'V., .v .. .- r . " r i5 2"s r - tt ! " 4 -r' t r f i HEW BERN DJULtGUnnit rsbnehs srarr 0r fei tbe mr v Sf MHU), NfM Cioseo trot, , .., DITOR AMD FRO.PRIWTCHI ' llltKKimOIUTUt' M Iwi U adruM ,. ...... H-H 7 aw, not la Atrastee..;.. fje Wnthly b7 eanter la tk alty J AdrertlalBt nta llottoa. Katarad at U Poatoflto. Hw Bar a. u (eeond-elan B&ttr. FFT7IAL PAPI1R OF KW AND CRAVSN CXXTNTT. BJEBM ew Bern, N. C. Oct 28, 1911. REMARKABLE LOCAL FARM LABOR SITUATION. The farm labor situation in this section, in its almost impossibility to secure hands to work in the cot ton fields at this time, is perhaps the most remarkable ,ever,kD0wn. Not that there are no men,fVomen or children to work, but in their refusal to work, the price being no consideration, as big wages are or fered with cotton ome J;wentj?five dollars a Daie lower cnan iass year, Daily stories are told of white farmers who have to pick cotton themselves, a farmer giving his age at 6fr years being an instance another farmer telling of his wifdand the daughter going into the field to help, tho' nh.e had never done so before. It is not all colored hands who re fuse to work, white men and boys thiuk such labor beneath their dignity and will not accept farm labor that includes cotton picking. Jhe wonderfully-fine weather is responsible for both the largely in creased cotton yield in this sec tion, as well as giving extra weeks iu which to pick the crop. , With some seasons that have fieen known even with the abundant crop as it is this year it would have yielded almost nothing, with the present farm labor situation, for it would have been still in the fields and ruined by the storms. It is not hard to figure out that such a l&bor situation works in calculable section and community harm. Instead of the laboring class taking to the cotton fields; and making without special exr tion an average of one dollar a day, with board included, the cotton is left subject to storms and win ter damage, and instead of. a la boring class well provided with money for all winter needs there is an idle class, a class of non produ cers and of consumers that will like ly demand food, clothing and shelt er this winter at the expense of the tar payers or from an over indulgent charity giving people. 7 " DOVJW ITEMS. Oct ti WTt. Inn H. Outlaw at Chatham. Va., waa ' iavDv Bond ay MriaMog ralatiTea. ' , 1 Tha Chmtian Eodetvor Society rM dared a vy tateratt'ng .program Soa daytvaaiog, . - 1 lit. W, E. KeiUy waa here Sunda, Tiaitlnf 4 apwial f rieoi ' The Ladies'. fSh Society will Rie a SaJloweeo party at Mr, G. V. Richard- aon'i hall, Friday enihg Oct 27. fof the beaeflt of the Methodiat Churtsh and parsonage. Everyone ia cordially iavited. Mha Etu Noon, of New Bern waa hare Wednesday on bua nesa. ' , There waa a public debate be re Fri day evening Oct. 20, at the Dover High School Auaitoriun. Tne aubjest for de bate waa, "Rtaolved That North Caro lina Should Have a Compulsory School Law." The debaters wero affirmative. Muses Birdie Korneguy and Alma Richardson, Negative Mr. Zib Wilson and Miss Bertha Merritt. The judges rendered their decision in favor of the affirmative side. Mr. Moore of Kinston, an insurance agent was heie this morning. . Rev. L. T. RighUell filled his regular appointment at the Cbristi in Church Sunday. We think we have found the young est' grand mother in Craven county She is forty-eif ht years of age end has a grand daughter four years old. It is quite amusing to see the great grand mother, the grand mother, the mother living in the same house. Rev, M. W, Dargon filled hi s regular appointment at Lanes Chapel Sunday. Mrs. Claud Brown of Comfort spent Sunday visiting her father, Mr. L. H. Outlaw. There wpre six negroes taken up to Msyor's office Monday, charged with selling whi skey. They ere not able to give bond , and Chief Rouse carried them to New Bern jail on the afternoon train. The farmers around here are hurry ing to get their cotton picked before it rains, ; The regular prayer meeting service were held et the Methodist Church Thursday evening. Mr. Everett spent Saturday and Sun day at Seven Springs visiting friends. ,. . BLUE BELL. . Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Always see the Best. Is is at The Athens.. ' A woman in Braddock, N. IX, killed her six children and then herself. Old man Economy has arrived with a full line of the very best foreign and domestic woolens of the very latest de sign, for your fall and winter suits. Old man Economy will save you from three to seven dollars on suits, everything be equal. Second, he will makeHhe gar ment any style that is worn by the best dressed roan. Third will make stiff front or soft front coat that will bold its shape, and pants just as four say you want them. Fourth, w put in lining that will wear with the outside, and all work guaranteed to be up to the standard American tailoring. Thir ty odd years experience enable' one to know how to work every fabric that full value may be seen so coU. and get acquainted with him. Economy will tell you how to atari a bank ac count, and how to raise up a! family with less expense. He is stopping for the season at R. SAWYER. . Merchant Tailor, 61 South Front St, The British government has under gone a reconstruction. How i Thl? We offer One Hundred, Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that ciiniiot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO., Tole do, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe liira perfeatly honorable in nil biiHineflg transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. Wau)inc, Kinnan AUlirm, Wholesale DruggfcrU, Toledo! 0. HhII'h Catarrh Cure ia taken In tnrnully, anting direotly upon U)S blood and murena tnrfaaatf'Of the nytficm. Testimonials eat,,fra. Price 75c. per battle. ' Sdtftfr all Druggists. Take Ila.l's Family Pills tor aoa-stipation. KICKED BY A MAD HORSE. Samuel Birch, of Keetown, Wis., bad a most oorrow escape from losing his leg, as no doctor could heal the fright ful sore that developed, but t last Bocklen's Arnica Salve cured it com pletely. Ita the greatest healer of ul cers, burns, boils, eczema, scalds, cuts, corns, eold-Mores, bruises and piles on earth. Try it 25c. at all druggists. Dr. Ernest P, Masrod er, of Wash ington, was msrrisd as Ed In burg, Boot laad. , ... Willi! Quotion. "Pi." "Yes, Willie " "Pa bow Is It that my hnlr hnB grown longer than yours when yours bns grown longer tliau mine?" Hr Dar Friend. "Jack la blindly lu love with you." "How di you know?" "Ha told me he didn't think you looked a day over twenty nine." Tola do Blade. You are not experimenting on your self when you take Chamberlain 'aCough Remedy for a cold as that preparation bat won its great reputation and eaten- alveiale by Its remarkable cores of colds, and can always tm depended op- oo. It la equally valuable for adults and ehildreo and may be given le young ehlk)reo with implicit ooo6dence as It contains no harmful drag. Sold by all Ueaiera. Two mors cities have bevo taken by lbs OibMM rebels, ho now ' control 4 'Are You-Nervous?. Whxt tub yoa'twmi? It U ftt weakness of ybttf womAy;cocgtltuflofl,'wbfch unnot stand ft ilrald "of tha hard jrork' yent da As rtsult you break down, and ruin, your sotlrt mom sritea. Don't keep this vpl . Taks Cardut, tb womaVs tomjcf Cardul Is nude from purely vtftfablt Inxridltots. ; U acts ftfitir on the vvomarfy brtahs, And helps tbm.b Co their prgper work.- It htitvz pain and restore! Itif, U aitaral manner, by 'going to the aoorci of fca-trtutts aai buUdlnf up th bodily strength, c-S Ohl v in : Ptrii V c " iaxid Vienna 71 a Can Y ou Dublicate Frenchi Market Coffee In Franca and Aastrw where eoSee btendiag Is aa art yos are served wrth a rich, aroeiatlb Mend, aa soothlnrtat it efts be enjoyed at midnigbt; wonderfully Uflernt trow any other co(Ie. The secret of this rareblend-ntbe alfw roast, that drivea out all bitterness has been known in the old French Market pi New Orleans for over a century. I . Until the establishment It the French Market Mill the genuine could be had nowhere In Anterica but at the' French Market in New Orleans. But NOW yon all may serve It daily at your own table. For the old Freneh blend is perpetuated by The Same Uniquel Hygienic Roasting Process and French Market Coffee1 Is now delivered everywhere in hermetically-sealed tins. "There is only one real old French Market flavor" only one coffee With a history. Get It TronS Your Grocery-Today! Trench Market Coffee b l&eneW, Roasted sad Packed only by the FrencK Market Mills (New Orleans Coffee Corapaay Lid., Proprietors) New Orleans, La. WILD SILKWORMS. ACCEPTABLE mwrn. 8uperstitien About Cats. Iu the Monferrato It Is believed that all the cats who wander about upon the Voofs during the month of Febru ary are really witches, whom It la law ful and even necessary te shoot An old German superstition bss It that If a black est sits upon the bed -of a sick man It Is a presage' of his death. while If after his decease It la seen upon his grave it Is enough to arouse doubts as to the locality to which his soul has departed. In Hungary tt Is thought that cats generally become witches between the ages of seven and twelve years. A French belief con cerning the cat Is that if the animal be carried in a cart and the wind blow from It to the horses they Immediately fall tired. -If any part of the horse man's clothing be made of cat s skin the horse will feel as though It carried a double burden. THey Weave Tbeir Thread In SkslaV ineiae I neir nuoe neeta. , The worM J indebted to the CM- j nee (or the discovery of the virtues; t the silkworm. 'Its product wss on- j knows b Soass until the time of 3 a Una Caesar, and so costly was the ma- j tsrtal that even the Emperor Aureliaa : refused a dress of this lustrous fabric-' to bis empress. Nbw it Is nurtured la almost every country, and Its prod- j nets are within the reach of all. j Besides the several domesticated I species, there is a wild silkworm -U fouad In Central America which weaves a baglike structure two feet In depth that hangs from the treea. At a distance the nest resembles a huge matted cobweb. The Insect mkes no cocoon, but weaves the nllk ia layers and skeins around the In side of the nest From Tegucigalpa there were sent to England some years ago about six pounds of this silk. There it was made Into handkerchief not easily detected from common silk of equal strength and delicate texture. There is a curious silk producing spider in Central America, the arana de seda, which may be seen hurryiug along with a load of fine silk on Its back, from which trail numerous del icate filaments. Harper's Weekly. Not Full Grief. "Gladys Is very strict In hr Ideas about the appropriate touch In dress." "Is she?" "So much so that when her half sister died she would not wear any but half mourning." Baltimore Ameri can. To enjoy true happiness ia impos sible while those about us are unhappy." NEVER OUT OF WORK. The busiest little thiugs eVsr made are Or. King'a New Life Fills. Every pill is a augar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into - strength. languor into energy Constination. Head ache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Mararia. Only 25c at all druggists. Allison McDonal, charged with the murder of his wife at Newark N. J. 1 1 he believed his wife commit' ed sui cide. Sani-Tissue Toilet Paper. E. Whitehurst & Co. M. Miss Ida Conquest, actress, was mar ried to Ricoardo Bertelli in Boston. 4 Rheumatism Relieved in 6 Hours. DR. DETCHON'8 RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM usually relieve! sever. est cases in a few hours. Its action upon the system is remarkable and ef fective. It removes the cause and the disease quickly disappears. First dose benefits. 75c and $1.00. Sold by Brad- bsm Drug Co. FOR INDIGESTION. Bad Dreams, Nervousness, Bilious ness, and all Stomach Misery. Go to Bradham Drug Co, today don't procrastinate get a fifty cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets end get rid of all that annoying gas, sourness, heart burn, bloating and heaviness, they guar antee them. There wouldn't be so msnv deaths from acute indigestion if sufferers would constantly carry' a few MI-O-NA tab lets with them. Read this from a man 64 years old and then decide Whether you prefer to suffer longer or not "I am on my second box of MI-O-NA. I received relief after taking twodoses. I feel like a different man. I am 64 years old and MI-UN A is the best thing I ever used for stomach trouble " J. M. Burger, R. F. D, No. 3, Box 68, Woostsr, Ohio. Fifty cents for a large box of stomach tablets at Bradham Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. The b'dy of Avis Linnell. slkgrd poison victim of Rev, a V. T. Riche- son, of Boston, will be exhuard. i The Bluff PHyeleien. . The Doctor Ton would have an at tack of brain fever but for oni thing. Impatient Pattent-And Wbaff tbatt The Doctor The fact thai natrjssmads yoa an Immune, from .that particular variety of fever. Baltimore Amsrloao. Wealth la social In Ita origin and should be osod for social parsosiavi Oomta. Tbe beat plaster, A piece nf flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on over tbe affected parts Is saperior to a planter and costs only one tooth aa much, ; For sale by all Ooaleta, livov .YomsteTonic wl - 1 . .' .-MiVGrics) Fort. 4 d J-lan, WV V, took Cardut Tiff, If wfcsi s uyt tfx& h: I was so weak and nor rout, I Could tdt tm to km anyona near me. I had U'--n tpns, tni 1 fcst : l iTcry Tit first do'.s df Cirdul krlprd fsa. Vr, I im fr.tlre! urcd it t'ic falntlrj k'.' i-J I t:t ry f--;-;h for Cm!;;!,' for I know it tvr 1 r-f V'" !! ft !' i ! ! t r.!c f t wr p i - - r v r f ; - ' ' - Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Two persons wero killed and two wounded ia the recent race riots at Coweta, Okie. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A Dr. Frederick A. Cook was jeered upon the streets of Copenhagen. Biliousness is due to a disordered con dition of the stomach. Chamberlain's Tablets are essentially a stomach med tcine, intended especially to act on that organ; to clean it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and erxectually. f or Bale by all Dealers. T BUSINESS COLLEGE Now Established in New Bern New Bern now has a modern, high-grade business college where the young people of this eection can acquire a thorough business training 'Tight at their own door." Approximately FIFTY young men and women have already enrolled for Jhe day and night sessions, and it i ex pected that this number will Boon be doubled. Those who arn employed during the day. can attend the night school (Mon. Wed , and Krv.) and receive the same advantages as do our dsy students. Instruction is individual, no embarrassment whatever t students whose educational advantages have been limited. BRANCHES TAUGHT: bookkeeping, Mathemetirs, Penmanship. Rapid Calculation, Cnm mTci il Law, (irammar. Shorthand, Typewriting, Spelling, Telegranl.y. Begin NOW, snd get the full benefit of the Fall and Winter Term. Call, Phone or Write for Catalogue and particulars. SOUTHERN SHORTHAND & BUSINESS UNIVERSITY J. M. RKSSLER, Prest. Phone 110. 99 Middle St. u Dr. Anna H. Shaw was re-elected president of the National Woman Suf-! frage Association. Wrights Silver Cream. Whitehurst & Co. M E Curloua Way of Catching Fish. Indians of Bolivia have a peenliai method of going . Ilshlnj;. A writer ii the Geographical Journal says: "They use the milk of the 'mamma' or 'soli man' tree, the Hi ieutifle name of wlilrli Is, I think, Hum crepitans, of the euphorbia genus, for catching Osh. 1 went with some of the Indiana to n lsgoon lu the forest. Here, flouting on the surface of the water, perfectly sllve snd yet absolutely tumble to get iwn. were fish of all hlndn. big anil small, from which they selected the most palatable for food. The milk is merely poured Into (he water, nnd :i -It spreads every flsli whh-li chiihm In contact with It becomes paralyzed and yet Is not affected as foid Moreover the effect appears to last for several days Without killing the tlsh. The milk Is slso used as a cure for toothache, ns a cauHtie aud for the purpose of sul clde, for which a tension ful Ii em ployed. Ah u poison they say the re suits are pnlnful." K1ES ASK YOUR GROCER J. A. MEADOWS HE AUI0HTIC BALL-BEARING HIE IS FOOL PROOF AND EVERLASTING Don't trifle with a cold is good advice for prudent men and women. It may lie vital in case of a child. There is nothing better than Chamberlain's (ugh Ken -edy for cooghs snt eold in children. It ii safe and sure. For sale by sll 0. al-ers. will o:mc the liiir ilen on h ir-te more than any axle ev er oll'ered, if you are using two horses gel a Velli ele eipllpH'il wit h I hi:, axle and you can sell one and sav.' the Axle that ran he se.il to without any trains heme. fei-.:ing. And is the first and only Hall Itenring anyoi e anywhere, and lie a success every time i iit along to adjust it G. S. WATERS t, SONS. EHUD ST. NEW BERN, N. C. Edward Hinrs denied that he had aid ed In electing Senator Sluptlellauii, of Wisconsin. erne Verts I aiiss. ' f , Without two, a pJt out may tola many loaccamlea id tbe ass of words ta bis owa spwra and 14 that pf others. perbapa "wV fojr Tr dou" ia the most common of these, aot e consider mere matanrorisnw or tobrdera of tho king's English, j "Ani lottV oosd bort -osgsr la wt t anotaar freqbsat error, and aipr of ten "secure". Is spok.cn Itworrerr thso cormrtlf. OrdlusrU when -vtscurs-or "jsC Is lulended Recurs, ft esld. Toes hut f nrm ia not corns wWhln a the c"tgory of, dltort1 sjn ooja. Tby are simply wmfs tnla appHl Of frsctlf-sUr srv.ortDone Irrm whk b bare dlffermt itido of msaftlng tbe mUnsse of otillnsry eon emstwin snd ef writing ar Inns mrill9. Hut to find folt wi'h nvl of ttr -lsttr wants ot j tWuii mrA h uru-rlnh. It III T' ntsbl antl m u to stun t t'.mee s boot of sinoiijrms sr a th'ini. I s book stot snd HWrsrlos will bs ftsil -otdM. to guide the t eiany tKv.s f Tr1 ptidt !.- i.nS ll'J Fiat. MORE THAN ENOUGH IS TOO MUCH. To main tola health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to re- ir too waste ana supply onergyana dr best. . The aabttoal eoasumntioa of more food than base sea ary for those pornosaa la too print cause of stomach troubles, raeomatism ,an4 ataordsrs or tbekWneys. ir troublod With indiges tion, rev we yoar dlst, let reason sod not appetite aoatrol , sod take a few doses of Cbamberlata'a 8tomac)i aad Urer TablsU sod too will aoea bo all right at f or.aak by all ocalora. . .;,r-JU tllsnt Meoa. ,'. Dead silence rtlgna oa too aooril A thousand canooa might bo Brsd sb4 a thousand drums boats apoa that alrtoas world, bat ao touod could oa frooa tbsuL . Lips night qurrsr aad toDguos assay to apeak, bat J)0 sctloo of theirs could break the attar sUeaeo of tho lunsjt Not 8 minutes wait between the pictures, at The Athens. pWOMEN V Vttan V.di llttt fry, ran t geptHsf (Jacaliof is J rcPucsust, wicfi asl pipmX fcrct t tlctr f ri!; (!. w: t"i c-n'.'rl f. 'if . t . tfcerr-::t Wr;' t J I r. 1 rrr: itfC !Ut:tT t -Jt'- r DrW Stars. Scattered throutb pne urn Innu merable stsrs tbst give forth very lit tie light or bpst. Either they were Borer at any period of their history bright and glowing like tbe myriad atara that make tbe midnight sky so beautiful or In tbs coarse of countless ages tho best they once poMsed hns radiated away from them into tho depth of space, and now tbey sre, as their name describes Ibem, "dsrk tin. Physicians Advise the u of a f, Vx!bxatiV1'. to brry t!ie I ou Is oji'n nnd prevent the polsns ( u,, lii;..tJ food from d' Ininto ""' svm-iii. The latest projuct 1 ' f-icnte r- 1 1 ( i I ax.itue l.lvcr Syrup, purely vexH il I. , r. i l, rellahle and of a pie st. oii.imIi. Isle. eho acts on the liver, as v fit a. ..n Um slomacii and UiwrK, ""d ls"' 'he e:e.ih-st possible efficacy In constipation, liiJistwn, biliousness, siJ hesdas-'i feverislmcvs, a Ik.fUtulefKe, etc. Try M l S 4 i '.40. LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP ICE . Made from pure distilled filtered water. NB WDBRI ICE CO. 19 21 3.1 Griffith 8b. I'honc '. 3 B RICK J Lama back Is one of tho most com- moo forme of otoxtalsr rheumatism A few appllratioas of Cbsmborialo's Lio- Iment will glso relisf. roraalo by sU r " :- It U ssld that tho Oesh of both tho baft ' in tbs ' wbilo wblrh - latter. aowerec caaoot, of roorso, bo proper ty class! n4 as Pibi are largely art Usad la aottaera Europe for tat rrea araUoa of a fish attract that rroess- tracts of beef, being t tho asmo MmoJOaiS, Hairy- VCtCh, Kap?, isr rprapw. m atuj paTor rune Instsd by thvmlrat rocss;a. an4 Ik extract Is tslnsblo for tbs fntiodsrloi cf soups sod la, ioneral tookstyl Whsls meet ia fery nutritious, but Us STrooiYS amount of fst reader tt n pstatsble t most person fa Ihls fat la rmod liefors lbs n tract Is bolM wo to sirup conlw e and smI t l la Jars. Ia many ef lbs th fscto riffs cf Norway a "ft asr,ts twl tbt Is SsteO stt'nstrly ty tbe 04- tionS cf northcm rump. Iw h rr r c-tel wj f!-h M' h wra formfr-- r ' ! as I f tu.-t f .-r f1 Hyde Co. R. P. Oan, Bu.t Crimson Clover, AJfalfa, Hay, Oats, Com Corn fial. Cot ton Seed Meal jflullsC Rran, Shipcfuff; J3eet Pu)p, t Dairy HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial 1 Paints, Oils Varnishes American Field Fence Es JV.; SUALLWODD. T7 Molasses Tied pistittersj ...fkr.i' f CrairJhiphcst In Protein! of fci s VJW r any stock feed on the iriark et " ' IN3TITUTC fr Snrs sr

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