vTv c-. .- ' A " .'" 5' - ! '-T'S tr '-' '.iZ: - -Sir ess:. " : ';.- - i, -' fc"? - IIW BERH DWLYJQURniUi Few ' Bern, X'C Oct. 27, Mil- AT IKS Li LODGX JO. IE Of P-r Meta Try Toctd 8 pi in.; rrer Qu Co'i offie, Uiddto St f HHardbp C. C., J. H- Smhh, X of B.'and& Visiting broUMit an UtmAtl alter' wekonM. - r - . ; ; CRATES LODG1 10. 1. JWlGMr : or Ai.mron xmu tul u t WednMd&y Blglrta la o1 ttoatt t gjlgrhU Harmony H'Jl, eornar Bit and H-iiooek atraota at 7:0,OciocJ J. K. Wills, President; R. J. Disoeway, Secretary; J. D. McCuy, Financial Seo mean DTD EX TO HEW UTUTUiniTI For Rent Room. The Peoples Bank. New Bern-Banking & Trust Ca, New Bern Gaa Co Gag Barren. S. Coploa & Son Boys Clothing. BUSINESS LOCUS: NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. FOR RENT Nice furnished room, near in, suitable for one or two gentlemen, Address post office box 706. TOMATOES, Celery, Peaches, Pears, Malays, Toko and Concord Grapes, Ap ples. Cranberries and also Chicken Sandwiches daily at H. E. Royall's, Phone 33. JUST received fine lot grown and young Chickens, fresh Eggs, Yam Potatoes, all Pork Sausage at J. A, Ringgold, George street 83; Phone 533. FOR SALE One second hand roller top office desk, in first class condition Cheap Burrus & Co. PHONE your orders for hot Bread, Rolls and Pies for dinner to Kafer's Bakery for prompt delivery. than an imitation extract It really will improve less costly ingredi ents by imparting to them an individual, yet a smooth, tempting, delicious flavor. Try BURNETT'S VANILLA in your next batch of ice cream, or in a custard, and prove this to your own satisfaction. JOSEPH BURNETT CO. BOSTON, MASS. - TBO -tOML ISO "ED i -Mi JsaWIe Simmons is Mimg frleadaaV Raleigh,- 3&. ' ' Mr. S. M ; Brinsoa speat yesterday at BaTslock attending to tome . bus met a mattera, - ' . -'T .: Son and Mrs Rudolph Duffy, of Catl riae Lake, f.re among (te visitors in the city. Mrs. W. B. Blades and dtoghter, Misi I TBy returned yesterday from a visit at Norfolk. Mill Sarah Davir, of Beaufort, who has been visiting in the city, returned home yesterday. Ml9S Sidney Gabbctt, of Nhw York, is the guest of her brother, Mr, C. M. Gabbotf, on Jchnson street. Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Hud-ion have re turned from Asheville, where thej have been spending the summer. I Not a minutes wait between the pictures, at The Athens. COnONMARKET REPORTED BY J. R. BALL COTTON BROKER NEW BERN, N, LONG DISTANCE PHONE NO. T PASSIHG EVENTS c. 16. New York Cotton. Oct. 26 Opening Highest Lowest Close EXPERIENCED Stenographer wanted at once, must give reference. Address "B," Journal office. Jan. 904 917 904 904 May. "935 942 927 927 Oct. 908 912 908 912 Dec 922 932 91C 922 Port receipts, 90,000 Last Year, 63,412 Liverpool Cotton Market. Opening Closing Jan. Feb. 496 491 Mar. Apr. 500 496 May June 505 500J July Aug. 507 603 Oct. Nov. 500 495J Nov. Dec. 494 493J Dec. Jan. 4941 4931 YOUR last chance to get Green Toma toes at the New Bern Produce Co,, phone 121. FRESH country made Sausage, also smoked sausage. A. Castet, ONE large room to let, suitable for storing household and kitchen furniture 18 Broad street H. C. Armstrong. A LADY Dry Goods Clerk wanted, must be a good accountant, Apply in own band writing. Address New Bern Journal. FOUND Adiift an old canoe in bad condition, owner can get same by pay ing charges. David L. Miller. Chemi cal Co. JUST received-Hyacinth Bulbs, Tu lips, Narcissus and Chinese Lillies. J. C. Whitty &Co. WANTED Good man to sell goods in thu city. Addrets box 76 or apply at 109 New street -New York Supply Co. SHUR Foot and O'SuIlivan Rubber Heels and pure Oak Soles at J. T. Ha vens' 941 Middle street CHOICE FISH-Wa have constantly a variety of choice fish, right fresh from our nets, bandied carefully and anitary. If you want the best flab order from J. A, Harkar & Co. Phone 107, Market Dock. FOR RENT One office at No, 60 Cra ven street R. A. Nunn, rjLEIHlMU CLUB. . f AJXEk 81 Craven street Gentlemen's clothe cleaned, repaired, and pressed, Ladiae klrtt, preaaed a specialty. The best motion pictures shown in tbe United States, is at The Athens. MUST BE SOLD Mill equipped factory, all ma chine needed for modern work for manufacturing oolumnj, baloatera, rail, noah, doors, acreena, nutntlcf, brack eU, moulding, flooring, cor ner block d9 many other thing?. If interested ae m at ooeer J. M. JMOGlSTEBv CUrka, y. CL cifiiii Dramatic Co., SO PaopU, "TrataUnf la TbatrOwa rotate rotha Cara, Praarttmf ThalCraat Waste v Comadf Drama s ' , : ;v -'-V. S k uroKcii ' , t!ar tba Cow Bry Sand on tb main atraa at noon and la f root of tb Bit . ; Tnt TWatra, aornef Broad and Dum Hew Bera Market Bales 15. Price 71(Vi'8S. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. Stoves polished and put up See Basnight Hdw. Co, Phone 99. LUCKY QLDPEOPLE. Have Seen Wonderful Progress From Ox Carts to Aeroplanes What wonderful progress the old peo ple of today have lived to see. In their young days the railroad was a.i much of a novelty at the aeroplane is now, and nearly everything else has advanced as much. Another modern idea is that people may be active and vigorous at 75 or K) years if tbey will be careful to keep up their strength. Mr. Jno. N. Kelly, aged 75,-wlio lives at Lake Charles, l.a.. says he was bal ly rundown from overwork, and took two or three bottles of Vinol by advice of his druggist He i now tetter than for the past ten years and actually feels fiftaeti years younger. There is certainly nothing like Vinol, our delicious col liver and iron prepara tion, to build up and koep us ail weak ened, run down persona. It is especi ally good for old people too, because it la vary pleasant to take and agrees With tbe stomach. There ia no cod liv er oil in Vinol. We guarantee it to give you perfect satisfaction. F. S. Duffy, Drnggiat, New Barn, N. C. Three separate vaudeville acts at Tbe Athens Tbuisday, Friday and Saturday- Miss Vera Love laceHigh class Pianologist arid dainty singer of sweet sorrgs. Billy, Dale, comedy juggler, Hu bert Steel, black, face comedian. m m '-' ' ' pt 1 1 1 j ur.i) Don't be Hoodwinked : Into the belief that Lead tad CHI . hand nistd paint la. either aa durabi7J nr aeooomkal aa paint made by mcdern aaablaary providing alwirl-that proper tnatrill only art wed. J. .. ill ill paiat, oitely ground, and UorM-gh If Ineorporated by powerfal machinery, to which yoo add an aqua! amount -1 f Para LruM4 OD-wnlcli YOU kUY YOURSELF-at oil prke-tha reu)t ia aa trmer dorable god - brgfiwl, Para Urwet Oil Painl-at a Very aomkalprkA. ' s - I Wat YOU TKT ttl ' FOH 8ALK ht- TliE NEW rnw nLDC--'& ' . vi ; LY co. Tonight the finest musical treat of the season at Griffin auditorium, the Metropolitan Grand Concert Company, only 50 cents. Mr. Sum K. Eaton, one of the lead ing local jewelers.has had an attractive new awniog placed over tfie from of his place of business on Middle street. Apples this year do not come in the class of hiijh living, in coit, for the con sumer in this city can now buy five for five cents, whereas last year it was one apple for five cents. Only one case was on the docket in docket in the police court yesterday af ternoon. The defendant was taxed with the costs for being disorderly within the city limita. Bettie Morris, a colored wo.nan who is mentally deranged, was taken to Goldsboro yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Alonzo Gaakins, and placed in the col: ored itisane asylum at that place. Tonight those who enjoy high class music should hear the Metropolitan Grand Concert Co. in a program that will greatly please. No such music at the price here again this year. Price 50 cents. Durinif the past week a number of local eirly risers have seen the comet which is now located in the northeast ern sky. Between 4 and 5 o'clock a.m. the celestial visitor can be seen to the best advantage. This afternoon at 4 o'clock at l he residence of Mrs. Geo. Caton, the regu lar meeting of ih Current Event Club will be held. Every member is request ed to be present as matters of import ance are to be discussed. Each of the members of the Library committee who have sold tickets for the concert to be given tonight are request ed to send in the m ney they have re ceived to Mrs, M. M. Marks, No. 19 Johnson street, betwen 11 and 1 o'clock today. The public is extended a cordial in vitation to come out to the Tabernacle Baptist Church Sunday morning and evening to hear Rev, A. C. Shuler's farewell sermons. Rev. Shuler has ac cepted the pastorate of the First Bap tist Church at Boston, Oa. A solid carload of fish passed through New Bern yesterday en route from Beaufort and Morehead City to points in the western part of the State. A visitor in the city from Morehead City, stated that an unusually large catch was made by the fishermen at that place on the previous day. The local market Is well supplied with chickens and eggs just at this lime sod the local consumers of these varieties of food have ample opportuni ty of purchasing as ' many of either as they desire. The price of thasa com modities is very reasonable and In fact much cheaper than many other kinds of food. Unless soma unexpected delay occurs or the weather prohibit, the football Uam of the New Bern graded school and tba football team of the Washing too graded school will play a gam to morrow afternoon out on Dunn "a held. No admission will be charged and lb I public ia invited to go out and witoeas the gams. . Tba National is the new 80 candle power light that the Gaa Company ia now offering at an almost giveaway price. . It ia for any room, and maket eunahiha cloudy on a clear day and on a dark night, wall Just paea tha Gas Company's trfftee at midnight and lea bat two or ttre of thee Katiooala look Hkr, c . -fcfr -4. r t'Vr -- Every achool eommftu mananitrtry member of tha Craven county Board of Kucaliaa .Ja raqueatad". to mtat tha eoqtt fcooa In this itf an Friday Nov, Win,' W attaa4 tba "meeting of tha Board of Elucalinn which fat to oa held oa that data, A apsakar wbo'ja prwni oant in" odaeaUonal elraWo ol Utatate, will deliver aa address, - -'J- . . . - . .- Tba sldswalba, and steps eflUrlng tha Government building,' si 04 al during Ota tetM of radarai Court, prmnt a diagnsUnf appeirancv.it would rem that aoma force or perakaalin could be amploy-d to tura the epitleri iWkt Tbre are hdiea an4 go t!rnea ho have Ui go to th p4t t See an1 pa trii srctcle daily tl.il ak, - " ' '-' '. . A Good Oil Heater. Nothing is better to heat quick with, than an Oil Stove. I have the Barler ! whkh is considered the best, pricefrom $3.50 to 7.50. J. S. MILLER. New Goods Fancy .Cream Cheese 20c. lb. , Fresh Macaroni, Old Fashion Buckwheat,' Heckers Prepared. Buckwheat, Fresh Fox Kiver Print Butter, Heckers Oatflakcs 10c pkg., Heckers Pancake Floor 12c. pkg., Fancy Early Rose Irish Potatoes 40c. pk. , Cape Cod Cran berries 10c. qt.p Very Best Flour 3c. lb., Nice lot Yam Potatoes 25c. pk. Nice Apples, Coco an uts Bananas, Cabbage, Onions and numerous other good things to eat we do not name for lack of space. PRICES RIGHT New lot Brass Goods, just received. M E. Whitehurst & Co. MPOHTANT NOTIGE YOURS FOR CASH ONLY J. L. McDaniel 41 Middle St. Phone 91 IS 1MP0BTI0N OF SURPLUS AND UNDNIDE0 PROFITS TO CAPITAL THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. STANDS FIRST among the banks of the City THIRD among the National Banks of the State And us it has Surplus and Undivided Profits amounting to $lo,r,,iKm an.! Capital amounting to $1ihi,ii(i, jt has , place on the National Hank KM of Honor, which includes only l.anks having Surplus and I'mliMded Profits equal to or exceeding th. ir Capital stock. i nor 4 CKN PKR T I SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. Th:s is the last week you have to get a discount hy paying the full amount of your ciiy taxes for l'.tl 1. All delinquents in city license and dog J taxes, pleane take notice, that it the tax is not paid at on:e, warrants will be served on all such person. J. J. TOLSON, City Tax Collector. October 23, 1911. HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. Pharmacy PnONE 17.1 CASTOR OIL'-POWDEfil &AUn LikiIt TASTFLESS jm m Amy I IN OTTU ODOHLESS UQIID MfcCB I BEST AND SAFEST! LAXATIVE KNOWN SIZ IAT All VHUaWTS I avP iw--(r-arjan;;u 1. ' C-J CLOCKS that are made to keep time for a long period are now being shown in i large variety at our store. A well furnished home should hHve a clock in every lad room. If your clock in ailing phone me and we will oa 1 for same and re pair it J.O. Baxter THE WEDDING GIFT STORE. 174 PHONE YOUR WANTS 114 (i Octagon Soap G Borax Soap Vegetable Lard O it meal, per pWg. Imh Potatoes, per pk. ugar Bh.-U, Flour Ublisk Flour Huckwheat, per pkg. Shr"d Wheat, per pkg. Ill to 2Sc 2!"k- 10:! 10c 40c 7J.C He :uc lKc H, C. Phone 174 Middle St. JUST RECEIVED .a large, shipment of Itoys up-to-date t'loth in', iiiuile up in the very Ititt i st designs and pat -terns. Wo invite jour inspection, which dins not put you under ;n obligation to liny w hat ever. Sizes range li "in M to 1 S ye;irs. S. LIPMAN Cor. S Front, Bryan Blocl FRESH SUPPLY WHITMAN'S CANDY AT DAVIS PHARMACY PHONE W.V . Aui.yhjoitT.ARifc.Ct WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a Int of new Huckwheat an I () tmeal. We al-o carry a full Mipp'y of school Ttttlet1, Composition lioo1-., Kxamina tion 1' per, ink, Pens, i'en Stalin and I j Pencils. We guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. Call to see uh, we always have a polite clerk to wait on you. Broad Street Grocery Co. PHONE 156 NEW BERN, N. a Coal Coa Anthracite Aid, SII White Ashe Aid, SCRKKNKl) Bituminous Pocahontas FOR STKMV1 AXU !' M KS IIC l'l I lU'OSFS. HOLLISTER & COX FOOT OF CRAVEN ST. PIIONK :tl ONLY GOOD UNTIL NOV. 1. An Enlargement Given Away Free WITH EVERY DOZtN CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS. WOOTEN STUDIO 96 MIDDLE ST. NEW BERN, N. C. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE tEGTURE FREE JUDGE CLIFFORD P. SMITH, , v Member of tliu UoaH of JLaclurtahipof tba Mother Church--The Kind 'Church of Chrlit Sciaotiat, In Boatoo, Maf , will rfelivr a Ifctunt row' ' Carlitian Siotic, at tha church ediflca, Uiihlla Slreau I FRIDAY OCT. 27th, at 8:15 P. M, I - V, ALL CORDIALLY INVITED. You Don't Buy a Stove evory month, ao that when you do bur, you want to look round a litt'e an I Me wheru you ran get th greittBl latiafac'ion for your money. Wa hava a great line of Stove httt mnd w can uit any pnrkm-honk with our p ica. '- ' 1--;-.-, -r :T--T--mT-tm i i-wiwrfl'Mii -1 LONGiBARflNJ :' have jrome Into f ogue Ihi icasofi.'We iitj ' ihrwinjg an endless variety' in - pactfull' destciied : pinsla n.iln polished,' Roman 'and hand enzravf d or $ct with precious stones. ' Whcrt quality is consider cd cuf rricet arc t'ic InwcsV Qaskitl Hardware Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR MAJESTIC RANGES PHONE 147 r 78 atlDDLE ST. wmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmm IHEIUHG iK'S GREATESIHISTAKE Is failure to Iniure hi life in a good, old line company .hile youuj arid free Irorn organic disease. ' No known investment 'rffords so great protection at such ;inall outlay as does a policy la a good, treble company. '::!tht. VNI0N. CENt RA t. has ;emlientj management, charges low premiams sod pays i lafge rJiridcnds tnalinig the net cost for Insurance commensurate ' with ' the protection " ?.,. i .: V.'-'.; ' .'. 8ta,,at7 f. It,' , r ' . ; 'Admission y$ 20c and 35c T REMEMBER ONE KIGltTOKLT rrrr:' nr. v " v. 11 ii n t' ' v r-rds.

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