CHjfl. -I ! : : 1 .UOJIoL. 3 ftK I'k'Nr AVcgeinbli- Preparation for As simil.iii'liiFf'J;in(IIu!a linrt(,'S;;ittlk)'ctial Promote:. Diislionf fcrerfuK ness ;mm1 Kest.Contains neiter 0)ium',i)i-pliiuC norNiueraL Not Nahc otic. Jlk-fc.-fMDrSMTLmaBlt jilx. G-mw hjintmin! -' tirbdih IrSaJri h'rrtu Seri- Aprntvi IWmoily for Omslipa lioii.Sourloiiiadi.liiatrliuia Worms , Cou'ulsions.Fcvciish- ness ami Loss of Sleep. . Facsimile SiijMlure of t Copy of Wrapper. "A fine piece of cloth my boy! I never saw you wear a better looking suit." k "Yes, I am pleased with it. I had it made by a good merchant tailor. The cloth is one of the fAOC HMh mil u PA or tee QgVevntecd fabric' F.vrfy 'man is proud of a Sliackamaion uiL We have a full line o. ihcie distinctive fabrics. Call Uieui loJay. jjj be meaniicd fur one of F. M. CHABWICK M KIM 'I I N I' TAIIMK 10!! Mitld N (' Concrete Work Am ni p in-1 ti. (In ;i!l k mils of wm k in coTiri r 1 1' '.ilkj, St" -, i'i 1 1 -i r i j' . Ba.SiMn. lils. i'tr. I liily hu'li f- , ill.- win k a ilii it.-.i i:. i:. ii i;it.i: ml'i'.-.. i - l inrt B tARRYMORE HOTEL aSWAXSltUl.O, X. (' All mixUrn cim . Ihg ami iii llieiicee, fur ii" hilling. Irnlh It'lAT I.EAVKS S ft. m. Lv. SwaioUiro Ar 1 30 k. m. Ar M City Lv. 2:00 5Tl cry Serious It It rrriou) r.ioltif to aak lot one rrfdirinc f n i have the arrong one rj'.vrm you. Tot thks re aeon wa irrga you In buying to tt careful to ct the jafluine) i . . DLAck- draugIIT ri liter Mcdldae - , ' Tbd rrtnitatirm of thia old, fo!la kid tr4jn, tut rw iprt.nn, Irs dif aetarm arid liw troulilf, f 6rm y aaublht.-d. it dM fi t iVmuie otHf melc4firt it i'i fnr ihn Oil.rf rw H n";1J fjr( bl th fay. -.t iwtar twa.i.', wh a. lirgt IP: KM III I - 'ts?S . iff) For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THE CKriTftUlf. COMPANY, NCW YORK CITY. SOUTHERN RAILWAY DIRKCT LINK TO ALL POINTS MORTH. SOUTUIISl WEST. Very T,ow Routid Ttip Rates to all Principal Kesoils. Through I'ullman to Atlanta, leaves leieli 4:ti5 D m. arrives Atlanta 6:35 p m, making close connection for and arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11 :MI a in, Mobile 1:12 p in. New Orleans H:'M) p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis H:()5 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and i-onni'cting for all other points. This ar also makes close connection atRr.lis iniv fur St. Louis and other Western ji lints. Through I'ullman to Washington lea ves 6:50 p m, arrives Washing oii V:5:l am, Baltimor.; lti:H2a in, Phila delphia 12:JH noon, New York 2:'M p m. This car makes close connection at Wash ingtm. lor Pittsburg, Chicago and all iiuiU N'orth and We t and at (ireens loro for Through '1 ourist Sleeper foi Cahfoi nia points and fur all Florid points. Through Parlor Car for Ashevillt e (iol,! io at i'.:45 a rn, Raleigh in, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, tuakii g clii--e coiiiiict inn with the ('aro- iira :-' j .- i -i ' and arriving ( 'ini innati 10 a in, folh.w ing d y utter leaving RttI eigh, with rinse connection for all Kiinta North and Ninth-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Itiilemh 2:H0 a in, hi rives (Ireensboro li:.'iil a m. maki- g close connection at ire. n.-.lioro for all points North, South hast and V est. I on I ram No. 1 1 1 10. 1.. p m. Tim cur is handled leaving (loldsborj at If "ii desire any information, please call We are here to furnish informa tioll UK Well SH to Sell tickets. II. K. CARV. J. O. JONES, ;. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, I). C. Raleigh, N. C. A let er of warning alleged to have hei'ii written by a girle to A 1 1 1 on Mc- Karlnnd. of Newark, charged with wife murder, wan made public. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effective Sept. 24. 1911 Tne following schedule figures pub- li hp ni Information ONLY and are not guar ant xd. TRAINS LEAVE NEW KERN NORTH AND WE8T BOUND 12:30 a m, Daily-Night Express Pull man Sleeping Car for Norfolk, 9 30 am. Daily for Norfolk, connects for all point North and West, Parlor car service between Wash In gum and Norfolk. 1:46 p m. Daily ' icept 8unday for Wash In sum, belbaven, Greenville Wllaoa and Raleigh. Parlor ear between Waahingtoa end Kalelgh. 4:10 a m, uaiif-Nigbt bxpreee for (rokUbxtro. 8:18 a m, Dally tor Gokjabora. Parlor r aervice, . 6016 p r, Daily .for Coldabora, ' t A ST BOUND 2S m, Daily for Beau fort. 6J8 p in, " IWau'foft. ttraerrice). ' , ' 9m th. Dally except fJondsj lot - Urkenut. -'-. 6 45 p m, Daily forDritiUl. ; Fir furtJio.rmofwatlooriamatt H T'lllman Blfeplng Car V$r, apply o T. 1L Penm'tt, T. A., Htm Eem, .ft SPAIN'S, NATIONAL ANTHEM. Tr . ' -4 V " eaBBsBBaejeBaesseiBaBa-jy.,. " -y " W- L Mareha RmIIi Wm Cempeeed by n w Frederick the Great. : - V. vt Frederick the Great tu tba' oom poaer of the Spanish national astbeoL Frederick' ambitions were varied.' Ha performed on the Bate. He desired to be thought a poet He quoted Latin, but hl quotations would have made Cicero sure and gasp. During that remarkable friendship which existed between him and Voltaire the author of the "Henriade" exclaimed with de rision, "See the dirty Unen I have to wash," holding op Frederick's manu script, which had been sent him to re Tise. In the field the great warrior I carried about bis own poems In bis J pocket and a bottle of poison, bo that he should not be taken alive. Menxel's ' picture depicts the king with his flute, and Bach dedicated to htm one of bis compositions. j The story of the composition of the ' Spanish national anthem is full of In- ! lerest. A little while after tbe concln- j slon of the Seven Years' war Frederick ' at a court reception to the surprise of every one produced a march which he had composed. Tbe Spanish ambassa- dor, both a musician and courtier, asked for a copy to send to his royal master, Charles 111. That monarch admired the piece, an 1 it was often heard at the Escurial. After a time It was laid uside ami almost forgotten. In 18(19, after the deposition of Isabel la, Marshal Serrano instituted a com petition nmong composers for a nation al authein. Some 500 compositions were sent in, but none of them was so inspiring as Frederick's march, which had been exhumed from the archives. This was chosen and is today known as "La Marcliu Uejtlle." London Globe. SCHOLARS IN CHINA. They Rule the 'Country Whera All Foreigners Are Called Boors. The scholars rule China today. Dress is of more moment there than 1n uny other country, yet the scholar, al though poor and meanly dressed, Is received with honor by the highest In the land. "The superior man" of the classics is the equivalent of the "good man" with us. This man, his character and his conduct are the constant theme of approbation. His virtue, his honor, his social relations, his manners in public and private, are carefully de Ilned. His dignity is among h!s high est qualities and must be maintained at any cost. In contradiction to the popular. Idea of dignity, however, the superior man will play battledore and shuttlecock with his feet and fly kites, while the boys, like old men, stand sedately by mid look on. This he does as a meth od of Instruction and to show the children how the superior ninn can re lax when Ids high purpose is to enter tain and educate the young. To the Chinese 1 1 1 - - foreigner is a boor and a barbarian. It seems a hopeless task to teach him politeness. The Chinese wonders why the for eigner leaves his own country at all. It too small for him to make his liv ing, or has he come to observe the su perior people? If so lie is to lie com mended. But, alas, v. hut a boor he Is.1 National Geographic Magazine. An Oversight. Sir Herbert lieerbohni Tree, the fa mous theatrical manager, whs present at a supper in Loudon a short time ago where Slgnor Grasso was an hon ored and much feted guest. When the liauouet was over it ml every one was departing, Orasso was so con fused and carried away by the atten tions and embraces which liad been showered upon him that he thought lessly directed Ills taxi driver to drive him to tbe stage door of the theater at which he was plajlng. "What ou earth does he want to go hack to the theater for at this time of the night?" asked one of those who were waving hlin adieu. "Ah." said Kir Herbert Tree, "I ex pect be has forgotten to kiss the flre man!" Fireproof Wood. ThoiiKh there ure a number of dlf ferent klndB of wood, elxtny, Ironwowl, etc., of such close, Inaa-d liber tliHt even the Bercest fire has difficulty In "Ket tlng bold" of It, there Is only one mrt, so far us now known, that is practical ly fireproof. This Is a small acracgy tree, a native of Houth America, call ed the abopsla. with thick, tough, elrlugy bark full of u sort of Ore resist Iuk sap. This curious shrub a rows largely on the treat, grassy aavannaa, which are swept by lire almost every year during the heat of the aumtner. There It thrives spleiHlldly, for tbe an nual scourge kills off onlj Its bigger and lis idler comiKitttors aud leaves the ground free for the growth of this vegetable asbestos. The Ship trf State. . , Rlr Wilfrid I-aurier otve took a fU jut of Rlr Charles Tupier, for year lender of the Opposition, and Bit Joint Mscdonald, Bantering them en their elf pralM for their own political aerv. Ire to Canada, ha admitted that they bad aailed tbe ship of state fairly aoc reaa rally, adding: "Sir iohn rt it the helm and supplied . the brtlpa, while Rlr Charloe sapplled the wlod. Ill blowing filled the ells,' , Net Lang. ) Itlnks (who ordered panceke hsff tb liotir MMjrfcroly-Er-7i W that pancake be longT . v . t . TTalireae. Ko. sir: U11 be round, Ui Then be waited patiently anottier luilf lwjf. -..', -..: v- 'f ' i t, T m deetrt est raeatty what Ve daaire tn reflaont Rot befoncaqlfl KICKED' Bt A MAD HOnSt arnoet Birch, of Dtfiarn, Wlaj. harl t moat Borrow eeeapa frotn tie Hr, M twi drvtif rou Id hsl tha fWH. foi arret that dvl"td. but at ; f HurkUo'a Amtca Sele eur4 U - pUtely, lie tha freateet KeaVr i-f vt er. rum. tKnis. svyeme, r.'i. r,! fnrne, e ' I -nr, brui'ra and rm farth. Try it t ll rt'-nctrisia. OUT OF 80RT8 4 When jroa. feel lazy, stretchy, nalf ick, "bloe" and dUeocraged, look to the liver. It ia torpid. . :, - ' -'RED B:':" ' LIVER REGULATOR (TUB POWPERFORM) IS THE REMEDY YOU NEED It is not only an invigorating tonic for a torpid liver, but it extends its cleansing and restorative influence to the stomach and bowels. Helps diges tion and food assimulation, purifies the bowels and brings back the habit of regular daily bowel movements. When the stomach, liver and bowels are active, bilious impurities no longer obstruct functional processes, the re sult of which is renewed energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers. Price, Urge package, $1.00 Aak for the feDQlne with the Bad Zoathalsbel. It you cannot get It, remit to m, we will tend by mall postpaid. Slrnmona Liver Regulator ia alio put up In liquid form for tboaa who prefer It. Price, el-00 per bottle. Look for tbe Bed Z label. J. H. ZEIUH & CO, Props., St Loult, Mo. COURT CALENDAR. ; JONES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT FALL TERM 19ll, MONDAY, OCT. 30. All Criminal Cases. TUESDAY, Oct, 31, 1911. I E E Eu,banks vs Becton & Heath. 7 Burney vs Foy. II Meadows vs Perry. 14 Reynolds vs Kinsey. 16 Bell vs Brinkley. 18 Kelley vs Johnson, 19 Lee vs Craft & Turner. 21 lsler vs Lumber Co. 23 WimsaM & Lumber Co. vs S D White et als. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 1, 1911. 25 J H Simmons vs H A Brown. 27 Eubanks va Collins. 28 Munger vs G'een. 30 Sykes vs J.nes. 31 Collins vs Foy. 32 Hargett vs O W Taylor, et al. THURSDAY, Nov. 2, 1911. 33 Bell vs Haidck. 34 Harrison B R R. Co, 35 Nelson is Shaw. 36 Duval vs R R Co. 87 Duval vs R R Co. FRIDAY, Nov. 3, 19U. 3S Collic.s vs Brown. 3'J Dixon bross J A Ba-iks, 40 Jenkins vs WaU-rs. 41 Munger & Bennett vs Rhodes 42 Maysville Supply Co. vs S S Wa ters et al. 43 T A Bell vs A C L R R Co. DIVORCE. 5 J B Tnylor vs Dora Taylor. All other cases subject to motions, all pirties and witnesses concerned will attend court on day case is set for trial as above stated, without further notice J. B. COLLINS, Clerk Snpe-ior Court Junes Co. This 11th Oct. 1911. (9ef There are changes in the above from th ( Jones county calendar that has been published. Those interested please note.) Jamei R. Keene York from Europe. returned to New Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Kiu-Kisng, In (he Province of Kiang SI, fell into the hands of the Chinese rebels. tR IN EELAY. Kidney I)iiieaHC8 Are Too l)an- go.rom For New Ilcrn People to AVglect. The are-it dinger of kidney troubles it that they get a firm hM before the ulTsrer rBcogfta;tfV)m. . UraliJi la gradually undertnlned. Backaclie, bead ache, nervoaaneea. lame , aoranaac. (umbago, ml nary trouble tod dmpey, follow lo merf tieaa succe talon. D m't neglect your kidneys,' Cure Um hidreya with the safe remedy, Doan's Kidney Pilta, which baa cured people right here la thd locality. , Tbompeoo, 808 Cheatnot Rt , KJneton, K. yt "The) pobltc laUmtnt I gveU January 130R, tec oramtndlng( DoA'a Kldoej Pilla till bolds good. I hM Mvare patoa aaroet my toina and- my .batlf cbe4 etl tfce time.. My kidney were weak and 1 was obliged W pea Uielr Mctitkwa iry lltUe whUa, DWiKklney Pilla wie eo blghly raeomtnended t me Ua( I gH (apply ard uad them aa di rer 'ei They etrengiheQffi rny'lck a ad kkteeye ind removed kit ymptoeni of kidney Mtniflaiot from mf, eyeiem. Tbe be sent 1 received has beri pernt. aent and I tmw aava o need eta kW- rey rediclne whatersr.'.V.. -r r . fof aale be m elar.' TrUw if eaotti, ytatr Kllbare Co. Bnffala 4w Terk, aoie tgeaW for tke VmltM titeav, ' ..' , .'- awiemher .the aaaeDoa' ake M oOae. , v tV. tlolctia KnHe a fojod di4 lo bdt with her bee I almt avra-d by .Viettair, rif a knife, in I" !ler..fv'Ms, BANK OF ENGLAND J.0TES. , . . ' rVrways FraenS and Clean, aa Thay Ar. . , laauad Only .Of. "Tbert is aa great a difference be tween the systems of Issuing and re deeming the notes of tb Bank of Eng bsd and of the hanks of the United States there la In tbe appearance of the notes themselves. Tbe English note Is somewhat longer tnd much broader than ours. Is of rough white paper, with ragged edges, tnd la printed on one side only, with a few words and with no pictures or designs, while ours are completely cov ered ou both sides with vignette and lathe work. Our notes are issued again nnd again until they become so worn that they ire no longer serviceable. A Bank of England note is never Issued more than once. Every note that comes in is canceled at once, and then It Is stored away with other canceled notes to be preserved for a certain period, when It is destroyed by burning. It takes , many clerks to keep the record of notes Issued and paid, and o accurately Is this work done that the date when any note was Issued, the person receiving it, tbe time when It was paid into the bank and by whom, can be ascertained from the books. If the time was within five vears the note Itself can be produced. Many are the stories of attempts to oounterfelt these notes, which have al ways been failures. -As the averagu time between the Issue and the pay ment of the notes is only live or six lays the fact that n couuterfelt is. in circulation is known almost at once, ind the system of English bankers and merchants of keeping tbe numbers of the notes received aud paid gives the ;lew whereby the offender is quickly apprehended. Exchange. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A You Can't Shake Trouble. "My wife had money, and when 1 mhrrled her I thought all my troubles were at an end." "And weren't they?" "The old ones were: but, hang It, a new series started right away." Bos ton Transcript. Rheumatism Relieved in 6 Hours. DR. DETCHON'S RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM usually relieves sever est cases in a few hours. Its a'tion upon the system is remarkable and ef fective. It.remove1) the cause and the disease quickly disappears. First do;-e benefits. 75c and $1.00. Sold by Brad him Drug Co. A Safe Proceeding. Lord Lyons, Kuglisli minister at vV'ashlngtou during the war between the states and afterward ambassador to France, was a diplomatist to the core. He was exceedingly tactful in action and had the rare art of keeping Ills own counsel. When Sir Edward Blount called upon him one day at the embassy In Taris he found that a well known Journalist had preceded him. The visitor was laying down thei law in a loud tone, and when, after his departure. Sir Edward was received be took the liberty of saying: "May I be allowed to ask If It is quite wise to discuss state secrets In such a loud tone? I heard every word that was said, my lord, as I sat In the anteroom." "Ah!" said Lord Lyons. "lint even then you could not hear what 1 said, for I said nothing." You are rot experimenting on your self when you take Chamberlain'sCough Remedy for a cold as that preparation h is won its great reputation andexten si ve tale by its remarkable cures of colds, and can always be depended up on. It ia equally valuable for adults and children and may be given to young children with implicit confidence as it contains no harmful drug. Sold by all Dealers. Anolent 8tone Workers. Egyptian stone workers 4,000 years ago hsd a surprising, knowledge of what are considered modern tools. These pyramid builders oxrated with solid and tubular drill, and straight and circular sows. In handling the tubular drills, which were of superior j quality, the skill of tbe artisan waa s remarkable that the cutting marks in granite show no Indication of wear of tbe tool, while a rut of a tenth of aa Inch was made In the hardest itx k at each revolution. A hole through both hard and aoft material waa bored perfectly smooth and uniform. Biltooaneaa ie due to disordered con dition of the stoma-h. Chamberlain's Tablets are essentially a etoroarb mad trine, intended especially to acton that organ; to clean it, t regulaU the Uver and to benleh btliouentee poeltlvaly and efTectually, For tale by all Dtaleri. The Vegetarian Oyster, Oyster are uoet exemplary In the matter of, diet.. The orate la well algh a VfgnUrtaD, living alrooat ei clualTely on a weed, InclodlDg the tnlnote pin - polhm of tbe water BmalleT animal form only S per cent of bla food Be If a i&etbodHll feed ft, alwiya dining bet ween tba bobra of ia and 3 1n tba afteraooa. Wbea be.wante bla nteaU be alaply opeoe hU-eheU and Ma tba 'Watef ,lw la throng a aort of gill, whkb rriibj tba food, allowing tba water to rao out again. - It la only id frosty weatk et (hat tba ayater goea oat hie feed Id order to jrotert himaolf a oork a poaalhta from tba cold be Ue wltb tba bulging ahelt appertnort. Ia ttU roaitirra be rannot opm hU ehtlf and rntitt rrforre go abort of frxxl dtt be would arxMier starve than M ftk cold walef In lo Chill bla delkata Beak, rileae blrol-tndon. Cbmnk-la, 'S - r tMn't With a co d le vd advlca fnr pro Uht rr.en. sr'l wornen. It rn"V b t!m i raaeof a r'uM. Tretelat.'thirg ( i 1 1 1 1 an ( r.r.. rue n"a h r Legal jtfdtices MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. BirirtMof power ef Mil reatalml fa tve eertua aMrtaar aaedtraueeM atr. etsiMd by J. T. Harris. eeWof .e ie data) tke era. ir or uarea. in. and rtm ita ha book al , doede No. 174. pa, tal'la th laf of the R tr of deed of Craven couatv, aad Lb. other dated tut Uj of Jaiulr. ML,- 4 neorded la book of daidi Dumber 1st, pacaeT. as tbe enVe of tbe Regieter of Dadi at Cnnea euht7. tbe no., da of November 111 et th. ccuit houae door B Onven eoantj at It o'clock of uid day. aeil to A hebeet bidder for cash the following deeortbed let Of land: That certein lot of land In thtUrtf the City of Naw Bern, N, C. commonly lOMwli1 a ftVietown, end btio, lot number aersnty (74) eoeordinc to the plan of amid Pavietowtv tut hatex on the west aid. of Bloomfiildetnet te'ee.14 Pavietowa D ot uf which is ncorded'la hook 106. pas. 885. in the offic of the RefUter T Deeli of Cra ven county end beinl fHy deecfibed in eerUin contract between J. L. Bahti trad' Me aaid J. T. Harria. which contract 11 recorded' h book num ber 179. pave 473. in the office of- the'Raffiater of Dtede of Craren county. Thai Bale il made aub-S-ct to a prior lien to J. L. Rahn for the balance of th. purchase money d i. from the aaid J. T. Harris to the aaid J. L. Hahn for the purchase of the said land. T. P. ASHFORD. MortffaaTee. Octobur 85th. IH. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed 80th, day of No.ember. 1907. by Robert Smith and Lucy Smith, his wife to T. S. Jackson, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county, N. C in book 16S, page S66. default hay ing been made in the payment of the bonds se cured by aaid mortgage deed, and thai said bonds, together with the property conveyed br said mortgage deed and the rights; tftwer and privileg es thereby conferred, having been dqly assigned and transferred to the undersigned, the undersigned will sell sit public auction to the highest bidder for cash at M fcIock. noon, on Wednesday, 16th, day of November. 1911, at the Craven county court house door, in the city of New Bern, alt that certain piece of tract of land, lying aud being in Craven coun ty. State aforesaid in No ' One Township, and des.ribed and de.ined si follows, tb-wit: Begin ning at a pine tree on the Hilt vVillis'm'a line en bank of Poly Branch, and thence- on a line (S. 77 Deg. 80 min. W) thirty-two (S2) poles, nine one half yarJn ( 1-1! yds,) to witter oak tree.thence on a line (N 81 Deg. W) fourteen' til) poles and nine (9) yards to a gurri tree; thenee on a line following the fence (N 48 deg, W) 'four (4) poles and seven and half (7 1-2) y anis. fherice following said fence on a line (N. 78 deg.' W) sixteen lull pol-s. thence following' ih.' fence onaline IN 84 D -g. SO min. W twenty-four t24 poles and nino 9 yards to a gate post on Dudley road, thence on a line following the Dudley road N 40 Peg. E 1 six 6 polea and nine 8 yards, thence on a line on said road N. 83 ded. 16 min. E l six n poles and nine 9 yards thence follow ing said road on a line IN. 26 deg, E.l twenty 20 pules to the Heath road, thence down said Heath road IS. :10 di g. 30 min. K. I sixteen lie pole, to roiy orancn. tnence following the various courses of Poly branch lo place of beginning, containing twenty Uo acres more or less also another par cel of la d defined, to-wlt: Beginning at a light- wood stump on Heath road, thence' a straight line t.i a red oak, the ice up a dtch to a chop pinesuie thorouithf are. ttrence dawn the Heath road to the beginning corner, containing four 14 acres. Tliia 14th. day of October. 1911, ' 3rW BlDDLE. Assignee of Mortgage. li. A. NUNN, Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor A John R. Hol land, deceased, all persona holding claims against the rotate of said decedent are hereby notified to present t he same, duly verlAed. to (he under signed, on or befure the 25th, day of September 1912. or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of tbeir recovery. : All iiersona indebted to aaid eetate will please mnke Immediate payment. This day of Septefhber 1911. DAVID W. HOLLAND. Executor. K. O'HARA. Attorney. MORTGAGE SALE. By virlus of power of sale contained in a carta In mortgage dd executed by J. C. K.i lon.nii Mary K.nM N. H. Cogina. dated H-Ki-10 and recorded ia efflea of aVgieti r of Deeds of Jonee county lrbook bT ptece &. I wiU sell for cash to the highest'the court hou-m do,r Jonas county 6a the '6th. eay of Nov. IS11. At 12 o'clock at, the fattowtruj tct or per ce, of lend tugeiher with aal srulldiags theraoa lying and being in Jooee OOOnty. N. Oi. In Whl'e Oak Township and desert bat) M feasors. 1 lot ia tbe town of Mayeville betauj M Ma. t baerienlac at astakeon Morris alley ransc wit aun-1s alley weal U0 feet toa euke taesNer aortS feet to a stake thocwe Beat 160 fa tsteJxeo Mala RL thence south with Mela' atresst 44 fae4 to a stake at the beginning coo taming oat lo U br 1M feet. N. K, COLUMS. SALE OF L0T3 IN GHENT. By vlrtae of tbe power Vtt attsl at taw! eoertrmeU nade by pertlee beretoeAsst aterirliiea rU Im at Baesieer and Use 4ele4et;! gaae tV Bpeetear we will sell le WtrtWeT badder for eesbat the eeort keoee aaat ta 'Maw aWa. Oa ves) eoaaty, Mertk Oawaataa, asTa el aajr Use Ma, ear of Oetsket IM I at U ereieee) Ike. Mewkee pabered iota M e erst iri W tsaWef Oboes. dely reetstsrsd U tbe eaa ef ,H 'Jsaalilei at Deedeef Craewa Ooaaty Ma peaaf la, aaaa IB, hick sail krta ar ettstska ja'Ne, A-TWwaabte) Crevee Coanty, Mertk CawesleaH yW ketana rembrok. Road. Trent Kea4a4 ga4,fHres, ts. No. 114 Rbeea A v same, aadatr netrap with J. H. sWrth. vt ' Me. 11 taeea Aveeeja, ea4r iassteart vUk T. Maa. ttl east BN Usses Aaeia, aaeW teetiert ah t. W. Bfcrtaer, rt f . Ne. M aheeti Avearaa, m aesteat w'i B. tlXawxa. '! r Sa, 404 abeea Aeeaea, ea4ea asstareat eHa t. Caevi. . - - t ;. ; Ma U4 g.'ieier Avaaeaa aeW seatwet allk A.T. Wetwietrtaet. I, iA, , Noa. tit te4 101 ana lit .Aeeaieje. aaOeresa tfaet ua a. a. Diaia.1 ,'rJk i; 'M OTtMaaveaMa. aaJar eoairasa ekb , twuibt.. . t, -. .; i-4 , - Me, VI BpesKaw Anae suseVw teittaat wtta t,UWtm V'i Nee, Kt aasl 10 tsieief Avestee, eeeW eeav ret tU Marie I. iawvsf , 4 I ; Ma, e4 Biiansi Aaa,kaaie1ar eeeUext wKk aillbwka, ' ' . t ' - 5 K 1 rtelirMMtrTsiejlrieH lateW aaa reet wnk al B. lUater. 1 a. t ., Matavteeaear Aeesteew wsvtar eatreet wttk T R. Wbliekaret. , - -e . '. ! Me. leeeetUS Hfsae.. Avewae, aMer a trs4 ertit) peel Pllkloejbaes. , Tbleaxbioer of iu,ta,f-r A. f, i mi - - AT8 i:u I crv gale Rele Spia Eeentr4 f M. laeav r ,!. ' Y eeeeea I PiOFfSSIOWL CARDS ) . ee ee4eee F. M. aunaiotut, a. D. Ward. M WARD AirORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS IT LAW nw BIHI, I. C, HJJ Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Craven. Duplin, Jones, Inoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. DR. H. M DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND Geoeral Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN -ip ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties oCCCraven," Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Offic No. B0 Craven Street. Telephone No. 97 New Barn, N. C. Lake Drummond Canal & Water Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth Always. Quick Transit for Traflic. Prompt Towing and Freight Movement. For tolls, towing and freight rates apply at office in Seaboard Hank Build; ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Va. M. K. King, Pres. J. A. Mitten, Sec. J. B. Baxter, Supt. J. T. Whitehurst, Traffic Manaaor. Norfolk Office Rell Phone f21. SOUTHERN RAILWAY HODTmEKN KA:i rY AY HCHEUULIt N. B. Tbeae flgurea are published lor Information inj are uot us r sa NO. il Laave Goldnboro, N. C, 8.41 a. HL, through tralu with chall car to Ashevllle, oonnectlug at East Durhun, for Oxford, Hen dereoa, Keysvllln and lllchmonl at Dfclveralty for (Thnpel Hill at Greensboro for Charlotte and all (kJals aoutb, also tor Ufu. rUle, Lynchburg, Charlotteivllle Waahlngton, an4 all pelata MO. 11 Leavea (iolaaboro, 1.05 aa. for Green. iboro Lhii'iIhi Uiouk Pallman Raleigh, to Atlanta, cob Mtreta at Oreenshoro for all Batata aorth. aouth aad weal NO. Ill -Leaves Goldsboro 10.46 p m tor Greensboro, bandies pulltuaa Raleigh , to Greensboro, ooa Bocla at Qreensboro for Char totte, Atlanta , Nov Orleaaa, AakevlUe, Knoiville, alao tot DaavQle, Lynch bni, CWlei IcerrUla, Waahlagtoa, i U aatau aavrtk. far farther lnformatien aa) aay oath era ticket agent or 4re tka TaaarslgZ'.l, B. F. CARY, General i'asaaager geat. Waaltlagtoa. tX Q, W. H. PARNELL, Traveiiaa l'aur AgsaL Halalab. N O Instead of Liquid ' Antiseptics Pcroxldo : inAny ptpas are now uauig - Pevxtina) Toilet eAntiaeptJc flwt new tAllel germlolde powder to be) dlaaolrtd la water aa needed. for all Unlet and kygleula a Ik M better and more eonnooilcaX To etleatiaa and Whltof tha I Bawth, rnaTva trUr and erawntfUiat v '-' To dlalofeni tb HoalW,d4 trey dbwae gfTsaa, and ' purify tha breath. . -TO kaeaartldaiaj taajtH and - taHdinwortl clean. iVdkrrleeaa To minora alootin IrrrM tb teeth tnd Vatify the beath after asboklar. To eradlnaU prrpl r t loa and holy ol ire by erKratre Isathinff. ' - ' Tl boat anilaa-pti wsbj konwit. I ' 'ee and rTi(r1lin4 t'red, WV, i... -.'r- ' - 3 a ilvr f I h - f ' mi - :t 1 ti. C, V. A. It1 I t. ran :i dh-;S rn-ii ned.

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