l.VsV2 ,Ji3 AaAM AjiX l ' t'esiaelehed I .'r . . - : f new be!rn, north Carolina; Sunday morning, octobe i 5-5 rsjjs-" rV.Vyw'AA 1878 a ii - .iiii - j j m a i s r ,x t iw i i i - i . r .... - - - -'nv- 1 . .. .. i . . . j '.a t- ' THIRTIETH YEAR V III i (i re r i i vi i-firiffPllllV5 fjlN. y w feceir e yoor payTe1ope, u put 'I 4. ' II I i U pan oi me money - i t 'ini3 tomDaov acceotstfeooSits of one Holla or riiore. INTEREST PAID ON SNVINGS AND CERTIFI CATES OF Om Stores Will Be Closed MONDAY OCT Holiday. Coplon SELLS IT J4TTL.JS UUT OJf THE WAY, BUT iT I I t r ' -, . .'I ' 1 ' l HY? You Bought Tjie Ghildyens School Hose? We hive just received a full line of "S HAW K$IT" Hosiery for childrens wear Every ptir fully guaranteed. Barringt GREATEST "fThe;Fir8t Nadonal -ter. North CaroWrs . greaU est" iriventl6ri can now be. : sfeen :: iSat the Gaston Hojet-wfen sv& & j scnption tor stock caru bc i pro i;r v cured upon application to'?):';:?.A: Hr WITCOVEir ,mtb( 4 ( -f t H in your bank account ! DEPOSIT. 2nd, FOR LESS 111 PAYS TO WALK TO COPLO tiilliii 1 Son I. I on Dry Goods Co. ssiatt 3r 'St u: s. I inuv inn - pile. not DaDgerous. No Disaster Like Li berte's Possible to Am :r- icaa. Vessels. , Washington, Sept. 30. Such a disas ter aa occurred on the battleahln Liber ta last Monday would be impot sible in toe American navy is the opinion of ordinance officers assuming tnat the l4filUfLcnraLBe right q ir hi declaration utariMwui ot to tne - fartpohinof thf-fii the Li- berte's magazines, America! naval ordinance experts have been tr-in-for years to make American smokeless powder ignite spontaneously without success. , Commencing upon the order issued by the French admiralty for th remov al from the Meditteranean fleet of all .smokeless powder made prior to 1902, it was said at the Navy Def trtment here that there was a good deal of pow der afloat in American naval ve?nels more than nine years old yet the de partment waa, satisfied of its perfect Bafety., Every bit of powder id the na vy is under almost constant ins section. When a lot of powder is made it isgiv- en an "index" number and the depart ment knows where every gran of it goes. Samples of the index are kept at the Indian Head powder factory and al so at the magazines from which the powder is iasued to the ships. When harmful changes are noted in powder the order goes out imm rdiately to every ship and magazine for the re turn of all that index number t Indian Head, where it is ground up and worked over into new stock. So the ravy de partment officials feel that the Ameri can bluejacket can rest assured '.hat, at least so far as spontaneous eon bust.ion is concerned, he is in no danger of be ing blown up by his own powder. A good pencil free with every 5c. tablet. M. E. Whiiehurst &Co. Colored Church Notice. At the Searchlight cloth Tal ernacle Sunday at 4 p. m. Elder Sydne y Scott will deliver a discourse on the "Little Horn" and its work during the dark ages. A special sermon at the 8 o'clock subject, "The cloud raised." Noser vices during the week, except Sunday nights throughout the month rf Octo ber, after which the larga pavilion goes to storage for the season. A fu.e musi cal program for Sunday evenintr at the 7.30 hour. The Searchlight ( hoir is composed of 25 voices. The public welcome, good order, comforta'. le pews and reserved Beats for white people. No pews after 8;30 available. Notice to Box Renters. liox rent for quarter beginini' Oct. 1, ;1H, must be paid before that date. TVi law require! me to close the Ihx iintcSH the rent is paid on or before the 1 ! day of this qunrter. J. S. BASNIGHT, P. M. i A ' Notice. T he public school committee, of No. 8 to wnshio Craven county, will meet in ! ihe Is office of P. M. Pearsall in the ! city of New Ben on Saturday Oct 7th, ', 191 1 at II o'clock a. m. for the.purpnn j of eUteting teachers fur the scnools of ' said township. Sept. 30. P. M. PEARHAI.L. Chairman. W. K. BAXTER, Secretry. New Bem, Take Notice. . Mr. Editor-Pleaie stop my ad at once. Since my lait ad was placed in yoq' fper my boainesi ha ncread aol Cfconot hardly wait on try cu ti mers. Pleas stop until fortlw r not'ica. One firm male fof ala.-"B Hilt," the Shlogla and Paper Rofing Man. - ; ScboolNRo(lc. Ths EaiUri North Carollnslnduntrl alAcadamy opens Monday (ct, 2nd, 1911 ThoM vb would tiks tj Mttd their ebildrto In thli Instil uttps, ars Mkad to isnd'lWm m Monday. - Tbot wbo art at ths opening III bavs Ihs sdvantagt ' oVsr otbers '. wbc .eomo In lue.. You doublloss kavs bono told of the wonderful molt of tM last ssas- ikwotMfsebool, Ws ar. detonnioed to mo xee) tbst ihls seatlooj W will tout losoms sw lrKlutialf"at uri this stwd'm; which' will add much bthtoeMi tt our graduaUs. ,Ths rrMtaat drnrwt Bow: Is for We who kM bow to do som ona thing well I ana Years for ths uplift f Vn, WILLI All SIT.TON,. -' f - 's .- ! . ' Tretident. Don't let the cell. snip catch you without a hentrr fr-a J. S. Da-niht' Hd.v. : -. 07 3. Kr-r.t St., Iter:- MR! BALOriGEB - COTTON .ptfe mm . IS COnSlDERATE - m YOUR mouey available. I Does Not Desire Lgal : Controver sy With PincAqt p. Account of His Kegar& For Taft's m - Policies." - . Denver, Colo, Sp-29Former sec retary of the Interior R, A. Balllpgerv who threatened legal Action against Gifford Pinchot in the beat of the Alas ka cotond, eowtajyeraf f awj whose friends; he Miya.Hilvebeeh 1 urging him to sue the former Nations! Forester up on his arrival a. Seattle from Alaska, announced today that he has decided not to make a legal attack, "l have definitely determined to en ter upon the legal controversy with Mr Pinchot," paid Mr. Ballinger, "convin ced, as I am, that the judgment of the American people as to matters that would be involved in such a suit alrea dy coincides with that of President, so emphatically and chivalrously express ed at the time of my resign it ion, of the Attorney General, and of the majority of the Congressional Investigating Com mittee. Vaudeville at the Athens Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday, Curran and Edwards Novelty minstrel A fun producing cou ple, with special scenery. Rev. Wm. Brinson Dead. News was received here last night of the death, at his home near Reelsboro, of Rev, William W. Brinson, who was one of the leading residents of his com munity, advanced in age, over 65 years an Elder in the Primitive Baptist church, well known and highly es teemed all over eastern N. C. where he was pastor of a number of churches of that denomination. He leaves widow and one daughter known to the writer. More particulars of his death and life history will, perhaps be published later, wilj. A Good Heater. You can get the Wilson & Coles wood heater nearly as cheap as inferior makes, jupt consider the amount of fuel you will save and the life of the heater. J. S. MILLER. The Shadow Over New Bern. Managers of the brick manufacturing plants' at Clarks told the writer yes terday that they had to shut down work several weeks ago for the lack of labor. Thousands of pound t of open cotton wasting in the nearby fields tes tify, also, to the under, upply of labor. This within a few miles of New Be-n, where hundreds and even thousands of boys and girls, men and women are idling all day long, and all the time, on the street, not living, simply existing, aa parasites on the community, with out ambitio i or pri Je, slowly evolving into beggars and criminals, menaces to society and property interests. No law is necessary to correct this state of af fairs. The law is ready at hand, and only need courageous officials to en force it Menvwho respect the oaths they took upon being inducted into of dee. Enforcing the vagrancy law is a duty, just a much encumbent upon them, aa eatchin blind tiger or ar resting d sorderly persons. Nsw Bern's future ti anda in more danger from those vagrants, of today, than from all other evils put together. The managers of Tht'Ath'cns always look to trje cotnion na pleasw irjf ; thctr, patrons.'6 COTTON 1 MARKET , ftETOltTtlD BY.V NEW BEUN,, LONQ piSTANCa PH0NS NO. 16,: - . i ' - ' w iww 1016 1016 ' 1010 ? 1010 Mar - 1HI loi l'ur : van Dacl . ' 102J A'-lWU ' 1019 ,1019 v.-yoYorkBpst 10-15. '''; litrfsol Tatrat lortsiJ-V - Jsn. rn, . . Kt ,651. Mat-April'; May Jans Vpt Oot ' Oct N. ' No Dee. . 652 650 8M i)e! Jan. , . fort Fecalpi f ..iO tlfS - liit yr, H ::'j. r 9 t Big Kecipts Chusc Contin ml dine In Pripe. Spiuuers Say Nine Cents. New York, 30-Cotton prices have melted away fast, owing mainly to large receipts and heavy liquidation. The opinion is spreading that thv crop is very large. What the ultimate price is to be is a matter of which there is a wido range of opinion, Some of the spinners in conference here hav j. even bteo naming nine cents.. In the meantime, however, aMention is riveted on the enormous rec ipts, the growing stocks, the rumors of nig gin ning the National Ginners' A-tooit-tion putting the amount at :,r,.r0.0' to bales up to September 25- ind tin heavy and persistent hedge selling by the South. The weather ha3 been gerally favor able. Lirge Boot interests have been steady sellers. Liverpool and the con tinent have sold. Memphis h s sent a good many sslling orlers. Crop ad vices from Texas, Alabama, (Jeoria and the Carolinas and other parts of the belt have in the main been cheerful. As a rule, the spot demand Ins iee.. disappointing. Spinnera, se 'in uitures rapidly declining have generally been pursuing a waiting policy. Tho weak ness at one time in the stock mirkeU at home and abroad, the rise in hank j rates of discount in Europe and Hi' - outbreak of war between Italy pnd Tur key have had a more or less depression that the buying capacity of large por tions of the civilized world has been re duced by the high cost of living ar.d that this must more or less seriously affect the world '8 consumption (his sen son oi American cotton. By some thi? Texas crop has been estimated ;l 4.00(1, 000 to 4,f 00.000 bales and Ok! homa at 1,100,000 bales. Prices have had a severe decline which in the judgment of many call for a rally even if it is only temporary. Lltterly the mills have been calling cott n more freely. A noticeable in creased demand for ep'it cotton has nl limes prevailed at New Orleans. Morrt gomery ar.d some other points. TI e market has shown more resistance af ter a recent decline of $5 a -bale. It is estimated that American exports of cotton goods to the Far Eastdnring the present month amount to 50. On:) bales. The-jharp rally in the stock market" on Wednesday gave more or less encour agement to the bulla in cotton. Missis sippi and Alabama have set complaints of weevil and worms. There lis been some buying on the eve of tie govern ment report. It may disappoint the bear 8, it is argued and cause h sharp upward turn. Certain meial intereits have jt is understood, been giving sup port to price?. Not a few dot ton peo ple think the financial outlook is clear ing. xYet the great mass of the trade are be irish in their convictions on the basis of supply and de.nand. The Athens matinee o'clock, at night first m A a a a at 3-15 j part be-1 Begins ; gins at tidv o clock. Oct. 2nd. Bedroom Suits. in cheap plain oak just-reoeh t-d a c-ir. . they are well made and look g i .l, pri $18.(MI, (20.00, (22.&0 and $Z.ri '), extra dresser at (6.50, (7.50 and I'J.oo I:.-!h 12.50, Vi 60. (4.50, (5.50 and S-ti.50, lor. good service to the partirs ihat don't, feel I'ke investing much in furniture, j J. 8. MILLKi:. Creator e And H s Band Masonic Orx rsi Bouse Monday Oct. 0. f . . ' SeaU for Crvaoro and his Ban J will go on sale at Waters', tomorrow morn- at 10 o'clock. If your oame ii on t ne ubacriptioa list, yoo can secure siau j for $1.00, otherwiao $1 60. Anybody who baa aver heard Crea tors 's Bnd glvs' aelsctioos from lb operas Will tU Jou that. tho murle Uvea itt tbslr tnetnory kS It oarer lived be- for, Ths brigloslit of bis methods eoodoctor ean only b, realised trbrni peraooaJ aequainuoco, with inaoj, but faculty of emphasising the strong points Of ifompositiuo is onpracadertsM, and bis almoat hypnotic, control of sa sodi-; (tafraitkly sdmittod by all who bavs fallen under lbs sway of his bstott. Wnoo. ths rMlfd eoOfloctor tod His Band appears htraDct, tih. 1911 at the. tJaaonio Oprrt flooeo U Is wll aMiired that thers will bo Inly standifg room for those who to not socors th 4T seats ..' ' , NOTICE. :, ' The piinHc eynrwn wmniii'M of Ma J tiinshlp Crvo co'inty will tnwt t HrHltTton Oct Hth, l'Jll tm th? uf. p it( vlrf tng lcWt for Slid l'i n hip, TMclvrs 6'trgii rioilions i" ) ( r-ilr.nt in rnn or hn?, Itililh i i ',r;,.ln In hn ' i t i' rot try V,'. It, A'trur, AVin, f. V. I H', r. people find it neceesary .sta' tly available. At the same time they desire to i as much interest therefrom aa it can safely earn. -.vings account with this bank meets such requirements rn('t.t satisfactory manner. Deposits can be made as m desired, they yield interest at tha rate of 4 percent num, and at the same time the money can be with i promptly should emergency arise. y amount from $1.00 upwards will open an .rtit. '! r. .1 rr FAlL announcement o Fuin Gooc1 Milii: stor's larg, ever call . befo; WE v. lull stock Shoes, , Notions, Ladies Tailored Suits, ry, etc., is arriving daily. Our his Fall and Winter will be the and most up-to-date we have trried and the public is invited to inspect our stock and prices buying. i'.ATK TICKETS ON ALL PURCHASES. TKi: YOUR MEASURE FOR YOUR FALL A 1 A VERY SMALL ADVANCE OVER STOCK SUITS. J. J. BAXTER i MIM E, DEP'T STORE. ELKS Ik : Smith Premier TTC ;i r TYPEWRITER lODEL 10. An rli'cliou in Ooustructioo aud Si rvice. PROBABLY ARE INTERESTED YC - ' oy;ht to be intertested in the new in'er Clothes. Probably you are. Vv,a would enjoy seeing and trying on tl.; attractive garments we are now showing aud we urge you to do so at i. . your earliest convenience. Yoir may not, be ready to buy yet, but you are certainly ready to look. I We are ready to show you. Whether you Hntereed" in $1.0 garments or 45 ones,.orv some incc in bctwechyou willf find .a real latige assortment ;tere land the xjuallties. at each : price: represent? values unap- price prorclinble. I 7 n " iti. I U 0 to keep their money where r Vi- MfflllHIIIilllllllllllllllllHIIIIHIIIllHlMlITO of Clothing, Mens Dry Goods, Dress : : STORE CO. i'.'.L',- 1 '15 I, x x. 4 f .1 f '