yjpi. Tor Infatrtsand Children; i pnP thoKinifliYou Have 111 Skg - Always Bought i i-AveeaentDanfioofirls -a a, is ar ! O" fti similarly ttrfbodamfftAte ling t) Sroraadis andfiowistf Promotes DieestionXleafit ness undRra(ontainsiKibri Opium-Morphine norNuetay NOT NARCOTIC. AcyeafOhlDcSmiimwA Invito W" JUSma AnxSttd hmtaminl- . Gorfitd Sugar mufttuflimr. Aperfecl Remedy forConsflpt-i t ion , Sour Storaach-Dlarrtwi WorrasfoiTvulstons.rcwristt ntssanilLossOFMEEP- FacS'uuk Signature of (MS NEW YORK. Bears Signature rttll. iiiibB I Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years tm eumwn NimlH, aunt- yokii eirv. Itt litre reaeVed.ie Martojth , . . . .f Place Imt. '' . Dresden China began its reign It the tftt of Lelpalg. 172V wbera t was of fered for public sale for the fiat tine. It has had three period-King's. Mae toUne and modern. - - -.- The factory marks traced on the bot tom of each piece. vary according yp the perloattia oldest iiYinrsj Dews; the monogram A. R. and the wandof Aeacolapios. The familiar crossed swords, with the dot or circle between the handles, were first used ittV.172 and the star took the place of tbsvdori- in the Marcoltne period. The modern mark is the simple crossed swords, sometimes accompanied by letters and J numbers. .. , -, Although the methods of work are still Jealously guarded in all factories, the essentials are an open secret, and the following rough outline may satis fy the lastly curious: The Ingredients of. porcelain are kaolin feldspar, sand and selenlte. These are -jrropnA flue and mixed in lime water. The paste, is then molded into forms and fired In an oven of moderate heat. When tak en out It Is In an opaque state and fs then dipped in the glaze, which is feld spar ground fine, with a little alkali. It is now subjected to a firing of great heat, which results In the beautiful polished surface so familiar the world over. This second firing is attended with risk, for if the piece is allowed to re main beyond the exact projier moment the whole melts together und is ruined. , "A fine piece of cloth my boy! I never saw you wear a better looking suit" v , "Yet, I am pleased with it I bad it madeTLy a good merchant tailor. . The cloth is one of the " figamateed fabrics Every 'man u proud of a Sbackamaion iauit. We have a full line oi these dutincuve fabrics, and be meMUied lot me ol them today. F. M. CHAD WICK M KUril A NT TAILOR 10:1 litldle Ht. New P. N J. TARRYMORE HOTEL SWANSBOKO, x. v. All modem coin rnicnoi's for bath- iilt and nif li I HOAT I.KAVKS 8 a. m. Lv. Swanalioni Ar fi 30 p 11:30 a. m-.Ar M. City I .v. 2.00 p. - '' f'!: SOUTHERNRAILWAY DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOOTUAST. WEST. Very Low Round Trip Bates to all Principal Resorts. - Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05pm, arrives Atlanta 6:35 . . . . . d m. making close connection ior ana arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a m, Mobile 4:12 p m. New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kanaas City 11:20 a m, eecond day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection at Srlis bnry for St. Louis and other Western points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 60 p m, arrives Washing on 83 am, Baltimore 10:02a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon. New York 2:31 p m. This car makes close connection at .Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida 1 points. ! Through Prlor Car for ABheville leaves (ioldsboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 8:35 a in, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following dty after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all points North and Noith-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection at jrei'naboro for all points North, South, East and West This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving (ioldsboro at 10:45 p m. If you desire any Information, please call. We are here to furnish informa tion as well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY. J. O. JONES, G. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, D. a Raleigh, N. C. The Light Was There. A well known New York clubman was found by a police offii er very late one night In a pitiable state of intoxi cation. The wretched fellow stood be neath a lamppost, which he was kick ing with might and main. Slightly amused, the policeman watched him a moment. Then be said: "Here, sir, what are you doing there?" No reply. Only bang, bang, bang the tipsy one dealt the lamppost three more kicks. 'What are you doing?" repeated the policemau. ; The man delivered another quick volley of very furious kicks, and then, looking up, he said: "Oh, I know she's In all right, 'cause there'sh blc a light- upstairs." Shearer1 In Installments. Sheep are put to double use In ths northern part of India, .In 'llio,AiUui.l layas. They are driven from niarkcl, to market Vlth the wool still growing, and In each village the owner shears as much wool as he can sell there ami loads the sheared sheep with the grain he receives in exchange. After his flock has been sheared he turns il homeward, each animal carrying bag of grain. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A negro killed two white men and negro at Northport, Ala," ',7!r '' The, Handy Heater lERFECTlO You often need some heat in early Fall, when you have not yet started the furnace. In whatever part of the house you want it, you can get it best and quickest with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. The Perfection is the most reliable heater on the market, and you can move it wherever you please. Sun it in bedroom or batfuoooC and yon drcu in comfort oa the coldeit morning. Take it to the dining-room, and early breakiait become, a pleaunt, coaey meaL A touch ol a match at dink, and ajl i anug ior the evening. The Perlectioa 'Sraokelen tDil Heater it beautifully finithad an ornament anywhere. Drama oi plain iteel or enamelled m blue ; nickel trimminga. A ipecial automatic device makea amoking impouible. Burner body cannot become wedged. Alt part, eaaily cleaned. Damper top. Cool handle, Daalen awrwjMni or wriu far docriptiva circular lo anr aancr of daa Standard Oil ComDanv iy l (IneorporatW) fa"'. -' ..i - ' Legal Notices MORTGAGE SALE OP tiMb. Brvlrtaeaf aewar of aaia inaSat t a tm eertafai eacrtcx oeada " nt t fha aarlM eta-aad by J..T. Harria, e of wUek daaaltbe Sri ear of March. 1910 and ratordai la aoek of deedaNo.174.pajMa8S.iii toe cAea af&aKes atar of deeda of Crtm coajtr and the ocft r dated Slat, day of Jaaoary. VU. ai leeatilad ta book of deeda namber U4. pae0. te Um afftae of the Roister of Daeda of Oravas coantr, (lxas-deraia-aed will on the 27th. day of Nanak ir 1N1 attfaaenutnooMdoor ni Cravoa eaaaO at It o'clock of aaid day. aell to the hiaiieat bidoWr fee cash the following described lot of bmd; That certain lot of land in that part of the City of New Bern. N. C. commonly known aa PaTietowa, and bein lot number eerenty (70) according to the phut of aaid Pavietown. and be rot: an the weet aide of Blootnn-U atreat in aaid Parietown a p!ot of -vhich ia recorded io book 106, paa-a 886. io the office of the Reguter of Deeda of Cra veountjr and being fully described in certain contract between i. L. Hahn and the aaid J. T. Harria. which contract ia recorded ia book num ber 179. page 471. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county. This aale ia made aub jsct to a prior lien to 1. L. Hahn for the balance of the purchase money duo from the aaid J. T. Harria to the said 1. L. Hahn for the purchase of the aaid land. T. P. AS1FORD. Mortgagee. October 2 Ih. 1911. - : MMMMttM V DDnrrccmirii niono i t IRUUUOlUilftL UflAUO i a4e4a4a44,,a),a)t f. M. SiMavma, A. n. Ward. SIMMONS AND WARD AfTOBNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW OW BI&H, I. (3, Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties- of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever-aervicea are desired. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. Queer Newspaper Names. The Italians are naturally an 1magl- uative race, and the titles which they give to their newspapers,' especially In the provinces, fully confirm the fact. Here are some Instances of the curios ities: At Aqul, In Piedmont, Ihere Is II Bolloute (the boiling one); at Gerace. the! (Dlreus of Nero; at Messina, the Lightning; nt Lucca, the-Second Light ning; at Monhen elll, the Inflexible; at jCnranin. the New Mai-iouettes. Humorous publications rejoice In even stranger titles. .We nave tne fontropelo (shave against the grain) at'rNitrtles, ' the Two. of Spadoa at Tnrtn,- the Slap- In. the Face at Bo logna, the Pif Paf n(i.,:Paleriuo, the Brush nt-CHtttutixuMta-nd the Mos- rinlto nt Savigjutuo 41 IR IN DELAY. IflLkTHECOUGH AttoCUKETHsLUKGS CuUDiSCOUEflY OLDS jrmwmtwn AM AUTRSOAT ANO LUNG TROUBUS SUAItANTD SATISFACTORY MIDNIGHT IN THE OZARKS . aod yet sleepless Hiram Scrsn'on, of Cay City, ill,, coughed aod coughed He was in the mountains on the advice of five doctors, who said re had con sumption, but fcunl no help in the cli mate, and started home. Hearing of Dr. Kin('s New Discovery, I began to use it. "I believe it savel my life," he writes "for it made a n w man of me, so that I can now d i good work again." For all lunar diseases, couehB, cold-i, lagT ppe, asthma, croup, whooo ing cough, hay fever, hemorrhages, hoarsenrss or quinsy, K'a the beit known remedy. Price 60c and $1.UD, Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all Druggist!. John R. Walsh died in Chicago, nine days after bia release on parole from i he Federal penitentiary at Leaven worth, Kan. Concrete Work! Am prepared to do ail kind of work b OTrcrrU. Walks, HUt, Fencing, . BaaMau, etc Only high-grade work otkited. e. e. harper NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Scbedutt Efltctlvi Sipl. 24. 1911 Tne following achedule nguret pab Uihed aa mformttloa ONLY and art not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND I Very Serious . . el Is f rf afrioua anattef to ak lor on aaadicine) aM nam ike) wrong one gfveft f o, Vtm Ua fwiw fr'nr rw to Wirwaf to LACil-D!7.U'5!lT Toe rittWe of rhW nit, re 71a. t to rx1itin, tctt-l'-t-Wi m. trw ii yt Jire trfnl.?, firm ' v'l. Ilr1noer"llm-,a'o r r It ia t f I1 n r 12 JO a m, Daily-Night Evprea Vull- ' man Sleeping Or for Norfolk, 0 JO m, Daily for Norfolk, ttnnaett for ail poinU Nerth aod West, , PHof ear aervlce be twee a Waab- In&Ooo and Norfolk. M 9 m, Dall oeept ' Sunday, for Waahmirtoa). Blhavn, -Greenville - WlkMia nri RsMgn.. Parlor ear , between Washington and Ralelgl. 430 V Dally-Nifbi. Eiprtaa , for Goidaboro.-' ; .... 135 to, IeUtf for Go Id bom.- ParW . ar emc. -; ' j t M f , Pail fat CokUboTo. Origin of the .Four Poster. In medieval times, when life was rery Inscr-ure, It was usual for peoplu to sleep on a bed wlih h was surround kiI by sides of boards with strong isixta at the four corners. These sides untHtned sliding doors, which could ie fastened Inside. Wbun men retired vo rest t hey took a -weapon with them. If attacked In the night they were aroused by the noise made by the rashlng lu of their wooden defense uud were able to defend themselves. SVheu tho law became strong enohgh to protect human lire tne sides or. toe Utdstead were gradually dlspeuscd ltb but the four posts remained J The boallkt bedstead mil survives in Kidney Diseases Arc Too Dan gci;ons For New lteru People - to Neglect. The great danger of kidney troubles is that they' get a firm Iwld before the sufTe'er recognizes them. Health is gradually ui d -rmir.ed. Backache, Jbead dche, neryouanjjst-larnen'e38, soieness. lumbago, urinary trouble and dropsy, follow in meti eta succession. Don't deflect your kidneys. Cure the kidneys with the Safe remedy, Doan'a Kidney Pills, which has cured people right here in this locality. Jamc Thompson, 808 Chestnut St , Kinston, N, C, say : "The public statement I give in January 1908, rec ommending' Dian'a Kidney Pills still holds good. I had eevere pains across my loins and my back sched ell tie time. My kidieya were weak and 1 was obliged to pass their secretions every little whi e, Djan's Kidney Pills weie so highly recommended lo me that I got a supply and used them as di rected. They strengthened my back and kidneys and removed all symptorcs of kidney compl tint from, my system. The benefit I received ha been perma nent and I nw hv nri need of a kid ney rredicine whatever." . rr sia bi alt dealer. Prloa bk oaoto Fbtr Mllburn Oo., Buffalo Sow York, sol ageata for tt Ualtoi dtataa. Romember too as roe Doaa' ako ao other. COURT JjAUNDAR. JONES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT FALL TERM 1911, MONDAY, OCT. 30. A'l Criminal Cases. TUESDAY. Oct, 31, 1911. I E E Eubanks vs Beet on & Heath. 7 Burney vs Foy. II Meadows vs Perry. 14 Reynolds vs Kinsey. 16 Bell vs Brinkley. 18 Kelley vs Johnson. 19 Lee vs C'aft & Turner. 22 lsl-jr vs Lumber Co. 23 Wimsatt & Lumber Co. vs S D White et als. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 1, 1911. 25 J H Simmons vs H A Brown. 27 Eubanks vs Collins. 28 Munger vs Green. 30 SykeB vs J nes. 31 Collins vs Foy. 32 Hargctt vs G W Taylor, et a I. THURSDAY7 Nov. 2, 1911. 33 Bell vs Haddock. 34 Harrison vs R R. Co, 35 Nelson vs Shaw. 36 Duval vs R R Co. 37 Duval vs R R Co. FRIDAY, Nov. 3, 1911. 38 Collins vs Brown. 39 Dixon Bros vs J A Banks, 40 Jenkins vs Waters. 41 Munger & Bennett vs Rhodes 42 Maysville Supply Co. vs S S Wa ters et al. 41 T A Bell vs A C L R R Co. DIVORCE. 5 J B Taylor vs Dora Taylor. By virtue of the power of aale contained In a certain mortKa6 deed executed 80th, day of November. 19U7. by Robert Smith and Lucy Smith, his wife to T. B. Jackeon, and realatered in the office of the Beif later of Deeds of Craven county, N. C,. in book 168, case 36. default having- been mnde in the payment of the bonds se cured by Baid murtg-are deed, and the aaid bbnda. tog-ether with the property conveyed by aaid martsage deed and the righta. power and priviles ea thereby conferred, having- bean duty assigned and transferred to the undersigned, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday. KjUi, day of November. 1911. at the Craven cour.ty court house door, in the city of New Hern, all that certain Piece of tract of land, lying and being in Craven eoun ty. State aforesaid in No One TiWTiiUttB: and dee.ribed and de.ined aa fol'owa, tttfcitt Begin ning at a pine tree on the Hill WUIfasn Ijne on bank of Poly II ranch, and thenoia oq S KM (S. 77 iaw PPfllljiaujaione half yards (e 1-2 yds,) to a wa(oatrverfj)enca on a line (N 81 Deg. W) fourtoen (11 poles and nine (9) yurda to a gum tree; sheaciaaV line following the fence (N 43 deg. W) ifo4r (4) polea and aeven and half (7 1-2) yards, thence follow ing mhj itiiie on ime ipi, is pegj., w SIX lee D 161 poles, thence following Ihj faruw flnii line IN 84 Deg. 30 min. W twenty-four 4?polea and nine LSJ yards to a gate post on Oodley1 road. thence on a line following the Dudley Twfd N 40 Peg. E nut 6 polea and nine f yards. thence on a line on aaid rod IN. it dad. -afrnin E six 6 poles and nine9l yarda thanes follow ing aaid road on a line N. 26 deg, E, twenty 20 poles to the Heath road, thence down aa(d Heath road IS, 30 deg. 30 min. E.J Bixteen U poles to Poly branch, thence following the various eouraea of Poly branch to place of beginning, containing twenty 1 20 1 acres more or leaa; also another par cel of land defined, to-wit: beginning at a light- wood at ump on Heath road, thence a straight line to a red oak, the -ce up a ditch to a chop pine aide thoroughfare, thenca down the Heath road to the beginning comer, ceotainilia; four l4l acrea. This 14th. day of October. 1911. J, W. B1DDLE, Asaignee of Mortgage. R.A. NUNN, Attorney. 08. II. M DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. Caton, New Bern, N. C. U. A R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties ofTCraven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones ami Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Office No. 60 Cravsn Street. TsUphon No. 97 New Barn, N. C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Lake Drummond Canal & Water Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth Always. Quick Transit for Traffic. Prompt Towing and Freight Movement. For tolls, towing and freight rates apply at office in Seaboard Bank Build; ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Va. M. K. King, Pres. J. A. Mitten, Sec J. B. Baxter, Supt. J. T. Whitehurst, Traffic Manager. Norfolk Office Bell Phone 621. All other cases subject to motions, all parties and witnesses concerned will attnd court on day case is set for trial as above stated, without further notice J. B. COLLINS, Clerk Superior Court Jones Co. Thia 11th Oct 1911. (W There are changes in the above from the Jones county calendar that has been published. Those Interested please note.) Mgr. T. J. Capel. once private cham berlain lo the Pope, died in Sacramen to, Cal. Having qualified aa executor of John B. Hol land, deceased, all peraooa holding elatma against the estate of snld decedent are hereby notified to present the snme, duly verified, to the. sader igned. on or before the ZSth, day of September 1912, or thib notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. j . All persona indebted to aaid aetata wttl .please make Immediate payment. Thia 26th. day of September 1911. DAVID W. HOLLAND. Executor. R. O HAHA, Attorney. MORTGAGE SALE. Govern ir .Wilson, of New Jersey, at tacked the Republican mac hi net id a speech at, Patersoo. N. ft t : i 1 1 ' i ' - - . 'SAVED IMS MOTHER'S LIFE. CASTORIA For lafuta ana Children, Thj Kind Yoa Hare Alwajj Boogtit Basra the Blgnatva of the rural parts or Scotland 'and la al- . t I. . . ,k AAM,nV muni uwuuiirr usere . im, rajim i, e-j- j' '.Iflia JOea la ' vfil rr'. floor, and imperf ceiling fVjitJ eviu um ',,lrtnds ere. look 102 ior ma -io oia, bedsteads In the old inanitions aa form' WB my i0n natte4 that, 1 tint Elec ta; a "little clowef Mr. LockwooJ, Luie Bitters. ; 1 Aid Bdl"and 'ttty hsve ' Nmrmen vera k Dle-d by a cava-in In mine near UanUburg, III. 4 j ' " r t.: . BOUND -r;. lift a a.'D!'? ft Baa fort, T' i 3S p W !V BeatjtWfc f rarlor t.-f. eat aarVa,'r , - ,',- JA a m, Dsilf tept fiohds far I 45 p tn. Daily for 6rirntaL , For fur'rer itirinmaUi.n r,frr"TytVnr, 1 P f':"i '-Z Vr-r a; who bod. to sleep in It, aaya, "falM bark the panel sWos, goi In wtfh my llgbt, pulled tttem together aealn ku& felt aacara." -,,'' ' r- v ' i ii i f .. . . . t'-- fte Lagged ftvaeHluauev. : V rutsneld, lo the Derksblrf Qls, bod Ja the old day a, Irkt many another New Knitlaod town, a numb of nwra aad women who were called 'characters-" One of thcae wss tl Uni'M msaUDforrunatfly addlefod td,drlnk and fraquaaU, Intoxicated for daja at a am,..' .r""- ' r' J' , Oo.. one occasion bt want Into lb Ibov Of tb local sstUT,. Mr. tbiltb, and asked for aba best txrsr' lo tbe Storm.- Mr Bmlth trrodufed the desired artefla. asylnf aa b took the tBon-j, nat Aevater, winjart a man a Ijfa uo.-:,.-i-' . :.-: , ' Dill' want prondlf do lb.0ln trel with Ma fine b"r on ll hcd add lnunell8H;l Celebrtd be avani Wlta d pfotArtpd drlmy h. " ', " , .- Wben t) fpcotorcd h r him"d 19 tba ahop Wltb a met drrputaliU lt ..Tkili hr-ra. I lli.iilslit Ji'tt a.ilj tl.la fceTe UTnr atmild lst rno a lifetime " -B9 It would." artiwM tr. PMitih nf yon bed tllH wu-u ia oiifil.t t.J x-tonth'a Cxv: ' t-n. done ma a world of food, J will always praiae tnrm.". Electric Bittera ia a prlcalasa blesslotf to . womea troabWd withfalnlinr and diaj.-ipJla,-'baek-acbv'4 Basdaeha. weaknea, deLlllty, constipation or Judnaj illaordera. , Usa hern an1 Kaln new oa'tn, auangtb and f ijior. ? inn'ra rwsrsniaea io a isfy or monav raftisdcd.l Only 60 eta. at i uroMw-.. . - ? t Balrrmora wssseleled st tn mee)tlog nlaceottbe Amnicanffl on Congraja .. Oauglas Jerrold In Soheal. . pooglaa Jerrold wrote "Btark Kyad 8an" .when be was twenty-ana and contributed to Punch the mmensaly popular "Caudle LactureH not ton afterward. ' Bat. at nlna years of as younf Jerrold bad been scarcely able to read, and It waa not natU ba .was apprenticed to a vrlnter. afler aefrln for noma time is a midshlpmaa at aea, that be showed etlber dealr or capsc Uy forUiIallectrig Improvement. - ' - j'j.'M' '-. ' t. . JSecraUry of AftfrUnttdit WUkd d blra that ha will rat ga 1 time ao By virtue of power of aale contained In i certain murtnuge deed execatea bv ). C, Kenion and Mary Kenion to N, H. CoHtnaj dated 8-10-10 ami m-orded in offlte ut Raciektr of Deeda of Jones county In book 67 paces. I will aall for raah Oi the highaat balder at the Snort aouae door Jones county on the Oth, day of Nov lil. At 12 o'clock m. the followUur tract er par es, of land uel her with all buiMMsai there lying and hemg in Jooee county, M. C kaavhi's Oak Township and described aafoUowe. t fet la Us town of Maysville beinar lot Me. awlaasas at a stake oti Unrris alUy nana -wlUa Mm lb alley wee UO feet to a stake lemee aorth at a4e a ataka thenc. East lie feet to a stake ea atasa At. Usmios south with Msia street U feet to a stake at the beainalna eonUinUta eos tot 10 ay US feet N. B. UOLXJNa. SOUTHERN RAILWAY 9 1 . SOUTssKltS BAU-IYAI 8CUEDULKI M. B. Tbeae Bgures are ouhllsho.t lor Information and KT Dt cuaraa-- tl Leave Ooldsboro, N. C, 4 a. BSL, Uurjogh tralu with chair car to Asbevllle, connoctlng at Baat Durhum, for Oxford, Hen daraoa, Keysvllle and Rlckmont at Dalveralty for Chapel Hill; at Greensboro for Charlotte and ail pvJali aoaLb, also lor Dai. rflla, Lynchburg, Cbarlottesvllla Washington, ao all Dalato il 1 I'UI.JlI'JL . Jt'J , Ha woenaa U stronl end keatthy U a woaaanty waft aaotW i ' T ! 1 artiocad trUHHH) to ber'Tivt lit,lU trtleriirl la rmi We) laae) la tke a thai thai asenf Wceneo t'lfls I rota wwkaaae end ; disease ol the distinctly (etnuune orteauasa sad are waviltad for snothartiaod. I bit oesi be rerhsd.sd. Cr. rierccs Favcrlfc Prcscrlpllca.Ci Ci.re the sveatiAeasee afid disorders el wmors 5 ( arff direetlr rn tl deUosta aad Important; , - f" trene cooeertl&d lt tn"l iter bunrl, aweJiiii lhat f . m liaahhr, eron4, viioreua, vir'le and eleerla. - , , f -r-le TiPf'ecrtiittovi" tieni-r.ea ilia iri'Ilii-oailincts ol tr ! .i i nt pt i-f ' ..' f and n ft k es Il V V a I vent ret y and ' r-'i I" fj'-i.t- -v T I 7r t' a I " intna r i a I i I I I . . . ' Ob II Y.rm SALE Of LOTS IN GHENT. By virtue oi the power of aakaieW'assrtaaets made by parties hwatasJtar aallaoa all Is atapeacer and the aneVeraa 'tate ala assaaea. we wlU aaU ta tea kashaal kkUaf (ar east at Ota eeart kiase aoor Id Haw Wav ee easast. Kortk Qareauva. elTeeMarehe list. Oay 0( Oetobea Itdl at It 'lek H tk eMtevieeT amatsiss KM as sanabarad a fthavtaa at tlMaat. dsry rciaarsd la aha sAee e the a nam as Deeds at Cram Covtf ta book IM pare 111, trtbak Bail Ma arwgDtaaia aa He. Tsakl Cravwa Ooeaty, N wik OasaHaa. trtaf betwesa reaskrosw Rasa. Treat Rosa as4 Be4 airta,ta Ml - lv r. -." ' ' Wettt kess Aseawa. aa4e sealraat wkfc J. stasdta,- - - -Na. JU Vkm ivwaaa, ee Hawaii wtti T. W. Beteeev' Has. tn ai BM sUMen araaoa, Weie eaatrart hb f. W.Bawae. H'- - f ' ' M Rt Waaawaastaeai tsMMl tytt . aiaaiavr U - ,-' He, OX gaaai dvaaws, easVes- aaaajaa,wsl t. Oaatet,' , -.;.-. 0 Me Its Ipaseie Area as. aaaw eawtnaa bub Kt. Wnliwiaarlii w , .. IHUUMMtstatai Avwtaa, aaAar Vav vxewtwlt. a, A. Daama. , ,.. ,( . ti T Ka. S7 aaaaesf AveaMa. aaW Warsl A, aWWOlav '.. - f v.' .-. - Net aaieer Avaaae. aaaa eswtrsei ttk iuwohv',;; j i .- v Mea, n Sal ia aWase 'Aae. aaaaf soa, weet wiui atanas, iswnaaa, Ka, eot Kpaaaat Arajwa, aoter sewwwst H CAM. bank a, . -'.v. r Jtm til tmi lit Bpeaear' Aveere. M (an. rati wua M atitist.i, ; ' . '. 'y , ' Na rm 8 r-'r Anaaa, SaeW eerra wHb T 0. WMtekeret, ' . - fee. lit ant til SinaeeV AVenea, . ,. bewt wllk t-aol IMiiUshsn,- . ' Ti. Kli; si S pi-- Wt A ri. V 1. t Ka lit Leaves Uoldaboro, 1.04 j. sa. for Qreensboro. hamllet tbrousu PallstUtn Balalgh. to Atlanta, ooa (aetta aA Oreensboro for all fafnas aortb, aontb aad waai. NO. Ill -Leaves Goldsboro 10.46 p m for Oraaasboro, taanules pullmaa BalaUb , to Oraaasboro, eoa aaota at Oraaasboro tor Char taita, AUanta , New eVaberttla, Knormia, Daavtlle, Lynebbata, aoavllla, Waablagton, IMMateteartb. bar' hrtber taionaaOea aal aay aoatbera ticket agaat or addraas tka aaaeralcSCel, a. r. cart, .'OaaaraJ Faaaeager WaabJagtaa, to. Q, W. H. PA UN ELL, ' aTraraUM Passes pr Agaat Jf , s- - "Kalalib. W. a Orleaaa, also far Char lat aae1 an tlristcsi ol Liquid Anllscptlca-Peroxide ; sutojr 2sDoplt art no w uahuj r-Pavxtirvw -Toilet. Antlaepllc tba aw tolM g-arwtkrtrU powder to ba dlaardvad In waatr as naedext, sVr aU toll and byg-tenia aaaa U K .better aad more aooaomlrj, '. ., To,ira aad Whi tea ths irvth. rmrt tartar and ic't,tr,l donas' . " ' Jo diajpfax-t the woeith;d' ftvoy ctlaseua) grrtna, aad purify the btvalra. , .: To kTi artlddai taerll nit hrll ienrkclni, ulrrlei Vo 1 -a alrvjiina frm ht tlh and frtif 'f '' Vrroti s f'"r atm.k iiiif. T r" i - '?!! ati'l t ' r 11 1

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