M t . hi "its 1 - -i Children Cry for Fletcher's riwklnd Too Hava) Alway. Bought, aud wUch ha. Wen - .use lor r 90 JJl-r- ttnu uu sw - . , .onal Buperviidott ln Its lafam-y. a How no on to deceive yon In tbls. What is CASTORIA Carforla 1 a harmlea. imbstltut for Carter OU, Pare STlroP8 and Soothing Syrups. It Pleasant. It ffi'lnseither Opium, Morphine tuhWnee. It age is its guarantee. It desteoys Jorms End allays Feveriahness. It cures Diarrhoea J toUcTlt relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ld FlaLlen,y. It assimilates the Food, regulates the afc&ach fuul Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Culkucu's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of VANISHED iiRASDEUfL'" J. Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years .r MUH COMPANY. 7 ' SHiBBr STBT. NCW YORK CITY. " THE CCNTAUR cornran'. . - -rT RAILWAY SOUTHERN DiREbT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTH. E1ST. WEST. Very Low Round Trip Bates to all i Principal Resorts. T,mrV, Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Valoiirh 4-05n m. arrives Atlanta ti:J6 - h m miikine close connection Mobile for and arriving Montgomery following d;iy af ter leavi.ie Raleigh 11 :00 a m 4:12 p m New Orleans 8:fll p m, Birm ingham 12:15 noon, Memphis 8:06 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, eecond day and connecting for all other points. 1 his olon mukes close connection atSrlis- bnry for St. Louis and other Western points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ve1 Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing on 8:53 am, Baltimore 10:02 a in. Phila delphia 12:23 noon. New York 2:31 pm. This cur makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida noints. Through Parlor Cor for Asheville ieaves Goidsboro at fi:45 a m, Kaleigh 8:36 a m, arrives Abheville 7.40 p m, making close connection with the Caro i Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 mini following dy after leaving Ral aigh with close connection for all points Noma and Noah-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Rjtlaitrh 2:30 a m. arrives Greensboro 6:80 a m, making close connection at Sreonsboro for all points North, South. EW nnd West. This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro at 10:45 p ni. '. If you desire any information, please call. We are here t turnifch informa tion a well as to aril tickets. H. F. CARY. J- O. JONES, G. P. A. T. P. A. Waahington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C ' TH Tool He Used. "I was throwing up dirt from an ex v,itloii tu the imvouieut ouo day," an old lalxirer. "when a little old chap with white hair stopped to look tu. 1 was as big us two of ulin. After n minute or two 1 rested ou my shovel and looked up nt him. Said I: " 'If vou had to do work with shovel for your living, you'd starve to ,i.tii h-cnv vou coild make a treuch leeo cnou-'h to bury you In.' "I thought thai was a smart tqing to snv. and I laughed. Then be ansi iiu wns ii slow speaking man with a so.t of drawl. ! niiuiit-starve-ns you say,' Mid, 'and .vet l-have-Htrade-lu which I use a-tool very much-like-yours, lu fact -many peaple-who-work at my trn.le-use-tue-tool-to-ehovtl dirt aud Dhli-with-as-you-oo vrti'.i- yours. Thin ltbe tool.' "He banded me a steel pen. " 'Is U a Jc.keV I asked. " 'U is a-tool to make them wlth,' ho nodded. That-ls-part-of-my-trad.-. My name Is Twain Mark Twain." "1 have the pen yet." concluded the laborer, "aud no ilii t was ever shoveled Willi it."-New York Globe. UtortM W th Thama Wnait. Read Wert Mariiata. I i la Tnlof titoe royal realdencaa .1 uiMtj.a Xtf pllUMteQ along or- bank of th TUsmes. aud plendia hanraa numb br oarMWa' U .4lTery wrt rooHtuutiy comlnit ana going. Be tween them. V .:- S'4V X , Th citj roainaalw. aaya b ion duo limrn. raiiiaad tnIr atata bargea and v Uer)e4 .warermen. ; Great, nvar nasMhta wrr oumeroua., uiga piacw criminal" traveled dowo to their daah on tba ebblofc tkle. Ambaiwadora sua other en Toys of foreign powera. weft met ai liravesend by t be lord toayor and bla aldermen and taken by-river In a stately progreH to Tower stairs. The reenter roote westward waa by river to Potney. tbenco by road acrosa Pntnev heath. -That war went Wolscy wneo de nrived of the treat seal, traveling fmm York Rouse to Escher In dl until be feH 'liKWltb the king" measeuger on the beath and knew he was bis master's man once more, in a later age the entry Into London of Catharine of BraganM. the consort of Charles 11.. was a memorable example of the river pageant. In old days the city roaas weir markets rather than thoroughfares, so bat even If anybody wished to go from one part of the city to anomer he went hv river, for the roads were ouairmlres In bad weather and at all rimou haunted bv hleuwaymen fnotnnds. Pen.vs. that type of the pa rtoltc permanent official, always useu n. rigor Sin-h nhrasea as ny water t.. u'littehHll' and "so by water home constantly occur In his diary. in Oueeu Anne's reign there were 40.000 watermen plying for hire on the Thames and over u hundred stairs, or landing places. In London proper. These watermen were the cabbies, oj that age. The really curious thing is that the Thames . was situ a uiuiu thoroughfare less than a century ago Not until 1857 did the lord mayors ahow proceed to Westminster other wise than bv water.' ' -y A WarniBrqom bYKJ in be Every mother should be careful that the children take fheir baths a warm room. The chill or a Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA There is a difference in the atmosphere at The Athens Get in the best atmosphere. President Taft spent a quiet Sunday in Chicago. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEuMAIISW! George W. KoonB, Lawton, Mich . "Pin Iietchon's Relief for Rheumatism hat tiiven my wife won diriul benefit for rheumatism. She nlH not lift hand or foot, had to be lifted for two months. She began the . . I 1 vn.vlrll., us" ol tne remeuy aim impiuvcu lopiu.j. On Monday e he cou'd not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed herselt and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. cold room is, dangerous after com ing out of the hot water. A Perfection $aokeiest Ou Heater bring bathroom or bedroom to juit the degree of warmth you want m five or ten minute. All vou have to do it to touch a match. The Perfection Heater bumi nine hour on one hJhng and b alwaya ready for :ue. Ofou can move it anywhere it ' needed. There it no wasteof fuel and heat warming unoccupied room. Just the heat you winnVwhen and where you want h. The Perfection is fitted with an automabc-keking flame spreader that prevent the wkk being turned high enough to amoke and is easy to remove-anf drop back when cleaning; Drams finaKea whei in umuoe-U6 eMiMl or plain i steel ; Eght md oma menul. yet tttong and durable suitable lor any room ia any bouie. J)ulenaWTwnns or wtiieto a aaocr a Standard Oil Company (IncorDorateA) Legal -Notices I MOBTGAGB 8ALK OF lND. Brrtitaeaf f SB 2 i liUuouiu.irtL unnuj i 4 i 'ta m aiaarf by J. T.Bana o waat fe 4aat the Srd. oufMaca.lS a foarM to baafcef OaWcMatr, aatte ftkw aataa tut mw t Itmmh. UO. ai raaM as Wok of aaaabat H laake tft, tke eaaee of Hi. tt.hi '-rffaaraAi' laliaii taaaa- oaraicoad wiU oa the fttW4e ik VUmmt 1U attheeemtaoaeedoor a &wS iwil) atU o-doek af eaM iay. aaU MtU aal kaMtr for caah the f oUowina dasctJaaa Jot of hmi: Thai eartain lot of trod la that part the Cttyaf New Bern, N. C. common)? kaewa aa ratiatoira. aad brlra lot number rentjj'tTD) syciortlrna to the plan of said PavietowB. aad betas an the watt aide of Bloomfl Id etseat ia aaid FavieSowa a pjt'of -rhich la recorded ta book 10. pace 886. in the ofnea of the Eeiirtar of Deeds af Ora- Tun eounty and bains fauy eaSiirlbed In eertain eentraet b-tweenSl. L. Bahn end the said J. T. Harris, which eon tract recorded 'nook num ber 179. peso 478. In the effiee M the Raciater of Dcede of Craren county. This aale 1 made aub ject to a prior lien to J. L. Hakkt tot ttie balanee ol the purchase money doe from the said J. T, Harris to the aaid i. L. Hahn for the purchase of the aaid land. T. P. A8HFOED. Mortaasee. October 25th. MI. r. at Slamjevow A. I). Ward,' w::,mm ward AfTORNKYg AKD COTJM8KLLOR8 AT LAW t IW MM, I. 0, Office Room 401-2-3 Elk Building Practice in the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ver services are desired. DR. H. M Curious Way or Catohinfl Fish. Indians of Bolivia have a peculiar faethod of going ashing. A writer In he Geographical Journal says: luey use the milk of the 'inanuna' or "soli man' tree, the scientific name of whlcb Is. I think, llura crepitans, of the euphorbia genus, for catching nsu. i Went with some of the Indians to n Jagoon In the forest. Here, floating on be surface of the water, peneciij alive nnd yet iflteolutely unable to get awaC were fish of all kinds, big ami pinall, from which they selected me iiikat no In tl K I., for food. The millc is u.ucl I'" merely poured Into the water, auu u., it nnreads every Bsh wnicn comes contact with it becomes paralyzed and yet Is not uffected as food. Moreover, the effect appears to. last for several days without killing the fish, The milk is also used as a cure tor toothache, as tt caustic and for the purpose of sui ride, for which a teaspoon ful Is era- ployed. As a poison they say the re sults are painful." MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power bf sale' contained in a certain mortgage deed -executed 80th, day of November. 1907. by Robert Smith 'and Lucy Smith, his wife to T. S. Jackaoa, Bad renin tared in the office of the Begistar of Deeds of Craven county. N. C, in book 168. pacer 866: default hav ing been made in the payoaaSIt at toe bonds se cured by said mortgage dead, and the aaid bonda. together with the property oouveyed by aaid mortgage deed and the rights. Power and privileg as thereby conferred, bavin been duly aaaigned and transferred to the undersigned, the underaigned will sell ai pijilie- Wetion to the highest bidder for casf kf t bVloca. noon, on Wednesday. 16th, day Of NWember. 1911. the Craved coui.ty CMbK'Sjwee: 'dbor. in the city of Mew Bern. allHhat ohruta piece at tract of land, lying an4thrb1 Craven eoun- . . . - - iC-JL t I Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. A Caton, -New Bern, N. C. The Little Word "Yes." "Yes" is a simple word spelled with three tetters. it -v. caused more happiness awl more iinhnpplucsa than any other word ty. state aforesaid in r4sMi. and In I he l-in-ruaire described and de-ned atnr!dtwit: Begin- It has ost more money for easy lend ning at . pine tr on tte'tpfflfeK - 1Z n Illi in all the pocket, of Poly Bnch. a T ! " ria u " " " 1 ' In the wor'.d. It has started more dipsomaniacs on their career than all the strong liquor nn en rt ti lt has caused more fights than all the "You're a liars' that ever were spoken DISEASES OF THE 'Br R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven,' Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Office No. SO Craven Strtsl. Ttlsphon No. 97. Nsw Bern, N. C. Deg. 80 min. W) thirty-wd tJryotoa. nine one- half yards (9 1-2 yds.) m s-apneiitree. thence on a line (N 81 Deg. W) "UMMmt POtoS and nine (9) yards to a gum trf ; thence on a line rollowmg tne fence vn vt oeg, w: fur m vhvb and seven and half (7 l- ardL theftfe following id fence on a line (N. It'def. W) sixteen "V JT t-Uaea nnd DTOVOked 161 Pola. thence follow 1a ftaee on a line It has procured kisses and provoaeu I Deg, so min. W) tarahty-ourCaa poleaand Secretary of Agricultuie Wilenn de nies t at he will resign any lime so n. SAVED HIS MOTHER'S LIFE. had aiven me up, writes Mrs. Laur Gaines, of Avoca, La. "and my child en and all of my t...nAa innkintr lor me io aie, ,nkun mu inn inaintert mat 1 use Ej ec- t.; Rittr I did so. and they hve rlone me a worid of trood. I will always ; Um " K ectric Miners is hlMsinir to women troul led " . . . . . j n .... 1 a Kttob kaarlacho weakness, debibtv constipation or ki Iney disorders. Use .h-m nnd ifsin new h a'th, strength and vigo-. They're trntranteed to sat- 1 r,- r.,r,nv refundt d. UniV ou cm 1 j t all Druggieta. Sena'or Jonathan Bourne advocated repr. sentation in the Republican Nat- i innl Convention on the nasi or Ke- puhlican votes. Tha Art. of Poisoning, rrofossloiial poisoners arose e-irly in our era. it is recorueu uun nKUii IA. I. 2fi) refused to eat apples at the table of her father In law. Tiberius. ihronirh fear of nols iu. The notorious Locusta flourished In that epocb. it Is charged that she supplied with. p nronrlate dlrii tlojis the poteon.' .by which Acrlpplna r hersuir or i-iau dlUH She also furnished the lkiiaon that was administered to ItrltaunicM nr.w of Nero. This crime waa nnimnltted 111 Olllte a conventional mnnner. The Romans were accustom ed to drink hot water at table, but the did not appeal to 11 A slave offered hot water to Brl Unnlcus. "Too bit." he remarked Tha alave added cold water. Brltan nlcua drank, aastied once or twice ana died. The cold water was poisoned either with a cyanide or with prusalc acid. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Allison McFarUnd was indicted on a charge of murdering his wife at New ark, New Jersey. DEER IN DELAY. Concrete Work lAro prepared to (to all kinds of work (0 concrete. Walks, Steps. Fencing, Basements, etc i nly high-grade work aollcitea. F, E. H A KPKR if .-'ft ". tnilRE HOTEL 8WANSB0RO, N. C. NEVER OUT OF WORK. The bust -at little ihiugs ever made er Ur Kintf'a New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coat i glohula of health, t-.t .kmou arwalineaa Into strength, ConatiDation, Hesd- a he. Chills. l)y-pepB;a, Mararia. Only 25c at all druggist. NORFOLK SOUTHERN ROUTE OP THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Elfectrvi Sept. 24. 1911 Tna following schedule figures pob iiehad aa Information ONLY and ar not guarantaad. ' Jill tnodarn convenirncei for both- ng anil inside fishing. at, m BOAT LEAVES Lv. 8wanbora Ar. S:80 p an. 2D av m. Ar M. City Lt. t.W p. m. T v5 Very "Serious?? r- Ma v7 aeriooa maita to as t M BMdtcla) .vA. rrong 6e CrvH P reaaQ art Wg jrott Itt twytOf; M - tlraful tt get tha guU-V , ' "ft ntst rrrrotatlort of l.a ol4, ret!, fl t'e pvKlirine, f ermrilreriin, Ir- ! ) li'ifl anl 1m routjl", le I r t t-.i l'.-1!' 1. Jldner :n,' f, . - ' - . Ii II 1 K't ' . . . ,i ! i t I I' Office of the Lungs, "What Is the offire of the Inngar teacher asked a small pupil In a class In physiology. The chest." she promptly replied "And." aaid the teacher, tolling tb story. "I guest she was somewhat near right, for the lungs certainly do bui ties In the chest." tilows. It has defeated candidates and elect d scoundrels. n hnsi been used In more lies thtn nnv other exDression. it la nr.t rueaut half the time it W aaid. wm it onntinne to make such a rec ord? Yes Philadelphia Inquirer. TRAINS LEAYR NEW BERN NORTH AND WEST BOUND UJ) a m. Dallr-NIgh lprawi PulW - ' . l m 1 . . ,1 maa Bleaptog lar ior ronoiar g JO-a tn, Dalit for Norfolk, connoct for all point) worui ana s Parlor tar aervine between Wash- . ingtonaiut Norfolk, ; - ' -15 pm, Daily except Sunday for Waahlnirton. Belhavtm, Grjnvlll) J - Wllaoo and Raleigh. Parlor tar .' between WaahlngV and RaJ gh. 4:10 m, Dalli-Nlght Kipreaa for Ooldaboro. . 915 aa, Dally for Goidsboro. farter ear aervica, -: y ' :.. ; 8JS p m, Dally for Goldaboro. ' .i -v ... ' -. r -s ... CA8T BOUND V : 9S m. Dally for Be an fort pm, MORE THAN ENOUGH 13 TOO MUCH. . : . To malnta'n bealtb, a matora man w, . - I ai-niiffh fuod to wwnae ifiw M - - - - - pair tha waau and npply tne'gy '. iJwi. iet Tha habitual cowompUoa of moi 1on than W neceaaart I or tl aw parpoaaa-la tha prima eauea oi bioidbcb trooblea, rbaornatlam a. owont of tha kklnsya. - If troubled wit indigaa. ii.t viiur oiet. let irspn not prH eonUol and Uka a f-w A..t iemhrrlBih'a Htomacb aid Uver Tab a a ar. 100 win eon or right Bgalo.- For aaf by ill r; Kill n v Diseases Are loo una - i geions For New Bern People to Neglect. The great danger of kidney troubles is that Hey get a firm hjld r afore tie lufferer recognizes mem. neaiin i gradually ui d Trained. Backache, head ache, nervousneja. lameiets, aoreneas. lumbago, uiinaty trouble and dropsy, follow in menief succetaion. Uon t neglect your k dney. Cure the kidrey with the sale remedy. Doan a Kidney Pilla, which has cured people right here in this locality. Jamea Thompson, 808 Chestnut St , Kinaton, N. C, asyi "The public statement I gave ii January 1908, tee ommrnding Dian'a Kidney Pilla ati'l hold good. I had . severe palna across my loin ard my back ached all tbe time. My kidney were aeak and 1 was obliged to pasa their aeciallona every little while, Doan'a KHi ey Pilla were ao highly re,'mmended o ma that I got a supply and used them aa di- L Tber 'rena-ihaaed .my back KICKED BY A MAD HORSE. Rirch of Beetown. Wia.. had amostnoriow escape from losing his lov aji no doctor could tieal the frLwcnt fnl at rrt that develoued. but at last Qi.nirion'a Amm Halve cured It com IIUL " I ... B ... -' , - . nletelv. lis the greatest healer oi ui ra hiims. boils, ectema. scalds, cuts, corns, cold-sores, bruia 8 and piles on earth. Try It 2b2. at an aruggisie. Athens the Seat of Learning. It may be said unhesitatingly that the country which has produced the greatest meu lu literature and phllos ouhv. art and architecture Is Greece In the little state of Attica-not much lamer than (J renter New York-rtme civilization and all that goes along nine 4 yards to a gate Poet On Dudley road. thence on a line following- tb Dudley road IN 40 Peg. E six 6 poles and' nine 9 yards. thence on a line on aaid rotd IN. J8ded. 15 min E.l six 6 poleB and ninhtt) ard' thence follow ing said road on a line lrT.'26;dea E.1 twenty 20 poles to the Heath road; these dxrwti aaid Heath road U. 30 dm. 80 min. E.l aTsteear 'Fie poles to Poly branch, thence f ollcwinr ta Tajf ious courses ..f poly branch to place of beginning, containing twenty 20 acres more or leea; also another par cel of land defined, to-wit: Beginning at a light- wood slump on Heath road, thence1 a straight line to a red oak. thence up a ditch to a chop pine aide thoroughfare, thence down the Heath road to the beginning corner, containing four 4 acrea. This 14th. day of October, itll. ' J. W. BIDDLE, Assignee of Mortgage. R. A. NUNN. Attorney, Lake Drummond Canal & Water Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth Always. Quick Transit for Traffic. Prompt Towing and Freight Movement. For tolls, towing and freight rate apply at office in Seaboard Bank Build; ng and at Deep Creek Lock, Va. itb it were born. All that has been done since the "age of PerlcleB naa been simply the carrying out of the ideas, principles aud methods down by the men who won Marathon and Salami. Platea and My. ale. Jai ton. a high authority, does not hesitate to say that Athens and the little state of which lt was the capital produced more first class Intellects than have oln len nroduced bv all the worl nut tocether.-New York America ii EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Hsving qualified aa executor of lohn R. Hol land, deceased, all persona holding claims against '.he estate of aaid decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the under signed, on or before the 25ti; day "of September 1912, or this notice wilfbe pleaded to bar of their recovery. All pe. sons indebted te said attata wUl please make immediate paymaat. ' ' Thin 6th. day of September 1KU. DAVID W. HOLLAND. Executor. R. O'HARV. Attorney. sU: MORTGAGE SAirB. I. K. King, Pres. J. A. Mitten, Sec J. B. Baxter, Supt. J. T. Whitehurst, Traffic Manager. Norfolk Office Bell Phone 021. SOUTHERN RAILWAY HOUTuEKN UAIlrYAl 8CHEIM L1 N. B. Theae figure are published lor Information and ar uot guuraa- CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hate Always Bought Baara the 8ignatur of Ancient 8tone Workers, Egyptian atone workers 4.000 year ago bad a surprising knowledge, of what are considered modern toola arkrdnyaandromoredaJl.aymptoma:Tbeae pyramid bnllder operated witk .. li.m ,rnr,Ulnt from mv ifiUm. ooua ana tuuuiar arm au.B.rBia By virtue of power of sale contained In a c-rtain mortgage deed exeouuM ny - . Ke ion and Mary KsnUmtoN. H. Colli na. dated -Mi.-to and reeonUd -id oDea .a dUgistir of Dcls of Jones oonty (a book HI page 6. 1 will sell foi raah to Uie highest, bidder at the court houe dior Jonee county oa. the Oth. day ot Nor. ill I. At 12 o'clock m. the JoUoaiua tract or pr ce. of bind tog el her with . all buildings thereon lying and being In Jonas cpaatty. M. C. tn Whi'e Oak Townahip and deeqriped aa fpllawa. I lot la the town of Maysvllle being lot, Xe, SiUinl at aalakeon Morris alleg raaa. with Morrie alley west 1W feet to a stake tbenee aerth 60 feat to a euke thewe Faat 160 feet to a stake aa Bum tn. thence south with aUln etreet 60 feet to a elake the beginning containing one kit 6 by 160 feet N. H.COLUN9. Tho beneftt I reetlvad baa bean parma runt and I now bati no' need of kir! aey rtxlicina wbal4a'-- ; For ! b , U daalan. Prloa H aantav . roatar auioora cay Mnnatr Saw TorksaoU aganU tor tt fjalta 'Im.y, f I'-.- ' f--'r "?4 ' 7 llaasatsbar u-iJor ako Oo otw. ., ' ! -':"' . ' l 'r ' f revert Dii. of Hew Yorlr, leaool autatnantglvnr Botriew on twaoit to dlaaolva tbo U1HI 8t .t-t Stat 1 Cor- Beaofort Ttriot raraervlcw. - M a m. Dailv axceft Bundty for ... Oriental. t 45 p m, Daily far Oriental. ' For further Informatioti or twaervalloft -I p jl!mn feeplrg Car ipsre, app'y f. H. l'-" 'l, T. A , New Pern, ;-' i! Hoarta. CeldsmUh. ' '. UlH. a fellow follftlaa of fJold amltVa, tilled ana morning; to offer Ollror a breakfast. WBen w waa aa lr4 In anstraf tii bla iDot k aad lU ) amolheted Toko to forva oo the door and enter. When. Mill and others a.. a . iet fnrrad toe bolted dof Ibey found Ooldamltb ao ntnnglefl In lb ticking f bU bed that he rnnid ttot extri- afa himself wltlimil ncip. n aiplalned Hut aa the dent bf ff H"d beon plerclnit rld be M rl'-n lf i.r.tn nmaa wllb t rhl!drrn all bla bedVHW.be ' Wbal mild he . j Da bad nothing not e'r""' 16 1 giro her "It wn a col l nlnht. !." I added, "for 1 couldn't M flmt ai-t till j t tliOUEhl ft Ti flnir ln le ma ura te ll 13 h tk Ulna" -"Ollref Oold amltb," by It Ah King. M m - ' TtiOirtnt'ie'lf"'l'r 1 1 " self when ymi t. 1 at -. ) km.'ty l"f s c"!'l !' I'" fee ann l' I " " ' ' ' '7 iU I ! 1" ' " ' r, ,!.!. p: I r r, e'ae.ete .,!(- ' WOMEN1 tfotncV ot tha iha typt, woroenof inpenor otJoc atk nJ i reriatrafnt WBott iljctniBettl till Ji.!;Tfr.l five fortt t Mt wri-.t and ! asl c 1-:' i'l 1 r ,? - a t'. wxs rjrrfj s'ir rrcrri' et I t! . r ccrret ; itf c i LWtrT 7- ; and circular saws. In handling ua tubular drllla. which wart of superior quality, tb skill of the artlaan wa 0 remarkable that the cotUng mark In granite ahow no Indication bf wear of tbo tool, while rut of a tenth of aa inch was made In the hardest rot k at each revolution. A. bole through both hard nd eoft tnatarlal waa bond perfectly smooth and bnlform. , nilinaaa ia due to a rfU ordered entv dltioniif iht ttrnia-h. Chatwhtwlaia a T.rJetia ar aaaeMilhtllf 0 toai n tneo- Iclno, intded wpeeutlly .'oat ton that org aa; to clean It, 0 legulaU thej liter and o banish ninoaanta r"'iv'7 sw affecwally. For aal by all Daalefa, ' f -r llah Maerlaaa. s '; 3 "Why," aaid a ymmgaier to bla older brother, "do berjlntr aavo ao maay tnora lllneaaea tbaa ntber Br ' ' "Who ssyi they dr asked tbayoatb adilrved. '.r" ' -Why, til book aayi that tbouiaodi upon ihotushda of tbm aro curea a ary year."' - ' ' ' . aut'a ika Daatee tave It 1 When the doctor W akcd what h tlionpht of the rpcpI" be bad a tmidod the ptwtou evrning be aaid. "It wns a csrbuocle.- "XThat do you wno by fitT ', Wl.y, It vm m sr"! gi'I'"irg an a w;i Ci.ir."-New York Time. f Ii .1,'t t' . .ih s f n I .1-1 fs (j a It !' SALE OF LQTi M. GHENT. By Ttrtae af the power afai MB the eoatraets made by parties hereinaftaf Isjss) with Jaaas Boenoer and tha aaawisaaaa.. Kate Saa aaear we WlU sett la tha.higaeat bidder for eaeh at the aeurt hasdeaa; at Waef Bare, la- aaaatr. NorU lreta4.eTBeaaai we sw. aarafowtoaws WISa9aMotk H4a Setlewlaa bared kaM as aauahsrad cB aM S UeM dor raalstered U the t4a est, tMt staaaraw sf rwiaef Oraeea OMBt 4a kek IS, page ux. ( sat ar sitaara Ha-A Teraei Oaeea Ooaaty. Ncrta Oarallaa, brta Peabreae Bead. Treat goad aad Sad. aataa. ta- Mt -: ' . . Ke. U4 Rhees Areaua, asela faataaes wwas. B. gaJtka,J(-er-i.i.s.'.,4 is i M ua ibaiieiaiaBw BBBsraet wsuiT W tMtea, v I f-r W i No, ta ed 14 Rhae) Araaaa. aawet WHh F. W. BWrtaer. , 4 . , a?-5 Ma, M Bases 4ewaavadjst sssresel 0. Kaaaa,' .I'li'v' VI eaar sea are' sr; a'l.Mi' S Sa 11 Leave Goidsboro, N. C, 6.41 a. m., through trail, with cbali . . ., , .i car to Asnevtue, counvumi East Durhum. for Oxford, Hen ieraon, Reysvllle and KlckmonO Pfclversity for Chanel Hill: at Greensboro for Charlotte and all pwlau south, ttiHu lui Da vUla. Lynchburg, Charlottenvill Waahington, and all polite straw. 0. 1B Laavt Uoloabero, 1.06 . V tor (lranaboro. handles through Pullman Ralelgb, to Atlanta, ooa syata aA Oreemboro for all yotBta north. Booth aad weei, NO. Ill -Leave Goldaboro 10.46 pm lor QrbUro, nauuloe vaiuuaa Ralalgb , to Qraenaboro, eos ajacta at Qreensboro tor Char lotto, AtianU , New Orteaaa, Aahavtlla, Knoxvilla, also tea Daavllle. Lyaabbni. Chara loavlll, Waahlagtoa, aad all aoiata arU. lor farther Infomatlam aa aj ih.er. nrkat age or aoaraai taej aatasritVCaa it. f. CARY. Uaevaral faaaaager imt. . Waalili rtoo, D. Q, W. H. PARNKL Ttavotiug faaar Agaat ) Ralalgb. N O. srtthl. hP. WHh Caatat, Na IM liiaisr Ai A t Wethsi Isgtna. .4 . No, til aad iaeaaer twmmt wtth L A. DaaasSk. V'af , ... A. B. Willie. " ii we )i i Me, Ml apaacav avtsape satdft eaejarsaa wa Na. to aad C (eeaeer Areaaa. aaaar ean- met wHh Matte I. Uwiaaes, ' , , Na 404 gpeweer A 4t tewlren Wat O, U. Banke. 1 t -; . lna in and 1 I inenra A'aaaa, t wl'k at B. fcln . i V Ha ie Avem, aaoew edirt With T B. Wbliaaant, , i .' e ( , ' k i K-a titadtit Bprx- Ar v aa4ar ei trat with Pel I;Hif!sk a. I Thia , d ol .! . -r . t 18111. " iti rfi. ; wca. f sle f'lie Seeaeer, In -' -e Ml Ip - -I V 3 Instead ct Uquitiv nlIscplIc$Pcrox!dt ' ihany i20p! nfe now wing - 1 v V.'r-?1a A.tt..lU I eVXUue I UtiCa a"iutai;iu , fba oaw tollat fermWld fowar to oa) disanlved la wtr aa neodad. .? . for all toilet, and byrlanlo It bather and avnw awmoraioab r alaaoaw aad White the teeth, Twmovo tw ana to dUinfQi the Mrrat1t,d atroy diaeaaa grma, and tmrify tha breath. . Ta kneo artltlnisi Ueth SO 1 brldaawrk clean, rxirri To remove aloollnw from that" i nirlfy the breath: fw m.k To era ltrale pareplrall'-a 1 l'd V. trl rm by i!"'nif tiathlnB. Xho tH-t antiMfpi's wah known. Bl-.Tra n I r'' r,(fll.en tired, w , -. , w.rrll-.r ' t - ( -