' ' ' - - -'-5. , ESTAE1JEHED : 1878 . pa::?, v.ttli KNOWN.-; - CTXIXATION . 4 1 ' .1 NEVr BErJJ, WiTTO' CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 191L THIRTIETH YEAR t4 : i . : .: . . y ' '.''. ' V f - ' if V , V, , ! . 1 ' ;? .'OH.". mm. 4 1 t, 4' ! 1 Y'Y i i ' ' t li M V' r - . HOUSEHOLD ferf 1 E VERY housewife should account Deposit all family expenses with counts by check. This is the ling current receipts and expenditures. TOUR PATRQNUGE IS Whatever your size or tastes, ybu can best sat isfy your wants from our stock of StETSTO hats. The season's new est shapes and shades.1 Be sure to see the NEW WALK OVER Shoes for Ladies and Men, all the latest creations in fine foot-wear Is here for your inspection. Coplon & Son ' SELLS IT FOR LESS LITTLE OUT OP THE WAY, BUT IT PAYS TO WALK TO COPLON'S V W I Ai :jjv: . fc ... .I. ' i ' " '. . Ill WT'9'ifcff(.i-Av'y.i.i ' ' s ' III -n t-.. ' I ; i i ASK YOUR' GROCER IW kV i It M. ACCOUNTS. have a special household of the mowey received for this company and pay all ac safest and best way of hand CORDIALLY INVITED. HATS You buy more than a mere head covering when you choose a Stetson ; you buy the certainty of satisfac tion. THOSE WHO ARE IN TERESTED in erecting good, substantial build ings know that good, sound, well seasoned lumber is an absolute essential in tho construction, as the Ipsr shrinkage there is the bet Ur the builJing will stand. Our lumber is thoroughly dried and seasoned and free from cracks and defects. t Stetson 8 II MEEIIIjfeBIE Success. ' Tisitora " at 'Charlotte Given' Cordial "Jieoeption Plans Made. Charlotte, Sept. 12 the Back Home meeting which is being held in this ci ty this week, the first session, of which was held today, was a decided v success in every wav. The attendance was good, there bem? representatives from every section of the State snd each one of them received cordial greetings. Three sessions were held' today and at each one of these live discussions were held and talks were made by prominent men from all over the Stat?. Senator Lee S. Overman delivered the opening address in a very forceful and enter taining manner, and he captivated the large audience who heard him. During the morning the visitord we a giwn an automobile tide over the city and shown the various points of interest. After this they were carried to the Selwyn hotel where a reception was tendered them. Tho Manufacturer's Club was also thrown open to them, and in fart every . possible courtesy shown. The North Carolina Home Makers Associa tion was organized with Senator Lee S Overman as president;' W, C. Dowd, vice-president and U. B. Varser, Z. P. Smith. J. H. Cainei P. A. Olds and I. W. t'alson as the executive committee. . Phone us your order and residence number and we will send it to any part of the city. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. W. O. W. Funeral Notice. Mr.L T Hunter who died yesterday will be buried in Cedar Grove cemetery this evening at 5;30 o'clock. The funeral rites will be conducted by the "Woodmen of the World'' of which order he was a member. All the mem bers of this camp who can possibly at tenH, are urged to do so and to meet at the hall corner Broad and Hancock St a. a'. 4:30 p. m. Library Tables. School time is fast approaching. You will need a good strong Library Table for the children to study :iround at night. I have them in quartered oak, mahogany and weathered oak. Prices ranging from $5 00 up. J. S. MILLER. NEWS FROM MESIC. . Pamlico county, Sept. 15-We have had a two weeks revival here conduct ed by Rev. J. J. Watkins with great success. There was a greet dead of religious fervor manifested and the church received forty-five a Jditions to its membership. We have a fine Sunday School with ah average attendance of .25 to 130 every Sabbath, and devoted teachers. Our teachers gave the school an en joyable boat ride last Tuesday aod there were a number of others who partici pated and everybody had a f ioe time. Misses Clara Jones and Bessie Weth- iogtod who have been visiting Miss Rosa Jooes and Miss Rosa Carawan, have returned borne. Miu Lona Boyd who hits been visiting Misa Madonna Gaskina has returned to her borne at Arapahoe. Miss Myrtle Lewis of New Bern who has been visiting Miss Daitey , Rlggs baa returned to bar home. Miss Vivian Sawyer bas returned lo her borne at Barborb. She baa been the guest of Mhw Ola Canawau, . The bovt here are . regretting' to M the girls lfve for their schools, but ce have some solatloo in that Christmas will aooa bf bare aod we will have them with us again. .The visiting girls were given a Bier time which v. as greatly en joyed by both the enteTUtporsand their fuesta. , A nice barbecue .was ' given Saturday night,' end a mopnllgbt sail Sunday atght. Everybody bad a love ly time,'., V, ' v'-: Lightening struck the stock boose of Mr. A7rsd Joosa and killed bis horse. Mr. Jones has the sympathy of the whoH neighborhood la bis lose, la') game here Saturday the Mesle UanjtMJt the Pamlico boyi to run to a gsneot 14' to 0. Everybody enjoyed the ftsme except the lowrs and thxy aoriptm tbalr dersst , in gooj spirit. Tfjrre wit be anolhef game played a0it Saturdsy. r.LUE EYES. :- I A TP ati:;:n: To r. c -... ' i it Tiuin'nr-sia French;-JJeply:-! Conciliatory In Spirit But Firfa as to Ques tions of Principles. .- Paris, Sept, 12th. -France's reply lo Germany's counter proposals in the Mo roccan negotiations has--been written and was laid before the French cabinet recently for approval." The task of draw ing up the reply proved simpler than at nrst expected, doubtless because the German demands were such as could not be accepted by France. The Premier, M. Caillaux, after con ferring with several colleagues made up his mind last night to convoke a meeting of the cabinet for 4 o'clock this afternoon and sent notices to the miniateiv M. Caillanx will lay before them hi) ana w or to Germany, after which it wiil be dispatched by special courier to the French'1 amhassador at Berlin, who will hand it to the German foreign minister. It is understood that the reply while written in a spirit of conciliation, isab solutely firm with regard to the posi tion f rancs has assumed concerning questions of princliple from which France will not depart ahair's breadth, The premier's energetic and business like manner of proceeding has had a good effect. It is regarded as another proof of the absolutely unanimity and firmness of the government as to its policy and as a manifestation of the government's desire to do the utmost to shorten the period of uncertainty which is having such prejudicial effect on the markets of the world. It also removes any possibility of charges that France ly delay assisted in bringing about further financial distress in Ger many. The broad outlines of Germany's pro posal .have been communicated to the public because the government be lieves that the people have a right to know at this period of tension what is being done. Foreign Minister DeSelves has also indicate. 1 a semi-official note that France's reply would be a refusal to accept Germany's conditions. In this French opinion uppears to be wholly united and prepared for any contin gency. One point of view in official quarters is that Germany's financial situation. which is expocted to reach a climax by the end of September, may tend to moderate Germany's demand. . A fine line of Pictures-Some-hing new Something different. M. E. Whitehurst & Co. TRU ITT ITEMS. Craven County, Sept. 12. We are having bad weather on crops. Some of our farmers hive not finished saving fodder yet. Miss Tbelma Fulcher has returned from a visit at 3nill, where she had a good time. Our pastor fsiled to fill his appoint ment Sunday m iming and at night. We had a Urge attendance at our school last Sunday and it was an en joyable oceision for all There' will he. quarterly meeting at Spring Hope n .-xt Saturday and Sun day . . We hope there will be a large at tendance. A good many from here will attend the pie die at ErnoT nex Thursdty, among the ladies will be Misses Nettie and Mamie CampbelL BROWN EYES. A Bust Man Hav Just Arrived. Good news he brings to New Bern, a large stock f all kinds of sawed Shin gles oo-haiwV, He can and win please too. See Big Mil for lowest prices. - The Old Reliable; f He I - Allcptr.tb naya Da4 ' V Farmi rrni tod. With-. 7 Wilmington, fVpt. 12. Cspt, Ssmuel T. Ansell, acting judje advocate ga rl of lh United Sute army arrived in the City and today , Iwld ' toe court martial nf Cpt Howard U Lan ders for M dmtatrestmsntof Mr. A. W, Moor, s trucker, while the formw wm tmpirari'y in command of Fort Cs'wli ilnrini' lh iiimmcr, CsptaJe tjiii'l-rl had i,!r. M'Kirrt -rr-txl an! Kl fi tip t t'i f t fur ,p - rater rut'!., i, ( ,r i ' r yr r( I) n ! !rr liniiiiini j rt , sssbwSbwsbb " " 1 WET BYA -CLOSt MAJORITY Maine After More Than Fifty Tears Of Prohibition Gives It Up. PortlarJd, Me., Sept, 12-Unofficial returns indicate that prohibition has been voted out of the constitution of the State of Maine by a majority about 1,400 votes. About 25 small towns has not reported and the votes of these to gether with errors incident to the collec tion of returns by telephone still leaves the exact result in some doubt. Some 120,000 voters cast their votes on the question, With .the 25 towns missing, the vote was 60 878 for repeal and 59,563 against the change in the constitution. As has been predicted, the cities were the chief strongholds of the repeal fac tion, but the majority 12,000 in the total city vote was barely sufficient, accord ing to the latest available returns, to offset the vote of the rural communi ties. Although the vote did not equal that of a year ago when the Democrats swept the State which ffr years had been a Republican stronghold, the elec tion wus without question one of the most interesting contests the State has ever known. There was not a home in any section of the State which had not been flooded with literature sent out by both sides wbila the voters were wait ed upon by personal workers and haran gued at public gatherings to cast their ballots for or against repeal as the cape might be. The result was that hun dreds of voters who had not visited the polls for years, with the possible ex ception of last year were recorded in this election. PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind. Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts. Sole by druggists, mail 50c and tl-00. Williams' M'f'g. Co, Props., Cleveland, 0. Death ot Thomas Hunter. Death came suddenly yesterday to Mr. L. T. Hunter as he sat down to his noon meal at bis home on Bum street. It was not altogether without warning for Mr. Hunter has been suffering sev eral months with a form of heart dis ease from which thera was scarcely any hone of recovery. However, al though unahle to do any miinuel labor. he was not confined to bis bed but was able to be up and around until the end came as related. The deceased was a native of Le noir county, fifty years of age, married, his wife being a daughter of Mr. Wil liam Jones of this city, who, with two sjns, and two daughters, survive him. Me. Hunter came to New B rn from Trenton, about thirteen years ago, nd has resided here ever since, most the time being in the mercantile business He was a carpenter by traJe, sii!full and industrious, and for the past few years has been filling a responsible position in the car shops of the N. AS. railroad. During his residence here Mr. Hun ter bVd made many friends as he hsd done in other places where he has lived. These friends will be saddened by the news of bis death and their sympathy will go out to his family In their be reavement. Funeral services will be held from the aesl'teoc No. 60 Burn street, this aftemood 6:30 o'clocV, cunducthd by Rev. J. H. N. SummerelL D. D. Ixhlblt Contains Many Rare A maul. In the Mighty Haag Shows Mtmtnoth Zoolocfeal collection which exhibits at New Bern en Sept 27th will be found one of the rarest, forma of animal llf vtr before eomlmr to the notice of man. This rare specie of animal Is called "HiDMtratua Equinius" and it the only living on to America today, having bee captured by an English war eorretpondent duHof the war be tween the Boers and England. ' TU "Oippoiragua, Eqlaius", k lhi female gender aod lo known to thf Boxrt as a specie ef Cemsbok. that are today extloct. The female Is the lar gest of the two being. 4( ftet at Ue w)thsra and the ears are rery large, while the mane h small and erect and the horns seldom excerd 80 laches. ' This animal la, to be ,fonnd 0fry m C?ntrmJ Boo t Africa and the Bengal, thiy hsve nevni b very gnod breed er snd it was sokloni you would a mors thn firs togsthr. . , " Thy srsbsrd Cghters like t) boffa lo n will not h'Uis to stUck a psr fl on the W't provat;oa. SIMPLE Alio ECflillftL, The maintaining of a bank account is at once simple and economical. " The rules of banking are few and easily under stood, the payment of biUs by cheek assures economy and avoids waste. This strong bank, which is so well known for the conservative methods governing its management, wel comes checking accountr in any amount and extends careful attention to the requirements of its customers whether as de positors or borrowers. We also invite savings accounts bearing 4 per cent compound interest. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT Our Fall stock of Clothing, Mens Furnishings, Shoes, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Ladies Tailored Suits, Millinery, etc., is arriving daily. Our stock this Fall and Winter will be the largest and most up-to-date we have ever carried and the public is invited to call and inspect our stock and prices before buying. REBATE TICKETS ON ALL PURCHASES. WE WILL TAKE YOUR MEASURE FOR YOUR FALL SUIT AT A VERY SMALL ADVANCE OVER STOCK SUITS. J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEPT STORE. FULL AND WINTER 191112 TAILORING DISPLAY Our "Specialist" from "The Tailors from Baltimore" can be seen at our 8 to re on September 13th and 14th at which time an unusually large, distinctive assortment of tne world's most famous makers of Woolens will be open for you to select your cold weather clothes at our usual un derselling prices We announce this early date so that our customers will get the best roBulta by allowing the tailors plenty of time, besides the line will be complete in both novelties aod staples. The presence of yourself and friends iH requested and we trust to take your order for what you need to be delivered at a time appointed by you. Yours very truly, SAM LIPMAN (kr. Middle and a F. 8t. . Bryao Block. A LOT OF SAMPLE SILVERWARE IT UAHUFACTURERS PAIGES ' EVERY PIECE WARRANTED Barringtpn Dry Goods Co. i HiMullU: If yoa'ju-t intereited ; , ;'dte in matters rtlatrnl U tftMa fx . know that GAS RANGE COOKED FOODS ' ''.Vire bcati .pthrwbe tit 'lcad!o cookin '' -Z teactieri Would not La i advbcatlrii 'coble- ' Xnt with iu. iAasTrtne- doeslmors - J , ' 'cooktnl ' arid .'better cooking. Lhta any "; other kind cf ranfc-J r ,v" ' ' ' bllUlllNb I M. . lar keepial.ep-to- it. -r- I- r 4 i A I 1 V My'' I s 1 r.' ' ' ';iv .1 : 4 ' ' ' ," N - ' - -v.lCor!:.-: - v.: r ; ; ! ! h f " v ' P T... ! t' -I 1,., 1 . II I' .1 1 ' nl r' i "I'y. vt a v r ' ii!. i FOR SALE. f I ill 11 'l -f try T'-ol tetd on 0. r r i f J : - k s.. I y-mon i"t, 3 it'. ' ; . j.-rst, ' f t t' ',' t- ! T ' U i i

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