-si IIW BERN OMiiE Kew Bern, a Oct, V. MIL LODGE CiRECTCRT iTHKXU LODfil 10. 8 K. OF P MeeU every Tueaday 8 p. to., w Qm Co'i office, Middle St E. H. Bardiaos. C C. J H. Smith. K. of Rl nd S. Visiting brother aw aaaured of chev alier's welcome. ' CRATES LODGK HO. L 1?16M OF HAttMOHY Meet lnd.iO t Wednesday aJgbta in mch moatti .' KalKhts HirmoDj H'.U, eornar Bn and II acock tre'jta at 7:30 0oJocl J. K. Wills, President; R. J. Djsofway, Secretary; J. D. McCoy, Financial See- "L I ' t WDEX TO KIW 1BTIXTUKM1VTK Lost Gloves. Bromo Quinine. Mortgage Sale. For Rent House, A. Castet Meat J. K. Warren. -Money to Loan. New Bern Banking & Truat Co. S. Coplon & Son-Men's Clothes. New Bern Produce Co. Tomatoes. BUSINESS LOCUS: NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH 31UST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. TOMATOES at New Bern Produce Co. Phone 121. HOUSE for rent Good location with sewerage connection $11.50 per month. Apply to Miss Annie Justice 83 East Front street, phone 889. LOST Sunday afternoon either on Pol loclr, So. Front, Middle or Craven St a pair white Kid Gloves No. 7. Finder leave at Journal office or Wooten Studio FRESH Pig Hams and Shoulders today Pure country Lard. Satisfaction you may rest assured. A. Castet. Phone 239, Five Points. NICE Cooking Pears at New Bern Pro duce Co., Broad street, phone 121. 1 1 AflAlM fit tV-s Absolutely Makes Home Baking Easy No other aid to the housewife U so great, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, wholesome foods The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lime Phosphate COTTON MARKET REPORTED BY J. R. BALL (X)TTON BROKER NEW BERN, N. O. LONG DISTANCE PHONE NO. 16. New York Cotton. Oct. 16. Open High Low Close Oct. 910 921 905 905 Dec. 931 939 924 926 Jan. 920 925 913 913 May 944 950 937 937 Port Receipts75, 550 bales. Closely Spots in New York 8-95. LOST-Gold Ring, flat dark blue set ting, engraved inside, "April 9, 1911." Finder please return to this office and get reward. WOMEN, sell guaranteed hose. 70 per cent, profit Make $10 daily. Full or part time. Beginners investigate. Strong Knit, Box 4029. West Philadelphia, Pa. Liverpool Cottoa Market Opening. Closing Oct Nov. Jan. Feb. WANTED-Salesmento sell Oils and Specialties. Good live wire can coin big money. Champion Refining Com pany, Cleveland, O. New Bera Market Middling 8 St. Middling 8 7 16 Good Middling 84 Receipts 22 bales. PEACHES, Celery, all kinds of Grapes Cooking Pears, Sickle and Bartlet Cocoanuts, Pineapples, Oranges, and all kinds of Cream today at H. E. Royall's phone 33. FINE lot of white Spanish chickens, Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rocks and Ducks, best butter and Cheese, Hams, Bacon and Shoulders, Piedmont, Old Mill and Turkish cigarettes, Mullet and Drag Netting, Lines and Twine, Hope, Lanterns and Pumpe at B, B. DavenporU. IF you de Hire Meat of quality phone 239, A. Castet, Five Points. FRESH Parched Peanuts at SOe per peck at Kafer'a Bakery. KOUND-Adiift an old canoe In bad condition, owner can get same by pay ing charges. David L Miller. Chemi cal Co. JUST received-Hyacinth Bulbs, Tu lips. Nareiaaua and Chinese Lilliea. J. C. Whitty & Co. WANTED -Good man to sell goods In thu city. Addrera box 76 or apply at 109 New street. - New York SopplJ Co. YAM Potatoes, prices ae low as Dos ible, retail or wholesale. 'Good let of all pork Sausage on Oct 7lh.-J, A Ringgold, George atraet. No. 88. FKKSH Goods arriving daily. Preen Oatmeal. 10c pkg; Buckwheat 10 sod 18c pkg; Pancake Flour 15c pkg. pure strained Hooey, 2 lb cans; Bolter 86 to 36e Obilesk Flour lie; Beat Floors 3c. H. C Armstrong, WANTED -Men and boys to loaro, so tomobile buainoaa, Nsw aod modern machinery; new cars, bast equipped shop Sooth. Good position for fear graduates. Charlotte Ante School, Charlotte, N. C 8HUR Foot and O'BalUvaa Robber Heels and pore Oak Boles st J. T. Se ven' t Middle street CHOICE FISB-We hate foaoUftUy a variety of choice Bab, tight freaa f mm oar neta, hasdUd earefelrr so sanitary. If you want the beat Ilea order from 3. A, Harker Co, face 107, Market Dock. FOR RENT One office at No, 19 Cra van street K. A. None). FARM for aeJo-I offer for sei ary 101 acre farm salt frees titj Haatta l,raf f roe ting on Pta broke road,. fr ber tieaiars sppry of wrtta iotm a, Baew 14 Broas 8t New Berm, N. C. " M 484 482 497 494( t - -mr i frn . TEQ t2"E- IID CO Mr. aW. Dieosway left yoeierday for Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Char lea Hancock left yesterday for a has' log trip war Have lock. Mrs. R. H. 8! award, of Alberta, Va.' ia spending-a few days In the city. Mr. O. to Ward went down l- Beau fort yeterday to attend Carteret county ceort. Mr. J, T. Harget and children re turned yesterday from a visit at Mount Olive, N. C. 'Mr. L. B. Cutler, Jr., left yesterday morning for a buaineas trip in the wet era part of the State. Miss Mildred Ball left yesterday for Raleigh, where she ill visit relatives and friends and at the same time take in the State fair. Col. P. M. Pearsall went down to Beaufort yesterday morning to attend Carteret couoty court which U in ses sion tfiere this week. A Good Heater You can get the Wilson & Coles wood heater nearly as cheap as inferior makes, just consider the amount of fuel you ill save and the life of the heater. J. S. MILLER. Paint your house with B. P. S. machinery mixed paint. S. Basnight Hdw. Co., Phone 99 for color cards. POLLOCKSV1LLE NOI E8. Pollocksville, Oct. 15. Cotton in very low now. Mr. E- L. Bender and hi friend, Mr. C Jordan, of Raleigh, have been visit ing relatives here. Mrs. F. M. Taylor and little son Ben jamin left this morning for Raleigh, where tbey will visit relatives and also atiand the State Fair. We are very glad to know that our school teacher. Mis Keller ia still on the mend. Rev. E. S. Wood rilled his regular appointment here Sunday. "BLUE EYES." Don't let the cold snap catch you without a heater froth J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St., Phone 99. short nm mm All of the graded schools in the city will be closed today. This is fair Week at Raleigh and quite a number of New Bern people wll go up to Raleigh during the week to at tend the event. Dr. J. F. Patterson and Mr. J. S. Claypoole, of this city have been appointed as two of the mar shals during the week. Those who visited the Athens theatre last evening wera profuse in the praise of the Billy La Celles who are filling an engagement there for the first three nights of the week. Their work is well worthy of applause and they received their share. Don't fail to see them to night. c On October 21st in front of the Na tional cemetery, Mrs Ad. Topperwein, of San Antonio, Texas, will give a free exhibition of fancy shooting with Win chester rifles and shotguns. Mrs. Top perwein is said to be one of the st shots in the country and ber exhibition will doubtless be well attended. Among the new banking institutions chartered last week was the Swansbo- ro Hank and Trust Company of Swans boro; authorized capitai $10,000; divided into shares of the par value of $50 each, but the corporation will begin business with $5.0o0. The incorporators are W, J. Moore, T. H. Pritchard, J. A. Pitt- man and others. Yesterday at Washington, in Beau fort ounty court the grand i'lry re- turned a true bill for murder against Merrill Harrell and Leroy Stanley col oted and the case was set for trial Thursday. It will be remembered that they are charged with the killing of Oscar Hill also coloaed, on a negro ex- cjraion train several months ago near Chocowi nity. Again it is circus day; the event has long been looked forward to by thoua- ands of people in this county. The fa mous John Robinson's circus will give two performances here today. At ten o'clock the mammoth free sorest pa rade will be held. This event alone is worth going miles to see. Hundreds of visitors will be in the city and every body will be having a good time. The doors for the first performance will be opened at 2 o'clock. Tne football team of the New Bern graded school is endeavoring to. secure a game at an early date with the foot- Ka II tm tit the Wuhlnvtan 'eMted school. If I hey shook succeed ja doing t'ds, tlocal enthusiasts are promised tome real enjoyment. The local team haa had a deal of practice lately ami are now in the beet of trim and If Uteet two teams should meet It Is more than probable that the home team would arry off the honors. Since Burfill and Leooi Ceefy The managers of The Athens' always look to the comfort and pleasuie of their patrons. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous ays tern and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladderT Have you pains in loins, side, back, groins and bladderT Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too fre quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams' Kidney Pills will cure you-at Druggist, Pnce 50c. Williams' M'f'g. Co., Prop., Cleveland, O. A Good Oil Heater. Nothing ia better to heat quick with. than an Oil Stove. I have the Barter whieh is considered the best price from 13.50 to $7.50. J. S. MILLER. convicted of murder and sentenced to a term of ten years each in the State prison, many people have asked ' what will be done with their three-montl s old baby." We understand that the managers of an orphanage at Greens boro have offered to take the child and it is more than probable that it will be placed in their care. It ia indeed a pit iable state of affairs that the little one will be compelled to bear the stigma of ta parents' crime through life, such, however will be the case. Twelve true men said that they committed murder and the little babe along with them must suffer. Money to Loan On Approved Farm Land Security Apply to J. K. Warren, Atty at Law, TRENTON, - - - N. C. FOX RtNT-Ai Ne, 14 MeteeOf street, ernWe dwallmg, .wlth ej smtW toax eealeweee. Apply kU. WOUf -O Middle street . ''-II- I dail 11 : . 11 TAf Alters 1 mm Have you .noticed the growing importance in flifeof VDaXeV-?f: Theyere an erjedient;; yesterday. v They are a prime necessity today." j ?.J'- w r , ,r . i t -9 the ViIstifji Tnicrjra cc:.:rr;i 1 r I I e a va. Ill i v U III If.' - It hi i Vyt 2 4 1 f 'I III I '1 1 I I ii III I II I I '" - ''I I ! ( Why not make this Hallowe'en one that your sweetheart or wife will never forget by presenting her with s beauti ful ring, bracelet, necklace, La Valiiere, pin or watch ? We are certain that if you were to select a' gift from our superb, splendid, comprehensive stock that the recipient and giver will be delighted Indeed. Our prices are moderate and every article is honestly represented before purchase. J. O. j Bdxter THE WfeODWtj, GIFfSTORE. iil..S !' m . 'J . , x rTy VACCINATION SHIELDS At, .. 4. SPECIALS AT McDaniels Cash Grocery Cape Cod Cranberries, qt. 10c Heckers Buckwheat, 9 to 18c Granulated Sugar, lb. 7Jc Eagle Milk, per can 5c Very Best Flour, lb. 3c Pickled Pig Feet, lh. He Standard 3 lb. can Tomatoes 10c Best. Kettle Ren. Leaf Lard 13c Vegetable Lard 10c Baked Beans, per can fc White C. Oil, per gal. 12c YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L McDaniel 41 Middle St. Phone 91 I74PH"R174 6 Octagon Soap 25c 6 Borax Soap 2fc Vegetahle Lard 10c Oatmeal, per pkg. 10: Irish Potatoes, per pk. 40c Sugar 7ie Best Flour 3c Oblisk Flour 3Jc Buckwheat, per pkg. 10 to 18c Shwl Wheat, per pkg. 12Jc H. C. ARMSTI Phone 174 Middle St. NfDT3C5E? That we have just received a large Bhipmont of Fall t'lo'hing, nobby and up to date in style and fit. liefore you tmv inspect our line, which will b sure to please you both in fit and price. S, JLIPMAN 82 Middle St for. S. Front. "vhiokr. AX MX IN THE PB0P0BII0N Of SURPLUS UNO UNDIVIDED PROFITS TO CIPIUL THE NATIONAL BANE OF NEW BERNE, N. C. STANDS FIRST among the banks of the City : THIRD among the National Banks of the State 4 Anil aa it has fur.us and I'lidivided Profits amounting to J Hi.'., 000 and Capital amounting to $H:0,i'iio. n Ud u place on the National Hank Roll of Honor, v.hicn includes only lianks ha injr Surilus and Undivided Profits equal to or exceeding their Capital Block. 4 INTEREST SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT You Don't Boy a Stove every m inth, so that when you d liuy, you want to look around a l it e and te.? where you cap get ih'KrealC'O ?at isf ai'1 i in for your money. We h ive a preat line of Stoves here and we can suit any poi-ket-hook wiih our prices. Ft U1 U '""Lef-il a J? 9 Gaskill hardware Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR MAJESTIC RANGES PHONE 147 7.'! Ml DDI. 10 ST. I HAVE TIE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF LADIES HAND BAGS Ever offered to the trading public. Do you Ladies still want to those I) XS. Pay More ? Then don't come to see Barrington Dry Goods Co. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED lot of new Buckwheat and Oatmeal. We alao carry a full aurplyof hool Tablet, rompoellloii Bnoki, Examina tion Paper. Iik. IVna.1 Pen SlalTi and Pencil. We (piarante tlnfction W money refunded. Call to m, wr ajwayt havt a polite clerk to wait on you. THE YOUNG MAN'S GREATEST MISTAKE is failure to insure his life in a good, old line company while young and free from organic disease. No known investment affords so great protection at such small outlay as docs a policy in a good, reliable company. The IINION CENTRAL has excellent managtmrnt, charges low premiums and pays large dividends, making the net cost for insurance commensurate with the rotcction givcm W. G. BOYD, Agent Real Estate, General Insurance, Surely Bonds. Broad Street Grocery Co. PUONK 164 ' " NEW BERN, N. C. in I - t.'r.V I 1 ' I . EYE EASE. Vv - ,4 ' A pair ef properly fltted irtafPtt III frJtr y oo A rorld Of fotnfort . t that you will eearcety realliewith ' defeeti TUk. Th beat dric' " we tan gtva yen la a have yoor f yet fitted With glaanta . thii ara furan(e) to conform lo ,U If, ' defecia. Bat bq all doflt $t ' pair f rhap k' ''will do for WW.". Thy will bother yofl ronatantly end may Ir. Jo re yrxjr y permaner.tty. i ' .! ' HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. Pharmacy PHONB 173 J L ICE . Made from pure "dislifled filtered witer. NB WB BRN ICB CO. IK 21 21 QriffiUi Bt, ' TIiom JS Concrete Work PROTECT V YOUR BUILDINUS FROM PIRB by or at(i in theoi with j-m as ixstos Monia . J-U Rooflnt rexUta flreb." . tauao it ia mad of Atltt. v ij .11.1. i i whlrk ia not affecUxl by fir. raat. rot or wer. kully ap pitoa. "J-U" l Um only praparwl roofln that It fmrntinmilf JnrnbU. Yo CM aaro aooner , lrytMtnclt. JDLSDfl LUfJBER d ure. COMPANY, v. J -V, f ! U ,l i all n.!a ff 123 t. fr--.nl. l. Efm, r i V-

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