.-s- .s ' . V ESTABLISHED IN 1878 i '4v CIRCULATION" NUMBER 173 THIRTIETH YEAR THE STATE If 2J It SIMPLE OF COTTOM ADVICE ON INVESTMENTS. . 1 t 1 HARLAf FU FAIR OPEHS i 3r A:'- A. V A' .:.v : THE STREIIGBFlBili CERTAIN elements determine the strength of a VanK. lia capi'al and surplus must be sufficiently large to assure a fair margain of safely for deposits. Its management must be conserva ive, prudent, and careful. It mast be organized on the right principles, snd conducted in accordance with sound banking. This bank hascapital aggregating 1200,000.00; it is under the supervis;on of the Stale Banking. Department and its management is under the direction of men whose financial abil-, Sty ami prudent judgment are well known. -:i'"ir ,iS;1, -4'' jyi ' SEE CUR FALL AND WINTER LINE OF MENS AND BOYS SUITS AND OVERCOATS If we could have "em" made Better we Would. If we could sell "im" Cheappr we Would But we can't Neither can anybody else. Fee the line for yourself and be convinced We are ready to show you Are you ready to look ? Be sure and get one of our Style Books Its Free. S. Coplon & Son SELLS IT FOR LESS LITTLE OUT OF THE WAY, BUT IT PAYS TO WALK TO COPLON'R jT-'".l - 1 i i 55 Fayetteville People Originate A yovel Plan To Elevate, Price - of Staple. Fayetteville, Oct W-The Fayetter ville chamber of commerce is theiorigi nator of a plan to elevate the price of cotton to a figure allowing a fair re muneration to tbe producer. This plan is ohtained in a resolution pissed by the chamber of commerce urging each citizen of Fayetteville, merchant or clerk, manufacturer or mechanic, trad: smao any professional man, who can by and possible means do eo to buy at least one bale of cotton on the Fayette ville market and as long as ha is able ty do with out the funds invested in it to let that bale stand before his door as a sin of his friendly co operation with the producer of the aouth's great est crop. It is estimated that if southern towi q and cities generally would adopt Ihw plan at least 3,000,003 bales would be bought by individuals who are not cot ton buyers and that probably half of this amount would be held until spring. This, it is pointed out by the chamber of commerce, would not only appreci ably raise the price of fhe fl ecy s'aple, but would bring about a new era of in crea ed good feeling and co-operation between the town and coun ry. ''The cause of the farmers," aajs tie chamber of commerce, '"is the cause of all" when the farmers suffers the whole country suffers. The merchants and business men generally are taking ho'd of tbe matter heartily and confidently believe the far-reaching plan of the chamber, of commerce will be successful. Got. Harmon Makes Impromptu Speech at Dedication of Auditorium. Bedroom Suits. in cheap, plain oak just received a car, fkati im wall nniHa and lrvilr rnji 1 nnA r ...c, . r ;noom $18.00, 120.00, $22.50 and $iJ5 00, extra' dresser at (6.50, $7 .50 and $9.00. Beds $2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $6.50 and $6.50, for good service to the partus that don't feel like investing much in furniture. J. S. MILLER. Panama Canal Will Open July 1, 1913 'Raleigh, 18: The Sta'e- Fair opened in gteat shape -with exhibits that are easily well in advance of those of any previous vear. T,he agricultural ex hite, tbe hori iculturaT exhibits the cat tle arid klrdred features are the finest ever and 1 he exhibits of farm machinery and commercial enterprises are general ly al) well "up to the -standard. Tbe weather conditions begun very sat isfactory, no rain fa'liag until late in the.dav and the indications even then being that the rain will not be such as to in any way discommode the fair events and the thousands of people. Save from a tremendous downpour, nothing marred the celebration of the completion of the new auditorium and t e magnificent builiing was dedicated for use as a municipal bailding and con vent hnhlC The exercises were pull ed off as per program, and the large audience, many of them being persons from other cities and towns, enjoyed the exercises to the utmost. Col -Charles E. Johnson, chairman of the municipal building commission, pre sented the auditorium to the ci y, and it was accepted by . Mayor Jamej I. Johnson. Striking impromptu remarks by Gov ernor Judson A. Harmon, of Ohio, and a stirring tribute to this distinguished citizen as a Presidential possibility, by the great audience gathered in the splendid and immense structure impart ed an extra special zest and interest to the exercises in dedication of the new auditorium set aside for the uses of the city and the State. Governor Harmon ai obliged by per sistent calls to address the crowd, al though be had determined to not speak until his Bet Fair address Wednesday He had greatly admired the sample of North Carolinians he had met in otter States' and was more than delighted with the people & he was meeting then on thiaj his first visit to the State. He hal met Vance many yean ago cn the E'glish channel when he, Vance, was desperat :ly seasick, and had ministered to him, and had learned to love bim. He 'had two prominent lawyers of North Carolina under him as district attorneys, when he presided over the Department of Justice, at Waahinptoi,and tbe people of the State had 8( en fit since to mae both of them governors. He thought that tince Caro'lnians seemed to think so much of his boys they might think the : Old Man" would do also. Governor Har .mon was roundly cheered, repeatedly, and spoke for fifteen minnteg, Th dedication 'exercises were a splendid Members of Supreme Court Act As Honorary Pall- , Bearers. Washingtob, D. C, Oct. 18-Simpli city mark ws the funerai services of John M. Harlan, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Tns was due to hi? own wishL A brief prayer was of fered at the i Harlan residence and the -body taken tb the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, which he attend ed. Services were conducted by Dr. Badcliffe. Interment was made in Rock ureeK cemetery, ine interment was strictly private. Chief Justice Wh'te and the Associate Justices of the Su preme Court served as honorary pall bearers. When the Supreme Court convened Monday at noon Chief Justice White made the following announcement: "Gentlemen of the bar,, it is my pain ful duty to announce the death of Mr, Justice Harlan. The court will stani adjourned until Wednesday morning nexfwithout the transaction of busi ness of any kind today." Among the hymns offered by the church choir were 'Love Divine,' which was a favorite of the Justice's. Justice Harlai's Sjnday school class attend ed in a body. Plans for the . erection of a great Presbyterian temple in honor of the memory of Justice Harlan .are being' already considered here. It is suggest ed that $1,000,000 be raised by subscrip tion throughout the country to build the temple. In addition to providing every banking accom modation usually found in a modern financial in stitution, this bank is always pleased to advise its depositors and customers generally on financial and investment matters. You are cordially invited to avail yourself of our extensive facilities and our officers will be pleased at all times to afford you prompt and courteous service. Co a Co a Anthracite White Ashe .ALL SIZES, ALL SCREENED Bituminous Pocahontas FOR 8TEM AND DOMESTIC PURPOSES. ' HOLLISTER & COX rVORsCRAVEN ST.V .-. V - V i - PHONE 84 . T I T - Washington. Oct. 18 The Panama Canal will be opened on time July 1, 1913 promises the Isthmian Canal Com mission in its annual report. Congress is asked to make, as soon as possible, a public announcement of the rates, to be charged, the rules for lonntge of ships, etc. The commission suggests thit the canal be run by the present opeiaMng force. It is ureed that the big ditch be lo , " . . ... . .'success in evety detsil ed and that every legi' mate means for r raising revrnue be adopted. Including the furnishing by the American Gov ernment of coal, oil, fool, tools and ap p'iances, docking and repairing fcnd all i else that would be required by the traf fic on. the eanaL I The commission tel's CongreBS that it will be better to keep ell civil settle ments out of the Government's part of the Canl Zone and limit the occupancy to troops, forts an! military purple, under a military form of novernment. "The Canal is a military asset, says the commission. Wrights Silver Cream. Whitehurst & Co. M. F. Important Real Estate Deal. One of the most important real estate dea s consummated in Craven County thii month was the purchase a few days ago by Mr O G Bishop, of Detroit, Mich., of the Harrison plantation, a tract of-land containing about 1,700 acres, and which is Incatcd about four miles from New Bern. It is understood that Mr. Bishop will divide th8 land up into several sections, build a number of dwellings and" out hiuses on each secii n, and bring a number of farmers here from his state and let them farm on it. The price paid by the purchiser coull not be learned. The Latest Thing Out We have secured the agency for the ''SE3IY M AYDE" dresse3 already cut, ready to sew and all trimmings furnished for only $1.50 WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS ' Have you neglected your KldneysT Have you overworked your nervous ays Urn and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Have you palna ln loins, tide, back, groins and bladder T Haveyrma flabby appeiraoce of (be face, especially under Ux eyeef Too fre queot a desire to pass ortrteT If so. Wit Hams'.. Kidney Fills -will eure youat Druggist, Price 50ev WitUaina' MTg Co.. Pror., Cleeeland, O, ftie Smith Premier. i-ilnSint?: ) VISIBLE TYPEWRITEK 1 .- MODEL tOt of PcrfnoUoo in CoustrucUoa ud 4 -STORE: T! SWANSBORO LETTER. Swanaboro, Oct 17 -A' dormitory, which is nearly.eomp1etad,is being bui t btr 0 y fot (he accommodation of the pupi s of!... ... . J '. 1 , . I . . , I ! - SwansDoro ecnooH dciwhd iure w four hundred.. Don't say "they haven't got it" till you've tried us. J. S. Basnisht Hdw. Co. Announcement of Marriage. The following c'ipping.from Knoxvitle, Tonn., Sentinel, will be of interest to the many friends hra of the rrojec- tive brldesgroom, Mr. Lrmpmat is a rs. Richer 1 N. Du Ty of c mpiny The sportsman stopping at the Tarry- more, are- having tne lime oi iQ'ir lives ' A few hunJred yards from the wharf,, okie eu catch a hundred or so fl (roulin a short timi an I the U aid which beloags to the hotsl js literally e'ive. with qisiL Thau birdi have bea prapsga ed on the Island by M Uoon,- the ow e. The hotel guests era gin parmlseion to hunt thereat J.heii'pleaailre'' . ' - -. V- - ' " Mr Frd tboo and Mr. Leb GH-le-.te o( Miysvilte, are, hers ,eij ying iha flAiif . r-W ' , -,-Johfl"tMu nl on Utnry a vbltlmr filehdl tNe, Brn this sfk. JiSSATitMSAni Till ii mill i iini in, in fi' uulU i lIlllBMiiiioiailiil i" 1 . . . i .. . z i ;. . .; .... . i ; Handsomely engraved Invitationi bearing the following formula are be ing Issued: Mr. and Mrs. Joha Yates Johnston request the honor of The same dress made-up would cost from $2.50 to $:U)0. The material is the very best, guaranteed to wash, in Hamoiiy Mills Percals, Scotch Zephyrs, Noushon Ginghams and Hydgrede Galatea eloth. No patterus to buy, mistaken to be made cutting. DO 111 ELKS TEMPLE TYl No. 101 J. J. BAXTER DEPT STORE of tbelr i; WELL AND suo : SI AN 1 1 ALL I UUILI . ta the koueeelore,1" factory or ;otherJildlPg In Whlcfj cuf flgH. ' grsde lumber U tiL Whil we handle and sell sli grsdeS, , blh , finlted and In rough, we find the the demand to h mo-.Uy for pine of the bpMr sort As we rrll in In jiti l.imlxr, we fee ns'o fa"y ' . ;-'y iVat d"rnmc ptl"f Tt'i mighty disagree "Lte peellnf down to Kaiure'a garb in tblllyUtluw.pvTbefl af let yotir- pluhg your pores epvned hj 'tho warm water ti ' the fcsth you're, n prime!'' ' iMdi'ln U, Uho a- gcd h vj ' coll if you Worn" chilled.,; V , b.n't da h-it's iss- -J ( i ;'v AlVulcan: Odorless 'Gas: I Heater . v,.: Va your batli- f. ruble in n.i,.ulrf. . 0.' r. at the rairriage daughter Sue to Mr. David Carpenter Chapman on Saturday, the fourth of November, ' at tNe o'clock . at four hundred and twet ty one West Main avrnoe atnnvl', Ttnneiiee. Will be at horns. afUr t first of. December, . ' 431 West Main avoooa. will have as her kole- aitandMlher-iUteY, llrt'E. Bepborn ,8 Minders nee ihle J.hnstoo, aa mat ron of honor... : iy:- ' Dr. Richard Dffy of New . Bern, N. Ci brother-in Uw-of Mr, Caapeaaa will aet as beet mat and the groome m wl I be MJars Cvf - ft 8 peace. Cowan rVdgen, E, Hepbaro Sanodera. ind Chrls hi. Thomsa.J(3 .' Li t llws PtUHna (Jait ftnd Master Joseph Borchee UI act as pllhrw-ftoar era. f'.'v The cenmoey ferformed t bt thop Thea, T. Gsllor. aaslsled by Pr. WsllerC Wbltrter. v-.ri "'-i Tae keddlfg, will be a nuptial event of rto'S owing to tbe anaial popularity and (iromineoco f . Miss . Johnston n 1 j Mr.-t3ipmsn, both ef whom are rnm t r ff (wo b( tbe fcnst dietirnja ehd ' f.mille i the sUUv. ' - -j Um Jnhmtm Is a efoihtrri'tiel'f :hse l''jty en I rherm of nnnnt ' nr4 inniff t,,r"ir,B,'ly hee won brt a hof of fnoriiU rot ony In this I ut hrr h h .HeJ. snd hf ' '. ".. if be an ernt pt more than Vr. (liiniin ti or.e ! KwiviH'e -. . r, r.prt nr-.d ; ' 1 r n r -i. H I iy ln in , ( f I , ' '' ' ? l'n' ' tfcl : f - t f t 1 ' :. ' ' llRiiiTiEfiiS H'adlcs and MissesCijajSuts "nniV'Coats Right-is RiRliWv'; . - i ' - - " Arid Thc;RighVjRlateBui v . yj;: v- Right is at. uj: '. '' r: 'a'.' ? 'hi'. 7Ht- 'J.. ya- 5 , Ax- ,.: P I I