St. E. D. Eardison, C C.. . 3. IL Smith, K- of R.'and S. - Visiting brother are assured of a ehev alier's welcome. . ' - . - CRATES LOrGS JO. 1, . OIGHr OF HAUSOXY Meet Jnd. and t ftVetoeeday might la ci month f--Kalghts Harmony B'JV corner Broa , ' And Hancock tr.U at T:80 o'ciocl r i3, K. Wills, President; R. J.'Iiisojrway, Secretaryj "Dt McCvy, Financial 5c- ' J. A. Barker-Fish V. ' JL. Meadowe-MeaC V V;- , The Athent-Attractwna.-----'- V Notice to Cotton Fanners, -3 - Report of the National Bank. - - ' New Bern Banking & trust Co. - t J, S. Miller.-RangV Demonstration. BUSlXESSL(5CflSi NOTICES ITHIS COLUMN LESS THAN "ONE month MOST BE . PAU f OE1 IN ADVANCED .;r-vH-i CHOICE FISH-tW i have Constant'y a variety of choice flab, ' right freah from our nets, bandied carefully end sanitary. If you - want he best fish order from J. A. Barker & Co. Phone 107, Market Dock. i TOR SALE For the. best offer, one gat boat, 3f feet Jong. It foot bearOffOund bottom, 13 R. P, Clutch Copplmg, En gine practically new. Reason for Bale owner left state. K 8 Stewart, New port N, C, -i1 'k WANTEDPupils wishing to make up deficient studies for school entrance examinations. ' For particulars address Box 883.' - 11 - " FOR RENTr A . very desirable -reei- dence containing $ rooms with all mod ern conveniences. Situated" at 138 Pol- lock St, Apply to Chas, B, Hill 35 Mid dle St. , - FRESH EGGS Just received a lot of fresh eggs and fat bene, Rhode Island Reds, and spring chickens, Irish pota toes hams and bacon. .Piedmont,. Old Mill and Turkish cigarette, ; electric batteries, lights and anchors, life pre servers, mullet tod dry netting J3, B. Davenport' - - t - APPLES! Apples!. We will have in stock this morning 100 bushel of fine Apples, suitable for cooking, or eating. Phone 121 New Bern Produce Co. Broad Btreeb .- HOUSE for tent with sewerage con- nectiou, at $11.60 per month. Apply to Miss Annie Justice, 83 East Front St, Phone 889, '- i: FURNISHED rooms to let p;O.Box7. Address FOR RENT One 10 Room House cen trally located modern conveniences, one block from Union passenger station. Address P. O. Box 477 or phone 220. WE Have a good position for -the rigb man. cobd pay but we want a bustler. Apply at 187 Pojlock St;DeU Soto Novelty Supply Co. :'m X f f V ' FOR' BALE House and lot 112 East street known as the, Haven property. Apply to a B.Foy.-vrf VETERINARIAN Dr, C R. Graham, office and hospital located at No, 64, , Broad street, near Scott'a blacksmith bop). New Bern, Phone 177, i r CELERY. Peaches. Pears,' all kinds of Grapes, Orange. Applet and .BsnanasTf today at B. E, Royall s, Phone 83. WANTED-Too to bay the beet things lo eat to be had - for the least money ' possible. Fox River Batter &c Tub Butter 83c, . Meal 25c Beet Lard 13c Best Floor Sc. IL C. ArinBtrong.' . iLOTS FOR ' 8ALE-8 choice kita, ' Cor, Etm street and No, I Av, Apply , to I P Hatch, 40 Eilmonlc Bt, " ANOTHER lot of frae Bull-fed Beef ' . just received by A. Cattctt, Five PoinU ', Phone 239. -- "v. -;- ' JUSTreOalved fretb RnUbaga Seed, TumipBeed, Fall CsbbaRS Soed, Chort Stern ColUrd , Bped, Crimott Clover EJ(ur sale by J, C. Whitty&Co, T1IS largeat aBaortmcnt ef fresh C"n . dl for family , jut rwivedat I'.a frr's Bakery, 10c por pomd. 1UH BALE t'out god I'Sjlng rnul'-i arid four 0en, fnrcaah cr en time v.-1:1, atufactory 'furity. Apply to J. V. Stewart ' ' - lOIt RK.NT-At No. II fpt-Rli r a riles dwpIUnjf, with " t ' i vf .'i'ncss. An-'y to !. v.'. .v.'.: I" ! l.'e trf t. i f, J .. : M for uniev-1 rrr ' rm mi! f n ' r f r l r '7 I w r '. ' J ' f 1 t ,'rst on I'fciili n r; ; 'y or - '.1 VI. f ; T J a n f. . ! ' '. ;C.!: It y : ST u..-, : t-i ) j rt ; V r. 3 t-t Ly You're bilious, you have a throb bing sensation in your Lend, a bnd taste in your month, your eyes burn, your skin is yellow,' with dark nnrs under your eyes; yonr lips are parch ed,. No. wonder you feel ugly,, mean and ill tempered. . Your system is full of bile' not properly passed oil, and what you seed is a cleaning up inside, 'Don't continue Being a bil ious nuisance to yourself and those wno " love- 'you, and; don't resort -to harsh physics, thai irritate and in jure.-Remember that every disorder of the stomach, li,ver anti-intestines can be quickly cured by morning jth gentle thorough Cascarets ibey work while you sleep, x A" 10-cent box Irom your aruggisi -wm seep you "and ;the Entire family- feeling good fof '")nonth8. Children -love to take ' aseareta,j because-they . taste good and never gripe w sicgen. A ti i ii . 'ii . lUt' Hardware or Build era"! Supplies, Jet us know what and how much, .J.yb. Basriight Hdw.Co;,. -t FREE JNION ITEMS. ' Craven county," Sept, 6 We" are having floe weather now and onr farm- era are busy getting their cotton pick- We are triad1 to reportitbat our eick in thl neighborhood are getting better, Miss Stella Simpkins who has been visiting friends In New Bern returned hoqae Sunday., u- : ! ',( Mr. Luther Simnkina who is employ ed on the government dredge boat visi ted here Sunday, ' . - The local Farmer's -Union wil hold its annual pic nic at Ernul sUtion Thursday September 14th. ; Dinner Sets26 open stock patterns to select from. M. . Whitehurst&Co-r ; - liGCEPHBLMNFORMHTlON. Old man Economy has arrived with full line of the very best foreign and domestic woolens of the very latest de sign, for your fell and winter suits. Old man Economy will save yoa from three to seven dollars on" suits, t everything be equal. Second, ha" will make the gar ment any style that is worn by the best dressed man. Third, will , make -stiff front of soft front coat that will hold ita shape, and pants just as your ay you 7want themJ Fourth, . we put In lining that will wear with the outside, and all work guaranteed ' to" be up to the standard American tailoring. TThir ty odd years experience "enable one to know bow to. work every, j fabric ; that full value may be seen so omeand get acquamted fwith-him.; Economy will tell yon hew UP start , a bank ac count, and, how to raise np a family with less expense, V Be is stopping for the seaaon a SAWYER.:- vt t- ' A-&,Merchant Tailor;r.. , Ol DOUIM riUUVDk 'J Til -The Athens is the only house in New Bern showing Astoria tiori ;pictures.-3;:rc;V :oQ:y;- FOR SALE.; : r3 I will sell all of my real estate on the corner of Hancock and Qaeeq Su. I will sell each piece separately Or collect ively. - Terms caah, ' (Signed) ISAAC IL 8M1TIL FT.'SH line of groceries which I am s!i:irjt at reasonable prlcrs, e few of LUh I Quote. Heat Pstent Flour 8c lb, rictilc T.aml J3J lb, l!egu!r ITams 20e lb, nj full line of tal.le Kimmliilo ) a f- l tf Clii'nont and V.'!" melons that I am now c.Tijriiijf at cw J. A. KintT'iM, P3 ;rjres?re-t. ,1 V jit i ...I V i ! ) t ; . .... n , ! 1 1 t ; fr , i tf ' r ii t i i for t;,e lucal dcbierj. Cf f . The swellfst p.ece of aa.l advert!:... Z s?e a here liiU-:y is that of the 1 i : A Knox Hat productions, fall and v.u. -r iyil-rJ12 sent out by S. Coplon & fc-n. Crabs are more plentiful, are larger and fatter, now, in Neuse and Trent vers, here, than ever Before . Three and four dozen is only an- ordinary . af ternoon catch for one person. - fJThe Women's tbristian Temperance nton will meet this afternoon at 4:30 clock in the Presbyterian .lecture room, " A lull attendance u aeeirea as there will be ardjelection of new officers. A coop of chickens that was sold un der suspicious circumstances by, a ne gro to another, has been seized by the city authorities and is now in posession of Officers A A Ipock and A L Bryan, Anyone that has lost chiokeoe .lately are invited to apply to" the officers men tioned, and they may nod their missing fowls,' ' - j A - VfC -V The authorities ought to. look more carefully to the sanitary condition of the down town alleys,; Federal afley and Bella Alley are hotb in a filthy ,- un-i sanitary condition nearly nil the time The writer noticed this week a box full of dead fowls la Federal alley that re mained for, thirty-six hours or more be fore removal,, ' Already the trains passing . through this city are beginning to be crowded with college students returning to. their studies after spending their vacations at their homes. Yesterday morning a large delegation from. Pamlico county stopped over in the city - lor , a short while before going to Greensboro to en-1 ter th Normal College. s y . : w.. .. . . :i. ... it i wiinm me next, iew uays uie uispiay windows of all the local ctothiers will be resplendent withexhibits of Fall and Winter -clothing. These goods are am ing in the city each day from northern markets and the prospective purchaser of a new suit will: floonjiave an oppor tunity to make his selection - from and extensive line of materials, vs Thad ; Williams was ? arrested here yesterday morning by": Chief of Police Lupton upon advice from the authorities of Beaufort county Williams is an es caped convict; was sentenced to the road gang of ' Beauf ort.county for twelve months over three years ago, He served '-five months, -escaped and has been dodging ever awefcrvVv In the several cases that came up be. fore the Mayor yest rday. were John Mahly.' Emma Scott, Ed, Harris, Web ster Stephens andW. H. Harris, all charged with disorderly conduct in var ious degrees. w Defendants were all of color. Judgment .was suspended. : as in neither as was there any serious infraction of the law and only the costs were taxed. ,"'. t : 4 Geo;' D. Baker's adaptation of Georg Barr -McCutcheon's popular novel "Graustark," will be one of the early attractions here.'. ?Grauatark,"aa the readers of this delightful fiction story knowa, la along .romantic lines with nu merous climaxes r-and situations. The scenic: investment is- an elaborate one and the company: iiaid".to b, of supep- totiv xelleneiV;fH'.v; The astronomers at. Lick Observatory claims that a new eomet which is plain ly visible with a small telescope or field gbuaea, has appeared in Jthe heavens. The fiery body, which Is located hlmoat directly overhead early Id the evening, was first located about ten days ago. At that time It was barely visible with a large telescope but since then It has travelled several million miles nearer to the earth. 'r .'' V ' The' Board of Aklerthen, ' Tuesday night decided to roturn to the Sixth Ward reel team the fine gray horse that was taken from it few days ago. This is no mors than was due to the Sixth Ward fire men.. They are colored men but at fires hey are just aa alert an stubborn fighters as anyone else, an at their last tournament they dis tinguished themHolve and their hornet and that wai enough to make all New Bern fond of them, . . ' , ' .-' Mr. L. G. Danlols of the firm cf Daniels and Nuwlwrry who comliirfs a livery, aale and feed stable on Sou!h Front St, will have within a fow dn; for St Louia, Mo., and other wi b( r: mnrlceta fur the purpose of pur ha Is a quantity of live St' k. . I't. Ii,ic'.. aays that he Intend purrliuxing imm .t the finrit anitii!i!s f r farm work v. In. ,.ht to ttia city ami pre r,, ,-!,,, biiy-rs would h well to aait !.. r tirn. At rmh men t'r z f t1 r'l'ji.ty I'unr 1 .f f..n,.i.: ; ,i N riiin h r'.n . h 1 1 . t 1 1 h i i'i t r,ir hri 4 1... ..' f. r ? .!. if 1'" :: ' .-, ; i l ! ' ' ' i t "I . ( I a. J. C. it 1 i a C urt' , e; :it ji f.crw j tt 1.. ..r u.ua. fr. C. V. r ' . i tf Teauf rt l-re.'U-rel at V . dm Ilottl. Muss Francs king is vibitinjj her sis ter, Mrs. Harwell Stroud in Kmstur.l State Supt J. Y, Joynr, of Raleigh, at among the visitors to the city yes terday, . . . , ; Mrs. J, W. Stewart and daughter, Miaa Sarah, have returned from Seven Springs. - i. - . . Mr. T. J. Hewitt - left yesterday for Raleigh ' where he will be a student at the A. & M. College. , - - Miss Margaret Arcbbell who has been visiting friends here has returned to her home in Kinston. . . ."V Misses Mildred, and - Eliza and Miss Laura Bell, went ' down to Thurman yesterday, morniug i to attend the pic nic - , . v Change of vaudeville at The Athens to-night, Dorothy Bfutcn dainty singing and dancing come- dinnee--WaIter Baker The man who mystifies Two ..separate and distinct acts.;- " - "t : '. BIDS WANTED., V Sealed bids for laying 1600 feet, more or less, of 6 Inch Water Mam on George street and National Avenue will be. re ceived by the board of Aldermen of the city of New Bern, -bids will be opened Sept,15th.-J91L-ri -s. Board Of Aldermen reserves the right to reject any or all bids. . ' " V v jSr ' City Clerk:- t V. I Maybe you wiirneed one or two Fruit Jars this season. fVVe have thenw Bas- night Hdw. Co. 'V y Pictures; Just Arrived. Notice my windows1. Fall is coming on, what can yon buy for the small sum of .two or three dollars that will bright en up the home so much, as pictures. We have them for dining ; room, hall, parlor and living room. -.,, ? I. S. MILLER. The Fur. Man.'. The managers of The Athens always look to the comtort and pleasuieof their "patrors.. Old Hoss Salei The Southern Express Company wi I hold tts annual sale of unclaimed pack ages Saturday, October 7th. "Sale Will be held at corner of Middle andlSouth Front streets, .t-. V :it'Xi:'X irJTLEIfili FEL!iLt COLLEGE I bur Fall term will, pegta; .'Sept: 20", I91L For catalogue address .""; h ' - - LITTLETON COLLEGE, Littleton,". V 'C- "-- V N. & Concrete" Am prepared to do all kinds of work In concrete. - Walks, Steps, ' Fencing, Basements, etc Only hih-grade work solicited. E. E. HARl'KR ' -' Twenty-five acre farm on Pembroke Road, about one-half mHe from tbe corporate limiti of the city. Cleared." R O'HARA. ::;r ( 'H:.'f IT V ss ( j. k lioa of tbe 1 c' I. a ejts for the i... it days. - - . ILeLuman body is like a am engine,- if the steam is lost before it reaches the en gine, it cannot perform prop eily, " If the nervous energy 1b sap, ped s by flefectlve eyes, the mind cannot concentrate on any study properly.'"" J.O.Baxter . OPTOMETRIST AND -' - uvg: OPTICIAN THE WEDCING GIFT STORE.' McDaniel s Cash 4 1 Middle St., is where you can save from 5 to 1$ per cent on ,yovr ' - grocery bilK ' Regular Hams 19c Picnic Hama w ' ; 12ic Best Pure Lard ; 12Jc Best Rib Meat ' ' 12ic Very Best Flour 12 lb. bag 84c Granulated! Sugar 61c Brown Sugar . f . v- 61c Fresh Grits , " 3c Eagle Milk-y ; ' : can . ' 15c Walter Bakers Chocolate 171J 4 New lot Prtsrpouth Corned Mul--lets, Headquarters for fine Water-, melons, Nice lot Yam Potatoes. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY JvLiMcDaniel 411Widulo St: Phono 91 WelQybte Ypu V 'as Follows. Pox River; Butter ' : 35c Tutj Butter f 33c Queen City Butter 35c Best Lard $ r 13c Best Flour; - 3c BfcalrjJ per pki - 25c 4 lb. Bucket Cottoline 55c . H.r C. V ARLISTRONB 1 Phone 174 Middle we've cot something to , crow about; Our new stock of : choice groceries nt received is the finest to be had any where, and they cost no more. ' The quality of our goods are long remember el after the price is forgotten. It is a ' Ipo'iure to n to give you your money ;i It fur anything that la not perfectly citu fncUiry. Call to ee u. Preakfruit M'on, v 'i''( 1. Ilnm, Quj-n Cl'y liuttor, i r iwn I'-if ir. V.'et-h the bigc)fok In lf. I . .... i...;ii310 .'i.ifi T:E.,I!nONAL.BANl y- 0F NEW- BERNE, K.CJ' cHh STANDS FIRST among the; fTHIRDamonU the; the And'as It has Surplus and -tfndivided Profits amounting to $105,000 and Capital amounting to f 100,000, It has a place on the National Bank Holl of Honpr, which includes only bank a having Surplus and Undivided Profits equal to or exceeding their Capital stock. . "PEE'-OI3NT' INTEREST: PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS SAlfr DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. " able old line company by $763.95 on a $10,000 contract. Let us explain how the price of a daily cigar would carry a policy in the Company whose ; '-'assots have more than TREBLED in pasMO years. Some of the larg esidividend policies in the world are in the UNION CENTRAL. W. G. BOYD, Agent Elks Building, GO TO For First Class Meals Fresh Soft Shell Crabs REGULAR DINNER 35c. SUPPER and BREAKFAST 25c. MEALS SENT- OUT j ''give us a trial P. CALOYER " ; PROPRIETOR'. - 'i . 'Pollock St. X. Next Elks Temp'e acdae ttuUro . f Um by bar ' Ids Iroai aad ; looWal for. the .. -A 1 , f UM KJK1H OOi , . j FOR SAtE BYi G.1SIL IID',1 CO. Mid-lleSt,' New Bern, N. C. Ill vnnc IEL I..U1IL illlllu.JlIU It . SWANSI'.OIIO, N- c, I All ni'i'lvrn ciiivrntrnci i for bath-' in ftii'l inside r.shing. j 150AT I.tAVr.3 " H'n. m Lv. Pwnnlr Ar. R ti p. m, 11 "i n m. Ar M. C;fv ! " 1 p. in. :' ril-TBe' better thethVV s i better the woric Tnert- il - ifr " tmrg to 1 . 1)1 best tool for: any purpose r 1 ; f Quality Toolaj 1 i ?azA ae tkrt roe T .. ULI ' . , t i J 5 V Hanks of the City National Banks of State -desired in a life insurance contract is emboded in the policies issued by the UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE Company., The UNION CENTRAL "is paying the LARGEST DIVIDENDS of any oth er company making insurance COST LESS. For instance 17 dividends in the UNION CEN TRAL EXCEEDED 18 dividends in another reli- Telephones: Office 400, Home 258. PROTECT YOUl BUILDINGS I ' FROM FIRE li by covering them with ; J-M ASBESTOS HOOFING : J-M Roofinir resists fire be- '- eauae it is made of Asbestos. ' an indestructible mineral. : which is not affected by fire, rust, rot or wear. Easily ap . plied. t.-. . "J-1T' Is the only prepared . - .roofing that is permanently : durabl. You can save money : by using it. Ask for uxmpUt and price. iTOLSON LUMBER & MFG. COMPANY. 129 t Frony '-- New Bern, N. C. Lumber Yard, .Woodworking Plant and V-VHPlwiing mu . ", HARDWARE Buildinsrmd' tcrial - Paints, Oils and . . Varnishes . American Field Fence Et Li S . ...Iil.wv3. Ttm rra, K. C i A o I r v3 4- "r ' .'

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