I TUIRTICTli .TEAR Kunnn 117 L1AKES PLIluG IP VnllGEBORO GETS it rl .10 SEE THE Oil STRIKE i;r. lzz:i, lciuii Carolina, Tuesday ' igiu ingc September 19, mV R I RS S I 'it THIS tympany is auinonzeu oj iavr ., i -au nv v Aiviitnr nnrlor will ftnif - infnrmntinn rnnfern- 4 inj the making of wills is always gladly given Jby its officers, ' ' 1 - DEPOSITS JSUBJECT TO CHECK. AND INTEREST, BEARING INVITED. MM HJ . f t III Whoever your size or tastes, yju. can best sat isfy your wants from our stock of STETSON hats! The season's new est shapes and shades. Instructor In Aviation - At Naval - College Uses Ilia u Aeroplane -."-'. To Make Visit to rarente. ,k -'- . i - , ' . Havre Pe Grace, SepC- 18-Jahn Rodgers U. 8. NT instructor fit avia tion at Annapolis, it the first man in tbia country to pay a visit to bia pafr epta by aeroplane., !V- V- Ha toft College Park;; ..Md i'Snnt Washington early Saturday f aftt rnoon nasBed over the northwestern sec Ion of Baltimore and descended at the Funlieoj race track; just north" of that city at 2;30 o'clock. After renewing hi i sup ply f gasolene he again, went In b the air, circled .the track for haff an hour at varying altitudes, , end Started for Havre DeGraee at 4;25. tte srrived at the Rodgers homestead at Sion Bill, two miles from this city; at S;35 p. m. The lieutenant's parents. Rear Ad miral and Mrs. John A. Redgers ard his brother Robert, were i a a field 209 yards from the house and as soon as be a'ighted his mother ran to -Win and greeted him affectionately,. Lieutenant Rodger' annonneed to night that the expected to leave in bis aeroplane for New York city tomorrow morning if weather conditions an fav orable. - He hopes to reach New York by 3 p. m., at which time his cousin, C P. Rodgers, is scheduled to leive Sheep?head Bay In an aeroplane for San Francisco, to complete for the $50.- 000 Hearst prize. When word was received from Balti more that Lieutenant Rodgers was on his way to his old home through the air, the streets, bill tops ond railroad embankments were soon crowded with people, and a great shout arose as the naval officer hove in sight. The avia tor followed the line of the Pennsyl vania Railroad from Baltimore to this city. He had but one quart of gasoline left when he reached this city. - .. . f - ..... - - -t- ,. . 1 Farm-Life School Will Bo Located . Ia TTo, On Township, :.. Fifty- t ,42ight Ballots Cast Before i.ty -' v 1 Decision Was Beached ' .7 - - ,., i, '. " Yesterday mrrrning at 10 o'clock the Board of Trustees of the; Craven county Farm-Life School met at the office of Superintendent S. MBrmSoo for the purpose of deciding upon a location for that institution;"' Every ' member f the JBoard'wna present and from the general appe arance of things at the starting of the meeting, if seemed like each member wanted the school Iocs -ed- in a different Township from that his neighbor had decided . upon. -,i -.- All through the rooming the Board went over the advantages of the var ious sites offered by the different town- ips and diecussea the stents of each. t noon they were no nearer a conclus ion then when they ftist started. Later on in" the afternoon the' locations' had been thinned out to two places. Thur- man, in No. seven township and Vance- boroin No. one. township. -. Balloting was then. begun but not until the fifty- eighth ballot had ben cast was the lo cation settled. -. The people of No. one township have worked exceedingly1 TH to secure this' school and they deserved to be re warded. u Their site is an excellent one and was highly complimented by the Board. . HATS You buy more than a mere head covering when you choose a Stetson ; you buy the certainty of satisfaction. Phone us your order and residence number and we will send it to any part of the city. J. S. Basnight Kdw, Co. Library Tables. School time is fast approaching. You will need a good strong Library Table for the children to study around at night. I have, them in quartered oak, mahogany and weathered oak.. Prices ranging -from 00 up. J. S. MILLER. Be sure to seethe NEW WALK OVER Shoes for Ladies and Men, all the latest creations in fine foot wear is here for your inspection. s, Coplon ft Son I' Editor Wbichard'a Mother Dead. Greenville, N. C, Sept. . 18th.-Mrs Violet Whichard, the aged mother of the editor of the Greenville Rflector. died about seven o'clock Saturday morn ing at her home here. She was in her 77th year, and is survived by 4 children, J. R. Whichard, of Atlanta, Ga.. D. J. Whichard and C. B. ' Whichard, of Greenville, and Mrs. A.. F. Kennedy, of Littleton. . During the civil war and for several years after, she taught school here and was recognlted as one of the best and most thorough teachers of that day. SELLS IT FOR LESS LITTLE OUT OF THE WAY, BUT IT PAYS TO WALK TO COPLON 'S What Other Say of Hang's Shows. " FUt UNO WINTER I9IM2T (1 1 0 III US DISPU - Our "Specialist" from "The Tailors from Baltimore" can be' seen at- our store on September lath and Uth at which time an unusually large, , distinctive assortment of tne world's most famous makers r . Woolejis . , will be open for you to select your cold weather clothes at our usual cny . derailing prices We announce this early date, so that our customers ' will get the best results by allowing the tailors plenty of time, besides , ' the 1 m wilt' be complete in both novelties and staples. The presence of ' yourself and friend is requested and we trust to take, your order for' ! wbe oo naeid to be delivrred st a time appointed "by you. 't j . , Yours very truly. ' r ' ' SAM LIPMAN .A a i v cio , i. . 1 1 :" . f 5or. M'ultl and a. ' F. KUt.v Bryan Block. , I echdola of A 6Ute tchool to train teichere for the public IJortb.'OBjroHna.l Decry energy isdttrcled to tWi oe purpose. Tuitloo'freiBio all who agree to teach. . Fall wrn 1mIp acp ' tnmbef 28, 18U Fof caUlogne and other informfttleo, 'adrpss. , : K?lit ti; V.7RISHTPRESIDEHT CiiEEKVlLLE,' fc: Without doubt Gulfport never has seen such a crowd . ot .people as were here to see the Mighty Haag Railroad Shows. Both in the afternoon and eve ning the tents were croad-.d with peo ple, r and in. the afternoon hundreds could not secure tickets as the ticket wagon was closed long before 2 o'clock. Every train during the day? brought if people to see the abaw, and long before time for the parade to make it ap pearance on the streets ' they Were crowded with people anxiously awaiting Ifyand not ooa wa disappointed, as Mr. Hssfbss spent plenty of timo and money on his parsds, . making it second to none. Never in the history of Gulf- port bave there been as ninny pretty glrb, funny clowns and. good itiusls in one parade. The Gulfport Times is sure It voices this sentiment of tha people when It ssys, give os more "shows like Hagg. (Gulf port Times. ) k WlLUAliS KIDNEY PILLS 'j t HaVe you 'heglected, your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous sys torn and caused trouble' with your kid neys and tladderl Ilavs I you fains in loins, side, bark, groins end bliulder! Uitvs you a flabby appeurance of the face, especially urxkr the cyrsT Too fre qucnt desire to pass onneT lf,, WIU liams' Kidney l'iils will cure w at Drupgiflt, Price DOc, VllHsms' ,'J'f'g. Co., Props., Cleveland, O, , ' Hugh N. fece Bound Over to Court. Hugh N. Pace . wan given a hearing before Justice of t e Pfae J, C. Thomas yesterday aft. rrioon, on a war rant charging l'im with seduction under promise of ma' riace of Misa Henrietta Daughtery; of Lenoir county, I ut who at the time was employed as a waitress st the Gaston Hole'. The defendant was represented by Messrs Moore &Duun while Mr. D, E. Henderson handled the prosecution. From the evidence given by the num ber of witnesses it was proven that P had induced Miss Daughtery to go to Wil-nitio;ton with him where they registered at the Orton Hotel as man and wife and that - when Miss Daugh tery told him that he must secure marriage license he told her t at owing to unavoidable circumstances, etc,, he ma unable to do this. They returned to New Bern and ha promised to marry her on several different dutes but had failed to do so . each time. The affair finally culminated in his arrest and in carceration in jait '.' ' ,i , t'robtble cause was found ahd be was b Hind over to the rei': term of Craven County Superior C rt und r a bond of 5,000 which he' ' as unable to give and was committed to jail. , At Bocky Mount S75 of ?he Heu . ::waik'outof the Rocky Mount. Sept. 18.-ar repair ers in the Atlantic Coast Line railway shops, numbering 875 men walked out aero Saturday and the unions of boiler- makers, machinists and blacksmiths are rnsidering a sympathetic strike soon. It is stated that ear repairers in the Florence, S: C, shops are out also and hat the men at Wsycross, Ga., and ether shops will be asked to join. The grievance ef the men ia that they are required to work out caboose cars at piece rates the same as on box cars. Officials at the headquarters at Wil mington, N, C, profess to know little if anything of the trouble. f Unless a settlement is effected by the grievance committee of the car work ers' union on the Atlantic Coast Line system by Wednesday, car workers, boiler makers, machinists, blacksmiths and possibly trainmen will be in strike Thursday night. This was the statement the union of ficials of car works made which follow ed the walking out of 362 car workers in the city, and all car workers at Flor ence. S. C , Waycross, Gs.. Charleston. S. C , and other points on the Atlantic Coast Line. The matter is in the hands of the general grievance committee, of which E. W." Dowdy, of Charleston, ia chairman. This, committee will make an effort to meet the railroad officials Wednesday According to a Eta' ement of railroad officials here today no com mittee will be received until the m 'n go back to work. Tha strike will affect this town alone 1,800 men. If the train men go out over 2,000. A meeting is being held by the car workers. Waited on by committee of trainmen, who were told no definite action until word from the general grievance committee. The men claim that thsy are forced to work on caboose cars at the same piece work rate as on box caw. They make,' they say, from 26 to 2a cents on a box car.' At the same rate they can average but 15 to 18 cents on a caboone. I a it 'A Re tor d JFacBXJie - v.o' ,. X. " ' . ' "' ,v People who do not maintain checking -accounts are fre- , quently put to a great deal of inconvenience and even loss by the inability to know the' exact details regarding financial , transactions of previous yearaC A checking account with ' this bank will enable you at all times, by glancing through ,. the stubs of your check book, to know exactly the details of all payments you have ever made. Checking accounts are invited by this bank in any amount - riiir'. Tf a." w I, .111 1 A SHI mamma a.-yiticnq fns)i a? rtoa 'oiijy a'ed t(lt ,iiii iun .j to, Keen Kutter Scissors and Shears Every pair guaranteed M. E. Whitehurst & Co. FAL ANNOUNCEMENT Our Fall stock of Clothing, , Mens Furnishings, Shoes. Drv Goods. Dress Goods, Notions, Ladies Tailored Suits, Millinery, etc., is arriving daily. Our stock this Fall and Winter will be the largest and most .. up-to-date we have ever amied and the public is invited to call and inspect our stock and prices before buying. REBATE TICKETS ON ALL PURCHASES. At The Athens Monday night Westerman wad I Hopkins, clas sical song and dancer artists,) in their latest success "Death of Lone ChierpA real Indian play. Creatore and HU Band Masonic Opera Bouu .Oct 9Uu. X. r: Mi , THOSE WHO ARE IN ; Intrerting good, substantial build Ings know that good, toond, well Minotifd lutnbf r is ,n lr hit ' OiU'litiril In th conxtmrtion, at Ion a),rii kt'e tV, t U tlw "l t?r tli huiUii'ir will iffl. ' t nt Ion r i !!" : ' 'y I p ! proKil i 1 si d fi'S f - ' 1 nn l -I ' ' A "Mcaturlnn" Party WlIlbeh'Watlh Acnd-my tn Vy vllle, N..C, on Friday ni ht Sept. 21 1311. Trocfcdt for M. K. Ctnnrt . A inesmirirje prty i (rv tf.,r J' !n 'tis wirriHUnz no"l. si'tii"'liii'g i.r;t ( we yxunif In i ' n K yu ii k rotno, and e-h i-r.i h:i' t aid us $''in-: ? n nU fur p-.'-ry fi-.t J" U era tut', .Tha''veat of the sitson. as far" a mosleal atrae ions aro eoneirned,w)ll be Crestpri and His l'r,i,d of Afiy musi cians Which will spin a'r here ur'der the tURpice of J, l-on Williams .Monday Oct. 9, J9lL . Tfo ' who'. have bee fortunate enough to hoar thWhand are ending In their application or tithets and many others have bevn' ekled to the nstr -.ii .-.-; 4 , Blgnor CreateHi as. usual, hvv beeh holdiDi lare audlwneps under his won. fdsrful spcil tnrouto' to rW Bera, Prora the reports receiver a his audlftoces are sll but moved to tsrs. roused, by , tha. tender sympathstic strains, while at other times thi-y seem ready to stand cn tbflr feet and shout to relievo the p'ht up eom'itlmirf pre durcd by the thill's from the mw.derful crrstendos which pcai forlh from his I and. ' ..,'.''! I'll i' St one of the Immi'a s J urns in Now Yuri! th "llorsld" ffur. ift f,.l ! if p i art ef a ry if r ifiliy no' Ire: fo'd'.m Ii8uch ntl..iB,. mliwii se.jti a New York thfntie. Af'r tbo s'xlctt f r m th; i.lmi. M i dfi-rm ;f, n: I t!.p J ; to ( nirs I't c) Miraculously Saved From Deuh. Last Saturday, September 16th, Mr; Ben Cason an elderly gentleman living in Pamlico . county, left his home for Wilmington, N. C, where bis daughter Miss Alif Cason teaches school. The daughter expecting her father's visit was at the depot Saturday when the A. C, L. train arrived from New Born, but no father appeared on the train. Miss Cason was uneasy over the i'ti- ation, knowing her father had lef t for the purpose of visiting her, n ml Sunday, becoming alarmed, took the A. C. L. train for New Bern. Sitting in thq train and looking out or the window when passing near North East, a nmall station. Miss Cason was startled by seeing her fathor quietly sitting on a kg in the woods. Jumping ip, MUa Cason called the attention of a k en tie man on the train who informed the con ductor, .the train was stopped and back ed . up until the place was reached where the elderly Mr. t'awo was found tilt sitting on the log very much wear ied and hungry. The old gentleinau wae taken on the train where food and dtiraulanta" were given him. He was taken hack to his boms in Pamlico county, ' ' ltseeme that on his trip Saturday Mr, Cason most have alighted from the train at North East without any clear notion of why he did so and wandered about (n that vicinity until 8unday af ternoon when his daughter miraculous ly saw snd rescued him from eertaia exposure and starvation which . would have eoou claimed him, .. ' WE WILL TAKE YOUR MEASURE FOR YOUR FALL SUIT AT A VERY SMALL ADVANCE OVER STOCK SUITS. J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEP'T STORE. The Smith Premier 1 ENNETT'S VISIBLE TYPEWRITER MODEL 10. Acme of Perfection in Construction and Service. : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee t STORE RIGHT NOW w " is the time to begin to; plan on the Fall and Winter apparel you are going to need. RIGHT NOW n l! yiiLi fin ( ' f r i : ''i ii- cr t 'ill. n T. -t n 'J in 'Jm rtal ,.:! V There is a . difference ' to", the atmosphere at The Athens Cet in the best atmosphere.'-'' :f '.' i ; . 'r.-.- - ; ,-. "My Heart Ooea Bump Inside," ' Thit'a the name of the greet aong hit of the musical show. ': "Tha KUs Waltt," that wilt be a feature of next Sunday's Now, York World.' U ths1 Mafi;in Section of this Rra!o,tof nil Siindoy nw.pvpers" will be ftHmd s! srrof xcluis srllrles suf hsi '.Trui! Amo-lcsn arirl who rhn L-srd Kitchen-j rr." ' N i'e Pp r fur Srn'ImenU) lo-' er," "P.ttd.urf h' and Nw V -rk." b Mm. Kry C. Tl ' SifTragrttre of Daikr-st ili-. ia, ' "lionuty M'ur. tr.eniii," "Ma"nrl''n Making the Eirtb . f'.'ow liirnii," 'l'h ( iirrnj he of tl, i J,V w C.iti.i liill at Venire," I 1 1. ;" !..y V.'or d sh .ul. be r.lr .-I is the time to sed thai hew styles and make up your mind -aa' to what is best Toryou. .v r-..-. t' ..N.V RIGIIX NOW ' is the time tb'fiifid-outwKat i3tore U in- , titled to ; your business f by. reason or superior. values. ;,v Jfc'.i , t laGimNOw;' is the time we would like to have call and nee the new Fall floods. you I V. J t at I 1-1 i ! r

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