PAPER WITH KNOWN ORCtJLATION ESTABLISHED IN 1878 i NUMBER 169 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1911. THIRTIETH YEAR 4 Mitrv iMr ;:yjtwl I t 1 1 o II SAFE T. HEN other people are worrying about their investments because of the fact that stocks are declining in value. the depositors of this bank whose funds are drawing in terest, eiher in a savings account or on Certificates of Deposit, have no cause for worry. The principal is always posi tively piotected by our lare capital and surplus fund. The inter es , also, is constantly accruing, gradually increasing the origiual deposit, WE ACCEPT DEPOSITS IN ANY AMOUNT. WCO Straight Talk About Childrens Shoes.. We urgently invite parents to come and seea famous lineof Children's Shoe-1, "Buster flrown" and. "Sally Walter" Brands. There is nothing as good ss these elsewhere in New Bern. They are built right, shaped right and put together right to combine dress and wear. They are fiexi able and wear all over a feature that will only be found in properly fit formed sh( es an 1 give them lasting qualities. We have them in many s'yles and in sizs from the little tot to the age 12. Many of you kn'w the wear excellence and economy of Buster Brown and Sally Walker Shoes for Children, For vears they have given rare satisfaction to Buyers and ourselves. Every quality a childs shoe sh uld possess is embodied in thene. Our Chi'divn'H f-'lueit come in extra highs, of Red and Mack Tops, Tat ent, Gun Metal and Vicis. Come and look, we will not ask you to buy, we will let the ho talk ti you 'rice 50r. to $2 . and'll solid I xiher. Why is this hole here? The leather was poor at that point Get your youngsters Buster Brown Shoes v ii r:j i i t iuuu miu iiieir soies made of the best of leather. They have no weak points. BUSTER BROWN Blue Ribbon SHOES. For youngsters, $150 to $2.50 A-. In our Men's and Women's, toys and Misses Sho: 8, the So'id Lea her is absolute. We guarantee it. We (penalize Kdwin Clapp & Son, Walk-Over and Rarry Shoes for men. In our Ladies department you can fine Walk-Over hihI He-rick Shoes in all the latest cr. ations. Be sure and see the new Whiti High Cut Hoota for Indies, that are .so popular this fall. We would not feel like paying for this advertisement and taking our time and your time to t -1 1 you all this unles we had Shoes of exceptional merit Come in ami let our Shoes talk to you. We will answer your questions. S. Coplon & Son SELLS IT FOR LESS LITTLE OUT OE THE WAY, BUT IT PAYS TO WALK TOCOPLON'S MURDER IN SECOND DEGREE, VERDICT OF JURY IN CASEY TRIAL Sentence Ten Years at Hard Labor in State Prison. Clos ing Midnight Scene an Impressive One. We find the defendants Leona and Burrill Cisey guilty of murder in the second degree, with a recommendation for mercy. Such was the finding of the jury at 11 o'clock Friday night, in the now famous Casey trial for murder. It was an impressive scene in the. court room, when the verdict was di -clared. Perhaps 200 persons, men and boys were present drawn by an impt 1 ing fascination, that is not explainable Not electrocution, but imprisonment, thia is terrible enough, yet the defen dants gave no visible signs that they felt the sentence. The crowd leaned forward to not every expression and to hear every word of Judge or coun sel or Solicitor, that might be uttered in the closing scene of sentencing the husband and wife, with the poor inno cent babe, unconscious of the doom awaiting its parents, that mut in de gree for ever bear the stigma of shame. Immediately upon the verdir.t being rendered Mr. Mclver, for the defend ants, made an appeal which was not granted, the counsel Bta'.ing his objec tions. Judge Carter in passing the sentence. gave every vuible evidence ot th hardness of the task. He s ated the court had no doubt as to the crime aj alleged being committed and the AGAIN 11 IE DOCTRINE SS E Danger in Senate's Failure To Kat ify Nicaraugan Loan. Wnshingto", Oct. 13. Secretary of Sla'e Knox, whi has been spending the sumnv r and early autumn in the North aid at II t Springs, has returned to Washington to take up the question of the loan to be m-ide by American bank i ri to the government of Nicaragua for the purprse of liq Hating the national, foreign and internal indebtedness. This situation has been made acute by the announc ment of the British Kovernment, which, it is understood, his offici illy reached the State Depart ment, that if payment of i s $5,00 000 claim against Nicaragua ijnot m ide by October 21 proceedings will be institu ted to c illect the monpy. The United Stales U not in p sition to ask Great Biitain to withhold its suit on this ch im, inasmuch as American credi'ors would be interested in such action, and Great Britain would likely deciJe that British ch-ims are as important as those of Americans. The question of the Monroe doctrine is regarded as a most delicate one in view of the declaration that has been m;.de by the United States The Slate Department may be forced to acknowl edge that it is ii capable of upholding the famous doctrine in the face of Eu ropean ao ion i.i the Western Hemis- THE WEAPONS OE MOBOCRACY guilt of L;ona Casey. Th ; c urt had carefully noted the appraance and expression of th Wiium during the trial, und her utter lack of appreciation of the magnitude of the crinr) charged against her. The extreme youth at which she ha I married, her surrounl ings, the disparity in the ages of herself and her first husband Joseph Whitty, 14 and 15 years, Beemcd to deprive her of all moral ideas, und today while le- Rhe 0 phere through th i failure of Congress that t0 ratify the lo in trea'ies made by the S'a e vii'h Nicaragua and Honduras. These t. a ic, which provide! for the protection of botn the republ cs aid the financiers interested in the matttr of the loans, were favorably accepted by both repub ica but rejected Ly the United S ates Senate. Agreements al ready have been signed between the two Latin countries and the New York bank er for sums rang ng from ten million to twelve million dollars each. The ad- I vanci of the money waB held up by the Coal Coal Anthracite White Ashe ALL SI.LS, ALL SCREENED Bituminous Pocahontas HUt STEAM AND DOMESTIC PU K POSES. HOLLISTER & COX j it-riiuMMiint , ruu op hoi. linn- bankers unu the interested eovern- rally conscious of responsibility in the menl8 ratified the treaties, and now the j death of Joseph Whitty. Th- turpitude I governments areunderstood to be back lof the crime warranted the full s. n ; ward about doling the d.a's owing U yearn, mn tn : court couiu n. t . the lack of the official guarantee by the but regard the youlhfuln. si of Leo a United States Government Casey, only mature physically, still a . child in intellect and in the concept ion of moral ideas, therefore the lenlenc See OUT line of Coal and would be 1. years, At u,i.. Mr. Mc- yv0od Heaters. J. S. Bas- Iver inplored the court's mer -y that the . , r-7 C T? sentence would be cut in iwo. The court' night HW. LO. 67 O. r TOnt replied that it would make il.c sentence St., Phone 99. 10 years a', hard labor in th Slate prison, which would make the time a little over X yearn. The court gave Hurt i 1 1 Casey the same sentence, judging him an acces sory with a knowledge of the crime if not a participant. It was after midnight when the court look a receji to this mor.iin. Li the morning session Mr. Mclverlln iah ed hi argument for thedufenso. The so licitor followed, court taking a recess for dinner, the solicitor completing his trgumenta to the jury in the af ernoon Judge Carter then made his charge to be jury which retired about 6 o'clock. AURORA SECTION ASKS FOR RQAD5 FOOT OF CRAVEN ST. PHONE 34 The Smith Premier VISIBLE TYPEWRITER MODEL 10, Acme of Perfection in (Vntruction and Nervier. HHITS A Good Oil Heater. Nothing ii better to heat quick with, than an Oil Stove. I have ihe liarler whkh is considered the best, price from $3.50 to il.M. 1. S. MILLER. NOTICE. 8o ('an Make New Hern Its Mai krt. Knur Miles Koad To Uuikl. -4 WELL AND SOB- STANTIALLY BUILT i the Houm, tore, factory or other building In which car hlgh grade lumber U urd. While w hmtle n4 Mil ell grade, both nnlaed Und la roagb, w flnd th the demand to be moitly for pln of the better tort A W p. 1m In pina lumber, w can nata rail supply that demand better than any ether 4aWr. " ' w The Walker road is known to nearly every im reliant of New Bern, and moat of its el tiin. Sum yi'i'i i;oi fu id wait sulimribed lo rejair thif road, but it wan not wisely ppent, and toi'ay this much nided road for thH c'y'e coun try trade i in miserable condili in. A" the aeas m la c-Tj la it more paralr t a i urual, but any wet f p II will again render 1 1 npas'sB'e. A resident faim ir from the Aurora Ttion wti a caller at the Journal of fice Friday, and t' Id both of the rra-l'a condition, anl what would reeult In trade benetita to the merchaota here, f four mllea of the Walker road waf Deleffalea of Deeper Waterwaya Aa-j oroD,ry d Uhed. thla bring all that ia needed lo repair to give a fine road af 15 mile from Aorort, beyond and thia Ida and ao aecure the farm ra along tbia road who want to eoroe to New Bern t aell lhair prodoeta and buy gooda bare. The dealt toraacb N Barn fof a market ia a vrgani by tte. pioph U the above aectloti, that petittoo tbow log that thla road will be rebuilt and kept In geoeTeondlUiMi all the time, will find eigner who. will pledge money to aaUttha work, 'It. la timatd that 11,000 will pUee thia mai la order, and no better work'eoutd be ttodir taken by the Chamber of Cotnmerae tbm oeeing to this bttef, and by getUng thla road rebuilt bring U ttla city a Urge trade that now got rlaewbere, y - Initiative, Heferondum aixl Kecall Denounced By Atshlinhop lit land. Council muffs, la., Oct. 13. Iniiiit've, referendum anl recall were termed the weapons of monocracy by Archbishop Ire and in an add'ei-s at trie banqut of the Army o the Tennessee here Wednesday night. "Th clamor no v is hoard," Arohbia hon Ireland said, "that the ng iniz itii n of American democracy such as the n -public has knwn for a century und a quarter must be altered, torn awnHer, under the pretence that with it the pec -pie do net gove-n with sufti :ient dire Al ness. L-t us hop.- that this clamor ia but a passing ebullit on of feeling "Democracy, yec; monocracy, never, And toward mohocracy we are now bid den to wend our way. Tne shi bboleths of the clamor the initiative, referen dum and recall -put. into general prac tice, as the evang- lists of the new so cial gospel would fain have therr, are nothing more nor less than the madne s of de'iiocracy . The highest and purest virtues run into extrein ea become evil so with democracy. "'Mav we not, it is aslod, t"U;t the psople'.' Yea, we tnmt the people, a? the framers of our Constitution tras'ed them; as the people trust themselves when in'erests other than (political are at st ke, remitting thine interests to experts. We trust the people when they treat matters with which they are conversant, "In the long run American public opinion will be sure to right itself: the misfortune i', as we know tio well, the j people may suffer from a temporary ex- ' citemenr. From the conseq iences of j such excitement wesh u d s rive to save the republic. "With the ini'ii'ive and referendum, legislative bodies become mere bureaus ; f registra'ion a id exc'iang for popu- ! lar views and opini in.-. All conclusive au'hori y is lost to them. A small (rat ion of the pjpul-.ti m :;ets Ihe michm ery of legislation in moti n, retards or n m's its decree.'. And this for all subj'.'i ts, the most abstruse ;in 1 compli cated 'I he Ultimate verdict, It is true rea's with the whole peopU ; but many, we must admit, as the problems regard ing which the whole people have no ude-: q :ate knowledge, to which in tl e thiocB of a politic d campaign the ptoleaie unable to give the re iuisite reflection. "But the worst is t'ie recall. Stability and independence in i Hue for a (ix"d period of ti me are easenliiil. Liable to recall, the official is continilou ily watch ful of ulilic opinion. And then we must remember the peril to the public peace of the commonwealth. Fifteen or even ten percent, of the voters at a preceding election gathered probably from til" defeated party - iti'iy torce the tee.all and bring on the turmoil of a nr campaign. "Hut what if the official has proved himself unworthy of Inn trust'.' Our lawgard Constitution provide a ri inedy. Let him be impeached and judid by well established and in partial courts. "The peril from the recall is shown when it is extended to the ju liciary. If ever indepdence from po( ular clamor 18 imeiiously demani.eJ II ia when men are bidden to Hj.euk ip the name of supremo justice, regardless of conne quenc". when absolute calmne-m of mind lire the pren (Uiite to a iiecision. Whatevei the social or political rev olu'iuni with which the country may be threatened, for the nake of Americn, let us ray the Cod of naliohK, let then be no ta religions hnrnl I id upon the exit-, in pa'rUig their independence n lowering their majeaty." IHE FARMER'S SAVINGS. No man in his daily work has more xeellent examples of t he value of econi my than he farmer. All natuie busi y ( rovides .n seasons of (.lenty for the tin.e wbrn the Ibnd ceases lo provide. The gi eat advantage that man has uvtr nalrue is his ahility to do more than lay up a store for future needs. He can place bis store of savings where it will in crease by reason of the accumulation of interest. This hank coidially invites the farmers of ( raven County to make it their banking home. One dollar w i I open a hav ings account draw ing 4 per cent compound interest. The Latest Thing Out Wr !i ive seen red the agency for the ''SRMV M A V 1)E'' di-essea already cut, ready to seiv and all triiiiiiiings luniished for only $L50 The same dress tnade-up would cost from ."'. fit) to :.Ut. The iiiateritil is the v ery best, guaranteed to wash, in iiatnotiy Hills l'ercals, Scotch Zephyrs, Nonshon (linhams and Ilydgiede Oalatea cloth. No patterns to buy, no mistakes to lie made in cutting. 'ami NO. toy J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE DEP'T STORE. ociatioo: Kery cltlaen of New Bern who I In terested la the deeelopment ,of the deeper waUrweye tnd who tan attend the Atlantic Deeper WeUrwaya Con vention which 'eonvenVe In Richmond next Toeaday, la requeatei lo tend Ip hla aarne-at once" to the-,Seeretar of tba Chamber of Commefel KfTotrhaa been made td'aeenre'rerjucid rate The only rata that have bee offered are party raua,winat m oyt w or more trellng;togetbr. . A f... J-? M.'-roheed City, Heaufdrt, OrlenUl and etinetoir Dtrt' kei , tequeetid to bare their delegate uee tlie-New Bern delegttM1 here .Taeed momlng and the entire delegation te ort a party Urket freer 'Hew,. Bern !rl Norfolk eblflh will put the deetaunftfo Rich- mond about two boor aoonee yiaupy Ooldabore... -i i. " tv '. i , ' ' Thia la an important meeting and New Bera ahiuU be wall fpretill. V 1 . J, J-KON W1LUAM3. - The Ma lero C .beiel inorTicially announc (I. ,n MUxico wax 1 f Srl-Tl-'ue Tolfct rapcr. r v.: - tti v.. hi New Bern; Taltc Kolltef i - - - - '" Kt. F-dilflTrieaae tfop my ad al onr, '' ' my lt ad wai placed In your f sr hrjf l-alne baa lwred fl I rr k.i hardly wait nn my tatO" irnr . top Ofjtd furlftor nntire, 0e f. mule f"T l..--"f :t Hill," t, ! ' ' ;' e-,-1 rrer T. f' x N ilhlng New, He Does It tierj Where I He i thn nami Judge "Uoh" Pee ble no matlr "whar" the court is ait tingy and it ran also be said that rount y 1 1 nee do not appear to change h una i nature one bit In North Carolina. We obeerre both lo viewing the remit of a I qunr trial up in Wan county luperi oreoirt A man in Goldiboro w tr ei for le'llng whiakey, aid th'S'ate ma-J out what waa eonaldered a One eiw, abowlng amoog other tlngi that the defendant bad recerred large ehipmenta of wbiakey. The defence offered no teetlroony; wheienpon Judge Pebi- rery properly charged th Jury if it I e Ueved tb erkleoce It ahouU return a verdict of guilty. However, nln- j rror did not believe the avideoie, or at leait wouldn't ole for the terdict of guilty, and at laet Judge f'eeblea bad U make a mitrla( but in duing ao ha m de U a al e Jurora eland ip, while be told them a few thing and the dl 'charged them from Jury eerviee, ' Thle beat a anythloi thai baa aa et happMoad In thla county In the way of Queer "vardlcta, an4 wa can't Imagine bow, In tbt fa-e of jibe evklenee presented, the jirure reatbed the ennlulon that the defendant waa not! guilty, but we eki ttb't are what, right Jortge feeblee bad e eerwure; them, aor dlaq ialify tbira becuee they did not gree with him, Su'h proVed urekka to9 mueh like trampling tm the rights of the people, anl too roach I ke a ertiirt uning power te foree a yer-' (1 ft.-V.'iln.lrttTft Dinpalrh," ' THE RIGHT TIME TO BUY Ladies and'Misses Coat Suits and Coats Right is Right Now And The Right Place to Buy Them Right is at J. M; MITCHELL -CO. Were' Qualities M', KiiflMj: OejiCnrJable, Styles 61 roUOCK !T. ,t i ct Fiices Kiitt e - PHONE BS y '.. l