.v.- PAPER WITH KNOWN CIRCULATION ESTABLISHED IN 1878 NUMBER 170 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15, 1911. THIRTIETH YEAR TV" A. - M Puflll mmsm . ;tLl. . . . ... - 9 ijocooo ARE YOU SAVING MONEY. ONE ques'ion that every person should ask hiuself is. Am I savii g money ? There is no assurance that your pres ent income will continue indefinately. In fact, there is every reason to believe that sickness or some other mis fortune many come to you, requiring additional outlay of money, and it may be at the same time stopping your income, either tem- :prariS or permanently. PHIS BANK ACCEPTS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS IN ANY AMOUNT. mm. Straight Talk About Childrens Shoes. We urgently invite parents to come and see a famous line of Children's Shoes, "Buster Brown" and "Sally Walker" Brands. There is nothing as good as these elsewhere in New Bern. They are built rigl t, shaped right and put together right to combine dress and wear. They are flexi alile and wear all over a feature that will only be found in properly lit formed shoes ami give them lasting qualities. We have them in many s'yles and in sizes from the little tot to the age 112. Many of you knw the wear excellence and economy of Buster Brown and Sally Walker Shoes for Children. For ,e i rs they have given rare satisfaction to Buyers and ourselves. Every quality a childs shoe should possess is embodi"d in these. Our Children's Shoes come in extra highs, of lied anil Black Tops, Pat ent, Gun Metal and Vicis. Come and look, we will not ask you to buy, we will let the sh'x-s t' Ik t you Price fide, to J 2 .r0. and "II ;'!" I ntliei-. Why is this hole here? The leather was poor at that point Get your youngsters Buster Brown Shoes i ou u una meir soies maae of the best of leather. They have no weak points. BUSTER BROWN Blue Ribbon SHOES. For youngsters, $150 to $2.50 GUANO MANUFAC TURERS MUST PB GIANTS 111 GRAND R J FIRST GAME! MAKES REPOR In our Men's and Women's, Hoys and Misses M; is absolute. We guarantee it. We specially." Edwin Clapp & Sun. W;ilk II. er men. In our Ladies department you can lii.d the Solid I.ealhei Shues in all Ihe latent rreatiuns. He '-ore Cut Boots for ladies, that are mo popular We would not feel like pajmg for tin.-. : time and your time to tell you all thi-- unl merit Come in and let nut Shoe, tall. Ii qietloiH. d and Harry : h. Ik -(her and 1 tin new Wi.it. (or rick llieb tie l.ei t .1 Sin I t. i.l I ptl W ill State, Count' ami ''ity Ta; On The Guano Manufactured By Them. Judge Frank Carter rmdered a de cision last Friday in Craven County Superior Court which mav mean a sav ing to the people or N rth Car dina the enormous sum of $2"0, IX) or more this year and even greater saving in the years to come. The judgments, for there were two cases involving pr ic tically the same question, were render ed in the cases of the Pocomoke Guano Co.. vs. J. W. Biddle. Sheriff of Cra ven county and the Board of Commis sioners of Craven county and the D B. Martin Company against the same de fendants. It seems that for twenty years or more there has been a statute on the books providing for an inspection charge of twenty cents on each ton of fertilizer sold in the state and that the charge is paid by the purchase of cer tain tags by the guano manufacturers from the Agricultural Department of the State. These tags are atta-hed to all of guano sold in North Carolina and the statute after providing for the pur chase of the tags and the placing of them upon the guano packed, goes on to say that whenever any manufactur er of fertilizers shall have paid the charges for the tags, his goods shall not be liabieto any further tax. whether by city town or county. This law, the fertilizer manufacturers claim, ex empt them from any tax levied on them from paying any tax levied on them by any county or town. The Board of Commisioners of Craven county recent ly caused the fertilizer of the plaintill's in the cases mentioned to be placd on the tax books and ordered the sherilf to collect the taxes just as taxes were col luded from other species of property. Then it was that the plai illlTs refused to pay the tax. The city was represent I in the case by Mr. R, A. Nunn win Mr. K. M. I Irren appeared in hehal of the coun ty. In rendering his d cision Judge Carter said, that he was satisfied lha1 the constitution of the . ale required j all real and personal pr-perty to be Uxes by a uniform rule ai cording to its j true value in money and and that all taxed levied by any county must be uniform and ad valorem upon all prop !erty in the county, except property ex- Between Sixty and Heventy Thou sand Spectators Witness Open ing of World's Scries at New Tort Yesterday. The New York Giants with Christy Mattherson in the box and Big Chief Neyees behind the bat took the first game in the world's Beries yesterday afternoon. It was aclosw, hard fought game. Philadelphia scored the first run in the second innipg, but the Giants never faltered, they ca.ne from behind and tied the sere in the 4th inning. They kept at their task with bull dog tenaci ty and scored the winning run in the seventh inning, with Matthewson work ing in the form, that makes him invin ci de, and which has earned for him the title of King of Pitchers, there could be but one result, namely, victory for the Giants. The great battling strength of the Athletics failed to materialize and they were lucky to get their low tilly. Collins and Baker, the Athletic's two greatest stars failed to shine very brightly. (Perhaps it was cloudy) The game was witnessed by the largest crowd that ever attended a ball game. It was estimated that between sixtj and seventy thousand people witnessed the contest. The ne-irhy telephone and telegraph poles and house tops was lined with spectators. Much goes to prove that baseball ap peals to the ma-tses as no other sport does. Kt'cotnmi'iid Fencing Placed Inside j , Fi out 'ells in Jail to Keep Prisoners From uidows. Don't let the cold snap catch you without a heater from J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. Ul S. Front St., Phone Alumni Holds Meeting. The ("raven county Alumni of th University of North Carolina held an informal social at the Klk'i temple las t Friday night in honor of Ui ivers-itv Day, which was celebrated according to custom on October 'i at the University Tho occasion was an enjoyable one to those who had gathered in annual con clave to renew the spontaneous pledge of fealty to their alma mater They entered with heartiness of spirit and re -one pre S. Coplon 8i Son empted by the constitut.on itself or such as the legislature was authorized i genuiness of interest into a discussion by the Constitution to exe"ip Where- I of plans to increase ths usefulness of upon he decided that the lax levied by ' that institution, and attesting fealty of the County Cornmissione-s was valid their regard, and proving their faith ly anil signed an order dissolving the re- then work, they raised on the spot th straining older and giving 'he judgment 'sum of :)0 to further the work of cr mmrmt the olaintitls f..r I lit- amount of !gani.ir,g the Alumni of the Slate the tax levid which in the two caes amounted to over I Toll. From this UTILE til ' I il SELLS IT FOR LI.SS THE WAY, HIT IT PAYS In WALK T ( ' Pl.t N"S judgement the plaini ill's appealed to the Supreme Court.. Coal Coal Antl lracite A 1.1 Bit .White Ashe qI S, Al.l. SCItEENEIi uminous Pocahontas Ft lit K'lEAM AND DOMKSTIC PURPOSES. HOLLISTER & COX FOOT OF CRAVEN ST. PHONE .14 The Athens is the only house in New Bern showing Associa tion pictures. Colored Church Notice. At the Searchlight cloth Tabernacle corner of Went and Cedar streets, will K., ln.1,1 ulmtiuI i.rvii,i.4 lit 1 o in 7 !HI and H o'clock. Sunday Otl-' M. A pp mi nent white speaker ill doivor a practi leal discourse I the i p. m hour. At Ho'clock a timely dmciurs will be de livered on the subject, "Th" Seed and (the Promise." Excellent muic will make the hour enjoyable by the Search light choir and other musical clubs. Reacrve scata for white enple. Gooxl order, no ilit'rn. abort discourse und the goapel power. No wi after H:'X) The public is welcome. into a positr n of elbciency and influuice. In addition to this they vot ed to donate enough money to pun base a scholarship for some worthy Craven county boy. Mr, A. I. Ward was elected presi dent of the ('raven county Alumni (or the next year and Mr, Wm. Dunn, Jr., was elected as secretaey. Immediately 1 after this election had been held the following were elected as delegates and alternates to the General Assembly of the Alumni to be held at commencement next year; Delegates: T. D. Warren, A. I). Ward, 0. R. Tiomas, Wil'iam Dunn. Jr., Dr. IC N. D ffy an I Gcirge At' more. Alternate i W. I!. It, Cuion, Dr, Ramond l'.dlork, Pruf. Cox and 1). E. Henderson, Wrights Silver Cream. Whitchurst & Co. M. t. New Bern, Tdke Notice. at Mr. Editor- Please atop my ad oner. Since my last ad was placed in your paper my buslneaa haa lncr"a'd so I cannot hardly wait on my ni"t -mera. Pleaa atop until furlhi-r notice. One fin mula for aale. "Big Mill," th Hhlngle and Paper Ro"finj Man The following report h.is be n made by the Grand Jury for the October term of Craven County Superior Court: To His Honor Frank Carter, Judge pre siding: - We, the grand jurors for the October : term l'Jll of the Superi ir Court of Cra ven county, make to the Honorable Court the following report of the dut'.es pexfoJmed by us : There have been brought before us lil! bills of in(li"tmenl, of which 1M have been returned by us as true bills, one as not a true bill, and two we return "not acted on for th" lack of wi ness es. " F, even of these indictments w against white people and twent against negroes. We make seven sentments. We visi'ed the office of the Register of Deeds, and found the records neatly kept, and in a business like manner; the office has a very neat and clean ap pearance. We visited the office of the Cierk of the Court, and found all records kept in a business-like way, as far as the fa cilities ')f that ofli -e will permit, but we rec immend that the vault be en larged at once, so thai all records can be preserved properly, which is impos sible with the prepent vault. We visited the Shrill's office and found everything in good condition. We visited the jail and found same to be in a good condition, all the pris oners seemed to be perfectly satisfied, there being no complaint whatever. We recommend the following improvements: Iron fencing extending from the side walls to the front of steel cells, thus preventing the prisoners 1 litenng about the flout windows, and calling am whistling t peopl ! on I he street, we also lir.d the jail yard in a very go d condition. We visited the count home, found a I houses, yards Hnd outhouses in a very goal condition. We especially commend the matron. Mrs. Williams, for the interest and pride sin; takes in the home and all the mm ites were found to he perfectly satisfied. We visited the convict camp and found everything in a good condition, we alsr. visited the conv ets at work on Trent road about seven miles from New Bern, and found all to be perfectly satisfied. We examined lie' road reports am: f inn I all roaiD to be in a good eondi- ; tior. The only complaint we find n that the bridges in No. ti township are in a ba I e. mdit ion, these hri h'e i are kept up by the county. We reeommi n I the com ni'-siotier.-i to ha.etheje bndgi s ie paired ai i.iiee. We examined the magistrate's re ports and find, upon check nig same w 1 1 h the treasurer's report that there ha. been tir.e-i imposed in two imi'i, where same hive not lie. n collected t ) wit .-i. R. Street, J. P.. $f 00, W. R. liarnt.r. ton, .1. P., f " III. We also find the Treasurer's n port shows fines from the following ,li:s:ii h of the Peace, from whom we have no I report: J . S. M ii ton, W. H. Ii.ock i,nd J. A. Eubank s. We re ommend the in igistrateH to be instrae'e I to always til.- their report in all rail's. We examined the list as furnished by the C erk of the Court, of guardi'ins and th"i r wards, and ail judged Hiimo lo be corn ct. i Ri'Hpe. t fullv Submit t d N. M. FAR'IOW. Fore nan. I I THflRnilfirl CIIPEDUIQinU II IUUIIUUUII UU1 Llllluiull. j I 3 The tiilaiis of this hank are systemnt ieu'.l audited rr I : ami examined and eveiy detail proved c.iiiict aiul j .-4i certilied. In addition to the examinations eondueted jj" j by t he State Supei in tendent of liatiks acri u 1 1 1 1 ig to j:" ,! the met hods laid down liy the sit ingcnt liank nig laws i f. ; of Noitli 'atolicsa, the all'airs of tl.e bank aie Mill ;3 ! lotted to exhaustive examinations li at'eittlied I'uli H --: lie Aeeoiintant. It, i C it, ite your patronage ami assure wm prompt j and coin ti'ous attention tit all times. i. ' ; I The Latest $jS Thing Out J 1 We have secured the 7 V" i 1 k .vli .' E aeney for the "KKMY (JU s ' I iIA Vi)K' dtcsse: already tM" E cut, ready to se and all W-F V , '1 j . I trimmitis furnished for I T 9 i.v I " va r i1 I hf 7 I!11 i' i '13 S rll I'M'' 1 The same dress made ii) f9' " ' " ' ". . I would cost from s-..o() to 4M ' 'u I Pit M i The material is the. very EFW'Yf B best, guaranteed to wash, 3&A$g V in l.'.tniiiiiy Mills I'ercals, fljfliiM Seididi .ephyrs, N'onslitui 'ilfs Y'r' Ciiighaiiis and llydrede pJMjf i' I No pattenis to buy, tin ; mi lakes to lie made in J. J. BAXTER j KMvS TKMI'I.K I) KPT STORK. I V. v in - The Smith Premier VISIBLE TYPEWRITER MODEL in. Acme of I'erfif ttnn in f 'orntmetioti aud H'rv cr. fflnrs - BOOK -STORE I DON'T BATHE IN A BATHROOM I COLD 0--s f -J y it 1 mSYLU , ssnx. AD sub stantially BUILT la the hnua, ator, factory or . othr building In which oar hlgV (rda lumrwr la Ood Whll w handle and aU all grad, both : flni4 arxl In roufb. w Ami Um " Um (Mmand to b mtmlif tor p(M nf th twtur artrl AW tpcdftl Im In pln Wmbf, wt ran ttUt' . rally npply tltt, tfmnd Wtler than tf HKf rW-aUra. A ' f. ! ". It'a mi(jhty diaaagrre able piling down to Natur'a garb In a chilly bathroom. iTwn fUr your plunge your pore rned by th warm water of th bath yoo r in prime ror.dition to Ink a gnod heavy roid if you bKrrte roitted. . Dot V do M-li i un gettw. mare your Bathroom-? COMFORTABLE at A Vulcan Odorless .Gas , -1 ,i 1 - Will ikyovf bath rrtom ewofortahU In (Iff jdWm. VNo Odor. No Stuffy Fcclinj A (rood Oil Heater. Nothing m better tn hi'at pi irk witb, than an ltd Stnviv I ha'.i- th- l!nrlcr whi-h in rnnHidi'red the best, prn e frutn M.M) tn 7.TiO. J. S. MII.I.ER. Lady Accldcntly Shot Wlnnton Salm, Ort. H New wp rpcwid hrr Uxlay that Mra. KruC' Craven, of North Wllkealom, waa arci denlally ahnt Wedraday with a piatol tod that, while the wound la retarded at quite1 atrh-Uf, hei ronditinn thi mnrnlng waa rpported tn he favorable, the attending pbyaician thinka ahe will reoer. ' ' Happear lha Mra. Craven waa me kiof p lk d In hae rogm when hr hoabaiKr platnl whirh waa under the pillow, drppfd out on h floor and waa diacharced. the ball latin tffeot hi Mra. Craven' abdomen. Mr. Craven, before be enta ed the ftractUe of U year ho wat one of tbe Uedlnf edutatof t la N-rth CaroihA beinff. Mpeftotoodent of Ibe fr-M Kbnoi at Kfbaton, end other point Id tbe BtaU. Mt. Crtven II broiler of fykJLfljTDnria, of, Nw:8er iiM7lnilVii WW A Good Heater. : Ton cm get U Wilenn k Colei wond THE RIGHT TIME TO BUY Ladies and Misses Coat Suits and Coats-Right is Right Now And Th( J. ML Right Place to ; Right is at Buy ITiem MITCHELL & G Where: cialilies re IliorGDQlilY flEDEntlabfp EI BETUI heat nearly aaeheapaelnfartnrfnake, f 'of iVe arr.rrtirt ff f.Kl y- i . i f 1 1 :6r.MmCi Ives Lxsmhz? Co; a t r NEW

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